FCS 1050: Introduction to FCS Final Exam (Clothing and Textiles based)

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What is the current cost for student membership to AAFCS?


What designation after a person's name would signify that he or she was certified in FCS?


Be familiar with the definition of family given in chapter 2.

basic unit in which 2+ people share emotional social physical and economic resources

What is the symbol of AAFCS? What does it represent?

betty lamp symbol of learning


conduct, aims or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person

What is the current main public policy issue for AAFCS?

financial literacy health and wellness child care


process of leading others to established goal

How are the specializations within Family and Consumer Sciences related?

they all strive to improve quality of life

What did the following pioneers contribute to the field of FCS? 10. Isabel Bevier 11. Caroline Hunt 12. WO Atwater 13. Benjamin Andrews 14. The Dewey's

10 - book - Home Economics in Education 11- only female professor - writer of Life of Ellen Swallow Richards 12- PhD Yale - calories in foods- nutrients and metabolism - ate too much exercised too little 13- prof of Home economics for 40 years - wrote Economics of the household 14- made the Dewey Decimal Classification - create careers for women

When did it the FCS profession (AAFCS) officially begin? What was the original name for the Family and Consumer Sciences discipline?

1809 Home economics

Generation X

1965-1981 Members of __________ are often described as cynical or disaffected, though this reputation obviously does not apply to all people born during this era. This generation has an increased understanding of technology, having grown up during the age of computers.

Generation Y ( Echo boomers)

1982-2003 Members of _________ are often referred to as "______ boomers" because they are the children of parents born during the baby boom (the "baby boomers"). Because children born during this time period have had constant access to technology (computers, cell phones) in their youth, they have required many employers to update their hiring strategy in order to incorporate updated forms of technology.

When did the last name change to Family and Consumer Sciences take place?


Consider the population profile of the United States and the groups expected to be larger. How will the fashion industry look in 5 years? In 10 years? What changes may occur? How will it remain the same?

5 years - trends will stop happening. personal style will actually be personal 10 years - people will be able to print their own clothes Clothes will involve more technology, but will still be common types of clothes ( i.e. shirts, pants, dress etc.)

The Smith Lever act The Smith Hughes Act What are these acts and when were they enacted?

7required all land grand colleges to establish an agricultural experience station - 1914 -setting vocational education apart from regular high school - established federal funds to support vocational education -1917

Where did she grow up?

Born in Dunstable, Massachusetts, grew up on a rural farm.

Describe the significant events the life of Ellen Swallow Richards that led to her personal development as well as the development of the Family and Consumer Sciences discipline.

Chemist State board of health of Massachusetts president of American Home Economics Association National Education Association awarded Doctorate

Access the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics website. Choose two related career profiles listed here and report on the career description, typical working conditions, job outlook, and expected earnings: Fashion Designers Wholesale and Retail Buyers

Fashion Designers-Design clothing and accessories. Create original designs or adapt fashion trends --Work in wholesale or manufacturing establishments, apparel companies, retailers, theater or dance companies, and design firms. Most fashion designers work in New York and California. -- projected to decline 3 percent from 2012 to 2022 --$62,860 per year (2012) Wholesale and Retail Buyers- Buy merchandise or commodities, other than farm products, for resale to consumers at the wholesale or retail level, including both durable and nondurable goods. --Most purchasing managers, buyers, and purchasing agents work full time. Many work more than 40 hours per week. -- projected to grow 4 percent from 2012 to 2022 --$60,550 per year (2012)

Millennialist Generation

Generation Y

Identity three fashion trends for college students. What factors influenced these trends? Will the trends be sustained over several seasons, or are they short-run fads?

Maxi skirts/dresses - Usually made with light fabric to they are great for summer. Create a boho (chic) look which is popular. Has been for several years already so it will most likely last. Bowler Hats - They are quirky, which fits in with this "hipster" trend of quirky outfits. Hats will always be trendy, so it may or may not go our of style. Flannel Shirts tied around the waist - The re-birth of grunge has brought back this style. I believe it will be another a fad to return in another decade or so.

Describe historical events and lifestyle of her childhood.

Oregon trail Gold rush Civil war parents = teachers taught importance of education farm- little contact with outside world labor of farm life

Who did she marry and where did they live?

Professor Robert H Richards suburb of Boston

Why did Ellen Swallow Richards think this field of study was important?

She wanted to make opportunities for less-advantaged women through education.

What was unique about her background?

She went to Vassar college and was the first woman to study at MIT, although she was a "special student"

Social Security

Social insurance retirement income, disability income, Medicare and Medicaid, and death and survivorship benefits universal design- adapts to the need of the user

Which retailers are the most popular among college students today? Do you predict their popularity with this generation and with future students will be sustained over the next decade? Why or why not?

Thrift and vintage stores. Not necessarily, I believe people will grow out of this retro phase and will seek new fashions as time goes on because trends change so often that eventually vintage won't have the style and thrift won't have enough.

Which Fashion Designers will define this decade? Why? How will future fashion historians describe this decade?

Tommy Hilfiger - Made a comeback by adding a youthful twist on classics. Ralph Lauren - Common trend setter. Clothes make you look rich. This decade could be considered a throwback to fashion because popular styles from all other decades are popular once again.

Describe historical events and lifestyle of her college years.

Uncle toms cabin Lincoln years frugality and thrift women stayed in household

Where did she attend college? Graduate school?

Vassar college MIT

Much of the labor-intensive components of United States textile and apparel manufacturing have moved overseas. Research and design has continued its presence in the United States, however. How could a student best prepare for the increasingly global fashion market place?

When dealing mils in other countries, students should know which ones are the most environmentally friendly. Students should also be warned that their job may end up being outsourced at any given moment and be ready to indulge in different cultures.

After reading the description of Nafisia's life in chapter 2, be able to identify factors affecting her family's quality of life in: a. The natural environment b. The human constructed environment c. The social behavioral environment

a- poverty, poor water, food shortages because of climate changes b - insufficient farming techniques, deforestation, spread of diseases c - poor can't afford food


accepting more than one race


an approach for managing cultural diversity in a mutiethnic society, stressing mutual respect and appreciation for cultural differences.

Echo Boomers

children and grandchildren of baby boomers

Human Diversity

difference backgrounds, languages, regions, socio-economic class

Dualistic Economy

economy with critical masses are found at the two ends of the economic spectrum with a diminishing middle class

Why do professional organizations such as AAFCS exist?

educates people helps to improve quality of life

Why should students become involved in professional organizations before graduation?

foot in door, better prep,

Baby Boomer Generation

generation x

What are the 4 majors offered in FCS at SPU? Which FCS specializations are offered as majors at Seattle Pacific University?

interior design food and nutritional sciences family and individual development apparel design fcs education

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

law that allows workers up to 12 weeks/year of unpaid leave for family care giving, without loss of anything medicare- U.S. federal health program that subsidizes people who meet criteria [old]

What is the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences?

leadership and support for improving quality of life

AAFCS states that it is the only professional organization that represents which group?

members from both multiple FCS practice settings and content areas. For example, AAFCS' 5,000 members work as secondary school FCS teachers, Extension educators, college deans and professors, and dietitians in settings such as state and federal government and test kitchens for food companies.

Professional Ethics

moral decisions made in professional activities

How does a person become certified in Family and Consumer Sciences?

pass assessment

Describe historical events and lifestyle of her adulthood.

poverty new immigrants majority of women didn't have education Industrial revolution

What is the mission of Family and Consumer Sciences?

prepare students to engage the culture and offer solutions to problems faced by individuals, families, and communities that involve food, clothing, shelter, and family relationships.

Who can be an active member of AAFCS?

professionals [degree] students retired FCS people organization

Critical Thinking

used to solve life problems, creative thinking is a large aspect of this

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