exam 3

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Hayley has difficulty moving. She tends to be stiff and sit in a stupor. What type of schizophrenia does she have according to the DSM-5 classification (over time)?


____________________ theorists believed that people with paranoid personality disorder generally hold broad maladaptive assumptions, such as "People are evil" and "People will attack you if given the chance"


Jackie was recently diagnosed with a personality disorder but she also suffers from another disorder. When an individual just like Jackie suffers from two disorders, this is known as ...


A man in his mid-30s calls to make an appointment for counseling, stating that his relationship of 5 years just broke off, at his partner's insistence. He says that he is unsure what to do because he has not been without a significant other for more than a week or so since high school. You determine that the man is not suicidal or homicidal, but from his responses to your questions you get the sense that this man's sense of loss will persist long after a normal period of adjustment, unless he enters into a new relationship. You think this because you are guessing that this man has this type of personality disorder

Dependent PD

Patty thinks that she her teammates are going to kill her. Every night she hears them whispering about their plan to kill her. What type of schizophrenia does she have according to the DSM-5 classification (over time)?

Paranoid PD

Schizophrenia is more common in...

People with low SES

Which type of delusion is the most common?


A pervasive, enduring, and inflexible pattern of inner experience and outer behavior that deviates from the expectations of one's culture and leads to distress or impairment

Personality disorder

According to psychodynamic theorists, people with paranoid personality disorder are riddled with hostile feelings that they ______________ and _________________, two defense mechanisms.

deny; project

Schizotypical Personality Disorder is best defined by which of the following? A. A pervasive pattern of disturbed interpersonal relationships B. A disturbance of interpersonal relationships due to discomfort with close interaction with others C. A pervasive fear of rejection of others, and a resulting avoidant pattern of interpersonal relationships D. Pervasive social detachment and restricted affect E. Moderate psychotic-like symptoms

A disturbance of interpersonal relationships due to discomfort with close interaction with others

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is centrally characterized by which of the following features? Preoccupation with fantasies A pattern of grandiosity A sense of entitlement Envy of others Arrogance and haughty behavior

A pattern of grandiosity

What % of the population is diagnosed with schizophrenia each year?


Surveys indicate that between _________-_______% of all adults in the United States have a personality disorder.


Schizoid PD is present in ______% of the adult population. (Gender) _____ are slightly more likely to experience it than are ___________.

3.1%; men, women

What % of the homeless population has schizophrenia?


How long must clients show signs of schizophrenia before they are diagnosed?

6 months

What % of improvement is seen w/ 1st generation drugs


What % of improvement is seen in 2nd generation antipsychotic drugs?


What is catatonic movement?

Abnormal movements

A diagnosis of Schizoid Personality Disorder instead of Schizophrenia would be made in the absence of: A. Social withdrawal B. Psychosis C. Flattened affect D. Drug abuse E. Active symptoms

Active symptoms

What is the best type of treatment for someone with schizophrenia?

Antipsychotic drugs

Jimmy a 15 year old has been acting very impulsive lately and takes the car without his parents permission, often times he is recklessly drunk behind the wheel and doesn't seem to care about anyone else. What personality disorder might Jimmy have.

Antisocial PD

Matt is an active, physically strong, and exceptionally tall 18-year-old 12th grader who stays out late at night with his friends, despite his parents forbidding it. He ran away from home several times when he was younger and is truant from school frequently. His grades are poor and he has been left back and placed in special education classes. The school psychologist gave him a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder when he was 13. When he attends school now, he threatens and intimidates students and teachers and seems to enjoy getting into fights. He has attacked one student with a brick and boasts that he carries a knife and has a gun hidden on school grounds. Matt has never expressed feelings of remorse for his actions. A good talker, he often engages in conning his teachers and enjoys the attention it seems to get from the other kids. A favorite weekend activity in which Matt has been engaging for the past several years is shoplifting. Your diagnosis would be:

Antisocial PD

Violating the rights of others and being unable to conform to the norms of society is symptomatic of:

Antisocial PD

Which type of hallucination is the most common?


A 26-year-old female presents asking for a new employment physical. She is a new patient to your office, having recently moved to the area. On taking her social history, she reveals that she is quite sad because she feels isolated and lonely. You ask whether she has attended any local places of worship or tried any other things to foster new relationships, but she has not, saying that she is afraid no one will like her. She admits that she has always been shy and never had many friends, which has been painful for her. In addition, she is afraid to begin her new job because she fears that she will perform poorly and is afraid that others will reject her. Which type of personality disorder does this patient have?

Avoidant PD

What are the two personality disorders that have "assertiveness training" as part of their treatment plan?

Avoidant and Dependent

A 20-year-old woman comes to therapy after being released from the emergency department. She was brought in by her significant other, after making superficial cuts on her wrists in response to a fight they had, during which the significant other walked out. She is tearful and vehemently angry at her partner. However, she is also comforted to know that the relationship is not over. The partner relates that this has happened several times before, and that it seems that if the relationship ever did end, that the girl would "kill herself once and for all." You suspect that your patient is suffering from a personality disorder. Which of the options would be best to consider first? Discuss A. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder B. Narcissistic Personality Disorder C. Borderline Personality Disorder D. Dependent Personality Disorder E. Avoidant Personality Disorder

Borderline PD

Claudia has constant mood swings that last from a few hrs to a few days being either depressed, angry (hurting self), and happy. She is living with her boyfriend that constantly treats her bad, but she wont leave him for fear of abandonment. Which PD could best describe Claudia.

Borderline PD

Joanne is a 35-year old single female, who is very concerned that she will be abandoned by her boyfriend. She has always been very intense in her relationships, many times alternating between idealization and devaluation, often is highly impulsive, and engages in reckless driving and casual sex. When left alone, her thoughts turn to suicide and she has made several gestures in the past. Her mood ranges from intense dysphoria to anger and she sometimes suffers from feelings of dissociation. Your diagnosis would be

Borderline PD

Marked impulsivity, patterns of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affect together define which of the following personality disorders?

Borderline PD

Which of the following is not a way in which schizotypal personality disorder resembles schizophrenia? A) Both schizophrenics and schizotypal have difficulty initiating, sustaining, and controlling their attention on cognitive tasks. B) Both schizophrenics and schizotypal have enlarged ventricles. C) Both schizophrenics and schizotypal experience hallucinations and delusions. D) Both schizophrenics and schizotypal have odd or inappropriate emotional responses.

Both schizophrenics and schizotypals experience hallucinations and delusions.

Sandy is confused, incoherent and tends to laugh when listening to a sad song. What type of schizophrenia does she have according to the DSM-5 classification (over time)?


TRUE OR FALSE?? Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are considered the same thing.


True or False? Individuals with Paranoid Personality Disorder progress well in therapy and find drug therapy useful.


True or False? Personality Disorders are the most easiest psychological disorders to treat.


All of the following are cognitive oddities in people with schizotypal personality disorder except: A) Ideas of reference. B) Hallucinations. C) Tangential, circumstantial, or vague speech. D) Magical thinking.


Carlos is a professor who loves to have the spotlight among his peers (feels left out when nobody pays attention). He talks about his adventures all around the world and the celebrities he has met (made up stories). He often try's to get his way with seduction or suicide threats. What PD is this?

Histrionic PD

Excessive emotionality and attention-seeking best characterizes which of the following personality disorders?

Histrionic PD

More ___________ than ____________ (hint: Gender) display it and between _______% of adults have it.

Men than women; 4.4%

Its a type of humanitarian therapy that treats those who are schizophrenia as capable of ordering own lives, mutual respect. Gives patients more decision making and community power.

Milieu therapy

A 40-year-old male comes to see you at the insistence of his wife. He states that there is nothing wrong with him, but if seeing a psychiatrist will shut his wife up, then he is willing to do it. The client is a very successful businessman. He tells you that his wife recommended he see a therapist, but he stated that if he was going to receive counseling then he wanted to see a psychiatrist because they have more education. The patient states that his wife is frustrated because they have no friends, and that the client is too picky about people. Upon further elaboration the client says that he is not going to spend time with just anyone, and that spending time with people less educated and intelligent then himself was a waste of time. When asked about his job, the client states that it is okay, but he is under appreciated. He says that without him the company would never make any money, but that nobody ever recognizes how important he is to the company. What DSM-IV diagnosis do you suspect for this client?

Narcissistic PD

Bryan a charming looking man feels superior to his coworkers, because he graduated from Harvard. He is arrogant most of the times and does not seem to recognize others thoughts and needs. Moreover, he beliefs he is the most gorgeous and talented man that has ever lived. Which PD is this

Narcissistic PD

A 32-year-old Hispanic man comes to your general practice office for the first time. In the course of taking his history, the man mentions several times that he feels exploited by his employees and that he doubts their loyalty to his company. "In fact," he says, "I have even overheard them talking about how they would change the company if I were no longer in charge." He says he is consequently reluctant to confide in others, especially in his business partner, and he even wonders if he should be telling you all this since you have just met. Based on this information alone, you might suspect that his man is suffering from which personality disorder?

Paranoid PD

Joey has broken up with his girlfriend because she was late to their date. Though his girlfriend had texted him that she was running late due to traffic he believed she was with her new attractive boss. Joey always knew she will cheat on him because no one is loyal. As Joey's therapist, his pattern of distrust towards his girlfriend and always searching for "hidden meanings" are symptoms for which type of personality disorder?

Paranoid PD

Many _________________________ theorists, propose that schizoid personality disorder has its roots in an unsatisfied need for human contact. It is believed that the parents of schizoid PD have been unaccepting or even abusive of their children. therefore, those with Schizoid PD are left unable to give or receive love. Consequently, they cope by avoiding all relationships.


Denice's symptoms have declined but some symptoms of schizophrenia still remain like, illogical thought and social withdrawal. What type of schizophrenia does she have according to the DSM-5 classification (over time)?


Participants were admitted to hospital after claiming they heard voices and were treated differently and poorly even when they acted normal in every way which resulted in students feeling powerless.

Rosenhan study

As a child, Chloe developed language and motor skills more slowly than others. She has difficulty picking up cues from her environment and has been referred to as a "loser" by her peers. Her first job was during the summer which she worked on a farm and was surrounded by animals. She prefers to be alone. Thus she seeks job where she can be alone and not be affected by praise or criticism or opinions of others. As her therapist, Chloe demonstrates symptoms of

Schizoid PD

Of the following Personality Disorders, a person with which disorder is likely to be most resistant to therapy?

Schizoid PD

People with ___________________ personality disorder persistently avoid and are removed from social relationships and demonstrate little in the way of emotion. The reason they avoid social contact, however, has nothing to do with paranoid feelings of distrust or suspicion; it is because they genuinely prefer to be alone.

Schizoid PD

Which of the following personality disorders is described as the "loner" and has no desire or interest in having any type of social relationships?

Schizoid PD

If a 43-year-old single female has been referred to you for psychiatric evaluation from the employee assistance program at her job of 21 years.She has been exhibiting some odd behaviors at work. Stressors she has experienced over the last year include successful treatment of breast cancer and the loss of both of her parents to illnesses. During several interviews, in which she referred to herself in the third person, she related that she had been close to her parents and had no one else in her life that she trusted. She also expressed that she felt her co-workers wanted her cancer to recur and that the fluorescent light sat work made her burn inside. She stated that she knew her cancer was gone by the number of roses on her rose bush at home and that angels have sent her messages through wind chimes since she was a little girl.She denied any history of hallucinations. Her sleep and appetite were normal. Her psychiatric history was significant only for taking an antidepressant when she was 23 years old. Based on the information, this client may have?

Schizotypal PD

Individuals with _______________ personality disorder show ideas of reference, bodily illusions, magical thinking and eccentric behavior and thought. Cannot sustain attention but some show high creativity.

Schizotypal PD

People with _______________ personality disorder display a range of interpersonal problems marked by extreme discomfort in close relationships, very odd patterns of thinking and perceiving, and behavioral eccentricities.

Schizotypal PD

Which of the following criteria is consistent with Schizoid Personality Disorder? -Desire for close personal relationships -Takes little pleasure in activities -Odd beliefs and magical thinking -Paranoid thoughts -Eccentric behavior

Takes little pleasure in activities

TRUE OR FALSE?? More WOMEN than MEN are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.


True or False. Because of their social withdrawal, most people with schizoid PD are prevented from entering therapy unless some other disorder, such as alcoholism, makes treatment necessary.


True or False. Schizotypal PD is linked to depression & shows a higher risk of suicide. From 3.9% of people show the disorder; men more than women display this type of disorder.


True or False? People with Schizoid PD focus mainly on themselves and are generally unaffected by praise or criticism


True or False? When a person has unjustified suspicions that others are harming him or her, has persistent unfounded doubts about the loyalty of friends, reads threatening meanings into benign events and etc. He or she should be diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder.


True or false? the symptoms of personality disorders last for years and typically become recognizable in adolescence, although some start during childhood.


If someone has mainly positive symptoms like delusions and hallucinations, what type of schizophrenia do they have?

Type 1

If someone mostly has negative symptoms like flat affect and poverty of speech, what type of schizophrenia do they have?

Type 2

Patricia sometimes is in a state of catatonia, other times she has loose associations, and sometimes she has inappropriate affect. What type of schizophrenia does she have according to the DSM-5 classification (over time)?


Is drug therapy useful for individuals with Schizotypal PD?


Isolation is common among those with Schizoid Personality Disorder or Avoidant Personality Disorder. The distinction in this isolation between the two types of personality disorders is that someone with Avoidant Personality Disorder... A. Prefers isolation B. Is unhappy with isolation C. Lacks warmth D. Has restricted emotions E. Is egotistical

is unhappy with isolation

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