exs 15 exercises and joint action

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10 basic joint exercise used in exercise program

1. shoulder flexion 2. shoulder extension 3. shoulder abduction 4. shoulder abduction 5. horizontal shoulder flexion/ horizontal Adduction 6. horizontal shoulder extension/ horizontal abduction 7. hip flexion 8. hip extension 9. spinal flexion 10. spinal extension

Spinal extension exercise

Bridge back extension on bosu back extension machine opposite on and leg lift

Shoulder adduction exercise

Cable • lunge latpulldown Body weight • pull-up Resistance band • bent over shoulder adduction Machine • lat pulldown machine • they have a couple of them

shoulder abduction exercise shoulder abduction exercise

Cable • one arm shoulder side raise • shoulder press Resistance band • one arm shoulder side raise • shoulder press Machine • shoulder press machine Barbell • shoulder press Dumbel • side raise

shoulder extension exercises

Dumbbells • bent over s row • bent over straight arm extension Barbell • bent over S row Cable • standing S row • seated s row • straight arm extension on ball • standing strait arm extension Resistance band • standing s row • bent over straight arm extension • straight arm extension on ball Machine • seated S row • straight arm extension • pull-up close grip Towel • S row manual resistance

Horizontal shoulder flexion/horizontal shoulder adduction Exercises

Dumbbells • dumbbell chest press • dumbbell fly Barbell • bench press Machine • chest press • machine fly Cable • cable chest press • cable fly (cable crossovers) Body weight • wide grip push-ups Resistance band • cable chest press • cable fly Towel • one-handed fly

Shoulder flexion exercises

Dumbbells • front raise Barbell • close grip chest press Cable • front raise Body weight • close grip push-up Resistance band • front raise Machine • close grip overhead shoulder press

Horizontal shoulder extension/horizontal shoulder abduction Exercises

Dumbbells • reverse fly on bench • bent over T Row Barbell • bent over T row Cable • one arm T Row • reverse fly sitting T row Standing T row Body weight • pull-up on body weight compound Resistance band • one arm T row • standing T Row • reverse fly Machine • reverse fly machine • T Row machine Towel • reverse fly with towel

Horizontal shoulder flexion /horizontal shoulder adduction

• performed in the transverse plane of motion • several exercises are isolating working only the horizontal shoulder flexors, which include horizontal shoulder flexors • the pectoralis major • anterior deltoid and the shoulder girdle protractor's which include the • serratus anterior • pectoralis minor On exercises are considered compound when there is • elbow extension which will additionally work the triceps

shoulder lateral rotation exercise

• shoulder lateral rotation free weight • shoulder lateral rotation elastic cord • shoulder lateral rotation cable

shoulder medial rotation exercise

• shoulder medial rotation free weight dumbbell • shoulder medial rotation elastic cord • shoulder medial rotation cable and shoulder medial rotation dumbel

Shoulder adduction

the exercise are performed in the frontal plane of motion several exercises are isolating working the shoulder joint muscle shoulder adductors which include the • latissimus dorsi and to a small extent the pectoralis major and the shoulder girdle downword rotators which include • the rhomboids and leavator scapula exercises are considered compound when there is elbow flexion which will additionally work the elbow flexors which include the • biceps brachii I brachialis and brachioradialis the type of grip will determine which of the elbow flexors are emphasized

Shoulder extension

the exercise is performed in the sagittal plane of motion several exercises are isolating working only the shoulder extensors, which include • latissimus dorsi • and the posterior deltoid, Shoulder girdle muscle shoulder girdle retractors, • the rhomboids and trapezius middle. On exercises are considered compound when there is elbow flexion • which will additionally work the elbow flexors depending on the gripper used these muscles include the biceps brachialis brachialis and brachioradialis. The type of grip will determine which of the elbow flexors is exercise.

Hip abduction

the exercise listed on the does joint action a performed the frontal plane of motion the major muscles involved in hip abduction are the • gluteus medias gluteus minimus • gluteus maximus, • and tensor fasia latae

Hip abduction

the exercise listed on the this joint action a performed in the frontal plane of motion the primary muscles involving hip adduction are the • pectineus • adductor mangus • gracilis • adductor brevis • adductor longus

Hip extension

the exercise listed on the this joint action are perform in the transverse l Plane of motion the primary muscles involved in hip extension are the gluteus maximus and hamstrings semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps the femoris.

shoulder lateral rotation

the exercise listed on the this joint action are performed in the • transverse plane of motion. when performing shoulder lateral rotation exercises the muscle being work are • teres minor • infraspinatus • and posteior Deltoid

shoulder medial rotation

the exercise listed on the this joint action are performed in the • transverse plane of motion. When performing shoulder medial rotation exercises the primary muscles being work are the • subscapularis, • pectoralis major, • latisimis dorsi and teres major

Hip flexion

the exercises listed on this joint action are performed in the • sagittal plane of motion the primary muscles involving hip flexion are the • iliopsoas • Satorius • Tensor fasciae latae • and rectus femoris keeping the a extension or and flexion only affect the rectus femoris because the rectus femoris is a two joint muscle when it is working at the knee in extension its action at the hip may not be as strong as when the knee is inflexion.

Knee flexion

the knee flexors include the hamstrings semitendinosus semimembranosus and biceps feMorris short head, gastroneimus and popliteus. The hamstrings all work but not to a large extent one performing compound and isolating hip extension exercises

shoulder abduction

this joint action are performed in the frontal plane of motion several exercises are isolating working only the shoulder abductors, which include the Shoulder Joint Muscles • deltoid (anterior and middle), •and the supraspinatus and the shoulder girdle upward rotators which include • the serratus anterior, • trapezius (upper and lower) • This exercises are considered compound when there is elbow extension which will additionally work the triceps

horizontal shoulder abduction/horizontal shoulder extension

this joint action are performed in the transverse plane of motion several exercises are isolating working on the horizontal shoulder extensors which include Shoulder Joint Muscle • the posterior deltoid and the shoulder girdle retractors which include the • rhomboid, and • middle trapezius exercises are consider compound when there is elbow flexion, which will additionally work the elbow flexors, these include the • biceps brachii • Brachialis, and • brachioradialis. The type of grip will determine which elbow flexor muscle are emphasized

Ankle dorsi flexion exercise

Body weight ankle dorsi flexion on foam machine ankle dorsi flexion

Ankle plantar flexion exercise

Body weight heel race dumbbell heel raise bar Bell heel raise machine heel race

Knee extension exercise

Body weight knee extension machine knee extension

Hip abduction exercise

Body weight straight leg hip abduction cable straight leg hip abduction machine straight leg hip abduction hip abduction machine

hip adduction exercises

Body weight- straight leg hip adduction cable straight leg hip adduction machine straight leg hip adduction hip adduction machine

Hip flexion Exercise

Cable • Straight leg lift • Bent leg hip flexion Resistance band • straight leg lift Machine • bent knee had flexion body weight • straight leg raise • 90/90 heel tap

Knee flexion exercises

Machine leg curl

Hip extension exercise

Machine • leg press machine • late load Cybex machine squat body weight • squats • lunges • single leg bridge body weight ankle weight • straight leg raise body weight/ankle weight • bent leg raise Barbell • squats • lunges dumbbell • squat

Knee extension

The primary knee extensors is the quadriceps which consist of the following muscles, the vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastness medialis and the rectus femorris

Ankle plantar flexion

The primary muscles involved in ankle plantar flexion are the gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, and tibialis posterior other muscle that assist in plantar flexion include the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus

Ankle dorsi flexion

The primary muscles involved in dorsi flexion is the tibialis anterior muscles that assist in dorsi flexion are the extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallucis longus

shoulder flexion

• exercises are performed in the sagittal plane of motion several exercises are isolating working only the shoulder flexors, shoulder joint muscle • which include the pectoralis major and anterior deltoid, shoulder girdle muscle shoulder girdle upward rotators, • include the serratus anterior, • and trapezius upper and lower. exercises are considered compound when there is elbow extension, • which will additionally work the triceps.

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