Fahrenheit 451 SQ

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How does Millie react to Montag's question about quiting his job?

Upset. Why give up everything because of one night and one woman with her books?

2 Scenes Montag thinks about when Beatty asks, "You got some?" (books)

Ventillator grille and the old man in the park

What sudden reaction does Montag have to the odor of the kersone?


What does Faber look like?

WHITE in: mouth, cheeks, hair, faded WHITE eyes, fragile

What does the radio inform Montag of in the gas station?

War has been declared

What question does Montag ask his wife that she cannot answer?

When and where they originally met. (At the end we find out they met in Chicago)

What is the last thing Beatty says to Montag?

When you're quite finished, you're under arrest

What does Montag wonder after the incident with the kids?

Where they the ones who killed Clarisse?

What show does Mildred invite her friends over to watch?

White Clowns

What does Mildred say happened to Clarisse?

Whole family moved out and she got ran over by a car. (4 days ago but Mildred forgot everything)

What thought does Granger say the men have to hold onto?

You're not important

What is Faber compared to?

a moth in Montag's ear

How many books were stashed behind the ventilator grille?

about 20

How are the men around the fire dressed?

dark blue denim pants and jackets and dark blue shirts

How does the unarmed Beatty respond to Montag's holding a flamethrower ready to use on him?

eyes widen, then grins and says that's one way to get an audience, speech away, taunts him, makes fun of him

What happens when Montag asks on the phone about how many copies are available of the Bible, Shakespeare, and Plato?

faber thinks it's a trap and says zero and hangs up

What plan does Montag suggest which Faber rejects at first?

get a press and print extra copies of books Montag would steal

Why does Montag keep washing his hands when he gets to work?

guilt of his hands from snatching books

How long ago was it that Faber was teaching and college newspapers were being printed?

half a century

When Millie hears a dog at the door and wants to shoo it away, why won't Montag let her?

he thinks it's the Mechanical Hound

Where did Montag hide the books?

in the bushes near the alley and garden

What happens when the Hound gets to Faber's house?

it pauses in front of the house and its needle goes out and in and out and in and then he turns and keeps going

What does Montag do to the captain? To the other firemen?

kills him w/flame-thrower; hit them in the head and knocked them out

What do the police suggest to the people of Elm Terrace?

open every front and rear door and window, the fugitive cannot escape if everyone in the next minute looks from their house at the count of ten

When Montag's feverish mind pictures his wife the next morning, how is she described?

pg. 48: Hair burnt to brittle by chemicals, cataract eyes, thin as a mantis, flesh like white bacon, but remembers her always looking like this.

What "insidious" plan does Faber casually suggest and which Montag agrees to carry out?

plant the books in firemen's homes, turn in alarm and see the firemen's houses burn

What unusual "torture" does Montag use on Faber to help him fight the system?

ripped out pages of Bible and wadded them up

What is Granger's prediction for how the Hound chase will end?

scapegoat to end things with a bang; will catch "montag" in the next 5 mins.

What does Montag hope to do by reading to the women?

scare them

What does the Hound do when it arrives to stop Montag?

stabs the needle into his leg

What reasons do the women give as evidence that Winston Noble was such a good candidate for President?

tall, nice, good-looking, loud, had a nice sounding name

What does Montag hear on the radio?

that he is a wanted fugitive for murder and crime against the state

After Montag starts to run away, he turns back. For what?

the books

After the men are knocked down by the bomb-blast, Montag blinks and looks. What bizarre sight does he see?

the city and the bomb switched places and there were doors where windows should be, etc.

When Beatty strikes Montag on the head, what happens?

the green "bullet" fell out of his ear, Beatty takes it and turns it off and puts it in his pocket

Whom does Montag think of when he decides he needs a teacher?

the old man from the park

Why do they know Montag's name?

they have a portable battery TV set that they watched the chase on

Why don't the authorities bother the hobos?

they're model citizens, when they're searched there is nothing on their person to incriminate them, no books with them

After he turns off the TV walls and argues with the women, what does Montag force them to do?

to talk

What does Montag want Faber to teach him?

to understand what he reads

How does Beatty cleverly "punish" Montag at work?

told him he had a dream that he debated Montag on books where Montag yelled quotes at him and Beatty shot them all down, used his own books to rebut him, they turned on him

Montag stops and stares at what again? (same as before)

ventilator grille

Montag looks at ___ so intently when he gets inside his house

ventilator grille (something is hidden behind there, moves is eyes away quickly)

What time do the workmen leave?

| (check) about 1:30 AM

Montag thinks most people's faces are like torches, "blazing away" before you, but he thinks of Clarisse's as mirrorlike. Meaning?

| She reflects his deepest, scariest thoughts. (innermost trembling). She doesn't burn out and just project the same kind of light, but connected change and adaptions like a mirror image of his own thoughts.

Famous quote woman quotes:

"Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as trust shall never be put out."

What does Faber give Montag before he goes, to help him against Captain Beatty?

"green bullet" earpiece so they can hear and talk to each other

What do the 2 machines do?

1. Clears stomach and gets rid of old water & time, drinks the darkness. Eye sees the soul 2. Pumps all the blood from the body and replaces it with fresh blood & serum. These machines together are designed to get rid of melancholy. [only need technicians since this is a common thing, suicide overdoses]

Faber says "Three things are missing" in the world of F451. What are they?

1. quality of information (texture, telling fresh detail) 2. leisure to digest it 3. right to carry out actions based on what we learn from interaction of 1st two

How much did it cost?

1/3 of his yearly salary.

How wide is the street Montag wants to cross?

10 lanes wide

Married for how long?

10 years

How old does Montag think the people in the car must be?

12-16 years

Age of Clarisse McClellan

17 years (Uncle says this age is crazy) (find out later she's actually 16 years 11 months)

When did they buy the last one?

2 months ago

How many atomic wars have there been started and won by the US, according to Montag?

2 since 1990

About how long did it take to set up the loose hobo network?

20 years

How long can a fireman keep a book for?

24 hours

How many TV walls do they have?


Age of Guy Montag

30 years, 10 years a fireman

What time is it in the morning when the fire dies down?

3:30 AM

His symbolic helmet numbered "451" echoes the definition of the title page. How is the helmet symbolic?

451 is the degree of heat at which book paper burns. Symbolizes the numerical value of burning, but not the abstract value of what is burned.

What does Mildred want him to buy?

4th one, costs $2,000.

When does Faber say he is leaving? How much time has elapsed since the beginning of Part 3?

5 a.m. for General Delivery, St. Louis. 1 week (ish)

Minimum speed limit on the highways where Millie goes driving with Montag?

55 mph (once she goes 105 because she can't tell what he's saying)

What does Mildred find under Montag's pillow while Beatty gives his lecture?

A book

When Mildred comes out of the parlor, she stands looking at Beatty and Montag and then "her mouth moved and she was saying something but the sound covered it" What was she probably saying?

A book is under the pillow???

What would be waiting for Montag by the barn?

A cool glass of fresh milk, and a few apples and pears laid at the foot of the steps.

How does Montag have to burn his house?

A flame thrower not kerosene and a match

What are the men going to "build" in the city?

A mirror factory

Who is Faber going to see?

A printer

In spite of the rule book's claim, when does Beatty say the fireman's job really got started?

Around the civil war. Not until photography, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Things began to have mass

Describe Clarisse's uncle

Arrested for being a pedestrian, arrested for driving too slow (40 mph), tells Clarisse 17 year olds are crazy, and seems like a thinker

What did Montag give to the city? What did others give to each other?

Ashes; nothingness

When someone comes to the door, who do the Montags think it must be? What do they do in response?

Beatty; they don't answer it

According to the rule book used by the fireman, who established the Fireman of America, when, & why?

Benjamin Franklin (1st Fireman); 1780; To burn the English influenced books in the colonies

Books compared to?

Birds, flapping around & fish stacked in a pile. Obediently burning.

What are described as swan feathers?

Book covers

What leapt and danced like a roasted burn?

Burning books

Who is the Captain?

Captain Beatty- fire chief & Montag's boss

Where did the McClellans live before what was the uncle deemed?

Chicago; antisocial

Montag says, "Now he knew that he was two people, that he was, above all, Montag who knew nothing...he knew he was also the old man who talked to him..." Who else had this kind of relationship with Montag?


Identify who Montag meets & describe her

Clarisse McClellan; dark eyes, curious and shining; pale and white, wears white; different thoughts, strange; beautiful face like a mirror

As Beatty drives away, and Montag looks at the flat-fronted houses on his street, what pops into his mind?

Clarisse and how she told him the reason porches were taken away. Accroding to her uncle, not because of their appearance but because the peole sat doing nothing, talking, rocking- wrong kind of social life. They had time to think. They got rid of the gardens too.

What fact was Montag certain of that he could not prove?

Clarisse had walked where he is walking now.

Who are the 3 people Montag shouts when the bomb goes off?

Clarisse, Mille, Faber

Montag accidently kicks what on the floor and it is missing?

Crystal bottle of sleeping tablets; missing are the sleeping tablets

What song/ commercial is playing on the subway?

Denham's Dentifrice

How does Montag feel about Beatty's death?

Disturbed that Beatty wanted to die, guilty, sobbed, kept apologizing, disturbed

Things the girl asks the fireman about

Does the kerosene really seem like perfume?(he says of course), Do you mind if I walk back with you? Isn't this a nice time of night to walk? How long have you been a fireman? Do you ever read any of the books you burn? (No, against the law), True long ago fireman put out fires not start them?(No, houses always been fireproof), Why are you laughing? Have you ever watched the jet cars racing on the boulevards down that way? Billboards used to be 20 ft instead of 200. Are you happy?

What was Faber's job before this dystopian society w/o books?

English professor

What does Beatty mean when he says "Every fireman, sooner or later, hits this"?

Every fireman questions his job.

Although mentioned twice before what new character is finally named?


Where is Montag instinctively running?

Faber's house

"The great python" refers to?


Where is Montag headed?

Following the river and tracks to the country

Where does Montag go after that?

Goes to Clarisse's house and just listens to their real conversations and natural laughter.

Montag's hand suddenly does what?

Grabs a book and hides it so he can sneak out with it.

What is different about the job and meaning of "fireman"?

Guy Montag is a fireman that sets fire, specfically to books.

Why does Montag cry while thinking about everything?

He cries because he wouldn't cry if Mildred died, and that they are very empty and depressed inside.

What happens to Montag each day when he gets to work?

He misses Clarisse's presence and he feels much more aware and conscious at work.

What subversive act does Montag accomplish in this section?

He plants books in Black's house (then he calls it in to the fire department)

How does the fireman get home?

He walks

Beatty says what that surprises Montag?

He was able to finish the quote the lady said. He knew that it was a man named Latimer that said that to a man named Nicholas Ridley when they were being burnt alive at Oxford for Heresy on Oct 16, 1555. Says he knew that because he's "full of bits and pieces, most fire captains have to be. Sometimes I surprise myself"

What does Clarisse decide about Montag by using a dandelion?

He's not in love with anyone. (Joking, but causes Montag to introspect)

Who is Clarisse on her way to see? Why?

Her psychiatrist; made to go, but she makes up stuff. He wonders why she hikes around in forests and watches the bird and collects butterflies

Why is Montag a fireman?

His grandfather and father were firemen

Who will Montag find by the tracks?

Hobo camps- walking camps, Old Harvard degrees

What was the name of the other presidential candidate?

Hubert Hoag

What's the real beauty of fire according to Beatty?

It destroys responsibility and consequences; it's also aesthetic and antibiotic

What did he once tell Clarisse about the odor of the kerosene?

It's nothing but perfume to me

What smells like perfume to Montag?


Things Clarisse and Montag discuss are___

Kids don't care much about anything anymore, run each other, cinnamon leaves, morning dew, real laugh is much better, social isn't stuck together doing nothing, watching people is nice, painting wasn't always abstract

Children to what do each other now a days?

Kill each other, smash things, drive too fast

Montag's bedroom reminds him of _______


Each firehouse has a * instead of a dalmatian. Described as?

Mechanical Hound; living/unliving, 8 legs, sensitive, artificial nose, has a stabbing metal needle that's loaded with morphine or procaine to kill.

Mrs. Montag's first name?


Why doesn't Montag have children?

Mildred doesn't want them

Official slogan of the firemen

Monday burn Millay, Wednesday Whitman, Friday Faulkner, burn 'em to ashes, then burn the ashes.

When they walk north to help in the city, who leads?


Whom does Beatty assign to burn the house?


Why do Faber and Montag both look around the inside of the house with such alarm?

Montag's scent is in the house

What two new named characters come to visit Mildred after supper?

Mrs. Phelps (one who cries, Clara, husband Pete to ear, 3rd marriage, won't cry for death of husband, no kids) and Mrs. Bowles (2 children she sees 3 days a month, c-sections, doesn't want Montag to read, Mrs. Phelps tells him to)

Do they get the woman out of the house?

No, Montag tries to get her to come but she doesn't, even when Beatty counts a warning to ten. She shows them her match and then they all run away and then she strikes the railing. (She wanted to stay there)

Part Two, Section One begins on the same day as the end of part One. What month is it?


Montag tries to tell what to his wife before work?

Overdosed on all the sleeping pills. She denies it over and over again

What information pops back into Montag's mind, which he then tries to hold in his memory?

Part of Ecclesiates & Revelation

What bird does Granger say is first cousin to man?


Who does Montag think is after him in the car, at first?


What does Faber tell Montag is his one way to get out of this?

Pretend it's a joke

What dangerous thing does Montag do in this passage?

Reads bible in public

What games do the fireman typically play with the Hound?

Release rats,chickens, cats and have the Hound track & kill. They make bets & 2 years ago, Montag lost and he really doesn't like the game in general.

What does Faber recommend to Montag?

Run away

Symbols of a fireman

Salamander on shoulder, phoenix disc on chest, helmet with 451

What was Granger's Grandpa's occupation and what was special about him? What did he believe?

Sculptor- he was always busy with his hands. He was an individual. He shaped the world and did things to the world. Everyone must leave something behind.

Why is she so excited about the upcoming TV Show?

She can participate- she is given lines

What does Mrs. Montag remember about the night before? What does she think must have happened?

She remembers nothing & thinks she's hungover from a wild party.

Montag wakes up feeling?

Sick (but later we find out he's actually not) nevertheless, Mildred won't bring him aspirin and water and he also throws up at the smell of kerosene.

In what ways can the Mechanical Hound and the beetle car which chases Montag can be compared?

Similar: Both technology, controlled by humans, and want to hurt Montag Different: The hound is programmed and doing it for society. Kids- doing it for pure entertainment

Beatty's response?

Slaps her with "amazing objectivity" & asks her again where are they (books)?

What did Granger's grandfather compare people who sleep their away to?


What things does Montag try that Clarisse suggested?

Smell the leaves, taste the rain, watch the moon.

What event does he remember from a year ago that reminds him of the meeting tonight?

Something behind ventilator grille hidden reminds him of 1 year ago when he and an old man talked. Strange night, strange man

What direction are the men going before the bomb explodes?


What does Montag do at the same time that jet bombers go screaming over his house?

Stands still, then screams with them. Then calls the Emergency hospital.

Names of the 2 of the firemen introduced are?

Stoneman and Black

When Millie can't answer, what does she get up to do?

Swallows water and most likely eats more pills.

What happens to someone after they die?

Taken to the incinerator within 5 minutes

What does Montag admit to Millie?

That he's been hiding books in the ventilator grille.

What he asks Millie to turn off the TV because he is sick, what response does she give for not wanting to do it?

That's my family

What does Millie seem most upset about?

The "family"- TV

What book does Montag have with him when he goes to see Faber?

The Bible

What book Montag show Mildred?

The Bible (Old & New Testament)

What does Faber read to Montag as he walks?

The Book of Job

Montag hears what outside as wife goes to sleep?

The Hound

Why must he leave right away?

The Hound has already started to trace his steps

What does Montag compare reading a book to?

The Sieve and the Sand

What is the title of part 2?

The Sieve and the Sand

What does he think would bother Millie out in the country?

The Silence

As Montag floats down the river, what does he daydream about?

The Sun burned time. If they keep on burning everything will burn. They have to save and keep.

What TV show did Mildred want to have her friends over to watch?

The White Clown

What is Montag still holding onto at this time?

The books

What does the ("great python") spray?

The firehose sprays kerosene

As Montag walks home form Faber's house, what does he have in his ears?

The green "bullet" and the Seashell radio

Why do they trust Montag?

The look of him is enough.

When does Montag's numbness begin?

The night he kicked the pill bottle

What is inconvenient about this raid?

The police didn't take the person away (bound mouth, bandaged away), so her silent accusation was horrible to them so they sang over her silence. Less fun this way, teases your conscience.

All the firemen look like?

The same nationality, same charcoal hair, same face.

What does Montag soon run into as he walks along?

The track

What seems so remote due to their own troubles?

The war

Montag's hands have become infected in what sense?

They're hungry, and this spreads to his eyes, and he's actually hungry for seeing the world how it really is.

When Montag looks at the empty McClellan house, what does Beatty intuitively understand?

This is the place where Montag's questions and "thinking" derived from. She fed him information

Why do all the men start shouting at the same time? What earlier scenes come to mind?

To keep their eardrums and sanity form bursting. The jets flying over the sky

Why were the lights going on all down the street?

To watch the "carnival" the firemen burn the house

Apparent function of Mechanical Hound?

Track and kill

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