Fahrenheit 451

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When and where did they meet, she tells Montag "it doesn't matter"

Montag questions Mildred about what facts regarding their relationship that neither knows?

Faber, the retired english professor who can teach him to understand what he reads

Montag reminisces about his second secret. What is it?


dystopia, bad not perfect society, try to make it seem great, that everyone is happy, but people are truly confused and don't understand the real meaning of life


symbol for renewal, life that follows in a cleansing fire, rebirth

Jet bombers

symbolizes Montag's chaotic emotional state, everytime something unhappy happens the jets go by, symbolizes the people ignorance because Mildred never notices them, it symbolizes people's obcession with themselves in the book


symbolizes the firemen and how they are unaffected by fire, like the mythological creatures who used to walk through fire with no damage


symbolizes the struggle Montag is going through, society has not solved all its problems, and that the people don't seem to care because they are "happy"

Money (4/5 hundred dollars), Faber knows a printer so he can make copies

Faber asks Montag for what before Montag leaves? Why?


water symbolizes being cleansed and rebirth, washing away an old life, simplicity of society before all the civilization, clean and pure

The sheep returns to the fold


To everything there is a season


Tower of Babel


You think you can walk on water with your books


To everything there is a season


about her tv family, her walls

About what does Mildred truly care?

The men around a fire, the fire is warming, not burning, giving the people life instead of taking it away

After 30 minutes on the railroad tracks, what does Montag encounter? What is different about it?

They go to Montag's house and they don't rush in like usually, they kinda just hobble, Montag burns his house down with a flamethrower, instead of gasoline

Although Montag is struggling with burning again, where do they go? What is different about this trip?


As the section ends and Montag is in the middle of his secret, who arrives at Montag's House?

The Hound, Beatty send it out to scare Montag into stopping the book reading, to scare him that if he doesn't stop what he is doing then he will be burnt and killed by the hound

At the beginning of the section, who/what visit's Montag's home? Why?

you never know who the target will be of a well-read mind, someone who reads has a gun and could attack anybody

Beatty compared books to a loaded gun, how are they similar?

Custodians of peace of mind, cleaning up all the bad things that make people feel inferior, they get rid of everything sad and thought provoking so people can constantly be happy, no mess of though to confuse and make people feel empty, they take all of that away by "cleansing" the world of things that make you feel bad, the happiness boys as well, because they fill people with joy by taking away all the sad and conflicting theory

Beatty compares fireman to what? Explain.

the id (most simplistic way of subconcious thinking, things you want) ego (combines id and superego and comes up with a way you can do both), and the superego (moral concious, things you should do)

Beatty explains the human condition to what Freudian principle?


Beatty realizes that Montag was influenced by whom?

The Civil War changed their job, the population increased and all the different people with different opinions increased, they needed a way to make every one the same, to stop the war, technology changed their job, everything got dumbed down so everyone could be the same, stop conflict, they needed to start burning the things that made people look different and inferior, they started burning the things that could make them different so everyone would be teh same

Beatty relates to the history of fireman to Montag. What changed their job? When?

Crying in the wilderness


Neither fire nor water, but wine


The book of Job


Make them go to school so much, starting at 5 so they don't have time to learn how to do things for themselves, they are thought what to think, not think for themselves. They make them dread the unfamiliar, make the weird ones look bad so they can try to change them to be the same as everyone else. They try to expose them to technology and make everyone do the same things with their lives, they to expose them to things that don't involve thinking so they can all feel the same

How did society try to prevent the oddness of people like the McClellans?

They risk their lives, hurt each other for fun, they just cause trouble, shes afraid of them because they don't care about death or responsibility, they kill each other

How do teenagers behave according to Clarisse?

They have a handheld television, they give him with water that takes away his scent.

How do the men know it is Montag? What do they give him? Why?

He acts like he wasn't waiting, but it was clear he was, he calls him a fool, but only because he made a mistake, he let curiosity get the best of him, he is trying to test him to see if he has read the book, to make Montag feel bad, to see the power of books

How does Beatty react when Montag arrives at work that night?

Montag is intimidated of his power and the truth, Mildred is afraid of him and what he could do to her

How does Montag feel about Beatty? How does Mildred feel about Beatty?

at the beginning he loves it, "it was a pleasure to burn," "kerosene was perfume," the fiery smile never left his face for as long as he could remember

How does Montag feel about being a fireman?

he likes it, it is burning away his old life, making him forget about Mildred and who he used to be

How does Montag feel about burning his house? Why?

peering through dimly lit windows on the parlor wall screens, hound paused and the needle went in and out, one drop escaped, but ran away

How does Montag maintain knowledge of the Hound's progress? How does it react at Faber's?

Burns Beatty with the flamethrower, Beatty dies

How does Montag react in return?

Montag keeps saying the quote the lady said, he doesn't understand why he is so upset, he was crying and sweating over the book he stole from the lady, he is just upset that a lady killed herself over books, this sets of spark in him that makes him want to start reading books, to understand their power, the fire that burnt the woman set a fire in Montag to change the world

How does Montag react to the incident? What prolonged effect does it have on him?

They run, back out of the house, they are off, they are upset but they don't know why, they just sit there, they don't even light their pipes, they sit in silence and pass the firehouse, they feel empty but they don't understand it

How does it affect the fireman? What do they do?

they just burn people right after they die so people don't have time to be upset, don't let people think about their lives because it makes them think, and thinking leads to unhappiness, when all the people care about is being happy, disposable quality of human life

How does society handle death? What theme does this support?

They don't zoom in, they cut off footage quickly, make it blurry so you can't see that it's not Montag but it still entertains them

How does the government get away with catching a fake Montag?

She is willing to think, she doesn't care about material things, she cares about life, she questions and tries things no one else is willing to

How is Clarrise different?

a snake replaces Mildred's blood (snake symbolizes apparent living but spiritually dead) handled by handymen/operators of the machine, they are 0% certified doctor, they just push buttons. Effects Montag because it makes him realize that no one cares about anyone but themselves, in this society nothing has real meaning, the blood taken out symbolizes emptiness of people

How is the overdose handled and by whom? Why? What effect does this have on Montag?

It shows that they don't love each other, that they don't care if the other dies or not, it shows their relationship is dead

How is this ignorance symbolic of their relationship?

48 hours

How much time does he request from Mildred to deal with it?

A week, 7 days, she got hit by a car, 4 days Montag doesn't see her

How much time elapses before Clarisse disappears? What happens to her?

Clarisse cared about other people, Mildred only cared about herself

How was Clarisse different from Mildred about what they cared?



Play the man master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by Gods grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out."


Politics, it was a presidential race against Winston Noble (tall, looked nice, spoke loudly in easy to understand words) and Hubert Hoag (short, picked his nose, mumbled, homely) they voted for Noble because he was better looking

Mildred recommends they discuss what? What are their ideas?

The city is bombed because of the war

What happens in the city as the Men and Montag wall downstream?

Sieve and the sand

Montag's mind is the sieve trying to remember and understand the sand, which is the knowlege he wants that his mind won't grasp, his mind has wholes from not being used that makes him lose what he tries to learn


Mythological allusion

Montag wants to read so he can understand life and get his happiness back, Mildred is happy without books because she doesn't have to think. Montag wants to change his life, Mildred wants hers to stay the same. Montag cares about the meaning of things. Mildred only cares about being told what to think so she can fit in

One of Bradbury's ideas with the novel is expressed from opposing sides by Mildred and Montag, "Why should I read?" Explain.

He gets a book of poetry out, to try to show them that there is more to life than just themselves, he knows that it will make them upset the way they made Montag upset, to scare them so maybe they can learn to do things for themselves, but they are too far gone

The woman irritate Montag to the point where he does what? Why?

Montag's house burning, Montag's old life being burnt and coming out of the ashes (like the Phoenix), the destruction of the city, becoming someone ne

To what does the title of this section refer? (It can have 3 varied sources)

A Mausoleum

To what is Montag's home compared to?

To Faber's

To what location is Montag running?

pride and temper (wrath), he wants to turn himself in for killing Beatty, he feels guilty, he's a fool, he didn't have to do what he did, he could have just accepted his life for the way it was

To what sins does Montag attribute his behavior? How does he initially feel about what he has done?

that Montag reads books, and we discover Faber, and how he understands books

What 2 secrets do we discover that Montag has been keeping?

That him and Mildred met in Chicago a long time ago and part of Ecclesiastes and Revelation

What 2 things does Montag remember during this devastation?

a new mechanical hound has been brought out and a police helicopter will be following the Hound in the chase for MOntag, they find out from the television the size of a postal card

What 2 twists are added to the hunt for Montag? How does Montag and Faber find out about this?

he was headed toward the country, stars, the river was real and it relaxed him, the moon

What 3 things does Montag notice as he floats down the river?

go to the river, follow the river down to the railroad tracks, follow the tracks to the hobo camps on the tracks

What advice does Faber give Montag for his escape?

burn the bed, chair, throw rug, wipe down doorknobs, furniture with alcohol, turn on air conditioning, spray with moth spray, turn sprinklers on high on the sidewalks

What advice does Montag give Faber to prevent his scent from being identified in Faber's house?

The teenagers in the beetle trying to hit Montag, if Montag didn't fall while he was running across the street then he would have died because the kids wouldn't have swerved the car because MOntag laying down would have flipped the car, MOntag standing would have flattened him not the car

What almost ends his escape? Why?

Hearth (heats a home) Salamander (unaffected by flames)

What are the symbols in the title of this section?

Gardens, porches, or rocking chairs because they promoted thinking

What aspects of property has society removed to prevent independent thought?

The phoenix, symbolizes rebirth, becoming a new person, rising from the ashes and starting a new better life, learning from past mistakes so they never do it again

What comparison does Granger make to the city? What is the symbolism involved?

He is scared of the Hound, it always growls and lunges at him, because it's his job, he is also worried that it knows about the books, that it could come after him

What concern does Montag have at work? Why is that a problem?

He is going to copy the book (the bible) but he has to take it to Faber's to do so

What course of action does Montag determine to take?

That a book is due back that night, he has the last copy of the bible, he doesn't want to give it up, he doesn't know which book to turn in, or if Beatty knows what book Montag has, what if he doesn't how does he decide which book is least important, what if Beatty knows he has a library of books

What dilemma does Montag find himself in after the telephone call?

they are going into the city to help people, they are going to tell them they are remembering and help people figure out who they are (mirror factory) and then start feeding them information when they are ready, they need to get people alive and when they are ready help them understand there is more to life

What do the men decide to do under Grangers lead? What is their role?

memorized books (plato's republic, marcus aurelius, guilliver's travels, charles darwin, schopenhauer, einstein, albert schweitzer, aristophanes, gandhi, buddha, confucius, peacock, jefferson, lincoln, bible) thousands all together

What do the other men contribute to the group? How many men/people are there?

He is listening/talking to someone, he knocks the earpiece out of Montag's ear and plans to trace the earpice back to the person of the other end of the earpiece and burn his house to (Faber)

What does Beatty realize is Montag's behavior? What does he do and plan to do?

A book, he doesn't even look at it and throws it right in the trash can and lit it up

What does Beatty receive from Montag? What does he do with it?

destroys responsibility and consequences, antibiotic, aesthetic, practical, clean, quick, sure, perpetual motion

What does Beatty say is the beauty of fire?

tells Montag to burn his own house with a flamethrower

What does Beatty tell Montag to do?

The Book of Job, this is relevant because Job has everything, and then one day Satan and God make a deal that Satan can test Job into seeing if he is loyal to God, which he is, he just question's why he is doing stuff like this to him if he is innocent like Montag. He feels that wisdom is hidden from human minds, but he resolves to persist in pursuing wisdom by fearing God and avoiding evil. That talking is an act of rebelling, but in the end he gets more in life from before, he did what he thought was right even if no one else agreed with him, he didn't give up even when hope was lost, he got a better life

What does Faber read to Montag as he walks home? Why is this reading relevant?

Make extra copies of books and place them in firemans houses and turn in an alarm,

What does Faber suggest, tongue in check, about which Montag is enthused? How can Montag pull this plan of successfully?

run away, but he can't because of the hound

What does Faber tell Montag to do?

She thinks she was hungover from a party

What does Mildred believe happened to her?

Packs all her stuff and leaves in a taxi, cry's because she is losing everything, especially her family.

What does Mildred do?

Mildred just wants to be happy, surrounded by parlor walls, she just wants a fourth wall to be surrounded by constantly, Montag's pay is an obstacle because they already aren't paying for a few things already ($2000)

What does Mildred want out of life? What obstacle is here to her desire?

He starts to read

What does Montag begin to do at the end of the first section?

Steals a book

What does Montag do at the alarm at the old lady's 3 story house?

gets naked and douses himself in whiskey and dressed in fabers clothes and lets his clothes float down the river, the Hound almost finds him, 3 hundred yards down

What does Montag do when he reaches the river? What almost catches him?

Mildred dying and going to Hell, for she is in a hotel that completely collapses into the basement (Hell symbolism) that she doesn't even know what to do other than scream because she doesn't understand war or death

What does Montag envision as he clings to the ground?

For them to have the light of knowledge inside of them like Clarisse, it doesn't exist because they aren't Clarisse, they aren't optimistic, they have told themselves that they are not important, looks are not important, it's what's inside is what's important, what you know is more important than who you are

What does Montag expect out of the men? Why doesn't it exist?

money because if he dies at least someone he cares about has the money to do things good with, to print the books so they can continue on the dream to bring back society even if Montag dies

What does Montag give to Faber? Why?

books, money for Faber, and the seashell radio used to give news

What does Montag have on his person when he takes inventory during his escape?

Overdoses on sleeping pills

What has Mildred done when he arrives home?

The Book of Ecclesiastes and a little of Revelation, he is happy to join because he has no one else to go to, he also feels bad because he doesn't feel he is good enough because he was only a fireman, they were professors, he doesn't deserve to be there

What does Montag have to offer the group? How does he feel about joining the group?

He's talking about his old life, he knows that he wasn't happy and he doesn't love his life, and his house is controlled by technology, this isn't what Montag wants so he doesn't care if he loses it, he is willing to risk his life to get what he wants (a real happy life) because he doesn't care about the things he has now

What does Montag mean when he says, "when you've nothing to lose, you run any risk you want."

The all look exactly the same, all have charcoal hair, and soot colored brows, ash smeared checks, close shave, shows conformity

What does Montag realize about the other fireman? How is this relevant to a theme of the story?

He requests him to help him understand what he reads and to help him make extra copies

What does Montag request of Faber? Why? Before Montag leaves Faber's house, how does he convince him to do this?

suitcase, dirty clothes and whiskey to mask Montag's scent and to distract the hound

What does Montag take with him from Faber's house? Why?

War and kids to see how little they know about the world, they are told what to think and that they only care about themselves, they don't care about their families or anything, they only care about looks and happiness for themselves, not even their husbands in war

What does Montag try to talk to them about? Why?

print extra copies of books

What does Montag want to do with the books he has stolen (and offers to steal more?)

to everything there is a season, and on either side of the river was there a tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations, it's part of eccelastes and revelation

What does Montag want to say as they walk to the city? From where is this information taken?

Label them as anti-social and don't talk to them, make them feel as isolated as possible so they become lonely anf realize that they have to change to fit in, to take away the lonliness. They hurt them up so they can feel better about themselves, like if they know all the answers they make everyone else look bad, and people get jealous and go after them so they can feel like they are better than the other person, they try to get rid of them

What does society do with people like the McClellans?

They don't do anything about them because they are the minority that gets forgotton about, the people don't bother with them because they are too busy in their own lives to even notice, they are following the tracks because they can't live in the city for what they have done to go up against the government before, but they are waiting till afterr the war to go into the city so they can help people understand there is more to life and teach the books

What does the government do about the men in the group? Why are they there?

She refuses to go, she just stands there, she gets out a match, she lights the house on fire herself, watching the fireman, she lights her front porch railing

What does the woman do after they find the books?

invigorates and motivates him, makes him feel young, it's what Faber wanted to do but was too cowardice to do it for himself, he feels alive, unafraid

What effect does Montag's ordeal have on Faber?

They are scared, they stand up and try to leave, Mrs. Bowles and Mrs. Phelps was crying, saying that they will never go back to that house ever again, Mrs. Bowles was angry, saying that Montag was nasty, that poetry is all mush that makes no sense and makes you upset, Montag gets really angry, says terrible things about Mrs. Bowles, tells her to leave before he kicks her out,

What effect does this have on the woman?

Montag plants books in Blacks House and calls in an alarm because Black burnt down houses and hurt people without even thinking about how painful it is to have everything taken away because he wasn't thinking, Montag wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine

What escapade sidetracks Montag from his escape plan? Why does he do this?

The lady stays inside the house, she isn't under arrest, she just watches in silence, unaffected about her up coming death, she is ready to be a matyr, starts theme of revolt

What happens at this alarm that is different from the others?

The information is lost forever, they want to spread the information on to their kids, but more and more of it will be lost, hey are dust jackets for books, their goal is to get people togther after the war and teach them the books and someday have them rewritten

What happens if the men die? What is the metaphor used for them? What is their goal?

The point of the dream is to upset Montag to teach him that being a fireman is the right way in life and Beatty quotes books to support that ignorance is bliss and Montag quotes books about knowlege and power, to get him to realize how hurtful and powerful books are to get him to realize that he shouldn't have gotten the book because books are uncertain just like life and when you risk a perfect life for an uncertainty, you throw away things you could have had forever if you didn't stand up for what you believe in, but sometimes risks are too dangerous and you lose everything, it's to get MOntag to realize his mistake

What is Beatty's dream that he recounts for Montag while they play poker? What is the point of it?

He says if he reads the book that he will leave, he won't help him, because he is scared, he doesn't want to be caught and burnt just for helping someone who won't listen to him, he was calling him a fool, he knows that it's probably over now, later he comforts him and says its ok, he also says it invigorated him, he felt young because he is finally standing up for what he believes is right, he feels unafraid because Montag is unafraid

What is Faber's reaction? Why?

He was under arrest

What is Montag's consequence after burning his house?

The hound isn't there

What is different about the firehouse that night?

The fireman don't rush like usual, Beatty wants to finish playing cards so he can take everything away from MOntag in the game, MOntag doesn't know that he is going to do the same thing with his life, Beatty drove, he never drives, the men walked quietly

What is different when they receive an alarm? Who acts differently? How?

She doesn't believe him, "I wouldn't do that, I didn't do that"

What is her reaction when Montag tells her what really happened?

The everyone is the same, no one is different, everyone feels smart, no one feels bad about themselves, it's accomplished by giving people mindless things to fill their lives with like tv and games, making life so simple that people would stop buying books, they just wanted to be happy and if they had time to think they wouldn't be happy, they need the same opinions and beliefs so no one would feel left out. Make people feel important by making them fix thngs, they do the same thing constantly so they feel smart and helpful, instead of them trying to understand teh universe so they feel dumb and unhappy, the main goal is happiness for all

What is important in society? How is this accomplished?

a paradox is a contradictory statement that is found to be true, "He felt his body divide into a hotness and a coldness, a softness and a hardness, a trembling and a not trembling, and two halves grinding one upon the other." "The mechanical hound slept but did not sleep, lived but did not live in its..."

What is paradox? Provide an example from the story.

It's all just facts/answers, nothing that involves thinking or learning, it's all just to make them feel smart and so that everyone is the same, no one is smarter than someone else, she doesn't go because she's "anti-social" nothing she learns about is important to her, it doesn't have meaning

What is the education process according to Clarisse? Why does she skip school?

"Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out." Symbolizes books power and the theme of revolt and standing up for what you believe in, the lady would rather die with her books than live without them in a fake happy, ordinary life

What is the quote recited by the old lady? How is it relevant to the story and the themes?

The sieve symbolizes Montag's mind, trying to grasp onto the sand and remember what he is reading. the sand symbolizes the knowledge that montag seeks, he wants to understand but his mind the seive will not grasp or understand the information, the sand.

What is the significance of the title of this section?

everyone open a door or window and look out of it to see Montag running, it didnt work because Montag reached the river right as they reached 10

What new idea does the government promote to the public aid them in the hunt? Does it work?

Going to St. Louis to meet a printer so they can make copies of the books, on a bus at 5:00am

Where is Faber going? Why?

He knocks Black and Stoneman out by hitting them on the head that they pass out, the Hound is still after him as well

What obstacles does Montag face before he can run away?

He almost gets hit by a car on the 10 lane boulevard

What obstacles does Montag face during the initial phase of his escape?

the chase goes into the city, they know from the portable battery tv, he cries out into the silence and turns away

What occurs with the chase/hunt for Montag? How do they know? What is Montag's reaction?

everything burnt, the sun (burnt time) will never stop burning so Montag needs to stop burning

What philosophical realization does Montag acquire as he is floating?

before Montag has a chance to burn the hound, the hound sticks the needle in his leg and he can barely walk

What problem does he have when he tries to run?

Are you happy?

What question does Clarrise ask which perplexes Montag

Beatty wanted to die, he just stood there, he didn't try to save himself, he just joked and was needling, he was testing Montag while he was still armed, he was trying to make Montag angry by making fun of him until Montag got angry and killed him

What realization does Montag have when he falls and sits crying? How does he know this?

War starts, the war symbolizes that this is just the beginning of Montag's war against society (war is mentioned everytime that Montag takes a step for standing up for what you believe in), it's a time where they can rebuild society because society will be gone after the bombs

What societal event occurs while Montag is executing his escape? What does it symbolize?

A deer, it runs away

What startles/surprises Montag when he steps away from the river? What is it? How does it react?

The story of his grandfather being a sculptor, to show that you leave on thing on this earth that you change, that's where your soul goes, so you have to change or do something with your life to be remembered, shows theme standing up for what you believe in

What story does Granger share with Montag? What is the purpose of the story?

fire, people used to put out fires instead of starting them

What symbol reflected several times in this section, represents the oncoming change in Montag?

conformity and standing up for what you believe in because he is too afraid to do anything that he believes in because he is scared so he conforms to society because he doesn't want to get burned

What theme does Faber represent as he considers Montag's actions? How?

qualit (they make people think, they talk about the non perfect parts of life, texture of information, makes you feel things) leisure (the time to think about information, to process and understand what it means, instead of it just being told what to think) right to carry out actions on what we learn from the interaction of the first two

What three things does Faber day are missing from society? Explain.

They arrive at 2:30, the house is burnt by 3:30 in the morning because fire is prettier at night

What time of day/night do they arrive at their destination?

From watching the lady kill herself, from how the world used to work, the truth, Montag wants to know why things are happening

When Beatty comes to visit Montag, he reveals that he knows why Montag is sick, from what?

He pulled the plug on the t.v. and said let's talk

When Mildred's friends arrive to watch The White Clown, what does Montag do?

Laughter/talking, these people think, they seem happy, helps Montag realize that there is more to life than just day to day work, that in this society nothing has meaning, it's illegal to talk, they talk about how people use each other to feel good and look good, people just conform, they do what they see other people doing

When Montag eavesdrops on the McClellan family, what does he hear? What is the relevance?

He is going to Fabers, he tries to read the Bible but he can't because Denham's Dentifrice is blaring in the background, he gets mad because he doesn't understand what he is reading as well.

When Montag gets on the subway, where is he going? What does he try to do on the subway?

To the bank, subway, and back home, he went to the bank so he could get the Money for Faber so they can print books

Where does Montag go when he leaves Faber's house? Why?

seashells (ear pieces) to a little ocean of sound, "And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sounds, of music and talk and music and talk coming in on the shore of her unsleeping mind. Every night the waves came in and bore her off on their great tides of sounds, floating her, wide-eyed, toward morning. There had been no night in the last two years that Mildred had not swum that sea, had not gladly gone down in it for the third time." Using these shells, the people drift off to sea, so to speak, and lose sight of reality. They drown in propaganda from the government, losing sight of what life is really like without technology

Which extended metaphor is used with the ear pieces? What is the relevance of this metaphor?

That he has books in his ventilator grille, he has been collecting them for a year, 20 books in total in the grille, and the one he just got from the old woman

Which of Montag's secrets is revealed at the end of the section? Describe.

the men are old professors, researchers, writers, chair holders, specialist, theyy are running from the police, one struck a fireman when he came to burn his library

Who are the men whom Montag encounters? What are their past professions? Why are they there?

Mildred and her friends

Who called in the alarm?

Faber, to help Montag understand what he reads, he understands the meaning of things, and Montag wants to learn this skill so his life can make sense and he can be truly happy for once, Faber knows he is alive, Montag doesn't

Whom does Montag contact by telephone? Why?

Clarisse McClellan, makes him think, she makes him uncomfortable, later she made Montag realize that he was not truly happy, she changed his life forever, she makes him angry because she makes him feel dumb, it makes him realize that he doesn't think for himself

Whom does Montag meet? What effect does this person have on him?

Faber, Clarisse, Mildred, Mildred is not safe, but Clarisse and Faber are because Clarisse is dead and Faber is on a bus to st. louis

Whom does Montag worry about? Who is safe? Who is not?

To watch the white clown

Why are Mildred's friends coming to visit?

Gets rid of time wasting thought so everyone could be the same, population was easier to control, technology, mass exploitation, and minority pressure ordered elimination of books because people didn't want to feel different or left out, so they bought into the things to make them feel good, they didn't have to think

Why did books need to be eliminated? Who ordered it?

Because he sees the Bible under his arm, he knows that he wasn't lying

Why does Faber allow Montag into his house when he arrives?

Can't trust people, need more people to help them with their plan (historians, linguist, writers, actors), the society as a whole is shot, people aren't gonna wanna start reading books again if they are happy as they are

Why does Faber say the plan is impractical (four reasons)?

To get the books he buried in his garden for Faber and to place in Black's house

Why does he turn back to his home after he begins his escape?

They are annoying, she doesn't want any.

Why don't Montag and Mildred have children?

The fireman can keep the book for 24 hours, if they don't turn it in and burn it, they come burn the entire house

With what veiled threat does Beatty leave Montag?


in beginning, destruction/cleansing from evil, in the middle symbolizes the passion Montag feels to change society, and also the anger he feels from the people who don't try to think, in the end, fire symbolizes rebirth and warmth of life, fire can change things for better or for worse

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