Faith Bible Institute/Semester 3/Old Testament 2/Bible 123

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Ecclesiastes Perspective

"Under the Sun". It is life under the sun apart from heaven , apart from God; from an earthly perspective alone that is empty without meaning.

Psalm 119:9

"Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word."

Proverbs 20:1

"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise."

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms

1. Christ's Obedience 2. Christ's Zeal 3. Christ's Rejection 4. Christ's Betrayal 5. Christ's Sufferings 6. Christ's False Witness 7. Christ's Prayer for His Enemies 8) Christ's Resurrection 9) Christ's Ascension 10) Christ's Triumphant Entry into Heaven 11) Christ's Eternal Sonship & Reign

A Proverb

A _______________ is a short sentence drawn from long experience an in-depth truth shortly stated.

1,000 / 1450 BC-450 BC

Although most of the Psalms were written during the United/Single Kingdom, they span a total time period of _______ years, from the Exodus to Restoration/Return __________________.


Author of Proverbs 30, but identity is otherwise unknown.


Author of Solomon

An Exposition of Solomon's Song

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex All of these principles are all specifically drawn from _______________________________.

1. Dirty, sinful, or shameful. 2. Created by God for enjoyment. 3. The Marriage Relationship

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex a. Sexual love in marriage is a wonderful, holy, and sacred creation of God which is to be extolled for its beauty. 1. It is in no sense ____________________________. 2. It is not merely a necessity for procreation, but was ______________________________. 3. It is to be a primary and integral part of _______________________________.

1. Sexual intimacy 2. Right Life Partner 3. After Marriage

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex c. Loss of premarital purity is. barrier to 1. Complete ________________________ early in marriage . 2. Choosing the _______________________________. 3. Proper sexual adjustment _______________.

Before Marriage

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex d. Sexual desires should not even be stirred or awakened _______________________________.

Become stuck at that stage

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex e. There are three stages in a relationship. 1. Stage 1: Selfish 2. Stage 2: 50/50 3. Stage 3: Giving 4. If sexual desires are prematurely stirred, the relationship will ________________________________ and will have great difficulty advancing beyond that level.

3 Purposes of an Engagement

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex f. _____________________________ 1. To develop a non-sexual relationship. 2. To face problems and establish problem solving patterns. 3. To count the cost of this marriage.

Biblical Romance

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex g. _________________________ includes: 1. The Unexpected: Solomon surprised his bride by having their bedroom decorated to remind her of her home. 2. Continued Courtship: Solomon took his wife on a romantic trip to the country. 3. The Impractical 4. Creativity

Fortunate to be married

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex h. Each partner should see themselves as ________________________________ to the other person.

Show Public Affection, Protection, and Attention

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex i. Husbands should ________________________________ to his wife. One of her major needs is attention.

Not Automatic

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex j. Sexual adjustment in marriage is ______________, nor does everything just come naturally.

Continue after marriage

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex k. Romance and courtship must _______________________________.Periodic getaways are a big help. 1. Why do so many people work so hard at stirring romantic love before marriage and then stop trying after marriage? 2. Why do they then wonder why the feelings of romantic love went away. 3. When people say they fell in love and then fell out of love with their mate, they fail to understand that love is a command and a choice. When we choose to continually do the actions of love, the feelings of love will follow.

Disturb the roots of a marriage

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex l. Small problems left unattended _______________________________.

Completely secure

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex m. A healthy sexual relationship can only occur if a wife feels __________________________in her husband's love for her. Security is a basic need of a wife.


Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex n. A woman is to appeal to her husband _______________. Men are attracted by sight. This involves a woman casting off all of her inhibitions and false modesty.

Physical Relationship

Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex o. There are 3 problem solving steps for the ________________________________given in Solomon's Song. 1. Assume responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming your mate. 2. Return loving blessing for insult/rejection/offense. 3. Complete and transparent communication.


Biblical Principles Concerning Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Marital Sex p. A husband must ____________________________ prepare his wife emotionally for lovemaking. While men are attracted visually, women are attracted emotionally.


Ecclesiastes Author

The Independent Christian Life

Ecclesiastes Picture

"The Search for Meaning in Life"

Ecclesiastes Subtitle

The Exploration by Israel's King for Meaning in Life

Ecclesiastes Theme

Main Content of Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes records the search for the meaning in life and the meaning of life as conducted by Solomon, the wisest, wealthiest and most powerful of Israel's kings.

935 BC

Ecclesiastes was probably written in Solomon's later years, approximately ___________.

The Preacher's Final Conclusion

Even with God, life is a mystery, but without Him, it becomes a horrible nightmare which cannot be studied out. Therefore we should: a. Find God early in life. b. Fear.God throughout life. 1. By keeping His commandment with our actions. 2. By keeping Hjs judgment in our minds.

The King and His Kingdom

Importance of Psalms Psalms is the most Messianic Old Testament book, being filled with prophecies of _______________________________.

New Testament

Importance of Psalms The book of Psalms is quoted more in the ________________________ than all the other Old Testament books combined.

Psalm 100

Key Chapters of Psalms The Grear Psalm of Universal Millennial Kingdom Praise

Psalm 51

Key Chapters of Psalms The Great Psalm of David's Repentance

Psalm 150

Key Chapters of Psalms The Great Psalm of Praise

Psalm 119

Key Chapters of Psalms The Great Psalm of Praise to the Word of God

Psalm 23

Key Chapters of Psalms The Great Psalm of the Lord My Shepherd

Psalm 22

Key Chapters of Psalms The Great Psalm of the Sufferings of Christ


Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 1) ____________ is a accepting debt greater than our current available non-essential assets. It is borrowing without collateral. It is pledging your future labor and income if a debt is not paid. You are standing sure for a debt. In the days of the Bible, you were literally sold as a slave for your labor to pay off a debt. Today, you labor at a job of your choosing to pay off the debt, but you still become a slave to that debt.

Before finances, possessions, & money

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 1. We are to put God first before ______________________________.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 10. Wasting your parents money is a _________________.

Borrow more than our ability to pay off

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 2) Scripture teaches us never to _______________________________ with current non-essentia assets, if we were to lose our expected future income. We are not to trust in future income that we may never see.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 2. We are to put our marriage and our family first before our money and possessions. Great wealth without a hood marriage and a happy home is ___________________.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 3. We mus recognize and accept the truth that ____________ does not bring happiness.

Borrowing, credit, loans, and debt

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 4. We are to be wary of any involvement in _______________________________.

Building your house.

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 5) Develop your business first before _____________________________.

future times of crisis or need

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 6. We are to be diligent in watching over our financial affairs as good stewards over God's possessions. We are therefore to budget wisely with _____________________________ in mind.

Future needs or times of need

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 7. We are to save a portion of our income for _________________________________.

Greed, Covetousness

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 8. Beware of seeking to be rich, get rich schemes, _____________________________ and trusting in riches.

Want more

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters 9. Money (or possessions) never satisfies for we always ______________________ , and if we have too much, we cannot enjoy or appreciate anything we have or anything we receive.

Pleasure and comfort

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters Develop your business first a. This passage teaches that business comes before ___________.

Proverbs 22:26-27

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters Note the warning of __________________.We should never put ourselves in a situation where out necessities will be taken from us or our family if we have nothing to pay on debt.

Starve to death

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters a. We are to obey God and seek his righteousness first and He will provide our needs. God will not let a good man ______________________________.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters a. We must be aware of _________________ a loan. Do not accept responsibility for the credit debt of others.

Future Income

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters b. Never trust in _________________________ for the repayment of credit purchases. We are to avoid all surety.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters b. We are to seek God's _______________ first.

Constantly warns against

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters c. Beware of the dangers and bondage of debt 1) The Bible ________________________________ and discourages debt and the high cost of interest. In fact, the Bible never speakesnif credit debt in a positive light.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters c. Beware of the dangers and bondage of debt 2) Some believe that Scripture ______________ all borrowing as sin. This writer does not agree that all borrowing is sinful.

Our culture

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters c. Beware of the dangers and bondage of debt 3) Credit is definitely greatly over used by Christian's today who have followed _________________________ instead of heeding the warnings of the Scriptures that night discourage borrowing.

Forbid / Discourage

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters c. Beware of the dangers and bondage of debt In conclusion, it may be said that the Bible does not ___________ borrowing as always sin, but it does __________ borrowing and almost never wise


Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters c. We are to give to God ______________. Giving to God and those in need will cause God's to bless our finances.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters d. We are to put our _______________________ first before money and possessions.

Marriage or buying a house.

Key Subjects in Proverbs Business and Financial Matters Develop your business first b. Young men should gain financial and job stability before ______________________________.

Shape your character

Key Subjects in Proverbs Evil Companions 2. Refuse them, for they will _______________________________.

Proverbs 13:24

Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."

Proverbs 19:18

Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline 2) "Chastened thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying."

Proverbs 22:8

Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline 2) Discipline is always to be for the benefit of the child, never to vent the anger of the parent. Discipline is always to be done in love and thus must never be abusive. Discipline without love will only increase the child's anger and rebellion. Proverbs is clear that "the rod of........anger shall fall".

Proverbs 22:6

Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline 3. "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Physical discipline/Spiritual instruction/Physical discipline.

Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline Proverbs 13:24 c. Three unbalanced extremes concerning this verse need to be avoided. 1) The error of under emphasizing _____________. 2) The error of under emphasizing _____________. 3) The error of over emphasizing _____________.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline Proverbs 13:24 d. This passage also teaches that discipline must be _______________ in order to be effective


Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline Proverbs 19:18 1) All discipline is to be for the purpose of teaching the child and the should be accompanied by ____________________. Discipline when the child does not understand what he has done wrong will be of little value and will likely only provoke wrath and increase rebellion.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline Proverbs 19:18 b. The word ____________ means to teach with discipline.

"The age of the hair on the chin" and refers to adolescence

Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline Proverbs 22:6 b. The word "old" in this passage literally means ______________________ It is a wonderful promise that children raised rightly in the Lord will stay faithful to God even during their so called "rebellious years".

Taking them to chuch

Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline Proverbs 22:6 c. It must be pointed out that raising a child raghtly in the Lord means far far more than _________________________.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline Proverbs ___________ a. This proverb Is often rejected today by parents and psychologist who exalt their own wisdom above the wisdom of God. The results are obvious in the breakdown of morality in our culture. b. This proverb is often misquoted. Parents who refuse to discipline their children do not merely "spoil" them they "hate" them.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline a. Proverbs ________ points out that discipline must begin early. Parents often make the foolish mistake of not attempting to discipline their children until they reach a crisis point near or in adolescence.


Key Subjects in Proverbs Youth & Discipline a. This proverb is often understood to mean that if you rise a child rightly in the Lord, they may leave it for a while but sometime before they die they will come back. There is some truth to this principle but this proverb holds out and even greater hope. Proverbs __________

Reflected by the friends he chooses

Key Subjects in Proverbs c. Evil Comoanions 1. Refuse them, for a man's true character is ________________________________.

Poisonous Serpent

Key Subjects in Proverbs d. Strong Drink. It bites like a ________________________ and stings like an adder.

Ecclesiastes Problem

Many cults and heretical groups use statements from this book to support false doctrines such as soul sleep or annihilation. These passages can be properly understood only by realizing that extended portions of Ecclesiastes give the perspective of life "under the sun," that is, what life without God, which is a purposefully false perspective.

Christ's Triumphant Entry into Heaven

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Psalms 24:7-8 "Lift up your heads, O ye gates, .....The Lord strong and mighty... Fulfilled Acts 1:9 "And when He had spoke these things, while they beheld, He was taken up.......

His Scourgings

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Christ's Sufferings Psalm 129:3 "The plowers plowed upon my back...... Fulfilled John 19:1 "Then Pilate therefore took Jesus,.......

His Torturers

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Christ's Sufferings Psalm 22:12-18 "Many bulls have compassed me, stron bulls of Bashan...... Fulfilled Matthww 26:67-68 " Then did they spit in His face.... Matthew 27:27-30 "Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall.. . . Luke 22:65 " And many other things blasphemously....... John 18:22 "And when he had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus.....

His Bones Wrenched Out of Joint

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Christ's Sufferings Psalm 22:14a "I am poured out like water and all my bones.... Fulfilled The Romans specifically placed Crucifixion victims into positions.......

His Bones not Broken

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Christ's Sufferings Psalm 22:17 "I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me." Psalm 34:20 "He keepeth all his bones..... Fulfilled John 19:32-36 "Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first.....

His Garments Parted & Gambled for

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Christ's Sufferings Psalm 22:18 "They part My garments among them...... Fulfilled Matthew 27:35 "And they crucified him.....

His Trial and False Accusers

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Christ's Sufferings Psalm 31:13 "For I have heard the slander of many....... Psalm 109:2-3 "For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful...... Matthew 26:59-61 "Now the chief priests, and elders, and and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus Matthew 27:1 "When the morning was come, all the chief priests.....

His Thirst

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Christ's Sufferings Psalm 69:21 "They gave Me also gall for My meat...... Fulfilled Matthew 27:34 "They gave Him vinegar to drink..... Matthew 27:48 "And straightway one of them ran and took a spunge.... John 19:28-30 "After this, Jesus knowing that all things were accomplished.....

His Crucifixion

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Christ's Sufferings _____________________________ and the wounds in His hands, feet, and side. Psalm 22: 16-17 "For dogs have compassed me........... Fulfilled John 19:37 "And again another scripture saith, they shall look on him whom they pierced."

Christ's Rejection

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms His Mockers at the Cross. Psalm 3:2 "Many there be which say of my soul, ..... Psalm 22:6-8 "But I am a worm..... Fulfilled Matthew 27:39, 42-43 "And they that passed by reviled Him.......

Christ's False Witnesses

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Psalm 109:2-5 "For the mouth of the wicked.... Psalm 22:7-8 "All they that see me laugh me to scorn...... Fulfilled Matthew 27:41-43 "Likewise also the chief priests mocking him.....

Christ's Resurrection

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Psalm 16:10-11 "For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell..... Fulfilled Matthew 28:6 "He is not here for He is risen " Acts 13:35-37 "Wherefore he saith also in another psalm, Thou shalt not suffer Thine Holy One..... This event sets Christianity apart from all other religions.

Christ's Eternal Sonship and Reign

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Psalm 2:7 "I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thoy art my Son..... Fulfilled Revelation 11:15 "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven....

Christ's Ascension

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Psalm 68:18 "Thou has ascended on high..... Fulfilled Ephesians 4:8 "Wherefore He saith,

Christ's Obedience

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms ____________________________ Christ was obedient, even to death, to the point of giving His body as a Sacrifice for our sins.

Christ's Prayer for His Enemies

Prophetic Messianic Themes in the Psalms Psalm 109:4 "For my love they are my adversaries..... Fulfilled Luke 23:24 "Then said Jesus, Father forgive them .....

"The Wisdom of God"

Proverbs Subtitle

The Aspiration of Israel for the Wisdom of God

Proverbs Theme

Importance of Proverbs

Proverbs is the most practical book of the Old Testament

Two Schools and Two Women

Proverbs is the story of a young man starting out in life with ______________________________ vying for his attention and affection.

The Sufferings of Christ

Psalm 22

The Lord is My Shepherd

Psalm 23

David's Prayer of Repentance

Psalm 51

The All Present All Knowing Spirit


The Degree or Ascent Psalms (15)

Psalms 120 thru 134

The Messianic and Millennial Psalms (39)

Psalms 2, 3, 8, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 40, 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 55, 67, 68, 69, 72, 74, 79, 82, 87, 89, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 102, 108, 109, 110, 118, 129

The Acrostic Psalms (9)

Psalms 9, 10, 25, 34, 37, 111, 112, 119, 145 These Psalms are called the alphabetical Psalms because each line begins with a successive letter if the Hebrew alphabet.

Songs of Praise or Music

Psalms English title refers to __________________ accompanied by stringed instruments.

Book of Praises

Psalms Hebrew title means _____________________.


Psalms Key Word

To prove that life without God had no meaning

Purpose of Ecclesiastes


Solomon's Key Word

The First Love Christian Life

Solomon's Picture

931 BC

Solomon's proverbs were written by ___________ and the proverbs compiled by Hezekiah were arranged into their present form about 230 years later.

"A Love Story"

Song of Solomon Subtitle

The Aspiration of Israel for the love of God.

Song of Solomon Theme

Psalms 51 & 32, Especially 51

The 2 best known and loved of the Penitential Psalms are ______________________________.

Psalms Theme

The Adoration of Israel

King Hezekiah

The Degree or Ascent Psalms It is believed that most were written and all 15 were probably compiled by _____________________ of Judah (716-687 BC) after God spared and added 15 years to his life. One Psalm is included for each year. (cf Isaiah 38:1-20, especially verse 20.)


The Degree or Ascent Psalms (15) ___________________ wrote 10. Psalms 120, 121, 123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132, 124

Psalm 139

The Great Psalm of The All Present, All Knowing Spirit

Psalms Subtitle

The Hymn Book of Israel

The Importance, Beauty, and Value of Song of Solomon

The Jews considered the writings of Solomon to be a parallel to the Temple, Proverbsbeing the Outer Court, Ecclesiastes being the HolyPlace, and Solomon's Song being the Holy of Holies. It was read annually at the first and greatest feast of the year if the Passover.


The Key Word of Proverbs is ______________: This may be defined as the Practical Application of God's Principles to Daily Life.

Repentance over sin

The Penitential Psalms are confessional hymns of _______________________________.

The Christ-like Christian Life

The Picture of Proverbs

Psalms Main Content

The Psalms are the hymn book, the worship and devotional guide for the nation of Israel


The Psalms by Authorship At least 77 The Shepherd Psalms (8, 19, 23, 29, 144) The Sinner Psalms (6, 32, 38, 51) The Suffering Psalms (3-5, 7, 11-14, 17, 22, 25-28, 31, 34-35, 39-41, 53-59, 61-64, 69-70, 86, 109, 140-143) The Satisfied Psalms (9, 15-16, 18, 20-21, 24, 30, 36-37, 52, 60, 65, 68, 95, 101, 103, 108, 110, 122, 124, 131, 133, 138, 139, 145)


The Psalms by Authorship Psalm 88 A leading Levitical Singer of the family of Kohath and Korah. (1 Kings 4:31; 1 Chronicles 6:16, 33-44; 15:16-19; 16:41-42; 25:1, 4-6; 2 Chronicles 5:12-13; 35:15)


The Psalms by Authorship Psalm 89 This Counselor of Solomon was a Levite of the Sons of Merari (2 Kings 4:31; 1 Chronicles 6:44, 15:16-19)


The Psalms by Authorship Psalm 90


The Psalms by Authorship Psalms 1, 2, 10, 33, 43, 66-67, 71, 91-100, 102, 104, 106, 107, 111-110, 135-137, 146-150

King Hezekiah

The Psalms by Authorship Psalms 120-121; 123; 125-126; 128-130; 132; 134 This Godly 13th King of the Southern Kingdom of Judah repaired the Temple, organized an orchestra, and recognized the Levite Singers. He authored 10 Psalms and added a total 15 to the Book He also helped prepare the book of Proverbs (2 Kings 18:1-20; 21; 2 Chronicles 29: 1-32; 33; Proverbs 25:1)


The Psalms by Authorship Psalms 42, 44-49, 84-85, 87 The sons of ____________ were Levite descendants of Kohath through Korah. They served in the Temple as Musicians . (1 Chronicles 6:22)


The Psalms by Authorship Psalms 50, 73-83 This Levitical Choirmaster appointed by King David was the Sons of Gershom, one of the three families of non- priestly Levites who served in the Tabernacle . At the time of David, these Levites were organized for the Musical worship of God in the Temple. ( 1 Chronicles 6:31-33, 39; 15:16-17,19; 25:1, 2 Chronicles 5:12-13)


The Psalms by Authorship Psalms 72, 127

"Sayings of the Wise"

The ________________________ (Proverbs 22:17-24:34) are proverbs which were probably collected and compiled but not written by Solomon.

Proverbs 31:10-31

The author of this section is unknown but may have been written by Solomon, Lemuel, Lemuel's mother or by and unknown writer.

"The Song of Songs"

The book had been variously known as "Song of Solomon", "Solomon's Song", "The Book of Cantiles",(Short Songs) or _____________________________.

Recipients of Proverbs

The book of Proverbs has universal application, but it was written particularly for young people, more specifically young men, and even more specifically for Solomon's son.


The book of ______________ is an inspired collection of wise sayings designed for practical application.

Psalm 14:1

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

David / Ezra

The majority of Psalms were written by _________. _________the Scribe is believed to have compiled Psalms into their final order.

The School of Wisdom vs the School of Foolishness

The two schools in Proverbs vying for the young man's attention are __________________________.

The Pure Virgin of Wisdom vs The Vile Harlot of Foolishness

The two women in Proverbs vying for the young man's attention and affection are _______________________________.

Many words squeezed into a few

The word "Proverb" means ________________________________.

The Penitential Psalms (7)

These 7 Psalms are _______________________________. Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143

The Imprecatory Psalms (9)

These Psalms are prayers of judgment upon the enemies of God. Psalms 35, 55, 58, 59, 69, 83, 109, 137, 140

Sung at various stages of the three annual pilgrimages

These Psalms, The Degree or Ascent Psalms, were __________________________________________________ to Jerusalem. This is the most widely held view and is probably correct.

Song of Solomon Main Content

This is "The Song of Songs", the greatest love story ever written. a. Here is the first and classic tale of a poor peasant girl who wins the heart of a handsome young prince (king). b. Here also is the classic tale of a rich, famous and powerful young man who sought and found someone who would truly love him for himself, not for his wealth, fame, position, or power. c. Here is the story of Solomon's one true love out of his thousand women. Here is a love story between Solomon and his beautiful Shulamite bride.

Importance of Ecclesiastes

Wilmington writes: Apart from Proverbs, Ecclesiastes is probably the most important Old Testament book for young people to read. It answers their many questions. Can I find happiness in sex, or sports, or silver? In popularity, prestige, or power? In educational degree or drugs? The answer to all these is NO! Thus numerous heartaches and ruined lives can be avoided by simply heeding the advice of the man who has already traveled down those roads. Sometimes experience is not the best teacher, for the tuition is too expensive." (Visualized Study Bible, pp 619-620)

Psalms Picture

Worship in the Christian Life

King Lemuel

Wrote passages in Proverbs (Proverbs 31:1-9) but his identity is otherwise unknown.

Until Marriage

Young virgins are warned not to stir their sexual desires __________________________.

Sexual joy after marriage.

Young virgins are warned not to stir their sexual desires until marriage a. in order to maximize _______________________________.

Choice of a mate

Young virgins are warned not to stir their sexual desires until marriage b. In order to make the right __________________.

Sexual harmony after marriage

Young virgins are warned not to stir their sexual desires until marriage c. In order to find ______________________________.

Psalm 32

_______________ describes David's awful feelings before confessing and repenting of his sin with Bathsheba.

Psalm 51

________________ describes David's confession and the emotions he experienced during it


________________ wrote the majority of the book of Proverbs (chapters 1:1-22:1-16 and chapters 25-29). Proverbs contains about 800 of his 3,000 proverbs. (1 Kings 3:5-12; 4:29-34)


_____________________ means, "one who addresses an assembly." thus a preacher, teacher.or philosopher.

King Hezekiah

________________________ collected and compiled 5 chapters from the proverbs of Solomon (Proverbs 25-29) This monarch reigned over Judah from 716 - 686 BC.

Solomon's call to live joyously and responsibly

a. A call to wisdom in business 1. Invest in good deeds everywhere you go and the good you do will come back to you. 2. Invest what you have in several different interests for you cannot know which ones will go bad and this way you will not lose everything. This can be summed up by the common proverb "Don't put all your eggs in one basket". 3. Dont wait for perfect opportunities, but work hard all the time. There will always be uncertainties about the future. b. A call to wisdom and rejoicing in youth. We are to enjoy our youth, but live our lives with the judgment of God in mind. c. A call of wisdom before old age. We are to remember one creator in the days of our youth, before old age approaches.

The Topical Overview of "Song of Solomon"

a. Act One: The Shulamite Cinderella b. Act Two: The Shepherd Stranger c. Act Three: The Sovereign Solomon

Four Conclusions of Ecclesiastes

a. Conclusion number one: God intends for man to enjoy the fruits of his labor, for this is a blessing from the hand of God. b. Conclusion number two: Man is to do good and rejoice in the fruits of his labors while living in the fear of a Sovereign God with His judgment and our death in mind. c. Conclusion number three: We should enjoy the fruits of our labors and accept the joy of God in our hearts. d. Conclusion number four: Live joyfully with your mate and face life with an attitude of enthusiasm and social commitment.

Areas Solomon vainly searched for the meaning of life by experience.

a. Human wisdom b. Pleasure c. Alcohol d. Great building projects: beautiful homes and palaces e. Beautiful gardens and parks: farming f. Personal indulgences g. Cattle breeding: ranching h. Massive wealth I. Music j. Labor: after a lifetime of labor, our earnings will only be left behind, perhaps just to be wasted by our heirs. k. Marriage and sex l. Fame, popularity, international reputation m. Education and literature n. Natural science o. Military power: armies, horses, chariots, and navies

The Four Applications of the overall message of the book "Song of Solomon".

a. It sets forth the glory and holiness of wedded love. Thus it is the ultimate marriage manual. b. It sets forth the love of Jehovah for Israel. c. It sets forth the love of Christ and the church. d. It sets forth the love of Christ and the individual believer.

Solomon and Shulamite pictures

a. Solomon in this book represents both the Father and Christ. b. The Shulamite pictures bother Israel and the Church

The Sources of Wisdom

a. The Word of God b. Listening to instruction, learning from discipline and submitting to rules c. Heeding our parents d. Learning from wise counsel e. Accepting rebuke f. Seeking wise advice g. Humility h. Learning from criticism I. Prayer j. Seeking the Lord and forsaking evil. We can never discover wisdom while involved in unrepentant sin. A man's morality will always determine his philosophy. k. The fear of the Lord.

Psalm 119

a. This is the longest "chapter" of the Word of God. b. This is the center "chapter" of the Word of God. c. Every verse exalts the Word of God (2 possible exceptions) d. Eight successive verses start with each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet for a total of 176 verses.

Ecclesiastes Key Words

a. Vanity: used 37 times. This may be defined as futility, emptiness, meaningless b. Men: used 47 times c. Labor: used 36 times d. "Under the Sun": used 30 times. This phrase represents the idea of being "without or apart from God." e. Ecclesiastes thus reveals the vanity of all of man's labors under the sun.

Proverbs 22:1

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold."

Proverbs 15:1

"A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."

Proverbs 27:1

"Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth."

Proverbs 6:32

"But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul."

Psalm 119:165

"Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them."

Proverbs 28:13

"He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy."

Ecclesiastes 12:13

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."

Proverbs 1:10

"My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not."

Proverbs 16:18

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

Proverbs 9:10

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

Proverbs 11:30

"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise."

Psalm 12:6-7

"The words of the Lord are PURE WORDS: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever."

Psalm 119:11

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."

Proverbs 3:5

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."

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