Exam 2 true/false

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If someone asked you to put a large ugly sign in your front yard to promote safe driving if you would probably refuse. However, agreed earlier to put small sign in your window you are more likely to agree to place a large sign in your front yard. This is referred to as foot-in-the door-technique


If your grandparents scored 100 on an IQ test taken 50 years ago, they might score as low as 70 today.


In Freudian theory, the ID works by the pleasure principle


In the Milgram obedience studies subjects were less likely to deliver a high voltage if the subjects sat face-to-face rather than in separate rooms.


In the twin studies involving the "Jim Twins" and the identical "Spiro twins," Carolyn Spiro and Pamela Spiro Wagner (discussed in Critical thinking: The Amazing Twins) one of the Spiro twins was schizophrenic and experienced hallucinations, whereas her twin sister was a psychiatrist


In the twin studies involving the "Jim Twins" and the identical "Spiro twins," Carolyn Spiro and Pamela Spiro Wagner (discussed in Critical thinking: The Amazing Twins) the Spiro twins were raised were raised in the same home, whereas and the "Jim Twins" in different homes.


Kim Peek, the individual with savant syndrome could recite from memory 9000 books


Kim Peek, the individual with savant syndrome knew all the zip codes and area codes in the US


Kim Peek, the individual with savant syndrome was poorly coordinated and couldn't button his own clothes


Men in the Tchambuli people of New Guinea are expected to be dependent, flirtatious, concerned with their appearance, and to adorn themselves with flowers and jewelry.


Mere presence refers of people to changes their behaviors just because of the presence of other people.


Neural intelligence refers to the innate speed and efficiency of a person's brain and nervous system.


Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic disorder that plagues children who lack a particular enzyme.


SAT reasoning scores and math scores are becoming increasingly alike for males and females


Social facilitation is the tendency to perform better when in the presence of others.


Spontanaeity, autonomy non-hostile sense of humor, and peak experiences are characteristics of self-actualizers


Strict learning theorists reject the idea that personality is made up of traits and stress that behavior has a lot of situational determinants.


Studies by Henrich et al. 2010 observed that children adopted from orphanages gained an average of 29 IQ points, whereas those who stayed in the orphanage lost an average of 26 IQ points.


Subjects in the study who were paid the larger amount of money ($20) for lying to others did not change their opinion of the task (that it was boring).


Subjects who were paid the smaller amount of money ($1) for lying to others rated the task as interesting and pleasant.


Tests of creativity are more strongly related to achievement in art, music writing, science, dramatics and leadership than IQ.


The Rorschach (ink blot) test is an example of a projective test


The terms psychological situation, expectancy, reinforcement value, and self-reinforcement are most closely linked to Social Learning Theory.


a college athlete practicing less before an athletic competition is an example of self-handicapping


a factor analysis is a statistical technique used to correlate multiple measures and identify general underlying factors


a large dose of alcohol suppresses orgasm in women, erections in males, pleasure, and performance in both sexes


a normal curve is bell-shaped, with a large number of scores in the middle area tampering to extremely high scores and extremely low scores


a woman is more likely to have multiple orgasms than a male is


a woman's sex drive is closely related to the testosterone level in her bloodstream


according to Adler's personality theory, people compensate for limitations and struggle to overcome imperfections by striving to be superior to others


according to Freud you feel anxiety when your ego is threatened or overwhelmed


according to Rogers, many adult emotional problems are due to living by the standards of others


according to Rogers, organismic valuing is more likely to occur in children and adults who receive unconditional positive regard


according to social learning theory, the most important expectancy is self-efficacy


according to the cognitive dissonance theory "buyer's regret" creates cognitive dissonance, which is minimized by emphasizing positive aspects of what we choose while downgrading other alternatives


according to the textbook, nature's primary impulse is make a female rather than a male


all of the following are among the Five Factor Model (big five): neuroticism, agreeableness, extroversion, open to experience, and conscientiousness


although there are difference in math ability and verbal ability between men and women, scores for men and women overlap so much that it is impossible to predict whether any one person will do good or bad on a test of math or language skills simply by knowing the person's sex.


an IQ measured at age 3 is not a good indicator of the person's IQ at age 27


an asexual person is someone who is not romantically or erotically attracted to men or women


at least one woman in sex experience rape or attempted rape in her lifetime


attitude change due to brainwashing usually is not permanent


common traits are personality traits shared by most members of a culture


crystalized intelligence is the ability to solve problems using already acquired knowledge


down's syndrome is genetic but not hereditary


drinking a lot of alcohol before an exam is an example of self-handicapping


during the resolution phase of the human sexual response, there is a return to lower levels of sexual arousal, sexual tension, and arousal


fluid intelligence but not crystalized intelligence declines rapidly after middle age


fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitive reasoning, visual-spatial processing, and working memory are cognitive factors that make up general intelligence


fragile X syndrome is hereditary and is a type of intellectual disability that is more likely to occur in boys than girls


gender role refers to the pattern of behaviors that are regarded as "male" or "female" by a culture


highly intelligent persons are no more susceptible to mental illness than anyone else


homosexual males are no more likely to have serious emotional problems than heterosexual males


in Freudian theory the ego is the executive


in Freudian theory, the ego operates according the reality principle


in Freudian theory, the superego is the "judge" or sensor for the thoughts and actions of the ego


in Rogers' theory the ideal self is similar to Freud's ego ideal in that it is an image of the person you most like to be


in presenting a persuasive argument it is best to give both sides of the argument if the audience is well informed about the subject


knowing a child's IQ scores at 11 years old is a good predictor of adult IQ


men and women have equal potential for sexual arousal and women are no less physically responsive than men


most child molesters are married and have children


most children of homosexual or bisexual parents become heterosexual


much attitude change is related to a desire to avoid clashing or contradictory thoughts, an idea summarized in cognitive dissonance theory


nearly 20% of American women will be raped in their lifetime


non-assertive behavior causes anxiety, hurt, and self-denial in the actor and sympathy guilt, or contempt in the receiver


overall women in America earn only 77 cents for every dollar earned by a man


parents encourage boys to engage in instrumental behaviors and girls to engage in expressive behaviors


parts of the hypothalamus differ in size in homosexual and heterosexual males


performance intelligence is measured by solving puzzles, assembling objects, completing pictures, and other non-verbal skills


pornography can cause relationship problems because it is a supernormal stimulus so sex can be so exciting that normal sex with a partner seems to pale in comparison


procrastination is an example of self-handicapping


research shows that exhibitionists are not harmless and about 40% go on to commit more serious sexual crimes


self-handicapping allows the individual to have an excuse for failure


shy people tend to consider their social anxiety to be a lasting personality trait


social loafing refers to the tendency for people to work less hard when they are part of a social group than when they are solely responsible for the work


studies indicate that 35% of people are androgynous, whereas 50% show traditional female and male traits


studies involving the auto kinetic effect focus on social influence- how one person's behavior is changed by the actions of others


the "broken record" techniques is used in assertiveness training


the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) is an example of an objective personality questionnaire


the Oedipal conflict and the Electra conflict occur during the Phallic Stage of development


the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is considered to be a projective test


the apparent movement of stationary pinpoint of light displayed in a dark room is called the auto kinetic effect


the core of general intellectual ability that involves reasoning problem-solving, ability, knowledge, and memory is referred to as the g-factor


the deviation IQ is calculated by converting a persons' relative standing in his age group to an IQ score


the fundamental attribution error is to attribute the actions of others to internal causes


the halo effect is the tendency to generalize favorable or unfavorable first impressions to unrelated details of personality


the overall capacity to think rationally, act purposefully and deal effectively with the environment is referred to as a person's intelligence


the self-actualized person is comfortable with solitude, has a non-hostile sense of humor, comfortably accepts self, others and nature, and often has profound interpersonal relationships


the term aptitude is used to refer to a capacity for learning certain abilities; examples are mechanical, artistic, or music


the term gender variant refers to individual's biological sex does not match his or her preferred gender


the term incongruence refers to a discrepancy between a person's experience and self-image


the term persona is used by Jung to refer to a "mask" that people wear; it is the public self that the person presents to others


the term reliability is used to refer to the ability of a test to yield the same score, or nearly the same score, each time it is given to the same person


the term temperament refers to the hereditary aspect of personality, including emotional sensitivity, activity levels, prevailing moods, irritability, and adaptability


the three components of attitude are: the belief component, the emotional component, and the action component


the use of ambiguous stimuli is most characteristic of projective tests


when situational demands are strong we tend to discount internal causes for a person's actions


whether a person has erotic fantasies about women or men is a strong indicator of his or her sexual orientation


women often skip the plateau phase of the human sexual response


women self-handicap less frequently than men do


younger Americans are shifting to sexual scripts that favor casual sex such as the "friends with benefits" script


A fellow student asks to borrow $25 for a day and you agree. Once you give him the money, he explains that it would be easier to repay you after payday in 2 weeks. This is an example of the low ball technique.


A test has validity if it measures what it claims to measure


A woman over 40 years of age is more likely to have a child born with Down's Syndrome because the reproductive cells become more prone to errors in cell division as people age.


A(n) attitude is a learned tendency to respond to people, objects, or institutions in a positive or negative way.


African Americans score higher on the Dove Counterbalance Test than European Americans.


An extrovert is a person whose attention is directed outward, a bold outgoing person.


An introvert is a person whose attention is focused inward, a shy, reserved, self-focused person.


Androgynous individuals, compared to "feminine" or "masculine" individuals, have higher emotional intelligence, are more flexibility in coping with difficult situations, and express a higher level of life satisfaction


Cretinism is linked to a deficiency in thyroid hormone.


Differences in adult intelligence are roughly 50% hereditary.


Except for slight variations during testing IQ cannot be changed.


Except for slight variations during testing, a person's IQ cannot be changed.


Freud though that behavior often expresses unconscious forces rather than the conscious choices


Girls who were "tomboys" as adolescents show typical female interests and female gender characteristics as an adult.


Groupthink occurs when people try to maintain agreement and critical thinking and clashing views are discouraged.


IQ refers to a persons' mental age divided by his chronological age multiplied by 100


IQ scores are not generally good predictors of real-world success.


Identical twins raised in separate environments differ in IQ by as much as 20 IQ points.


it is unusual for someone to continue to masturbate after marriage

70% of married men and women masturbate at least occasionally

in Kleinfelter's syndrome, a boy is born XXY, with a extra Y chromosome will appear feminine when he matures and have undersized sex organs

False: this happens to a boy born with an extra X chromosome

In Turner's syndrome a girl is born with only one X chromosome and no Y chromosome: as an adolescent she may appear boyish and she will be infertile


parenting style is not very important to the development of a homosexual orientation, even if the parents are homosexual


if one identical twin is homosexual there is a 97% chance that his twin is homosexual

false: 50% chance

Less than five percent of subjects delivered the maximum amount of voltage (450 volts) to the learner in the Milgram obedience studies.

false: 65%. When real participants saw two other "teachers" (both actors) resist orders and walk out of the experiment, only 10% continued to obey

In the study on the influence of social status on behavior by Albrecht and Albrecht (2011) people who were well dressed (high status) given free pastries, whereas people who were poorly dressed did not receive free pastries even if they were polite to the baker.

false: According to this study, if the man was polite when he asked, he was equally likely to be given a free pastry no matter how he was dressed

africans are no more sexually promiscuous than people in developed countries

false: Africans are not promiscuous. they report less sexual partners than developed countries

Microcephaly is a disorder characterized by stunted growth and intellectual disability caused by an insufficient supply of testosterone.

false: Microcephaly is a disorder where the head/brain are abnormally small. Cretinism is stunted growth and intellectual disability caused by an insufficient supply of thyroid hormone

A woman named Mrs. Keech, claimed that she was in communication with beings from another planet. Mrs. Keech and her followers, called "seekers", believed that North America would be destroyed by the invaders from the planet on a specific date. When this didn't happen the "seekers" gave up and broke up as a group.

false: They did not give up and break up as a group. After publicly committing themselves to the group's beliefs, they had a strong need to maintain consistency (even if it was wrong). In effect, convincing others that the belief is true (even when it fails) is a way of adding proof that you're correct

personal distance refers to is the most private space around the body immediately surrounding the body. (Up to 18 inches from the skin)

false: This is referring to intimate distance. Personal distance is the distance maintained when interacting with close friends (18in-4 feet)

people in asian cultures such as Japan base self-esteem on personal success and outstanding performance; the path to self-esteem is self-enhancement

false: USA base self-esteem on personal success and outstanding performance; Asian cultures base self-esteem on collectivism or interdependence among people (based on secure sense of belonging to social groups)

women typically go through the human sexual response faster than men

false: Women are no less physically responsive than men but women tend to go through the sexual phases more slowly than men

according to Rogers, organismic valuing should be replaced with conditions of worth

false: according to Rogers conditions of worth should be replaced with organismic valuing

source traits are the core of each individual's personality. Each source trait is reflected in a number of surface traits

false: central traits that characterize an individual personality. Source traits are basic underlying traits, or dimensions of personality; each source trait is reflected in a number of surface traits

Conformity was rarely observed (about 2%) in the Asch (1956) studies involving judgments of the length of lines.

false: real students conformed to the group on about 1/3 of the critical trials

shy people show a high level of private self-consciousness, but shyness is linked to public self-consciousness

false: shyness has no connection with private self-consciousness, but shyness is linked to public self-consciousness

it is surprisingly easy to change a person's sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual if the proper techniques are used by professionals

false: the chances are practically 0 of an exclusively heterosexual/homosexual person being "converted" from one orientation to another

the terms self-reinforcement, self-efficacy, and reinforcement values are terms used by Social Learning Theorists

false: the terms psychological situation, expectancy, and reinforcement values are terms used by Social Learning Theorists

children raised by gay or lesbian parents are no more likely to be homosexual than children raised by heterosexual parents

false: they are more likely to be heterosexual

according to Social Learning Theory, habits (learned behaviors) make up the structure of personality

false: this is according to John Dollard and Neal Miller. the social learning theory is an explanation of personality that combines learning principles, cognition, and the effects of social relationships

Kim Peek, the individual with savant syndrome IQ score was 187

his IQ was 87. he had difficulty with abstract thinking and tests of general intelligence

"Don't bother me with the facts my mind is made up." This phrase is consistent with cognitive dissonance theory which states that we tend to reject new information that contradicts our ideas we already hold.


"love bombing" is a technique used to convert someone to a cult


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