exam 3 psych exam

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The statement that best reflects moral reasoning at the preconventional level is _____

"I don't want to get caught and punished."

The average IQ is a score of _____.


In 2015, only _____ percent of adolescents consumed the recommended three or more servings of vegetables daily.


In 2012, approximately ____ percent of all U.S. children were homeschooled.


_____ are the sex hormones secreted in greater amounts by males than females.


_____ is considered to be a specific type of autism spectrum disorder.

Asperger syndrome

Which statement is true?

Children's play reflects their culture's practices and values.

Some children in the United States are classified as _____ based on their proficiency in English.


Which child is more likely to develop asthma?

a child who lives in a city

Jim has struggled with reading throughout his school experience, and has fallen far behind his peers. Based on this, his teacher recommends that Jim be evaluated for _____.

a learning disorder

In many nations, including the United States, rates of sexual activity among boys and girls _____.

are almost even

Of the different types of aggression, the most worrisome is _____.


What factors generally determine whether a child is well liked by his or her peers?

culture and cohort

Emotional regulation is also referred to as _____.

effortful control

Asthma is a disorder caused by _____ the airways.

inflammation of

Research indicates that achievement in middle childhood is _____ teacher and parent expectations.

influenced by

Evolutionary theory suggests that the relationship between childhood stress and onset of puberty exists to _____.

insure that reproduction occurs early in stress-filled environments

Mildred Parten described play as _____.


The desire to pursue a goal that comes from within a person is called _____.

intrinsic motivation

With respect to Gardner's multiple intelligences, a successful farmer is likely to excel in _____ intelligence.


Children who lack self-control are most likely to have parents who are _____.


Obesity has increased because it is common for _____.

preschoolers to watch TV and drink soda

Young children usually play best with _____.

their peers

Public subsidy for tuition payment at a nonpublic school is referred to as a ______.


Critics say that _____ weaken public schools, while advocates argue that they make private school more affordable.


Which of the following is an example of code use?


Mr. and Mrs. Morrow want to instill a sense of intrinsic motivation in their 5-year-old daughter Yin. Yin brings home a drawing of her school and classroom. How should the Morrows respond?

"You really worked hard on this drawing!"

Bulimia nervosa is clinically present in _____ percent of young women in the United States.

1 to 3

The recommended daily dose of calcium is _____ milligrams; most teens consume less than _____ milligrams per day.

1,300; 500

Manuela's memory is adaptive and strategic. She is becoming skilled with various memory techniques from teachers and peers, and she can organize materials fairly well. Manuela is probably age ____.


Sensory memory improves until about age _____ and then remains adequate until late adulthood.


About ____ percent of students in the U.S. attend private schools.


Marcella just gave birth to a baby who is preterm and low-birthweight. In addition, Marcella experienced high blood pressure throughout her pregnancy. Marcella is most likely _____ years old.


Which of the following individuals is most likely going to take dramatic risks in order to gain peer approval?

15-year-old Kevin

Statistically, which person is MOST likely to have the greatest health problems due to iron deficiency?

16-year-old Marilyn, who is menstruating

In the United States, more than _____ children and adolescents under the age of 18 take prescription drugs to regulate their emotions and behavior.

2 million

In _____, the dominant idea about resilience was that communities are responsible for child resilience.


Per mile driven, teenager drivers are ____ times more likely to die in a motor-vehicle crash than drivers over age 20.


By the age of _____, children are convinced certain toys are appropriate for one gender but not the other.


Peak fertility occurs ____ to ____ years after activated gonads produce mature ova and sperm.

4; 6

In the United States, less than _____ percent of children under age 11 study a language other than English in school.


In the United States, about ____ percent of children saw a dentist for preventive care in the previous year.


Children are considered overweight when they have BMIs above the _____ percentile.


Recent studies report that ____ percent of teenagers say that social network sites hurt their body confidence.


For both girls and boys, puberty typically begins as young as _____ years of age or as late as _____ years of age.

8; 14

Approximately what percent of the world's 7-year-olds are in school?


Childhood obesity is usually defined as a BMI above the _____ percentile.


At Devon's recent checkup, her doctor told her that she is obese. Devon's BMI is most likely in the _____ percentile.


_____ of U.S children live in a single-parent household.

A third

Who is MOST likely to experience few psychological problems during middle childhood?

Alberto, who is being raised by his biological mother and father

____ is regulated in almost every culture.


Seamus is very talented at drawing and obsessive about details when drawing pictures. His speech is close to normal, but he tends to shy away from other children and is awkward when trying to relate to others. Which diagnosis would BEST fit Seamus's behavior?

Asperger syndrome

The ratio between a person's height and weight is expressed as _____.


Which scenario best illustrates prosocial behavior?

Bethany feeds her baby brother because her mother is sick.

By the time children are the age of 10, which statement is true?

Both boys and girls want to have best friends.

Which of the following statements about prosocial and antisocial behavior is true?

Both prosocial and antisocial behavior are innate and universal.

_____ is the most frequently reported STI.


Which scenario best demonstrates the behaviorist theory regarding gender development?

Christine wears a dress, and her parents tell her how pretty she looks.

Which of the following is an example of an externalizing problem?

Christopher, who lashes out uncontrollably

_____ rise at puberty, and that makes adolescents quicker to become angry or upset.

Cortisol levels

____ is the understanding of other people's feelings and concerns.


According to research on sexual behaviors in young adolescents, which European American girl is more likely to engage in sexual intimacy?

Faith, who has low self-esteem

In which country is physical punishment of a child illegal?


Most nations have exhibited substantial increases in IQ scores during the past century. This phenomenon is called the _____.

Flynn Effect

Which individual would be at the greatest risk for diet deficiencies?

George, who was born in 1990 and is 18 years old

The sequence of puberty hormone production that originates in the brain and ends with glands located atop the kidneys is known by the acronym _____.

HPA axis

Xavier, 16, invites a group of his high school friends to swim in a neighbor's pool late at night while that neighbor is away. They climb the fence and jump in, playing wildly and loudly in the water. A few minutes later, the police arrive. How does adolescent brain development help explain Xavier's poor decision-making?

His prefrontal cortex is underdeveloped.

A document for children with special needs that specifies their educational goals is known as a(n) _____.


Krista seemed to be struggling academically in her fourth-grade class. After a battery of tests it was determined that Krista had special needs. School professionals met with Krista's parents to discuss specific educational goals for Krista. What the school professionals and Krista's parents created was Krista's _____.


_____ is a discipline technique that involves the parent talking to the child and helping the child to understand what he or she did wrong.


What is the hallmark of prosocial behavior?

It is done to help another without any benefit for oneself.

Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development was strongly influenced by _____.

Jean Piaget

Dr. Holiday is doing a study to determine how 9-year-olds think. Based on theory, he believes that the 9-year-olds should be able to reason logically about concrete situations, situations that are real, tangible, and visible. Dr. Holiday's belief is based on _____.

Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development

Which is an example of reactive aggression?

Joanie hits Lexie after Lexie bumps into her during a game of catch.

Dr. Smith is conducting a study to determine what 9-year-olds know. Based on theory, he believes that the 9-year-olds will advance in knowledge based on instructions. Dr. Smith's belief is based on _____.

Lev Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development

Gerald was diagnosed with ADHD at an early age. Throughout school he had extreme academic difficulties, though he excelled at art. When he graduated from high school he started a career as an artist and quickly began to sell his work and achieved critical acclaim. As an adult he was experiencing life success even though he still had symptoms of ADHD. Which of the four general principles of developmental psychopathology does this example best illustrate?

Life may be better or worse in adulthood.

The average age of the onset of puberty has changed over time. Which of the following individuals is most likely to have started puberty at the latest age?

Louis, born in 1910

Which scenario is an example of antisocial behavior?

Mark intentionally knocks over Simon's blocks.

School-age children would most admire _____.

Marla, who was punished for not telling the teacher who threw a paper airplane

A federally sponsored test in the United States is the _____.


What is the main international test of reading given to students?


The individual most likely to have grown up with permissive parents is _____.

Paul, who is unhappy and lacks self-control

_____ moral reasoning is not usually present until adolescence or adulthood, if then.


_____ makes children believe that they will be good at anything they try to do.

Protective optimism

The individual most likely to have grown up with authoritative parents is _____.

Raquel, who is happy and successful

Statistically, which adolescent is MOST apt to experience menarche first?

Rebecca, who is African American

_____ is one of the leading theorists of the information-processing perspective.

Robert Siegler

Which scenario is typical of the industry versus inferiority stage?

Rose is having difficulty in learning math, but she continues to practice.

Statistically, which student is MOST likely to fall asleep during class?

Rose, age 14

_____ differences are biological and _____ differences are culturally prescribed.

Sex; gender

Which theorist described middle childhood as a time of latency?

Sigmund Freud

_____ is both a cause and consequence of feeling inferior.

Social rejection

_____ are the most common school accidents, and they increase at puberty.

Sports injuries

In recent years, Finland has gained a great deal of attention for its very successful educational system. Which statement about Finland's educational reform is false?

Students are given a series of high-stakes tests at each level.

What is the primary international test of science and math?


Based on ethnic differences, which of these well-nourished teenagers will likely experience puberty at the earliest age?

Taye, who is African

Jack sees his friends Evan and Liam playing a quiet game of blocks. Jack wants to engage in some rough-and-tumble play, so he grabs one of the blocks and runs a few feet away, looking over his shoulder and displaying a play face. How are Evan and Liam likely to respond?

They will chase Jack and play wrestle.

Of the following statements, which does NOT contribute to emotional regulation?

Timing of birth matters.

To reduce the impact of divorce on children, which of the following should take place?

Transitions should be minimized.

The best example of an aggressive-rejected child is _____.

Veru, who is disliked because she tells others they are stupid

Which theorist strongly emphasized the importance of play during childhood?


William is at the toy store and sees a construction set. He asks his dad if he can have it for his birthday. His dad asks him if he thinks he would be able to use it. William reminds his dad that he is good at building with blocks. What does this example demonstrate?

William's positive self-concept

Which statement about teen sexual activity is FALSE?

Youth continue to report sexual activity at younger and younger ages.

Lev Vygotsky might argue that all of the following could be an instructor to a 6-year-old child EXCEPT _____.

a 3-year-old sibling

For girls, menarche is _____.

a girl's first menstrual period

Teenagers have _____ rate of gonorrhea, genital herpes, and chlamydia when compared to sexually active people of other age groups.

a higher

Janet and Carlos are both experiencing a growth spurt. If they are typical adolescents, Janet will have _____ than Carlos.

a higher proportion of body fat

A marked delay in a particular area of learning that is not caused by an apparent physical disability, by mental retardation, or by an unusually stressful home environment is referred to as _____.

a learning disorder

Which factor contributes to the decline in neighborhood play among children?

a scarcity of vacant lots and empty fields

When 9-year-old children were asked to choose between retribution and restitution for a punishment, _____.

about half chose restitution and half chose retribution

Historically, children who were identified as gifted and talented were taught with children of the same mental age, not their chronological age. This practice was called _____, but it is seldom used today.


In childhood, how children react to a serious stressor depends primarily on _____.

accumulated stressors

April is tested on her mastery of college chemistry. She is taking a(n) _____.

achievement test

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the Electra complex causes girls to _____.

adore their father and resent their mother

Which two factors are crucial to the issue of diet deficiencies?

age and cohort

Control processes improve with _____.

age and experience

In the twenty-first century, early puberty positively correlates with _____.

aggression and antisocial behavior in boys

When child culture conflicts with adult morality, children will _____.

align themselves with their peers

Adolescent acne is usually caused by _____.

an increase in skin oils and sweat

According to Erikson, children have _____, and thus believe that they can achieve any goal.

an unrealistic self-concept

Patty is 5 feet tall and weighs 87 pounds, yet when she looks in the mirror she thinks she is too fat. She does aerobics for two hours daily and eats very little. Patty appears to suffer from _____.

anorexia nervosa

All of the following factors drive children's growing interest in moral issues EXCEPT _____.


Rough-and-tumble play between boys and fathers may prevent _____ at a later age.

antisocial behavior

One reason adolescents' nutritional habits may be poor is _____.

anxiety about their body image

IQ tests _____.

are influenced by culture

Secondary sex characteristics are traits that _____.

are not directly related to fertility

Bullying differs from ordinary aggression because bullying attacks _____.

are repeated

Monica brought her 10-year-old son to see the doctor because he was having problems breathing. The doctor informed Monica that her son had inflammation of the airways. Monica's son was diagnosed with _____.


David is excitable, impulsive, and very active. He also has great difficulty concentrating. He MOST likely has _____.

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Ten-year-old Wilson experiences extreme mood swings that do not seem to be influenced by life circumstances. At times he cannot sit still, and is constantly fidgeting. Sometimes, he has so little energy he cannot get out of bed. Wilson may be diagnosed with _____.

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Todd runs around the classroom, can't seem to sit still or concentrate, and is easily excited. With which disorder might Todd be diagnosed?

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

A parenting style characterized by high parent-to-child communication, low warmth, and high expectations of maturity is _____.


As a father, Aahil rates low on nurturance and communication and high on maturity demands. He exhibits the _____ style of parenting.


When parents expect unquestioning obedience from their children, their parenting style is labeled _____.


Annelle's usual bedtime is 8:30 P.M., and her parents enforce this rule. One evening, Annelle is watching an educational program that ends at 9 P.M. She asks her parents if she can stay up to watch the end of the show. Her parents agree to let her stay up as long as she gets up in time for school in the morning. Which parenting style is Annelle's parents demonstrating?


Parents who set limits, enforce rules, and listen receptively to their children are exhibiting the _____ pattern of parenting.


Allen is 3 years old. He ignores people when they are in the room, and if people speak to him he does not make eye contact. He also will not initiate communication, but rather just repeats what someone has said. Finally, Allen plays with a spinning top for hours. He just spins it, watches it, and when it stops spins it again. Allen may be showing signs of _____.


Susie has an IQ score of 90. According to the distribution of IQ scores, Susie's IQ falls into what category?


Which of the following symptoms is NOT associated with anorexia nervosa?

average weight

A body of knowledge in a particular area that makes it easier to master new information in that area is known as knowledge _____.


Ten-year-old Billy loves baseball and has studied baseball statistics since he was 5 years old. Billy is currently reading this year's statistics for some of his favorite players. He will easily remember the new statistics because of the knowledge _____ he has for baseball statistics.


William was an early-maturing boy in the 1930s. William would have been predicated to _____.

be a school leader as an adolescent

Which theory focuses on how children learn acceptable behaviors for their gender?

behavioral theory

A strategy in which school subjects are taught in both the learner's original language and the second (majority) language is _____.

bilingual schooling

Eduardo is in the fourth grade. Part of the instruction in his classroom is conducted in English and part is conducted in Spanish. His classroom uses _____.

bilingual schooling

Once a week, Candace locks herself in her bedroom and gorges on cookies, cakes, ice cream, and other snack foods. She eats until her stomach hurts and this has been going on for 5 months. Candace is very private about her eating binges and is embarrassed and depressed over her out-of-control eating. Candace is demonstrating characteristics of _____.

binge-eating disorder

According to Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural framework, every experience after _____ teaches individuals something.


With respect to Gardner's multiple intelligences, a successful professional athlete is likely to excel in _____ intelligence.


Josefina is obsessed with her weight. She sometimes eats a whole package of Oreos at one sitting and then makes herself vomit. She also takes laxatives for weight control. Josefina MOST likely suffers from _____.

bulimia nervosa

The kind of bully who is the most strongly disliked by peers is called a ______ ; he or she rarely has friends or sympathizers.


Repeated, systematic attacks on those who are unable to defend themselves is the definition of _____.


Roderick hits or kicks Edwin on the playground nearly every day. He also encourages other children to laugh at Edwin's attempts to kick a ball. Roderick is using _____ aggression against Edwin.


Spanking is more frequent _____.

by mothers

When capable of concrete operational thought, children _____.

can apply their reasoning to real, tangible situations

Strategies for processing information within working memory _____.

can be influenced by culture

By the preschool years, unlike in infancy, children _____.

can learn from videos

There are many approaches to addressing the issue of bullying. Research indicates the one effective approach is _____.

changing the school culture as a whole

In the United States, public schools that set their own standards, are licensed by the state, but are exempt from some state regulations, are known as _____ schools.


The particular rules and behaviors that are passed down to younger children from older children are what define _____.

child culture

The day night cycle that occurs approximately every 24 hours is the _____.

circadian rhythm

With respect to asthma, the hygiene hypothesis is supported by data showing all of the following EXCEPT _____.

city children have less asthma and fewer allergies

Nine-year-old Pete sorted screws, bolts, and nails into three piles by type. He is able to correctly sort the objects into separate piles because of the logical principle of _____.


The logical principle that allows objects to be grouped according to some characteristic that they share is called ______.


A longitudinal study found that ______ in preschool predicted less aggression and less victimization in elementary school.

close teacher-student relationships

Abbreviations (such as LOL, BTW, and RU) in text messages and e-mails is an example of _____.


Developmentalists who focus on children's thinking about sex roles as opposed to the children's observable behaviors are _____ theorists.


Seven-year-old Henry has been diagnosed with both ADHD and bipolar disorder. Which term applies to Henry having both conditions?


The presence of two or more unrelated disease conditions at the same time in the same person is referred to as _____.


What is one of the functions peers provide in active play?


The information-processing theory was inspired by the knowledge of how _____ function.


A child is shown a large box and a small box. The large box contains a 5-pound weight and the small box contains a 10-pound weight. The child picks up the boxes and looks at them closely, and then is asked which weighs more. The child is no longer focused only on appearances, so he answers that the small box weighs more. Jean Piaget would say that this child is in the _____ stage of cognitive development.

concrete operational

According to Jean Piaget, middle childhood is a time for _____ thought.

concrete operational

According to Jean Piaget, a child between the ages of 6 and 11 can apply logical principles to _____.

concrete situations (real, tangible, visible)

A study that followed married parents and their adolescent children found that _____ on the adolescents' well-being.

conflict was the main influence

The need for _____ is evident in U.S. children in military families.


Mechanisms that combine memory, processing speed, and knowledge to regulate the analysis and flow of information within the information-processing system are referred to as ______.

control processes

Chance steals food to feed himself and his little brother because they are starving. If another child hears about this and states, Chance shouldn't steal because stealing is against the law, that child is MOST likely in Lawrence Kohlberg's _____ stage of moral development.


Susan decides not to tell the teacher that her classmate Ian is cheating on the math exam because she is afraid the other kids will call her a snitch. This is an example of Lawrence Kohlberg's _____ stage of moral development.


What is the second stage of moral reasoning in Kohlberg's theory?


Leon is asked whether a person should steal food if she is starving. Leon says no because it is against the law. Leon is in Lawrence Kohlberg's _____ moral reasoning level, in the stage called ______.

conventional; law and order

Jefferson High School has a student council to guarantee student representation in school affairs. Jakob, a senior, has learned that the administration of this high school wants obedience. Obedience at Jakob's school is an example of a hidden _____.


Andrea is a typical 11-year-old whose growing self-consciousness and self-criticism drive her to frequently compare herself with her peers. If Andrea is like most children, such comparisons will _____.

decrease her self-esteem

Physical activity within schools has _____ over the years.


Later high school start times have been associated with all of the following EXCEPT _____.

decreased college attendance

A 3-year-old has a harder time catching a ball, whereas a 9-year-old has an easier time catching a ball. One contributing factor for why the 9-year-old has an easier time catching the ball in contrast to the 3-year-old is _____.

decreased reaction time

During the school years, self-esteem typically _____.


Scientists agree that brain development _____.

depends on experience

Children who have peers to actively play with tend to _____.

develop physical skills

Marissa and Jessica, sisters born two years apart, grew up in an impoverished, violent neighborhood. As adults, Marissa is chronically jobless and is addicted to drugs while Jessica is a professor of economics at a community college. What might explain their different life outcomes?

differential susceptibility

Children who are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder can vary in the type and range of symptoms they display, but all children with an autism spectrum disorder have _____.

difficulty understanding emotions

Each of the following is a general principle of developmental psychopathology EXCEPT _____.

disability does not change year by year

Madeline is 9 years old and considered obese. While her parents acknowledge that they could adopt a healthier lifestyle, they blame genetics for her weight problem. How many genes are estimated to influence Madeline's weight?


Which is NOT a common value among 6- to 11-year-old children?

dressing like adults

Which of the following is a learning disorder related to math?


Jane is in the third grade but reads at the level of a preschooler. Jane's teacher thinks that she reverses letters and may have _____.


The most commonly diagnosed learning disorder is _____.


Which learning disorder is characterized by unusual difficulty with reading?


Alice, age 7, comes from a low-SES family. Compared to her peers from higher-SES families, she has difficulty with language learning in school. According to current research, one factor that could be contributing to Alice's language learning difficulty is her lack of _____.

early exposure to words

One method of educating gifted and talented students that has become popular in the United States is _____.

educating all gifted and talented children of the same age together

An angry 5-year-old girl might stop herself from hitting another child because she has developed _____.

emotional regulation

Sociodramatic play helps children to develop _____ when they act out fear, bravery, and fury.

emotional regulation

When Noah's dad gets home from work, Noah runs to him shouting, Daddy! His dad sweeps him up in a bear hug, gives him a gentle knuckle rub on top of his head, then lowers him to the ground in a pretend choke hold. Noah screams with delight, escapes the hold, and climbs on his dad's back to ride him like a horse. Inadvertently, Noah hurt his dad while climbing, and his dad said sternly, That really hurt. Be nice! What kind of lesson is Noah's dad teaching him with this rough-and-tumble play bout?

emotional regulation

When Rawah, age 3, sees a little boy fall and hurt himself, a look of concern appears on her face. She is probably experiencing _____.


Many developmentalists are concerned that modern children spend too little time _____.

engaged in active play

Henry is an adolescent who experiences sleep deprivation, which makes him more likely to experience all of the following EXCEPT _____.


A child can have autistic symptoms for many reasons. This reflects the developmental principle of _____.


Often a symptom can have multiple causes. This is known as _____.


Ricky's aggressive behavior could be due to genetic inheritance, exposure to violent media, or living in a violent neighborhood. This reflects the developmental principle of _____.


Which theory states that gender role differences are rooted in a basic urge to reproduce?

evolutionary theory

The four dimensions of a parenting style are warmth, discipline, communication, and _____.

expectations for maturity

When 4-year-old Karen is angry, she lashes out by hitting. This is an example of _____.

externalizing behavior

For all eating disorders, ______ is crucial.

family function

Psychological control as a means of discipline relies on a child's _____.

feelings of shame, guilt, and gratitude

Children from low-SES families usually have all of the following compared to children from higher-SES families EXCEPT _____.

fewer ELL classifications

For boys, the first ejaculation generally occurs _____.

following growth of the penis

Conventional morality involves _____.

following what parents, teachers, and peers do

Mastery of pragmatics allows children to change styles of speech, or codes, depending on the audience. What code are children likely to use with their teachers?

formal code

Finn shouts, Yo dude! Did you see that bad shooting star? Finn is likely speaking to his _____.


Developing self-respect, nurturing friendships with peers, and encouraging learning are three of the _____.

functions of a family

A child's cognitive understanding of sex differences would be his or her _____.

gender schema

Four-year-old Amelia wants to play with her brother Garth's trucks. Garth is 6, and he tells her she can't play with them because she's a girl. Garth's refusal is based on his _____.

gender schema

Many parents believe that they mold their children's personalities. However, research has found that _____.

genes and the nonshared environment have the most impact on personality

Alan is an adopted child who lives with three siblings, all biological children of his adoptive parents. Alan's math skills are far better than those of his adoptive parents or his adoptive siblings. This provides evidence that _____.

genes may have a stronger effect than familial environment on talents

Payton has an IQ score of 135. According to the distribution of IQ scores, Payton's IQ falls into what category?


What substance(s) cause(s) the ovaries and testes to greatly increase their production of estradiol and testosterone?

gonadotropin-releasing hormone

At adolescence, the pituitary activates the _____, which are the ovaries in females and testicles in males.


Robert Siegler has studied the day-by-day details of children's cognition in math. He has found that children _____.

gradually acquire math knowledge and strategies

One social scientist, Paul Tough, wrote, We have been focusing on the wrong skills and abilities in our children, and we have been using the wrong strategies to help nurture and teach those skills. Instead, he suggested that parents and educators should focus more on _____.


When comparing the growth of children from ages 6 to 11 to infants or adolescents, one notices that children _____.

grow slowly and steadily

One of the first signs of the growth spurt is _____.

growth of fingers and toes

For boys, the usual sequence of physical changes in puberty is _____.

growth of the testes; initial pubic hair growth; growth of the penis; spermarche

Changes in primary sex characteristics include _____.

growth of the uterus or the testes

In the United States, ____ of all new STIs occur in people ages 15 to 25.


Which family function is especially crucial in middle childhood?

harmony and stability

According to Sigmund Freud, during the latency stage children _____.

have quieted emotional drives and psychosexual needs

One physical change that typically occurs during adolescence is that the _____.

heart doubles in size

Nancy, age 12, has just experienced a sudden growth spurt. According to the usual sequence of puberty, soon she will notice _____.

her hips growing wider

Adrionna has begun to participate in arguments on issues of right and wrong. She is developing her own moral thinking, guided by _____.

her peers, parents, and culture

The unspoken and often unrecognized lessons that children learn in school, which are the unofficial, unstated, or implicit rules and priorities that influence the academic curriculum and every other aspect of learning in school, are called the ______.

hidden curriculum

Which of the following factors does NOT facilitate increases in the knowledge base?

high intelligence

Which of the following is most often seen in children who are obese?

high levels of cholesterol

Compared with single-parent homes, two-parent homes usually have _____.

higher income

In a typical military family, income is _____ and children tend to have _____ school achievement than their peers from civilian families.

higher; lower

Since Carter's mother suffers from depression and his father is an alcoholic, Carter is often neglected, but he has a supportive group of friends. Despite his circumstances, he maintains a positive outlook. What may be helping Carter to maintain his positive attitude?

his circle of friends

Body chemicals that regulate sleep, moods, hunger, and stress are called _____.


Family function refers to _____.

how a family cares for its members

Retribution as a punishment for a transgression involves _____.

hurting the transgressor

The belief that children's immune systems need to be exposed to viruses and bacteria in order to strengthen them, but that children are overprotected from this exposure, is called the _____.

hygiene hypothesis

The biological events that begin puberty involve a hormonal signal from the _____.


The first hormones to begin the process of puberty are triggered in the child's _____.


The correct sequence of puberty hormone production that starts in the brain and ends with glands located atop the kidneys is the _____.

hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal axis

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, little boys cope with the guilt of wanting to kill their fathers by _____.

identifying with their fathers

Over the past two decades, more than 50 nations have participated in at least one massive international test of educational achievement. Longitudinal data finds that _____.

if achievement rises, the national economy advances

When would a time-out be the most effective discipline strategy?

if the child enjoys being with other people

Jared, who speaks only English, has moved to Spain with his family. He attends a public school. All of his school subjects are taught in Spanish. Jared is learning Spanish through _____.


The approach to teaching a second language in which children spend the entire day instructed in that second language is referred to as the _____ approach.


What is a sign of autism spectrum disorder?

impaired social responses

Callie asks Jenna if she wants to play tag with a group of her friends. Jenna joins the group of children. The children decide on the rules for tag and as they play they make sure that each child is following the rules. This informal, child-initiated game of tag is likely taking place _____.

in a neighborhood

The three signs of an autism spectrum disorder are _____.

inadequate social skills, impaired communication, and unusual play

Compared with nuclear families, extended families typically _____.

include grandparents

Mariangela has dyslexia. Mariangela is taught in the regular classroom, where she has her own reading tutor for part of the day. This is an example of _____.


A child's achievement seems more influenced by _____ in the United States than in other nations.

income and ethnicity

Over the past few decades, the rates of ADHD have _____ in the United States.


According to Erikson, if 9-year-old Anna is successful in solving her psychosocial conflict, she should be developing a(n) _____ view of herself.


According to Erik Erikson's theory, children in middle childhood tend to judge themselves as either _____.

industrious or inferior

More than people of any other age, children between the ages of 6 and 11 are _____.

industrious, practicing the skills valued by their culture

Barbara is in the third grade. She spends many hours rehearsing her math skills, reading books, and collecting bugs. According to Erik Erikson, Barbara is developing a healthy sense of _____ through these tasks.


Erik Erikson's fourth stage of psychosocial development is called _____.

industry versus inferiority

Most children with autism spectrum disorder show signs in _____.


Mastery of pragmatics allows children to change styles of speech, or codes, depending on the audience. What code are children likely to use with their peers?

informal code

Two-year-old Julia repeatedly exclaims Me do it! when her mother tries to help her. Although this behavior is frustrating, her mother understands that doing things independently will develop Julia's sense of _____.


Erikson called the psychosocial developmental stage that occurs between 3 and 6 years of age _____.

initiative versus guilt

Lev Vygotsky viewed _____ as being crucial to children's development of skills and knowledge.


Aggression used to obtain a toy or other object is _____.


According to Lawrence Kohlberg, _____ is what advances a person's morality.

intellectual maturation

One's mental age divided by one's chronological age and multiplied by 100 results in one's _____.

intelligence quotient

Originally, a person's mental age and chronological age were factors used to determine his or her _____.

intelligence quotient

One important factor with respect to children coping with adversity is a child's _____.

interpretation of the events

A child having an imaginary friend is an example of _____.

intrinsic motivation

Charlotte spends hours at a time playing with her doll, Emma. She gives Emma a bath, dresses her, feeds her, and pretends to change her diaper. Charlotte is _____ to play with Emma.

intrinsically motivated

Which pair of nutrients is MOST likely to be lacking in the adolescent diet?

iron and calcium

The use of medication to treat ADHD (and many other disorders) in children _____.

is controversial

A young boy experienced ongoing sexual abuse until he was 15. Now that he is a grown man, it is likely that he _____.

is depressed and has difficulty with sex or psychosocial issues

Since he entered puberty, Barry has been staying awake late at night, is often snacking at midnight, and has almost no energy in the morning. Barry's behavior

is due to hormonal shifts

Child sexual abuse _____.

is most common when the first signs of puberty occur

Jaspreet frequently plays the piano whenever her family has guests because she enjoys the praise and attention that she receives. When alone, however, Jaspreet rarely plays the piano. Jaspreet's motivation _____.

is mostly extrinsic

All of the following have been identified as problems with diagnosing ADHD EXCEPT _____.

it has symptoms that are only apparent in severe cases

Ten-year-old India caught Lyndsey, her best friend, lying to her own mom. India will probably _____.

keep quiet about it

Achievement tests are designed to measure one's _____.

knowledge about a subject

Achievement tests are to aptitude tests as _____ is to _____.

knowledge; potential

In 1975 the Education of All Handicapped Children Act stipulated that children with special needs must be educated in the _____.

least restrictive environment

Jill learned in health class that _____ is a hormone that is necessary for puberty.


Which hormone is high at the onset of puberty and affects appetite?


Which of the following has NOT been associated with early maturation among girls?

less alcohol use

A study of adult women in the United States found that those who voluntarily had sex before the age of 16 were _____.

likely to get a divorce as an adult

During adolescence, the _____ matures before the _____ in the brain.

limbic system; prefrontal cortex

According to Jean Piaget, children gain the ability to use _____ during middle childhood.


The component of the information-processing system in which virtually limitless amounts of information can be stored indefinitely is _____.

long-term memory

Research indicates that a majority of adolescent girls in the United States are trying to _____.

lose weight

Two factors that universally interfere with family function in every nation are _____.

low income and high conflict

The quality of resilience is dynamic, which means that it _____.

may change over time

Stress, especially when prolonged, _____.

may contribute to an early onset of puberty

Over time, the consequences of bullying _____.

may lead to problems for the bullies and their victims

Research indicates that a child who demonstrates positive adaptation in the face of stressors such as poverty and neglect is showing resilience and _____.

may or may not show resilience in the future

Most bullies pick on _____.

members of their own sex

Addie has weekly spelling tests. On Monday she gets the list of ten words and realizes she knows how to spell four of the words. Rather than studying these four words, she spends Tuesday and Wednesday studying the six new words. On Wednesday evening she quizzes herself on the six words and learns she now knows how to spell three more. Thursday she studies the three words she still did not know how to spell. Friday morning before the spelling test she quizzes herself on all ten words and correctly spells all ten words. Addie's ability to evaluate the task of learning words and monitor and adjust her performance throughout the learning process is a product of _____.


Nine-year-old Devon writes, My brother eats like a hungry pig. This statement demonstrates his understanding of _____.


Children between the ages of 6 and 11 are within the developmental stage referred to as _____.

middle childhood

What period is the prime time for moral development?

middle childhood

A cause can have many final manifestations. This is referred to as _____.


Jennica experienced neglect as an infant while her mother suffered from severe depression. The outcome on Jennica's development could manifest itself in many different ways. This reflects the developmental principle of _____.


Some unpopular children are _____ rather than rejected.


According to Erikson's theory, which factor(s) help(s) young children to demonstrate initiative?

neurological maturity and a longer attention span

According to Sigmund Freud, what will 8-year-old Sven experience?

no sexual interests

Hannah's BMI is in the 79th percentile, which is associated with being _____.

normal weight

A detailed study of Mexican-American mothers of preschoolers found that their parenting style was _____.

not identified by Baumrind

In 1980, the dominant idea about resilience was that _____.

nothing inevitably causes harm

Joshua and Jeanette are brother and sister who live with their biological parents. They live in a(n) _____ family.


The most common type of family for children in the United States is the _____.

nuclear family

A study conducted in the slums of Mumbai, India, found that children in _____ families had more psychological disorders than children in _____ families.

nuclear; extended

At preschool, 4-year-old Maverick rarely joins his peers in play. Instead, he tends to carefully observe his classmates as they transition from one play center to the next. According to Mildred Parten, Maverick is engaged in _____ play.


Physical activity can benefit children in all of the following ways EXCEPT by improving _____.

oral health practices

Billy and Rodney are both building with construction bricks. They are sitting apart, each with his own set of bricks. They are engaged in _____ play.


When both parents live with their children day and night, a(n)_____ is likely to form and benefit the child.

parental alliance

When children act as parents and try to take care of everyone, it is called ______.


Diana Baumrind is known for her work on _____.

parenting styles

A child's active play during the childhood years correlates with _____.

peer acceptance

Many adolescents think carefully and answer correctly when responding to paper-and-pencil questions about hypothetical risk-taking situations, yet in the real world they engage in risky behavior. This is due in part to their _____.


Bill, age 11, noticed that he has some pubic hair. According to the usual sequence of puberty, his next pubertal event will probably be _____.

penis growth

Abida is a nurturing parent and has good communication with her children, whom she never disciplines. Her parenting style is _____.


Jose demonstrates warmth and nurturance towards his children. He does not believe in punishment of any sort and does not have any rules for his children. His parenting style is _____.


Which factor contributes to increases in a child's knowledge base?

personal motivation

Which is NOT one of the types of play identified by Mildred Parten?

personal play

Austin is in the grocery store with his mom and he sees the candy-like cereal he saw advertised on television. He asks his mom to purchase it and she says no. He continues to beg, bargain, and pout until she concedes. Austin demonstrated _____ power.


During middle childhood, children themselves contribute to weight gain by getting adults to do what they want, such as buying them candy or junk food. The ability of children to get adults to do what they want has been referred to as _____ power.


Freud would say that a typical 5-year-old child is in the _____ stage of development.


The organ that produces the hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands is the _____.


Which gland(s) receive(s) signals directly from the hypothalamus?


Many developmentalists believe that ____ is the most productive as well as the most enjoyable activity that children undertake.


A family that consists of one man, several wives, and the biological children of the man and the women is a(n) _____ family.


Mila told a friend that she doesn't like the way her legs look in her new volleyball uniform. She said she hates her body, and expressed a desire to lose a lot of weight. Mila's concerns likely reflect _____.

poor body image

Jenny is always friendly. When someone tells her a secret she does not tell other friends. She also is helpful and cooperates with others to get class projects done. Other students like working with Jenny. Jenny could be defined as a(n) _____ child.


What is the third stage of moral reasoning in Lawrence Kohlberg's theory?


Aptitude tests are designed to measure one's _____.

potential for learning a skill or body of knowledge

Which of the following is not an example of a control process?


John has the ability to talk informally with his friends and more formally to his teachers during class. Clearly John understands the _____.

pragmatics of his language

Latisha experienced menarche when she was 8 years old. She experienced _____.

precocious puberty

Carla is usually good because she is afraid that she will be punished if she isn't. Carla is at which level of Lawrence Kohlberg's view of moral development?


What is the first stage of moral reasoning in Lawrence Kohlberg's theory?


Adolescents are more likely than adults to choose to stay up all night, go through a day without eating, exercise in pain, or text while driving because of an immature _____.

prefrontal cortex

Rough-and-tumble play has been associated with the development of the _____ area of the brain since it helps children to regulate their emotions, practice social skills, and strengthen their bodies.

prefrontal cortex

Play can be divided into two kinds: ____ play, when a child is alone, and ____ play, which occurs with playmates.

pretend; social

A school funded by tuition charges, endowments, and often religious or other nonprofit sponsors is a _____ school.


To retain information in working memory, individuals must _____.

process the information

When parents frequently remind their children of their positive accomplishments, it is common for children to develop _____.

protective optimism

According to research, which of the following strategies could be implemented in order to encourage adolescents to make better food choices?

provide healthier selections in school vending machines

The field that uses insights into typical development to understand and remediate developmental disorders is developmental _____.


The period when children's bodies become adult in terms of size, shape, and sexuality is called _____.


How long it takes to respond to a stimulus is referred to as _____.

reaction time

Which type of aggression tends to be most characteristic of 2-year-old children?


Everywhere in the world, children are taught to _____.

read, write, and do arithmetic

Holly is taking the PIRLS, which is the main international test of _____.


Working memory is particularly important for _____.


Unrealistically high self-esteem _____ effortful control, which leads to _____ academic achievement.

reduces; lower

The preeminent psychosocial accomplishment between the ages of 2 and 6 is learning when and how to _____.

regulate emotions

To understand a child's development of gender attitudes and roles, behaviorists stress _____.

reinforcement and punishment

The health habits that children develop during the middle childhood years are _____.

related to their health in adolescence and adulthood

Three girls spread a rumor that 7-year-old Heather is a bed-wetter who still uses a pacifier. This is an example of _____ aggression.


Once the primary sexual organs begin to function, adolescents are biologically capable of _____.


The child who weathers severe family problems, even abuse, and yet emerges from those experiences unscathed is said to be ______.


What is the latest educational strategy in the United States for children who are below average in achievement to receive special help?

response to intervention

Restitution as a punishment for a transgression involves _____.

restoring what was lost

How readily past learning can be brought into working memory from long-term memory is referred to as ______.


Emma studied for the spelling test all week and spelled each of the tested words correctly. Emma's ability to do well on her spelling test was based on her ability to _____ long-term memory.

retrieve the correct spelling of words from

Play that mimics aggression through wrestling, chasing, or grabbing, but is not intended to harm, is called _____ play.


During middle childhood, children understand all of these aspects of language EXCEPT _____.


Beth is taking the TIMSS, which is the international test of _____.

science and math

Holly, age 13, notices that her hips are widening and her breasts are developing. Holly is noticing changes in her _____ sex characteristics.


According to Freud, boys in the third psychoanalytic stage of development _____.

secretly want to replace their fathers

Over the last two centuries, children have reached their adult height earlier and are taller than their ancestors. What is the official name of this phenomenon?

secular trend

While visiting an exhibit on seventeenth-century life, Hannah noticed that the adult clothing and shoes seemed to be quite small. The curator explained that current generations are taller than past generations due to _____.

secular trend

Lawrence Kohlberg's concept of preconventional morality involves _____.

seeking pleasure and avoiding punishment

Authoritarian parents often _____.

seem stern to their children

Eight-year-old Molly is able to listen to her teacher and concentrate on what she is saying even when her friends are talking around her. Molly can do this because of an improvement in _____.

selective attention

The ability to concentrate on some stimuli while ignoring others is referred to as _____.

selective attention

Children's ideas about their intelligence, personality, abilities, gender, and ethnic background form their _____.


Jared, age 5, describes himself as a good soccer player with black hair who laughs a lot. Jared's description demonstrates his developing _____.


Nine-year-old Alisha announces to her mother, I am smart, nice, and friendly, and I am so good at painting that one day I am going to sell lots of pictures. Alisha is demonstrating _____.


The memory system in which signals are held for a split second is called ______ memory.


Jill has just heard her teacher say something. The sounds produced by the teacher are first stored in Jill's _____.

sensory memory

From an information-processing approach, the memory process has three major steps. What is the correct order of this process, beginning with the first component?

sensory memory, working memory, long-term memory

Seven-year-old Hannah can arrange ten buttons in order from smallest to largest. Her understanding of _____ allows her to accomplish this.


The knowledge that things can be arranged in a logical order is the logical principle of _____.


The Common Core is a(n) _____ that was developed with backing from all 50 states in response to doubts about state-level assessments.

set of specific standards by subject and grade level

According to the DSM-5, in order for ADHD to be diagnosed, _____.

several symptoms have to begin before age 12

What article of clothing is Xavier most likely to outgrow first when he experiences the adolescent growth spurt?


According to the text, children who are home-schooled may struggle in which of the following areas?


Assessing one's abilities, achievements, social status, and other attributes by measuring them against one's peers, is called ______.

social comparison

Which of the following is crucial during middle childhood?

social comparison

Which of the following has the greatest impact on whether sexual discovery and exploration is healthy and enjoyable, or shameful and frightening?

social context

Mia and Claire are 3-year-olds at free play in their preschool. Mia has a lacy apron tied around her head like a wedding veil, and Claire has a sheer curtain tied over her shoulders like a cape. Each is holding a wand one is a stick with a star on the end, and the other is a long Tinker Toy stick with one wheel connector at the end. When asked what they're doing, Mia says, We're playing fairy. We're both fairies. What kind of play are they engaging in?

sociodramatic play

Tiara, Molly, and Maria are playing dress-up. They are all princesses and have built a castle out of cardboard boxes and colored paper. What type of play are the three girls engaging in?

sociodramatic play

With respect to sociocultural context, children from the Varanasi region in India learn what specific ability from their culture?

spatial orientation

For boys, the first ejaculation of seminal fluid is _____.


Sharon is concerned about deficiencies in her daughter Alana's diet. If Alana is a typical teen, Sharon should feed her _____.

spinach to increase her iron

Dimitri has been married before and has two biological children. He has just married Natasha, who has also been married before and has a biological son. Their family is an example of a _____ family.


Research indicates that female children who experienced a great deal of _____ while very young also experienced early puberty.


Decades of research throughout the world have found a _____ correlation between academic achievement and socioeconomic status, largely due to language.


Jordan is asked to list all of the people in his family. Jordan is being asked to report his family _____.


Children with a parent who does not have an optimal balance between emotional expression and emotional control may be likely to _____.

struggle with emotional regulation

William was doing a class report on asthma and learned that several factors may contribute to its development, including all of the following EXCEPT _____.


Ellie is 10 years old and well into puberty. She will probably experience _____.

teasing from boys her age

Data indicates a marked decline in _____ rates in most countries for the past few decades.

teen birth

Young people who are sexually exploited/abused _____.

tend to devalue themselves throughout life

Angelica is 3 years old and says frequently that she wants to marry daddy. According to psychoanalytic theory, this is a manifestation of _____.

the Electra complex

In Freudian theory, a little boy who develops sexual feelings toward his mother and becomes jealous of his father is experiencing _____.

the Oedipus complex

Which country leads the world in divorce and remarriage?

the United States

Which developed nation has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy?

the United States

Which information is most likely to be in your current working memory?

the answer to this question

For girls, the usual sequence of physical changes in puberty is _____.

the beginning of breast development, the growth spurt, and menarche

According to the text, the research on methods for teaching a second language reveals that _____.

the best approach is not clear

In most nations other than the United States, _____ make(s) decisions regarding public education.

the central government

Some teenagers seem able to skate, play basketball, or dance for hours without rest. This increased endurance is best explained by _____.

the growth of the heart and lungs

One of the benefits of children having imaginary friends is ____

the imaginary friend helps them to develop strategies for emotional control.

Professor Schuyler believes that people's brains work very much like a computer in terms of input, operations, and output. The professor believes in _____.

the information-processing perspective

Family structure refers to _____.

the legal and genetic relationships of people in a household

If a boy notices a swelling around his nipples during puberty, what is the likely cause?

the normal fluctuation of sex hormones

The first outward sign of puberty in a typical girl is _____.

the onset of nipple growth

Children usually have all of their permanent teeth by _____.

the onset of puberty

When Kitana wants her teacher to repeat a question, she asks, Would you please repeat the question? but when she needs a classmate to repeat himself, she says, Huh? This example shows that Kitana understands _____.

the pragmatics of language

The Piagetian stage of development that is similar to Lawrence Kohlberg's stage of preconventional morality is _____.

the preoperational stage

The family stress model illustrates that _____.

the reaction to family poverty is crucial

The crucial element in Lawrence Kohlberg's assessment of moral stages is ______.

the reasons given

One problem with smaller school class sizes is that _____.

the research supporting their advantages is mixed

Each state in the U.S. selects and educates gifted and talented students. Across the country _____.

the selection and education process can be different

Which change contributes to an adolescent's lessening susceptibility toward respiratory infections?

the shrinkage of the lymphoid system

Freud's term for the formation of a conscience that internalizes parental morals is _____.

the superego

Lawrence Kohlberg's theory has been criticized because his _____.

theory does not take into account cultural differences

According to the text, sociodramatic play may help children to develop _____.

theory of mind

Howard Gardner proposed that _____.

there are multiple intelligences

Metacognition refers to _____.

thinking about one's thinking processes

Metacognition is _____.

thinking about thinking

Karlene has just required her 4-year-old daughter to sit quietly, without toys or any form of play, for a few minutes after her daughter deliberately poured juice on the floor. This is an example of _____.


The most common discipline technique for a child's misbehavior that North American parents use with preschool children is _____.


During the adolescent growth spurt, what is/are the last part(s) of the body to grow?


Since 1980 the rate of childhood asthma in the United States has _____.


About one father in ____ has physical custody of his children and raises them without their mother or a new wife.


About _____ of the variation in age of puberty is determined by genes.


Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky differed over the most important factors in a child's cognitive development. In general, Piaget described _____; Vygotsky noted ______.

universal changes; cultural impact

Just as monkeys do in their rough-and-tumble play, human children _____.

use a play face

Girls who bully typically _____.

use words to attack

According to the text, what method has been effective in stopping bullying in schools?

using a whole-school strategy

Today's children, especially those living in urban areas, spend more time _____ than playing outdoors.

using electronic media

Alisha's family is experiencing multiple problems, including her mother's illness, her father's loss of employment, and two relatives moving into their home. Despite the stress of home life, Alisha does attend weekly church and feels welcomed by the congregation. Overall, Alisha seems to be doing fairly well despite her home life. Alisha may be _____.

using religion as a source of support

While literacy and numeracy are valued in every school, curriculum specifics _____.

vary by place and culture

John has repeatedly been calling Joe names. John also teases Joe about his haircut and his clothes. The type of bullying that John is displaying is _____.


By the end of middle childhood, the capacity of long-term memory is _____.

virtually limitless

Which activity, when a daily part of a child's life, is most associated with health problems later in life?

watching about 4 hours of TV

During a boy's puberty, the growth spurt sequence typically occurs in this order.

weight, height, muscles

New concepts are best learned when they are connected to _____.

what is already known about a subject

Mr. Cortez had a good conversation about the fairness of restitution and retribution with 9-year-old Sherrod. The next day, Sherrod still thought retribution was the fairest. Scientific study shows us that this MOST likely means that talking about moral values with children _____.

will not bring about immediate change

Research shows that a child is most likely to be a victim of bullying if the child is _____.


Olivia is an extremely timid and anxious 8-year-old girl. Other children seem to dislike her. She appears to be a(n) _____.

withdrawn-rejected child

The component of the information-processing system in which current conscious mental activity occurs is the _____.

working memory

Tony came to walk with Jos to school. When Jos saw Tony's notebook in his backpack, Jos rushed back into his house to retrieve his own notebook, which contained his homework. Jos 's sensation upon seeing Tony's notebook became a perception, which triggered Jos 's _____.

working memory

Unhappiness with one's physical appearance is a _____ phenomenon.


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2.02 Mix and Match (Nature of Product Mix)

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New Testament Survey: Chapter 11: John

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