Exam review - 3/30

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Gender gap in wages

In CONSTRUCTION, women make 92% of male wages Female DOCTORS make only 64% of what male doctors make.

1867 - 1960 CRUDE divorce rate - per 1000 POPULATION (gross population) The rate rose very slowly The crude divorce rate specifies the number of divorces relative to the total population.

After 1960 REFINED divorce rate - number of divorces per 1000 married females. (1960-80 22% sharp rise) **Today, and last 10 years, declined divorce rate 2019: 7.6% The refined divorce rate specifies how many divorces are among all married couples.

Characteristics of Aging Closely related, and not chronological

BIOLOGICAL aging: Present position relative to potential life span (NOTE: Since 2020, life expectancy declining - 76.4 years). CLOSELY RELATED TO CHRONOLOGICAL AGE BUT NOT IDENTICAL. Primary Aging = Molecular, cellular changes; ex. Cataracts, skin changes, osteoporosis Secondary Aging = Poor diet, negative health habits, no exercise

Theories of Aging: CONFLICT THEORIES

CONFLICT THEORIES of aging A. Modernization theory: Industrialization + modernization was driving force behind conjugal family structure. Before these extended families were normative: Age = experience/knowledge = cared for the old B. Age Stratification theory: Work the same as race, gender, and class. Age becomes an ascribed status, NOT ACHIEVED. Varying age groups have different access to opportunities: economics + political power. Age treatment = SOCIAL CONTROL. The Elderly are socialized to submit to the will of others: mandatory retirement

What might explain happy marriages vs. divorce? Benefits of Marriage: 1. live longer 2. two can live more cheaply then 1 3. Two support families, two friend networks 4. Median income higher 5. folks more likely to save on insurance for the others 6. Invest/save money AND eye on the future! 7. Government insurance benefits.

Consequences of Divorce: 1. separated (making it two) families cannot live as cheap or as well as one family (that sticks together). 2. Child support: a formula to apply: duty to support kids 3. Child custody: court order: law enforcement support: child stealing 4. Spousal support 5. Community property division

Data suggest about family structure relationship between/& poverty....

Does family structure cause poverty? 1. Married couples, only 9% poverty 2. Single female lead household, 40% poverty

Risk factors of divorce Consequences of Divorce: 1. separated (making it two) families cannot live as cheap or as well as one family (that sticks together). 2. Child support: a formula to apply: duty to support kids 3. Child custody: court order: law enforcement support: child stealing 4. Spousal support 5. Community property division

Elderly divorced males more vulnerable to sickness & depression. Why? Divorced males have less connections with kids, thus less connection as grandparents and less support from children.

FACTORS that make the relationship with step-children: (look at slide 8 maybe two?)... STEPFATHERS in particular can NEVER assume parental roles, substitute parent usually: a) NON-authoritarian b) NON-disciplinarian c) companionship -trusted adult

FACTORS that make the relationship with step-children: Legal relationships in stepfamilies is ambiguous: 1. Step-parent cannot check stepchild in ER or ANY medical care 2. Cannot get school information 3. Without clear permission, may not be allowed to pick up or take kids to some places 4. Travel via airlines- not gonna happen w/o clear guidelines implemented 5. In divorce, the stepparent may lose contact at the whim of bio parent. LEGAL PRESUMPTION: The parent acts in the kids' best interest, AND it is best for kids to be with their biological parent.

Life expectancy going down in the US, Why?

In the 19th century, the elderly eventually moved in with their kids. Possibly significant??: AGING - DIVORCE - COHABITATION has confused traditional lines of responsibility for the generations.

Longevity of BLENDED families (4 YEARS) - Factors: 1. Not being on the same page: not agreeing on norms. a) differential treatment - unfairness 2. Trying to continue as a family without any change 3. Not remembering the EX IS STILL FAMILY 4. Prohibiting parent from "any" discipline: a) Some critical reaction to bad behavior necessary for kid +step-parent 5. Not preparing for step-sibling rivalry 6. Not explaining "new family" to kids 7. Not understanding potential children's difficulties with adjustments.

LONGEVITY: - 70% likely to end in divorce if both parents have kids. - 30% of kids will experience stepfamily before adulthood. - MOST REMARRIAGES AFTER DIVORCE: IS WITHIN 4 YEARS. -

Historical theoretical approach: 1. Deficit Comparison Approach: Compares performance + adjustment of kids in conjugal families + kids in stepfamilies. FINDINGS: only slight differences in which step kids: 1. less likely to form stable relationships as adults. 2. do less well in school 3. More prone to behavioral issues; "at risk" adults 80% OF STEPCHILDREN FUNCTION COGNITIVELY & SOCIALLY WE WELL AS KIDS FROM NUCLEAR FAMILIES.

Newer approach: 2. Normative Adaptive Approach: Why do some stepfamilies function well + other do not. - Hypothesis: Stepfamilies lack the normative (institutionalized) guidlines the serve to support resolutions of family issues. - Embedded in language: "The parks department" is the stepchild of city government - The Nuclear Family (strong cultural bias for it) is ideal. -> CULTURE: The way folks profess things should e "values" *real culture = why folks actually behave

Married elderly folks can become more dependent on their children: Nuclear Family: Parents are the "beginning". They have the opportunity to work out rules, traditions, and behavioral expectations (family norms). The opportunity to socialize kids from birth, develops its own history and family ROLES.

Pillars of Aging Well: a. Nutrition - hydration b. physical stimulation c. cognitive/psychological stimulation d. social stimulation


STRUCTURAL FUNCTION THEORIES of aging: A. Disengagement: Elderly folk stop doing, participating, and working for wages, and day-to-day routine changes B. Activity Theory: Happiest/well-adjusted aging remains active. Maintain or find replacements for social roles. Previous Roles: Employee, athlete, parent. New Roles: Join clubs, hobbies, volunteer C. Continuity Theory: Old attempts to continue roles + relationships from earlier times (Elaboration of ACTIVITY THEORY).


SYMBOLIC INTERACTION view of aging A. Subcultural Aging theory: The elderly are expected to + and socialized to blend around new behavioral patterns of "interest" to them (like hobbies, retirement, book clubs). B. Selective Optimization + Compensation: As people age, they select goals/activities to compensate for those lost due to age. Selection based on most satisfaction for least effort. Dependence on others is not negative b/c it allows older folks to conserve efforts for "meaningful" activities.

Stratification/subculture of aging CONFLICT THEORY BASED: Age Stratification theory: Work the same as race, gender, and class. Age becomes an ascribed status, NOT ACHIEVED. Varying age groups have different access to opportunities: economics + political power. Age treatment = SOCIAL CONTROL. The Elderly are socialized to submit to the will of others: mandatory retirement Age Stratification suggests that members of society might be stratified by age, just as they are stratified by race, class, and gender.

Stratification/subculture of aging SYMBOLIC INTERACTION THEORY BASED: Subcultural Aging theory: The elderly are expected to + and socialized to blend around new behavioral patterns of "interest" to them (like hobbies, retirement, and book clubs). This theory focuses on the shared community created by the elderly when they are excluded (due to age), voluntarily or involuntarily, from participating in other groups. This theory suggests that elders will disengage from society and develop new patterns of interaction with peers who share common backgrounds and interests.

TYPES OF KIDS: REBEL, etc., etc., etc. 1. Choleric This personality type is passionate, outspoken, competitive, determined, strong-willed and adventurous. Usually, choleric are goal-oriented and may be very logical and analytical. They may not be particularly social. 2. Sanguine This type is lively, playful, imaginative, talkative and sociable. Sanguine kids may be carefree, optimistic, adventurous and not afraid of risks. These children might get bored easily and have a hard time without entertainment. 3. Melancholic This personality type is deep, detailed, respectful, tidy, careful and fond of traditions. They are also social and want to be helpful. These children are not as fond of adventure or risks as other personality types. 4. Phlegmatic This personality type is thoughtful, attentive, controlled and diplomatic. Kids with phlegmatic personality types often need close personal relationships. They are loyal, avoid conflict and enjoy helping others.

TYPES OF KIDS: REBEL, etc., etc., etc. 1. Resilient Extraverted Conscientious Good at modulating emotions Bounce back from adversity Self-confident Positive orientation toward others 2. Over controlled Shy Self-conscious Uncomfortable around strangers Low receptivity and openness to try new things and constructive feedback from others Low flexibility Inhibited emotional expression and low emotional awareness Low connectedness with others Perfectionistic 3. Under controlled Disagreeable Lack self-control Low conscientiousness Low impulse control Emotionally dysregulated Aggressive

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