Female Reproductive 1

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The proliferative phase of the uterine cycle begins at the end of menstruation and is driven by _____________ from developing follicles.

serosa smooth simple columnar tubular

The uterine body is composed of three layers 1. ________ - continuous on either side of the uterus with peritoneum of broad ligament 2. myometrium (15 mm thick) composed of _________ muscle cells and connective tissue arranged in three layers a. inner longitudinal b. middle circular and oblique c. outer longitudinal 3. endometrium a. undergoes cyclic changes caused by ovarian hormones b. lumenal aspect lined by _______ _______ epithelium c. epithelium supported by lamina propria which contains simple_______ glands

basement membrane vascularized steroids fibrous smooth

Theca - cells in the ovarian stroma become condensed onto the ________ ______ (membrana propria) to form a loose matrix of spindle-shaped cells called the theca. The theca is subdivided into two layers: the inner layer is the highly ___________ theca interna, this layer also capable of making _______. The outer layer is the theca externa composed of ________ connective tissue and _________ muscle.


Theca cell recruitment and differentiation. Evidence suggests that theca stem cells reside in the ovarian _________ and are recruited by factors released from follicles after they are activated. Individual factors may be responsible for the recruitment of these cells, whereas others may promote differentiation and proliferation.

Androstenedione aromatase FSH receptor progesterone FSH granulosa (bottom box) interna LH surge

This is what makes one follicle ovulate: this is the gonadotropin dependent phase: -As follicle is developing, primary oocyte pushed into ascentric location: there are granulosa cells, basement membrane, theca interna and externa -blue box is theca interna with low levels of LH running around, which makes __________________ which diffuses across basement membrane -granulosa cells don't de novo synthesize estradiol, but they have _________ activity which converts the testosterone precursor(androstenedione) diffused into them and aromatise this into estradiol:that's source of the estrogen Do this in response to : _____ So now we are in Gn-responsive but not dependent phase. Then Estradiol induces expression of it's own ________, and induces expression of ____________ receptor and estradiol in collaboration with ________, induces expression of LH receptor on ___________ cells. and only follicle that has LH receptor out on theca _________- they all do, and on on Granulosa cell at time of _____________, is the follicle that will ovulate (follicle has to have receptors on both cells at LH surge) -amount of receptor -timing for expression of receptor --must coincide with LH surge in order for this follicle to ovulate

Proliferative lumen myometrium inner circular

This shows endometrium in what phase? To identify functionalis, have to see ______ to identify basalis, have to see __________ layers (3): -________ ________ layer is where blood vessels are located in myometrium


To be luteanized- just means all the changes in the ovary in this phase, but Primary change is that the follicle now makes ______. -body know it has ovulated -it does not know if fertilization event has occured -at ovulation in response to progesterone there are changes in uterine endometrium - the secretions produced are supposed to aid in implanting blastocysts

muscle connective

Transition from endocervical os (Uterus to Cervix transition) to ectocervical os (Cervix to Vagina transition) there is dramatic decrease in ________ present and increase in _________ especially elastic tissue because we want to stretch it! makes sense.

functionalis (top) basalis functionalis basalis regenerated hypertrophy

Uterine endometrium divided into 2 things: strutum ___________ stratum _________ When endometrium is shed during menstruation (not shed unilaterally) it is the stratum ___________ that is lost and the stratum _________ remains in response to estrogen in is _____________ in response to progesterone there is ____________ and a change in the glands

stretch endometrium dense connective simple columnar

Uterus has a neck Uterine body has an endometrium -changes in response to hormones -very thick trilayer myometrium b/c you want that to contract to expel a fetus, but also have to be able to _________ the neck of the cervix as the transition from the uterine body through the cervix through the vagina to the outside world so the cervix does not have an _____________!- fxn is very different of cervix from uterine body Cervis: 1. It is composed chiefly of _______ __________ tissue and contains only approximately 15% smooth muscle 2. It is lined with _______ ________ mucus-secreting epithelium (mucous cells and ciliated cells)

stratified squamous nonkeratinized myometrium glands cervical

Vagina: A. General - this organ is the female organ of copulation and the lower limit of the birth canal B. Mucosa of the vagina is composed of ________ _______ _______epithelium resting on a lamina propria with lymph nodes (epithelium is responsive to steroid hormones) C. Muscularis - continuous with _________ D. There are no _________ in the wall of the vagina - lubrication is from _______ mucus and Greater vestibular glands (of Bartholin or vulvovaginal glands) in vestibule

glycogen thickness estrogen glycogen

Vaginal epithelium proliferates and ________ is food source for lactobacilis , so there is an acidic pH during reproductive years less than 4.5 before menarche and after menopause it is greater than 6-7.5 (strongly suggests menopause)--> If she asked -___________of epithelium -response to ____________ -production of ___________ all important to vaginal pH- Yes they are!


When one follicle only expresses all necessary receptors to ovulate--> ?

matrix oviduct stroma theca

When we have primary follicle and begin to make zona pellucida, the spermatazoa has to get though to fertilize the egg, and then the _______ of the zona pellucida changes to block further spermatazoa from entering- species specific (i.e. from animals) -it also helps oocyte once it goes into _______- to help it cope with new environment -outer layer of granulosa cells are recruiting __________ in close proximity to follicle that are making ________ layer .

glycoprotein microvilli filopodia fertilization oviduct

Zona pellucida (ZP) - neutral ___________ coat composed of three different glycoproteins produced by the oocyte and follicle cell colloboration: - ___________of oocyte and __________ of follicular cells penetrate this layer, establish gap junctions and communicate -speaks volumes on ability of maternal system to influence the egg- inheritance not just what we find in nucleus of oocyte*** important in procedures IVF - ZP plays a role in species-specific __________, post-fertilization block to polyspermy, and passage through _________.

Corpus luteum 14

_______ _______? (yellow body) - in the absence of fertilization the CL slowly degrades over a _____ -day period regardless of the day in the cycle at which ovulation occurred.

Corpus albicans fibroblasts macrophages progesterone

_______ _________? (white body) The life of the CL in the non-pregnant female is 14 days a. luteal regression (luteolysis) involves collapse of the lutein cells, ischaemia, invasion by _____________ (produce type I collagen) and ______________ b. progressive cell death resulting in a reduction in __________ synthesis and secretion - this results in a whitish scar or corpus albicans (CA)

External cervical os stratified squamous nonkeratinized

_________ ________ ____ marks transition to the vagina- where the simple columnar epithelium goes to ______ _______ _________ epithelium aka vagina-squamo-columnar junction

Fimbria estrogen cuboidal cilia Smooth muscle

_________ of oviduct Ciliogenesis in the primate oviducal epithelium is an _____________-driven phenomenon. In postmenopausal women the epithelium is of the low ________ type and there are few ciliated cells. If postmenopausal women have been on long-term estrogen therapy, one often sees a richly ciliated epithelium similar to that of reproductively competent women at midcycle. Although there are rhythmic contractions of the ampullae in primates, they do not appear to affect the rate of movement of the ovulated cumulus egg mass. Direct observations of egg transport through this segment in the living primate have clearly shown that the ________ play the primary role in transporting the eggs through the ampulla to the ampullo-isthmic junction, the normal site of fertilization. Recent studies have revealed that estrogen and progesterone do not affect the rate of ciliary beat. ________ _____________ contractility also assists transport of the fertilized egg in the proximal portion of the oviduct.

secretory ciliated

endothelium of cervix is columnar (a cuboidal to columnar) and just like everywhere else we have looked it is half _________ and half _________

decidualized implantation LH surge progesterone

formation of placenta- uterine endometrium is _____________(changed) so that blastocyst can invade it and that change starts right here at ovulation -sometimes called a predicidualization, or initiation of decidualization -endometrium is changing, and it changes in a way that if the embryo arrives when it is supposed to at implantation (receptive window_ and interacts with endometrium that is decidualized which will aid ___________, it will help the formation of the placenta If not, decidualization precedes all the way to demise of endometrium and that's menstruation key is the _________ and __________that is there predicidualization response is becoming more and more important with infertile females -it is an ongoing process, the embryo arives and benefits from it or the embryo does not arrive--> menstruation

cytotrophoblast decreased increase

hemochorial type of placenta - fetal tissue (chorion) is directly in contact with the maternal blood - at end of 4th month the ______________ is disappearing (converted to syncytiotrophoblast) chorionic villi at term = after 20 weeks the cytotrophoblast nearly disappeared completely, the amount of connective tissue has __________ and there has been an _________ in the number and size of fetal capillaries

LH estrogen ovulaton progesterone proliferation

in PCOS, follicular development is arrested, High amplitude GnRH pulses lead to increased pituitary release of _______- stimulates androgen synthesis by theca cells--> increase __________ which inhibits FSH- needed for follicle development LH to FSH ratio is very high- they are in the system, but are inhibited and there is no LH surge no ____________ no _____________ produced unopposed estrogen- follicles are making--> thickening of endometrium (regenerate after mestrual cycle in response to estrogen) they are making estrogen and not progesterone--> thickening of endometrium--> sets them up for uterine cancer PCOS used as example of estrogen effect on endometrium, which is ____________! -present and aromatized to high levels of androgen so we are making lots of male hormones, so individuals have male secondary sex characteristics.

uterine arcuate radial straight coiled or spiral arterioles capillaries lacunae estrogen

knowledge of blood supply is necessary to understand menstruation (and placentation): 1. __________ arteries are in the broad ligament along side the uterus when they branch into ____________ arteries which run in the middle layer (stratum vascularis) of the myometrium 2. arcuate arteries send ________ branches toward endometrium and radial arteries give off two types of branches: a. __________ or basal arteries supply stratum basalis (remains after menstruation) b. ___________ arteries pass through stratum basalis to supply stratum functionalis - these vessels branch into ________, __________ and _________(blood spaces)- lots of blood so now when uterine endometrium is shed and is regenerated in response to ____________ (receptors in base of glands and in spiral arteries) out of stratum basalis and blood supply is unaffected in SB.

half half DNA chromatids/chromosome # DNA chromosomes

meiosis slide ctd... 4. What happens to N, c and # of chromatids/chromosome? The first division cuts the chromosome number per cell in ________ from 2N to N and cuts the DNA content per cell in ________ from 4c to 2c ("c" is defined below). The second division halves the _______ content per cell (from 2c to c), halves the number of _____________ (from 2 to 1) and halves the total chromatid ___ per cell (from 2N to N). B. Definition of c "c" is a measure of ______ content per cell, not the number of chromosomes or chromatids. c = minimum DNA content per haploid cell of an organism = DNA content of haploid cell before S (with unreplicated chromosomes) = DNA content of one set of chromatids. C is NOT equal to N; c is the DNA content of N ___________ (with one chromatid/chromosome).

1st prophase split secondary fertilized

oocytes are located and stay in ______ meiotic ________ until they are chosen to be ovulated at puberty: if this happens and it is a primary oocyte, at ovulation the chromosomes ______--> first reductive division, we still have paired sister chromatids If that egg ovulates it is now a ________ oocyte and that's where it stays until it's __________, but if this happens a second division happens! -then we reduced DNA in half and split sister chromatids, but we've kept same number of chromosomes: we have 1 egg that will be fertilized 3 polar bodies that under normal circumstances are lost

menstrual proteolytic metachromasia

phase? loss of lumenal epithelium, tough to see, but loss of integrity of glands and blood vessels a lot of ____________ enzymes released and blood vessel integrity lost--> end up with ______________ of red blood cells that are dumped out into the connective tissue.

Secretory hypertrophy

phase? then go through __________ in this phase to make thicker endometrium, increased edema and vascularization


primary oocytes at birth arrested in first meiotic prophase until ________.

gonadal ridge oogonia oogonia mitotic First meiotic Prophase 400,000

primordial germs cells from yolk sac--> _______ ______ when they migrate here they begin to divide start off with around 12-- germ cells and stroma and job of primary germ cells is to make __________ 13,000 PGC (primordial Germ cells) in the first few weeks of development make 7 million ___________--> over five months there is cessation of _________ activity initiation of meiosis 8th week which produces 2 million primary oocytes at birth arresting in _______ meiotic __________ until puberty--> ___________ primary oocytes at puberty

estrogen runny spermatazoa bacteria

reason cervix is ciliated, in response to __________ (premenopausal vs. post), before ovulation secretions produced- the viscoelastic properties is really ________ and sperm can make their way through secretions After ovulation there is change in viscocity of secretion, spermatazoa can no longer get though it, so the cervix becomes the block to ___________ for future fertilization events The body knows ovulation has happened it doesnt know if fertilization has hapenned, but if it has it wants to protect that event: -___________ and spermatazoa cant get through the mucous -designed to change in response to hormones : estrogen is first and then progesterone


trophoblast invades decidualized uterine endometrium --> makes ______ 1st and most important thing it does which is IDENTICAL TO _____!!! so HcG now acts on CL and rescues it -development of primordial germ cells and then heart development, and you come up positive for pregnancy

one atresia oxidative independent fluid puddles receptors gonadotropin receptors

we have a population of follicles developing (15-20) -only ______ ovulates -as developing, oocytes can be lost to spontaneous ________: -from direct effect on oocyte -or have _________ stress on follicle and cause these cells to die--> kills oocyte -as we go from primordial-> secondary, this is gonadotropen _________- gonadotropen is there, but cells don't have receptors to respond to Gn Then as we get into Gn-responsive when secondary follicles develop _______ _______-> that is Gn- responsive phase If cells in follicles have __________ to respond to Gonadotropins--> they can. If not they won't also determines follicle maturation and not all make it to secondary phase- because not all have ability to respond to _____________ Gn-dependent: one follicle expresses all necessary __________ for all Gns at precise time required, and it will ovulate--> it alone will ovulate most of time (rare codominant follicles)

secondary oocyte

which follicle has small antrum?

zona pellucida theca

(primordial follicle does not have a ______ __________ or a ______ layer)

FSH and LH primordial FSH proliferative secretory

***** ALWAYS ON TEST: Under the influence of the GnRH, released in pulses, the adenohypophysis secretes ______ and ______. If the FSH concentration in the serum exceeds a certain, individually differing threshold value, a recruitment of the so-called follicle cohort in both ovaries occurs. This means that more ________ follicles enter the process of follicle maturation. The rise of _______ begins in the normal bi-phase cycle in the late luteal phase and continues in the early follicle phase of the following cycle. The recruitment is completed by the 3rd day of the cycle. A Follicle phase in ovary corresponds to __________ phase in endometrium B Luteal phase in ovary corresponds to _________ phase in endometrium

growth hormone preantral (antrum is huge fluid filled follicle) estrogen LH FSH estrogen LH progesterone oocyte granulosa theca

******** always on TEST: Here we have our folliculogenesis at top, left phase=follicular phase: -early stages all: _____ ____ -transition into secondary oocyte and it begins to have little puddles of fluid and takes on name: _____________- notice it making low levels of __________- affecting uterus and feeding back on hypothalamus and pituitary: -suppressing ________ -calling for _______ to enter the game later on, in phase where gonad can somewhat respond -when follicles compete for who is dominant there is ____________ surge, which brings on an ____ surge, and it is this surge ONLY that prompts ovulation!!!!!!! now we have ovulated, still some estrogen made but this follicle makes buckets of _______________ --> we enter luteal phase luteanizing hormone is LH after it acts on system everything is luteonized: -that's the ________ which ovulates -the ________ cells which are steroidogenic -the _______ which is also steroidogenic

progesterone stroma macrophages

-and corpus luteum, has lots of __________ producing cells -if not rescued, it has life expectancy of 14 days--> begins to die, lots of ________ that's gone into CL and see lots of ___________ and eventually corpus luteum is taken back up into ovary

glycogen estrogen progesterone basal

-when you look at exfoliate cytology, you can see these acidophilic superficial cells due to ________ content and ________ influence- at top then premenstrual phase, in response to progesterone cytology changes pregnant person: see much more ___________ as opposed to estrogen - blue perimenopausal or menopausal see only ______ cells b/c thinning of epithelium

primordial germ prenatally secondary degenerate follicle oocyte oogenesis

1. Oogenesis: process produces female gametes from __________ _______ cells. -most steps occur ___________ -primary oocytes are commited to become _________ oocyte or _______. 2. Folliculogenesis: maturation of the ovarian ________ that provides support for ___________- occurs in conjuction with ________.

prophase I 7 million (7x 10^6) follicular atresia granulosa cell apoptosis calcium/magnesium dominant spontaneous atresia follicular atresia

1. Some of the primordial germ cells or oogonia undergo the final mitotic division to become primary oocytes that are arrested in the _________ of meiosis____. 2. However, the original compliment of _______ primordial germ cells (oogonia) is reduced to 1-2 x 106 primary oocytes in full term fetal ovaries because of ________ _______ caused by oxidative stress-induced __________ cell __________, i.e. the degeneration of DNA by activation of _________/____________-dependent endonucleases 3. Of the remaining 400,000 primary oocytes, a population of 15-20 follicles will develop during each cycle, but only the _________follicle will ovulate. All other oocytes will undergo _________ ________ (about 1,000 per month). FACT: If 400-450 eggs are ovulated during an average reproductive life of approximately 40 years (menarche = 13-14-years old; menopause = 51-52-years old), then 99.9% of a woman's reproductive potential is lost to__________ _________.

estrogen and FSH LH gonadotropin FSH granulosa FSH steroid corona radiata estrogen androgens LH estrogen granulosa FSH estrogens LH granulosa LH surgeLH surge

1. Toward the end of the preantral (hormone independent) phase the granulosa cells develop receptors for ________ and _______ (follicle stimulating hormone) and the theca cells develop _____ (lutenizing hormone) receptors. 2. Entry into the second phase of follicular development (i.e. continued growth) is critically dependent upon pituitary __________stimulation 3. granulosa cells under influence of ______ from anterior pituitary begin to secrete fluid (liquor folliculi) which accumulates in intercellular spaces; continued accumulation results in dissociation of _______ cells, the fluid filled spaces become confluent producing a fluid-filled space -->________ 4. liquor folliculi, contains _______ binding proteins produced by the granulosa cells, and hormones - progesterone, estradiol, inhibin, folliostatin and activin 5. the mature (Graffian) follicle is now greater than 10 mm in diameter - with the oocyte is eccentrically located in a mound of granulosa cells (cumulus oophorus) 6. 10-14 days into the cycle, the follicle is mature and the oocyte is free of cumulus cells except for a layer of loosely adherent cells called the ________ _______ 7. when follicles increase in size, the synthesis of __________ rises, and the largest, more advanced follicles release their steroids into the circulation culminating, towards the end of this phase of growth, in a surge of circulating estrogen 8. production of steroids is under the control of the gonadotrophins and each tends to exert its effect at different locations within the follicle 9. granulosa cells bind FSH and cells of the theca interna bind LH 10. cells of the theca interna synthesize _________ from acetate and cholesterol, and this conversion is stimulated by ____; theca interna cells also synthesize limited quantities of ___________- from Androstenedion crossing membrane 11. The _________ cells are incapable of forming androgens. However, when they are supplied with androgens, they possess the aromatase enzyme that aromatizes androgens to estrogen; aromatization is stimulated by ______ 12. __________ also bind their nuclear receptors in the granulosa cells which are then stimulated to proliferate and to synthesize more estrogen receptors; estrogen in conjunction with FSH stimulates the expression of ______ receptors on the outer layer of granulosa cells which hitherto lacked them - these LH receptors are critical for successful entry of the antral follicle into the third (preovulatory) phase of follicular growth 13. the antral follicle will die unless the brief (estrogen induced) surge in gonadotrophin (primarily LH) coincides with the appearance of LH receptors on the outer ________ cells (membrana granulosa) - if the ______ ______ coincides with the terminal development of the antral follicle, in which both the granulosa and theca cells can bind LH, then entry into the preovulatory phase of growth occurs

thickening and shedding menstruation functionalis

1. stratum functionalis - thick, superficial; undergoes cyclic _________ and _________ 2. stratum basalis - thin, deep; unaffected by ____________; regenerates _____________


1/2-1/3 spontaneous abortions happen here!!!!! at _____________ losing pregnancy in 1st trimester- reasons why -decidualization response can be ill timed, and uterus and embryo are out of sync -fertilized egg arrives but does not have right material to interact properly with timing in uterus - can be a few days we try to interact--> more cramping or blood loss and later period

corpus luteum basement membrane progesterone

1st thing that is so dramatic when follicle ovulates and collapses back on itself--> forms ________ _______ ___________ ________ that once separated granulosum from theca cells is gone!!!! and capillaries from theca internal grow rapidly into follicle that is now making buckets of ____________, and this blood carries progesterone to systemic circulation

anchoring floating endometrium

2 kinds of villi: (String mop in a bucket of blood) ___________ - get wet and go all the way down to bottom _________- spread out and float bucket of blood- whats left of decidualized ___________ (bucket of blood)



isthmus of the oviduct trumpet shape --> funnel (here)





? cells make __________ in response to estradiol As a woman ages this thins, becuase there is very little estrogen, and it can thin to a point where it's only basal cells that we see--> can signal a change in a vaginal PH

ectocervical os

A pap smear is taken at the level of the? that transition zone is highly susceptible to morphological changes during pregnancy -gets pushed down into vagina where pH is lower -gets pulled back into endocervical canal as person ages

synthesis duplication doubled haploid 2 homologs chromatids

A. What happens to chromosomes during meiosis? 1. DNA __________ occurs first -- before division. Meiosis is preceded by DNA ___________. During the S before meiosis the cell doubles the DNA content and # of chromatids per chromosome. So cell starts with pairs of _________ chromosomes = 4 copies of each chromosome. 2. Products: There are 4 products, each _________ (from meiosis). To cut the number of copies of each chromosome from 4 to one requires ____ divisions. 3. Two divisions of meiosis: The first division of meiosis separates __________ ; the second division of meiosis separates sister ___________.

zona pellucida granulosa

All oocytes after primary have ________ ______ and _________ cells.

oviduct ampullary Utero-tubal Morula

An unfertilized egg survives 6-24 hours compared to sperm that survive 30-45 hours in the _________ - As long as both are viable and get there around somewhat same time now we go from a fertilized one cell all the way to cleaving morula (what's happening as fertilized egg with zona pellucida intact is going through the oviduct) -There are two Delays: - ____________- isthmus junction where fertilization occurs (Days 1-2) Delay at _______-_______ junction (Days 2-3) Egg enters uterine cavity as _________ (Days 3-4) -- hangs out a few days and then blastocyst implants on day 7, and there is ideal implantation for this!! Male ejaculate (1-5 mls) - about 3 mls; 120 million sperm/ml x 3 = 360 million sperm (1/3 of a billion); 1/25-1/30 sterile, i.e. <150 million sperm/ejaculate.- there within 30-60 seconds

differentiate involute fallopian tubes

At 7 weeks the paramesonephric ducts __________ while the mesonephric ducts ________. The medial portions of the paramesonephric ducts fuse to form the uterus and upper vagina (lateral fustion 9-11 weeks), the lateral portions give rise to ________ _________. Mullerian organogenesis is complete by 5 months with uterine septal resorption.

follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) luteinizing hormone (LH) thickening corpus luteum (CL) stromal estrogen menstruation

At midcycle, there is a surge of gonadotropins, namely _______ and __________ , leading to ovulation on day 14 (green). The early secretory (luteal) phase is marked by ________ of the endometrium and the formation of the _______ ________ from the ruptured follicle and subsequent P4 secretion (blue arrow) in preparation for implantation. Glands become secretory with ________ cell differentiation (predecidualization) accompanied with endometrial edema in preparation for implantation. Rising ___________ (E2) levels superimposed on P4 define the window of receptivity (dark blue) during the midluteal phase (cycle days 20-24), conducive to implantation and subsequent pregnancy. In the absence of a viable embryo, the receptive window spontaneously transits to a refractory phase, leading to luteolysis, hormone withdrawal and __________, thus resetting the cycle (cycle day 0/28). Conversely, an implanting blastocyst secretes chorionic gonadotropin to maintain the CL, thereby supporting pregnancy.

size frequency androgens ******** estrogens******

At pituitary, GnRH stimulates synthesis and secretion of FSH and LH. These processes controlled by_______ and ________ of GnRH pulses, as well as feedback from _________ and _________. **** in red feedback by estrogens important in normal female androgens mucking with abnormal fxns


CL of pregnancy - size of her thumb sticks up off surface of ovary next to xsection of oviduct if it is rescued--> maintains pregnancy for ______ trimester until placenta can do it's job .

mucus estrogenic progestational

Cervical _______ is a barrier to invasion of the upper reproductive tract by sperm and bacteria It undergoes cyclic changes in response to steroid hormones 1. preovulatory (___________) mucus - increase in viscoelasticity and electrolytes until mucus is very watery at mid-cycle 2. luteal (__________) mucus - is dry, scant, viscous- BLOCK

chorionic plate chorionic villi decidua basalis

Components of the placenta 1. The fetal component of the placenta consists of the _________ _______ and _______ _______ that arise from it. 2. The maternal component of the placenta is formed by the _________ _________

hCG placenta

Cross-section comparing CL of pregnancy with oviduct - if the CL is rescued by _______ it becomes the CL of pregnancy and will sustain the pregnancy until the __________ takes over.

functionalis follicular luteal hypertrophy vascularization corkscrew corpus luteum secreting coiled sloughed

Cyclical changes in the uterine endometrium parallel stages of the ovarian cycle 1. onset of menstruation - day 1 of the cycle (assume 28 day cycle) 2. menstrual days 1-5 - stratum ________ shed (blood loss 35-50 mls) 3. proliferative (estrogenic) phase comparable to _________ phase of ovary - day 5 to day or two after ovulation(i.e. 5/6-15) - epithelial cells on basal glands multiply and cover surface which increases from 0.5 to 2 or 3 mm in thickness 4.secretory (progestational) phase comparable to ________ phase of ovary - just after ovulation to day 26 or day 27 (16-26/27)- ____________ such that endometrium now 4-5 mm thick, increased edema and ____________; glands = ___________ shape, lumina filled with glycogen 5. premenstrual or ischemic - 1 or 2 days before menstruation, _______ ________ involutes and coiled arteries constrict resulting in local anemia, glands stop _________ and functionalis shrinks 6. menstrual - _________ arteries shrink for longer periods of time, capillary walls rupture, glands fragment and endometrium is ___________

helicine arteries primoridal follicles cuboidal germinal gonadal ridge germinal oviduct peritoneal

Differentiate medulla (_________ ________) from cortex (___________ _________). During ovarian development, the covering mesoderm differentiates into a ___________ (surface) epithelium distinguishable from squamous mesothelium lining the peritoneal cavity. This epithelium was mistakenly termed ____________ epithelium because early embryologists thought that germ cells originated from it. Primoridal germ cells migrate - in an amoeboid manner - from the yolk sac wall to the _________ __________. Greater ovarian cancer is derived from the so-called ___________ epithelium and from the mucinous epithelium of the _______. Ovulation happens into the ___________ cavity! This sagittal-section of mature ovary shows follicles in many stages of growth and degeneration. It is important to be able to differentiate primordial from primary follicles.

cysts Interna

Follicle development: follicles get arrested and very few of them go on to mature--> they regress and form _______ Theca ________ becomes very thick Looking at normal growth and development: come up to preovulatory follicle and ovulation happens, follicle makes progesterone

meiotic division second II

Following the LH surge, arrested meiotic prophase is ended with the first ______ ______ resulting in the casting off of the first polar body; the oocyte enters the ________ meiotic division which will be completed only after fertilization. FACT: meiosis _____ is the first event following fusion of the egg and sperm.


Formation of _______ cell layer most susceptible to follicular atresia: the preantral-early antral transiton.


Functional unit: hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis is responsible for control of gonadal functions such as ____________ development, ovulation, and steroidogenesis--> what puberty is all about!! and disconnecting this for menopause!!

oocytes fourth yolk sac gonadal ridges

Genotype and chromosomal sex of a fetus is determined at conception. Primitive or primordial germ cells are precursors of __________. They are evident at the ________ fetal week. Primordial Germ cells migrating from the ______ _______ along the dorsal mesentery of the hindgut to the mesenchyme of the ________ _______ undergo successive mitotic divisions differentiating into several million oogonia.

LH FSH pulsatile surge

GnRH is at the pinnacle of the axis and is released from GnRH neuronal terminals in the median eminence into the hypophyseal portal circulation--> stimulate release of ______ and _____. -release controlled by _________ and ______ modes (size and amplitude of GnRH)

secretory (little granules) ciliated estrogen competent postmenopausal estrogen broad ligament

If we look at the oviduct, it is made of: peg cells--> ________ cells & ________ cells Integrity of that epithelium is dependent upon ___________. People who have ciliated and mucous producing cells with blebs on them--> that came from reproductively _________ woman no cilia and no secretory material--> _________________ b/c you require __________ to maintain this epithelial layer!!! also have layer of muscle (inner circular and outer longitudinal also serosa- connective tissue covered by mesothelium which is the _______ _______.

two second 1/2 fertilization polar fertilized

In Mitosis, there are ______ replications of DNA In Meiosis, there is no ________ replication of DNA, so when we form gametes we reduce dna in _____ when we get ready for fertilization, the beginning of ___________ prompts the 2nd division and release of final _______body, when egg gets ___________ the DNA amount is returned to normal complement found in cells.

fetal menopause (reproductive capacity)

In the human Ovary, the process of folliculogenesis begins during _________ life and proceeds until the end of _________.

primary ovulated

Inside of all primordial follicles it is still a _________ oocyte- it stays this way until it is __________ and then becomes secondary oocyte.


Low frequency GnRH pulses lead to ______ release High frequency GnRH pulses stimulate _______ release --> surge here

LH ovulation progesterone

No _____ surge - No _________ - No ____________ production

germinal ridge mitotic primary meiosis metaphase

Oogenesis started when primordial germ cells migrated into _______ _______. Primary germ cells by way of _______ activity gave rise to oogonia and _______ oocytes. but now we've initiated _________ and Primary oocytes are arrested on __________ plate--> that is where they stay in Meiotic Arrest.

dense follicles blood vessles degenerated corpora lutea (corpora albuginea) proliferating interna externa

Ovary consists of: 1. outer cortex: -________ cellular connective tissue -_________ maturing or degenerating 2. Inner medulla: -________ tissue arranged around large _______ _________ -__________ follicles -degenerated _________ _______ (_______ __________ 3. Stroma around: -____________ follicle -cellular, highly vascular theca _________ -more fibrous theca _________

germinal peritoneal cavity ciliated Ampulla

Ovary has __________ epithelium that is modified peritoneum, ovulation now happens out into the __________ _________. literally does! fibriated end in the oviduct has to be close to all aspects of the ovary--> chemotactic response allows this fibriated end of oviduct is histiologically 1/2 _________ cells--> this causes ovulated egg to come into catcher's mitt of oviduct, and egg is draw off ovary surface and into widest part of the oviduct--> _________ where fertilization happens.

cortex Folliculogenesis medulla

Ovary= bag of marbles of diff sizes outer ________, follicles maturing and degenerating, somewhat same for medulla Cortex: Germinal epithelium over it Tunica Albuginea- where find primordial germ cells all stages of ___________ b/c follicle gets bigger and bigger, so depending on where it is in stroma as it gets larger, it impenges on both cortex and medulla. Can tell them apart: tortuous blood vessels in _________ (like helicine arteries)

peritoneal sperm

Oviducts (fallopian tube, uterine tube, salpinx = tube or trumpet) General - paired structures, 12 cm long and 6-8 mm diameter 1. one end opens into the _________cavity and the other end opens into the superior lateral part of the uterus 2. the oviduct receives and transports ovum (or zygote), provides chamber for fertilization (distal 1/3 = ampulla) and transports _________

oocyte LH surge

Ovulation - when the follicle (2.5 cm) ruptures, fluid flows out onto the surface of the ovary carrying with it the _______ and its surrounding mass of cumulus cells - is triggered by the ______ _______ -then follicle collapses back on itself

blastocyst placenta cytotrophoblast hCG chorion

Placenta A. Embryonic differentiation 1. cleaving morula gives rise to the ___________ 2. blastocyst is composed of an inner cell mass (ICM) and trophoblast a. inner cell mass develops into embryo b. trophoblast cells give rise to the embryonic portion of the _________ 1. trophoblast forms an inner group of mitotically active cells known as the __________ which actively divide to form syncytiotrophoblast cells 2. syncytiotrophoblast cells produce _______ to rescue CL, invade the highly vascular endometrium, and form the _________ 3. the chorion evolves into the chorionic plate with villi

decidualized cytotrophoblast syncytiotrophoblast

Placenta has 2 parts: 1. fetal - chorionic plat and chorionic villi (anchoring and floating villi) 2. maternal- ___________ uterine endometrium , has to change to allow chorionic villi of chorionic plate to invade - we already know decidualization has started because of progesterone - chorionic villi are invading locally, although there is uniform decidualization reaction (entire lumen) So as the villi invade, we started out with a trophoectoderm, and that becomes two cell layers thick:--> ______________- dividing so fast it isn't completing cell division (and no membranes in place) dividing to make ________________ that can invade syncytiotrophoblast- isn't taking time to regenerate it's cell membranes b/c it is busy invading and making HCG so Sole purpose of cytotrophoblast- make syncytiotrophoblasts which tells CL im here and to invade the uterine endometrium as effectively as possible to make placenta

anchoring floating

Placental villi from 2-4 months - each villus = tree-like form bordered by double trophoblastic layer - superficial (syncytiotrophoblast) and deeper (cytotrophoblast) - certain branches make contact with maternal tissue = ___________ villi and others remain free in intervillous spaces = __________ villi [think of placenta as string mop (fetal) in bucket of maternal blood]

theca granulosa follicles LH surge progesterone androgens

Polycystic Ovarian Disease -hyperplasia of ______ cells, and fewer _______ cells Ovulation failure 1. abnormal ________ (PCOS - reduced FSH, normal or increased LH, E, T) 2. malfunction of hypothalamus (GnRH) 3. malfunction of pituitary (LH, FSH) PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder affecting 5-10% of women of reproductive age. - follicle development arrested -No _________ b/c level of hormones preventing this -no ovulation -no __________ -but theca interna can make ____________- lots present that don't get converted to progesterone -women have facial hair, clitoral development huge, male secondary sex characteristics right after puberty

primary SINGLE FLATTENED CUBOIDAL granulosa Zona pellucida Theca steroids growth factors ascentric cumulus oophorus corona radiata

Primordial follicle: __________ oocyte with _______, _______ layer of follicle cells/ granulosa cells (same thing. minute that flattened layer becomes __________, we now have a primary follicle. only change here in appearance of follicle cells. here, some changes happen: we now have ________ cells that are dividing and making more of themselves, so a primary follicle can be unilaminar or multilaminar, and it begins to have a collaborative action with the oocyte and makes ________ _______ (not seen in primordial follicle!!) --> outer granulosa cells begin to interact with ECM Stromal cells in close proximity to follicle--> recruits them to become a __________! When we get to secondary follicle-- we see puddles of fluid with ________ and ________ inside them -when puddles coalesce--> we've got a ________ _________- and puddle pushes egg into _________ location, no longer in center of follicle also in Mature Follicle: there is a stalk called __________ __________ and a ___________ __________- a few granulosa cells that are still attached and able to communicate with the oocyte through the zona pellucida.- this is the radiating crown.

tunica albuginea diplotene flattened

Primordial follicles 1. are located in the cortex just below the __________ __________ and may remain arrested for up to 50 years 2. contain a primary oocyte that is arrested in the _________ stage of first meiotic prophase (dictyate stage); chromosomes are still enclosed by a nuclear membrane within a nucleus generally known as the germinal vesicle 3. the primary oocyte is 20-25 mm in diameter and surrounded by a single __________ layer of epithelial (follicular or granulosa) cells

follicle clot phagocytes luteum b hypertrophy FSH estrogen

Progressive degeneration: 1. The residual parts of the ___________ within the ovary collapse into the space left by the fluid, the oocyte and the cumulus mass, and within this cavity a ______ forms. The resultant structure is the corpus hemorrhagicum. 2. The clot is removed by _______________ and high levels of LH convert the corpus hemorrhagicum into the steroidogenic organ known as the corpus ________ (shown here). a. __________ _____________ separating granulosa cells and theca interna breaks down allowing fenestrated capillaries that carried off estradiol from the theca interna to invade between granulosa cells of the corpus luteum b. granulosa cells cease dividing, _______________ and secrete _____________ which decreases ________ and suppresses follicle maturation; human theca lutein cells secrete ___________ c. secretion of estrogen and progesterone prepares endometrium for implantation; enables blastocyst to implant; maintains pregnancy (3 months) after implantation

estrogen progesteron estrogen

Pulsatile secretion negatively regulated by __________ and/or _________ LH Surge release is positively regulated by ___________

independent independent cuboidal stratified basement membrane cuboidal granulosa (follicle) ribosomes protein and RNA

Recruitment - an arrested primordial follicle is triggered, i.e. recruited in a gonadotropin-__________ to reinitiate development and enter the pool of growing follicles FACT: Primary follicles develop from primordial follicles in a hormone- ____________ manner 1. Defined as a primary follicle when the follicle cells become _________ a. Primary unilaminar follicle - follicular cells become cuboidal and form a single __________ layer of follicle (granulosa) cells that surrounds the primary follicle and rests on _______ ________ b. Primary multilaminar follicle - multiple layers of _________ __________cells (proliferation induced by activin from primary oocyte) 2. The primary oocyte enlarges to 100-150 mm and develops multiple Golgi complexes and abundant free ________ 3. The primary oocyte is actively involved in both ________ and ______synthesis

ampulla isthmus zona pellucida

So Tubal pregnancy happens primarily in __________where delay is, and can also happen in ________ where delay is (utero-tubal junction. In order for this to happen, that morula has to have advanced so that it hatches from _________ _________, undergoes first differentiative event, and then tries to implant into epithelium of oviduct, which is in no way prepared to deal with implantation, so pregnancy and tube are lost.

FSH Estrogen endometrium progesterone luteal secretory

So we have: ________- that is follicular phase of ovary ________- from developing follicle is feeding back but ALSO influencing uterine ________ After LH surge when follicle is said to be leutianized and it's making ___________, we are in the __________ of ovary and ________ phase of uterine endometrium

estrogen LH surge progesterone Serrated

So what we've got is the developing follicles, and these follicles (coming from secondary--> preantral and antral stages) they are all making __________ which is feeding back on hypothalamus and pituitary and also having a local effect here to regenerate/ promote proliferation of uterine endometrium all the way up to ____________ then in response to becoming luteanized --> corpus luteum makes ____________: that makes endometrium secretory and changes a Straight gland to a ___________ gland, and this line of demarcation from LH surge to the next menstrual cycle is 14 days.

cervix cilia secretory

THis is of? showing ______ cells and ______ cells with abundant apical blebs

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