Exam 3 sociology

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a set of beliefs about the claimed superiority of one racial or ethnic group


a term used when gender identity and/or expression aligns with the sex assigned at birth

Which racial or ethnic group has the highest percentage of federal crack-cocaine offenders?



involuntary separation of groups by legal or social means, based on race or ethnicity

discrimination example

A woman is paid less than her male co-worker for the same job.


a term used when gender identity and/or expression is different from the sex assigned at birth

Structural Functionalism

approach suggests that social inequality is a necessary part of society.

Conflict Theory

approach suggests that the poor and rich have different interests and may find themselves at odds as they attempt to secure and protect these interests.

Symbolic Interactionism

approach suggests that we develop everyday class consciousness as a way to distinguish the status of others.

Which term is used to describe a person whose chromosomes or sex characteristics are neither exclusively male nor exclusively female?



a term used when gender identity and/or expression differs from societal expectations about gender roles


an inflexible attitude about a particular group of people that is rooted in generalizations or stereotypes

The American achievement ideology suggests that people who are not successful did not work hard enough.

Social stratification is maintained through beliefs that are widely shared by members of society.


merging into the larger culture and shedding one's separate identity

Which of the following statements about minority groups are correct?

- A minority group is a social group that is systematically denied the same access to power and resources available to society's dominant groups. -Membership in a minority group may serve as a kind of "master status" that overrides any other status, such as gender or age

Identify the statements about the social construction of race.

- The definition of race changes over time as racial categories are contested and developed. - Sociologists understand race as a social rather than a biological category. - The concept of passing suggests race is socially constructed.

Identify each corporate diversity initiative as more likely to succeed, based on sociological research.

-A college recruitment program involves offering internships to students at colleges in the region. -A voluntary diversity program is made available to all employees during their paid hours.

What events happened during the second wave?

-It was associated with Betty Friedan. -Its main causes were equal access to education and employment. -Its key event was the establishment of the National Organization for Women.

What events happened during the third wave?

-It was associated with Betty Friedan. -Its main causes were equal access to education and employment. -Its key event was the establishment of the National Organization for Women.

What events happened during the first wave?

-Its key event was a convention held in Seneca Falls, New York.-Its main cause was the campaign to win the vote for women, or the suffrage movement.-It was associated with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.

Identify the true and false statements about race and ethnicity.

-The U.S. federal government considers African American and Asian as races, while Hispanic or Latino are considered ethnicities. -Race is typically associated with physical differences, while ethnicity is associated with language, religion, or other cultural factors.

Identify the characteristics of a geographic area that is associated with high levels of social mobility.

-better schools -greater social capital -less income inequality -greater family stability -less residential segregation

Identify the observed phenomena that call into question the biological binary male/female sex distinction.

-children born with ambiguous genitalia -women with male secondary sex characteristics

Identify the statements that reflect changes in Americans' attitudes over recent years.

-discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities is a big problem -police are more prone to use excessive force on Black Americans

Which of the following is an example of passing?

A college student works hard to change her accent, style of dress, and even purchases a "miracle skin-whitening cream" in attempt to disguise her ethnic origin.

example of horizontal social mobility

A registered nurse leaves nursing to become a high school teacher.

example of vertical social mobility

A retail store cashier gets a job as a manager.

symbolic ethnicity

A teenager acknowledges her Irish heritage by wearing green, participating in a parade, and eating corned beef and cabbage only on St. Patrick's Day.

example of the American Dream Ideology

Anyone can go from rags to riches if they work hard enough. Living the good life: yacht, vacation, money!

Conflict Theory in terms of Gender

Because of the traditional division of labor in families, males have had more access to resources and privileges and have sought to maintain their dominance

hegemonic masculinity example

Car advertisements usually feature men who are heterosexual, economically successful, and physically fit.

Gender is the most important characteristic of stratification in more traditional societies.

Different societies use different criteria for ranking their members.

Symbolic Interactionism in terms of Gender

Gender is learned through the process of socialization; gender inequalities are reproduced through interactions with family, peers, schools, and the media

Sociologist Arlie Rothchild has studied how two-parent households handle the division of labor for the many tasks of domestic life. In the context of her studies of gender norms and household labor, what does "second shift" refer to?

It refers to the after work homemaking chores of a wage earning wife

Sociologist Sara Goldrick-Rab and her colleagues at the Wisconsin HOPE Center have conducted the largest-ever studies of the experiences of college students with food an housing insecurity. Identify the groups that faced higher levels of food and housing insecurity.

Higher levels:community college students, compared to university students women, compared to men LGBTQ students, compared to heterosexual students

Toxic Masculinity example

In 2014, Elliot Rodger wrote a 140-page manifesto linking himself to the incel movement, before killing six people and injuring fourteen more in Isla Vista, California (near the University of California, Santa Barbara), and then killing himself.

Conflict Theroy

Racial and ethnic differences create intergroup conflict; minority and majority groups have different interests and may find themselves at odds as they attempt to secure and protect their interest


Romantic, sexual, or marital relationships between people of different races

Structural Functionalism in terms of Gender

Sex determines which roles men and women are best suited to perform.

Mark Zuckerberg is likely to pass down his wealth to his children.

Social stratification persists over generations.


Status within the hierarchy is inherited and cannot be changed.

Which racist claim is a distinctive feature of white nationalism?

The country should be built around white identity


Under this system, people can be bought and sold like any other commodity.

A white man places a rental property that he owns on Craigslist to rent it out for the next year. He receives two very promising applications from individuals who both are college educated and hold well-paying jobs. He decides not to rent his house to the first applicant simply because he is Arab American and rents it to the second applicant, who is white. What is this an example of?



engaged coexistence of distinct racial or ethnic groups

True or False: Max Weber suggests that wealth, power, and prestige must all be attained to reach upper-class status and any individual aspect of social class cannot be converted into another.


True or False: Sociologists accept the notion that race has an objective or scientific meaning but also seek to understand why race continues to play such a critical role in society.


Textbooks often still contain sexist language and gender stereotypes. In the social structure of the school itself, women tend to be concentrated at the lower levels, as teachers and aides, while men tend to occupy upper-management and administrative positions. Of which concept are these alternative forms?

gender role socialization

Place each racial and ethnic group in the United States in order of its percentage of members over age twenty-five with bachelor's degrees, from lowest to highest.

hispanics, blacks, whites, and asians

What term describes the division of society into groups arranged in a social hierarchy?

social stratification


unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a social group

Identify the statements about race that are true.

-There is no race chromosome in our DNA. -Race is a social construct.

Barack Obama was able to become president of the United States despite African Americans generally holding a lower status than whites in the United States.

Social stratification is a characteristic of a society, not of individual differences.

situational ethnicity

A woman's grandparents were immigrants from Syria to the United States. She used to live in rural Oklahoma where she worked hard to disguise her ethnic heritage for fear of negative attitudes toward her. She recently moved to Dearborn, Michigan where there is a large population of Arab Americans and she has now begun taking pride in her ethnic heritage.

Identify each high school student as more likely to come from a middle-income family or a lower-income family.

Middle income:Mike worked with a tutor at home to prepare his college application materials. lower:Amalia's high school offers just one Advanced Placement class. Kia's three older siblings did not go to college. Diann's parents taught her to show respect by doing her work quietly and not asking questions.

gender expressions

an individual's behavioral manifestations of gender

gender identity

an individual's self-definition or sense of gender

neither situational or symbolic ethnicity

A young man moves with his family to the United States from Ecuador. They continue to participate in traditional Ecuadorian cultural activities at home (food, dress, language, etc.) but also try to assimilate in the community. However, they have no intentions of hiding their heritage from anyone.

social class

In this system, groups of people are distinguished by access to resources such as wealth, property, power, and prestige.

Identify each item as an example of either income or wealth.

Income: royalty check for writing a novel, social security checks wealth: stock and bonds, money in a 401(k) account, a house

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