Exam 3 Study Cards, World Civilizations Chapters 9 - 12

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Where was the capital of the Kushan Kingdom located?


Nara and Heian were modeled on the city of


In addition to Roman and Christian traditions, which other cultural influence was most important in shaping early medieval Europe?

Germanic tribes

What was the last of the Muslim kingdoms in medieval Spain?


The earliest known Neolithic inhabitants of Japan are known as the


Because of the threat of the Khitan nomads, the first capital of the Song dynasty was _____, and additional threats from the north later forced the Song to move the capital to _____.

Kaifeng / Hangzhou

Who was the greatest of the Kushan rulers?


The Turkish-speaking tribal group that ultimately overthrew the Tang were the


The Buddhists who applied the term "lesser vehicle" to their rivals were eventually known as


Islam was spread through parts of India by the military advances of

Mahmud of Ghazni

In 800, Charlemagne was crowned

Roman Emperor

The four Japanese islands are

Shikoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido, and Honshu

Most Indian Hindus

adopted the Muslim custom of purdah

The Sui Dynasty

completed the new Grand Canal system linking the Yellow and the Yangtze river valleys

All of the following contributed to the fall of the Tang except

invasion by the Mongols

Medieval European cities ended to rely on _____ for drinking water


Indian religious groups

were strikingly different

The incursions of the Scandinavian Vikings into other parts of Europe

were successful because their ships had a shallow draft, allowing them to sail far up rivers


were supported by the income from a fief of land

The transformation of Brahmanism into Hinduism was complete by the end of the

1st millennium CE

Over the course of the three centuries after the fall of the Han and before the rise of the Sui Dynasty,

Buddhism developed a much wider following among the Chinese people

Which of the following was not a factor in the decline of Buddhism in India?

Buddhism's reinforcement of the Indian caste system

As a result of early Tang rule,

Buddhist influence helped to produce a blossoming of Chinese culture

Known as "the way of the warrior," the strict code of the Japanese retainer was called


The early Frankish king and representative of the Merovingian dynasty was


India's "golden age" is traditionally associated with the

Gupta dynasty

The "shogunate system" was established by

Minamoto Yoritomo

Of the following Chinese dynasties, which one was the most recent?


When Marco Polo visited China the country was under the control of the


Which of the following did not invade Europe during the 9th and 10th centuries?


The two early Japanese capitals were _____ and _____.

Nara, Heian

In reaction to the Tang infiltration into the Korean Peninsula,

Shotoku Taishi made contacts with Tang rulers in order to adopt Chinese governing methods

Rice became the main food crop in china during which dynasty?


The Mongol khan from Samarkand who attacked the Islamic state of the Tughluq Dynasty was


One of the main reasons for the demise of the Tang Dynasty was its inability to effectively solve the problem of land distribution. Which of the following statements can serve as a valid explanation for this policy failure?

The increasing concentration of land in the hands of the rich and politically influential, coupled with rising food production, led to increasing pressure on the land distribution system

Islam was introduced to north-western India by _____ peoples


The name given to the Asian region northwest of traditional China that was pacified by the Tang was


The so-called "seventeen-article constitution" involved

a centralized government under a supreme ruler and a merit system

In rural India,

a great deal of cotton was grown; more, indeed than anywhere else

With the increase in trade and urban activities during the Tang and Song eras,

a landed gentry class assumed a position of social and economic dominance

During the Middle Ages, the Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe

adopted either Catholic or Orthodox Christianity, depending on their geographic settlement

The practice of 'sati'

affected only upper-class women

Wu Zhao

became empress of China

Most historians tend to agree that the term 'feudalism'

can be a useful tool for the comparative study of societies

Japanese creation stories

connected the physical creation of Japan with the emergence of the imperial line

The early medieval church in the West

developed a more organized monastic structure under Saint Benedict

The 7th century Japanese constitution

exhibits important Confucian influences

State Confucianism

expressed a traditional, activist element in Chinese philosophy

The piece of land that provided the feudal vassal's economic support was the



founded a new religious movement, although he had originally tried to integrate Hindu and Muslim ideas and practices

The essence of the "shogunate system" was that

governmental power became centralized under shogun, while the emperor ruled in name only

Civil service examinations

heavily favored aristocrats during the Tang dynasty

In the Chinese civil service examination system,

in comparison to other civilizations, the process provided a means for upward social mobility

Aristocratic medieval women

in unusual circumstances, could play a major role, as did Eleanor of Aquitaine

Monasticism in medieval Europe

included women, many of whom belonged to royal families

Which of the following statements is not a valid observation about the Sui Dynasty

it permanently incorporated Korea into the Chinese domain

Charlemagne's Carolingian Empire accomplished all of the following except

it restored an urban economy based upon the use of money

Which of the following describes the Kushan kingdom?

it was an important intermediary in the Rome-China trade along the Silk Road

The Japanese word that refers to the "divine wind" of the massive typhoon that destroyed the invading Mongol fleet of Khubilai Khan is


The personal element of Feudalism was most symbolized in the relationships involving

lords and vassals

In the Chinese civil service examination system

many candidates who passed the first examination did not go on to a higher level

Feudalism refers to a

medieval trade of land use for military service

Which of the following was not a characteristic of Japanese samurai?

member of one of the three classes of commoners

Medieval town populations were primarily comprised of

merchants and artisans

In terms of its relations with neighboring powers, the Song

met their ultimate demise at the hands of the Mongols

The new class of Japanese military officials and retainers whose purpose was to protect their patrons and their property was the


Who were the Asian people, defeated at the Battle of Lechfeld, who became Christians and went on to establish the Kingdom of Hungary?

the Magyars

In the divisions within Buddhism, those who followed the school of Theravada believed in

the importance of strict attention to personal behavior as a means to escape the 'wheel of life.'

Which of the following is true of the Japanese islands

the nearness to the Asian and Pacific tectonic plates causes it to be subject to violent earthquakes

Where did the dominant power in Medieval European society come from?

the nobility

After the death of Shotuku Taishi,

the unequal availability of the civil service examinations enabled the aristocracy to dominate the government

Which of the following was accomplished by medieval Christian monasteries?

they served as centers of learning


tried to blend Islam and Hinduism

All of the following were true of the Kushan Kingdom except

under King Kanishka, Buddhism was outlawed and destroyed

Shotuku Taishi

used Chinese political procedures to strengthen Japanese unity to resist Chinese power

Mahayana Buddhism

was a reinterpretation of Buddhism as a religion rather than a philosophy

All of the following are correct regarding the development of fief-holding except it

was a result of the Church's attempt to give serfs and peasants more social mobility

The Kushan kingdom

was an important conduit for Buddhism from India to China

Agriculture in Japan

was fundamentally changed by the introduction of rice cultivation about 400 B.C.E.

The Chinese civil service examination system

was unable to solve the problem of officials using their positions to help their relatives

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