excel test
range address
A5:C5 is an example of a ___
format painter
___ allows you to copy cell formats from one cell to another
___ are the horizontal parts of the spreadsheet
grid lines
___ are the solid lines that mark off the rows and columns
___ are the vertical part of the spreadsheet
print preview
___ is the view that puts a blue line around each page that would be printed
___ reversed the previous action and is found on the quick access tab of excel
cells rows columns
___, ___, and ___ are all terms used in excel
a ___ is a group of cells that form a rectangle on the screen
a ___ is a selection of two or more cells
a ___ is a visual way to display and compare data
a ___ is a way of arranging data in a particular order
a ___ is the intersection of a column and a row in excel
pie chart
a ___ shows the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to another data element
group of cells
a range in excel refers to a ___
a range is ___ if it is highlighted on the screen
a workbook is made up of ___
table of data
a worksheet is a ___ that is organized into rows and columns
a worksheet is a ___ with labeled columns and rows
tab key
after excel displays an existing entry in the column that matches the characters you type, press the ___ to accept the entry
excel workbook
an ___ is a collection of worksheets and charts
excel spreadsheet
an ___ is also called a worksheet
an excel workbook can have an ___ number of worksheets
columns are identified by ___
if you choose a larger font size, the ___ of the row is automatically made taller
type the data in A1 and merge cells A1:E1
if you have data that runs across five columns, from column A to coulmn E, one way to center a title across the top of the data woukd be to ___
in excel, you can sum a large range of data by simply selecting a tool button called ___
microsoft excel is a powerful ___ program
active cell
on an excel spreadsheet the ___ is indicated by a dark white border
once databis entered into a cell, it can be ___ after saving the file
rows are identified by ___
sum formula
the ___ can add all the numeric values in a range of cells, ignoring those which are not numeric, and place the result in a different cell
spelling dialog box
the ___ can be involved by choosing spelling from tools menu
sheet tabs
the ___ displays the name of the sheets in a workbook
division symbol
the ___ in excel is /
fill handle
the ___ is represented by the small, black square in the lower-right corner of an active cell or range
cell reference
the ___ is the column letter and row number that identifies the active cell
the ___ is the part of the excel screen where you can find all the commands or buttons, depending on the tab you selected before
default font
the ___ keyed in a new workbook is 10 point arial
the cell reference for a range of cells that starts at C1 and goes over to column H and down to row 13 is ___
the excel file that holds your worksheets is the ___
the first cell in excel worksheet is labeled as ___
name box
the name of the active cell appears in the ___
to ___ items in excel you woukd use the * symbol
bar diagram
to create a ___ you would use the insert tab and the chart group
CTRL key
to select several cells or ranges that are not touching each other, you would hold down the ___ while selecting
ascending descending
use data, sort to rearrange the data in ___ or ___ order
grid lines
when a worksheet is printed, the ___ that surround the cells are not printed by default
selection pointer
when you start to select a range of cells, you will see a thick white cross shaped pointer called a ___
you can complete a cell entry by pressing ___