Exam 3 Review

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From the U.N. report

"Some countries—the US, for example—are tolerant of inequality, as can be seen for example in how the US has a less progressive tax system, less public spending to benefit the poorer off, and limited employment rights in comparison to European countries."

Normative Values

"The way the world ought to be"; include active responsibility, peaceful social life, respect, and solidarity

Operational Values

"the way restorative programmes should function"; include amends, assistance, collaboration, empowerment, encounter, inclusion, moral education, protection, and resolution

Conduct in war (jus in bello)

(1) Discrimination, attack on military objectives, not civilians (2) Proportionality, foreseen unintended harm must be proportionate to military advantage achieved (3) Necessity, use least harmful means

Resort to war (jus ad bellum)

(1) Just cause, attempt to avert injury? (2) Legitimate authority (3) Right intention, achieve just cause (4) Reasonable prospects of success (5) Proportionality, weighted goods greater that weighed the bads (6) Last resort, no less harmful way

rising inequality in distribution of income

Across the globe, except in some Asian countries the gap in earnings between the top 10 percent and the bottom 10 percent has increased. The gap between the top 1 percent and the bottom 1 percent has grown even wider. In some Asian countries, the rise in income for the wealthy has been accompanied by some reduction in extreme poverty

Creation of a social justice movement

Activists rallied to stop the government of North Carolina from dumping 120 million pounds of soil contaminated with PCBs in that county

Emancipatory social science

An area of study that seeks to generate knowledge relevant to the collective project of challenging human oppression and creating the conditions in which people can live flourishing lives

Cutting through 'the fog of war'

An important point to remember from the reading 'War,' (Stanford), is how people are inclined to view actual conflicts through the lens of their own political allegiance

industrialization, militarization and consumer practices

Causes of environmental racism


Communities with low levels of voting behavior, home ownership, wealth and disposable income are more vulnerable to high concentrations of polluting facilities; these characteristics are sadly often correlated with race

restrictive; expansive

Definition of restorative justice usually falls into two categories, a more _________ category or a more _________ category

Democratic Socialism Is Not The Same As Regular Socialism

Democratic socialists have historically rejected the belief that the economy should be centrally planned (a centrally-planned economy is a socialist keystone belief). Instead, democratic socialism believes that some parts of society may be better if they are democratically planned: mass transit, medical care, minimum wage, etc. Democratic socialism still believes the capitalist market is best for consumer goods and services

environmental policy in future

Determine whether more attention should be paid to managing the siting process; if disparities are inevitable because poor people and people of color tend to relocate to areas where such sites are located, perhaps more attention should be paid to disparity in the housing market

rising inequality in distribution of assets

Distribution of assets, capital, is increasingly skewed toward those at top of the socio-economic ladder. Almost everywhere, the position of the "haves" in society is strengthened by the evolution of a tax system that benefits the owners of capital. (Capital is defined as money or assets available to start a company or investing.)


Environmental racism became an issue in _______

Negative Diagnosis

Erik Olin Wright also points to examples where utopian longings were not constructive examples of interstitial transformation; one such negative diagnosis was many hippy communes of the 1960s and 70s. He writes, "They functioned more as escapes from the realities of capitalist society than as nodes of radical transformation"

Effect on Flint's children

Exposed nearly 30,000 schoolchildren to a neurotoxin known to have detrimental effects on children's developing brains and nervous systems. Requests for special education or behavioral interventions began rising in 2015, when the water contamination became public, bolstering a class-action lawsuit that demanded more resources for Flint's children; that lawsuit forced the state to establish the $3 million Neurodevelopmental Center of Excellence, which began screening students. The screenings then confirmed a range of disabilities, which have prompted still more requests for intervention; the percentage of the city's students who qualify for special education services has nearly doubled, to 28 percent, from 15 percent the year the lead crisis began, and the city's screening center received more than 1,300 referrals from December 2018 through December 2019. About 70 percent of the students evaluated have required school accommodations for issues like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as A.D.H.D.; dyslexia; or mild intellectual impairment

Flint water crisis: how it happened

Flint, Michigan, is 57% black, 37% white, 4% Latino and 4% mixed race; more than 41% of its residents live below the poverty level, according to the U.S. Census; the state took over the city's budget and decided to temporarily switch Flint's water source in April 2014 from Lake Huron to the Flint River to save money until a new supply line to Lake Huron was ready; the river, however, was long-known as befouled. Locals call it the "General Motors sewer."; because so many service lines to Flint are made of lead, the noxious element leached into the water of the city's homes. Corrosion of rusted pipes from more acidic water led to elevated lead levels in tap water; the city switched back to the Lake Huron water supply in October, but the damage was already done to the lead pipes. Flint officials didn't use common corrosion control methods that Detroit and many other cities use in their water systems. Those methods include adding phosphates to the water, which help keep lead from dissolving into the water flowing through the pipes.

Evaluations of restorative justice

Greater satisfaction for the offender, as well as the victim, than with court process; offenders are more likely to complete their obligations; victims feel more secure; offenders feel more empathy towards the victims and have a greater understanding of the impact of their actions; they are also less likely to commit criminal acts again in the future


Hundreds of studies have concluded that ethnic minorities, indigenous persons, people of color, and low-income communities confront a (lower/higher) burden of exposure from air, water, and soil pollution

interstitial transformation

If _____________ _____________ is to occur, it will be a trajectory of victories and defeats, winners and losers, not simply of compromise and cooperation between differing interests and classes

Three key underlying assumptions of ruptural transformation

If at all feasible, ruptural transformation will not take the form of an insurrection and violent overthrow. It will work through the existing, imperfect state machinery; It would have to be supported by a substantial majority of the population; Socialism cannot be sustainable for the long run if the material conditions and material interests of life for the majority of the people are worse than under capitalism


In 1983, the General Accounting Office (GAO) documented that ________ communities in the U.S. south were home to a disproportionately high number of waste sites

toxic waste

In 1987, the United Church of Christ's Commission for Racial Justice released a study called "Toxic Waste and Race in the United States" which mapped discriminatory siting of _________ _______ facilities across the U.S.

Rise of Environmental Justice

In 1992, scholars Paul Mohai and Bunyon Bryant at the University of Michigan performed a meta-analysis of 16 empirical studies on race and class disparities in distribution of environmental hazards. In 6 of 9 studies, race was a more important predictor of the site of these hazards; as recently as February (Black History Month) 2018, the EPA released a study showing African Americans are more likely to live near landfills and industrial plants that pollute water and air and erode quality of life. Because of this, black Americans are three times more likely to die from exposure to air pollutants than their white counterparts. (Second reading from The Atlantic, April 12, 2018.)

Democratic Socialism Is Not Communism

In Karl Marx's writing, he often used the terms "socialism" and "communism" interchangeably. Many still do today in the Marxist movements, but outside of that, most people see Communism as the political structure of the (now-separated) USSR and China. Marxist communism is impossible to enact wholly, so these regimes did not represent true Marxism. Even so, they are much closer to Marxist communism than to democratic socialism

Contemporary examples of interstitial transformation

Include producer-and-consumer coops, battered women's shelters, factory worker councils, intentional communities, civic environmental council, community-controlled land trusts

Restorative justice is built upon these

Inclusion, encountering, making amends, reintegration

United Nations: Rising Inequalities

Income inequalities widened sharply in the last quarter of the 20thcentury (1975-1999), reversing what had been a steady trend since the end of World War II in reduction of income disparity; this is the first of trends in six major areas of inequality among people; it is an income distribution

Democratic Socialism Is Not Marxism

It is not in favor of "workers owning the means of production," which is one of the most important aspects of Marxism. Marxism would replace the corporate ownership of business and would hand the companies to the workers to manage and control. This eliminates the capitalist structure, something democratic socialism does not do.

among the 25 rolled back air pollution and emission rules

Loosened the Clinton-era rule designed to limit toxic emission from major industrial polluters; revised permitting program designed to safeguard communities from increases in pollution from new power plants, which makes it easier for them to avoid emissions regulations; amended rules that govern how refineries monitor pollution in surrounding communities; stopped enforcing a 2015 rule that prohibited the use of hydrofluorocarbons, powerful greenhouse gases, in air- conditioners and refrigerators

International complications of environmental racism

On Aug. 31, 15,000 tons of toxic incinerator ash left Philadelphia aboard the vessel Khian Sea, which headed to the Bahamas; however, it was turned away and spent 14 months at sea as countries such as Honduras, Bermuda and the Dominican Republic refused to accept its cargo. In January 1988, 4000 tons of the toxic ash was dumped on a beach near the Haitian city of Gonaives. The ship left quietly in the night before the Haitians realized that the ash wasn't fertilizer as promised; municipalities across the United States pay to have its waste dumped in many Third World countries, many in Africa.

Costs of drone strikes/warfare

Reaper MQ-9 (shown) $17 million; hellfire missiles, $110,00 each; paveway II bombs, $1.5 million each; loaded with a full arsenal of weapons, and including the cost of preparation and maintenance, each Reaper mission can cost up to $62 million; from 2013-2018, spending on U.S. military drones and their weapons (400 line items) was $34.6 billion; rationale: Drones "are cheaper than soldiers."

Main ideas of restorative justice

Reconciliation, community, victim, offender; repairing the harm that committing crimes causes; deciding what the best form of encounter is for each of the parties to repair that harm; repairing this harm can cause transformation in people and their relationships with others, as well as in the community

Wright's four reasons to discuss ruptured transformation

Ruptural transformation appeals to young activists, it helps us understand the difference between "revolution and "reform" strategies, the logic of ruptural transformation to address power, privilege and inequality need not be restricted to "total" rupture of all social systems, we need to understand them because we do not know what the future holds and that this concept might be a reality.

Water protections rolled back since 2017

Scaled back pollution protections for certain tributaries and wetlands that were regulated under the Clean Water Act by the Obama administration; revoked a rule that prevented coal companies from dumping mining debris into local streams; withdrew a proposed rule aimed at reducing pollutants, including air pollution, at sewage treatment plants; withdrew a proposed rule requiring groundwater protections for certain uranium mines

Dominic Duren

Served 12 years in prison; Duren became a client of the national pilot re-entry program housed in Cincinnati's St. Vincent de Paul Society and was later hired to coordinate it; while in prison, Duren was able to learn data entry and earn his associate's degree in business administration


Short-term exposure can cause skin conditions, irritation of the eyes; long-term exposure to high levels can cause respiratory tract symptoms, damage liver and gastrointestinal function, cause neurobehavioral and immunological changes in children, reduced fertility in women leading to miscarriage, reduced birth weights of babies, and cancer; used until 1977 in coolants, lubricants, transformers, they are no longer produced in the United States but can still be found in our environment

Trajectories of material conditions

Socialism fantasy path: would bring immediate improvement in material conditions for the median person. Redistribution so large it would overwhelm short-term economic decline in transition; Socialism optimistic path: recognizes rupture with capitalism would entail significant economic disruption and thus personal sacrifice; Socialism pessimistic path: Disruption of capitalism causes economic collapse, system never recovers, standard of living below capitalism, socialism simply undesirable.

Race vs. Class

Some controversy does exist in the debate of "race versus class." Who is more disproportionately harmed by environmental degradation? Mohai has argued that both are in play; yet an increasing body of academic work shows that racial discrimination leads governments and companies to place polluting facilities, like landfills, power plants and truck routes, in black and Hispanic communities. Race is not the only factor in environmental inequality — poorer people experience more pollution than wealthier people. But for blacks, race trumps income. Middle-class blacks experience higher levels of pollution than low-income whites. (New York Times, April 3, 2018)

Summary facts of interstitial transformation

Supporters of interstitial transformation within capitalism say such transformations bring into capitalism visturs of society beyond it; interstitial transformations within capitalism hit binding constraints; capitalism already has been transformed by these transformations in such areas as worker and consumer cooperatives (it is a cooperative businesses owned by its customers for their mutual benefit; it is free enterprise oriented toward service rather than profit"

Erik Olin Wright

Taught at University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1976-2018. Died Jan 23, 2019, at age 71. Wright, like Karl Marx, believed in the importance of imagining alternatives to capitalism, and in his 2010 book, Envisioning Real Utopias, he argued for putting "the social back into socialism" and offered democratic and egalitarian alternatives to the capitalist system; "To a much greater degree than most, his research was motivated by a fundamental desire to try to make the world a better place," said UW Sociology Department Chair James Raymo.

environmental justice

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines ___________ ___________ as "fair treatment... so that no population, due to policy or economic disempowerment, is forced to bear a disproportionate share of the negative human health or environmental impacts of pollution or environmental consequences resulting from industrial, municipal or commercial operations."


The free online encyclopedia is an example of interstitial transformation; its designers built an "alternative non-capitalist form of knowledge production within the space of the Internet."

spread of global culture of consumption, competition and greed

The indications are that social justice is receding, both as an object of government and a feature of societies. Taking into account the increase of absolute poverty, especially in affluent countries, it is apparent the world is experiencing overall social regression - at least as measured by traditional yardsticks of the founding texts of the United Nations. The culprits are...

Industrial Workers of the World

The preamble of the constitution of the _____________ __________ _________ ________ _______ proclaimed: "By organizing industrically we are forming the structure of a new society within the shell of the old" It formed in the early 20th century in the U.S.

Van Ness Reading

The system focused on punishing offenders for the crimes they committed and left out the victims, "the parties most affected"; critiques of the criminal justice system include "societal responses to crime" reflecting values of "control and punishment"

More opportunities for few, underemployment for the many

There is a difference between opportunity and work. Opportunity consists of higher paying jobs, worker rights and advancement. Work is often powerless. Researchers of the U.S. economy now say "underemployment" has replaced "unemployment" as the main influence on wages in the years since the Great Recession; people who are underemployed, typically in lower-paying positions, become a wage-buffer for employers. Rather than hire more people and, in the face of competition, offer more money, they can provide additional hours to part-time people who badly want more work. Those people don't have the flexibility to demand more money. They take the hours they can get or risk losing the ones they've had. (Source for graphic at right: U.S. Chamber of Commerce)

Restorative outcomes

These are ways that the offender can chose to make amends: offering a sincere apology, restitution (repaying the victim through financial means, returning property, or providing services to the victim), community service work

Democratic Socialism is Not A Replacement For Capitalism

True socialism would replace the capitalist economy we live in now and replace it fully with a socialist one. While this is the dream of Marxists and socialists everywhere, this is not the plan under democratic socialism. Democratic socialism would instead put more restrictions on corporations and owners. This would include limitations on how much more money a CEO can make compared to their employees, and granting employees more rights and higher minimum wage.

95; 25; 19; 10

Trump administration rolls back ___ EPA rules. Among them, there are ____ that limited air pollution and emissions. _____ limiting drilling and extraction, including fracking. ____ designed to have protected drinking water from pollution

interstitial and symbiotic strategies

Two approaches to the problem of transformation as metamorphosis

Exporting poison and grabarge

Waste from the United States, Canada and European nations ends up in many developing countries: such as Pakistan, Vietnam, Somalia, Ghana, Nigeria, even India and China; Bangladesh (photo, right) has a running history of being a dumping ground for everything from plastic waste and asbestos to defective steel, waste oil, lead waste and used batteries from different countries; according to studies by the Environment and Social Development Organization, more than 83% of child workers are exposed to toxic substances related to e-waste recycling in Bangladesh. As a result, over 15% of these children die each year

The killing machines

We are tangled in legal and moral knots over the drone, a weapon that can find and strike a single target, often a single individual, via remote control; not vaporizing entire cities with nuclear weapons. Yet willfully pinpointing a human being and executing that human being from afar 'distills war to a single ghastly act.'; first known drone strike carried out Nov. 4, 2002, fired a missile over Yemen and killed an al-Qaeda leader responsible for attack on USS Cole. Thousands killed since; 'The Kill List.' President Obama held weekly counterterror meetings and presented a list of potential targets, mostly al-Qaeda or Taliban. As technology improves, even supporters fear it's getting 'out of control.'

Inequalities in health care, social security and environmental dangers

We have talked at length about environmental racism and classism. Developed countries pollute the most; we have discussed access to health care and cuts in public health; social Security: Systems worldwide are under duress. In U.S. Republican lawmakers call it an "entitlement." It's something workers pay into as a retirement fund or to provide income for survivors or the disabled.

restorative justice

When __________ _________ emerged, faults within the criminal justice system were evident

Uneven opportunity for quality education in the information age

While access to information has increased because of the internet, access to quality education is becoming more expensive and harder to obtain for many people. "Education is increasingly being treated as merchandise and pupils as customers."; average student loan debt in the US has grown from $18,650 in 2004 to $38,000 in 2017. From 2007 through 2017,the number of people 60 and older paying of student loan debt has risen from 700,000 to 2.8 million

Distribution of access to opportunities in political and civic life

Worldwide, U.N. reports, numbers of factors discourage or prevent organized and effective political participation; governments increasingly see a role as maintaining law and order. Increasing power of corporate structure. Escalating violence worldwide that prevents political and civic participation in the necessary peaceful environment


Wright and many other sociologists believe __________ is responsible for social problems, ranging from poverty to climate change

ruptural transformation

Wright argues that even critics of capitalism would imagine that an overthrow of the state in developed capitalist countries is a plausible strategy. In contemporary language, people who speak of "revolution" and "burning it all down" are speaking of ________________ _____________

Social emancipation

___________ __________ must, in some way, involve and engage the state; that leads us to the core idea of symbiotic transformations


____________ transformations should not ignore the state envisioned by these strategies, nor can they realistically smash the state as envisioned by ruptural strategies

Social emancipation

a challenge to exploitation and dominance, inequality and privilege, and thus emancipatory change requires struggles over power and confrontations with dominant classes and elites

restorative justice

a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused or revealed by crimes that is best accomplished through inclusive & cooperative processes

Victim offender mediation

a trained facilitator prepared and brought together a victim and offender to discuss the crime, the harm that resulted, and the steps needed to make things right


all parties should be included


an economic structure within which the means of production are owned by the state and the allocation and use of resources for different social purposes is accomplished through the exercise of state power; officials control the investment process and production through some sort of state-administrative mechanism


an economic structure within which the means of production are privately owned and the allocation and use of resources for different social purposes is accomplished through the exercise of economic power. Investments and the control of production are the result of the exercise of economic power by owners of capital


an economic structure within which the means of production are socially owned and the allocation and use of resources for different social purposes is accomplished through the exercise of "social power."


an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens; The opposite is a dystopia; one could also say that it is a perfect "place" that has been designed so there are no problems


an intervening space, a very small one (noun)

symbiotic relationship

both parties mutually benefit


control & choice, harm, shame, responsibility, apology


control & choice, harm, shame, responsibility, forgiveness

Warren county

county in North Carolina with highest proportion of african american population

Justice or not?

debate still exists among environmentalists on whether they should attempt to address social justice issues or focus on what they can influence


denoting or relating to a value or quantity lying at the midpoint of a frequency distribution of observed values or quantities, such that there is an equal probability of falling above or below it


each of the parties reintegrate into their community


even more inclusive than the previous two steps; anyone from the community is welcome to participate The participants that choose to join "sit in a circle, with discussion moving clockwise from person to person until the participants have arrived at a resolution"


even when facts are known, its now always clear what to do next; addressing these widespread injustices involve complex and ___________ interventions


focuses first on moral reasoning, telling groups or institutions to act on moral reasons; focus is not on institutions that govern interactions but on interactions themselves


harm, shame, responsibility, apology-forgiveness


having an encounter with other party

Interstitial transformation

if ruptural transformation is implausible, the only real alternative is a strategy relying on relatively small transformations that cumulative generate a qualitative shift; this does not imply the transformation is smooth or without conflict and transcendental of antagonistic interests



Interstitial strategies

largely bypass the state (government) while pursuing social change


legalists; see that war can be moral in the context of international law - national defense, defense of other states, or to avert 'crimes that shock the moral conscience of mankind.'


more people are involved; family members or friends of the victim and the offender as well as representatives of the criminal justice system are invited


mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups

Restorative justice values

normative and operational values


of, forming, occupying interstices (adjective)


philosophers' primary goal is to establish what the institutions regulating war should be




question moral standing of states to declare war, prefer humanitarian intervention, individuals should follow conscience not law, lay down their arms

Tyra Patterson

spent 23 years in prison wrongly incarcerated; achieved all of her 5-year goals within 1 year of being released from prison; the education consisted of "learning to read and write and completing a GED," as well as "earning a steam engineer's license and a paralegal certificate"; she was applying for a Soros Justice Fellowship to create a program that would provide more people coming out of prison with reentry mentors

Symbiotic strategies

systematically try to use (work with) the state to advance the process of emancipatory social empowerment


the doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities

steps in restorative justice

victim offender mediation, conferencing, circles

Making amends

with the parties that received harm

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