Fall Semester Study Guide pt. 1

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Why was the majority of factory workers made up of women and children?

They could be exploited more easily than men.

With regard to religion, Napoleon`s reforms did what to the actions of the Revolution?

They reversed the actions of the Revolution.

Why was King James' religion a problem for the members of Parliament and the people of England?

They were afraid that he would want to make Catholicism the official religion.

What was the attitude of Napoleon`s defeated enemies in 1808?

They were only waiting for the chance to strike back

author of The Imitation of Christ, an example of the Catholic movement toward pietism and mysticism just before the Reformation.

Thomas a Kempis

the Anglican movement led by John Wesley which eventually separated from the Church of England to become a new denomination.

Toleration Patent

THE NAPOLEONIC EMPIRE, 1804-1815: Between 1805 and 1807, Napoleon defeated Austria, Prussia, and Russia in a series of brilliant military victories. Napoleon's victory at Austerlitz solidified his reputation as a military genius. By 1808, French rule extended from the North Sea to Spain and included much of Italy. It is important to note that Lord Nelson's naval victory at __________thwarted Napoleon's goal of controlling the seas and mounting an invasion of Great Britain.


____: 1. Charles Fourier, Louis Blanc, and Robert Owen were the most prominent Utopian Socialists. 2. They advocated social and economic planning to create societies based d on cooperation rather than competition. 3. Although the Utopians founded a number of cooperative communities, their experiments all failed.


Leader of the Swiss Reformed Church

Ulrich Zwingli

By the thirteenth century, the wealthiest of the Italian city-states was


On October 5, 1789, thousands of women marched to __________ demanding cheap bread and insisting that the royal family move to Paris. The king quickly capitulated, and a few days later the National Assembly also moved to Paris.


Prior to the age of the railroad steam engine, how was coal transported in the British mines?

Via horse drawn carts that moved on wooden rails

Why did Europeans fear the Vikings?

Vikings attacked quickly and stole from their victims

What is the basic argument about Napoleon`s contribution to world history?

Whether Napoleon`s rule furthered the cause of freedom in Europe or laid the foundations for modern dictatorship.

Discovered the circulation of blood and showed it was caused by the pumping of the heart

William Harvey

Initially, the smelting of iron ore using coke could be used only for the manufacture of cast iron. In 1784, a way was found to make wrought iron. Why was wrought iron important?

Wrought iron was important because it was more flexible and tougher than cast iron.

All of the following are examples of extreme reactions to the Black Death except?

a rejection of the authority of the Roman Catholic Church

Although Napoleon was a general, he also envisioned himself in what other role?

a ruler

The immediate cause of the French Revolution was

a series of financial reversals.

Marxist ideology contains a number of components. Among these are

a social theory that centers around a modified and incomplete economic determinism and the class character of society.

The program of de-Christianization did not include

a systematic execution of bishops.

The Napoleonic Code: Napoleon's legal experts consolidated hundreds of local law codes into a uniform legal code that is still the basis of French Law. The new code guaranteed many achievements of the French Revolution, including equality before the law, freedom of religion, the __________, and the protection of property rights.

abolition of privilege

Artificially protecting the weak prevents __________that would result in the "organic" improvement of the human race.


The lord lived off the labor of the serfs who farmed his fields and paid taxes in kind and money according to the custom of the manor. Similarly, the lord gave protection, supervision, and __________ of justice according to the custom of the manor.


To feel separate from one's own culture and society, hostility toward one's own group.


Hernan Cortes was aided in his conquest of the Aztecs by

all of the other answers

How was this hope for a Protestant successor to James II dashed?

all of the other answers

Who of these characters were artists of some sort?

all of these

Union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially of countries by treaty.


The British aristocracy of the eighteenth century

allowed the monarchy to maintain some power because of its own factional struggles

If I do something good for you, then by moral accounting I have given you something of positive value. You are then in my debt. In altruism, I cancel the debt, since I don't want anything in return. I nonetheless build up moral "credit."


A change or addition to a document such as the Constitution.


Martin Luther's early monastic life was characterized by

an obsession with his own sinfulness.

__________The misdeeds of the clergy and the problems of the temporal church were popular themes in Renaissance literature.


Laws designed to prohibit business from engaging in exclusive dealing, price fixing, monopolies, and other forms of unfair competition.

antitrust acts

What was Napoleon`s principle military training in the French military academies?


All items of value owned by a person or persons.


The sins that were most strongly denounced within the context of the Christian paternalist ethic were to become the behavioral _________ on which the entire capitalist market economy was to be based.


The greatest achievements in science during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries came in the areas of

astronomy, mechanics, and medicine.

In his Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu argued for

balance between various branches of government.

a distribution of power among several states such that no single nation can dominate or interfere with the interests of another.

balance of power

REASONS FOR BRITISH LEADERSHIP: THE COMMERCIAL REVOLUTION 1. Successful British merchants had capital for investment. 2. Great Britain had the most highly developed __________ in Europe.

banking system

The mechanical clock of the fourteenth century

based its measurements of time on ecclesiastical offices.

Rococo architecture was

best expressed in the buildings of Balthasar Neumann

A class of owners of large businesses, property and wealth.


An economic means of influencing another nation or business by refusing to purchase its products.


In its attempt to "preserve" the revolution from its internal enemies, the Committee of Public Safety

brutally crushed cities that rebelled against the government.

Government administration through officials working in offices, departments, and bureaus are part of a.


In the eighteenth century, Prussia's

bureaucracy and military were dominated by Junkers

astronomical observations from an island given him

by the King of Denmark

What was cast iron used for during the Napoleonic Wars?


...the world was growing more commercial, more used to the idea of employing money to make money, and was supplying itself with the apparatus of modern __________.


An economic system in which trade and industry are controlled by private owners working through the market.


The print shop was one of the first truly capitalist ventures. The printer or his partner was often a successful merchant who was responsible for finding investors, organizing supplies and labor, setting up production schedules, coping with strikes, hiring academically qualified assistants and analyzing the market for printed texts. He was also in intense competition with others who were doing the same, and was obliged to risk capital on expensive equipment.


Lacking commissions from the __________' and from royal officials, Dutch artists turned to their nation's prosperous merchants. As self-made entrepreneurs they wanted to purchase paintings of themselves, their families, their possessions, and their land.

catholic church

SOCIAL EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION: WORKIING-CLASS MISERY: 1 . Early factories exposed workers to dangerous machines and deadly diseases. 2. The demand for __________ led to the widespread employment of women and young children. 3. Workers had no health insurance and little job security.

cheap labor

... begin with the simple and obvious truth that for most of human history most people's lives have been deeply and cruelly shaped by the fact that they have had little or no _________ about the way in which they could provide themselves and their families with shelter and enough to eat. The possibility that things might be otherwise has only recently become a conceivable one to even a minority of the world's population and it became a reality for any substantial number of people only with changes in the economy of early modern Europe ... -b


MARXIAN SOCIALISM: 1 . In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels asserted t that the history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of of __________struggles."


An economic system in which all important economic decisions are made by the government or another similar institution.

command economy

The giving of authority to someone or a group of persons to perform a certain task or duty


THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION -- Traditional Agricultural Production: In the early 1700s, peasants living in village communities farmed much of the land in western Europe. Peasant farmers used an open-field system that included these characteristics: Animals grazed on the __________ or open lands; Villagers divided the remaining land into long, narrow strips. Fences and hedges did not divide this open land; Peasants traditionally used a two- or three-field system of crop rotation. This system was intended to restore exhausted soil. In practice, it meant that one-third to one-half of the land was allowed to lie fallow on any given year.


The __________(1649-1653) abolished the monarchy and the House of Lords. Oliver Cromwell and a one-house Parliament exercised political power.


The year 1500 may be said to represent a turning point in European history because

communications among the diverse civilizations of the world became global.

A body of people living in one place often with common interests, origins, and fellowship. Being alike in some way.


The peasants on the manor also found that they could exchange surpluses for money at the local grain markets; the money could be used by the peasants to purchase __________ of their labor services. Commutation often resulted in a situation in which the peasant became very nearly a independent small businessman. He might rent the land from the lord, sell the produce to cover the rents, and retain the remaining revenues himself.


In what areas, then, should a society sacrifice individual freedom to governmental constraints? The results of _________, for example, should not be considered injurious, because freedom of trade contributes to the good of all people.


THE "NATION IN ARMS": The levee en masse created a national military based upon mass participation. This marked the first example of the _________ mobilization of a country for war. Motivated by patriotism and led by a corps of talented young officers that included Napoleon Bonaparte, France's citizen soldiers defeated the First Coalition's professional armies.


Nature is disordered, powerful and chaotic, and through fear of the chaos we impose system on it. We abhor __________, and seek to simplify things whenever we can by whatever means we have at hand. We need to have an overall explanation of what the universe is and how it functions


Opposed to great or sudden change. Right-Wing.


Most eighteenth-century Christians believed that the solution to the "Jewish problem"

conversion to the Christian faith.

THE OLD REGIME -- PEASANT DISTRESS: Peasants comprised over four-fifths of France's 26 million people. Peasants lost half their income in taxes. They paid feudal dues to nobles, tithes to the church, and royal taxes to the king's agents. In addition, they paid a land tax called the taille and performed forced labor called the __________. Grain shortages led to sharp increases in the price of bread. The rising cost of bread was a major cause of discontent.


Free from national prejudices and at home in all parts of the world.


THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY: A. THE INCENTIVE 1. The global demand for __________ was enormous. 2. Prompted by huge potential profits, British entrepreneurs financed new ways of spinning and weaving cotton.

cotton cloth

Exporting was important to the British economy by the 1820s. What made up almost 50 percent of British exports by that time?

cotton goods

Mine workers during the industrial revolution

could be identified by their physical deformities.

The Catholic Church's response to the Reformation is known as?


The newly elected National Convention abolished the monarchy and declared that France was now a republic. The National Convention then had to decide Louis XVI's fate. The Girondists favored imprisonment while the Jacobins demanded that he be executed as a tyrant and a traitor. After a contentious debate, the National Convention passed a resolution condemning Louis XVI to death. The resolution passed by one vote. Supported by the sans-culottes, the Jacobins branded the Girondins as _________and ousted them from the National Convention.


There was almost no part of this life-without-fact that could be other than local. Virtually no information reached the vast majority of people from the world outside the villages in which they lived. When all information was passed by word of mouth, rumor ruled. Everything other than personal experience was the subject of hearsay, a word which carried little of the pejorative sense it does today. Reputation was jealously guarded because it was easily ruined by loose talk. Denial of a rumor was difficult, if not impossible, and _________ was the stock in trade of the illiterate.


...humans are responsible to cultivate their own potentials through making personal choices. The love of liberty can be antagonistic to the dictates of __________. But anything that denies individuality is, by definition, despotism.


Existing in fact (whether by right or not).

de facto

Rightful, by right, by legal right.

de jure

NAPOLEON AND THE CONSULATE, 1799-1804: Napoleon quickly took command of the new government. As first consul, he held all the power and made all the decisions. Napoleon's popularity continued to rise as he restored order, stimulated prosperity, and defeated the Second Coalition. Grateful voters overwhelmingly endorsed Napoleon's rule. He successfully used the democratic process to destroy ______


This overall agricultural change in the end eliminated the recurrent deaths which so long retained their power to destroy __________ advance.


The statistical study of human population, such as information about the number of births, deaths, and marriages.


In the High Middle Ages, the German monarch's power

depended on his own personal land holdings

Unrestricted tyrannical power


Protestant educators

did all of the other possible answers

In our case, we use instruction to train young members of our society to ask questions. Education in the West consists of providing intellectual tools to be used for __________. We encourage novelty, and this attitude is reflected in our educational curricula.


Many historians have argued that the spread of trade and commerce was the single most important force leading to the __________ of medieval trade and customs.


one's own country, not international.


Dante's Divine Comedy was written

during his political exile from his native city Florence

LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- REASONS FOR THE GROWTH OF EUROPEAN WITCH HUNTS: Religious reformers stressed the great powers of the Devil. The Devil's diabolical activities reinforced the widespread belief in witchcraft. Women were believed to be weak and thus susceptible to the Devil's temptations. Religious wars and __________ caused great social and economic stress. Older, widowed women usually lacked power and thus became convenient scapegoats.

economic uncertainty

In the 1830`s, conditions in the urban slums and industrial cities were improving, higher standards of nutrition were being set, and better clothing was becoming available. During this time, the government also began to spend money on education. Based on these reforms, what system grew rapidly in Britain after 1867?

education system

Most eighteenth-century European educational institutions were

elitist and geared to the needs of the upper class

Much of the educated elite in western Europe and America embraced deism. However, deism's reliance upon reason and its lack of __________had little appeal for many people.


The metaphor of Moral Strength imposes a strict us-them moral dichotomy. The metaphor that morality is strength induces a view of evil as the force that moral strength is needed to counter. Evil must be fought. You do not __________with evil, nor do you accord evil some truth of its own. You just fight it.


Renaissance Humanism was a threat to the Church because it

emphasized a return to the original sources of Christianity.

A group of countries ruled by a single supreme authority combined with a process of acquiring more territory and authority. For example, Rome 50 A.D. and England 1850.


The benefits of __________ were obvious. Fencing permitted controlled experimentation on improving yields of both crops and animals, as well as helping to limit the spread of disease by wandering animals.


It was the strengthening of these obligations and the nobleman's ability to _________ them through a long hierarchy of vassals and over a wide area that eventually led to the emergence of the modern nation-states. This process occurred during the period of transition from feudalism to capitalism.


NAPOLEON AND THE CONSULATE, 1799-1804: Secure in his power, Napoleon enacted policies designed to transform France into an efficient modern state. It is interesting to note that in many ways Napoleon embodied the philosophes' concept of an __________.

enlightened despot

The main goals of the Directory government, dominated by the middle class, included

establishing a society where money and property were the only re¬quirements for prestige and power.

When the King called for an _________ in 1789, the social tensions plaguing the old regime emerged as a central issue of the Revolution. Traditionally, estates representatives had belonged to one of the three orders of society, and in principle each order had an equal voice before the King. Because nobles dominated the clergy, however, the majority of representatives actually came from the two privileged orders, even though they stood for only 5 percent of the population at most.


A group within a society that shares the same traits, such as race, nationality, religion, language and customs.

ethnic group

The process by which something develops gradually into a different form. The origin of living things by development from earlier forms, not by special creation.


Reliance on trust in a person or idea without the necessity of evidence, unquestioning belief.


The European population declined by at least 60 percent as a result of the Black Death.


An extreme right-wing dictatorial government or political party based on an idealization of leadership. For example, the Nazi party.


There were many dangers for miners working underground. Constant dangers that miners were exposed to included...

flooding and explosion

THE INVENTIONS: In 1733, john Kay invented the __________, enabling a single weaver to work twice as fast.

flying shuttle

Social customs approved by society but not considered morally significant, so they are not strictly enforced


In society, natural self-love becomes corrupted into a venal pride, which seeks only the good opinion of others and, in so doing, causes the individual to lose touch with his or her true nature, the loss of one's true nature ends in a loss of __________.


A just society replaces the individual's natural freedom of will with the __________, such a society is based on a social contract by which each individual alienates all of his or her natural rights to create a new corporate person, the sovereign, the repository of the general will.

general will

A just society replaces the individual's natural freedom of will with the __________, such a society is based on a social contract by which each individual alienates all of his or her natural rights to create a new corporate person, the sovereign, the repository of the general will.


It is very important to note that unlike France, the English __________ was willing to pay taxes. This had two important consequences: First since the tax burden was more equitable in England, the peasantry was not overburdened with excessive taxes. Second, the gentry and thus the House of Commons demanded a role in determining national expendttures. This created an inevitable conflict with the Stuart kings.


During the Renaissance, the European economy

gradually recovered from the troubles of the fourteenth century.

The labor of African slaves and eastern European serfs supported key commodities: 1. African slaves labored on immensely profitable Caribbean sugar plantations. 2. Serfs labored in the rich __________ regions of eastern Europe.


The National Assembly did create a constitutional monarchy; divide France into 83 departments governed by elected officials; establish the metric system of measurement; abolish internal tariffs; abolish __________. The National Assembly did not abolish private property or give women the right to vote


Which machine was not introduced in the early British textile mills?


... modern" period. By this, though, they are really drawing our attention to a process in which the modern Atlantic world emerged from the tradition-dominated, agrarian, superstitious and confined western Christendom of the Middle Ages, and this took place at different times in different countries. So is its importance, for it laid the groundwork for a European world __________. -a


Historians have noted that the French Revolutionary Army

helped create the modem concept of nationalism.

The reign of England's Queen Mary I was noted for

her failure to restore Catholicism.

The decline of the western part of the old Roman Empire left Europe without the laws and protection the empire had provided. The vacuum was filled by the creation of a feudal _________.


Large-scale destruction, especially by fire.


A philosophical school of thought based on the idea that the material universe is the expression of non-material forces.


Medieval shields were used as protection and as:

identification of knights

The principle ideas and beliefs that characterize a particular class, group, or movement. These ideas explain, for that class, group, or movement, the past, the present, and future.


All writing held a kind of magic quality for the reader, most of all that of the holy texts. The feeling was that the light of God shone on the reader through 'the letters' veil'. Reading was a physical act of spiritual exhilaration, in which the meaning of the words came like an __________, much as light came through stained glass.


The aim of legislation was to serve the best interests of the land and to __________and divide the working population so as to keep it out of London.


The twentieth century needs no reminders that social change can quickly follow economic change. We have little belief in the ___________ of social forms and institutions. Three hundred years ago, many men and women believed them to be virtually God-given and the result was that although social changes took place in the aftermath of inflation (and, it must be said, for many other reasons) they were muffled and masked by the persistence of old forms. Superficially and nominally much of European society remained unchanged between 1500 and 1800 or thereabouts. Yet the economic realities underlying it changed a great deal. Appearances were deceptive.


The constitutional procedure for removing the president and other high government officials from office for illegal activity.


By the eighteenth century the French nobility and bourgeoisie were

increasingly less distinguishable from each other.

Each of the seven Dutch provinces was politically _________.


The Reformation bolstered


In addition to economic differences, early modern French society was legally stratified by birth. Its three traditional divisions, or "orders," were the clergy, the nobility, and the common people. Nobles ruled over commoners, but even among commoners, specific individuals (such as officeholders) or groups (such as a particular guild or an entire town) enjoyed privileges unavailable to outsiders. Because these privileges were passed on primarily through __________, they tended to constrain social mobility—although without preventing it, since they could also be bought or sold.


The second school of opinion, however, emphasized the undoubted fact that the whole regime had been under indirect attack from many directions __________ Japan long before Perry arrived.


Joan of Arc was

inspired to act by visions of her favorite saint.

The British industrial entrepreneur Richard Arkwright

invented the water frame spinning machine

THE FALL OF NAPOLEON -- Aura of invincibility: Napoleon's appeared to be __________. Many called him the greatest military commander in . European history. Napoleon insatiable desire for power led him to make three disastrous mistakes that led to his downfall.


Which of the following best characterizes Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France?

it condemned the violence and anarchy of the French Revolution.

Fascism is a right-wing ideology because

it holds to the idea of natural inequality based on the will to rule.

Science became an integral part of Western culture in the eighteenth century because

it offered a new means of making profit and maintaining social order.

With experience, a worker could theoretically move up the social hierarchy, but in practice such ascent was extremely difficult to achieve, as the limited number of masterships in any given industry tended to be passed down within a family. Thus in some trades and in some cities __________ complained of feeling restricted and expressed greater solidarity toward their counterparts in other trades than toward their own masters.


This view of the universe permeates all aspects of our life. All communities in all places at all times manifest their own view of reality in what they do. The entire culture reflects the contemporary model of reality. We are what we know. And when the body of __________changes, so do we


The theory to limit government control of a country`s economy was developed in France during the eighteenth century. What is this theory called?

laissez faire

n 1720, in England, of the estimated five and a half million population, fully four and a quarter million lived in country villages. __________ was the ultimate source of all wealth, and it was jealously guarded. That year came the hottest summer in living memory


What is a fief?

land granted to a knight by the king

The lords who needed cash to exchange for manufactured goods and luxuries began to rent their own lands to peasant farmers rather than having them farmed directly with labor service obligations. This process led increasingly to a situation in which the lord of the manor was simply a __________in the modern sense of that term.


As the nineteenth century began, it looked as if most Europeans still respected noble blood. All that had changed was that not quite so many people still automatically thought it was a distinction which ought to be reflected in __________.


... this __________is managed through the widespread teaching (the social adoption) of ideas about the way things are, how the world 'really' works and should work. These ideas (often embedded in symbols and cultural practices) orient people's thinking in such a way that they accept the current way of doing things, the current sense of what is 'natural,' and the current understanding of their roles in society.


A noticeable trend in eighteenth-century medicine was the

lessening of the older distinction between surgeon on and physician.

THE "NATION IN ARMS": While the Terror crushed domestic dissent, Robespierre turned to the danger posed by the First Coalition. In 1793, the Committee of Public Safety proclaimed a "__________" decreeing compulsory military service for all men between the ages of 18 and 40.

levee en masse

Freedom from captivity, slavery, imprisonment, or despotic control by others. The right or privilege to do as one chooses.


Many historians have pointed out that bishops and abbots was well as dukes, counts, and kings often flagrantly violated these sanctions. They themselves granted __________, even while they were punishing others for doing so.

loans at interest

A person who represents a special interest group that seeks to influence either the passage or defeat of certain bills.


Determined to undo what they saw as royal tyranny, the __________ executed Laud and passed a number of laws limiting royal power

long parliament

The most powerful people in the Middle Ages were:


SOCIAL EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION: THE FACTORY SYSTEM: The factory was a place where large numbers of workers used __________to manufacture goods.


Rousseau's conception of the general will has been both admired and criticized. He himself claimed that the general will is not the same thing as the voice of the __________. A ( same word ) may be simply a collection of the shared particular interests of a group of individuals.


A large proportion of our most commonplace thoughts make use of an extensive, but unconscious, system of __________concepts, that is, concepts from a typically concrete realm of thought that are used to comprehend another, completely different domain.


class of people with some property and a relatively comfortable income.

middle class

The enclosures and the increasing population further destroyed the remaining feudal ties, creating a large new labor force - a labor force without land, without any tools or instruments of production, and with only labor power to sell. This __________ to the cities meant more labor for the capitalist industries, more men for the armies and navies, more men to colonize new lands, and more potential consumers, or buyers of product


The enclosures and the increasing population further destroyed the remaining feudal ties, creating a large new labor force - a labor force without land, without any tools or instruments of production, and with only labor power to sell. This __________ to the cities meant more labor for the capitalist industries, more men for the armies and navies, more men to colonize new lands, and more potential consumers, or buyers of products.


Prepared to take aggressive action in support of a cause.


On Liberty is a systematic attempt to grapple with the central problem in modern democracy: the tension between majority rule and the protection of __________ and individual rights.


THOMAS MALTHUS ON POPULATION: 1. Malthus argued that human population grows geometrically, while food supply expands arithmetically 2. He insisted that human population would inevitably outstrip food production, thus making famine and __________ inevitable.


Who or what of the following were most threatened by The French Revolution?

monarchy and upper classes

Capital refers to the materials that are necessary for production, trade, and commerce. It consists of all tools, equipment, factories, raw materials and goods in process, means of transporting goods, and __________.


Governments not only looked after their merchants by going to war to uphold their interests, but also intervened in other ways in the working of the commercial economy. One advantage they could offer was a grant of __________ privileges to a company under a charter; this made the raising of capital easier by offering some security for a return.


The Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century was

more a gradual building on the accomplishments of previous centuries than a sudden shift in thought.

From the perspective of these (conservative) metaphors, __________is immoral, since it permits alternative views of what counts as moral behavior. (same word) thus violates the binary good-evil distinction made by Moral Strength. It violates the well-defined moral paths and boundaries of Moral Bounds. Its multiple authorities violate any unitary Moral Authority. And the multiplicity of standards violates Moral Wholeness.


A large community of people mainly of common descent, language, history, etc., usually inhabiting a particular territory and under one government


The Civil Constitution of the Clergy, August 1790, passed by the __________, did the following: Confiscated the lands owned by the Roman Catholic Church; Decreed that bishops and priests would be elected by the people and paid by the state; Required the clergy to take a loyalty oath to support the new government.

national assembly

Important events and relationships central to a country's well being.

national interest

THE REORGANIZATION OF GERMANY: It is important to note that Napoleon unwittingly sparked a wave of German __________that fueled resistance to his rule. People who at first welcomed the French as liberators now felt they were being exploited by foreign invaders. Napoleon thus inadvertently accelerated the cause of German unification.


Italian Renaissance art can be most appropriately described as

neoclassicism in which the traditional characteristics of harmony and symmetry were valued

The use of economic, political, or other means to obtain or retain influence or control over former colonies and possessions.


Each change brings with it new attitudes and institutions created by new knowledge. These novel systems then either oust or coexist with the structures and attitudes held prior to the change. Our modern view is thus a mixture of present knowledge and past viewpoints which have stood the test of time and, for one reason or another, remain valuable in __________ circumstances.


the governments of France, England, and Spain at the end of the fifteenth century, where the rulers were successful in reestablishing or extending centralized royal authority, suppressing the nobility, controlling the church, and insisting upon the loyalty of all peoples living in their territories.

new monarchies

There was no strong central authority in the Middle Ages that could have enforced a system of laws. The entire medieval organization was based on a system of mutual __________ and services up and down the hierarchy. Possession or use of the land obligated one to certain customary services or payments in return for protection.


A form of government in which power is in the hands of a few people.


Military leader for Parliament led and created the New Model Army. After the execution of Charles I, he and his military forced out Parliament because they could not work with them. he dissolved Parliament, and divided England into 11 regions, each ruled by a major general, who essentially served as a military governor. He used military force to maintain rule of the Independents.

oliver cromwell

What medieval man called 'fact' we would call __________, and there were few people who traveled enough to know the difference. The average daily journey was seven miles, which was the distance most riders could cover and be sure of return before dark.


To the illiterate, documents were worthless as proof because they were easy to forge. A living witness told the truth because he wanted to go on living. Legal proceedings were conducted __________, a practice that continues to this day.


In his book Utopia, Thomas More

outlined a harmonious social order with communal property.

The historical literature of the eighteenth century

paid careful attention to the economic and social causes of historical events.

The lower clergy lived among and were drawn from peasant ranks. They fared hardly better than peasants in Carolingian times. As owners of the churches on their lands, the lords had the right to raise chosen serfs to the post of __________ priest, placing them in charge of the churches on the lords' estates.


In England, on the other hand, even the commercialized 'feudalism' which existed in France had gone long before 1800, and noble status conferred no legal privilege beyond the rights to be summoned to a __________...


The Stuart kings wanted a monarchy free from __________restraints.


Generally the cities were successful in gaining independence from church and feudal lords. Unlike the system of __________ adjudication based on custom and tradition that prevailed in the manor, the commercial law was fixed by precise code. Hence it became the basis of the modern capitalistic law of contracts, negotiable instruments, agency sales, and auctions.


economic elites who derived their incomes for capitalistic ventures and dominated urban communities during the Renaissance.


The result was the famous __________ revolts that broke out all over Europe from the late fourteenth through the early sixteenth centuries. These rebellions were extreme in their cruelty and ferocity.


Historians have estimated that in lean years 90 percent of the __________ lived at or below the subsistence level, earning only enough to feed their families. Others commenting on the lot of impoverished peasants before 1789 blamed the tensions between rich and poor on the country's vast social differences.


___ were treated according to their personal status and the size of their tenements. A freeman, that is, a peasant with his own modest allodial, or hereditary, property (property free from the claims of an overlord), became a serf by surrendering his property to a greater landowner — a lord —i n exchange for protection and assistance.


THE CONCEPT OF ENLIGHTENED DESPOTISM: The ___________ urged Europe's absolute rulers to use their power for the good of the people


The __________were the first Europeans to believe in social progress. The discovery of laws of economics and government would improve society and make progress inevitable.


The Luddites

physically attacked machines they believed adversely affected their livelihood.

Puritan members of Parliament urged james to "purify" the Church of England of "__________ remnants" including the authority of bishops.


Improvements in agriculture and transportation contributed to two important and far-reaching changes. First, they made possible a rapid increase in __________ growth.


THE POPULATION EXPLOSION -- FACTORS PROMOTING POPULATION GROWTH: The agricultural revolution produced a more abundant food supply; In Europe, the ___________ became a key food staple during the eighteenth century; A single acre of potatoes could feed a family for a year; Advances in transportation reduced the impact of local crop failures.


THE INVENTIONS: In 1785, Edmund Cartwright invented a __________ that used waterpower to dramatically speed up weaving.

power loom

A biased judgment of another culture or ethnic group based on a belief in the superiority of one's own culture or ethnic group.


... basic agricultural and industrial developments were necessary __________ for the spread of trade and commerce - which then further encouraged industry and town expansion.


Luther reacted to events by producing ninety-five criticisms of the Church, which he nailed to a notice board in his church in Wittenberg. He also sent a copy to his Bishop and one to friends. Luther's expectations of a quiet, scholarly discussion of his grievances among his friends were rudely shattered when copies were printed and distributed. Within a fortnight the 'theses' were being read throughout Germany. Within a month they were all over Europe. Luther found himself at the head of a rebellious army he had never thought to command. The only way to make the rebellion effective was to use the same weapon that had started it: the __________.


The term capitalism describes this system of profit-seeking and accumulation very well. Capital is the source of profits and hence the source of further accumulation of capital. But this chicken-egg process had to have a beginning. The substantial initial accumulation, or __________ accumulation, of capital took place in the period under consideration. The four most important sources of the initial accumulation of capital were (1) the rapidly growing volume of trade and commerce, (2) the putting-out system of industry, (3) the enclosure movement, and (4) the great price inflation. There were several other sources of initial accumulations, some of which were somewhat less respectable and often forgotten--for example, colonial plunder, piracy, and the slave trade.


Famine was another sporadic and local check on population growth; we hear even of cannibalism in the middle seventeenth century in Germany. Poor feeding and the lower resistance it led to I quickly produced disaster when coupled to the disruption of the economy which could follow a bad harvest. When accentuated by warfare, the result could be cataclysmic. The situation was always precarious until population growth began to be overtaken by __________


The growth of towns and cities led to a growth of rural-urban specialization. Along with increased manufacturing and increased economic specialization came many additional gains in human __________.


According to Karl Marx, the ____, or working class, was oppressed by the Capitalists.


Cesare Beccaria challenged contemporary thought and practices concerning the

proper punishment of criminals.

The later system, however, in which wealthy owners of capital employed __________ craftsmen, was usually a phenomenon of the city rather than of the countryside.


Maria Merian introduced to the field of science the importance of

providing precise illustrations of her subjects.

James Watt invented the steam engine as a way to way to

pump water from mines.

By the sixteenth century the handicraft type of industry, in which the craftsman owned his workshop, tools, and raw materials and functioned as an independent, small-scale entrepreneur, had been largely replaced in the exporting industries by the __________


SOCIAL EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION: THE FACTORY SYSTEM: As the factory system spread, the _________ system disappeared.


A power held by a legislative body to approve proposed agreements and amendments.


Used in psychology as a word to describe a common defense mechanism in which people justify their disappointing behavior or situation by devising excuses to explain it instead of admitting the actual reasons.


Organized religion in the seventeenth century

rejected scientific discoveries that conflicted with Christian theology's view of the universe

Voltaire was perhaps best known for his criticism of

religious and social intolerance

By the fifteenth century the fairs were being replaced by commercial cities where year-round markets thrived. The trade and commerce of these cities was incompatible with __________ feudal customs and traditions.


The policy of seeking to recover lost territory.


This __________in agriculture increased interest in making land profitable. It also provided the farm-workers with a diet that stands up well to modern comparison...


"While I feel great sympathy for children whose parents are too irresponsible to work hard and so provide a good home and medical insurance, I think the government is least able to remedy this problem. Better that private organizations and churches pitch in. It is wrong for government to take from those who are most productive and give to those who are lazy. All this ultimately produces is the sharing of poverty rather than wealth."

right wing

In 1500 Europe was still largely a _________continent of villages in which people lived at a pretty low level of subsistence. It would have seemed very empty to modern eyes.


LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- Increased Life Expectancy: During the eighteenth century, the life spans of Europeans increased from 25 to 35 years. New foods such as the potato combined with better farming techniques improved the diet of the poor. Improved __________. and the beginning of the science of immunology reduced death rates. Edward Jenner performed the first smallpox vaccination in 1796. The conquest of smallpox was the greatest medical triumph of the eighteenth century.


SOCIAL EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION: URBANIZATION: 1. The factory system transformed many small towns into crowded cities. For example, between 1760 and 1850, the population of Manchester surged from 45,000 to 300,000. 2. Between 1800 and 1850, the number of European cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants rose from 22 to 47. 3. Workers lived in crowded slums that lacked _________. Entire families lived in a single dark room.


THE SECOND FRENCH REVOLUTION: During the summer of 1792, radicals called __________ (literally "without breeches") took control of the Paris Commune (city government). The revolutionary Paris Commune intimidated the Legislative Assembly into deposing Louis XVI and issuing a call for the election of a national cgnvention. This new body would then form a more democratic government.


This ability to regard all phenomena as obeying universal laws, as much applicable on earth as they are in the centre of a star, is at the root of __________. The ability was developed four hundred years ago for reasons that had nothing to do with scientific research.


his ability to regard all phenomena as obeying universal laws, as much applicable on earth as they are in the centre of a star, is at the root of __________. The ability was developed four hundred years ago for reasons that had nothing to do with scientific research.


Bacon's inductive method and Descartes deductive method proved to be complementary parts of a systematic and logical way of seeking truth known as the __________.

scientific method

The __________ includes the following characteristics: ~ Belief in the existence of regular patterns in nature ~ Use of controlled experiments to systematically record facts and verify hypotheses ~ Search for mathematical

scientific method

The __________ estate: the nobility Nobles comprised 2 to 4 percent of the population. Nobles owned about 25 percent of the land.


All classes of serfs were subject to various dues in kind: firewood for cutting the lord's wood, sheep for being allowed to graze their sheep on the lord's land, and the like. Thus the lord, who, for his part, furnished shacks and small plots of land from his vast domain, had at his disposal an army of __________of varying status who provided him with everything from eggs to boots.


Unlike a slave, who was simply property to be bought and sold at will, the ________ could not be parted from either his family or his land. If his lord transferred possession of the manor to another nobleman, the serf simply had another lord.


During the 1th Century, __________played a key role in the Dutch economy. The Dutch fleet of 10,000 ships was the largest in the world.


The depopulation led to a desperate labor __________, and wages for all types of labor rose abruptly. Land, now relatively more plentiful, began to rent for less.


For Locke the function of government was simple: the protection of the "natural rights" of individuals against an encroaching government. The authority of government was constrained by a

social contract

WORKING-CLASS PROTEST IN GREAT BRITAIN: __________: SHARED BELIEFS: 1. The existing distribution of wealth is unjust. The "haves" possess more than they need while the "have-nots" possess barely enough to survive. 2. The resources and means of production should be owned by the community. 3. The profits of human labor should be equitably distributed.


Rousseau: Man is by nature good, __________is the cause of corruption and vice.


Rousseau: Man is by nature good, __________is the cause of corruption and vice.


Psychopaths with strongly antisocial tendencies, lacking any social conscience.


Renaissance individualism

sought great accomplishments and looked fro heroes in history

This essay champions one very simple principle: "The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others . . . Over himself, [however], over his own body and mind, the individual is _________."


THE INVENTIONS: In the mid-1760s, James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny, a spinning machine that made it possible for a single weaver to work six to eight threads at a time.

spinning jenny

Erasmus hoped to reform Christianity through all of the following except

spreading the radical reform ideas of Luther.

What source of energy provided vital power to the iron industry, specifically for the hammering and rolling that constituted the last stages in the manufacture of iron?

steam power

In the Second Industrial Revolution, what led the way to new industrial frontiers?

steel, chemicals, electricity, and petroleum

A standardized image applied to individuals who are identified with a particular group.


The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation were similar in that both were

stimulated by a spirit of inquiry

Another great change was the introduction of the stirrup, which allowed the more effective use of cavalry as shock troops


Another great change was the introduction of the stirrup, which allowed the more effective use of cavalry as shock troops.


What did Napoleon impose on the newspapers of Paris?

strict censorship

The Christian humanists were

supported by wealthy German patrons.

Most political arguments contain at least partial truths. Dialogue between these viewpoints makes possible the creation of a third, stronger position, as in the case of opposed political parties in a legislative body. "Not the violent conflict between parts of the truth, but the quiet __________of half of it, is the formidable evil . . . The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing when it is no longer doubtful is the cause of half of their errors."


Most political arguments contain at least partial truths. Dialogue between these viewpoints makes possible the creation of a third, stronger position, as in the case of opposed political parties in a legislative body. "Not the violent conflict between parts of the truth, but the quiet __________of half of it, is the formidable evil . . . The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing when it is no longer doubtful is the cause of half of their errors."


Spencer's, essays, and, books, in, the, 1830s, show, him, grappling, with, and, finally, coming, to, grips, with, evolutionary, theory., There, was, some, foreshadowing, of, the, importance, of, evolution, in, Social, Statics,, with, its, themes, of, necessary, progress, and, adaptation, toward, perfection., In, 1832,, Spencer, published, "The, Development, Thesis", and, "A, Theory, of, Population,", the, former, denying, special, creation, (and, advocating, evolution), and, the, latter, principally, famous, for, his, use, of, the, expression, "__________",


Social Democracy in such countries as Sweden and Germany has proven:

that political democracy, a high standard of living and a more egalitarian distribution of wealth are possible with socialistic style solutions while still maintaining a capitalist economy.

The normal working day begins at all seasons at 6 A.M. precisely and ends, after the usual break of half an hour for breakfast, an hour for dinner and half an hour for tea, at 7 P.M. . . . Workers arriving 2 minutes late shall lose half an hour's wages; whoever is more than 2 minutes late may not start work until after the next break, or at least shall lose his wages until then. . . . No worker may leave his place of work otherwise than for reasons connected with his work. . . . All conversation with fellow-workers is prohibited . . . ~ From Sidney Pollard and Colin Holmes, Documents of European Economic History, 1968. 1. Based on this passage, one would conclude ____.

that the supply of workers is plentiful

American liberals are supporters of capitalism. Even so, they think

that those who are the losers in the competition of the free market should be aided by the government.

With whom did Napoleon do battle in northern Italy in 1796 and 1797?

the Austrians

As amuchas half of the population of Europe was Killed by:

the Black Death

CATHERINE THE GREAT (REIGNED 1762-1796) -- Territorial expansion: Catherine ignored the philosophes' arguments against war. During her reign, Russia gained territory at the expense of the Ottoman Empire and Poland. Catherine's armies defeated the Ottomans and gained control over___________ and most of the northern shore of the Black Sea. Catherine along with Prussia and Austria annexed Polish territory in a series of partitions that took place in 1772, 1793, and 1795. As a result of these partitions, Poland disappeared as an independent nation.

the Crimean Peninsula

As part of the "counter reformation" movement from the Catholic Church, officials in Rome revived a practice of aggressively convicting and punishing heretics. They often used torture and even death as a tactic. What was this called?

the Inquisition

Why did King Henry VIII start his own religion?

the Pope would not allow him to divorce

The general conception of the universe prior to Copernicus held that

the earth was at a stationary center, orbited by perfect crystalline spheres.

Capitalist ideology holds that the best interests of all are maintained by the existence of a free market. A socialist might disagree with this by maintaining that

the free market does a poor job of balancing the interests of the working classes, minorities, the environment and the poor with the need for profits.

Political developments in eighteenth-century Britain included

the increased power of the king's ministers to make public policy.

In France just prior to the Wars of Religion there

the nobility was between 40 and 50 percent Huguenot.

During the eighteenth century the British were pioneers in

the novel as a vehicle for fiction.

The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite! ~ From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, 1848 . Who would benefit most by a Communist revolution?

the proletarians

Britain did not have an adequate transportation system to move heavy goods such as coal, iron, and machinery. What transportation system presented a solution to this problem and helped usher in the next phase of the Industrial Revolution?

the railway system

Diderot's opinions on sexuality included

the renunciation of chastity for the unmarried

The invention of what machine allowed spinners to keep pace with mechanized weavers?

the spinning jenny

All of these advanced Italian commercial interests during the Renaissance EXCEPT

the strength of the Italian monarchy.

How did the people in the conquered territories feel about Napoleon`s brothers as rulers?

they resented them

How did the Spanish people react to Joseph Bonaparte, Napoleon`s brother, taking the Spanish throne?

they revolted

Although there is evidence that the _________ system was introduced into Europe as early as the eighth century, its use was probably not widespread until around the eleventh century.


In the later period of the putting-out system, the merchant-capitalist owned the ___________ and machinery and often the building in which the production took place. He hired workers to use these tools, furnished them with the raw materials, and took the finished products.


JOSEPH II (REIGNED 1780-1790) -- Enlightened reforms: Abolished serfdom and feudal dues; Abolished the system of forced labor known as the robot; Proclaimed religious toleration for all Christians and Jews; Reduced the influence of the church; Reformed the judicial system; Abolished __________ and ended the death penalty.


A form of government in which no rival parties or loyalties are permitted, usually demanding total submission of the individual to the requirements of the state.


People understandably became particularly attached in this period to the more tangible veneration of saints and relics. The Virgin Mary was also widely revered, ... Religious devotion to saints has been compared to subjection to powerful lords in the secular world. Both the saint and the lord were protectors whose honor the serfs were bound to defend and whose favor and help in time of need they hoped to receive. Veneration of saints also had strong points of contact with old _________ customs, from which the commonfolk were hardly detached.


As the Hundred Years' War began, knights were the major combatants.


In the Dutch Repulic, religious toleration helped create a cosmopolitan society that promoted commerce.


In previous eras, Mill says, the struggle between liberty and authority was a contest between the classes of people who composed the citizenry and another class who controlled the government. "By liberty was meant protection against the _________of political rulers."


Industry on the continent differed from that in Britain because it

used investments from joint-stock banks

The church believed _________ was the worst sort of acquisitive behavior because most loans on which interest was charged were granted to poor farmers or peasants after a bad crop or some other tragedy had befallen them.


Weak serfs often fled to monasteries rather than continue their servitude. That many serfs were discontented is reflected in the high number of recorded escapes. An astrological calendar from the period even marks the days most favorable for escaping. Escaped serfs roamed the land as beggars and __________, searching for new and better masters.


ideas about what is good, proper, wise, and worthwhile.


What was the political situation in Paris when Napoleon was in Egypt in 1798?

very unstable

Rousseau's central claim is that __________ is found "engraved on the heart" of every person. No special knowledge is necessary, so the advance of knowledge suggested in the question does nothing to improve morals. Rather the reverse is true.


Napoleon's Grand Empire

was composed of three parts but held together by loyalty to him

The Austrian emperor Joseph II

was discouraged by the discontent that greeted his reforms

the harsh treatment of children in the workplace during the early Industrial Revolution

was not out of line with the brutal treatment of children in general.

The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381

was provoked by the imposition of a new poll tax.

What kind of power was used to operate machinery in the first cotton mills?

water power

We all conceptualize well-being as __________. We understand an increase in well-being as a "gain" and a decrease of well-being as a "loss" or a "cost."


In the Netherlands, political power was in the hands of __________.

wealthy merchants

During the revolution, French women

were not allowed to participate in political activities

The factory system and the values on which it as based were

what relegated workers to lives of severe discipline and drudgery.

The general will, however, must always will the good of the __________. Unfortunately, this distinction may be clearer in theory than in fact.


LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- WITCHCRAFT PERSECUTIONS: During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, between 100,000 and 200,000 people were officially tried for witchcraft. Between 40,000 and 60,000 people were executed for witchcraft. Elderly, __________ women were the most likely to be accused of witchcraft.


MARXIAN SOCIALISM: Marx and Engels argued that __________were exploited by both men and capitalists.


Prior to the Industrial Revolution, what was the primary occupation of people throughout the world?

working the land

Under the mercantile system, nations sought to increase their share of the

world's gold and silver bullion holdings.

About how much of the land in Western Europe was owned or controlled by the church?


Activities at the court of Versailles included all of the following except A . Activities designed to demean noble visitors. B. Evenings of concerts, games, and banquets. C. Attempts by aristocrats to catch the ear of the monarch. D. A system of etiquette that depended on the whim of the monarch.


Before the Glorious Revolution, who did Parliament and the people of England hope would become the next monarch of England? A. King George II B. William III, because he was an Anglican Protestant.


Calvin's doctrine of Predestination A. assumed that God had predestined the male to be the head of the family and society. B. never caught on with his followers and was abandoned after his death. C. was within his lifetime added to most Protestant confessions of faith. D. taught that material wealth was a sign of being one of the elect.


Certain subgroups in the population identify more with one party or the other. It's fair to say that upper-income people, _________, suburbanites, college graduates, and white men are more likely to count themselves as Republicans. Lower-income people, union workers, high school graduates, African-Americans, other minorities, and women are more likely to consider themselves Democrats.


Huguenot who became a Catholic to gain a crown


Jesuit missionary to India and Japan


Spanish exploration of and expansion into the new world is best exemplified by


The universal theories proposed by Copernicus A. were later completely discredited by Newton. B. were supported by Protestants in order to make Catholics look provincial. C. led to his arrest and imprisonment in a monastery.


There is another metaphor that serves these priorities -- the metaphor of Moral Self-Interest. It is based on a folk version of _________ economics: if each person seeks to maximize his own wealth, then by an invisible hand, the wealth of all will be maximized. Applying to this the metaphor that Well-being is Wealth, we get: If each person tries to maximize his own well-being (or self-interest), the well-being of all will be maximized. This metaphor sees it as the highest morality when everyone pursues his own self-interest unimpeded.


There is another metaphor that serves these priorities -- the metaphor of Moral Self-Interest. It is based on a folk version of _________ economics: if each person seeks to maximize his own wealth, then by an invisible hand, the wealth of all will be maximized. Applying to this the metaphor that Well-being is Wealth, we get: If each person tries to maximize his own well-being (or self-interest), the well-being of all will be maximized. This metaphor sees it as the highest morality when everyone pursues his own self-interest unimpeded. Next


_____major work, A Second Treatise of Government published in 1690 was a theoretical defense of an emerging middle class of mercantilist financiers and businessman against the oppression of a feudal aristocracy. __________ and his social class were most concerned with the defense of their property against a government dominated by a King and nobility.


The Battle of Hastings was fought in what year?


When did the Glorious Revolution take place?


The Middle Ages occurred between the years:


In the early 1900s, how much of the European population belonged to the working class?


What is meant by the term, "bloodless revolution" and how did it apply to the Glorious Revolution?

A bloodless revolution is a transfer of power between rulers/governments without fighting or deaths. The Glorious Revolution saw the transfer of power from James II to William and Mary without any bloodshed.

What was the Napoleonic, or Civil, Code?

A new code of law instituted by Napoleon.

__________ was the most influential advocate of laissez-faire economics. Like Newton, hecombined the thought of his predecessors into a single system based upon the study and application of natural laws. Published in 1776, The Wealth of Nations is a landmark book that gave birth to classical economic thought.


What goals did Napoleon expect his brothers to carry out as new rulers?

Abolish class distinction, reform laws, and establish justice

made the Book of Common Prayer standard for worship in England and essentially established the Protestant Church of England.

Act of Uniformity

Henry VIIIs second wife

Anne Boleyn

The _________ in Paris: Commissioned to celebrate French victories during the Revolution and the Age of Napoleon; Based on the triumphal arches of ancient Rome; Combined a Neoclassical arch with romantic relief sculptures; Reached a height of 164 feet, making it the largest arch ever built.

Arc de Triomphe

How did Napoleon view the French expedition to Egypt?

As a way to increase his prestige.

__________ argued that this process of controlled experimentation would lead to the formulation of universal principles and scientific laws.


Napoleon's battles have fascinated generations of military historians. It is Important to remember that AP EURO test writers are not military historians. You should know that the __________ solidified Napoleon's reputation as a military genius. Otherwise, focus your study time on the impact Napoleon's conquests had in spreading nationalism and In dissolving the Holy Roman Empire.

Battle of Austerlitz

Why did Napoleon imprison the pope in 1809?

Because the pope had excommunicated Napoleon from the Roman Catholic Church.

Catholic Ferdinand I of the HRE begins military action against the Calvinists who are in an uproar, using disgusting cruelty based on how to best worship.

Bohemian Phase

Where were the enemies of the French Revolution?

Both inside and outside France

The great power rivalries and wars that took place between 1140 and 1763 can be confusing. It Is Important to remember that Prussia kept Sllesia and that the __________ strengthened their global empire.


The French and Dutch drew their Protestantism chiefly from?


the form of Protestantism originated and led by John Calvin, centered at Geneva, which spread more widely than any other branch of the movement


James's second wife was a __________. In June 1688, she gave birth to a son who became the next heir to the throne.


The __________ were aristocrats, nobles, and church officials who remained loyal to the king.


Italian reformer who argued that punishment should be designed to deter crime, not just to punish criminals.

Cesare Beccaria

With ________ executed, Cromwell now held the reigns of power.

Charles I

He was reinstated into the Stuart line after Oliver Cromwell's death. He was slightly inclined to Catholicism. He suspended laws Parliament has instituted against Catholics. Parliament did not agree with this and passed the Test Act, which said only Anglicans could hold military and civil offices.

Charles II

During the seventeenth century the dutch replaced the portuguese and english as

Chief merchants of the Asian spice trade

But among the Japanese, there has never been the scornful indifference that has often characterized the __________ attitude towards foreigners. The Japanese have never been too proud to learn.


Voltaire was the best known and most influential philosophe. He was a prolific writer who popularized Newton's scientific discoveries, criticized France's rigid government, and denounced religious bigotry. Voltaire directed his most stinging barbs at the intolerance of organized _


Voltaire was the best known and most influential philosophe. He was a prolific writer who popularized Newton's scientific discoveries, criticized France's rigid government, and denounced religious bigotry. Voltaire directed his most stinging barbs at the intolerance of organized __________


WORKING-CLASS PROTEST IN GREAT BRITAIN: EARLY LABOR UNIONS: 1. The __________ of 1799 and 1800 prohibited British workers from organizing to improve their condition. 2. Under pressure from labor and middle-class reformers, Parliament repealed the (same word(s)) in 1825. 3. In 1875, British trade unions won full legal status, including the right to strike.

Combination Acts

The overall practical purpose of the palace of Versailles was to

Control and limit the power of the aristocracy.

meeting of Catholic leaders from 1545 to 1563 which dealt with abuses and created the modern Church.

Council of Trent

A Catholic General who wins the Battle of White Mountain in 1620, a reaction to Defenestration at Prague.

Count Tilly

What was the first factory established during the Industrial Revolution?

Cromford Mill

__________ brutally crushed a royalist uprising in Ireland. Protestant landlords replaced Catholic property owners. Nearly half of Ireland's population may have perished from famine and plague.


A good phase of the war for Catholics. Armies go into the North of the HRE and take many Lutheran towns.

Danish Phase

Louis XIV's military adventures resulted in

Defeat after defeat by coalitions of nations.

n Bohemia, Calvinists object to unfair taxation and the HRE sends officials to make them pay up. They defenestrate them at Prague Castle.

Defenestration of Prague

____began by doubting all notions based on authority or custom. Instead, he started with a self-evident axiom known to be true. He then used logical reasoning to deduce various inferences.


Luther was condemned by

Diet of Worms

Luther and Zwingli parted company over the issue of the

Doctrine of the Lord's Supper

The immediate effect was to double the tonnage of English shipping by the end of the century and to quadruple the amount of import and export trade, of which fully 15 per cent was with the colonies. The hegemony of the __________over international trade was broken in a series of wars between 1652 and 1674, after they had refused an English offer of political union.


___ artists focused on painting individual and group portra1ts, landscapes, and genre scenes of everyday life.


__________ artists focused on painting individual and group portra1ts, landscapes, and genre scenes of everyday life.


With the exception of the __________, the English middle class was proportionally larger than that of any country in Europe.

Dutch Republic

The boers were

Dutch farmers who settled in south Africa.

REASONS FOR BRITISH LEADERSHIP: THE __________ 1. This movement, which privatized land formerly available to all for grazing and fanning, concentrated land ownership in fewer hands. 2. With no land to work, small farmers were displaced, thus ' forming a pool of cheap labor.


decree from King Henry IV that established Catholicism as the official religion of France but gave freedom of worship to Huguenots.

Edict of Nantes

imperial decree branding Luther a criminal and ordering that his books be burned as heresy.

Edict of Worms

EUROPEAN REACTION: At first, European liberals supported the French Revolution and applauded the fall of the Old Regime. The English statesman_________ offered a conservative critique of the French Revolution. (same name) warned that mob rule would lead to anarchy and ultimately military dictatorship. To many moderate Europeans, the September massacres and the execution of Louis XVI vindicated Burke's dire predictions.

Edmund Burke

What was the order of succession after King Henry VIII?

Edward, Mary, Elizabeth

The power of the government to acquire private property for public purposes.

Eminent domain

The aristocrats in Britain controlled Parliament and passed laws that enabled them to increase the size of their land holdings. What were these acts called?

Enclosure Acts

In __________ , for example, high wool prices tempted landlords to enclose common land and thus remove it from common use in order to put sheep on it. The wretched peasant grazier starved and, thus, as one famous contemporary comment put it, 'sheep ate men'. -c


The old banking supremacy of the medieval Italian cities passed first to Flanders and the German bankers of the sixteenth century and then, finally, to Holland and London. The Bank of Amsterdam and the Bank of ___________ were already international economic forces in the seventeenth century. About them clustered other banks and merchant houses undertaking operations of credit and finance.


What was the most dangerous obstacle to Napoleon`s ambitions in 1805?


Which of Napoleon`s enemy was still undefeated in 1808?


... when King William III, recently arrived on the __________throne from Holland, needed a vast loan to finance his war against Louis XIV of France, the English found a Dutch way of providing the money. Holland had had an extensive credit and banking system since the foundation of the Bank of Amsterdam in 1609. A Scotsman called William Paterson suggested the establishment of a similar institution for England. On his third attempt, he succeeded in persuading Parliament to approve his scheme.


Set into place by Parliament, this was a condition of William of Orange and Mary receiving the throne. Bill of Rights secured Parliament's rights to levy taxes and oppose Parliament, because only Parliament could raise an army. Rights of citizens included ability to petition the sovereign, keep arms, jury trial, and to not be subject to obsessive bail. This was all based on the rule of law, and a freely elected Parliament, all part of a basis for a foundation of a constitutional monarchy.

English Bill of Rights

Nature and natural Laws: The philosophes believed that natura/laws regulate both the universe and human society. These natura/laws can be discovered by human reason.


The National Assembly seemed unwilling to grant workers full political and social participation in the new society. One reason for this reluctance was the widespread fear of further unrest. Another was the strong belief among spokespersons for the ___________ that only those with a propertied stake in society could be trusted to exercise reason, or to think for themselves.


The Tokugawa rulers of japan

Established the longest ruling dynasty in Japanese history.

Anything that establishes a fact or gives reason for believing something.


The encomienda system

Exploited Native Americans to enrich Spaniards.

Which of these statements applies to European urban life in the early nineteenth century?

Filthy sanitary conditions were exacerbated by the refusal of city authorities to take responsibility or action

From 1850-1870, continual industrial and economic growth occurred in Britain. Also during this time, other European countries were starting to industrialize. What was the second European country to do so?


one of the masters of "classical" music, he was a prolific composer of music both for the court and the public.

Franz Joseph Haydn

THE WAR OF THE AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION, 1740-1748 -- The Austrian-Prussian rivalry: The Pragmatic Sanction guaranteed Maria Theresa (reigned 1740- 1780) right to inherit the Habsburg throne and territories. __________ ignored the Pragmatic Sanction and seized Silesia. Located on the northeastern frontier of Bohemia, Silesia boasted a million people, a prosperous linen industry, and rich deposits of iron ore. Supported by France, his army successfully captured Silesia.

Frederick the Great

___ was one of the first people to use the telescope for astronomical observation. His discoveries provided irrefutable support for the heliocentric view that the earth was a planet circling the sun.


_________ struck at the heart of Aristotelian and Christian belief. He removed the earth from the centre of the universe and so from the focus of God's purpose. In the new scheme man was no longer the creature for whose use and elucidation the cosmos had been created. His system also placed the earth in the heavens, and in doing so removed the barrier separating the incorruptible from the corruptible.


A late Renaissance reformer who maintained that "the Hermetic philosophy, with its mystical approach to God and nature, held the key to true wisdom," was

Giordano Bruno

Which 14th century painter's work represents a break with medieval artistic practices?


Radicals who distrusted the king and wanted the Revolution to continue sat to the left. The left was divided into two groups: The Jacobins wanted to overthrow the monarchy and create a republic. Key jacobin leaders included Jean Paul Marat, Georges-Jacques Danton, and Maximilien Robespierre. It is important to note that the Marquis de Lafayette was not a Jacobin. The __________ wanted to involve France in a war that would discredit the monarchy and extend France's revolutionary ideals across Europe.


How did England`s control of the seas frustrate Napoleon`s plans?

He could not invade England or expand overseas.

Italian reformer who argued that punishment should be designed to deter crime, not just to punish criminals.

Henry Fielding

a pioneer of the novel, he wrote about people without scruples who survived by their wits, including the character Tom Jones.

Henry Fielding

The __________ Middle Ages saw an expansion of population. Rough estimates of the increase from the year 1000 until 1347 indicate that the population of Europe grew from 35 to 80 million. The exact cause or causes of the growth remain unclear; improved agricultural techniques, the decline of slaveholding, a more clement climate and the lack of invasion have all been put forward


What went wrong for Napoleon in Holland and Russia in 1810?

Holland and Russia refused to support the trade blockade against the English

Members of the __________ were determined to preserve traditional privileges such as freedom of open debate and immunity from arrest.

House of Commons

Where was raw cotton obtained for use in the cotton mills of Britain?

India and the slave plantations in the British and French West Indies

What effect did the total control exercised by Napoleon`s government have on France?

It created a new consciousness of a single French nation.

Which term best matches what a "denomination" is?

It referred to a particular religious group practicing within a larger faith. For example Lutheranism is a "denomination of Christianity

What was the national origin of Napoleon`s family?


As trade routes shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, the Dutch replaced the __________as the bankers of Europe. Founded in 1609, the Amsterdam Exchange Bank quickly won a reputation as the safest, soundest bank in Europe.


During the Renaissance, the nation which set the standards in art, politics, and business, was


DOMESTIC THREATS: Internal strife also threatened the National Convention. Girondists and royalist Catholics rebelled against the tyranny of radical __________.


One Asian nation has become an industrial giant in the twentieth century because of its ability to copy and improve upon technology from the West. What country is this?


THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION -- ENGLISH AGRICULTURE -- Agricultural innovators: Charles "Turnip" Townshend advocated continuous crop rotation using turnips, wheat, barley and clover. __________ invented a seed drill that allowed for sowing crops in a straight row. Robert Bakewell pioneered selective breeding of livestock.

Jethro Tull

CATHERINE THE GREAT (REIGNED 1762-1796) -- Enlightened reforms: Corresponded with Voltaire and invited Denis Diderot to visit her court; Supported Russia first private printing presses; Restricted the practice of torture; Allowed limited religious toleration to __________; Convened a legislative commission to draft a new enlightened law code. However, the nobles refused to concede any of their privileges and very little was accomplished.


Lutheran scholar who became known as "Teacher of Germany

Johann Eck

Advocated a geometric universe and tried to discover the "music of the spheres"

Johannes Kepler

former nun whom Luther married, providing a model for the Protestant ministry of the future.

Katharina von Bora

After carefully studying Brahe's data, ___ formulated three laws of planetary motion: ~ The planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits. ~ Planets move more rapidly as their orbits approach the sun. ~ The time a planet takes to orbit the sun varies proportionately with its distance from the sun.


The British declaration of rights and bill of rights

Laid the foundation for a constitutional monarchy

An economic policy that opposes government interference in business affairs.


Many British textile mills were built in Lancashire. How come?

Lancashire was a country with many rivers.

Which of the following statements best describes politics in 14th century Italy?

Larger city-states were gaining political power at the expense of smaller city-states.

The __________ Middle Ages were marked by difficulties and calamities, such as famine, plague, and war, which much diminished the population of western Europe; in the four years from 1347 through 1350, the Black Death killed approximately a third of the European population. Controversy, heresy, and schism within the Church paralleled the warfare between states, the civil war, and peasant revolts occurring in the kingdoms. Cultural and technological developments transformed European society, concluding the Late Middle Age and beginning the Early Modern period.


An ideology that developed alongside capitalism as an ideology of the primacy of the individual and limited government is know as


An ideology that in its American version is a strong supporter of capitalism and may support efforts to attenuate the worst aspects of capitalism based on the concept of the English poor laws is know as


"Governments can't do anything right. Just look at the mess we call the Post Office - who needs it when we have UPS, FedEx and that other one. Private enterprise is always cheaper and more efficient. Moreover, while it may be necessary for government to go beyond its proper function of protecting property from time to time, when it does, it should not make itself a competitor to private enterprise. When government engages in providing services that might otherwise be provided by private enterprise it threatens our freedom."


In this economy an important and growing part was played by slaves. Most of them were black Africans, the first of whom to be brought to Europe were sold at _________ in 1444. In Europe itself, slavery had by then all but withered away (though Europeans were still being enslaved and sold into slavery by Arabs and Turks). Now it was to undergo a vast extension in other continents.


People form governments to preserve their natural rights. Government is a contract in which the rulers promise to safeguard the people's natural rights. If rulers betray their trust, the governed have the right to replace them.


__ published Second Treatise of Government in 1690 which presented a compelling argument that justified the Glorious Revolution and later inspired Thomas jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence.


____ formulated the theory of "natural rights." ~ He argued that people are born with basic rights to "life, liberty, and property." These rights are derived from what (same as blank) called the "law of nature, which existed before the creation of government.


In late 1653, Cromwell took the title __________, establishing a one-man rule supported by the army.

Lord Protector

During the seventeenth century Spain

Lost most of her European possessions outside Iberia.

What famous composer dedicated his Eroica symphony to Napoleon?

Ludwig van Beethoven

The leader of the German revolt was?


What French city was known for its silk production?


"...It is, then, much safer to be feared than to be loved...for touching human nature, we may say in general that men are untruthful, unconstant, dissemblers, they avoid dangers and are covetous of gain. While you do them good, they are wholly yours...but when (danger) approaches, they revolt." Such was the advice given rulers by


_________ was the first document forced onto an English King by a group of his subjects, the feudal barons, in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges. The charter was an important part of the extensive historical process that led to the rule of constitutional law in the English speaking world.

Magna Carta

the basic premise of the Protestants was?

Man can reach salvation through his/her own faith and not by buying ritualistic indulgences.

Because of the poor factory and living conditions, people often revolted. In August 1819, there was a protest in which eleven people were killed and four hundred others were wounded. In what industrial town in Britain did this happen?


In 1644 china was changed by a victory of the

Manchus over the Ming dynasty.

Astronomer denied a post in the Berlin Academy

Maria Winkelmann

Pacifist leader of Dutch Anabaptists

Menno Simmons

The work ethic needed for efficient industrial production was taught as a religious virtue most noticeably in the

Methodist meeting houses of the English midlands.

THE FALL OF NAPOLEON -- The invasion of Russia: The Continental System prevented Russia from exporting grain to Great Britain. When Tsar Alexander I (reigned 1801 to 1825) refused to stop this vital trade, Napoleon prepared to invade Russia. Napoleon's Grand Army reached __________. However, Alexander refused to surrender, thus forcing Napoleon to retreat. A combination of bitterly cold weather, disease, and merciless Russian attacks decimated Napoleon's army.


Person of mixed European and African bloodlines


City declared by radical Anabaptists to be the New Jerusalem


The Renaissance was evident in all of the following Italian cities EXCEPT:


In 1806, Napoleon made his brother Joseph king of which territory?

Naples and Sicily

Which of the following is the best reason why Europe was engaged in endless warfare during Napoleon`s reign?

Napoleon`s ambitions upset the balance of power in Europe, and he had to be stopped.

England passed the __________ . The act barred Dutch ships from carrying goods between other countries and England. The act was also designed to give England greater control over its American colonies.

Navigation Act of 1651

_________ published the Principia in 1687. This momentus, work combined Kepler's laws of planetary motion, Gahleo's laws of inertia and falling bodies, and (same as blank)'s own conception of gravitation into a single mathematical law of universal gravitation. (same as blank) 's concise mathematical formula described all forms of celestial and terrestrial motion.


British aristocrats had control over what governmental body?


How did the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and its aftermath ensure that the English monarchy would thereafter be limited in power

Parliament had the power to remove or crown monarchs. The monarch was now subject to rule of law

What Pope called the Council of Trent and helped to lead the Counter-Reformation?

Paul III

attempted to reconcile science and religion


The cultural reforms of Peter the Great

Permitted Russian women many new freedoms.

Louis XIV restructured the policy-making machinery of the French government by

Personally dominating the actions of his ministers and secretaries.

A class of small business people and professionals.

Petit Bourgeoisie

In return for grants of money, Charles I agreed to the __________. The (same as black) contained two key provisions: No one should be compelled to pay any tax or loan "without common consent by act of Parliament. '' No one should be imprisoned without due process oflaw.

Petition of Right

A new religious movement known as __________stressed faith, emotion, and "the religion of the heart."


In 1639, Laud attempted to impose the English Prayer Book on the Scottish _________Church.


James was convinced that the __________system of church government would destroy royal control of the church and threaten the monarchy. He reportedly summed up his opposition by declaring, "No bishops, no king."


Parliament invited __________, the eldest son of Charles I to return from exile.

Prince Charles Stuart

Advancing in social conditions or efficiency etc.. Favoring progress or reform.


Wage laborers who own no productive property.


Whigs and Tories invited William and Mary to overthrow James II for the sake of _____________. Faced with united opposition, James II fled to France


The great powers of Europe included Britain, France, Austria, __________, and Russia. Spain, Holland, Poland, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire were no longer considered great powers.


What country did Napoleon defeat at Jena in October 1806?


Protestants within the Anglican Church inspired by Calvinist theory. Believed their battles were for God.


What did Cromwell demand from Parliament in 1654?


What is harder is to see what it was in the European mind which pressed the European craftsman forward and also stimulated the interest of his social betters so that a craze for mechanical engineering is as important an aspect of the age of the __________ as is the work of its architects and goldsmiths. After all, this did not happen elsewhere.


Bartolome' De Las Casas, a dominican monk, was known for his

Revelations about the cruel treatment of Indians under Spanish rule.

"I could care less about someone's idea of freedom based on property rights that causes children to starve or go without health care. The freedom from want is the first and most fundamental freedom. If the rich died tomorrow after lunch I could care less. Let's tax the stuffing out of the rich and fund schools, hospitals, environmental restoration and every other program that will improve life for the people. Will that cause the economy to collapse? Maybe it needs to collapse so we can build a new economy based on satisfying needs and justice rather than profits. Power to the people!"

Revolutionary Socialist or Communist

THE INVENTIONS: In 1769, __________ invented a water frame that used waterpower from fast-moving streams to drive spinning machines.

Richard Arkwright

THE REIGN OF TERROR: Faced with foreign invaders and the threat of domestic rebellion, the National Convention established the Committee of Public Safety to 'defend France and safeguard the Revolution. Led by __________, the Committee of Public Safety exercised dictatorial power as it carried out a Reign of Terror. In the name of creating a Republic of Virtue, (same name) executed the queen, his chief rivals, and thousands of "dangerous" class enemies.


The ___included Puritans, townspeople, middleclass businessmen, and people from Presbyterian-dominated London.


_________ favored a Parliamentary monarchy and a Presbyterian church governed by elected "presbyters" or elders.


The Social Contract, Rousseau's treatise on politics and government, is one of the most influential books on political theory in European history. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke argued that individuals entered a social contract with their rulers. In contrast, (same as blank) argued that individuals entered into a social contract with one another. This created a community or organized civil society.


_____distrusted reason and science. He trusted emotions and spontaneous feeling more than cold logic. As a result, (same as blank) foreshadowed the romantic reaction to the Enlightenment.


_____presented his ideas on education in the novel Emile. He argued that a "natural education" should replace the rigid schooling typical of his time. The key principles of a natural education included the following: Children are naturally good and entitled to an education that emphasizes freedom and happiness. People develop through various stages, and individuals vary within these stages. Education must therefore be individualized since "every mind has its own form. " Children should be encouraged to draw their own conclusions from experience. This principle anticipated what is now called "discovery learning."


What area in Germany was well known for its production of steel during the Industrial Revolution?

Ruhr Valley

Although feudal lordship still existed in France in the 1780s it was by then less a social reality than an economic device. The 'seigneur' might never see his tenants, might not be of noble blood, and might draw nothing from his lordship except sums of money which represented his claims on his tenants' labor, tune and produce. Further east, the feudal relationship remained more of a reality. This in part reflected an alliance of rulers and nobles to take advantage of the new market for grain and timber in the growing population of western and southern Europe. They tied peasants to the land and exacted heavier and heavier labor services. In __________ serfdom became the very basis of society.


What country did Napoleon defeat at Austerlitz in December 1805?


The Vikings invaded Europe from:


LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- REASONS FOR THE DECLINE OF WITCHCRAFT: Religious wars finally came to an end, thus restoring social stability. Protestants emphasized the concept of a supreme God, thus making the Devil seem less threatening. The __________ and the Enlightenment emphasized reason and uniform laws of nature. Support for superstition and witchcraft declined as educated Europeans turned to rational explanations of natural events.

Scientific Revolution

Desperate for money to fight the __________, Charles reluctantly recalled Parliament into session, thus precipitating a constitutional and religious crisis.


THE OLD REGIME -- GOVERNMENT DEBT: Louis XIV's profligate spending left a massive public debt that consumed half the nation's tax revenues. The cost of fighting the __________ and financing the American War for Independence worsened the fiscal crisis.

Seven Years' War

The most profound accomplishment in the art of drama was achieved in Renaissance England by


Why did princess Mary get the nickname "Bloody Mary"?

She executed many Protestants since she was Catholic

____maintained that every individual is motivated by self-interest. Competition and self-interest are socially beneficial: "Self-interest drives people to action and the Invisible Hand of competition acts as an automatic regulator so that the market will generate wealth for a nation."


founded by Ignatius of Loyola, this religious order became the most powerful instrument of the Catholic Reformation.

Society of Jesus

____. The primal experience behind this model is one of being cared for and cared about, having one's desires for loving interactions met, living as happily as possible, and deriving meaning from one's community and from caring for and about others.

The Nurturant Parent Model

The 16th century revolt which divided Christians into Protestants and Catholics is known as the?

The Reformation

What was the condition in France by December 1813?

The allies were invading France.

After Napoleon`s exile from France, the forces of nationalism and progress in Europe were suppressed for three decades by whom?

The crowned heads of Europe.

After Napoleon`s territorial conquests, what was his next project in 1802?

The internal reform of France

What was the outcome of the revolt led by Napoleon in Corsica?

The revolt was a fiasco.

What was Napoleon`s view of why Europe was engaged in endless warfare during his reign?

The rulers of Europe were still trying to defeat the French Revolution through war.

Britain had trading links with other countries. Why were these links important?

The trading links provided Britain with sources of raw materials and markets for manufactured goods.

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