Exam review game

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Why is the system of least prompts an effective systematic instructional strategy for teaching comprehension of text?

Because it gives students repeated opportunities to hear text read again in the prompt levels.

Why is time delay an effective systematic instructional strategy for teaching vocabulary sight words?

Because sight word recognition is a discrete skill.

If a student is unable to follow along (i.e., finger point) as you read familiar text aloud, what critical early literacy skill are they likely missing?

Concept of word

What does the TTS: Science curriculum use to summarize the main findings of the lesson?

Concept statement

What is it called when you label the behavior in the praise statement?

Descriptive verbal praise

How can students who are nonreaders "read" during a story-based lesson?

The repeated story line

When writing comprehension questions, what should you consider about the student?

Their symbolic understanding

Give an example of what you would say to teach the concept of "cold" using explicit instruction training.

This is cold. This is cold. This is cold. This is not cold. This is not cold.

What is included in a science inquiry lesson (three components)?

-Wonder story -Experiment -KWHL chart

What is used to create story-based lessons?

Task analysis template

What does the L stand for in the KWHL chart?

What did you "Learn"?

What does the K stand for in a KWHL chart?

What do you "Know"?

What level of students is the TTS: Math written for?

secondary (middle and high school)

Name two of the four skill areas taught with the ELSB?

vocabulary, phonemic awareness, listening comprehension, conventions of print

What is wrong with these goals for mathematics? -Grade 3: Name penny, nickel, dime, and quarter -Grade 6: Name penny, nickel, dime, and quarter -Grade 9: Name penny, nickel, dime, and quarter

- No differentiation of instruction across grade levels

How might a student who is nonverbal read the repeated story line?

- you can teach them with using assistive technology and it allows them the user to touch or tap it to be able to do the repeated the story line

How often should you praise correct responses when a student is first learning a behavior?

-All correct responses

Name two ways to strengthen generalization of academic skills

-Build in practice of learned skills with new skills (i.e., Early Numeracy -Curriculum) -Use different materials, people, and places to teach

Name the two parts of the Early Literacy Skills Builder (ELSB) curriculum.

-Building with Sound and Symbols -Building with Stories (story-based lessons)

Name two ways self-determination can be taught along with comprehension?

-Choose book to read -Graph correct responses

Name five early numeracy skills.

-Counting with one-to-one correspondence -Numeral identification from 1 to 10 -Numeral naming 1-10 -Rote counting to 20 -Creating sets to 10 -Beginning addition of sets -Identification and understanding of numeracy symbols -Identification, extension, and creation of ABAB patterns -Use and understanding of calendars -Use of nonstandard and standard units of measurement

What kind of literature is included in TTS:ELA?

-Fictional novels -Nonfiction stories -Plays -Poems

Name two graphic organizers that can be used to teach comprehension.

-First, next, last -Main character GO -Story grammar GO

Name two ways a story-based lesson can be made accessible for students with severe disabilities.

-Incorporate the student's name into the story -Provide objects for noun referents -Program voice output device with the repeated story line -Present sensory materials from story

What is number identification and how can you teach it?

-Knowing/saying the names of numbers when shown a numeral. -Time delay

Name the five levels of Bloom's Taxonomy of comprehension.

-Knowledge (Remembering) -Comprehension (Understanding) -Application (Applying) -Analysis (Analyzing) -Evaluation (Evaluating) -Synthesis (Creating)

Name three ways students demonstrate print awareness.

-Letter recognition -Left to right sequence -Point to words read aloud -Understands words are written left to right, top to bottom -Child holds the book the right way -When a child distinguishes between letters and words

Give an example of how to use model-lead-test in reading instruction.

-Model-lead-test: teacher models problem, works through the problem, test the students on a problem. -example: teach vocab words and definitions, model vocab words and definitions, have weekly test on vocab words and definitions

Name three of the six components in inquiry-based instruction.

-Observation -Formulation of questions based on the observation -Developing a hypothesis -Testing the hypothesis -Drawing conclusion -Reporting results

How can you teach rote counting?

-Practice with model, lead, test -Teach in small increments (e.g., 1-5, 1-10)

What are the three stages of learning to read?

-Pre-reading -Learning to read -Reading to learn

Why is it necessary to teach science descriptors (e.g., light, heavy, change)

-Promotes understanding of the concept not just the ability to read a sight word when presented

Name three ways to make math accessible for students with moderate and severe disabilities.

-Relate math to everyday life -Use concrete manipulatives -Use graphic organizers -Embed systematic instruction -Story based lesson approach to math

How can think-alouds be used to help students answer inferential questions?

-Reread a portion of the text that contains the answer -Tell and show the correct answer

Name one curriculum for teaching standards-based math:


Name the 3rd, 4th, and 5th steps of the middle school inquiry lesson task analysis.

-Step 3: Ask, "Do you know what this is?" -Step 4: Fill in K "i.e., Know" on KWHL chart. -Step 5: Ask, "What do you want to know?"

What is inquiry-based science?

-Student led science

Why is it important to fade praise as students grow more independent in their responding?

-Students do not become dependent on the appraisal in order to succeed and achieve at an assignment -Increases in the amount of item you wait between the stimulus and the prompt is how these prompts are faded

What two approaches do we use to teach grade-aligned science?

-Task analysis -Explicit instruction

When should early numeracy skills be taught?

-To teach early numeracy skills concurrently with grade-aligned academics and problem solving

What are the first three steps in an elementary story-based lesson?

-Use an attention getter -Review vocabulary -Ask a prediction question

Give an example of how to use model-lead-test in reading instruction using the TTS:ELA.

-Used to teach story grammar -My Turn, Together, Your Turn -Example: My turn. The main character is the most important person in the story. What is a main character? Together. The main .... Then the student responds along to the question, "What is a main character?" Your turn.

Explain how a WH-word question template can be used to develop comprehension questions. Give an example.

-Who [verbed] the noun? -What [is/are] the main idea? -Why [did/does] the [main character] [verb]?

What is a text-dependent question?

-Who was at the window? -What happened first? -What was the name of the street where Agnes lived?

What is number identification and how can you teach it?

-knowing/saying the names of numbers -teach with time delay

How does TTS: Math make mathematics instruction hands-on for students?

-manipulatives -graphic organizers

What is included in a math lesson (hint - 3 things)?

-math-based story -graphic organizer -task analysis

How does the TTS:ELA differentiate vocabulary instruction?

-number of words -type of picture symbol used

Besides colors, name two other things used in the Early Numeracy curriculum to teach ABAB patterns?

-pictures, objects

Name two evidence-based practices used for teaching early numeracy skills in the Early Numeracy curriculum?

-time delay -system of least prompts

Name two evidence-based practices for teaching math.

-time delay -task analysis -generalization to real-life concepts (i.e., in vivo instruction)

What is an example of an explanation added to text?

Dad liked to take us for rides in the car. All of us had to put on big robes called dusters so that our clothes would not get dirty. We lived in a time when the roads were still made of dirt. Dust would cover our clothes after a long ride. People would stare at our big family in the car. They asked dad how he took care of so many children. Dad joked that it cost less money to feed a big family than a small family.

Name two of the 14 objectives/activities from the ELSB?

Flashcard game, text pointing, hidden word game, answering questions, chunking words, tapping out sounds, learning letter sounds, first/last sounds, finding pictures with special sounds, stretching words, finding pictures, the new word game, fun with writing

How does the TTS: Math curriculum introduce math problems for students to solve?

math stories

Name two of the teaching materials found in the Early Numeracy curriculum.

teacher script, manipulatives, posters, math story book, assessment manual, student response book

Why are early numeracy skills important?

-Early numeracy skills are the foundation for higher level mathematics understanding.

Name two graphic organizers used in TTS: Math.

-Equation prompt -Next Dollar -Number Line

What's the name of the puppet used in the ELSB curriculum?

-Moe the frog

What is 1:1 correspondence and how can you teach it?

-In line, moveable (move items across line or into cup) -In line, nonmoveable (stickers in a row) -Scattered, moveable (count items piled on table) -Scattered, nonmoveable (stickers all over page) -Count out from a group (give student more items than needed; ask student for quantity) -Create sets (same as above, but student makes set in set maker)

Why do students need to understand spatial thinking terms (e.g., in, on, up, down)?

-In order to see spatial relationships in math.

What is subitizing and how can you teach it?

-Instantly recognizing the quantity of a group -Time delay

Why might teachers want to teach WH-word question rules?

In order to teach the concepts that correlate along with the rules -Rule : "When you hear 'what'....--listen for a thing -Concept: "What tells about a thing"

What school level is the TTS:ELA written for?

Middle school

What step is different between an elementary and middle/high school story-based lesson?

Reading instruction (e.g., blending, segmenting, or identifying target sound).

What kind of graphic organizer is useful in teaching composing and decomposing numbers?


What does the H stand for in the KWHL chart?

"How" can you find out?

What does the W stand for in a KWHL chart?

"What" do you want to know?

Give an example of a literal recall question

-Pulled from the page

How might a student with severe physical disabilities "turn the page" during a story-based lesson?

Activate a voice output device that says, "Turn the page please".

Why should you add definitions to adapted text?

When students are likely not to know what a word means.

What is the ability to hear and manipulate phonemes?

Phonemic awareness

How do you teach early numeracy skills with older children?

Teach early numeracy skills using grade-level content (e.g., building sets 1-5 with division).

What systematic instructional procedure is used to teach vocabulary in the TTS:ELA?

Time delay

What can a teacher do to help students with visual impairments comprehend text?

Use objects as noun referents. Have student "read" with you by touching the noun referent as you read aloud (e.g., Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible,...).

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