Final Biology 2 Exam

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red, hemoglobin

An erythrocyte is a __________ blood cell which contain thousands of red pigmented molecules of_____________.

Good Hygiene

An example of a good sanitation practice is _______________________________________.


Diversification of _______________ began about 145 mya to the present. The flowering plants are the most abundant today.


Do Bacteria and Archaea have unique rotating flagella?


Do Bacteria have ribosomes different from those of Archaea and Eukarya?


Do aerobic or anaerobic bacteria and archaea cause decomposition fastest? _______________ bacteria can produce decomposition much faster than anaerobic bacteria.


Do protists have a synapomorphy - a key trait found only in protists and no other organisms? ( yes / no)


Does mitosis or meiosis produce spores?


Does mitosis or meiosis produce the gametophyte from growing spores? ___________


Does pollination by animals encourage speciation? _________________________________


Does transpiration even impact local and global climate? ________________________________


Does transpiration play an important role as a source of rainfall? _________________________


Does vascular tissue help support the body of the plant so that it can stand upright ? _________


Domain Eukarya includes Kingdoms (Protista / Fungi / Plantae / Animalia.)

Fungi, Plants, Animals

Domain Eukarya includes: ( Bacteria / Archaea / Protists / Fungi / Plants / Animals)


Ecologist may even focus on everywhere in which organisms live on earth called the ______________.

chromatin, nucleoli

Events of prophase include the condensation of ___________ and the dispersal of _____________.


Hemoglobin has four heme groups which each contain an iron. The four irons will hold on to four __________ molecules.

juvenile, ecdysone

Hormone interactions regulate insect metamorphosis. Hormones involved are _____________ and _______________.


Hormones are important in the developmental changes from human juvenile to adult. This period is called ____________.


Hormones exert what type of cell-to-cell signaling? paracrine neural endocrine autocrine

pineal, melatonin

Location target cells - Brain Effect - Controls day night cycles and is sensitive to light Origin and hormone?


Microsporangia in flowering plants are located in the _____. petals carpel sepals stamen receptacle


Millions of species exist. Only __ species have formal names and descriptions.

a virus

Multicellularity has advantages: Protection What might be the danger to an organism?


One organism eats or absorbs nutrients from another. It increases consumer fitness but decreases victims fitness +/-


One species benefits but the other species is not affected +/0


Only (10 / 25 /66 ) % is bound to hemoglobin.

net primary productivity

The energy invested in growth and reproduction is called ___ __________________ ________________ (NPP) .


The energy of activation must be ___________ in order for a reaction to proceed.

brown algae

The largest seaweeds are _____. red algae brown algae green algae diatoms dinoflagellates


The letter A indicates the _____. vascular bundle phloem xylem cortex pith


The letter A indicates the _____. epidermis endodermis vascular cylinder xylem cortex

dorsal, cat

The location of the spinal cord is _________________and has a bigger more complex brain. Vertebrate example:_____

the deer population would decrease

What would you predict if wolves were reintroduced to that ecosystem?________________________

Ribosomal RNA

Which molecule did Carl Woese study to produce his tree of life? Ribosomal RNA DNA Ribosome Messenger RNA


Which molecule is metabolized in a cell to produce energy for performing work? ADP Phosphate ATP Glucose

green beans

Which of the following "vegetables" is botanically a fruit? radish lettuce potato green beans celery


Which of the following animals has a three-chambered heart? frog crocodile bird fish

Malaria is one of world's worst infectious diseases transmitted by mosquito

______ Plasmodium falciparum a protozoan

African sleeping sickness transmitted by tsetse fly

______Trypanosoma gambiens protozoa flagellate


_______ Bulbs ( ex: onions) are stems that store food


_______ Rhizomes ( ex: iris) are stems that grow vertically


_______ Stolons (ex: strawberry) are stems that grow underground horizontally


_______ Tendrils are modified leaves that aid in climbing.


_______ Thorns are modified stems that help protect the plant from attacks by herbivores.


_______ Tubers (ex: potatoes) are underground swollen rhizomes that function to store carbohydrates


________ occurs when a part of brain dies due to burst arteriole in cranium or a blood clot


________ part contains seeds of plants.


________ reefs are extremely productive ocean ecosystems where a great diversity of organisms live.


________A cactus stem enlarges into a water-storage organ


________A plant's shoot system grows in directions to minimize its chances of capturing light


________Adventitious roots develop from the root system


________Anchor roots anchor stems to walls and to other plants


________Pneumatophores allow water exchange between roots and the atmosphere.


________Prop roots stabilize the stem while growing out of the stem.


________Roots, stems, and leaves show phenotypic plasticity which means changeable form based on environmental conditions;

root hairs

_________ ________ are tiny extensions from the root that increase the root surface area for absorption of water and minerals


___________ is the study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environments.


___________ level is a feeding level in a food chain. Trophic levels include: primary producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, detritivores and decomposers.


___________ or heart rate is rhythmic expansion and recoil of an arterial wall as blood is pumped


___________ reproductive cells surrounded by a protective coating.


___________ spore-producing structures


___________ system = stems leaves flowers fruits stems


___________ tissue system (xylem and phloem) functions in support and in long-distance transport of water and minerals and nutrients.


___________ to anchor the plants in the ground & leaf to photosynthesize


___________ to transport water and minerals and nutrients


___________ waxy watertight sealant to prevent water loss


___________-like protists show thread-like growth and are heterotrophic by absorption of food from outside the cells. In this they resemble the fungi.

medulla oblongata

____________ ___________________ ( brain stem) regulates heartbeat

sensory neurons

____________ ________takes nerve impulses /signals from a sensory receptor to the CNS


____________ are areas drained by a single water body. The Mississippi River has an enormous watershed.


____________ are holes in leaves to allow gas exchange


____________ are sexual reproductive cells ( eggs and sperm).


____________ consist of a plant embryo, and nutrient stores surrounded by a protective seed coat.


____________ consumers eat the primary consumers and are a carnivore


____________ develop from the flower's seed producing organ ( especially ovary of pistil) and contains seeds. = "ripened ovary"


____________ disease is a motor disorder characterized by difficulty in starting movements; slowness of movement , and rigidity.


____________ disorder is also called manic depression and this involves extreme mood swings.


____________ disruptors such as xenoestrogens can mimic natural hormones and perhaps cause feminization of aquatic male frogs as is suspected for atrazine - a common herbicide


____________ ecology focuses on groups of interbreeding individuals called populations who live in the same place at the same time.

lymph, lymphatic

____________ is a circulating fluid in lymph vessels that drain excess fluid and return it to blood. Lymph vessels, nodes and other organs form _________ system that helps defend the body.


____________ is a polypeptide hormone secreted by fat cells and effects brain area that controls feeding behavior.


____________ is a protein ( example: insulin)


______________ larger blood vessels that carry blood away from heart


______________ of water is the tendency of water molecules to cling to one another due to H bonding.


______________ potentials increase the tendency to develop action potentials.


________________ are the sites of photosynthesis.


________________ are thicker cell walled and function in shoot support while allowing for cells to stretch and elongate.


________________ bare rock that remains as a glacier retreats


________________ circulation is a higher pressure circuit to and from rest of body


________________ circulation is a lower pressure circuit to and from the lung


________________ conducts sugar, amino acids, chemical signals, in 2 directions from roots to shoots and shoots to roots.


________________ defenses are only present if predators are around


________________ ecology is the study of a population in terms of what factors affect population size and how these factors change over space and time.


________________ feature a sporangium that produces asexual spores.


________________ forest land that has burnt down due to fire


________________ ground produced by volcanic eruption


________________ growth in woody plants involves cell division in lateral meristems which increase width of stems and roots.


________________ has a primary cell wall and a thick secondary cell wall that contains lignin as well as cellulose. supports stems after growth stops.

zygomycetes, zygosporangium

________________ have flagellated spores or gametes which shows their link to ancestral protists that had flagella. What structure allows these gametes and spores to swim?_____________________.

nasal cavity

________________ in nose warms air, nose hairs filter air, and mucus membranes moisten air and trap dust and microbes


________________ includes the genetic diversity of species, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity.


________________ involves the engulfing of large particles.


________________ is a flap of tissue that prevents food from passing into the windpipe.


________________ is gland located under the stomach that produces insulin and glucagon

adrenal medulla

________________ is the inner part of the adrenal glands stimulated by nerve signals.


________________ multicellular brown or red or green algae

surface tension

________________ of water at the surface of leaves form a meniscus that pulls on neighboring liquid water and on to water in veins of the leaf.


________________ organisms that eat dead remains of organism along with waste products ( detritus)


________________ organisms that eat meat


________________ organisms that eat plants


________________ potentials decrease the tendency to develop action potentials.


________________ system : pancreas secretes insulin hormones into blood


________________ system : skin mediates heat exchange from blood vessels


________________ tissue system functions in photosynthesis, storage, and support


________________ voice box produces sound with vocal cords


________________ working phase contraction of ventricles

resource partitioning

_________________ ____________________ describes the differentiation of niches, both in time and space that enables similar species to coexist in a community.


_________________ are the sites of cellular respiration.


_________________ biology uses principles and knowledge from molecular biology, genetics and ecology to protect the biological diversity of life at each of the 3 levels ( genetic, species, ecosystems)


_________________ cells are thin cell walled, abundant and versatile plant cells.


_________________ cleared farmland


_________________ competition occurs between individuals of the same species


_________________ contains air sacs; left and right, composed of lobes


___________________ a tapeworm lives in the intestines of a dog


___________________ a tick sucks blood from a cat's neck


___________________ are plastids that do photosynthesis


___________________ clown fish in a sea anemone


___________________ eat detritus, the remains of dead animals and plants and their wastes.


___________________ giraffe eats tree leaves

coniferous forest

___________________ include cone-bearing evergreen trees with a cold winter and a summer that allows growth.


___________________ is a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits but the other species is unaffected ( + / _). An example is an antbird following army ants . The antbird picks up prey that fly or jump up out of the way of the ants.


___________________ is plant leaves, animal excretions, dead bodies that will then be decomposed.


___________________ is the process by which phloem transports substances from source to sink.


___________________ is the use of bacteria and archaea to clean up pollution at contaminated sites.


___________________ lichen


___________________ mycorrhizae


___________________ occurs when plant eaters consume plant tissues.


___________________ signals are neurohormones are released from neurons but act on distant cells.


___________________ signals diffuse locally and act on nearby cells


___________________ species is a species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of their range


___________________ tiger eats a gazelle


___________________ zooplankton eating phytoplankton


____________________ are + /+ interactions


____________________ are animal-like protists that are heterotrophic, motile and unicellular


____________________ are grasslands with scattered trees with a warm temperature year round and rain average from 30-50 cm a year.

Facultative Aerobes

____________________ can only live where there is no oxygen as oxygen poisons

green algae

____________________ closest relative of land plants because like plants they have cellulose in cell walls, food storage as starch, and same pigments with plants.


____________________ ecology studies how populations of species interact and form functional communities.


____________________ is large and holds a lot of water, nutrients, waste.


____________________ is the normal amount of air moved in and out while relaxed or at rest.


____________________ is water found underground.


____________________ resting phase relaxation of ventricles


____________________ signals act on the same cell that secretes them.


____________________ signals are neurotransmitters that diffuse a short distance between neurons.


____________________(AV) valves ( valves between atrium and ventricle)


_____________________ are the driest of all with low rainfall and they may be hot or cold deserts.


_____________________ break down dead organisms from all trophic levels and convert them to inorganic minerals. Decomposers include some bacteria and some fungi.

Obligate Anaerobes

_____________________ can live in the presence or absence of oxygen

zone of maturation

_____________________ cells become mature example root hairs grow out of epidermis


_____________________ have many spiny shrubs with tough evergreen leaves. It has mild rainy winters and hot dry summers and gets moisture circulating on to land from sea


_____________________ is a + / - interaction that occurs when one organism eats another. It includes: herbivory, parasitism, and predation.

climate change

_____________________ is the acceleration of global climate change due to the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and other processes


_____________________ species is a species that is likely to become endangered in the future.


_____________________ species is found only in a particular place or region and nowhere else.


________________is an infectious disease caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and results in a buildup of fluid in the air sacs.


________________is too much thyroxine release.


________________loss is the most important cause for declines in biodiversity.

cell wall

________________supports the cell;


_______________ecology is concerned with the movement of energy and materials through organisms and their communities and through their physical environment


______________analysis allows rapid identification of organisms never seen before.


______________is the term to describe when oxygen gas is binded to hemoglobin represented as HbO2.


______________larger blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart


______________organisms (clam, starfish) live on the bottom of the ocean.


______________transition is a shift from zero population growth in which birth rates and death rates are high but roughly equal, to zero population growth characterized by low birth and death rates.


_____________volume is the air that remains in the lungs even after deep exhalation.


____________prevent backflow of blood


___________consumers eat the primary producers and are herbivores.


___________ornamentals with spreading palm like leaves and conspicuous seed producing cones.


___________unusual adaptations and each genus is unique

atria, right, left

_________chambers that receive blood back ________ atrium - receives blood back from body ( deoxygenated blood _________atrium - receives blood back from lungs ( oxygenated)


right atrium contracts - blood flows through AV valve into right _____________


______ = growth rate of population


Methanogens are microbes that release __________ into the air.

multiples of 3

# of petals in monocots


Sporophytes produce spores by the process of ( mitosis /meiosis).

colors, smells

What features of flowers may attract pollinators?


______ = per capita rate of growth or intrinsic rate of growth


______ = population size

energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to another

"Conservation of energy" refers to the fact that _____. the entropy of the universe is always increasing no chemical reaction is 100 percent efficient the net amount of disorder is always increasing energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to another if you conserve energy you will not be as tired


"Protists do not form a monophyletic group" Instead protists are (monophyletic / paraphyletic / polyphyletic) which is a group that includes a common ancestral population but not all of its descendants.


"other feeders"


"self feeders"

4 or 5

# of petals in dicots

Make toxins during harmful algal blooms

______ Dinoflagellates an alga


.________________ is located in neck region on top of windpipe and under the influence of TSH produces thyroxine which controls metabolic rate.

expiration, relax

( Inspiration / Expiration) is exhalation or breathing out and is the passive breathing phase. The diaphragm and intercostal muscles ( contract / relax ) . The diaphragm arches up and the ribs move down forcing air out of lung.


( Monocots / Eudicots) have fibrous root system with many thin roots spread our shallowly in the soil.


( Monocots / Eudicots) have taproot system with a main vertical root with other smaller roots coming off.


( Negative / positive ) feedback As glucose levels rise in the blood, the pancreas produces insulin that tells the liver and muscles to store glucose as glycogen and for cells to take up glucose. As the sugar levels rise, the pancreas stops releasing insulin. Feedback inhibition reduces production and/or secretion of the hormone


( Negative / positive ) feedback The more the uterus contracts the more oxytocin is released and the more the uterus contracts until the baby is born.


( Self / cross) pollination is when the same individual plant pollen is transferred to the stigma of the same flower.

double, triploid

( Single / Double) fertilization is it when one sperm nucleus unites with the egg to form the zygote and another sperm nucleus unites with polar nuclei to form a triploid endosperm. The zygote is ( diploid / haploid / triploid)


(Asexual / Sexual) reproduction is based on meiosis and fusion of gametes . It results in daughter cells that are genetically different form their parents and from each other.


(Asexual / sexual) reproduction is based on mitosis and cell division in Protists. It results in daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent.


(Asexual / sexual) reproduction may result in the formation of cysts which are cells with thick protective walls that remain dormant through periods of unfavorable climate or low food availability.

clumping, organisms associate in social group

(Clumping / Random / uniform ) dispersion pattern is most common, Why? ( hint resources) _____________________________________________________

density -dependent

(Density -dependent / density -independent ) factor is a mortality factor whose influence increases with the density of the population?

density -independent

(Density -dependent / density -independent ) factor is a mortality factor whose influence is not affected by population size or density.


(Fetal / maternal ) hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen

inspiration, contract

(Inspiration / Expiration ) is inhalation or breathing in and is the active breathing phase. The diaphragm and intercostals rib muscles (contract / relax) creating a vacuum ( a negative pressure). The diaphragm flattens and the ribs lift up. Air rushes into lungs.


(Note on land there is also the problem of acid rain. The gas hydrogen sulfide is released by ________ eruptions, decomposition and burning fossil fuels.


(Resting / Threshold) potential is the change in polarity (based on distribution of ions) that must occur before an action potential is sent.


(Self / Cross)) pollination is when pollen is carried from the anther of one individual to the stigma of a different individual.


(gray / white) matter of brain - the axons do have myelin sheaths in bundles called tracts.


(gray / white) matter of brain - the axons do not have myelin sheaths, this matter include cell bodies

chytrids, flagellum

.________________ have flagellated spores or gametes which shows their link to ancestral protists that had flagella. What structure allows these gametes and spores to swim?_____________________.


.________________ is a single cylindrical layer of cells inside of the root that forms an outer boundary of the vascular tissue ( xylem and phloem)

diploid, mitosis

2 gametes unite during fertilization to form a ( haploid / diploid) zygote. The zygote divides my (mitosis / meiosis) to grow into the sporophyte. The alternation between a sporophyte and a gametophyte generation is called alternation of generations.


2 species interact in a way that confers fitness benefits to both +/+


4 pulmonary veins return oxygen rich blood from the _________ to left atrium


97.5% of the earth's water is __________ water of the oceans.


98.5% of oxygen in ____________is carried by hemoglobin, only 1.5% is dissolved in plasma.


A ( resting / action) potential is measured when an axon is not conducting an impulse and equals -70mV.


A (voltmeter / spectrometer) is used to measure voltage to look at the potential difference ( in ion concentrations especially sodium and potassium ions) between the inside of the axon and outside the axon.


A __________ chain describes nutritional relationships among organisms and thus how chemical energy flows through ecosystems.


A __________ is a group of interbreeding individuals occupying the same area at the same time.


A __________ transfusion is the transfer of blood from one individual into the blood of another.


A ___________ is a structure in the PNS that is composed of myelinated neurons bound by connective tissue that carry info to and from the CNS.


A ___________ is the role that species play in an ecosystem.


A _______________ is a gap between the end of one neuron and the dendrites of the next neuron.

source, sink

A _________________ is where the sugar is produced; a ____________ is where the sugar is consumed or dropped off.


A ___________________, such as a vitamin, binds to an enzyme and plays a role in catalysis.


A ______________________ is an association between the hyphae of certain fungi and the roots of most seed plants.


A _______________________________measures blood pressure caused by blood pressing against the wall of a blood vessel.

the unsealed tube only

A bacterium was grown in two test tubes filled with media rich in glucose. One tube was sealed to produce anaerobic conditions, and the other was not. A third uninoculated, unsealed tube was used as a control. Glucose utilization by this bacterium causes acid production, which is indicated by a lightening of the media color. If the bacterium is able to produce ATP only by aerobic respiration, we expect lightening of media in _____. the unsealed tube only the sealed and unsealed tubes only the control tube only the sealed tube only all three tubes


A blood vessel that takes blood to the heart is a(n) _____. capillary lymphatic vessel artery vein

stigma, style, and ovary

A carpel is composed of _____. zygote, anther, and endosperm ovule, megasporocyte, and anther ovary, ovule, and anther stigma, style, and ovary petal, sepal, and stamen

helper T cell

A cell type that interacts with both the humoral and cell-mediated immune pathways is a _____. helper T cell cytotoxic T cell plasma cell CD8 cell natural killer cell

target cell

A cell with membrane-bound proteins that selectively bind a specific hormone is called that hormone's _____. endocrine cell regulatory cell target cell plasma cell secretory cell


A chemical reaction that has a positive ΔG is best described as _____. spontaneous enthalpic entropic endergonic exergonic


A collection of these hyphae is called a ___________.

primary consumer

A cow eating grass is an example of a _____. secondary consumer producer tertiary consumer primary consumer detritivore


A difference of electrical charge between any two points creates an _______________ potential or voltage.


A fungal ___________ is a reproductive structure that can be produced sexually or asexually and is resistant to drying out.

archegonia, spore

A gametangium that produces eggs is a _____________________________ The egg and sperm unite to form a zygote that develops into a multicellular___________ that is retained on the (mother) plant and nourished.

antheridia, embryo

A gametangium that produces sperm is a ______________________. (__________contain sperm)


A greenhouse __________ traps heat that has been radiated from earth and keeps it from being lost to space.

tertiary consumer

A human who just ate a hamburger is eaten by a shark while swimming. The shark is acting as a _____. secondary consumer producer tertiary consumer primary consumer detritivore

Nuclear envelope

A key synapomorphy of Eukaryotes is the ( plasma membrane / nuclear envelope) which surrounds the nucleus.

fungus, photosynthetic algae

A lichen is a mutualistic relationship of a ___________ and a _______________.

the timing of gamete formation

A major difference between mammalian spermatogenesis and oogenesis is _____. the ploidy of the gametes the timing of gamete formation the number of meiotic divisions needed to form gametes All of the above are correct.


A membranous vesicle is fusing with the plasma membrane and releasing its contents into the extracellular fluid.

II only

A monocot stem is represented by _____. I only II only III only IV only I and III


A moving blood clot is an _____________________


A nerve cell that transmits nerve impulses is called a _________________.


A nerve impulse moves away from a neuron's cell body along _____. dendrites Nissl bodies synapses axon glia


A nerve impulse moves toward a neuron's cell body along _____. dendrites synaptic terminals oligodendrocytes axons nodes of Ranvier


A nerve signal begins as a change in the membrane potential. The membrabe potential is the (potential / kinetic) energy that exists as an electrical difference across the neuron's plasma membrane due to ionic concentrations.


A neuron has a resting potential of about _____ millivolts. +50 +35 -55 -70 -80


A neuron sends a signal toward another neuron along its _____. cell body dendrites ion channels axon

cell body

A neuron's nucleus is located in its _____. cell body axon myelin sheath dendrite synaptic terminals


A neuron's resting potential is about _________ millivolts.

be unable to differentiate and mature T cells

A newborn who is accidentally given a drug that destroys the thymus would most likely _____. have a reduced number of B cells and be unable to form antibodies lack innate immunity be unable to genetically rearrange antigen receptors lack class I major histocompatability (MHC) molecules on cell surfaces be unable to differentiate and mature T cells


A paramecium is a(n) _____. diatom metazoan apicomplexan dinoflagellate ciliate

anaphylactic shock immediately following exposure to an allergen

A patient who has a high level of mast cell activity, dilation of blood vessels, and acute drop in blood pressure is likely suffering from _____. a typical skin allergy (contact dermatitis) that can be treated by antihistamines anaphylactic shock immediately following exposure to an allergen an autoimmune disease an organ transplant, such as a skin graft the effect of exhaustion on the immune system


A person grows too small because of too little growth hormone has the condition called. ___________________


A person grows too tall because of too much growth hormone suffers from ________________

type II

A person has the disease ____________________if he does not make enough insulin or the insulin receptors are faulty. Person may need insulin but can be helped by diet and exercise

type I

A person has the disease ___________________if he does not make insulin and must take insulin.

woody eudicot

A plant has the following characteristics: a taproot system, several growth rings evident in a cross section of the stem, and a layer of bark around the outside. Which of the following best describes the plant? woody annual woody monocot herbaceous eudicot herbaceous monocot woody eudicot

I and II only

A population is correctly defined as having which of the following characteristics? I) inhabiting the same general area II) belonging to the same species III) possessing a constant and uniform density and dispersion I only III only I and II only II and III only I, II, and III

Modified stem, tuber

A potato is a type of __________ known as a ___________ Modified stem, tuber Root, lateral root Modified root, pneumatophore Modified stem, stolon

a nucleus

A prokaryotic cell is distinct from a eukaryotic cell because a prokaryotic cell lacks _____. carbohydrates ribosomes a plasma membrane a nucleus


A record of the heartbeat is called an ________________________. An EKG records electrical charges in myocardium during a cardiac cycle


A salmon follows a scent trail upstream to find its way back to the stream where it hatched. What type of sensory receptor cell would it use? chemoreceptors nociceptors mechanoreceptors electroreceptors thermoreceptors


An enzyme is considered a ___________________ because it speeds up chemical reactions without being used up.

an allosteric inhibitor

A series of enzymes catalyze the reaction X → Y → Z → A. Product A binds to the enzyme that converts X to Y at a position remote from its active site. This binding decreases the activity of the enzyme. With respect to the enzyme that converts X to Y, substance A functions as _____. a competitive inhibitor an allosteric inhibitor an intermediate a coenzyme the substrate


A sporangium that produce microspores is a ____________________


A sporangium that produces megaspores is a ______________________


A spore may grow into a new ______________ within the substrate.

anther and filament

A stamen consists of _____. stigma and anther ovary and sepal anther and filament stigma and style stigma and filament


A stationary blood clot is a _____________

sodium ... opening of voltage-gated sodium channels

A stimulus has opened the voltage-gated sodium channels in an area of a neuron's plasma membrane. As a result, _____ rushes into the neuron and diffuses to adjacent areas; this in turn results in the _____ in the adjacent areas. potassium ... opening of voltage-gated potassium channels sodium ... opening of voltage-gated potassium channels sodium ... opening of voltage-gated sodium channels sodium ... closing of voltage-gated sodium channels potassium ... opening of voltage-gated sodium channels

electric shock, biting your tongue, mosquito bite

A stimulus is any factor that causes a nerve signal to be generated. Name 3 stimuli: ____________ _______________ _______________

deforestation increases the rate of nutrient loss from ecosystems

A study conducted at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest watershed areas provided experimental evidence that _____. water levels become higher and more easily maintained as the number of nearby trees increases contamination in nearby areas passes into watersheds deforestation increases the rate of nutrient loss from ecosystems forest productivity is a function of number of trees and diversity of species present

active site

A substrate bunds to an enzyme at the _________________, where the reaction occurs.

a primary immune response

A vaccination shot triggers ______. a primary immune response B-cell production of antigens a secondary immune response gene recombination


A water sample from a hot thermal vent contained a single-celled organism that had a cell wall but lacked a nucleus. What is its most likely classification? Animalia Eukarya Archaea Protista Fungi


A white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is an example of _____.


A(n) _____ reaction occurs spontaneously. chemical endergonic exergonic kinetic anabolic

B, A, D, C, F, E, G, H

A) Management plans for invasive species B) Seed banks C) Ex situ conservation ( preservation of species that are extinct in the wild )and reintroduction ex: Pere David's deer D) Genetic restoration by introducing individuals from outside who can bring in different genes to a threatened population. Note this promotes gene flow. E) Wildlife corridors promote gene flow between isolated populations of a species by connecting them through wildlife corridors. F) Designing effective Protected Areas is the most effective strategy to preserve biodiversity. It is best to protect entire areas of land and sea from exploitation in the first place. G) Ecosystem restoration such as reforestation H) Quantify Ecosystem services to make explicit that long term human prosperity depends on the preservation of these services Ex: ecotourism - recreational visits to their wild places Identify the following examples as one of the listed strategies. (you can use the letter) _____1. Storing seeds from a backyard garden grown in New Orleans _____2. Ships release ballast water out at sea rather than in port to avoid bringing in nonnative species _____3. Introduction of Texas pumas into Florida to promote gene flow to the Texas pumas _____4. Keeping a healthy population of Przewalski's horses at a zoo even though none live in the wild _____5. Creation of a nature area that must not be developed and is left natural. _____6. Connecting smaller habitats together though a land connection. _____7. Reforestation _____8. Calculating the value to a country for ecotourism

A, B

ABO blood group has ___ and _____ type antigens.


AV (atrioventricular) node) signals contraction of _________________


A___________ chain consists of a primary producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer and so on. The food chain is limited by the energy available to the top level.


About (10 / 25 / 67) % of carbon dioxide dissolves in the plasma.


Absorption of light in a leaf is through ( tube / sheets). .


Absorption of water and minerals in a root system relies on ( tubes / sheets) .

alteration or destruction of the physical habitat

According to most conservation biologists, the single greatest threat to global biodiversity is _____. overexploitation of certain species stratospheric ozone depletion chemical pollution of water and air alteration or destruction of the physical habitat


According to our current knowledge of plant evolution, which group of organisms should feature cell division most similar to that of land plants? cyanobacteria multicellular green algae unicellular green algae red algae charophytes


According to the competitive exclusion principle, two species cannot continue to occupy the same _____. range territory niche biome habitat


According to the endosymbiosis theory, how many membranes should a mitochondrion have? Two Zero One Three

The engulfed cell provided the host cell with adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

According to the endosymbiotic theory, why was it adaptive for the larger (host) cell to keep the engulfed cell alive, rather than digesting it as food? The engulfed cell provided the host cell with adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The engulfed cell allowed the host cell to metabolize glucose. The host cell would have been poisoned if it had digested the engulfed cell. The host cell was able to survive anaerobic conditions with the engulfed cell alive. The engulfed cell provided the host cell with carbon dioxide.

pressure potential differences between source and sink

According to the pressure-flow hypothesis, what mechanism causes the movement of phloem sap from sources to sink tissues? the transpirational pull from the leaves pressure potential differences between source and sink root pressure solute potential differences between source and sink

Water and sucrose flow up the stem.

According to the pressure-flow hypothesis, which direction are sucrose and water flowing when roots are sources and leaves are sinks? Water and sucrose flow down the stem. Water flows up the stem and sucrose flows down the stem. Water flows down the stem and sucrose flows up the stem. Water and sucrose flow up the stem.

Euryarchaeota ... Crenarchaeota

According to this phylogenetic tree, which of these pairs of prokaryotic subgroups share the most recent common ancestor? Euryarchaeota ... Cyanobacteria Proteobacteria ... Crenarchaeota Proteobacteria ... Euryarchaeota Euryarchaeota ... Crenarchaeota Crenarchaeota ... Cyanobacteria

green house

Accumulation of these gases in the atmosphere creates the____________________ effect whereby more greenhouse gases are held in the atmosphere of the earth causing global warming.

1.) coenzyme A 2.)pyruvate 3.)NAD+

Acetyl CoA Formation Net Input:

1.) acetyl CoA 2.) CO2 3.)NADH

Acetyl CoA Formation Net Output:

pumping of solutes across the membrane

Active transport involves _____. transport of solute down a concentration gradient diffusion of solute through the lipid bilayer of a membrane production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) pumping of solutes across the membrane


Adrenal glands lie on top of the _____________________. They include the adrenal medulla and adrenal cortex.


Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) triggers the release of _____ in response to stress. melatonin insulin glucocorticoids thymosin parathyroid hormone


Adrenocorticotropic hormone (_________) stimulates adrenal cortex to produce cortisol

inhibited secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

After drinking alcoholic beverages, increased urine excretion is the result of _____. increased aldosterone production inhibited secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) increased reabsorption of water in the proximal tubule the osmoregulator cells of the brain increasing their activity increased blood pressure

fruit, seeds

After fertilization, the ovary develops into a __________ that contains the seeds. The fruit protects the ________ within.

in the form of NADH

After glucose is fully oxidized by glycolysis, pyruvate processing, and the citric acid cycle, where is most of the energy stored? in the form of FADH 2 {\rm FADH_2} in the form of NADH {\rm NADH} in the form of ATP {\rm ATP} in the electron transport chain

the opening of voltage-gated potassium channels and the closing of sodium channels

After the depolarization phase of an action potential, the resting potential is restored by _____. the opening of sodium activation gates the opening of more voltage-gated sodium channels the opening of voltage-gated potassium channels and the closing of sodium channels a brief inhibition of the sodium-potassium pump a decrease in the membrane's permeability to potassium and chloride ions

the rib muscles and diaphragm contract, increasing the lung volume

Air rushes into the lungs of humans during inhalation because _____. gas flows from a region of lower pressure to a region of higher pressure the rib muscles and diaphragm contract, increasing the lung volume a positive respiratory pressure is created when the diaphragm relaxes the volume of the alveoli increases as smooth muscles contract pulmonary muscles contract and pull on the outer surface of the lungs


Aldosterone is released form the adrenal cortex when sodium ion concentrations are low so that more _____________ions may be reabsorbed in the kidney.


Algae are autotrophs that make food by _______________.


Algae are the base of ____________ food chains because they are primary producers in water bodies.


Algae that live on rocks or other plants or other algae are called ______________________.

algae, oxygen

Algal blooms are times when there is an overgrowth of ____________. When this algae dies, they sink to the bottom for decomposition which requires the gas __________.

multicellular with complex tissues

All land Plants are ( unicellular / colonial / multicellular with complex tissues) but green algae may be any of these


All of the organisms classified as _____ move and feed using cilia. ciliates diplomonads apicomplexans dinoflagellates diatoms

contain a nucleus

All protists _____. are unicellular are smaller than animal cells have a cell wall contain a nucleus are photosynthetic

gametophyte → gamete → fusion →? sporophyte → spore → gametophyte

Alternation of generations occurs in some protists. Which of the following represents the correct sequence of events for this mode of reproduction? gametophyte → fusion → sporophyte → spore → gamete → gametophyte sporophyte → spore fusion → gametophyte → gamete → sporophyte gametophyte → gamete → fusion →? sporophyte → spore → gametophyte gamete → fusion → gametophyte →? spore → sporophyte → gamete

the rate of extinction is higher than background extinction rates

Although extinction is a natural process, current extinctions are of concern to environmentalists because _____. the rate of extinction is higher than background extinction rates more animals than ever before are going extinct current extinction is primarily affecting plant diversity most current extinctions are caused by introduced species


Among human males, both semen and urine normally travel along the _____. urethra seminal vesicle urinary bladder vas deferens ureter

penis and clitoris

Among mammals, the male and female genital structures that consist mostly of erectile tissue include the _____. penis and clitoris prostate and ovaries seminiferous tubules and hymen vas deferens and oviduct testes and ovaries


An (exocrine / endocrine) gland does not have a duct or tube and secretes hormones directly into the bloodstream. Ex: pancreas secretes hormones insulin and glucagon.


An (exocrine / endocrine) gland has a duct or tube that carries the secretion out of the body or to a cavity in an internal organ. Ex: sweat glands, oil glands, mammary glands.


An action potential moves along a(n) _____. myelin sheath axon dendrite synapse cell body

enables the species to rapidly colonize habitats that are favorable to that species

An advantage of asexual reproduction is that it _____. produces offspring that respond effectively to new pathogens enhances genetic variability in the species allows a species to easily rid itself of harmful mutations allows the species to endure long periods of unstable environmental conditions enables the species to rapidly colonize habitats that are favorable to that species

animal was endothermic and had a high metabolic rate

An anthropologist discovers the fossilized heart of an extinct animal. The evidence indicates that the organism's heart was large, was well-formed, and had four chambers, with no connection between the right and left sides. A reasonable conclusion supported by these observations is that the _____. animal was likely an invertebrate animal animal was most closely related to alligators and crocodiles species had little to no need to regulate blood pressure animal had evolved from birds animal was endothermic and had a high metabolic rate


An earthworm that feeds on the remains of plants and animals is acting as a _____. detritivore producer secondary consumer tertiary consumer primary consumer


An ecologist recorded twelve white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, per square kilometer in one woodlot and twenty per square kilometer in another woodlot. What was the ecologist comparing? range carrying capacity density dispersion cohorts

is an organic catalyst

An enzyme _____. can bind to nearly any molecule is a inorganic catalyst increases the EA of a reaction is a source of energy for endergonic reactions is an organic catalyst


An enzyme is ______________ when it loses it native conformation and its biological activity


An enzyme is considered ___________________ because of its ability to recognize the shape of a particular molecule.

populations dominated by juveniles should experience rapid growth

An example of an age-structure influence on human population size is that _____. populations dominated by juveniles are more likely to go extinct populations with equal numbers in each age class grow fastest populations with equal numbers in each age class are more likely to go extinct populations dominated by juveniles should experience rapid growth

insulin and glucagon in glucose metabolism

An example of antagonistic hormones controlling homeostasis is _____. insulin and glucagon in glucose metabolism progestins and estrogens in sexual differentiation oxytocin and prolactin in milk production epinephrine and norepinephrine in fight-or-flight responses thyroxine and parathyroid hormone in calcium balance

node of Ranvier ... node of Ranvier

An impulse relayed along a myelinated axon "jumps" from _____ to _____. oligodendrocyte ... Schwann cell node of Ranvier ... Schwann cell node of Ranvier ... node of Ranvier Schwann cell ... Schwann cell Schwann cell ... node of Ranvier

enrichment culture

An organic solvent widely used in industrial processes, 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) is a major environmental pollutant affecting human health and damaging the ozone layer. Recently researchers isolated the first bacteria able to degrade TCA. They found that the bacteria use hydrogen as an electron donor, TCA as electron acceptor, and acetate as a carbon source. Based on the preceding information, deduce the method used to isolate these bacteria. enrichment culture direct sequencing seeding Gram staining

colonial protists

Ancestors of the multicellular eukaryotic organisms (fungi, plants, and animals ) are found in the ancestral _______________ ( colonial protists that were made of individual cells staying together while still independent).


And accumulation of dead organisms on the bottom of the ocean begins the formation of _______________________

fruits enclosing seeds

Angiosperms are the most successful terrestrial plants. Which of the following features is unique to them and helps account for their success? sperm cells without flagella wind pollination dominant gametophytes fruits enclosing seeds embryos enclosed within seed coats

shallow lake

Animals that have external fertilization are most likely to reproduce in which of the following areas? sand dune polar ice sheet tallgrass prairie shallow lake


Antheridia is a ( female / male) gametangium


Antibiotics are produced in nature by soil-dwelling bacteria and _____________.


Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) prevents dehydration by increasing reabsorption of ___________ by kidneys

foreign molecules that can initiate an immune response

Antigens are _____. produced by white blood cells used by the immune system to neutralize foreign objects foreign molecules that can initiate an immune response immunoglobulins


Any microbe or virus that causes disease is called a ____________.

only a small fraction of the species on Earth.

Approximately how many species have we described out of the species alive today? We have described _____. only a small fraction of the species on Earth. about half of the species on Earth. about one-quarter of the species on Earth. almost all of the species on Earth. about one-eighth of the species on Earth.

an algal bloom that, when the algae die and are decomposed by bacteria, leads to hypoxia and the death of fish

Aquatic nitrate pollution can result in _____. algal bloom oxygen depletion fish kills hypoxia an algal bloom that, when the algae die and are decomposed by bacteria, leads to hypoxia and the death of fish


Archegonium is a ( female / male ) gametangium


Are all deserts hot in the daytime? ______________


Are antibiotics useful in fighting off some bacterial infections?________


Are antibiotics useful in fighting off virus infections? _______

Gram Positive

Are gram positive or negative bacteria most affected by penicillin?


Are land plants monophyletic? __________________ (There was only one successful transition from freshwater environments to land and that is the common ancestor of all land plants)

III → IV → II → I → V

Arrange in the correct sequence these components of the mammalian immune system as it first responds to a pathogen. I) Pathogen is destroyed. II) Lymphocytes secrete antibodies. III) Antigenic determinants from pathogen bind to antigen receptors on lymphocytes. IV) Lymphocytes specific to antigenic determinants from pathogen become numerous. V) Only memory cells remain. I → III → II → IV → V III → IV → II → I → V IV → II → III → I → V II → I → IV → III → V III → II → I → V → IV

away from the heart only

Arteries carry blood _____. away from capillaries away from the heart and away from the lungs to the heart and away from the lungs to the heart only away from the heart only

The growth rate will approach zero.

As N approaches K for a certain population, which of the following is predicted by the logistic equation? The population will show an Allee effect. The carrying capacity of the environment will increase. The population will increase exponentially. The growth rate will approach zero. The growth rate will not change.

is unchanged

As a result of its involvement in a reaction, an enzyme _____. is used up permanently alters its shape. is unchanged loses a phosphate group loses energy


As a youngster, you drive a nail in the trunk of a young tree that is 3 meters tall. The nail is about 1.5 meters from the ground. Fifteen years later, you return and discover that the tree has grown to a height of 30 meters. About how many meters above the ground is the nail? 0.5 1.5 15.0 28.5 3.0


As energy flows through trophic levels it is not 100% efficient and some energy is lost as ___________ with each transfer.

support plant as wood

As resin fills in the older xylem (heartwood), what function does this older secondary xylem serve? Transport water and minerals / transport sugar and amino acids / support plant as wood


As temperature increases, the amount of oxygen dissolved ( increases/ decreases)

decrease, yes

As the hare population decreases, does the lynx population increase or decrease?___________ Is there a lag?___________

increase, yes

As the hare population increases, does the lynx population increase or decrease?__________ Is there a lag ? ______________


Asexual reproduction results in offspring that are genetically identical to their parent. What type of cell process occurs to generate this type of offspring? mitosis cell fusion meiosis

the sodium-potassium pump moving sodium ions out of the neuron and potassium ions into the neuron

At rest, which of these plays a role in establishing the charge differential across a neuron's plasma membrane? the sodium-potassium pump moving sodium ions into the neuron and potassium ions out of the neuron the diffusion of sodium ions out of the neuron the diffusion of potassium ions into the neuron the sodium-potassium pump moving sodium ions out of the neuron and potassium ions into the neuron the diffusion of sodium ions into the neuron

All of the above are correct.

At resting potential, the inside and outside of a neuron differ in _____. sodium ion concentration charge potassium ion concentration All of the above are correct.

Different cell types express different genes.

At the cellular level, what does this criterion imply? Cells must be able to move. The organism must be able to reproduce sexually. Different cell types express different genes. Individual cells must be extremely large.


At the end of a non-pregnant ovarian cycle, the breakdown and discharge of the soft uterine tissues is called _____. menopause fertilization lactation menstruation ovulation

ATP synthase

At the end of cellular respiration, protons flow through a protein called _____, which drives the formation of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. ATP synthase cytochrome C ADP phosphorylase acetyl CoA

synaptic terminals

At the end of the axon of a neuron are ______________ ______________.

myelin sheath

Axons insulated by a(n) _____ are able to conduct impulses faster than those not so insulated. node of Ranvier synaptic terminal myelin sheath layer of asbestos astrocytes

plasma cells

B cells that have been stimulated by interleukin-2 develop into _____. plasma cells cytotoxic T cells helper T cells antigens macrophages

possess two flagella

Dinoflagellates _____. possess two flagella include species that cause malaria are all autotrophic lack mitochondria have walls that are usually composed of silica plates


Bacteria and Archaea are ( unicellular / multicellular ) organisms.


Bacteria and Archaea are found almost_______


Bacteria and Archaea drive the Nitrogen __________- movement of N atoms through ecosystems.


Bacteria cause disease by producing _______(poisons).

there would be more deer because wolves wouldn't hunt the deer

Based on experiments in which wolves have been removed from anature, what would you predict would happen to a deer population if wolves are removed?_______________________________________

Archaea, Bacteria

Based on such rRNA (ribosomal RNA) data, Woese drew a tree of life with 3 Domains: ___________ , _____________ and Eukarya


Based on the diagrams in the figure above and on the large population of baby boomers in the United States, which graph best reflects U.S. population in twenty years? A B C D

Clutch size decreases as female density increases.

Based on the figure above, which of the following statements correctly interprets the data? Clutch size decreases as female density increases. As female density increases, clutch size increases. As female density increases, survivorship decreases.


Basidia produce spores by a process known as _____. decomposition mitosis meiosis hyphae binary fission

ultrasonic hearing

Bats use which of the following types of sensation when flying? olfaction ultrasonic hearing infrasonic hearing lateral line system

bees carry pollen from flower to flower

Bees and flowers how does the bee help the flower?_______________________________________


Bees visiting flowers to harvest nectar and pollen would be considered examples of _____. commensalism competition mutualism parasitism


Bees visiting flowers to harvest nectar and pollen would be considered examples of _____. parasitism commensalism competition mutualism


Biodiversity (increases / decreases) productivity.


Biodiversity leads to (stability / instability) in terms of resistance to the disruption caused by a disturbance and resilience in recovering in the face of disturbance.


Biofilms pose health challenges to humans. : Dental ____________ on teeth

It is ecosystem ecology.

Biologists study how nutrients and energy move among organisms and through water, soil, and air. Which level of ecological study is this? It is ecosystem ecology. It is community ecology. It is population ecology. It is organismal ecology.

dominant vegetation type

Biomes are major groupings of plant and animal communities that are defined by _____. altitude net primary productivity dominant vegetation type weather


Blood Flow is slow in the capillaries which facilitates ____________ of substances

pulmonary veins

Blood returns to the heart via the _____. aorta pulmonary arteries pulmonary veins aorta and pulmonary arteries aorta and pulmonary veins


Boreal forests are cool, so the rate of decomposition is ____________

eukaryotes, autotrophic, cellulose, starch, chlorophylls

Both Green Algae and Land Plants: are ( prokaryotes / eukaryotes), (autotrophic / heterotrophic), Have cell walls made of ( peptidoglycan / cellulose / chitin), mainly store energy as ((starch / oil ) and have essential photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls / fucoxanthin / phycoerythrin )

1.) nucleus 2.) plasma membrane 3.) Golgi apparatus 4.) cytoskeleton 5.) endoplasmic reticulum 6.)mitochondrion

Both animal and plant cells have these organelles


Breathing at high altitudes is challenging because there is ( more / less) oxygen than at sea level.

carbon dioxide concentration and pH-level sensors

Breathing is primarily regulated by _____. erythropoietin levels in the blood the lungs and the larynx carbon dioxide concentration and pH-level sensors hemoglobin levels in the blood the concentration of red blood cells

carbon dioxide concentration and pH-level sensors

Breathing is primarily regulated by _____. erythropoietin levels in the blood the lungs and the larynx hemoglobin levels in the blood the concentration of red blood cells carbon dioxide concentration and pH-level sensors

deficient in certain vitamins and nutrients

Broad-spectrum antibiotics inhibit the growth of most intestinal bacteria. Consequently, assuming that nothing is done to counter the reduction of intestinal bacteria, a hospital patient who is receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics is most likely to become _____. unable to fix carbon dioxide unable to synthesize peptidoglycan unable to fix nitrogen deficient in certain vitamins and nutrients antibiotic resistant


But in hydrothermal vents, primary producers are organisms that use chemical energy contained in inorganic compounds (eg methane, hydrogen sulfide) to make food by ______________________.

tiger snake

By knowing the interrelatedness of various snake species, the appropriate antivenom can be chosen. Based on the figure above, which snake antivenom would you administer to a person bitten by an Australian copperhead, if antivenom to the Australian copperhead were not available? tiger snake taipan common brown snake death adder red-bellied black snake


By picking up hydrogen ions, hemoglobin prevents the blood from becoming too _____. acidic basic thick low in oxygen concentration red

in the electron transport chain

C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O Where is most of the water in this reaction produced? in the electron transport chain in the citric acid cycle during fermentation during glycolysis

Diarrhea for weeks

______ Giardia a protozoan flagellate

No, because enzymes do not affect the overall ΔG of a reaction.

Can an enzyme make a nonspontaneous reaction occur spontaneously? Why or why not? No, because enzymes do not lower the activation energy of the reaction. Yes, because enzymes lower the overall ΔG of a reaction. No, because enzymes do not affect the overall ΔG of a reaction. Yes, because enzymes lower the activation energy.

7, 10

Can we preserve biodiversity and ecosystem function What are the 2 factors that must be addressed ? human population size . What is the size today? ___________ billion What size is projected by 2050? ______________billion

oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA and the citric acid cycle

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is released during which of the following stages of cellular respiration? oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA and the citric acid cycle oxidative phosphorylation and fermentation glycolysis and the oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA the citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation fermentation and glycolysis

out of

Carbon dioxide diffuses ( out of / into ) tissue cells into the blood.


Carbon dioxide enters the inner spaces of the leaf through the _____. stoma walls of guard cells epidermal trichomes cuticle phloem

reflects heat radiated from the Earth back toward the Earth the way the glass of a greenhouse reflects heat

Carbon dioxide functions as a greenhouse gas because it _____. makes tropical plants grow more rapidly than normal just like in a greenhouse (eventually) makes plants grow year-round just like in a greenhouse creates moist, humid environments similar to a greenhouse reflects heat radiated from the Earth back toward the Earth the way the glass of a greenhouse reflects heat

the maximum population size that a particular environment can support

Carrying capacity is _____. determined by density and dispersion data the term used to describe the stress a population undergoes due to limited resources the maximum population size that a particular environment can support seldom reached by marine producers and consumers because of the vast resources of the ocean fixed for most species over most of their range most of the time


Causes of steep increase in greenhouse gas emissions include: 1. ____________________ increase in human population 2. Steep increase in per capita fossil fuel use 3. Deforestation, forest fires


Cell wall made of cellulose plates of armor

all of the above

Cells taken from Henrietta Lacks have been used for experiments leading to _____. the development of a polio vaccine tests of the effects of atomic radiation on life new treatments for cancer all of the above

1.)glucose 2.)ADP 3.)NAP+

Cellular Respiration Net Input:

1.) pyruvate 2.)ATP 3.)NADH

Cellular Respiration Net Output:


Central Nervous System ( _____________) : brain and spinal cord


Centromeres divide and sister chromatids become full-fledged chromosomes during _____. telophase anaphase prometaphase interphase metaphase


Cephalization, the clustering of neurons and interneurons in the anterior part of the animal, is apparent in _____. Hydra sea stars cnidarians Planaria invertebrate animals with radial symmetry


Chemical energy is a form of _____ energy. heat kinetic motion potential entropic


Chemicals, secreted by soil fungi, which inhibit the growth of bacteria, are known as _____. antibodies aflatoxins antigens hallucinogens antibiotics

H+, CO2, O2

Chemoreceptors located in the aorta, carotid arteries and brainstem detect circulating levels of the gases _______ ______________ and _____ .


Chitin in cell walls of fungi protect the fungi from bacterial attack. Fungi grow many branching ____________.

endosymbiosis of cyanobacteria

Chloroplasts arose via _____. endosymbiosis of cyanobacteria endosymbiosis of dinoflagellates endosymbiosis of α-Proteobacteria endosymbiosis of euglenids


Chromosomes become visible during _____. prophase anaphase metaphase prometaphase interphase

aquatic, simplest

Chytrids primarily live in (terrestrial / aquatic) environments. Chytrids are the (simplest / most complex) fungi.

the slow rate at which diffusion occurs over large distances

Circulatory systems compensate for _____. temperature differences between the lungs and the active tissue the problem of communication systems involving only the nervous system the need that fetal organisms have for maintaining an optimal body temperature the slow rate at which diffusion occurs over large distances the need to cushion animals from trauma

1.) NAP+ 2.) acetyl CoA 3.) ADP

Citric Acid Cycle Net Input:

1.)CO2 2.) ATP 3.) NADH 4.) Coenzyme A

Citric Acid Cycle Net Output:

rising, melting, variable, changing, increasing

Climate factors other than temperature 1. Sea level is ( rising / lowering) 2. Ice caps and glaciers are ( freezing / melting) 3. Temperature and precipitation are becoming more ( stable / variable) 4. Average precipitation is ( staying the same / changing) 5. Severe weather events are ( increasing / decreasing) in frequency

short-lived plasma cells that secrete antibodies for the antigen

Clonal selection and differentiation of B cells activated by antigen exposure leads to the production of _____. short-lived plasma cells that secrete antibodies for the antigen large quantities of the antigen initially recognized vast numbers of B cells with random antigen-recognition receptors large numbers of neutrophils long-lived erythrocytes that can later secrete antibodies for the antigen

B cells ... plasma cells and memory cells

Clonal selection is the division of _____ that have been stimulated by binding to an antigen, which results in the production of cloned _____. macrophages ... B cells and T cells B cells ... plasma cells and memory cells helper T cells ... plasma cells T cells ... B cells B cells ... macrophages

density dependent

Competition _________________________________ density dependent or density independent?


Completely decomposed detritus is called_______________ which is a desirable part of soils

decreased surface area, reducing water loss

Conifers and pines both have needlelike leaves, with the adaptive advantage of _____. decreased surface area, reducing water loss increased surface area, increasing photosynthesis decreased surface area, reducing gas exchange increased surface area, increasing gas exchange

Increase the enzyme concentration

Consider a situation in which the enzyme is operating at optimum temperature and pH \rm pH, and has been saturated with substrate. What is your best option for increasing the rate of the reaction? Increase the pH \rm pH. Increase the temperature. Increase the enzyme concentration. Increase the substrate concentration.


Consider the food chain of grass → grasshopper → mouse → snake → hawk. About how much of the chemical energy fixed by photosynthesis of the grass (100 percent) is available to the hawk? 60% 0.1% 10% 0.01% 1%

nitrogen fixation by bacteria

Consider the global nitrogen cycle depicted in the figure above. What is the limiting portion of the cycle for plants? internal nitrogen cycling in the oceans nitrogen fixation by bacteria industrial nitrogen fixation nitrogen lost to the atmosphere

A would increase; B and C would decrease.

Consider the two-step metabolic pathway: A—(enzyme 1)—>B—(enzyme 2)—>C How would inactivating enzyme 1 affect the concentrations of molecules A, B, and C relative to what they would be if the pathway were fully functional? A would increase; B and C would decrease. A and B would increase; C would decrease. A would decrease; B and C would increase. A and B would decrease; C would increase.


Cooperative binding is a pattern that binding of each successive oxygen molecule to a hemoglobin changes its shape and makes it ( more / less) likely to bind oxygen. The reverse is also true.


Cord cambium is ( alive / dead) _______________________


Cork is ( alive / dead) _______________________________

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Cortisol secretion is directly stimulated by which of the following hormones? corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) luteinizing hormone oxytocin adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)


Cranium is the skull around the ___________


Cutting down forested areas is called ____________________

oxygenic photosynthesis

Cyanobacteria are thought to be the first organisms to evolve ____. oxygenic photosynthesis fermentation chemolithotrophy aerobic respiration

cleavage furrow

Cytokinesis in animal cells involves the formation of a ___________________.

cell plate.

Cytokinesis in plant cells involves the formation of a ______________.


Cytokinesis often, but not always, accompanies _____. telophase prometaphase metaphase anaphase interphase

positive, negative

Cytoplasm just inside the membrane is _________ in charge and the fluid just outside the membrane is ________ in charge.


Decomposers ( increase / decrease) oxygen levels


Decomposition ___________carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

birth, death

Demography is the study of ______ rates , ______ rates, age distributions and the sizes of populations.

gyrodinium uncatenum

Diatoms What are the only haploid cells in this life cycle? ____________________

She was never told that her cells were being taken, and neither she nor her family has been compensated.

Did doctors ask Henrietta Lacks' permission to take her cells, and was she paid for them? She was never told that her cells were being taken, and neither she nor her family has been compensated. She was never told that her cells were being taken, but her family has since been compensated. She granted her permission and was paid. She granted her permission but was not paid.

making climates more extreme

Different types of research have all concluded that global climate change is _____. increasing annual precipitation everywhere making climates more extreme making storms more frequent increasing annual temperatures everywhere


Dilates pupils, inhibits salivation, increases heartbeat? _____________________

thalassiosira punctigera

Dinoflagellates p 567 What is the only diploid cell in this life cycle? ________________


Domain Eukarya is a ( monophyletic / paraphyletic / polyphyletic) group because all eukaryotes trace their ancestry to a common ancestor and includes all of the descendants.


Dopamine and ____________ are both hormones that affect sleep , mood , attention, and learning.

the zygote and endosperm

Double fertilization is a component of the angiosperm life cycle, and produces _____. the pollen tube and ovules the zygote and endosperm the endosperm and pollen tube the zygote and pollen tube


Down what part of the carpel do the sperm nuclei travel from the stigma to the ovary? ______________


During _______________ centromeres come apart, and sister chromatids become full-fledged chromosomes, which migrate to opposite poles of the cell.


During _____________both nuclear envelopes and nucleoli re-form.


During _____________chromosomes align along the metaphase plate.

mitochondrial matrix

During cellular respiration, acetyl CoA accumulates in which location? mitochondrial matrix mitochondrial intermembrane space mitochondrial inner membrane mitochondrial outer membrane cytosol

a hormone that is involved in a positive feedback loop

During mammalian labor and delivery, the contraction of uterine muscles is enhanced by oxytocin. This is an example of _____. a hormone that acts in an antagonistic way with another hormone the key role of the anterior pituitary gland in regulating uterine contraction a hormone that is involved in a positive feedback loop a negative feedback system signal transduction immediately changing gene expression in its target cells

oxygen, carbon dioxide

During photosynthesis, plants produce _______ gas , make food and remove the gas ____________


During photosynthesis, the light energy from the sun is captured and stored in the bonds of _____. hemoglobin sugars oxygen water

two chromosomes and four chromatids

During prophase a homologous pair of chromosomes consists of _____. two chromosomes and two chromatids one chromosome and two chromatids one chromosome and four chromatids four chromosomes and two chromatids two chromosomes and four chromatids

coenzyme A

During pyruvate processing, two carbons from pyruvate combine with ____. coenzyme A ADP NAD+ carbon dioxide

Glucose utilization would increase a lot.

During strenuous exercise, anaerobic conditions can result if the cardiovascular system cannot supply oxygen fast enough to meet the demands of muscle cells. Assume that a muscle cell's demand for ATP under anaerobic conditions remains the same as it was under aerobic conditions. What would happen to the cell's rate of glucose utilization? Glucose utilization would increase a lot. Glucose utilization would increase a little. Glucose utilization would remain the same. Glucose utilization would decrease a little. Glucose utilization would decrease a lot.


During what phase of the cell cycle does the DNA become replicated? G1 S M G2


Early __________ (male gonad) secrete testosterone which develops male reproductive tract and Mullerian inhibitory substance which inhibits development of female reproductive tract.

only II, III, and IV

Ecosystem services include processes that increase the quality of the abiotic environment. Which of the following processes would fall under this category? I) Keystone predators have a marked effect on species diversity. II) Green plants produce the oxygen we breathe. III) The presence of land plants builds soil. IV) The presence of diverse wetlands helps in flood control. only I and III only I, II, and IV only II and IV only I, II, and III only II, III, and IV

sinoatrial node

Electrical impulses that trigger contraction of cardiac muscle cells in vertebrates originate in the _____. intercalated discs sinoatrial node ventricles atrioventricular node

they are in electron shells far from the nucleus

Electrons tend to have more potential energy when ____. they are in electron shells far from the nucleus they are close to protons they are in the nucleus they are in electron shells close to the nucleus

Elephants exhibit a disproportionate influence on the structure of the community relative to their abundance.

Elephants are not the most dominant species in African grasslands, yet they influence community structure. The grasslands contain scattered woody plants, but they are kept in check by the uprooting activities of the elephants. Take away the elephants, and the grasslands convert to forests or to shrublands. The newly growing forests support fewer species than the previous grasslands. Which of the following describes why elephants are the keystone species in this scenario? Elephants prevent drought in African grasslands. Elephants are the biggest herbivore in this community. Elephants exhibit a disproportionate influence on the structure of the community relative to their abundance. Grazing animals depend upon the elephants to convert forests to grassland. Elephants help other populations survive by keeping out many of the large African predators.

into ... membranous vesicles

Endocytosis moves materials _____ a cell via _____. out of ... diffusion into ... a transport protein into ... facilitated diffusion into ... membranous vesicles out of ... membranous vesicles

endosperm nutrients are repackaged into the cotyledons

Endosperm is a major part of monocot seeds. In most eudicots, _____. the same thing is true; there is a substantial amount of endosperm endosperm nutrients are repackaged into the cotyledons endosperm replaces cotyledons in the seed endosperm never even starts to form after double fertilization


Energy flow is inefficient. With every energy transfer there is a ( gain / loss) of heat through trophic levels. The flow of energy through trophic levels may be captured in an energy pyramid.

mitochondrial intermembrane space

Energy released by the electron transport chain is used to pump H+ into which location in eukaryotic cells? cytosol mitochondrial inner membrane mitochondrial intermembrane space mitochondrial matrix mitochondrial outer membrane


Enrichment ___________ requires a specific set of growing conditions for a species.

total energy in biological systems

Enthalpy (H) is the _____. condition of a cell that is not able to react cell's energy equilibrium total energy in biological systems system's entropy total kinetic energy of a system

decreasing the activation energy

Enzymes speed up chemical reactions by ____. increasing the free energy change ΔG decreasing the activation energy decreasing the free energy change ΔG. increasing the temperature of the cell

reducing EA

Enzymes work by _____. adding a phosphate group to a reactant adding energy to a reaction reducing EA increasing the potential energy difference between reactant and product decreasing the potential energy difference between reactant and product

root hairs

Epidermal cells in roots may have ________ ___________ that are root extensions that help in water & mineral absorption by increasing surface area to volume ratio.


Epidermal cells in the shoot system protect by secreting a waxy layer called the _____________.


Epinephrine is also called adrenaline. Effects include: increases in pulse rate, oxygen consumption by brain, blood pressure, glucose in blood. Is this response good short term?_______________


Erythropoietin (EPO) stimulates production of _______ blood cells so that oxygen levels rise The kidneys release EPO.


Ethics: Do we as people with the largest ecological footprint have a responsibility to reduce our footprint on the earth?


Eukaryote fossils first appear in the fossil record______ billion years ago.


Eukaryotes are more closely related to ( Bacteria / Archaea)

Unicellular, colonial, multicellular

Eukaryotes may be ( unicellular / colonial / multicellular )

all cells all the time

Even though plants cells photosynthesize, they still use their mitochondria for oxidation of pyruvate. This will occur in _____. cells that are storing glucose only photosynthetic cells in the light, while photosynthesis occurs concurrently photosynthesizing cells in the light and in other tissues in the dark nonphotosynthesizing cells only all cells all the time

bacteria, binary fission, ribosomes, genes

Evidence for endosymbiotic origin of chloroplast 1. Chloroplasts are same size as ________________ 2. Chloroplasts replicate by ____________________ like bacteria 3. Chloroplasts have their own _________________ for making proteins 4. Chloroplasts have double membrane consistent with engulfing mechanism of origin 5. Chloroplasts have their own genome or _____________ ( in fact these genes are similar to cyanobacterial genes) 6. Many cyanobacteria live inside the cells of protists and animals today.


Ex Amoeba engulf food using long fingerlike projections called ___________________


Ex: Stentor sweep food to their gullets with water currents set up by beating _________


Ex: ______________ absorb their nutrients inside a host basically stealing food from the host


Ex: ________________ feed on dead organic matter or detritus


Ex: diatoms, dinoflagellates, and seaweed make food through __________________


External chemical signals that coordinate potential reproductive partners are called _____. pheromones cytokines gametes hormones paracrine signals


Farms created by clearing tropical rain forests tend to perform poorly because of the rapid loss of __________as the rain washes it away

directly enter the citric acid cycle

Fatty acids usually have an even number of carbons in their structures. They are catabolized by a process called beta-oxidation. The end products of the metabolic pathway are acetyl groups of acetyl CoA molecules. These acetyl groups _____. directly enter the energy-yielding stages of glycolysis directly enter the citric acid cycle are directly decarboxylated by pyruvate dehydrogenase directly enter the electron transport chain


Features in the nonliving environment are called (biotic / abiotic) factors.


Feet, hands, and face grow too big as an adult due to too much growth hormone during adulthood is called ___________

They are inside the ovules, and they are called embryo sacs.

Female gametophytes in angiosperms are hidden, and protected. Where are they found, and what are they also called? They are inside the carpel, and they are called protoseeds. They are inside the ovules, and they are called embryo sacs. They are inside the anthers, and they are called pollen. They are inside the megasporangium, and they are called eggs.


Fertilization in plants is the union of a sperm nucleus from the pollen grain with the egg in the ovule. Thus the male gametophyte is the _________ grain as it contains the sperm nuclei


Fertilization of a human egg takes place in the _____. uterus vagina oviduct ovary cervix


Fibers such as __________ or flax and wood for building

adrenal medulla, leading to increased secretion of epinephrine

Fight-or-flight reactions include activation of the _____. pancreas, leading to a reduction in the blood sugar concentration anterior pituitary gland, leading to cessation of gonadal function parathyroid glands, leading to increased metabolic rate thyroid gland, leading to an increase in the blood calcium concentration adrenal medulla, leading to increased secretion of epinephrine

density independent

Fire _______________ density dependent or density independent?


Fish move together in a school to confuse predator

The population growth rate increased.

Five new individuals were added to this small population in 1986 and ten more were added between 1990-1994. According to the figure above, what occurred in this population after these additions? The population increased exponentially. The population continued to decline The population increased in overall numbers. The population growth rate increased.

they produce oxygen

Flowers offer the ecological advantages of __________________________________________


Following glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, but before the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation, the carbon skeleton of glucose has been broken down to CO2 with some net gain of ATP. Most of the energy from the original glucose molecule at that point in the process, however, is in the form of _____. NADH acetyl-CoA pyruvate glucose


Food - Agriculture has used _____________ selection to select for traits that improve crops

secondary xylem

Heartwood and sapwood consist of _____. bark periderm cork secondary phloem secondary xylem

I, II, and III

For a species to be called "invasive," it must _____. I) be introduced to a new area II) spread rapidly in this new area III) eliminate native species only I only II only III only II and III I, II, and III


For leaves in very dry conditions, the stomata may be located on the ( upside / underside) of the leaf.

The organism ultimately must obtain all of the necessary energy for life from its environment

For living organisms, which of the following is an important consequence of the first law of thermodynamics? The energy content of an organism is constant. Life does not obey the first law of thermodynamics. The organism ultimately must obtain all of the necessary energy for life from its environment. Organisms grow by converting energy into organic matter. The entropy of an organism decreases with time as the organism grows in complexity.

carbon dioxide, oxygen

For photosynthesis, plants use stomata to take in the gas _______________ and release the gas ______________

The cells get smaller with each generation.

For the first several divisions of early frog embryos, cells proceed directly from the M phase to the S phase and back to M without gaps. Which of the following is likely to be true about dividing cells in early frog embryos? The number of chromosomes decreases with each generation. The cells do not divide by mitosis. The cells get smaller with each generation. Frog embryos do not have DNA.


Frog produces a poison in its skin

right atrium

From the anterior vena cava, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs posterior vena cava

inferior vena cava

From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs inferior vena cava

posterior vena cava

From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs posterior vena cava

left atrium

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs inferior vena cava

left atrium

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs posterior vena cava

right atrium

From the superior vena cava, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs inferior vena cava


Fruits develop from _____. fertilized eggs ovaries microsporangia receptacles ovules

disperse seeds

Fruits evolved primarily as structures specialized to _____. protect seeds provide food for humans provide a source of food to the plant's embryo disperse seeds protect pollen

provide clean air, reduced energy costs, food source

Fruits offer the ecological advantages of


Fuel - wood, coal, petroleum and natural gas derive from ___________ growing today or in past.

axon hillocks

Functionally, which cellular location is the neuron's "decision-making site" as to whether or not an action potential will be initiated? axonal membranes presynaptic membranes axon hillocks mitochondrial membranes

they increase surface area allowing extension of roots, they use extracellular digestion to split large molecules, they use lignin degradation to break down wood, they use cellulose degradation to break down cell walls

Fung are earth's recycling engineers Explain how fungi are so effective as decomposers? ? surface area______________________________________________________________ ? extracellular digestion_________________________________________________________ ? lignin degradation____________________________________________________________ ? cellulose degradation__________________________________________________________

is extracellular, meaning that it takes place outside the organism

Fungal digestion _____. takes place inside a stomach-like structure does not occur, as fungi do not digest nutrients is extracellular, meaning that it takes place outside the organism takes place inside a food vacuole

have a large surface area composed of branching hyphae

Fungal mycelia _____. have a large surface area composed of branching hyphae are found almost exclusively in dry areas are found almost exclusively in aquatic environments have a small surface area to prevent water loss


Fungi along with ____________ decompose dead organisms and organic waste.


Fungi release digestive enzymes into their _____. surroundings gastrovascular cavity stomach hyphae mycelia

eukaryotes, multicellular, absorption, have, protists, glycogen, non-motile, chitin, animals

Fungi: Are (prokaryotes / eukaryotes) Are mostly (unicellular / multicellular) Are heterotrophic by (ingestion / absorption) (have /do not have) cell walls Evolved from ( protists / plants / animals) Store carbohydrates as (glycogen / starch ) Are (motile / non-motile) Have cell walls of ( peptidoglycan / cellulose / chitin). Are more closely related to ( plants / animals).


Gametes are produced in complex multicellular structure called a ____________________________

haploid gametes

Gametophytes produce ______. diploid spores haploid gametes diploid gametes haploid spores


Helping to maintain the resting potential are membrane proteins/enzymes called ____________________ pumps.

ventilation, gas, circulation, cellular

Gas exchange between an animal's environment and its mitochondria occurs in 4 steps (see above) 1. ________________by respiratory system 2. ___________ exchange by respiratory system 3. _____________ by circulatory system _____________ respiration by mitochondria in cells

large, moist, thin

Gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide requires: ( small / large ) surface area ( moist / dry) surface that permits diffusion ( thin / thick) respiratory surfaces that permit diffusion.

Hydrogen, polar.

Gaseous hydrogen burns in the presence of oxygen to form water: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2 O + energy Which molecule is oxidized and what kind of bond is formed? Oxygen, nonpolar. Oxygen, polar. Hydrogen, polar. Hydrogen, nonpolar.


Giardia intestinalis can cause disease in several different mammalian species, including humans. Giardia organisms (G. intestinalis) that infect humans are similar morphologically to those that infect other mammals; thus they have been considered a single species. However, G. intestinalis has been divided into different subgroups based on their host and a few other characteristics. In 1999, a DNA sequence comparison study tested the hypothesis that these subgroups actually constitute different species. The following phylogenetic tree was constructed from the sequence comparison of rRNA from several subgroups of G. intestinalis and a few other morphologically distinct species of Giardia. The researchers concluded that the subgroups of Giardia are sufficiently different from one another genetically that they could be considered different species. (T. Monis et al. 1999. Molecular systematics of the parasitic protozoan Giardia intestinalis. Mol. Biol. Evol. 16[9]:1135-44.) According to the phylogenetic tree in the figure above, G. intestinalis constitutes a _____ group. polyphyletic paraphyletic monophyletic

It is part of a monophyletic group that also includes G. intestinalis.

Giardia intestinalis can cause disease in several different mammalian species, including humans. Giardia organisms (G. intestinalis) that infect humans are similar morphologically to those that infect other mammals; thus they have been considered a single species. However, G. intestinalis has been divided into different subgroups based on their host and a few other characteristics. In 1999, a DNA sequence comparison study tested the hypothesis that these subgroups actually constitute different species. The following phylogenetic tree was constructed from the sequence comparison of rRNA from several subgroups of G. intestinalis and a few other morphologically distinct species of Giardia. The researchers concluded that the subgroups of Giardia are sufficiently different from one another genetically that they could be considered different species. (T. Monis et al. 1999. Molecular systematics of the parasitic protozoan Giardia intestinalis. Mol. Biol. Evol. 16[9]:1135-44.) By examining the phylogenetic tree diagrammed in the figure above, what conclusion can you draw about the species G. microti?

polar bears, penguins, snow leopards

Give an example of animals that may be endanger of extinction due to rapid climate change. ________________________________________

Type II

Given the data in the table, which survivorship curve does Lacerta viviparta best resemble? Type I Type II Type III Type IV


Glassy cell wall of silicon dioxide forms


Global climate change is melting ices caps leading to a ( rise / lowering) of sea level.

decrease, more, more, heavier, increase

Global warming will result in (increase / decrease ) in sea ice; (fewer /more) heat waves; (fewer/more ) droughts; ( heavier / lighter ) precipitation in moister areas; and ( increase /decrease) in tropical cyclone and hurricane intensity.

increase blood glucose levels

Glucocorticoids do which of the following? increase insulin production increase blood glucose levels promote the release of fatty acids promote the immune response


Golden algae, brown algae, red algae, chlorophytes, and charophyceans are some examples of protists that are _____. photoheterotrophic chemoautotrophic decomposers photosynthetic chemoheterotrophic

The ___________________ modifies, stores, and packages products of the ER.

Golgi apparatus

cryptic coloration

Grasshopper looks like a leaf

aquatic, terrestrial

Green algae mainly live in (aquatic / terrestrial )habitats; while most land plants are ( aquatic / terrestrial).


Ground tissue is indicated by the letter _____. D C A B E


Groundwater is mostly stored in ___________________ .

naked seed

Gymnosperm means "___________________" .


Gymnosperms have naked seeds but no fruits and no flowers ex: pine tree _____________-have seeds enclosed within fruits . "flowering" plants ex: rose


Gymnosperms were especially abundant and diversified during the time interval of ____________ mya.


Healthy animals keep energy in reserve for use during periods of decreased food availability in the form of triglycerides (fat) in _________________ tissue.


Heart muscles are called _______________muscles.


Heart rate will increase in the presence of increased _____. epinephrine erythropoietin immunoglobulins platelets low-density lipoproteins

Caribbean, philippines

Hotspots together are only 2/3% of earth but contain 40-50 % of known endemic species. Name 3 regions that contain hotspots: Madagascar ______________ _______________

The water table is dropping on every continent.

How are humans impacting the global water cycle when they pave, convert forest to agriculture, and irrigate that agriculture? The water table is dropping on every continent. Precipitation is decreasing on every continent. The water table is rising on every continent. Precipitation is increasing on every continent.


How are nutrients exported out of an ecosystem? a.) An organism eats and then moves out of an ecosystem taking the nutrients with it b.) Wind or water carry them away as in soil_____________


How are nutrients imported into an ecosystem? a) Ions released from rocks as they weather b) Wind or water carry them in c) Nitrogen added by ________________bacteria

It has different receptors for each hormone.

How can a cell respond to more than one hormone? It cannot. By responding only to the hormone in the greatest amount By allowing several hormones to bind to the same receptor It has different receptors for each hormone.

Population size will continue to increase as long as the average fertility is above the replacement rate.

How can human population size keep increasing in spite of decreased fertility rates? Populations always increase exponentially. More resources are provided to each female. Population size will continue to increase as long as the average fertility is above the replacement rate. Decreases in fertility rate by definition mean the overall population size will decrease.

Cells were taken while she was being treated for cancer many years ago, and these cells have been cultured in the lab ever since.

How did doctors harvest and culture cells from Henrietta Lacks? Cells were taken while she was being treated for cancer many years ago, and these cells have been cultured in the lab ever since. A kidney that she donated to someone else was recovered when that patient died, and cells from the kidney were used to create a culture. Her cells were frozen for many decades and have recently been thawed and grown in the lab. Her body was recently exhumed from her grave, and cells were taken and grown in the lab.

Plants don't have to depend on water to transfer sperm.

How did pollination help plants to spread into drier habitats? Pollen needs dry air to blow in the wind. Plants don't have to depend on water to transfer sperm. Pollen was carried by animals to dry habitats. Plants can produce more pollen in dry habitats because it doesn't mold as easily.

Leukocytes recognize unique molecules on pathogens.

How do cells involved in the innate immune response detect the presence of pathogens? Leukocytes recognize the entire pathogen. Antibodies bind to the pathogens. Leukocytes recognize unique molecules on pathogens. Leukocytes recognize the secretions from a pathogen.

Rather than enzymes being rigid, we now believe they undergo an induced fit upon substrate binding

How do current models of enzyme function differ from Fischer's lock-and-key model? We now understand that enzyme specificity is due to binding between substrates and amino acids in an enzyme's active site. Contrary to what Fischer thought, we now know that enzymes are catalysts that can catalyze multiple reactions without being consumed. There has been no change in our understanding of enzyme function. Rather than enzymes being rigid, we now believe they undergo an induced fit upon substrate binding.

fertilizes the plant

How do fungi help the tree? _______________________________________

They prevent infrared light from leaving Earth's atmosphere.

How do greenhouse gases contribute to global warming? They block solar energy from reaching Earth's atmosphere. They allow excess radiant light to leave Earth's atmosphere. They prevent infrared light from leaving Earth's atmosphere. They prevent the oceans from absorbing shorter wavelengths of light.

nonsteroid hormones act via signal transduction pathways; steroid hormones do not act via signal transduction pathways

How do nonsteroid hormones differ from steroid hormones? nonsteroid hormones bind to a cell's DNA; steroid hormones do not bind to a cell's DNA nonsteroid hormones act via signal transduction pathways; steroid hormones do not act via signal transduction pathways the action of nonsteroid hormones never affects gene expression; the action of steroid hormones always affects gene expression nonsteroid hormones bind to cytoplasmic receptors; steroid hormones bind to plasma membrane receptors nonsteroid hormones are fat-soluble; steroid hormones are water-soluble

plant feeds the fungus

How do the roots of the tree help the fungus?______________________________________

Carbon dioxide is released during cellular respiration.

How does carbon move from the biota to the atmosphere? Carbon dioxide diffuses into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is released during cellular respiration. Carbon is incorporated into sedimentary rocks. Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis.

people eat shellfish that feed heavily on protists that emphasize saxitoxins

How does paralytic shellfish poisoning occur?

Input from many cells is required for it to fire.

How does summation operate in a post-synaptic cell? Sodium ions are moved from one cell to the next in an additive way. Post-synaptic cells do not fire. It adds up all of the previous action potentials and releases one of that value. Input from many cells is required for it to fire.

using nectar and pollen as food

How does the flower help the bee?__________________________________________________


How does the presence of vegetation affect the rate of nutrient export in a temperate-forest system? Presence of _________________ lowers the rate of nutrient export because it increases soil stability and recycling of nutrients.

Carbon inputs into the atmosphere have risen.

How have humans altered the global carbon cycle? The burning of fossil fuels removes carbon from the global carbon cycle. Carbon inputs into the atmosphere have risen. The amount of photosynthesis has increased. Deforestation has decreased carbon levels in the atmosphere.

One sperm nucleus fuses with the egg to form a diploid zygote, whereas the other sperm nucleus fuses with two polar nuclei to form a cell that develops into endosperm.

How is fertilization in flowering plants different from fertilization in other plant groups? One sperm nucleus fuses with the egg to form a diploid zygote, whereas the other sperm nucleus fuses with a polar nucleus to form a diploid cell that forms a nutrient-rich tissue. One sperm nucleus fuses with the egg to form a diploid zygote, whereas the other sperm nucleus fuses with two polar nuclei to form a cell that develops into endosperm. Two sperm nuclei fuse with a polar nucleus to form a diploid zygote. One sperm nucleus fuses with the egg to form a diploid zygote.

Plant cells deposit vesicles containing cell-wall building blocks on the metaphase plate; animal cells form a cleavage furrow.

How is plant cell cytokinesis different from animal cell cytokinesis? The contractile filaments found in plant cells are structures composed of carbohydrates; the cleavage furrow in animal cells is composed of contractile phospholipids. The structural proteins of plant cells separate the two cells; in animal cells, a cell membrane separates the two daughter cells. Plant cells deposit vesicles containing cell-wall building blocks on the metaphase plate; animal cells form a cleavage furrow. Plant cells divide after metaphase but before anaphase; animal cells divide after anaphase.


How many NADH are produced by glycolysis? 1 2 5 4 3


How many antibodies can be produced by a single human B cell? 0 51 200 1


How many cotyledons does a dicot have?


How many cotyledons does a monocot have?


How many million years ago, did the first land plants live? __________


How many oxygen molecules (O2) are required each time a molecule of glucose (C6H12O6) is completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water via aerobic respiration? 3 1 30 6 12


How many polar nuclei form? ______________________________________


How many sperm nuclei are formed inside the pollen? ( 1 /2 /3)

1, 1

How many times did vascular tissue evolve? _______ How many times did seeds evolve? ___________

Hearing loss would occur at all pitches.

How would hearing be affected by a punctured eardrum? Only high-pitched sound could be heard. No noticeable impact to hearing would occur. Hearing loss would occur at all pitches. Only low-pitched sound could be heard.


However extremely ( high / low) oxygen levels would lead to a signal to the brain to stimulate breathing.

seminiferous tubules

Human sperm cells first arise in the _____. vas deferens seminiferous tubules prostate gland Sertoli cells epididymis

density independent

Hurricane _____________________________________ density dependent or density independent?

High, High

Hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean are extreme habitats with (high / low) pressure and (high / low) temperature relative to the average ocean temperature.

air, water, non-living parts of soil

Identify features of the physical environment: _______ ___________ ________ ________ ___________

a and d

Identify which of the following conditions should lead to zero population growth that is at equilibrium densities? a. High birth and high death rates b. High birth and low death rates c. Low birth and high death rates d. Low birth and low death rates

deep-sea vent

If a meteor impact or volcanic eruption injected a lot of dust into the atmosphere and reduced the sunlight reaching Earth's surface by 70 percent for one year, which of the following marine communities most likely would be least affected? deep-sea vent pelagic intertidal estuary coral reef


If a person loses a large amount of water in a short period of time, he or she may die from dehydration. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) can help reduce water loss through its interaction with its target cells in the _____. adrenal gland anterior pituitary posterior pituitary bladder kidney


If an organism normally has 34 chromosomes, how many molecules of DNA should there be in the G1 phase of the cell cycle? 34 136 17 68


If individuals migrate into a population it is called ______________

cool freshwater at low elevation

If other factors are equal, which of the following environments would have the highest level of dissolved oxygen? cool freshwater at low elevation cool, salty water at low elevation warm freshwater at high elevation cool freshwater at high elevation warm, salty water at low elevation

same, different

If spores are the (same / different) size, the plant is homosporous; if spores are (same/ different) sizes, the plant is heterosporous.


If the fungi coat tree root surfaces and grow into spaces between root cells, they are______________________.


If the hyphae penetrate spaces between root cell walls and plasma membrane they are _____________________.

food, space, water, soil quality

If the population size N is small , population growth is close to exponential - increasing rapidly; but if the population size N is large, population growth slows and ceases and the population reaches carrying capacity. What are some limiting factors? _______, __________, __________, __________


If the relationship is beneficial to both , it is called a ______________ relationship.


If there is not enough iodine, a person may develop a __________ in their neck.


In general, NPP ( net primary productivity) is higher on ( land / water ).

Wiped out potato crops in Ireland 1845-47

______ Phytophthora infestans a water mold

expand its realized niche

If two species are close competitors, and one species is experimentally removed from the community, the remaining species would be expected to _____. change its fundamental niche expand its realized niche eventually become competitively superior to the other species become the target of specialized parasites decline in abundance


Imagine that you are given some chemoorganotrophic bacteria to grow. What should you use as a source of energy for this type of bacteria? ammonia sugar light methane hydrogen sulfide


Immediately after an action potential passes along an axon, it is not possible to generate a second action potential. Thus, we state that the membrane is briefly _____. fully depolarized refractory hyperexcitable at the equilibrium potential above threshold

sensory adaptation

Immediately after putting on a shirt, your skin might feel itchy. However, this perception soon fades due to _____. the increase of transduction reduced motor unit recruitment accommodation reduced receptor amplification sensory adaptation


In __________ synapses the electrical message must be converted to the chemical message of neurotransmitters.


In __________ synapses the message continues to be sent electrically via ions.


In a (taxon - specific / all-taxa survey), biologists conduct an intensive search for a specific taxon in a well-defined area.


In a catalyzed reaction a reactant is often called a _________________.


In a changing environment the type of reproduction that is most advantageous is ( asexual / sexual) because it results in diversity of offspring and a diversity of genotypes.

prolactin and oxytocin

In a lactating mammal, the two hormones that promote milk synthesis and milk release, respectively, are _____. follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone luteinizing hormone and oxytocin prolactin and oxytocin prolactin and luteinizing hormone prolactin and calcitonin


In a particular case of secondary succession, three species of wild grass all invaded a field. By the second season, a single species dominated the field. A possible factor in this secondary succession was _____. facilitation parasitism equilibrium inhibition immigration

via sexual reproduction

In a rapidly changing environment, protists tend to reproduce _____. via sexual reproduction via cloning via asexual reproduction via fission

the postsynaptic membrane

In a simple synapse, neurotransmitter chemicals are received by _____. ducts on the smooth endoplasmic reticulum the presynaptic membrane cell bodies the postsynaptic membrane axon hillocks


In a stable environment the type of reproduction that is most advantageous is ( asexual / sexual).

all-taxa survey

In an (taxon -specific / all-taxa survey), biologists attempt to find and catalog all of the species present in an area.

when conditions for survival are unfavorable

In an animal that switches between sexual and asexual reproduction, when is sexual reproduction more likely to occur? when conditions for survival are favorable when males and females find each other when conditions for survival are unfavorable What conditions favor sexual over asexual remains a complete mystery.


In an ecosystem, phytoplankton are _____. producers detritivores primary consumers tertiary consumers secondary consumers


In angiosperms, pollination is the transfer of pollen grain to the _____ of a flower on the same plant or another plant of the same species. style stigma anther ovary ovulate cone

carotenoids and other pigments are still present in the leaves

In autumn, the leaves of deciduous trees change colors. This is because chlorophyll is degraded and _____. the degraded chlorophyll changes into many other colors sugars are sent to most of the cells of the leaves water supply to the leaves has been reduced carotenoids and other pigments are still present in the leaves

water and minerals

In both lichens and mycorrhizae, what does the fungal partner provide to its photosynthetic partner? carbohydrates protection from harmful ultraviolet light antibiotics water and minerals fixed nitrogen

haploid, dominant, gametes, motile, nonmotile

In bryophytes , a Gametophyte generation : Is (diploid / haploid), (dominant / dependent ) and, makes ( spores / gametes) by mitosis. ( Nonmotile / Motile) sperm swim in water with flagella; Eggs are (nonmotile / motile ).

diploid, dependent, spores

In bryophytes, a sporophyte generation: Is ( diploid / haploid) , (dominant / dependent) and grows out of the female gametophyte Makes ( spores / gametes) by meiosis .


In cells, what is usually the immediate source of energy for an endergonic reaction? ADP glucose ATP sugar as spontaneous reactions, endergonic reactions do not need an addition of energy

inner mitochondrial membrane

In eukaryotes, the components of the electron transport chain are located in the ____. mitochondrial matrix outer mitochondrial membrane cell membrane inner mitochondrial membrane

DNA and proteins

In eukaryotic cells, chromosomes are composed of _____. DNA only DNA and RNA DNA and phospholipids DNA and proteins

haploid, less noticeable, gametes, motile, nonmotile

In ferns ( vascular seedless plants) , a Gametophyte generation : Is (diploid / haploid), (dominant / less noticeable ), makes ( spores / gametes) by mitosis. (Nonmotile / Motile) sperm swim in water with flagella; Eggs are (nonmotile / motile ).


In fish gills, water and blood flow in ( the same / opposite) directions

seed coat

In flowering plants the integuments of the ovule develop into a(n) _____. endosperm sporophyte seed coat fruit cotyledon

The leading hypothesis is that there is more light available on land than in the ocean.

In general, NPP is much higher on land than in the oceans. Why? The leading hypothesis is that oceans have higher densities of herbivores, which quickly consume the producers. The leading hypothesis is that there are few photosynthetic organisms that can live in the ocean. The leading hypothesis is that there are more available nutrients in water than on land. The leading hypothesis is that there is more light available on land than in the ocean.


In general, enzymes are what kinds of molecules? nucleic acids carbohydrates proteins lipids minerals


In glycolysis there is a net gain of _____ ATP. 3 1 2 5 4

substrate-level phosphorylation

In glycolysis, ATP molecules are produced by _____. photosynthesis cellular respiration substrate-level phosphorylation oxidative phosphorylation photophosphorylation


In glycolysis, what starts the process of glucose oxidation? ATP hexokinase ADP NADPH FADH2

testosterone and Müllerian inhibitory substance

In human embryonic development, which of the following pairs of hormones are released by the developing testes and result in development of the male reproductive tract and inhibition of the female reproductive tract? testosterone and estradiol testosterone and Müllerian inhibitory substance estradiol and estrogen testosterone and estrogen estrogen and progesterone

a steroid-hormone synthesizing structure called the corpus luteum

In humans, the follicular cells that remain behind in the ovary following ovulation become _____. the thickened portion of the uterine wall the ovarian endometrium that is shed at the time of the menses swept into the fallopian tube a steroid-hormone synthesizing structure called the corpus luteum the placenta, which secretes cervical mucus

They close off tracheae to minimize water loss.

In insects, what is the adaptive significance of spiracles? They close off tracheae to minimize water loss. They are thin and highly branched, offering a large surface area for gas exchange. They dilate and constrict during flight or other types of movement, functioning as a "breathing" mechanism. They open into the body cavity, allowing direct contact between hemolymph and tissues.

It increases the surface for oxidative phosphorylation

In liver cells, the inner mitochondrial membranes are about five times the area of the outer mitochondrial membranes. What purpose must this serve? It allows the liver cell to have more peroxisomes. It increases the surface for substrate-level phosphorylation. It increases the surface for oxidative phosphorylation. It allows for an increased rate of the citric acid cycle. It allows for an increased rate of glycolysis.


In mammals, most gas exchange between the atmosphere and the pulmonary blood occurs in the _____. alveoli bronchi larynx trachea bronchioles

only II

In multiple sclerosis the myelin sheaths around the axons of the brain and spinal cord are damaged and demyelination results. How does this disease manifest at the level of the action potential? I) Action potentials move in the opposite direction on the axon. II) Action potentials move more slowly along the axon. III) No action potentials are transmitted. only I only II only III only I and II only II and III


In oceans, light penetrates only as deep as the __________ zone


In order for the signal to go farther it must cross a gap between neurons called the ____________


In other words greater rates of extinction ( will / will not) become normal.

making gametes and making spores

In sexual reproduction of land plants, generations alternate between _____. angiosperms and gymnosperms zygotes and clones making gametes and making spores meiosis and mitosis

photo period

In some animals, the increase in day length or increasing ____________ during spring is important in stimulating release of sex hormones.

The frequency

In terms of signaling, what is most significant about action potentials? The frequency The number of partial action potentials The magnitude The number of phases

water; NADP+

In the Z-scheme ____ is the initial electron donor and ____ is the final electron acceptor. NADPH; oxygen water; oxygen water; NADP+ ATP; carbon dioxide


In the above figure, which letter points to the cervix? A B C D E


In the above figure, which letter points to the endometrium? A B C D E


In the above figure, which letter points to the oviduct? A B C D E


In the above figure, which letter points to the prostate gland? A B C D E


In the above figure, which letter points to the testis? A B C D E


In the above figure, which letter points to the urethra? A B C D E

ATP, CO2, and ethanol (ethyl alcohol)

In the absence of oxygen, yeast cells can obtain energy by fermentation, resulting in the production of _____. ATP, pyruvate, and acetyl CoA ATP, CO2, and ethanol (ethyl alcohol) ATP, CO2, and lactate ATP, pyruvate, and oxygen ATP, NADH, and pyruvate

combined with hemoglobin

In the blood most of the oxygen that will be used in cellular respiration is carried from the lungs to the body tissues _____. as bicarbonate ions (HCO3 -) combined with hemoglobin by the trachea water (H2O) dissolved in blood plasma

substrate-level phosphorylation

In the citric acid cycle, ATP molecules are produced by _____. photophosphorylation cellular respiration oxidative phosphorylation substrate-level phosphorylation photosynthesis

thyroid, calcitonin

Location target cells - Bone Effect - Promotes bone growth Reduces blood calcium level Origin and hormone?

As latitude increases, diversity decreases.

In the figure above, what can be stated about species diversity and latitude? As latitude decreases, diversity decreases. Species diversity is independent of latitude. As latitude increases, diversity decreases. Species diversity and latitude cannot be compared using this figure.

the hornet moth, wasp beetle, and hoverfly

In the figure above, which individuals are displaying Batesian mimicry? the hornet moth, wasp beetle, and hoverfly the paper wasp, bumblebee, and honeybee All of the insects are displaying Batesian mimicry. None of the insects are displaying Batesian mimicry.


In the figure above, which number would designate the arctic tundra biome? 2 3 4 5 The arctic tundra is not designated by a number in the figure above.


In the figure above, which number would designate the biome with the highest variation in annual precipitation? 1 2 3 4

arrow C

In the figure above, which of the arrows represents the carrying capacity? arrow A arrow B arrow C Carrying capacity cannot be found in the figure because species under density-dependent control never reach carrying capacity.

arrow B

In the figure above, which of the arrows represents the most rapid population growth? arrow A arrow B arrow C

line A

In the figure above, which of the lines represents the highest per-capita rate increase (r)? line D line A line B line C

species 1

In the figure above, which species is the stronger competitor? species 1 species 2 It is not possible to tell from this figure. Both species compete equally.

an autoimmune disease

In the human disease known as lupus, there is an immune reaction against a patient's own DNA from broken or dying cells, which categorizes lupus as _____. an antigenic variation an autoimmune disease an immunodeficiency a cancer an allergy

The fundamental and realized niches of B. balanoides are identical, but the fundamental and realized niches of C. stellatus are different.

In the hypothesis that C. stellatus (a species of barnacle) is competitively excluded from the lower intertidal zone by B. balanoides (another species of barnacle), what could be concluded about the two species? The fundamental and realized niches of B. balanoides are different, but the fundamental and realized niches of C. stellatus are identical. The fundamental and realized niches of B. balanoides and C. stellatus are identical. The fundamental and realized niches of B. balanoides are identical, but the fundamental and realized niches of C. stellatus are different. The fundamental and realized niches of B. balanoides and C. stellatus are different.

cytokinesis is unequal in oogenesis, whereas it is equal in spermatogenesis

In vertebrate animals, spermatogenesis and oogenesis differ in that _____. spermatogenesis is not completed until after fertilization occurs, but oogenesis is completed by the time a girl is born oogenesis ends at menopause, whereas spermatogenesis is finished before birth oogenesis produces four functional haploid cells, whereas spermatogenesis produces only one functional spermatozoon cytokinesis is unequal in oogenesis, whereas it is equal in spermatogenesis oogenesis begins at the onset of sexual maturity, whereas spermatogenesis begins during embryonic development

populations that colonize new habitats

In what populations does exponential growth tend to occur? populations that have surpassed their carrying capacity populations that experience intense competition populations that colonize new habitats populations that experience high rates of predation


In which mitotic phase are the sister chromatids separated and pulled to opposite poles? metaphase prophase telophase anaphase


In which mitotic phase do the chromosomes condense and does the mitotic spindle begin to form? prophase anaphase metaphase telophase

cellular respiration

In your body, what process converts the chemical energy found in glucose into the chemical energy found in ATP? cellular respiration redox anabolism potentiation digestion

leaves, close

Increase in solutes leads to osmosis by which water (enters / leaves) the guard cells by which they expand and the hole opens. At night, the reverse happens so that stomata (open / close).


Individuals use the same resources resulting in lower fitness for both -/-

density dependent

Infectious disease ________________________ density dependent or density independent?

increased activity of phagocytes in an inflamed area

Inflammatory responses typically include _____. release of substances to decrease the blood supply to an inflamed area reduced permeability of blood vessels to conserve plasma inhibiting the release of white blood cells from bone marrow increased activity of phagocytes in an inflamed area clotting proteins migrating away from the site of infection

is activated immediately upon infection

Innate immunity _____. is activated immediately upon infection utilizes highly specific antigen receptors on B cells is found only in vertebrate animals is based on recognition of antigens that are specific to different pathogens depends on an infected animal's previous exposure to the same pathogen


Inorganic molecules

1.) ATP 2.) NADPH 3.) CO2

Inputs of the Calvin Cycle: 1.) 2.) 3.)

1.) light 2.) water 3.) ADP 4.) NADP+

Inputs of the light reactions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

citric acid cycle → NADH → electron transport chain → oxygen

Inside an active mitochondrion, most electrons follow which pathway? citric acid cycle → FADH2 → electron transport chain → ATP citric acid cycle → NADH → electron transport chain → oxygen glycolysis → NADH → oxidative phosphorylation → ATP → oxygen pyruvate → citric acid cycle → ATP → NADH → oxygen electron transport chain → citric acid cycle → ATP → oxygen


Inspiratory and expiratory ____________volumes are amounts of air that can be forced in or out above the normal amount.


Interactions among organisms are called ( biotic /abiotic)

Carbon dioxide

Into which molecule are all the carbon atoms in glucose ultimately incorporated during cellular respiration? NADH ATP Carbon dioxide Water


Intricate Calcium carbonate shell


Is DDT banned all over the world? _____________


Is DDT banned in the United States? _________


Is a keystone species a dominant species as one that has a large effect in a community because of its abundance or high biomass? ______________


Is hemoglobin giving up more O2 during strenuous exercise then when at rest? ______________


Is the zygotye diploid or haploid? _______________


Is this a J or S shaped growth curve? __


Is this a J or S shaped growth curve? ____________

compound eyes with multiple ommatidia

It can be very difficult to select an angle for sneaking up to a grasshopper to catch it because grasshoppers have _____. compound eyes with multiple ommatidia binocular vision eyes with multiple fovea excellent hearing for detecting predators a camera-like eye with multiple fovea

Radioactively labeled sugars produced by plants eventually show up in the fungi with which they are associated.

It has been hypothesized that fungi and plants have a mutualistic relationship because plants make sugars available for the fungi's use. What is the best evidence in support of this hypothesis? Fungi survive better when they are associated with plants. Fungi associated with plants have the ability to undergo photosynthesis and produce their own sugars, while those not associated with plants do not produce their own sugars. Radioactive labeling experiments show that plants pass crucial raw materials to the fungus for manufacturing sugars. Radioactively labeled sugars produced by plants eventually show up in the fungi with which they are associated.


It involves extracting and sequencing _________ from a sample and identifying species and biochemical pathways by comparing the DNA sequences with those of known genes.


It is called ( Mullerian / Batesian ) mimicry if a harmful species looked like a harmful species ( has a toxin).


It is called ( Mullerian / Batesian ) mimicry if a harmful species looked like another harmful species


Key to prevention of transmission of pathogens is good _______________.

prey on the community's dominant species

Keystone predators can maintain species diversity in a community if they _____. allow immigration of other predators prey only on the least abundant species in the community prey on the community's dominant species competitively exclude other predators reduce the number of disruptions in the community

unicellular, colonial, multicellular, terrestrial

Land plants evolved from (unicellular / colonial / multicellular) green algae that lived in ( marine / freshwater/ terrestrial) habitats.


Large numbers of ribosomes are present in cells that specialize in producing which of the following molecules? glycogen proteins cellulose nucleic acids lipids

xylem, phloem

Lateral meristems include ___________cambium & _________cambium.


Leaf parenchyma cells include chloroplasts to do ______________________.

artery, arteriole, capillaries, venule, vein

Leaves heart to ___________ to _____________ to _______________ to _______________ to _____________ back to heart

cyanobacteria or algae

Lichens are symbiotic associations of fungi and _____. mosses or cyanobacteria mosses or sponges green algae or liverworts cyanobacteria or algae mosses or algae

energy, one

Life needs a constant input of _______________ and this flow of energy through the ecosystem is __________ -way.


Light stimulates H+-ATPase proton pumps so ATP energy is available which leads to the guard cell uptake of ions especially ___________________ ( K+) and other solutes.

Salmonella, Escherichia Coli

List 2 bacterial diseases: ______________________________ _______________________

pituitary, ACTH

Location target cells - Adrenal cortex Effect - Stimulates adrenal cortex to produce glucocorticoids Origin and hormone?

adrenal cortex, cortisol

Location target cells - All tissues Effect - Raises blood glucose level by breakdown of protein and fats in times of long term stress Origin and hormone?

thyroid, thyroxin

Location target cells - All tissues Effect - Stimulates metabolic rate and regulates growth and development Origin and hormone?

ovary, estrogen

Location target cells - Female reproductive tract , skin muscles bones Effect - Stimulates 2nd sex female characteristics and prepares uterus for pregnancy Origin and hormone?

parathyroid, parathyroid hormone

Location target cells - Kidneys bone and digestive tract Effect - Raises blood calcium levels Origin and hormone?

pancreas, glucagon

Location target cells - Liver skeletal muscles Effect - Raises blood glucose levels by converting glycogen to glucose Origin and hormone?

pancreas, insulin

Location target cells - Liver skeletal muscle brain Effect - Lowers blood glucose levels by saying to cells take in sugar Promotes glycogen synthesis Origin and hormone?

anterior pituitary, luteinizing hormone

Location target cells - Mammary glands Effect - Make milk Origin and hormone?

pituitary, growth hormone

Location target cells - Many tissues such as bone and muscle Effect - Promotes cell division and growth Origin and hormone?

adrenal medulla, epinephrine

Location target cells - Muscles heart and most tissues Effect - Raise heart rate, raise blood glucose levels, raise metabolic rate in times of immediate stress "fight or flight" Origin and hormone?

anterior pituitary, prolactin

Location target cells - Ovary Testis Effect - Stimulates ovulation Sex hormone secretion Origin and hormone?

hypothalamus, inhibiting/releasing hormones

Location target cells - Pituitary gland Effect - Controls pituitary with inhibiting and releasing hormones Origin and hormone?

thymus, thymosins

Location target cells - T lymphocytes Effect - Promotes specialization of T cells of immune system Origin and hormone?

Pituitary, FSH

Location target cells - Testis Ovary Effect - Gamete ( egg and sperm) and sex steroid hormone production Origin and hormone?

testes, testosterone

Location target cells - Testis , muscles, skin bones Effect - Stimulates development of 2nd sex male characteristics and stimulates sperm production Origin and hormone?

pituitary, TSH

Location target cells - Thyroid Effect - Stimulates thyroid gland to produce thyroxine Origin and hormone?

ovary, progesterone

Location target cells - Uterus and mammary glands Effect - Stimulates development of mammary glands and completes preparation for pregnancy Origin and hormone?

posterior pituitary, oxytocin

Location target cells - Uterus and mammary glands Effect - uterine contraction during labor and ejection of milk during nursing of baby Origin and hormone?

posterior pituitary, antidiuretic hormone

Location target cells - kidneys Effect - stimulates water reabsorption from the collecting ducts in the kidneys Origin and hormone?


Long term stress responses has a role for the hormone______________________ produced in the adrenal cortex and stimulated by ACTH from the pituitary gland.


Long, branching fungal filaments are called _____. septa ascus mycelia roots hyphae

Large clutch size correlates with low survival.

Looking at the data in the figure above, what can be said about survival and clutch size? Large clutch size correlates with low survival. Probability of survivorship does not correlate with clutch size. Animals with high survival tend to have larger clutch sizes. Animals with low survival tend to have smaller clutch sizes.


Loss of water from the aerial parts of plants is called _____. high heat of vaporization gas exchange respiration dehydration transpiration


Many ____________ produce toxins and hallucinogenic substances. An example is ergots of rye that can make people delusional.

Medicine, Animal

Many bacteria today are antibiotic-resistant as a result of too much use of antibiotics as ___________________ and in _____________ feed (ex: cattle feed).


Many eukaryotes reproduce ( asexually / sexually) by mitosis and cell division


Many eukaryotes reproduce ( asexually / sexually) which requires meiosis and cell division


Map of endemic species is important because endemic species are found in a particular area and nowhere else. This map again shows the highest number of endemic species in the ___________Mountains

South America

Map of species richness of birds shows a very high richness in the Andes Mountains on the continent ____________________


Marine organisms (whales, squid) big enough to control their motion through the ocean are called__________________


Mast cells are primarily responsible for constricting blood vessels at the site of an infection due to their secretion of which chemical messenger? cytokines serum histamine chemokines

eggs, sperm

Mature gametophytes produce __________ in female gametangia and __________ in male gametangia.

both have the same number of chromosomes

Mature human sperm and ova are similar in that they _____. are approximately the same size are produced from puberty until death both have the same number of chromosomes are formed before birth each have a flagellum that provides motility


Membrane potentials are measured by voltmeters in units called _____________


Meristems located at the tip of each root and stem are called ____________________

All of the responses are correct

Mitosis is responsible for what key process in multicellular eukaryotes? wound repair growth asexual reproduction All of the responses are correct.

ribosomal small subunit RNA

Molecular phylogenies were first used to separate bacterial and archaeal lineages based upon the sequence data from which of the following molecules? DNA polymerase ribosomal small subunit RNA the peptidoglycan-producing enzyme the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll

earthworm, bilateral, brain

More complex invertebrates have 1 or 2 nerve cords. If only one, it is located ventrally; if 2 they are on the sides (lateral) . Collections in the head form the cerebral ganglia which are groups of neuronal cell bodies that perform basic functions of integrating inputs form sense organs and controlling motor outputs. Give an example of an invertebrate with this system _________________. These organisms have __________________ symmetry and cephalization which is a trend toward concentration of the nervous system at the _________________.


Most ( 10 / 25 / 67 ) % is carried in plasma as the bicarbonate ion HCO-3.

as bicarbonate ions (HCO3 -)

Most carbon dioxide is carried from the body tissues to the lungs _____. as bicarbonate ions (HCO3 -) combined with hemoglobin by the trachea as hydrogen ions (H+) dissolved in blood plasma


Most fungi are _____. photoautotrophs decomposers herbivores carnivores chemoautotrophs


Most mycelium growth is not seen as it happens within soil. The mycelium sends out digestive enzymes into the substrate to digest _________.


Most of the neurons in the human brain are _____. peripheral neurons motor neurons interneurons auditory neurons sensory neurons

Rh incompatibility

Most people are positive for Rh factor. If a mother is Rh negative and has a baby with Rh positive blood, she may make antibodies against Rh positive. What would happen if the mother has another baby with Rh positive blood? _____________________________________________________


Most primary producers are organisms that capture solar energy to manufacture food via ____________________.


Most scientists expect a shift of zones ( towards / away from) the poles.

Phylogenetic, Ribosomes

Most useful __________________tree for Bacteria and Archaea is based on studies of RNA molecules found in __________________ (organelles that make proteins)

depends upon active transport of sugars into the sieve-tube elements

Movement of phloem sap from a source to a sink _____. occurs through the apoplast of sieve-tube elements results mainly from diffusion of sugars into companion cells depends upon active transport of sugars into the sieve-tube elements depends on active transport of water into sieve- tube elements at the source depends on tension, or negative pressure potential


Multicellular diploid form is called a __________________ because it produces haploid spores by meiosis


Multicellular haploid form is called a _________________ because it produces haploid gametes by mitosis and cell division.

Oxygenic photosynthesis by cyanobacteria significantly increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.

Multicellularity and large body size of eukaryotic organisms requires high metabolic rates and efficient ATP production by aerobic respiration. How did bacteria change Earth's atmosphere to enable aerobic respiration? Anaerobic respiration by cyanobacteria increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere by reducing the amount of iron oxides that are able to react instantly with oxygen. Nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria decreased the amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere, leading to simultaneous increase of oxygen. Splitting of water during anaerobic respiration by cyanobacteria dramatically increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. Oxygenic photosynthesis by cyanobacteria significantly increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.

to other multicellular organisms

Multicellularity has advantages: Attachment What might a multicellular organism attach to in environments? _____________________

producing and obtaining food, reproduction

Multicellularity has advantages: Specialization What might cells specialize to do? _______________________________________


Multiple Sclerosis is a immune system disease with attacks on the ___________ sheaths of axons.


Mycelia produced in asexual reproduction are _____. zygotic heterokaryotic haploid diploid


NPP represents the total amount of chemical potential energy that is stored in organic material ( biomass) Of the gross primary productivity, energy goes to cell respiration and ______ loss, so only the net primary productivity goes into biomass.

russia and canada

Name a country that has a large area of boreal ( coniferous) forest? ________________

blue fin tuba

Name a species that has been harmed by overexploitation by overfishing or overhunting_____________

fossil fuels, atmospheric reservoir, volcanic eruptions

Name abiotic processes that transfer carbon _______________________________________________

embryos and young are harmed

Name an effect of acid rain on organisms and on the environment?

nutria rat

Name an invasive species in Louisiana______________


Name biotic process that allows nitrogen from dead organisms to return to soil ____________________

respiration and photosynthesis

Name biotic processes that transfer carbon ________________________________________________


Name major reservoir (storage place) of nitrogen _________________________

wind, animals, insects, birds, bats

Name some pollinators._____________________________________________________


Name the biotic process by which nitrogen is taken into the body of a living organism? ______________

the product of a process inhibits its production

Negative feedback is defined as ________. the product of a process stimulates its production the release of one hormone is stimulated by another hormone the product of a process inhibits its production the release of one hormone is inhibited by another hormone


Nerve cells that support, protect, and nourish the neurons are called ______________ cells.

rib, diaphragm

Nervous control of breathing is done by the medullary respiratory centers in the brainstem which stimulate the ______ muscles and _____________to contract thus increasing the volume of lung cavity.


Neurotransmitters are released from axon terminals via _____. active transport diffusion exocytosis transcytosis osmosis


Neurotransmitters are released from neurons in response to the increase in intracellular concentration of what ion? sodium potassium chloride calcium


Nonvascular plants (also called bryophytes) lack _________________tissue .

build up, decrease

Normally ( buildup of / decrease in ) carbon dioxide and a ( decrease / increase ) in pH would increase breathing.

dicot, monocot

Note vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) are arranged in vascular bundles. Look at the cross section of the stem in a monocot and dicot. Which of these has their vascular bundles in a circle? _____ Which of these has their vascular bundles scattered? _____________

30 degrees north and 30 degrees south

Notice the big deserts of the world are located near the latitude both N and S indicated. What is the number? __________________


Nucleoli are present during _____. prophase interphase metaphase anaphase prometaphase

Oxidative phosphorylation

Occurs when electrons move through an ETC and produce a proton-motive force that drives ATP synthase Occurs under the action of ATP synthase

Substrate level phosphorylation

Occurs when enzymes remove a high-energy phosphate from a substrate and directly transfer it to ADP Occurs under the action of pyruvate kinase and phosphoglycerate kinase


On average what % of the energy in the primary consumers flows to the secondary consumers? ______


On average what % of the energy in the producers flows to the primary consumers? _______


On average what % of the energy in the secondary consumers flows to the tertiary consumers? _______

seed, fruit

Once the egg within the ovule is fertilized, the ovule develops into a ____________ The ovary then begins transforming into a __________ which holds the seeds.


Once the nerve impulse reaches the synaptic terminals it stops and can only be sent forward using special chemical signals called ____________________________.

pollen, sperm

Once the pollen sticks to the stigma, a _____________ tube forms sending along two _______ nuclei


Once the sperm nuclei join with the egg within the ovule in the process called _____________ a zygote forms.

a waxy cuticle covers leaves but is absent from roots

One important difference between the anatomy of roots and the anatomy of leaves is that _____. vascular tissue is found in roots but is absent from leaves a waxy cuticle covers leaves but is absent from roots root cells have cell walls and leaf cells do not only leaves have phloem and only roots have xylem leaves have epidermal tissue but roots do not

Nitrogen Fixation

Only certain bacteria (ex: cyanobacteria) and archaea do ____________ ______________which converts molecular nitrogen (N2) from the air into ammonia.

cellulose, lignin

Only certain fungi and bacteria can break down the ___________ and __________ that makes the cell walls of plants.


Organelle only found in animals cells

1.)cellulose cell wall 2.)chloroplasts 3.)central vacuole

Organelles that only plant cells have


Organic matter accumulates in a __________forest but there is almost no organic matter accumulation in a tropical forest.


Organic molecules


Organisms in Domain (Bacteria / Archaea / Eukarya ) have a cell wall with peptidoglycan.


Organisms in Domain (Bacteria / Archaea / Eukarya ) have cells with a nuclear envelope.


Organisms in Domain Eukarya include ( unicellular / colonial / multicellular ) organisms


Organisms that can cause nongonococcal urethritis are classified with _____. proteobacteria chlamydias spirochetes gram-positive bacteria cyanobacteria

autotrophs; heterotrophs

Organisms that synthesize their own C-C molecules from single-carbon starting materials are named _____, while those that absorb preformed C-C compounds are _____. chemoorganotrophs; heterotrophs autotrophs; heterotrophs autotrophs; chemoorganotrophs phototrophs; chemotrophs

a closed circulatory system

Organisms with a circulating body fluid that is distinct from the fluid that directly surrounds the body's cells are likely to have _____. a gastrovascular cavity branched tracheae a closed circulatory system hemolymph an open circulatory system

1.) ADP 2.) NADP+ 3.) G3P

Outputs of the Calvin Cycle: 1.) 2.) 3.)

1.) O2 2.) ATP 3.) NADPH

Outputs of the light reactions: 1.) 2.) 3.)


Overall global aquatic NPP is ( increasing / declining) .


Overall global terrestrial NPP is ( increasing / declining)


Ovules are found within structure _____. A B C D E

1.) NADH 2.) O2 3.) ADP

Oxidative Phosphorylation Net Input:

1.)NAD+ 2.) ATP 3.) Water

Oxidative Phosphorylation Net Output:


Oxygen has very ( low / high) solubility in water

small animals with high metabolic rates

Oxygen is unloaded more readily in ( small animals with high metabolic rates / large animals with slower metabolic rates)


Oxygen unloading from hemoglobin is increased by a(n) ( increase / decrease ) in CO2 .


Oxygen unloading from hemoglobin is increased by a(n) ( increase / decrease) in pH


Oxygen unloading from hemoglobin is increased by a(n) ( increase / decrease) in temperature.


Ozone in the stratosphere is beneficial. It ( absorbs / reflects) radiation from the sun.

density dependent

Parasitism ____________________________________ density dependent or density independent?


Parkinson's disease is associated with a lack of _____________ in the brain.


Spores grow into gametophytes that produce gametes by the process of (mitosis/ meiosis).


Pathogen means ______________- causing.


Periodic bouts of high fever and chills occur when what type of cells burst out with the protists? __________________________


Peripheral Nervous System ( ______________) : nerves.

spinal cord, brain

Peripheral nervous system is composed of spinal nerves that leave from ______________ and cranial nerves that leave from the ______________


Pharmaceuticals - Many ___________ to treat diseases come from plants. Ex: morphine, aspirin

sieve-tube, companion

Phloem has 2 cell types :_________element & _________________cell

a bulb in early spring

Phloem transport of sucrose is often described as going from source to sink. Which of the following is most likely to function as a source? a growing leaf in early spring a shoot tip in late fall a bulb in early spring a growing root in late summer


Photosynthesis ______________carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; and cellular respiration adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.


Photosynthesis made _________ respiration possible.

glucose, oxygen

Photosynthesis produces _____________ and releases __________ into the atmosphere.


Photosynthetic organisms ( increase / decrease ) oxygen levels


Pith is indicated by the letter _____. A C E D B

releasing and inhibiting

Pituitary is pea sized gland that dangles from hypothalamus which controls the pituitary with ____________________________hormones.

green algae, nonvascular plants, vascular seed plants, seed plants

Place a number next to each to show order of appearance in fossil record ____ seed plants ______nonvascular plants ____vascular seed plants_____ green algae

arctic, southern canada, temperate north america, tropics

Place a number next to the geographical location in terms of species richness with 1 being the least and 4 the most Tropics __ arctic __ temperate North America ___ southern Canada______

nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, alveoli

Place in order by # the path of air into the body: Pharynx __ larynx __ alveoli __ bronchus__ bronchioles __ trachea__ nasal cavity__

north america, middle of asia, south america, africa, china

Place in order of smallest to largest ecological footprints people living in : North America Africa South America middle of Asia, China

primary producer

Plant = __________________


Plant leaves contain openings called _____, which allow the diffusion of carbon dioxide into the leaf tissue. mesophyll stomata CAM calvins


Plant-like protists are _____________.


Plantlike photosynthesis that releases oxygen (O2) occurs in _____. archaea cyanobacteria chemoautotrophic bacteria chlamydias actinomycetes

soil, erosion

Plants build and hold __________________thus plants prevent ____________ which is loss of soil by action of wind and water.

determinate, indeterminate

Plants cell growth is ____________________ because plants grow as long as they live; while animal cell growth is ___________________ because animals stop growing at a certain size.

produce more cells

Plants contain meristems whose major function is to _____. attract pollinators photosynthesize produce flowers absorb ions produce more cells

sexual, asexual

Plants engage in both ____________ reproduction which involves eggs and sperms uniting in fertilization to form a zygote.; and __________________ reproduction which does not involve fertilization and results in the production of clones.


Plants hold water and moderate _________________.

only in the light but respire in light and dark

Plants photosynthesize _____. only in the light but respire in light and dark only in the dark but respire only in the light only in the light but respire only in the dark and respire only in the dark and respire only in the light


Plasmodium, the parasitic organism that causes malaria, is a _____. entamoeba diatom apicomplexan plasmodial slime molds ciliate


Populations grow due to births and _____. survivorship immigration deaths emigration


Posterior_________________gland releases hormones ADH and oxytocin that were made by the hypothalamus and stored here.


Potassium and other solutes are pumped out of guard cells causing water to ( enter / leave) resulting in pore closure.

density dependent

Predation rate ________________________________ density dependent or density independent?

lac-(or lact-) -trop- trans- kin-(or kinet-) glyc- extra- allo- therm -ase sub-

Prefixes, Suffixes, Root words: milk: change, turn, move: across: moving: sweet: outside of: other: heat: enzyme: under, below:

inter- -elle aqu-(aqua-) chrome- trans- -some bi-

Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root words: between little, small water color across body two

phago- hyper- -plasm hypo- -phyll sym- micro-

Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root words: eat: above, greater than: formed substance: below, less than: leaf: same: small:

a-(an-) endo- eu- mito- chloro- ex- cyte-(cyto-)

Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root words: without, lack of, not inside, inner true, good thread green out of cell

escape behavior

Prey run , fly, jump, swim away when detect predator

these protists produce chemical energy by fixing CO2

Primary production by photosynthetic protists is considered "primary" because _____. these protists are the oldest lineage to photosynthesize these protists are the first to colonize new areas. these protists produce chemical energy by fixing CO2 these protists are the most abundant on Earth


Process by which protist ingest their food (bacteria, archaea, other protists) is called _________________.


Producers need light to do ____________________, the process of making food from carbon dioxide and water.


Production of genetically diverse offspring is most likely with ( selfing / outcrossing).

1.) fermentation in human muscle 2.) fermentation in yeast and bacteria 3.) aerobic oxidation

Products of pyruvate metabolism: 1.) lactate: 2.) ethanol: 3.) acetyl CoA:

Bacteria And Archaea

Prokaryotes are classified as belonging to two different domains. What are the domains? Bacteria and Archaea Bacteria and Protista Bacteria and Eukarya Archaea and Monera Eukarya and Monera

Binary Fission

Prokaryotes reproduce asexually by___________ _________.


Prolactin (PRL) causes ____________glands to produce milk


Protective outermost tissue forms the ___________ tissue system.

defense armor

Protective shells of a turtel


Protein strips just under plasma membrane

protists have a membrane-bounded nucleus, which bacterial cells lack

Protists and bacteria are grouped into different domains because _____. bacteria decompose protists protists are photosynthetic protists have a membrane-bounded nucleus, which bacterial cells lack bacteria are not made of cells protists eat bacteria


Protists are extremely diverse eukaryotes in Domain ( Bacteria / Archaea / Eukarya)


Protists are mostly ( unicellular / multicellular) microscopic organisms although some are multicellular..

most complex

Protists are the ( simplest / most complex) eukaryotic organisms.


Protists live in ( dry / moist ) habitats that include aquatic habitats and wet soils.


Protozoans obtain food from the environment as : _______________ that get nourishments from hosts who are harmed in the process.


Protozoans obtain food from the environment as : _________________ that float in water bodies and cannot control where they move. Protozoan plankton are part of the larger group called zooplankton.

heart rate

Pulse is a direct measure of _____. cardiac output stroke volume breathing rate blood pressure heart rate


Rapids and waterfalls tend to ( increase / decrease ) the amount of oxygenation of the water.

Reactants: 1.) NADH 2.) pyruvate Products: 1.) lactate 2.) NAD+

Reactants and products of lactic acid fermentation: Reactants: 1.) 2.) Products: 1.) 2.)

activation energy

Reactants capable of interacting to form products in a chemical reaction must first overcome a thermodynamic barrier known as the reaction's _____. entropy free-energy content activation energy equilibrium point endothermic level


Recall that a high level of species _____________is an important factor in community stability.

association with a cell's plasma membrane

Receptors for nonsteroid hormones are located in _____. the extracellular fluid the cytoplasm the nucleus the cytosol association with a cell's plasma membrane

1.) H2O, O2 2.) NADP+, NADPH 3.) NADPH, NADP+ 4.) CO2, G3P

Redox Reactions: 1.) In the lught reactions, light energy is used to oxidize ______ to _________. 2.) The electrons derived from this oxidation reaction in the light reactions are used to reduce ____________ to _________. 3.) The Calvin Cycle oxidizes the light reactions product ______ to ______. 4.) The electrons derived from this oxidation reaction in the Calvin Cycle are used to reduce _______ to _______.


Redox reactions involve the gain or loss of _____. phosphate protons neutrons electrons

IV only

Refer to the figure above. A woody eudicot is represented by _____. II only III only IV only I and III


Refer to the figure above. Which curve best describes survivorship in humans who live in developed nations? A B C D E

The group has very few representatives of its lineage.

Refer to the figure above. Why is it important to preserve the red panda ? The group is economically important. The group is particularly sensitive to environmental disturbances. The group has very few representatives of its lineage. The group has low genetic diversity. All of the lineages in the figure above are important to preserve.

Completely decayed soil organic matter is called humus.

Regarding soil and organic matter in humus, which of the following statements is true? Completely decayed soil organic matter is called humus. Soil organic matter is completely decayed. Eventually, the nutrients in soil organic matter are converted to organic form. Humus is composed of inorganic nutrients, and organic matter is composed only of organic matter.

tumor suppressors

Regulatory proteins that prevent a cell from entering the S phase under conditions of DNA damage are also known as _____. tumor suppressors cyclins cyclin-dependent kinases antibodies


Research shows that as predators increase in number, one can often expect (decrease / increase ) in prey population

Determine the ribosomal RNA sequence of the bacteria.

Researchers have found a new type of bacteria, and they want to determine its phylum. What would be the most reliable method to do so? Perform an analysis of metabolic pathways. Conduct a Gram-stain test. Analyze the morphological characteristics of the bacteria. Determine the ribosomal RNA sequence of the bacteria.

positive, negative

Rh blood groups are either _______________ or _________________.


Ribosomal subunits are manufactured by the _____. lysosome smooth endoplasmic reticulum nucleolus rough endoplasmic reticulum peroxisome

increase the surface area for absorption

Root hairs are most important to a plant because they _____. store starches provide a habitat for nitrogen-fixing bacteria contain xylem tissue increase the surface area for absorption anchor a plant in the soil

memory cells

Secondary immune responses upon a second exposure to a pathogen are due to the activation of _____. macrophages T cells B cells stem cells memory cells


Secondary phloem is ( alive / dead)

wood, bark

Secondary xylem first functions in water transport but as it fills with resin it forms ___________. Together secondary phloem & cork cambium & cork form ____________

tissue, embryo

Seed vascular plants have vascular ___________ and seeds. A seed consists of an ______________, food supply surrounded by seed coat.

reduce fossil fuel use, improve soil

Seeds offer the ecological advantages of __________________________________________

exergonic ... uphill

Select the INCORRECT association. exergonic ... uphill kinetic energy ... motion enzyme ... protein potential energy ... positional energy exergonic ... spontaneous


Shallow bodies of water have a high surface area to volume ratio and therefore tend to (better / less well) oxygenated than deep bodies of water


Short term stress responses called the "fight or flight" reaction are triggered by the _______________ nervous system.


Since blood vessels contain smooth muscles, they contract under the control of the ____________ nervous system, which is responsible for such involuntary actions.

fossil fuels

Since the industrial revolution, humans have been burning ________ ________ at an ever increasing rate.


Slimy capsule helps disease bacteria to evade the _______________ system of the host.

tertiary consumer

Snake = ___________________


Solar energy comes from the _____________


Some bacteria already evolved photosystems I and II . Both photosytems occur in the bacteria called ______________________.


Some birds follow moving swarms of army ants in the tropics. As the ants march along the forest floor hunting insects and small vertebrates, birds follow and pick off any insects or small vertebrates that fly or jump out of the way of the ants. This situation is an example of what kind of species interaction between the birds and the ants? parasitism cooperation consumption mutualism commensalism

Birds benefit from the association but have no impact on the ants.

Some birds follow moving swarms of army ants in the tropics. As the ants march along the forest floor hunting insects and small vertebrates, birds follow and pick off any insects or small vertebrates that fly or jump out of the way of the ants. What is the result of the association between birds and ants? Birds benefit from the association and harm the ants. Birds do not benefit from the association, but the ants do. Birds and ants benefit from the association. Birds benefit from the association but have no impact on the ants. Neither birds nor ants benefit from the association.

athletes foot, ringworm, yeast

Some human diseases caused by fungi include ___________ ____________ ( as many an athlete has discovered); _______________ ( which is not caused by a worm at all); ________ infection caused by a yeast Note yeast are unicellular

lung collapse due to inadequate production of surfactant

Some human infants, especially those born prematurely, suffer serious respiratory failure because of _____. the incomplete development of the lung surface lung collapse due to inadequate production of surfactant mutations in the genes involved in lung formation the overproduction of surfactants the sudden change from the uterine environment to the air


Some hyphae are ____________ which means that there are no septa; this produces a single gigantic multinucleate cell


Some hyphae are septate which means the _____ _________ separate the nuclei.


Some leaf epidermal cells have hairlike appendages called __________________.

decreasing water loss from leaves

Some plants growing in arid climates have small leaves and thick waxy cuticles on the upper epidermis. This is an adaptation for _____. decreasing water breakdown in photosynthesis decreasing water loss from leaves increasing water absorption increasing transpiration


Speciation increases species diversity; extinction _______________species diversity.


Spindle fibers attach to kinetochores during _____. interphase telophase prometaphase anaphase metaphase


Spiral-shaped bacteria are likely to be placed with _____. proteobacteria chlamydias spirochetes gram-positive bacteria cyanobacteria


Spores are produced in a complex multicellular structure called a ________________________

meiosis, mitosis

Spores are produced in cones. The male cones produce microspores by ( meiosis / mitosis). The female cones produce megaspores by ( meiosis / mitosis).

1.) cytosol 2.) mitochondrial matrix 3.) mitochondrial matrix 4.) inner mitochondrial membrane

Stages of Cellular Respiration and Locations: 1.) glycolysis:__________________ 2.) acetyl CoA formation:____________________ 3.) citric acid cycle:__________________ 4.) oxidative phosphorylation:____________________


Starting with a fertilized egg (zygote), a series of five cell divisions would produce an early embryo with how many cells? 8 64 4 32 16

2 NADH, 2 pyruvate, and 2 ATP

Starting with one molecule of glucose, the energy-containing products of glycolysis are _____. 2 NADH, 2 pyruvate, and 2 ATP 2 FADH2, 2 pyruvate, and 4 ATP 6 CO2, 2 pyruvate, and 30 ATP 6 CO2, 2 pyruvate, and 2 ATP 2 NAD+, 2 pyruvate, and 2 ATP

the nucleus

Steroid hormone-receptor complexes act in _____. the nucleus lysosomes vesicles the cytoplasm the plasma membrane


Stimulates activity of gall bladder, stomach, intestines?_____________________

open, close, opens

Stomata (open / close) in responses to sunlight; but stomata ( open / close) in response to no sunlight. When guard cells are turgid, a stomatal pore (opens /closes) between them.


Stomata are located on the surface of the ( leaves / roots) of plants.

cellular slime molds

Stramenopiles include all of the following groups EXCEPT ______. diatoms water molds golden algae cellular slime molds brown algae

gram-positive bacteria

Streptococcus pyogenes is classified with _____. proteobacteria chlamydias spirochetes gram-positive bacteria cyanobacteria

stems; leaves

Strolling in the Sonoran Desert, you come upon a stately Saguaro cactus. The large central "trunks" of this cactus are covered with numerous smaller spines. The central stalks are modified _________ used for water storage and spines are modified ______ used for protection. petioles; leaf blades stems; fruits stems; leaves leaves; leaves leaf blades; trichomes


Successful pollination is almost assured with ( selfing / outcrossing).

the predictable sequence of changes in species composition over time within the community after a disturbance

Succession in an ecological context refers to _______. what happens to the evolution of species as a result of the coevolutionary arms race the predictable sequence of changes in species composition over time within the community after a disturbance the sequence of changes that a species goes through during its occupancy within a community the predictable series of changes in a community as species evolve and become extinct

-mere multi- telo- inter- bi- -cyte (or cyto-) pro- kin- (or kinet-) uni- mito-

Suffixes, Prefixes, and Root words: segment, body section: many: end: between: two: cell: before: moving: one: thread:

homo-(or homeo) diplo- -some (or soma-) ploid auto- micro- chrom- a- (or an-) haplo- -gen-

Suffixes, Prefixes, and Root words: same: both, double: body: chromosome: self: small: color: without, lack of, not: single: to produce:


Suppose George Washington completely removed the bark from around the base of a cherry tree but was stopped by his father before cutting the tree down. The leaves retained their normal appearance for several weeks, but the tree eventually died. The tissue(s) that George left functional was/were the _____. phloem cork cambium companion and sieve-tube members xylem cortex

blue and violet

Suppose a plant has a unique photosynthetic pigment and the leaves of this plant appear to be reddish yellow. What wavelengths of visible light are absorbed by this pigment? green and yellow blue and violet red and yellow green, blue, and yellow blue, green, and red

ATP levels would fall at first, decreasing the inhibition of PFK and increasing the rate of ATP production.

Suppose that a cell's demand for ATP suddenly exceeds its supply of ATP from cellular respiration. Which statement correctly describes how this increased demand would lead to an increased rate of ATP production? ATP levels would rise at first, decreasing the inhibition of PFK and increasing the rate of ATP production. ATP levels would fall at first, increasing the inhibition of PFK and increasing the rate of ATP production. ATP levels would fall at first, decreasing the inhibition of PFK and increasing the rate of ATP production. ATP levels would rise at first, increasing the inhibition of PFK and increasing the rate of ATP production.

cytotoxic and helper cells

T cells of the immune system include _____. plasma, antigen-presenting, and memory cells CD4, CD8, and plasma cells cytotoxic and helper cells class I MHC, class II MHC, and memory cells lymphocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells

the structure of the mitotic spindle

Taxol is an anticancer drug extracted from the Pacific yew tree. In animal cells, Taxol disrupts microtubule formation. Surprisingly, this stops mitosis. Specifically, Taxol must affect _____. the structure of the mitotic spindle the S phase of the cell cycle formation of the centrioles anaphase chromatid assembly

tropics, polar

Temperature varies by latitude with the most solar energy striking the earth near the equator. The region near the equator is called the ________, thus the adjective tropical refers to this part of the earth. The least solar energy reaches the north and south ____________ regions.


Terrestrial animals (ie. reptiles, mammals) rely on ________ for air breathing.

I, II, and III

Testosterone is an example of a chemical signal that affects the very cells that synthesize it, the neighboring cells in the testis, along with distant cells outside the gonads. Thus, testosterone is an example of _____. I) an autocrine signal II) a paracrine signal III) an endocrine signal only II and III only I and III only I and II I, II, and III

parathyroid glands

The endocrine glands include the _____. sweat glands salivary glands parathyroid glands sebaceous glands gallbladder

minimum depolarization needed to operate the voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels

The "threshold" potential of a membrane is the _____. lowest frequency of action potentials a neuron can produce point of separation from a living to a dead neuron minimum depolarization needed to operate the voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels peak amount of depolarization seen in an action potential minimum hyperpolarization needed to prevent the occurrence of action potentials


The ( male / female ) gametophyte is the embryo sac containing ovule.


The ( male / female) gametophyte is the pollen grain within which form sperm nuclei.


The 2.5% that is fresh water is found in lakes, streams, rivers and in ice in ice caps and ____________

substrate-level phosphorylation

The ATP made during fermentation is generated by _____. substrate-level phosphorylation chemiosmosis the electron transport chain oxidative phosphorylation aerobic respiration

the cell wall

The Gram stain, commonly used to classify a bacterial isolate into one of two groups, is based upon the characteristics of which of the following structures? the flagella the cell wall the genetic material the ribosomes


The _____ changes shape to focus light on the retina. vitreous humor blind spot cornea lens optic nerve

plasma membrane

The _____ is a selective barrier, regulating the passage of material into and out of the cell. nuclear envelope lysosome plasma membrane nucleus chloroplast


The _____ is composed of DNA and protein. flagellum centriole chromatin ribosome mitochondrion


The _____ is the region of the eye where photoreceptors are most highly concentrated. lens fovea optic nerve pupil sclera


The ______ cambium produces cork cells to the outside.


The _______ consists of the anther where pollen is made and filament. It is the male part. The pollen is the male gametaphyte.


The ________ are often colorful and attract pollinators to the flower


The _________ is bridge from cerebellum to rest of CNS


The __________ consists of the stigma which is sticky to catch pollen, the style down which the pollen tube grows, and the ovary where the ovules are made.


The __________ niche is the portion of the fundamental niche that a species actually occupies, given limiting factors such as competition with other species.

pituitary gland

The ___________ _________ extends down from the hypothalamus and is controlled by the hypothalamus.


The ___________ system is involved in emotions, memory (short-term & long-term), and learning.


The ____________ is ground tissue which is specialized for storage and movement of water and minerals in the root toward xylem.

medulla oblongata

The _____________ ______________ is important for involuntary activities: heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, digesting, ....some reflex centers.


The _____________ is the largest portion of human brain which receives sensory input, integrates info, commands voluntary motor responses, works with other brain parts, and is responsible for consciousness

sporophyte, spores, meiosis, mitosis, gametophyte

The ______________ generation produces _________ by ________________. The spores then divide by __________ and grow into the _____________________.


The ______________ is the outermost layer of plant cells.


The _______________ contains most of a cell's DNA.

vesicles, plasma membrane

The ________________ release these neurotransmitters by fusing with the ____________ _______________ at the end of the synaptic terminal.


The _________________ is a thick membranous sac that supports and protects heart


The __________________ is integration center that helps with homeostasis by regulating hunger, sleep, thirst, water, body temperature, and water balance.


The __________________ niche is the total theoretical range of environmental conditions that a species can tolerate.

citric acid cycle

The __________________ transfers electrons to NADH and FADH2.

endosymbiosis theory

The ___________________ helps explain how eukaryote cells obtained membranous organelles including : nucleus, ER, Golgi body


The ___________________ maintains posture and balance; coordinates voluntary muscle movements; and is Involved in learning of motor skills (ex; playing baseball, playing piano)

endosymbiosis, mitochondria,

The ____________________ hypothesis helps explain how mitochondria and chloroplasts came to be in eukaryote cells. The bigger prokaryote ate an aerobic prokaryote that evolved into the _________________ and the photosynthetic cyanobacterium was eaten by the bigger prokaryote and they became _______________.


The energy for an endergonic reaction comes from a(n) _____ reaction. exergonic ADP + P --> ATP anabolic synthesis glucose + glucose --> maltose

competitive exclusion

The _____________________ __________________ principle states that 2 species with exactly the same requirements cannot live together in the same place and use the same resources, that is cannot occupy the exact same niche. In the case of these 2 species, one will be driven out or will die out.

pressure flow

The _________________________ hypothesis explains sugar translocation as a process driven by differences in turgor pressure that occur between a sugar source (for example leaves, and a sugar sink ( ex developing fruits.)


The ____________________theory contends that eukaryotic chloroplast originated when a protist engulfed a cyanobacterium.


The __________receives most sensory input , integrates the info, and sends it to the right place in cerebrum


The _________is a wall that divides heart into right and left sides.

cranial, spinal

The _________nerves connect to the brain and _________ nerves connect to the spinal cord .

an extensive surface area well suited for invasive growth and absorptive nutrition

The adaptive advantage associated with the filamentous nature of fungal mycelia is primarily related to _____. the increased probability of contact between different mating types the ability to form haustoria and parasitize other organisms avoiding sexual reproduction until the environment changes the potential to inhabit almost all terrestrial habitats an extensive surface area well suited for invasive growth and absorptive nutrition

specificity of the response

The adaptive immune response differs from the innate based upon which of the following attributes? induction of the inflammatory response lysis of bacterial pathogens specificity of the response recognition of foreign cells


The adrenal glands produce _____________ ( epi = top + nephron = kidney).


The bicarbonate ion ( does / does not) act as a buffer in blood.


The cell is engulfing extracellular fluid

diplomonads ...parabasalids

The cells of _____ and _____ have modified mitochondria. fungi ... stramenopiles dinoflagellates ... metazoans chlorophytes ... ciliates diplomonads ...parabasalids euglenozoans ... alveolates


The chemoheterotroph Proteus vulgaris is a rod-shaped bacterium classified with _____. proteobacteria chlamydias spirochetes gram-positive bacteria cyanobacteria


The cilia and flagella of eukaryotic cells are composed of _____. intermediate filaments microtubules microfilaments pili tonofilaments

fluid and cells that can undergo mechanosensory transduction

The cochlea is an organ of auditory transduction that contains _____. fluid and cells that can undergo mechanosensory transduction air and cells that produce wax air and small bones that vibrate in response to sound waves fluid with stacks of chemosensory cells air and statocysts activated by movement


The cochlea is represented by which number? 7 5 4 3 6


The common ancestor of all species living today was a ( prokaryotic / eukaryotic ) cell.

it is not possible for two species with the same niche to coexist in the same region

The competitive exclusion principle states that _____. it is not possible for two species to compete for the same resources two species with different niches will not compete for the same resources it is not possible for two species with the same niche to coexist in the same region two species with the same niche will constantly be competing for resources

S phase

The copying of chromosomes occurs during which of the following phases of the cell cycle? S phase G2 phase M phase G1 phase


The cultured organism is inoculated into a healthy host ____________


The cuticle prevents water loss and protects against attack by ______________


The cycling of nutrients from abiotic systems through producers, consumers and decomposers and back again is referred to as a __________________________( "life-earth-chemical") cycle

its cells can spread to other parts of the body and produce secondary tumors

The defining characteristic of a malignant tumor is that _____. it is benign its cells cannot cause cancer it grows in a single location and does not spread to other locations its cells can spread to other parts of the body and produce secondary tumors

blood pressure being greater than 140 mm Hg systolic and/or greater than 90 mm Hg diastolic

The diagnosis of hypertension in adults is based on the _____. number of leukocytes per cubic millimeter of blood measurement of the LDL/HDL ratio in peripheral blood blood pressure being greater than 140 mm Hg systolic and/or greater than 90 mm Hg diastolic percentage of blood volume made up of platelets measurement of fatty deposits on the endothelium of arteries


The division of the cytoplasm following mitosis is called _____. telophase meiosis cytokinesis interphase

sporophyte, heterospory

The dominant stage in pines is the ( sporophyte / gametophyte) which grows into the large tree. Spores are different is size so this is a case of ( homospory / heterospory).

nuclear envelope

The double membrane that encloses the nucleus?


The electrons of photosystem II are excited and transferred to electron carriers. From which molecule or structure do the photosystem II replacement electrons come? oxygen the electron carrier, plastocyanin photosystem I water


The embryo has a food supply because other cells in the ovule were fertilized by a sperm nucleus to form the endosperm. Thus ( single / double ) fertilization is needed


___________ is patterns of spacing or dispersion: random, uniform, clumped.

The translocation of protons sets up the electrochemical gradient that drives ATP synthesis in the mitochondria.

The energy of electron transport serves to move (translocate) protons to the outer mitochondrial compartment. How does this help the mitochondrion produce ATP? The translocation of protons sets up the electrochemical gradient that drives ATP synthesis in the mitochondria. The protons receive electrons from the NAD+ and FAD that are accepted by electrons in glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. The hydrogen ions (protons) are transferred to oxygen in an energy-releasing reaction. The protons pick up electrons from the electron transport chain on their way through the inner mitochondrial membrane.


The enzyme that catalyzes the fixation of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis is _____. chlorophyll ATP synthase carbon dioxidase rubisco

root hairs

The epidermis is modified by __________ __________ which project out and increase the total absorptive surface area.


The events of ________________ include the attachment of spindle fibers to kinetochores

trophic structure

The feeding relationships among the species in a community determine the community's _____. secondary succession ecological niche species-area curve species richness trophic structure

eggs, sperm

The female gametophytes produce relatively larger (eggs / sperm) as compared to the male gametophytes that produce relatively tiny ( eggs / sperm).


The figure above represents net primary productivity organized by _____. biome continent geography region


The final electron acceptor of the electron transport chain that functions in aerobic oxidative phosphorylation is _____. ADP oxygen water NAD+ pyruvate

normal growth and cell function

The first gap in the cell cycle (G1) corresponds to _____. the phase between DNA replication and the M phase the phase in which DNA is being replicated the beginning of mitosis normal growth and cell function


The following reaction A --> B + C + heat is a(n) _____ reaction. endergonic exchange anabolic dehydration synthesis exergonic


The function of _____________ tissue system is making and storing important molecules.

transport sugars throughout the plant

The function of sieve-tube elements is to _____. transport carbon dioxide into leaves transport water upward transport sugars throughout the plant transport water downward

store sperm until ejaculation

The function of the mammalian epididymis is to _____. store sperm until ejaculation provide nutrients for sperm produce sperm neutralize acid in the urethra


The fundamental reproductive cell produced by fungi is the _______. spore swimming gamete asci basidia

gametes, zygote, sporophyte

The gametophyte produces ______________ by mitosis. The gametes must unite in fertilization to form a _____________. The zygote divides by mitosis and grows into the _________________ generation


The germ theory of disease asserts that certain diseases are _____________ meaning that they can be passed from person to person.

C—H bonds

The glucose molecule has a large quantity of energy in its _____. number of oxygen atoms polar structure C—H bonds C—N bonds

stoma, guard

The hole is a ____________and cells that regulate opening and closing are ___________cells.


The hormone _____________ causes blood sugar levels to rise as it causes liver and muscles to convert glycogen back to glucose and puts it into the bloodstream.


The hormone ____________________ causes uterine contraction whereby the more the uterus contracts the more oxytocin is released and the more the uterus contracts.


The hormone ______________________________ (ADH) targets kidneys to increase reabsorption of water from urine. Urine becomes more concentrated and blood volume increases.


The hormone oxytocin causes ___________ letdown ----the more the baby cries, the more milk is released and the more the baby sucks the more milk is released. This is positive feedback.

erythropoietin and kidney, respectively

The hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells, and the organ where this hormone is synthesized, are _____. epinephrine and adrenal gland, respectively growth hormone and pancreas, respectively acetylcholine and bone marrow, respectively erythropoietin and kidney, respectively cortisol and adrenal gland, respectively

gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

The hypothalamic hormone that triggers the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is _____. estradiol luteinizing hormone (LH) gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) progesterone

adrenocorticotropic hormone

The hypothalamus sends a releasing hormone to the pituitary gland so it will secrete ___________________________(ACTH) which stimulates release of hormones from adrenal cortex.

neurosecretory cell in the hypothalamus

The interrelationships between the endocrine and the nervous systems are especially apparent in a _____. neuron in the spinal cord steroid-producing cell in the adrenal cortex neurosecretory cell in the hypothalamus cell in the pancreas that produces digestive enzymes brain cell in the cerebral cortex


The junction of the upper vagina and the uterus is called the _____. fallopian tube cervix oviduct clitoris labia majora


The large multicellular algae are called _____________

use natural resources such that they do not decline over time

The main goal of sustainable development is to _____. use natural resources such that they do not decline over time reevaluating and re-implementing management plans over time use only natural resources in the construction of new buildings involve more countries in conservation efforts

epinephrine; cortisol

The main hormone released in response to short-term stress is _______, and to long-term stress is _______. cortisol; epinephrine leptin; cortisol epinephrine; leptin epinephrine; cortisol

distinguish self from nonself

The major histocompatability (MHC) molecule is important in a T cell's ability to _____. identify specific viruses recognize differences among types of cancer identify specific bacterial pathogens recognize specific parasitic pathogens distinguish self from nonself

bicarbonate dissolved in plasma

The majority of carbon dioxide is carried in blood as _____. bicarbonate attached to hemoglobin carbon dioxide gas dissolved in plasma bicarbonate dissolved in plasma carbon dioxide gas attached to hemoglobin

pollen grains

The male gametophytes of flowering plants are also referred to as _____. pollen grains embryo sacs megaspores male sporophytes endosperm

ΔG is the change in free energy.

The mathematical expression for the change in free energy of a system is ΔG =ΔH - TΔS. Which of the following is (are) correct? ΔS is the change in enthalpy, a measure of randomness. T is the temperature in degrees Celsius. ΔG is the change in free energy. ΔH is the change in entropy, the energy available to do work.


The members of _____ are characterized by cells with small membrane-bounded cavities under their cell membranes. Stramenopila Rhodophyta Alveolata Chlorophyta Mycetozoa


The minimum graded depolarization needed to operate the voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels is indicated by the label _____. A B C D E

separation of sister chromatids

The mitotic spindle is a microtubular structure that is involved in _____. dissolving the nuclear membrane triggering the compaction and condensation of chromosomes separation of sister chromatids splitting of the cell (cytokinesis) following mitosis

loses electrons and loses potential energy

The molecule that functions as the reducing agent (electron donor) in a redox or oxidation-reduction reaction _____. loses electrons and loses potential energy loses electrons and gains potential energy gains electrons and gains potential energy gains electrons and loses potential energy neither gains nor loses electrons, but gains or loses potential energy


The molecules that absorb only certain wavelengths of light energy from the sun to begin the photosynthetic reactions are called _____. stroma chloroplasts oxygen pigments


The most complex nervous system are found in _________________.


The most important producers in the ocean are the tiny floating algae called ______________________.


The most productive ( terrestrial / aquatic ) ecosystems are coral reefs, algal beds, wetlands and estuaries

tropical rain forest

The most productive terrestrial ecosystem is ( tropical rain forest / desert / tundra)


The mushroom emerges above ground to release _____________ that will disperse.


The neuronal membrane is at its resting potential at label _____. A B C D E

cell body

The nucleus and most of the organelles in a neuron are located in the _____. cell body axon hillock axon axon terminals dendritic region

acidic oceans are destroying reefs

The oceans are absorbing some of the carbon dioxide. When atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves, it reacts with water to form carbonic acid which then drops a proton to form bicarbonate ion. The added protons ( hydrogen ions) make the ocean more acidic and lower the pH of the ocean. This is having huge negative impacts on life forms there. What is happening to coral reefs? ____________________________________________________


The oldest fossils of bacteria ever found are_______billion years old.


The opening and closing of stomata influence ___________ transport through the xylem by speeding or slowing the transport.


The reaction ADP + P --> ATP is a(n) _____ reaction. chemical endergonic exergonic spontaneous hydrolysis

sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell

The operation of the sodium-potassium "pump" moves _____. sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell sodium and potassium ions into the cell sodium ions into the cell and potassium ions out of the cell sodium and potassium ions out of the cell sodium and potassium ions into the mitochondria


The ovary is most often located in the _____. stamen receptacle sepals petals carpel

sensory, PNS, motor

The overall functions of Nervous System is communication by: 1. receiving __________ input : Sensory receptors respond to stimuli by sending sensory nerve impulses to spinal cord and Brain 2. interpreting sensory inputs : Interpretation and integration is done by the ____________ 3. sending out appropriate ________ commands. Brain and spinal cord send motor nerve impulses to muscles to contract and glands to secrete.

accepting electrons at the end of the electron transport chain

The oxygen consumed during cellular respiration is involved directly in which process or event? glycolysis the citric acid cycle accepting electrons at the end of the electron transport chain the phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP the oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA


The pH of blood must be kept near ( 8 / 7.4 / 7 ).

exocrine, endocrine

The pancreas has an _______________ function to secrete sodium bicarbonate and digestive enzymes and also an ________________function to secrete insulin and glucagon hormones

oxygen and glucose

The photosynthesic bacterium provided the host with _____________________________ in exchange for protection and access to light.

food, oxygen

The photosynthetic phytoplankton are important as they provide _______ and ______.


The plant embryo develops from the ( zygote / embryo / seed coat).


The point of connection between two communicating neurons is called the _____. synapse cell body dendrite glia axon hillock


The pointer is indicating a diploid cell that develops into the _____. embryo seed coat ovule endosperm carpel

an anabolic pathway

The polymerization of amino acids into a protein is an example of _____. a catabolic pathway an anabolic pathway bioremediation feedback inhibition


The posterior inferior vena cava is indicated by the letter _____.


The presence of many other solutes in seawater results in a (increase / decrease ) in dissolved oxygen in seawater

maintain progesterone and estrogen synthesis after ovulation has occurred

The primary function of the corpus luteum is to _____. nourish and protect the egg cell stimulate the development of the mammary glands support pregnancy in the second and third trimesters maintain progesterone and estrogen synthesis after ovulation has occurred produce prolactin in the alveoli

nasal cavity

The primary functions of the _____ are to warm, filter, and humidify air. lungs trachea bronchus nasal cavity alveoli

they turn genes on or off and it takes time for gene products to build up or become depleted

The primary reason steroid hormones usually act slowly is that _____. they are produced at very low concentrations acting via a signal transduction pathway makes for slower responses than does directly interacting with a cell's DNA they are too large to enter a cell and therefore must first bind to a plasma membrane receptor before having an effect on a cell target cells tend to ignore steroid hormones in favor of nonsteroid hormones they turn genes on or off and it takes time for gene products to build up or become depleted

act as an acceptor for electrons and hydrogen, forming water

The primary role of oxygen in cellular respiration is to _____. catalyze the reactions of glycolysis act as an acceptor for electrons and hydrogen, forming water yield energy in the form of ATP as it is passed down the respiratory chain combine with lactate, forming pyruvate combine with carbon, forming CO2


The process of changing from a tadpole to a mature frog is called ____________________.

in prokaryotes

The process of photosynthesis probably originated _____. three separate times during evolution in prokaryotes in fungi in plants


The production of red blood cells is stimulated by _____. immunoglobulins epinephrine platelets erythropoietin low-density lipoproteins


The prokaryotic cells that built stromatolites are classified as _____. proteobacteria chlamydias spirochetes gram-positive bacteria cyanobacteria


The prokaryotic cells that were the first to add significant quantities of oxygen to Earth's atmosphere are classified as _____. proteobacteria chlamydias spirochetes gram-positive bacteria cyanobacteria

liver, red blood

The protozoan Plasmodium invades the cells of malaria victims. What type of human cells harbor this parasite? _______________ cells and ______________________cells

only its target cells contain aldosterone receptors

The reason that the steroid hormone aldosterone affects only a small number of cells in the body is that _____. it is unable to enter nontarget cells only its target cells get exposed to aldosterone nontarget cells convert aldosterone to a hormone to which they do respond nontarget cells destroy aldosterone before it can produce any effect only its target cells contain aldosterone receptors

ion channels

The receiving neuron has receptors that bind with the neurotransmitter which opens ______ _____________.


The region surrounded by guard cells is indicated by the letter _____. A C E B D

perforin ... cell-mediated

The role of cytotoxic T cells is the secretion of _____, which plays a role in the _____ immune response. perforin ... cell-mediated interleukin-2 ... humoral antibodies ... humoral antibodies ... antibody-mediated perforin ... humoral


The seed germinates and grows into a sporophyte by the process of ( mitosis /meiosis) .

prevent backflow of blood in the aorta and pulmonary arteries

The semilunar valves of the mammalian heart _____. are at the places where the anterior and posterior venae cavae empty into the heart are the attachment sites where the pulmonary veins empty into the heart are found only on the right side of the heart are the route by which blood flows from the atria to the ventricles prevent backflow of blood in the aorta and pulmonary arteries

nerve net

The simplest nervous system is a __________ _______ of the radially symmetrical cnidarians.


The site of inflammation may become swollen due to the increased numbers of cells and fluids at the site and painful due to signals from pain receptors. True False


The structure involved in equalizing the pressure between the ear and the atmosphere is represented by which number? 7 9 1 8 10

contact with soil particles for mineral and water absorption

The surface area of a plant's root system is substantially larger than the surface area of its shoot system. The extensive surface area of roots is an adaptation associated with _____. contact with soil particles for mineral and water absorption the release of carbon dioxide generated by photosynthesis the internal structure of the vascular tissue in roots the storage of nutrients within the root system

presynaptic membrane

The surface on a neuron that discharges the contents of synaptic vesicles is the _____. postsynaptic membrane presynaptic membrane dendrite axon hillock node of Ranvier


The suspected pathogen is grown in a pure _________________.


The symbols +, -, and o are to be used to show the results of interactions between individuals and groups of individuals in the examples that follow. The symbol + denotes a positive interaction, - denotes a negative interaction, and o denotes where individuals are not affected by interacting. The first symbol refers to the first organism mentioned. What interactions exist between a lion pride and a hyena pack? +/+ +/o +/- o/o -/-

an endergonic reaction coupled to an exergonic reaction

The synthesis of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation, using the energy released by movement of protons across the membrane down their electrochemical gradient, is an example of _____. an endergonic reaction coupled to an exergonic reaction allosteric regulation osmosis active transport a reaction with a positive ΔG


The term _______________ means living together.


The term __________________ of angiosperms refers to the reciprocal influence that flowering plant evolution had on evolution of animal pollinators and vice versa.

natality, mortality

The term for birth rates is ___________ and the term for death rates is ____________.

pathogenic fungi

The terms blights, smuts, rusts are associated with plant diseases caused by ____________


The thickening of the uterine wall, which allows it to support a developing embryo, is triggered by a rise in which of the following hormones? luteinizing hormone (LH) progesterone follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) estrogen


The thyroid gland also produces calcitonin which causes bones to store ________________ions.

gross primary productivity

The total amount of chemical energy produced in a given area and time period is called __________ ______________ _____________________ (GPP).


The total energy in a molecule, its enthalpy, is given by the letter ____. S T G H


The transfer of __________from the anther of a flower to the stigma of a flower is called Pollination

opening of voltage-gated sodium channels and the diffusion of sodium ions into the neuron

The transmission first triggers the _____. action of the sodium-potassium pump opening of voltage-gated sodium channels and the diffusion of sodium ions into the neuron opening of voltage-gated sodium channels and the diffusion of sodium ions out of the neuron opening of voltage-gated potassium channels and the diffusion of potassium ions out of the neuron opening of voltage-gated potassium channels and the diffusion of potassium ions into the neuron

cohesive and adhesive forces of the water column under evaporative tension

The transport of a water column up a very tall tree can be explained by _____. positive pressure in xylem that pushes water up root pressure that pushes water up cohesive and adhesive forces of the water column under evaporative tension gravitational pull


The upper number (120) is the _______________pressure and the lower number (80) is the diastolic pressure.

reduces the incidence of ovulation

The use of birth control pills (oral contraceptives) _____. prevents fertilization by keeping the sperm and egg physically separated by a mechanical barrier prevents implantation of an embryo reduces the incidence of ovulation prevents sperm from exiting the male urethra prevents oocytes from entering the uterus

xylem, phloem

The vascular cambium produces secondary ____________ to the inside and secondary _____________ to the outside.

evaporative cooling and mineral transport

The water lost during transpiration is a side effect of the plant's exchange of gases. However, the plant derives some benefit from this water loss in the form of _____. evaporative cooling and mineral transport increased turgor and increased growth mineral transport and increased growth evaporative cooling and increased turgor

cuticle, open

The waxy ( cuticle / mesophyll) prevents water loss from cells closest to sunlight Stomata can be kept ( open /closed).

more intense annual solar radiation

There are more species in tropical areas than in places more distant from the equator. This is probably a result of _____. more intense annual solar radiation fewer predators more frequent ecological disturbances fewer agents of disease


There is ( more / less) oxygen in water than in air.

diploid, haploid

There's alternation between (haploid / diploid ) sporophyte & ( haploid / diploid ) gametophytes.


Therefore, would you expect a fungal mycelium to be likely to dry out in dry conditions? _______________


This figure shows a ______________ growth model.


This figure shows the ___________ growth model which described an idealized population growth that is slowed by limiting factors as the population size increases;


This surface ozone may be ( harmful /harmless) to life.


This transition between sporophyte and gametophyte generation is called __________________ of generation.

a plant cell in the process of cytokinesis

Through a microscope, you can see a cell plate beginning to develop across the middle of a cell and nuclei forming on either side of the cell plate. This cell is most likely _____. an animal cell in the process of cytokinesis a plant cell in the process of cytokinesis a bacterial cell dividing an animal cell in the S phase of the cell cycle a plant cell in metaphase


Thyroid hormone is important to metamorphosis. Ex: tadpole is herbivorous but the adult frog is _________________.


Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates __________to produce thyroxine


Thyroxine requires __________ to be made.

Isolate bacterium from an infected sick animal and demonstrate that it is the same bacterium as the one used for infection.

To establish a link between a specific bacterium and a skin disease, researchers have shown that bacterium was present in sick persons but not in healthy individuals. They isolated the bacterium in a pure culture and demonstrated that experimental healthy animals injected with this culture became sick. What other experiment do researchers need to perform to be absolutely sure that the bacterium is responsible for the disease? Isolate bacterium from an infected sick animal and demonstrate that it is the same bacterium as the one used for infection. Demonstrate that the bacterium is not able to live outside of humans or animals. Demonstrate that the bacterium belongs to the pathogenic lineage.


Too much nutrients (N and P) can lead to _______ blooms.


Unfortunately ozone holes have formed at the North and South __________ .

secondary xylem

What forms tree growth rings each year? Secondary xylem / secondary phloem / burrowing insects

Ants do somehow protect the treehoppers from spiders.

Treehoppers (a type of insect) produce honeydew, which ants use for food. Treehoppers have a major predator, the jumping spider. Researchers hypothesized that the ants would protect the treehoppers from the spiders. In an experiment, researchers followed study plots with ants removed from the system and compared them to a control plot. In the figure above, what can you conclude? No specific conclusions can be drawn from this figure. Ants do somehow protect the treehoppers from spiders. Ants eat the honeydew produced by treehoppers Ants reduce the numbers of treehoppers. Treehoppers do not produce honeydew in July and are not protected by the ants.


True / false Areas with greater geographical variation tend to have higher biodiversity than areas that are flat or featureless.


True /false A food web is a more realistic depiction of the feeding relationships among organisms in an ecosystem than a food chain


True /false Most species limit their eating to one type of food.


True /false Species rich communities are more stable than those with fewer species.


True /false There is a limit to the number of trophic levels in a food chain.


True /false Tropical rain forests are low in species richness.


True false A single hormone can exert a variety of effects. Thyroid hormones have multiple effects.


True false Several different hormones may affect the same aspect of physiology. For example, several different hormones control glucose levels in blood


True or False. Most Gram-negative cells have a plasma membrane surrounded by a cell wall that has two components - a thin gelatinous layer containing peptidoglycan and an outer phospholipid bilayer. False. True.


True or False: All protists exhibit parasitic lifestyle. False True


True or false? Cone cells are color photoreceptors that use different retinal molecules to absorb different wavelengths of light. True False


True or false? Data showing that the Bacteria were the first lineage to diverge from the common ancestor of all living organisms suggest that the Archaea and Eukarya are more closely related to each other than they are to the Bacteria. True False


True or false? In most fungi, fertilization is complete after the cells fuse together. True False


True or false? In the global carbon cycle, rivers link the terrestrial and marine reservoirs of carbon, whereas carbon exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean is achieved by active transport. True False


True or false? Local biogeochemical cycles are isolated within their particular ecosystem and all ions and molecules remain in that ecosystem permanently. True False


True or false? Most of the cells in a mushroom contain haploid nuclei. True False


True or false? The "blind spot" in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors. True False


True or false? The M phase is characterized by the replication and division of a cell's chromosomes. True False


True or false? The endosperm in a seed develops into the embryo. True False


True or false? The leukocytes of the innate immune system are B cells, macrophages, and neutrophils. True False


True or false? The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis use water and produce oxygen. True False


True or false? The potential energy in an ATP molecule is derived mainly from its three phosphate groups. True False


True or false? The reactions that generate the largest amounts of ATP during cellular respiration take place in the mitochondria. True False


True/false Species richness is highest in the tropics and declines towards the poles

vasectomy and tubal ligation

Two contraceptive methods that are generally irreversible and which block the gametes from moving to a site where fertilization can occur are _____. the male condom and female condom coitus interruptus and the rhythm method vasectomy and tubal ligation the diaphragm and subcutaneous progesterone implant the male condom and oral contraceptives

In the absence of oxygen, electron transport stops. NADH is no longer converted to NAD+, which is needed for the first three stages of cellular respiration.

Under anaerobic conditions (a lack of oxygen), the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA stops. Which of these statements is the correct explanation for this observation? ATP is needed to convert pyruvate to acetyl CoA. Without oxygen, no ATP can be made in oxidative phosphorylation. Oxygen is an input to acetyl CoA formation. In the absence of oxygen, electron transport stops. NADH is no longer converted to NAD+, which is needed for the first three stages of cellular respiration. Oxygen is required to convert glucose to pyruvate in glycolysis. Without oxygen, no pyruvate can be made.


Under ideal conditions, bacteria can double every _______minutes.


Under normal circumstances is unloading of O2 from capillaries to tissues favored.? _________

extremely hot conditions

Under what conditions in the daytime, might a leaf close its stomata?


Undifferentiated cells in plants that retain an ability to undergo mitosis and produce new cells are called ________________________.

competitive interaction between individuals of the same population

Uniform spacing patterns in plants such as the creosote bush are most often associated with _____. patterns of high humidity chance competitive interaction between individuals of the same population the random distribution of seeds the concentration of nutrients within the population's range


Unlike plant cell walls that contain cellulose, bacterial cell walls are composed of _____.

simple water conducting cells, first vascular tissue, tracheids, vessel elements

Use #s to identify Evolutionary sequence in water conducting cells to stronger and stronger support ___ first vascular tissue primary cell wall cellulose with lignin ___ vessel elements primary cell wall cellulose/ secondary cell wall lignin large gas at ends ___ simple water conducting cells primary cell wall cellulose ___ tracheids primary cell wall cellulose with secondary cell wall with lignin pits at ends


Use light energy as a source of energy for synthesis of organic compounds (sugar) from carbon dioxide and water. (Ex: Cyanobacteria)


Use light energy to generate ATP but they must take in organic compounds from their environment (an unusual bacterium)


Varies nonmotile to motile by use of rotating ____________ or by gliding motion.

vascular, seeds

Vascular seedless plants have __________ tissue but do not make_______. Ex: ferns

carbon dioxide

Ventilation is a process of bringing oxygenated water or air into contact with a gas-exchange surface for exchange of oxygen and___________ __________.


Vertebrae surround the ________ cord

2, 3, and 4

Vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the oval window are transmitted by the structures at which numbers? 1, 2, 3, and 4 5 4 2, 3, and 4 3 and 4


Viruses are acellular - not made of _______.


Voice sounds are produced by the _____. trachea diaphragm bronchioles larynx lungs


Was free oxygen gas present in the air of early earth? ___________________


Water is (more / less ) dense than air.

oceans, ice

Water is mainly found in salty ____________Only 3% of the world's water is fresh, and most is frozen as ________ covering the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica and in glaciers.


Water transport is the primary function of which cell type? Parenchyma cells Epidermal cells Tracheids Sieve tube elements


What % of sunlight do plants capture in photosynthesis? ____________


What % of the atmosphere is Nitrogen gas? ________________

open, drier

What 2 conditions are necessary for transpiration to occur? a) Stomata must ( open / close) as is typical in the daytime. b) The air surrounding leaves is ( drier / wetter) than the air inside leaves which is typical as long as the atmospheric humidity is less than 100%.

nervous, endocrine

What 2 systems together coordinate and regulate what happens in the body? (nervous / endocrine) system acts very quickly; (nervous / endocrine) system has long term effects.

mammals and birds

What animals are the most common seed dispersers? _______________________________

protect seeds from physical damage and seed predators, aid in seed dispersal

What are 2 functions of fruits? ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

They are regions that are extraordinarily rich in species diversity.

What are biodiversity hotspots? They are areas where biodiversity was first studied. They are regions that are extraordinarily rich in species diversity. They are areas that, due to lack of forestation, will be the most affected by global warming. They are the regions with the lowest species richness.


What are organisms called that use inorganic compounds as electron donors in cellular respiration? organotrophs lithotrophs heterotrophs phototrophs

cooling effect

What are the benefits in terms of effects on leaf temperature? ____________________________

removal of excess water, development of root system

What are the benefits of transpiration from the leaves in terms of water flow from roots?


What are the holes in leaves called? ______________

temperature and rainfall

What are the two major factors determining the distribution of terrestrial biomes? temperature and light temperature and rainfall light and rainfall plants and animals temperature and plants

flowering plant, fruit

What are traits unique only to the angiosperms? __________________________________________

the interaction of food availability and predation intensity

What best explains hare and lynx population cycles? the population density of hares the interaction of food availability and predation intensity natural variation in the number of lynxes born the seasonal trends in food availability

temperate grassland

What biome does this climatograph represent? temperate deciduous forest tropical savanna temperate grassland desert tundra

A or O

What can safely receive the Blood type A?

A or B or O

What can safely receive the blood type AB?


What cell is larger and contains a nucleus & other membrane bound organelles?


What cell is tiny and lacks a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles?

Presence of a membrane-bound nucleus

What characteristics were used to classify organisms before Woese's tree of life analysis? Differences in ribosomal RNA sequences Presence of a membrane-bound nucleus Number of cells in the organism Composition of the cell wall

Lack of oxygen

What conditions would lead to low decomposition rates in a marine environment? Lack of oxygen Lack of salt Lack of sunlight Lack of water

The host cell provided a protected environment and carbon compounds for the endosymbiont; the endosymbiont provided increased ATP from the carbon compounds.

What did each partner provide the other, and what did each receive in return? The host cell provided a protected environment and carbon compounds for the endosymbiont; the endosymbiont provided increased ATP from the carbon compounds. The host cell provided a protected environment and carbon compounds for the endosymbiont; the endosymbiont provided carbon compounds. The host cell provided carbon compounds for the endosymbiont; the endosymbiont provided decreased ATP from the carbon compounds. The host cell provided a protected environment for the endosymbiont; the endosymbiont provided decreased ATP from the carbon compounds.

carbon dioxide, metabolic waste

What diffuses into capillary?

oxygen, glucose, amino acids

What diffuses out of capillary?


What do amoeba's use for swimming?


What do euglena use for swimming?

monthly precipitation

What do the blue bars on the graph represent? yearly precipitation average monthly temperature monthly precipitation average yearly temperature

Both processes produce ATP from ADP and P i

What do they have in common? Both processes produce NADPH from NADH {\rm NADH} and P i Both processes occur under the action of ATP synthase. Both processes produce ATP from ADP and P i Both processes occur in the matrix of mitochondria.

makes amino acids that promote the degrading of contractile proteins in muscles, inflammation

What do you think the effects of long term stress are for people? _______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

pollen tube

What does a pollen grain grow as a conduit for sperm nuclei to reach the egg? __________

Cuts the vas deferens

What does a vasectomy do? Cuts the fallopian tubes Cuts the vas deferens Blocks progesterone receptors Kills sperm via a toxin

female gametophyte

What does one megaspore develop into by mitosis? ___________________________

movement of seeds away from parent plant

What does seed dispersal mean? _____________________________________________

Bark replaces the epidermis as a protective covering.

What does the bark do for the tree? Bark forms mutualistic associations with fungi to absorb nutrients. Bark absorbs rainwater as it runs down the tree trunk, conserving water. Bark protects the tree from flower visitors that would steal the nectar. Bark replaces the epidermis as a protective covering.


What does the drying out of the seed prevent? _________________________

Removing a keystone species from the community drastically reduces diversity.

What does the graph in the figure above tell you about the definition of a keystone species? Adding a keystone species to the community will make it more diverse. Removing a keystone species from the community drastically reduces diversity. Removing a keystone species from the community will eventually allow for the invasion of a new species. A keystone species has little interaction with other species in an environment.


What does the megasporocyte produce by meiosis? _________________

average temperature (°C)

What does the red line on the graph represent? average precipitation (inches) average temperature (°C) month of the year average precipitation (mm) average temperature (°F)


What domain includes all eukaryotes?

Bacteria And Archaea

What domains include prokaryotes?

The More Cells That Are Decomposed, The More Oxygen Is Removed From That Area Of Water Which Is Referred To As A Dead Zone

What effect does this have on the Gulf? Hint What is a dead zone?

This Causes A Decrease Of Oxygen In Water Because Decomposers Use So Much Energy

What effect does too much fertilizer carried down the Mississippi have on the cyanobacteria and algae in the Gulf?

phenology, geographic, adaptation, extinction, acidification

What effects on organisms are caused by climate change? _______________ is the timing of seasonal events. __________________ range shifts. Evolutionary ______________. High _____________ rates may occur due to rapid climate change and other stressors. _____________________ of the oceans and other water bodies is a big concern.

Proteobacterium, fission, ribosomes, membranes, genosomes

What evidence supports endosymbiosis hypothesis for origin of mitochondria? Mitochondria are 1. Size of ______________ 2. Replicate by ____________ like bacteria 3. Have own ___________ 4. Have double ____________ Have own ___________ or genes

The nuclear membrane and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of modern eukaryotes are continuous.

What evidence supports the hypothesis that the nuclear envelope of eukaryotes arose from infolding of the plasma membrane? Eukaryotes and prokaryotes differ in control of gene expression. No modern bacteria have infolded plasma membranes. The nuclear membrane allows separation of transcription and translation. The nuclear membrane and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of modern eukaryotes are continuous.


What factor determines whether the temperate biome is rain forest, deciduous forest or grassland? _____

light, food, water, space

What factors may be resources for partition to allow more similar species to coexist together? ____________ _______________ _______________ _____________

coal, seedless vascular

What fuel deposits are associated with the carboniferous period? __________ Most plants growing at this time belong to the ___________________ plants such as ferns, horsetails.


What gas is used in the process of decomposition?_______________________________


What group is the closest living relative to land plants? ____________________________

arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

What group of fungi has the ability to penetrate its host's cell wall, thus increasing the efficiency with which materials are passed from fungus to host? arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ectomycorrhizal fungi endophytes lichens

green algae

What group of protists did the land plants evolve from? __________________

eggshells were cracking and babies weren't being made

What happened to some bird eggs in the United States after DDT had been used for a long time? _____________________________________________________________________________

A blood types create B antibodies receiving B causes immune system to attach to new blood cells and destroy them

What happens if a person with A blood type receives B blood? _____________________ ________________________________________________________________________

A creates B antigen, not O. O doesn't create any antibodies/antigens

What happens if a person with A blood type receives O blood ? ____________________

evolved resistance to some drugs and evolves quickly

What has made development of a vaccine so difficult? _____________________

Study Organisms That Cannot Be Cultured (Grown In The Lab)

What has metagenomic analysis allowed researchers to do for the first time? isolate organisms from an environment and sequence their entire genome identify important morphological differences among species sample organisms from an environment and grow them under defined conditions in the lab study organisms that cannot be cultured (grown in the lab)


What have a structure called a basidia composed of club shaped cells that produce by meiosis 4 sexual spores known as basidiospores.

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

What hormone promotes water retention by the kidneys? follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) prolactin antidiuretic hormone (ADH) melatonin glucagon

burning of fossil fuels, industrially produced fertilizers, cultivation of crops and harbor nitrogen-fixing bacteria

What human activities contribute to the nitrogen fixation? (p1160) ___________________________________________________________________________________

100, yes

What is % saturation of hemoglobin with O2 in the lung capillaries? ______________ At this point, are nearly all 4 Fe2+ on all hemoglobins bound to O2 ? ____________


What is % saturation of hemoglobin with O2 in tissue capillaries at rest with a P O2 of 40 mmHg?______


What is % saturation of hemoglobin with O2 in tissue capillaries during strenuous exercise with a P O2 of 20 mmHg?______

Limited number of offspring

What is a disadvantage of viviparity? Limited number of offspring Mothers have to produce all the nutrition required by the embryo prior to egg laying. Eggs are not well protected after laying. Decreased likelihood of surviving to birth

resources tend to be clustered in nature. Social behavior may promote this pattern

What is another reason for clumping to be most common as relates to social behavior? __________________________


What is direct sequencing? Take a sample of water or soil; analyze the __________sequence, use data to place the organisms in the sample on a phylogenetic tree.

via cotyledons, a source of food for the embryo

What is endosperm? tissue that develops into a protective seed coat surrounding the embryo the male portion of a flowering plant the female portion of a flowering plant via cotyledons, a source of food for the embryo the leaves that are a part of the embryo

the use of energy released from an exergonic reaction to drive an endergonic reaction

What is energy coupling? the use of an enzyme to reduce EA a description of the energetic relationship between the reactants and products in an exergonic reaction the use of energy released from an exergonic reaction to drive an endergonic reaction a barrier to the initiation of a reaction the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + P

human, bird, blood, within blood vessels, generates high rate of blood flow

What is involved with closed circulatory system?

hemolymph, within blood vessels but also free around tissue, mollusk, insect, generates low flow rate of hemolymph

What is involved with open circulatory system?

right side of heart, pumps blood to and from lungs, pulmonary artery, vena cava brings blood to it

What is involved with pulmonary circuit?

left side of heart, pumps blood to and from all parts of body, aorta takes blood to whole body, pulmonary veins

What is involved with systematic circuit?

Physical transfer of a gene from a species in one lineage to a species in another lineage.

What is lateral gene transfer? Inheritance of a gene through mitosis Inheritance of a gene through meiosis Inheritance of a gene from a parent Physical transfer of a gene from a species in one lineage to a species in another lineage.


What is mainly responsible for photosynthesis ? ________________________

the ability to change form depending on environmental conditions

What is meant by phenotypic plasticity in roots and shoots? the nature of cell walls that make cells expand and shrink when necessary the ability to harvest resources from the environment the amount of elongation growth in a growing season the ability to change form depending on environmental conditions

light microscopy

What types of microscopes are used to study protists?

plant biomass or organic material that can be consumed

What is net primary productivity (NPP)? water maintained in the soil minerals and nitrogen that can be fixed solar energy consumed by non-photosynthetic organisms plant biomass or organic material that can be consumed

Sepals protect the flower bud as the flower is developing.

What is one main function of sepals? Sepals remove pollen from the pollinator and transfer the pollen to the stigma. Sepals have no known function. Sepals are the "master planner" of flowering, releasing signals that control the petals, the carpels, and the stamens. Sepals protect the flower bud as the flower is developing.

transport sugar and amino acids

What is phloem's function? Transport water and minerals / transport sugar and amino acids / photosynthesis

circular smooth muscle cells

What is present in arterioles that is NOT present in capillaries? carbon dioxide a lining of endothelial cells white blood cells and platelets circular smooth muscle cells


What is the # of nuclei once the sperm nuclei join with the polar nuclei? ( 1 /2 / 3)

allows seeds to remain viable until conditions improve

What is the advantage of a dormancy period? ____________________________________

more likely to be successful in transferring flowers of the same species

What is the advantage of animal pollination as compared to wind pollination?

It allows for more possible combinations.

What is the advantage of assembling the variable region of an antibody from discrete gene segments in a B cell? Faster assembly of the region It makes the antibody more mobile. Easier to fool infection It allows for more possible combinations.

less dependent on habitat

What is the advantage of pollen as compared to sperm swimming to the egg? ___________________________________________________________________________

20-25 degrees celcius

What is the average temperature range that qualifies as a hot desert? ___________________

Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon

What is the basic composition of earth's atmosphere today? _______________________

receives food

What is the benefit to the animal pollinators? ______________


What is the benefit to the flowering plants? ________________________

Precipitation is greatest in the spring and summer.

What is the best description of the pattern of precipitation shown by this graph? Precipitation is greatest in the winter and spring. Precipitation is greatest in the spring and summer. Precipitation is greatest in the summer and fall. Precipitation is greatest in the fall and winter.

Winters are cold and summers are hot.

What is the best description of the yearly temperature range shown by this graph? Winters are cold and summers are cool. Winters are cold and summers are hot. Temperatures are mild throughout the year. Temperatures are very cold throughout the year. Winters are mild and summers are hot.

900 mm

What is the best estimate of the total yearly precipitation in the region represented by this graph? 75 mm 75 inches 500 mm 900 mm 900 inches cannot be determined from this graph

They convert carbon dioxide to sugar.

What is the biological significance of the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis? They convert ATP to sugar. They convert carbon dioxide to sugar. They generate ATP and NADPH. They make oxygen.

temperate deciduous forest

What is the biome in which we live? ____________________________________________

ER, cis-Golgi, trans-Golgi, vesicles

What is the correct sequence for secreted protein movement through the endomembrane system? ER, trans-Golgi, cis-Golgi, vesicles vesicles, ER, trans-Golgi, cis-Golgi ER, cis-Golgi, trans-Golgi, vesicles cis-Golgi, trans-Golgi, ER, vesicles

glycolysis, pyruvate processing, citric acid cycle, electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation

What is the correct sequence of steps in cellular respiration, starting with glucose? glycolysis, pyruvate processing, citric acid cycle, fermentation glycolysis, pyruvate processing, citric acid cycle, electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation glycolysis, citric acid cycle, pyruvate processing, electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation glycolysis, citric acid cycle, electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation, fermentation

the plant cannot continue transpiring and will wilt

What is the danger if transpiration occurs when a plant is exposed to a dry condition?

Pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma. Fertilization is the fusion of haploid nuclei.

What is the difference between pollination and fertilization in flowering plants? Pollen is formed within megasporangia so that male and female gametes are near each other. If fertilization occurs, pollination is unnecessary. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma. Fertilization is the fusion of haploid nuclei. Fertilization precedes pollination.


What is the dominant conservation problem faced by marine species? overexploitation pollution invasive species (introduced competitors, diseases, or predators) habitat destruction


What is the electron acceptor for humans in the electron transport chain? Sugars Sulfate Oxygen Water


What is the embryonic root? _______________________________________

It is acquired by a reactant in an endergonic reaction.

What is the fate of the phosphate group that is removed when ATP is converted to ADP? It is acquired by a reactant in a spontaneous reaction. It is used to convert an ATP into an AQP. It is broken down into one phosphorus and four oxygen atoms. It is acquired by a reactant in an endergonic reaction. It is acquired by a reactant in an exergonic reaction


What is the female gametophyte ( what structure formed the egg? _____________________

transport of water and minerals

What is the first function of xylem as in sapwood? Transport of water and minerals / transport of sugar and amino acids / support of the plant


What is the force behind the process known as "transpiration" in plants? Water is absorbed into the roots through root hairs. cohesion-tension Water is absorbed into the leaves through stomata. Carbon dioxide is absorbed through stomata.

The upper and lower intertidal zones

What is the fundamental niche of Chthamalus? The upper and lower intertidal zones The mean tide level The upper intertidal zone The lower intertidal zone

to clean up areas polluted with toxic compounds by using bacteria

What is the goal of bioremediation? to improve human health with the help of living organisms such as bacteria to clean up areas polluted with toxic compounds by using bacteria to improve bacteria for production of useful chemicals to kill pathogenic bacteria with the use of antibiotics to improve soil quality for plant growth by using bacteria

The light-independent reactions turn CO2, a gas, into usable carbon in the form of sugars.

What is the importance of the light-independent reactions in terms of carbon flow in the biosphere? The light-independent reactions use CO2 to make ATP. The light-independent reactions turn CO2, a gas, into usable carbon in the form of sugars. The light-independent reactions turn sugar into ATP for energy. The light-independent reactions turn glucose, a sugar, into CO2 gas.

produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

What is the major adaptive advantage of cellular respiration? produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) supply cell with fixed carbon reduce an electron acceptor molecule generate oxygen utilize glucose

sperm of a flower

What is the male gametophyte? _________________________________

protect an entire area from exploitation

What is the most effective way to preserve species diversity? protect an entire area from exploitation genetic restoration wildlife corridors seed banks

ER → Golgi → vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane

What is the most likely pathway taken by a newly synthesized protein that will be secreted by a cell? ER → lysosomes → vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane ER → Golgi → nucleus nucleus → ER → Golgi Golgi → ER → lysosome ER → Golgi → vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane

tropical rainforest

What is the most productive terrestrial biome? ____________________________________


What is the period when a seed will not germinate after it has been dispersed?___________


What is the population of hares at time 0? ____________________ hares per km2


What is the population of hares at time 10 years? ____________________ hares per km2


What is the population of lynx at time 0? ____________________ lynx per 100km2


What is the population of lynx at time 10 years? ____________________ lynx per 100km2

There are energy constraints.

What is the primary limiting factor that determines why no female animal can produce a very large number of very large eggs? There are energy constraints. Male availability is limited. Time is limited. Temperature constraints will prevent females from carrying too many eggs. There will be an increase in predation pressure if the females carry too many large eggs.


What is the source of an increase in nutrients such as phosphates and nitrates in the water in the first place? _________________________

catabolic pathways

What is the term for metabolic pathways that release stored energy by breaking down complex molecules? catabolic pathways anabolic pathways bioenergetic pathways thermodynamic pathways fermentation pathways


What is the term for seed - leaves? __________________________________


What is the term for the embryonic stem ? ____________________________


What is the term for the movement of carbon atoms through biological organisms, chemical processes and geological processes? _________ cycle


What is the term when a unicellular algal population grows rapidly and reaches high densities in an aquatic environment?___________


What is the time span of the Carboniferous Period? _______________mya


What is the waxy covering on leaves called that prevents water loss?__________

secondary xylem

What is the wood of the tree composed of? Secondary phloem / cork / secondary xylem


What is this?


What is this?


What is this?


What is transfer of pollen from flower anther to flower stigma ? _____________


What kind of bond is formed when lithium and fluorine combine to form lithium fluoride? Redox. Nonpolar covalent. Polar covalent. Ionic.

molecules with low potential energy

What kind of molecules serve as electron acceptors in cellular respiration? molecules with low potential energy water molecules with high potential energy polar molecules molecules in an excited state

nonvascular plants

What kind of plants were the first land plants? _______________________


What kind of spore produced the pollen? ( microspore / megaspore)

Anti A

What will produce antibodies with blood type B?


What level would an ecologist be studying if the focus of his/her study was : Competition among all the herbivores living in a grassland? ____________________


What level would an ecologist be studying if the focus of his/her study was : Decrease in population size of redfish in the Gulf of Mexico? ______________


What level would an ecologist be studying if the focus of his/her study was : Global warming? ______________


What level would an ecologist be studying if the focus of his/her study was : Nitrogen cycle in a tropical forest? ______________________


What level would an ecologist be studying if the focus of his/her study was : Study of an individual gorilla's ability to learn language?____________________

Fusion of hyphae

What life cycle step allows fungi to reproduce sexually without gametes? Formation of gametophytic mycelium Formation of sporophytic mycelium Meiosis Fusion of hyphae

The chromosomes end up at opposite ends of the cell, and two nuclear envelopes form around them.

What major events occur during telophase of mitosis? Chromosomes replicate, so each chromosome consists of two identical sister chromatids. Sister chromatids separate, and the spindle poles are pushed farther apart. Chromosomes condense and the nuclear envelope disappears. The chromosomes end up at opposite ends of the cell, and two nuclear envelopes form around them.

They rapidly colonize soil that is exposed and has few or no competitors already present.

What makes pioneering plant species successful? They are naturally selected for longevity. They can outcompete all other species. They rapidly colonize soil that is exposed and has few or no competitors already present. They are adapted for survival under all kinds of conditions.


What may happen to the dead cells and CaCO3 shells that accumulate on the bottom of the ocean.? ____________ rocks may form from the shells.


What method would you use to best identify the diversity of bacterial and archaeal species in the soil present on your campus? Culture bacteria from a sample. Microscope Metagenomics Enrichment

carbon dioxide

What molecule is produced in the citric acid cycle as a by-product of glucose oxidation and is considered a waste product? FADH2 NADH ATP carbon dioxide


What molecule is released when water is split in the light reactions of photosynthesis? carbon dioxide chlorophyll NADPH oxygen


What molecule produced during the citric acid cycle feeds into the electron transport chain? ATP oxygen (O2 FADH2 carbon dioxide


What must the seed take in for seed germination to begin? ______________________

travel via pollen tube

What must the sperm do to reach the egg? ____________________________________________


What name is given to the opening that allows light into the interior of the eye? sclera pupil ligament optic nerve retina


What name is given to the reactants in an enzymatically catalyzed reaction? reactors products EA substrate active sites


What name is given to the tough layer that forms the "white" of the eye? blind spot choroid fovea sclera aqueous humor


What organ holds the leaves up to the light and connects roots to leaves? _____________

mitochondria, nucleus, cytoskeleton

What organelles are membranous and are hypothesized to have been formed by infolding the plasma membrane?


What organisms are most numerous on Earth? plants prokaryotes eukaryotes archaea insects


What organisms do nitrogen fixation? ___________


What organisms were pumping oxygen out through photosynthesis?_____________

synaptic terminal

What part of a neuron relays signals from one neuron to another neuron or to an effector? dendrite axon hillock synaptic terminal axon node of Ranvier


What part of the carpel is sticky and traps pollen? ______________________


What parts form an outer protective whorl? __________________


What parts furnish a visual advertisement to pollinators? _____________________


What parts produce ovules ? ________________________


What parts produce pollen? _________________________

the frequent trend for there to be more species in communities at lower latitudes

What pattern do ecologists describe when referring to the latitudinal gradient? the frequent trend for there to be more species in communities at higher latitudes niche separation versus niche overlap the productivity of a community in kilograms of biomass per hectare the frequent trend for there to be more species in communities at lower latitudes


What plant organs absorb water and minerals from soil? ___________

nitrogen fixation

What process is required to convert or "fix" nitrogen gas to a usable form ( ammonia, ammonium, nitrate) for plants and algae? ________________________


What process moves carbon atoms into primary producers? Hint : How do producers make food


What promotes cross-pollination?


What will produce antibodies with blood type O?

They continue to divide and multiply after decades of culture.

What property of Henrietta Lacks' cells was most unusual when they were grown in the laboratory? They never divided. They did not require nutrients. They continue to divide and multiply after decades of culture. They grew to more than 10 times their normal size.

Steroid hormones are lipid soluble and easily cross the phospholipid bilayer.

What property of steroid hormones allows them to cross the phospholipid bilayer? Steroid hormones act on the same cells in which they are produced and, therefore, are within the cell they are acting upon. Steroid hormones are lipid soluble and easily cross the phospholipid bilayer. Steroid hormones act on cells close to where they were produced and very few molecules are required to travel such a short distance to cross the lipid bilayer. Steroid hormones can act in very small concentrations and very few molecules of steroids need to cross the lipid bilayer.


What provides the cell with structural support?

It regenerates NAD+ from NADH to keep glycolysis going in the absence of oxygen.

What purpose does fermentation serve? It regenerates NAD+ from NADH to keep glycolysis going in the absence of oxygen. It produces an abundance of ATP when oxygen is present. It allows for the production of NADH, which keeps the electron transport chain going. Under aerobic conditions, it drives the formation of acetyl CoA, which then feeds into the citric acid cycle.

early treat by doctor and doctor closely monitoring your pregnancy

What step is taken to prevent this from happening? _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________


What structure holds up the anther? _____________________________

nuclear envelope

What synapomorphy defines the Eukarya? meiosis and sexual reproduction nuclear envelope fission multicellularity

actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules

What three distinct elements make up the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells? microfilaments, intermediate filaments, macrofilaments actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules flagella, cilia, and centrosomes carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids

cork cambium

What tissue produces cork cells? Vascular cambium / cork cambium / apical meristem

vascular cambium

What tissue produces secondary phloem? Vascular cambium / cork cambium / apical meristem

vascular cambium

What tissue produces secondary xylem? Vascular cambium / cork cambium / apical meristem

supportive vascular tissue & dominant sporophyte

What trait is shared with both seedless and seed vascular plants but is not found in nonvascular plants ( bryophytes? __________________________

wood, ovules, seeds, pollen

What traits are only shared by the gymnosperms and the angiosperms? ________________________


What two molecules produced during the light-capturing reactions of photosynthesis are used in the Calvin cycle? NADPH and ATP oxygen and water glucose and oxygen carbon dioxide and oxygen

Cancerous cells possess defects that make proteins required for cell growth active and tumor suppressor genes inactive.

What two types of defects does a cancerous cell possess? Cancerous cells lack the ability to carry out cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Cancerous cells possess defects that make proteins required for cell growth active and tumor suppressor genes inactive. Cancerous cells possess defects that make proteins required for cell growth inactive and tumor suppressor genes active. Cancerous cells are prevented from dividing and have inhibited growth patterns.

coniferous forest

What type of biome is also referred to as taiga? ________________________________


What type of blood vessels has the slowest velocity of blood flow? arteries arterioles capillaries veins

Schwann cells

What type of cell makes up the myelin sheath of a motor neuron? astrocytes microglial cells Ranvier cells ependymal cells Schwann cells

passive immunity

What type of immunity is associated with breast feeding? active immunity innate immunity passive immunity cell-mediated immunity


What type of microbe prefers high acid environments?


What type of microbe prefers high temperature and high acid environments?


What type of microbe prefers high temperature environments?


What type of microbe prefers high-salt environments?


What type of microbe prefers low-temperature environments?


What type of reaction breaks the bonds that join the phosphate groups in an ATP molecule? anabolism dehydration synthesis hydrolysis dehydration decomposition entropic


What type of respiration was engaged in by organisms when free oxygen gas was not present?_________


What type of survivorship curve would the following animals have? Humans ___________________


What type of survivorship curve would the following animals have? Squirrels _________________


What type of survivorship curve would the following animals have? elephants _____________


What type of survivorship curve would the following animals have? fish__________________


What type of survivorship curve would the following animals have? flies_______________


What type of survivorship curve would the following animals have? lizards___________

secondary consumer

When a human eats a steak, the human is acting as a _____. producer tertiary consumer primary consumer secondary consumer detritivore

synaptic terminals

When a nerve signal reaches the end of a neuron it reaches _____________ _______________


When a neuron is not sending a signal ( not communicating with other cells), the differnces in charge across its membranes is called a ___________ potential.


When a neuron is sending a nerve signal, there is a rapid temporary change in membrane potential called (threshold / action ) potential.

they have cell walls, which provide pressure to counteract the pressure of the incoming water

When an animal cell is placed in a hypotonic solution and water enters the cell via osmosis, the volume of the cell increases until it bursts. This does not happen to plant cells, because _____. they have cell walls, which prevent the entry of water by osmosis the composition of their plasma membranes differs from that of animal-cell plasma membranes in a way that provides much greater strength they have cell walls, which provide pressure to counteract the pressure of the incoming water certain gated channel proteins embedded in their plasma membranes open as osmotic pressure decreases, allowing excess water to leave the cell they have large central vacuoles, which provide abundant space for storage of incoming water


When an electrical potential exists across a plasma membrane, the separation of charges is called a _________________ potential.

how quickly a community recovers following a disturbance

When biologists refer to community stability, resilience is a measure of _____. how community members work together (cohesion) to maintain stability how quickly a community recovers following a disturbance how many members of a community there are total how many members of a community succumb to a disease, blight, or parasite

suffering from cervical cancer

When cells were first taken from Henrietta Lacks, she was _____. only two years old in high school already dead suffering from cervical cancer

It is lost to the environment.

When chemical, transport, or mechanical work is done by an organism, what happens to the heat generated? It is used to generate ADP from nucleotide precursors. It is used to store energy as more ATP. It is used to power yet more cellular work. It is transported to specific organs such as the brain. It is lost to the environment.


When one sperm nuclei and egg unite, a zygote results which then forms the ___________.

splitting water molecules

When oxygen is released as a result of photosynthesis, it is a direct by-product of _____. the electron transfer system of photosystem II reducing NADP+ chemiosmosis splitting water molecules the electron transfer system of photosystem I

fungicide might also kill mycorrhizae

When pathogenic fungi are found growing on the roots of grape vines, grape farmers sometimes respond by covering the ground around their vines with plastic sheeting and pumping a gaseous fungicide into the soil. The most important concern of grape farmers who engage in this practice should be that the _____. sheeting is transparent so that photosynthesis can continue fungicide might also kill the native yeasts residing on the surfaces of the grapes lichens growing on the vines' branches are not harmed fungicide might also kill mycorrhizae


When properly aligned, the enzyme and substrate form an enzyme-substrate (ES) ______________________.

The Organic Matter Builds Up As They Rot And Suck The Oxygen Away From The Water.

When the algae and cyanobacteria die in great numbers, they sink to the bottom. What happens next?


When the mosquito bites, what fluid from the mosquito enters the human? __________


When the pancreas secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine via a duct, it acts as an (exocrine / endocrine) gland.


When the pancreas secretes insulin into the bloodstream , it acts as an (exocrine / endocrine) gland.

rising carbon dioxide

When you hold your breath, which of the following blood gas changes first leads to the urge to breathe? rising oxygen falling carbon dioxide rising carbon dioxide falling oxygen

sensory neuron

When you touch a warm plate of food being handed around the dinner table, the first type of neuron to be activated is a(n) _____. autonomic motor neuron interneuron somatic motor neuron sensory neuron

the postsynaptic membrane

Where are neurotransmitter receptors located? synaptic vesicle membranes the myelin sheath the nuclear membrane the nodes of Ranvier the postsynaptic membrane


Where are ovules located? __________________

2 nuclei from mitotic division in a microspore

Where are pollen grains produced? _____________________________

on the under-surface of the fern frond

Where are sori (clusers of sporangia) located on a fern leaf? ________________________

on top of the kidneys

Where are the adrenal glands located in humans? in the pelvic cavity on top of the kidneys in the neck in the brain

stroma of the chloroplast

Where do the enzymatic reactions of the Calvin cycle take place? thylakoid membranes cytosol around the chloroplast matrix of the mitochondria stroma of the chloroplast thylakoid space

north of equator 60 degrees north

Where do you find tundra?_______________________


Where does meiosis occur in a mushroom? Spores Basidia Mycelium Hyphae

diploid zygote via meiosis

Where does sexual reproduction occur in the mosquito?__________________


Where in the stamen are they produced? _______________________

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Where is calcium stored? microtubules rough endoplasmic reticulum centrioles smooth endoplasmic reticulum mitochondria

washington state

Where is there a temperate rainforest in the continental United States? _________________

At the base of Plantae

Where on the phylogenetic tree should the origin of chloroplasts appear? At the base of green algae and land plants At the base of the group Bikonta At the base of Eukaryotes At the base of Plantae


Which algal group has chloroplasts much like those of green plants in structure and pigment makeup? diatoms chlorophytes red algae brown algae golden algae

Sedimentary rock.

Which area is not one of the three major reservoirs of the global carbon cycle? Sedimentary rock. Atmosphere. Terrestrial ecosystems. Oceans.

tropical rainforest

Which biome has both highest average temperature and highest annual precipitation? _______________


Which biome has both lowest average temperature and lowest annual precipitation? ___________

tropical rain forest

Which biome is characterized by an extensive canopy that allows little light to penetrate to the ground and by the presence of epiphytes? temperate grassland coniferous forest tropical rain forest desert tundra


Which biome is characterized by the presence of permafrost? taiga tropical forest tundra coniferous forest desert

Tropical wet forest

Which biome is the most productive? Tropical wet forest Tropical dry forest Temperate forest Desert


Which blood vessel has valves to prevent backflow?___________________


Which blood vessel is only one cell layer thick? ______________________


Which blood vessel is the most muscular? ___________________________


Which blood vessel is the usual place to draw blood from? ________________


Which blood vessel is where you feel the pulse the strongest? _____________

algal beds and reefs

Which category in the figure above makes available the highest productivity per square meter? tropical wet forest wetlands algal beds and reefs open ocean


Which cells in a root form a protective barrier to the vascular system where all materials must move through the symplast? endodermis epidermis cortex pericycle exodermis


Which dispersion pattern is most rare? _____________________________________________


Which division of the PNS will command your intestines to engage in peristalsis or to stop? ________________


Which division of the PNS will command your leg muscles to contract? __________________


Which division of the PNS will convey sensory information to the CNS?____________________


Which division of the PNS will speed up or slow down the beat of the heart? __________________


Which electron carrier(s) function in the citric acid cycle? ADP and ATP the electron transport chain NADH and FADH2 NAD+ only

Mitochondria have their own ribosomes and manufacture their own proteins.

Which evidence is consistent with the endosymbiotic hypothesis for the origin of the mitochondrion? Mitochondria are much smaller than an average bacterium. Streptomycin inhibits eukaryotic and mitochondrial ribosomes. All genes vital for the functioning of mitochondria are found in the nucleus. Mitochondria have their own ribosomes and manufacture their own proteins.


Which group is characterized by cells with fine hairlike projections on their flagella? Euglenozoa Stramenopila Alveolata Metazoa Rhodophyta


Which group was not described in Woese's tree of life analysis? Archaea Eukarya Prokarya Bacteria

open ocean

Which habitat types in the figure above cover the largest area? open ocean tropical wet forest plus the ocean neritic zone algal beds and reefs plus the ocean neritic zone wetlands plus the ocean neritic zone

the tropical rain forests and coral reefs

Which habitats are the most productive? the open ocean the tropical rain forests and coral reefs the combination of wetlands, estuaries, and deserts the combined boreal and temperate forests

tubes and shoots

Which has more surface area relative to volume? ( Tubes and sheets / cubes)


Which hormone opposes the action of parathyroid hormone? calcitonin insulin thyroxine thymosin glucagon

luteinizing hormone (LH)

Which hormone stimulates hormone production by the ovaries and testes? progesterone testosterone glucocorticoids luteinizing hormone (LH) estrogens


Which hormone stimulates milk production? parathyroid hormone mineralocorticoids prolactin thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) thymosin

Sperm and egg

Which human cells undergo plasmogamy? Neurons Sperm and egg Hair cells Muscle cells


Which is the longest living part of the fungal life cycle? Mushroom Spore Mycelium Zygote


Which is the most efficient food source to consume in terms of bioenergetics? Cow Pig Fish Chicken


Which metabolic pathway is common to both cellular respiration and fermentation? oxidative phosphorylation glycolysis chemiosmosis the citric acid cycle the oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA

predation, competition

Which of the following are important biotic factors that can affect the structure and organization of biological communities? precipitation, wind predation, competition temperature, water light intensity, seasonality nutrient availability, soil pH

production of antibodies

Which of the following best represents the humoral immune response? production of antibodies activation of cytotoxic T cells secretion of chemokines activation of clotting factors

all of the above

Which of the following can change the shape of an enzyme? temperature pH phosphorylation all of the above


Which of the following cells can engulf a pathogen? Platelets. Mast cells. Cytokines. Macrophages.

flagellated spores

Which of the following characteristics is unique to chytrids compared to other groups of fungi? flagellated spores autotrophic mode of nutrition zoospores nucleotide sequences of several genes cell walls of cellulose

All of the above are correct.

Which of the following conditions can be varied in an enrichment culture to isolate bacteria that prefer a specific set of conditions? pH temperature food source All of the above are correct.

Spermatogenesis results in four mature sperm cells, while oogenesis results in one mature egg cell.

Which of the following correctly describes a difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis? Spermatogenesis results in four mature sperm cells, while oogenesis results in one mature egg cell. In spermatogenesis, mitosis occurs twice and meiosis once, while in oogenesis, mitosis occurs once and meiosis twice. In spermatogenesis, mitosis occurs twice and meiosis once, while in oogenesis, mitosis occurs once and meiosis twice. Spermatogenesis results in one mature sperm cell, while oogenesis results in four mature egg cells. Spermatogenesis results in four mature sperm cells, while oogenesis results in one mature egg cell.

development of wood and bark

Which of the following describes secondary growth? development of leaves and flowers growth of herbaceous tissue development of fruit development of wood and bark growth in height

systole of the left ventricle

Which of the following develops the greatest pressure on the blood in the mammalian aorta? diastole of the right atrium diastole of the right ventricle systole of the left atrium systole of the left ventricle diastole of the left atrium

replication of the DNA

Which of the following does NOT occur during mitosis? separation of the spindle poles spindle formation condensation of the chromosomes replication of the DNA separation of sister chromatids

produce new red blood cells and other formed elements

Which of the following does blood not do? produce new red blood cells and other formed elements transport O2 and CO2 distribute body heat buffer against pH changes

Hyphae are produced by mitosis.

Which of the following events occurs first in the development of a spore into a mature mushroom? The mycelium forms. Hyphae are produced by mitosis. Haploid nuclei fuse to form a diploid nucleus. A heterokaryotic mycelium forms.

Platelets release proteins that form clots and decrease bleeding.

Which of the following events occurs first when a wound that breaks the skin has occurred? Macrophages present bacterial proteins as antigens on their plasma membrane. Mast cells secrete chemical messengers to regulate blood flow to the wound. Platelets release proteins that form clots and decrease bleeding. Neutrophils secrete substances that degrade bacterial cell walls.

the extraction of energy from high-energy electrons remaining from glycolysis and the citric acid cycle

Which of the following events takes place in the electron transport chain? the breakdown of an acetyl group to carbon dioxide the breakdown of glucose into two pyruvate molecules substrate-level phosphorylation the extraction of energy from high-energy electrons remaining from glycolysis and the citric acid cycle

Poor nutrient conditions

Which of the following events would cause the cell cycle to arrest? Poor nutrient conditions Synthesis of cyclins by growth factors and activation of a cyclin-Cdk complex Chromosomes lined up along the metaphase plate Complete chromosome replication

counting the number of moss plants in one-square-meter quadrants

Which of the following examples would most accurately measure the density of the population being studied? counting the number of zebras from airplane census observations. counting the number of coyote droppings per hectare counting the number of moss plants in one-square-meter quadrants counting the number of times a one-kilometer transect is intersected by tracks of red squirrels after a snowfall counting the number of prairie dog burrows per hectare

an anaerobic archaean species

Which of the following extremophiles might researchers most likely use as a model for the earliest organisms on Earth? a bacterium that thrives in a highly acidic environment a bacterium found on another planet or moon an archaean capable of surviving in the polar ice caps a bacterium capable of living at extremely high salinity an anaerobic archaean species

porous cell walls

Which of the following features of plant cells allows for apoplastic movement of water? porous cell walls endodermal cells large central vacuole plasmodesmata

the pancreas

Which of the following has both endocrine and exocrine activity? the pancreas salivary glands adrenal glands parathyroid glands the pituitary gland


Which of the following is NOT a reproductive structure in fungi? Zygosporangia Basidia Asci Mycelia

Toxic chemicals in the environment pose greater risk to top-level predators than to primary consumers.

Which of the following is a consequence of biological magnification (biomagnification)? Populations of top-level predators are generally smaller than populations of primary consumers. The biomass of producers in an ecosystem is generally higher than the biomass of primary consumers. Only a small portion of the energy captured by producers is transferred to consumers. The amount of biomass in the producer level of an ecosystem decreases if the producer turnover time increases. Toxic chemicals in the environment pose greater risk to top-level predators than to primary consumers.

The synthesis of sister chromatids

Which of the following is a function of the S phase in the cell cycle? The synchronization of organelle division The synthesis of sister chromatids The separation of sister chromatids The sorting of chromosomes

Tropical communities are generally older than temperate and polar communities.

Which of the following is a widely supported explanation for the tendency of tropical communities to have greater species diversity than temperate or polar communities? There are fewer parasites to negatively affect the health of tropical communities. More competitive dominant species have evolved in temperate and polar communities. Tropical communities are generally older than temperate and polar communities. Tropical communities are low in altitude, whereas temperate and polar communities are high in altitude. They are less likely to be affected by human disturbance.

When the level of glucose in the blood increases, the pancreas produces and releases the hormone insulin. Insulin acts to decrease blood glucose. As blood glucose decreases, the rate of production and release of insulin decreases as blood glucose decreases.

Which of the following is an example of negative feedback? When a baby is nursing, suckling leads to the production of more milk and a subsequent increase in the secretion of prolactin (a hormone that stimulates lactation). After a blood vessel is damaged, signals are released by the damaged tissues that activate platelets in the blood. These activated platelets release chemicals that activate more platelets. During birthing contractions, oxytocin (a hormone) is released and acts to stimulate further contractions. When the level of glucose in the blood increases, the pancreas produces and releases the hormone insulin. Insulin acts to decrease blood glucose. As blood glucose decreases, the rate of production and release of insulin decreases as blood glucose decreases.

a molecule of glucose

Which of the following is an example of potential rather than kinetic energy? water rushing over Niagara Falls a molecule of glucose the muscle contractions of a person mowing grass a crawling beetle foraging for food light flashes emitted by a firefly

fertilization in Daphnia

Which of the following is an example of sexual reproduction? fertilization in Daphnia parthenogenesis in lizards budding in sponges binary fission in Amoeba


Which of the following is developed from the male spore? Zygote Pollen Seed Egg


Which of the following is found in angiosperms but not in gymnosperms? seeds pollen cones microsporangia anthers

Increased blood flow to the area

Which of the following is likely to cause the reddening associated with an infection? The release of cytokines from macrophages Dilation of blood vessels triggered by mast cells Toxins released by the infection Increased blood flow to the area

A four-chambered heart

Which of the following is most likely to be found in a terrestrial animal with high activity rates? A two-chambered heart A four-chambered heart An open circulatory system A three-chambered heart


Which of the following is present in a prokaryotic cell? ribosome chloroplast ER mitochondrion nuclear envelope

a condition in which self molecules are treated as non-self

Which of the following is the best definition of autoimmune disease? a condition in which B cells and T cells respond independently to antigens and do not interact correctly a condition in which self molecules are treated as non-self a condition in which the adaptive immune system fails to recognize the second infection by the same antigen a condition in which the immune system creates random antibodies without being triggered by an antigen

habitat alteration, fragmentation, and destruction

Which of the following is the greatest threat to biodiversity? habitat alteration, fragmentation, and destruction overharvesting of commercially important species disruption of trophic relationships as more and more prey species become extinct pollution of Earth's air, water, and soil introduced species that compete with native species

the skin

Which of the following is the most important barrier to pathogen entry in humans and many other animals? the cuticle the secretion of lysozyme the mucus coat the skin

Enzymes increase the rate of chemical reaction by lowering activation energy barriers.

Which of the following is true of enzymes? Enzymes increase the rate of chemical reaction by lowering activation energy barriers. Enzyme function is increased if the 3-D structure or conformation of an enzyme is altered. Enzymes increase the rate of chemical reaction by providing activation energy to the substrate. Enzyme function is independent of physical and chemical environmental factors such as pH and temperature.


Which of the following levels of analysis is not typically used to measure biodiversity? Genetic Species Behavior Ecosystem

ecosystem, community, population, organism

Which of the following levels of ecological organization is arranged in the correct sequence from most to least inclusive? organism, community, population, ecosystem population, ecosystem, organism, community ecosystem, community, population, organism organism, population, community, ecosystem community, ecosystem, organism, population


Which of the following locations is the main reservoir for nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle? soil fossilized plant and animal remains (coal, oil, and natural gas) plant and animal biomass atmosphere sedimentary bedrock

a decrease in the number of primary consumers

Which of the following might be a result of adding a secondary consumer to the aquatic ecosystem illustrated above? an increase in the population of scavengers an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide a decrease in the carbon sink a decrease in the number of primary consumers a decrease in the population of decomposers


Which of the following molecules is the primary product of photosystem I? Carbon dioxide Oxygen ATP NADPH

glycolysis and fermentation

Which of the following occurs in the cytosol of a eukaryotic cell? citric acid cycle glycolysis and fermentation oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA fermentation and chemiosmosis oxidative phosphorylation

mature leaves

Which of the following plant organs may act as a source for translocation of sugars inside a plant? developing flowers young growing leaves mature leaves any non-green tissue

oxidative phosphorylation (chemiosmosis)

Which of the following produces the most ATP when glucose (C6H12O6) is completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water? fermentation oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA glycolysis citric acid cycle oxidative phosphorylation (chemiosmosis)

Regneration of RuBP

Which of the following reactions ensures that the Calvin cycle can make a continuous supply of glucose? Production of 3-phosphoglycerate Carbon fixation Production of G3P Regneration of RuBP

meiosis → gametes → zygote → mitosis → embryo

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of events for sexual reproduction in most vertebrates? mitosis → gametes → meiosis → zygote → embryo meiosis → gametes → mitosis → zygote → embryo meiosis → gametes → zygote → mitosis → embryo mitosis → zygote → meiosis → gametes → embryo meiosis → zygote → mitosis → gametes → embryo

the tracheal system of an insect

Which of the following respiratory systems is NOT closely associated with the blood supply? the lungs of a vertebrate the gills of a fish the skin of an earthworm the tracheal system of an insect

hair cell — mechanoreceptor

Which of the following sensory receptors is correctly paired with its category? rod — chemoreceptor olfactory receptor — electromagnetic receptor muscle spindle — electromagnetic receptor hair cell — mechanoreceptor taste receptor — mechanoreceptor

NAD+ is reduced to NADH during glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, and the citric acid cycle

Which of the following statements about NAD+ is true? In the absence of NAD+, glycolysis can still function. NAD+ has more chemical energy than NADH. NAD+ is oxidized by the action of hydrogenases. NAD+ is reduced to NADH during glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, and the citric acid cycle. NAD+ can donate electrons for use in oxidative phosphorylation.

Action potentials are propagated down the length of the axon.

Which of the following statements about action potentials is correct? Action potentials are propagated down the length of the axon. Movement of ions during the action potential occurs mostly through the sodium pump. Action potentials for a given neuron vary in magnitude. Action potentials for a given neuron vary in duration.

The retinal molecule changes shape when it absorbs light.

Which of the following statements about photoreception is true? Rod cells are responsible for color vision. Rhodopsin is found in cone cells. The retinal molecule changes shape when it absorbs light. Cone cells are sensitive to dim light.

A paraphyletic group consists of a common ancestor and some of its descendants.

Which of the following statements about phylogenetic trees is true? A paraphyletic group consists of an ancestral population and all of its descendants. A paraphyletic group has not experienced lateral gene transfer. A monophyletic group consists of a common ancestor and some of its descendants. A paraphyletic group consists of a common ancestor and some of its descendants.

The swellings that develop into cotyledons are located at the end of the embryo on top of the row of single cells.

Which of the following statements about seed formation in a flowering plant is true? The swellings that develop into cotyledons are located at the end of the embryo on top of the row of single cells. The terminal cell formed from mitosis of the zygote divides to form a row of single cells that eventually forms the embryo. Hypocotyls are the seed leaves of the embryonic plant. The basal cell formed from mitosis of the zygote divides to form a globular mass that is the route for nutrient transfer to the developing embryo.

NADH and FADH2 donate their electrons to the chain.

Which of the following statements about the electron transport chain is true? The electron transport chain is the first step in cellular respiration. NADH and FADH2 donate their electrons to the chain. Water is the last electron acceptor. Electrons gain energy as they move down the chain.

Carbon cycles between the atmosphere and living biomass.

Which of the following statements about the movement of nutrients through an ecosystem is true? Carbon cycles between the atmosphere and living biomass. A biogeochemical cycle is the path that an element takes as it moves from organism to organism. Nutrients in the soil can be eaten and used directly by animals. An organism transfers only its energy to the organism that eats it.

The light-dependent reactions produce ATP and NADPH, which are then used by the light-independent reactions.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the light-dependent and light-independent reactions of photosynthesis? The light-independent reactions release energy, and the light-dependent reactions require energy. The light-dependent reactions produce carbon dioxide, which is then used by the light-independent reactions. The light-dependent reactions produce ATP and NADPH, which are then used by the light-independent reactions. The light-dependent reactions pass electrons through an electron transport chain to the light-independent reactions.

They release chemicals that dilate blood vessels near the wound site, allowing blood components to enter the region from the bloodstream.

Which of the following statements best describes the role of mast cells in the inflammatory response? They secrete substances that degrade bacterial cell walls and engulf and digest the invaders. They release cytokines to stimulate the release of additional neutrophils and macrophages. They release chemicals that constrict blood vessels at some distance from the wound site. They release chemicals that dilate blood vessels near the wound site, allowing blood components to enter the region from the bloodstream.

a trait common in a single monophyletic group, but not generally found outside of that group

Which of the following statements best describes the term synapomorphy? a trait that is shared by more than one monophyletic group the state of having several traits in common with different monophyletic groups a trait that evolved in several different monophyletic groups simultaneously a trait common in a single monophyletic group, but not generally found outside of that group

allows seeds to get nutrients they need

Why is seed dispersal important? _______________________________________________

It contains many light-sensing columns called ommatidia.

Which of the following statements does not describe a vertebrate eye? It contains cells that are sensitive to either dim light or color. It contains many light-sensing columns called ommatidia. It acquires images by focusing light on receptor cells. It contains photoreceptors that are either rod- or cone-shaped.

A hydrogen atom is transferred to the atom that loses an electron.

Which of the following statements is not true of most cellular redox reactions? The electron acceptor is reduced. Changes in potential energy can be released as heat. A hydrogen atom is transferred to the atom that loses an electron. The reactant that is oxidized loses electrons.

Oxygen holds electrons more tightly than hydrogen does, and the net charge is zero.

Which of the following statements is true of the bonds in a water molecule? Oxygen holds electrons more tightly than hydrogen does, and the net charge is zero. Oxygen acts as the electron acceptor and is oxidized. The electron in each hydrogen atom is completely transferred to the oxygen atom, and each hydrogen atom has a net charge of +1. There is equal sharing of the electrons between the oxygen atom and the two hydrogen atoms, and the net charge is zero.

stomata on upper and lower surfaces of the leaves

Which of the following structural features of plants would not be expected to reduce transpiration? sunken stomata abundant epidermal hairs on leaves and stems stomata on upper and lower surfaces of the leaves thick cuticle on leaves and stems reduced leaf size


Which of the following structures in females is analogous in function to the vas deferens in males? urethra vagina oviduct cervix uterus

Sucrose occurs in higher concentrations in companion cells than in the mesophyll cells where it is produced.

Which of the following supports the finding that sugar translocation in phloem is an active (energy-requiring) process? Sucrose occurs in higher concentrations in companion cells than in the mesophyll cells where it is produced. ATPases are abundant in the plasma membranes of the mesophyll cells. Movement of water occurs from xylem to phloem and back again. Strong pH differences exist between the cytoplasm of the companion cell and the mesophyll cell.


Which of the following types of reproduction would result in offspring with the greatest genetic diversity? parthenogenesis fission budding sexual


Which of the following types of sensory receptors would sense changes in pressure? nociceptors mechanoreceptors photoreceptors electroreceptors


Which of the following was derived from an ancestral cyanobacterium? flagella chloroplast mitochondrion mitosome

right ventricle

Which of the four muscular chambers of the human heart directly propels blood into the pulmonary circulation? left ventricle right atrium left atrium right ventricle

C6H12O6 is oxidized and O2 is reduced.

Which of the listed statements describes the results of the following reaction? C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy O2 is reduced and CO2 is oxidized. O2 is oxidized and H2O is reduced. C6H12O6 is oxidized and O2 is reduced. C6H12O6 is reduced and CO2 is oxidized. CO2 is reduced and O2 is oxidized.

red algae

Which of these algal groups possess a photosynthetic pigment that allows them to live in deep water? green algae diatoms brown algae metazoans red algae

heat, carbon dioxide, and water

Which of these are by-products of cellular respiration? heat, carbon dioxide, and water carbon dioxide and water glucose, carbon dioxide, and water ATP, carbon dioxide, and water ATP and carbon dioxide


Which of these are hollow rods that shape and support the cell? microtubules chloroplasts microfilaments peroxisomes plasma membrane

sporophyte (capsule) of a moss

Which of these are spore-producing structures? archegonium of a moss or fern antheridium of a moss or fern sporophyte (capsule) of a moss gametophyte of a moss

animal wastes and fertilizers

Which of these are the two major sources of nitrate pollution in rivers? the burning of fossil fuels by factories and cars animal wastes and the burning of fossil fuels by cars animal wastes and fertilizers fertilizer runoff and the burning of fossil fuels by cars animal wastes and the burning of fossil fuels by factories


Which of these biomes is characterized by little rainfall? temperate broadleaf forest coniferous forest desert temperate grassland tropical rain forest


Which of these cells is a phagocytic leukocyte that can engulf a foreign bacterium? macrophage plasma cell helper T cell cytotoxic T cell B cell

memory cells

Which of these cells is responsible for the rapidity of the secondary immune response? cytotoxic T cells plasma cells memory cells cytokines macrophages

plasma cells

Which of these cells produce and secrete antibodies? cytotoxic T cells bacterial cells plasma cells helper T cells macrophages

acetyl CoA

Which of these enters the citric acid cycle? acetyl CoA G3P NADH + H+ glucose pyruvate


Which of these extracellular signal molecules could diffuse through a plasma membrane and bind to an intracellular receptor? estrogen epinephrine cellulose oxytocin starch


Which of these glands is located within the abdominal cavity? pancreas pituitary parathyroid thyroid


Which of these glands secretes releasing hormones? hypothalamus adrenal cortex thymus ovaries testes


Which of these groups consist of parasitic flagellated cells, such as Trypanosoma, the organism that causes sleeping sickness? metazoans brown algae ciliates kinetoplastids diatoms

Basal bodies

_____ is/are identical in structure to centrioles. Chromatin Microfilaments Mitochondria Basal bodies Nuclear envelopes


Which of these groups includes both aquatic decomposers and the parasites responsible for late potato blight? plasmodial slime molds oomycetes red algae diatoms plants


Which of these groups is characterized by glasslike walls containing silica? brown algae diatoms plasmodial slime molds diplomonads plants

epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which of these hormones are responsible for the "fight or flight" response to danger? insulin and glucagon thyroxine and calcitonin androgens and estrogens antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin epinephrine and norepinephrine

all of the above are carcinogens

Which of these is NOT a carcinogen? testosterone fat UV light cigarette smoke all of the above are carcinogens


Which of these is NOT a product of glycolysis? ATP FADH2 pyruvate NADH

acetyl CoA

Which of these is NOT a product of the citric acid cycle? NADH + H+ FADH2 CO2 ATP acetyl CoA

epinephrine and oxytocin

Which of these is a nonsteroid hormone? estrogen testosterone both estrogen and testosterone oxytocin epinephrine and oxytocin

a surface exposed by a retreating glacier

Which of these is a starting point for primary succession? a surface exposed by a retreating glacier none of these is a starting point for primary succession a neglected yard an abandoned city abandoned farmland

a space station orbiting Earth

Which of these is exhibiting kinetic energy? a rock on a mountain ledge an archer with a flexed bow a space station orbiting Earth the high-energy phosphate bonds of a molecule of ATP a person sitting on a couch while watching TV


Which of these is not part of bark ? secondary xylem / secondary phloem / cork cambium / cork

coniferous forest

Which of these is the largest terrestrial biome on Earth? tundra coniferous forest temperate broadleaf forest temperate grassland desert

double fertilization

Which of these is unique to flowering plants? an embryo surrounded by nutritive tissue pollen production a dominant sporophyte generation haploid gametophytes double fertilization

rough endoplasmic reticulum

Which of these manufactures cellular membranes by adding membrane proteins and phospholipids to its own membrane? lysosomes rough endoplasmic reticulum nucleolus Golgi apparatus ribosomes


Which of these organelles carries out cellular respiration? chromatin nucleolus smooth endoplasmic reticulum mitochondrion ribosomes


Which of these organelles produces H2O2 as a by-product? flagellum centrioles nucleus mitochondrion peroxisome


Which of these reactions requires a net input of energy from its surroundings? endergonic ATP --> ADP + P exergonic catabolic hydrolysis


Which one of the following is LEAST likely to be a hotspot for birds? East Africa Greenland Amazon River basin Southwest China


Which organelle plays a role in intracellular digestion? chloroplast Golgi apparatus ribosome plasmodesma lysosome


Which part of a plant attracts pollinators? Petals Carpel Sepal Stamen

γ \gamma -phosphate (the terminal phosphate)

Which part of the adenosine triphosphate molecule is released when it is hydrolyzed to provide energy for biological reactions? α \alpha -phosphate (the phosphate closest to ribose) β \beta -phosphate (the middle phosphate) γ \gamma -phosphate (the terminal phosphate) adenine group ribose sugar


Which part of the eye bends light to focus it on the retina? Fovea. Sclera. Optic nerve. Lens.


Which part of the eye contains the densest concentration of cone cells? Opsin. Cornea. Fovea. Lens.


Which part of the eye is the opening through which light initially passes? Retina. Sclera. Fovea. Pupil.


Which process in eukaryotic cells will proceed normally whether oxygen (O2) is present or absent? chemiosmosis glycolysis the citric acid cycle oxidative phosphorylation electron transport


Which process involves the transfer of pollen grains from an anther to a stigma? Germination Pollination Gametogenesis Fertilization


Which process is not part of the cellular respiration pathway that produces large amounts of ATP in a cell? Glycolysis Electron transport chain Krebs cycle Fermentation


Which process produces oxygen? Cellular respiration Photosynthesis

Cellular respiration

Which process uses oxygen gas within cells? Protein synthesis Cellular respiration Photosynthesis Gene expression


Which secretion is not a barrier that prevents pathogens from entering the body? Ear wax. Mucus. Lysozyme. Antigens.

The light-dependent reactions

Which set of reactions uses H2O and produces O2? The light-independent reactions The light-dependent reactions

Electron transport and chemiosmosis

Which stage of glucose metabolism produces the most ATP? Electron transport and chemiosmosis Glycolysis Fermentation of pyruvate to lactate Krebs cycle

They regenerate NAD+ so that glycolysis can continue to operate.

Why are fermentation reactions important for cells? They allow the cell to conserve oxygen for the citric acid cycle. They generate oxygen. They produce alcohol, which enhances the permeability of their mitochondrial membranes to proton translocation. They regenerate NAD+ so that glycolysis can continue to operate

B cells secrete antibodies against a pathogen; cytotoxic T cells kill pathogen-infected host cells.

Which statement best describes the difference in responses of effector B cells (plasma cells) and cytotoxic T cells? B cells carry out the cell-mediated response; cytotoxic T cells carry out the humoral response. B cells confer active immunity; cytotoxic T cells confer passive immunity. B cells secrete antibodies against a pathogen; cytotoxic T cells kill pathogen-infected host cells. B cells kill pathogens directly; cytotoxic T cells kill host cells. B cells respond the first time a pathogen is present; cytotoxic T cells respond subsequent times.

Interaction increases the survival and/or population growth rate(s) of mutualistic species.

Which statement best describes the evolutionary significance of mutualism? Mutualism offers more biodiversity to a community. Interaction increases the survival and/or population growth rate(s) of mutualistic species. Individuals partaking in a mutualistic relationship are more resistant to parasites. Mutualistic interaction lessens competition in communities where it is present. Mutualistic relationships allow organisms to synthesize and use energy more efficiently.

Each replicated chromosome consists of two sister chromatids.

Which statement is correct concerning the relationship between chromosomes and either genes, chromatin, or sister chromatids? Each replicated chromosome consists of two sister chromatids. Each unreplicated chromosome consists of two sister chromatids. Genes are the DNA-protein material that makes up entire chromosomes. Chromatin is a length of DNA in a chromosome that codes for a protein or RNA.

They contain the green pigment chlorophyll. They have membranous sacs called thylakoids that are surrounded by a fluid called stroma. They are the sites of reactions that convert solar energy into chemical energy.

Which statements are true for chloroplasts? Select the three that apply. They contain the green pigment chlorophyll. Their matrix contains enzymes that function in cellular respiration. They have membranous sacs called thylakoids that are surrounded by a fluid called stroma. They are the sites of reactions that convert solar energy into chemical energy. They are the sites of reactions that convert chemical energy to ATP. Their inner membrane has infoldings called cristae.


Which step of the cellular respiration pathway can take place in the absence of oxygen? Fermentation Krebs cycle Electron transport chain Glycolysis


Which structure allows the growing mushroom to nourish itself? Basidia Gills Mycelium Spore

Pollen tube

Which structure formed by the male gametophyte allows sperm to reach the ovary of a flowering plant? Stigma Pollen tube Anther Micropyle


Which structure is not directly involved in the reproduction of at least one major group of fungi? Mycelium Asci Basidium Motile spores

rough ER

Which structure is the site of the synthesis of proteins that may be exported from the cell? plasmodesmata lysosomes free cytoplasmic ribosomes rough ER Golgi vesicles


Which term describes the degree to which an element attracts electrons? Reduction. Oxidation. Electronegativity. Polarity.


Which term describes the fusion of cytoplasm from two individuals? Spore Karyogamy Plasmogamy Heterokaryotic

Pollen grains

Which term describes the male gametophytes of flowering plants? Pollen grains Micropyle Microsporocytes Megaspores

catabolism (catabolic pathways)

Which term most precisely describes the cellular process of breaking down large molecules into smaller ones? catabolism (catabolic pathways) metabolism anabolism (anabolic pathways) dehydration

Anion and cation.

Which terms describe two atoms when they form a bond in which electrons are completely transferred from one atom to the other? Proton and electron. Polar and nonpolar. Ionic and covalent. Anion and cation.

brown algae, red algae, and green algae

Which three groups contain large algae known as seaweeds? brown algae, red algae, and green algae dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and green algae plants, fungi, and choanoflagellates chlorophytes, charophyceans, and red algae diatoms, golden algae, and brown algae

July and August

Which two months have the highest average temperature? May and June July and August September and October

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Which type of organelle or structure is primarily involved in the synthesis of oils, phospholipids, and steroids? ribosome mitochondrion lysosome smooth endoplasmic reticulum contractile vacuole


Which vascular tissue transports food (sugar sap)? ___________________


Which vascular tissue transports water and minerals ? ________________


Which would you expect to see most reduced in a desert plant? Seed coats Flowers Roots Leaves

Batesian mimicry

While traveling in Texas, you stumble across a snake with red, yellow, and black bands. You somehow remember that this could be a poisonous coral snake or a harmless milk snake, but you forget how to differentiate them because they both have similar colors and banding patterns. You wisely decide not to pick up the snake. What defense of the snake was successful in preventing you from grabbing the snake? constitutive defense Müllerian mimicry inducible defenses Batesian mimicry

Adventitious roots

While walking a cornfield, you notice roots emerging from the corn stalks themselves, and you suspect that these roots are helping to hold the plants upright. These roots belong to a category of roots known as Adventitious roots Taproots Special roots Fibrous roots Root hairs

primary consumers

Who eats the primary producers first?

Bean cotyledons are exposed to light.

Why are cotyledons green in beans but not in corn? Corn cotyledons photosynthesize a different spectrum of light. Bean cotyledons require more nutrition to grow. Bean cotyledons are exposed to light. Corn kernels are yellow to ward off herbivory.

Longer chains are less stable and energy transfer between trophic levels is inefficient.

Why are food chains relatively short? There are only so many organisms that are adapted to feed on other types of organisms. Top-level feeders tend to be small but are capable of conserving more energy. Top-level feeders tend to be more numerous than lower-trophic-level species. Longer chains are less stable and energy transfer between trophic levels is inefficient. Food chain length is ultimately determined by the photosynthetic efficiency of producers.

Hormones are long-lived and can spread throughout the body.

Why are hormones better suited for regulating sexual development rather than electrical signals alone? Hormones are very poor in their signaling. Hormones require less energy to produce. Hormones are long-lived and can spread throughout the body. Hormones convey information more quickly.

very fast, human

Why are scientists so concerned about climate change as it is normal to have change in climate. 1. The rate of change is _________________ 2. ______________ activities are a big part of the cause of climate change at this time.

These are the wavelengths of light absorbed by chlorophyll molecules.

Why are violet-to-blue and red photons the most effective at driving photosynthesis? These are the wavelengths of light absorbed by chlorophyll molecules. These are the wavelengths of light reflected by chlorophylls. These are the wavelengths of light transmitted by chlorophylls. These are the wavelengths of light absorbed by carotenoids.

People can get paralytic shellfish poisoning during dinoflagellate blooms.

Why can dinoflagellate blooms be harmful to humans? Dinoflagellate blooms are not harmful; they are just unsightly. During algal blooms, dinoflagellate population densities reach very high levels. Dinoflagellates produce toxins that kill shellfish. People can get paralytic shellfish poisoning during dinoflagellate blooms.

to protect themselves from prey

Why do dinoflagellates make toxins? ____________________________________________________

They have shallow root systems.

Why do lawns need to be frequently watered in dry regions? They have leaves with thick cuticles. They have deep root systems. Their secondary growth requires large amounts of water. They have shallow root systems.

Density-dependent factors lead to fewer births and increased mortality.

Why do populations grow more slowly as they approach their carrying capacity? Hormonal changes promote higher death rates in crowded populations. Density-independent factors lead to fewer births and increased mortality. The incoming energy decreases in populations experiencing a high rate of increase. Density-dependent factors lead to fewer births and increased mortality. Individuals voluntarily stop mating so that overcrowding does not occur.

One species provides the necessary chemical for the other to survive.

Why do species that release H2S as a by-product often live side by side with species that use H2S as an electron donor? H2S is equivalent to water. Both species live near hydrothermal vents. Both species are highly dependent on H2S. One species provides the necessary chemical for the other to survive.

Because of resource partitioning

Why does high species richness result in high productivity? Because of resource partitioning Because species-rich communities have more mutualistic relationships Because richer species produce more Because more species results in higher consumption amounts

This is where root hairs emerge.

Why does most of the water absorption by roots take place in the zone of cellular maturation? This is where the stomata are. This is where the oldest part of the roots are. This is where the thickest part of the root is. This is where root hairs emerge.

Due to poor trophic transfer efficiency, most energy is lost at higher trophic levels.

Why does net productivity diminish with increasing trophic levels? Energy is gained at each trophic level. Higher trophic level organisms have to work less to obtain food. There are fewer plants at higher trophic levels. Due to poor trophic transfer efficiency, most energy is lost at higher trophic levels.

ATP is not produced directly by the ETC but instead via the proton gradient generated during electron transport through the ETC.

Why is ATP production during cellular respiration characterized as indirect? Electrons are not passed directly from NADH and FADH2 to O2 but indirectly through the ETC. Most of the ATP is produced during glucose oxidation, which occurs through a series of intermediate steps. ATP is produced by enzymes indirectly associated with the ETC that perform substrate-level phosphorylation. ATP is not produced directly by the ETC but instead via the proton gradient generated during electron transport through the ETC.

It does not involve organelles or specialized structures, does not require oxygen, and is present in most organisms.

Why is glycolysis considered to be one of the first metabolic pathways to have evolved? It does not involve organelles or specialized structures, does not require oxygen, and is present in most organisms. It relies on chemiosmosis, which is a metabolic mechanism present only in the first cells' prokaryotic cells. It is found in prokaryotic cells but not in eukaryotic cells. It requires the presence of membrane-enclosed cell organelles found only in eukaryotic cells. It produces much less ATP than does oxidative phosphorylation.

Pressure from xylem water moves nutrients through the phloem.

Why is it important that the xylem is adjacent to the phloem? The phloem is a critical component of the cohesion-tension theory. The phloem provides a solute potential that drives xylem water movement. Pressure from xylem water moves nutrients through the phloem. The phloem protects the xylem from damage.

Fungal and animal cells and proteins are similar. Thus, drugs that disrupt fungal cell or protein function may also disrupt human cell or protein function.

Why is it more difficult to treat fungal infections than bacterial infections in humans? Fungi are larger organisms than bacteria and thus require stronger drugs to stop an infection. Fungal and animal cells and proteins are similar. Thus, drugs that disrupt fungal cell or protein function may also disrupt human cell or protein function. Most fungi are multicellular and thus the drugs required to treat a fungal infection must be able to kill several types of cells; bacteria, on the other hand, are unicellular and thus simpler to kill. Fungi are able to mutate more quickly than bacteria, so they quickly develop resistance to antifungal drugs.

Because the 12 percent does not consist primarily of biodiversity hot spots

Why is the 12 percent of land protected so far not enough to avert a mass extinction? Because the necessary amount of land to protect to avoid it is 55 percent Because a mass extinction is inevitable regardless of conservation effort Because species inhabit more than 12 percent of the land Because the 12 percent does not consist primarily of biodiversity hot spots

has a higher affinity for oxygen than does adult hemoglobin

Why is the pharmacological reactivation of fetal hemoglobin in a patient with sickle-cell anemia often a successful treatment? Fetal hemoglobin _____. binds more carbon dioxide molecules than adult hemoglobin is better able to release oxygen than is adult hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than does adult hemoglobin has a higher affinity for carbon dioxide than does adult hemoglobin is better able to release carbon dioxide than is adult hemoglobin


Why may dinoflagellate algal blooms be harmful? (hint; what do they make?) _______________

Tuna biomagnify the mercury.

Why might one get mercury poisoning from eating tuna every day, but not from eating sardines from the same water? Tuna biomagnify the mercury. Sardines do not uptake mercury. Mercury is more readily available for uptake in tuna. Sardines are able to excrete the mercury.

A congested nose prevents the smell of food.

Why might someone with nasal congestion complain that food tastes bland? The cold virus binds to taste receptors. A congested nose prevents the smell of food. Taste buds are shut down to divert energy to the immune system. Mucous coats the tongue, blocking taste buds.

Because drugs that target peptidoglycan do not affect eukaryotes

Why will erythromycin not kill eukaryote cells? __________________________


Will leaves or wood decompose faster? _________________ will decompose faster because lignin in wood is difficult to break down.


Within cells, mitochondria use oxygen to conduct cellular ________________.

8 haploid nuclei and 7 cells

Within the ovule within the embryo sac, how many eggs form? ________________


Would more species richness be found on an island or a continent?_______________________


Would more species richness be found with flat land or mountainous regions? _________________

no, don't need to be excited/stressed

Would such a response be good for long term ? __________________ Why not? ______________________________________

tracheids, vessel

Xylem has 2 cell types: ________ and _________ element.


Xylem is ( alive / dead).


Xylem is indicated by the letter _____. C D E B A

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria will significantly outnumber those incapable of fixing nitrogen.

You acquire a soil sample and run an enrichment culture on it. You provide the organisms in the culture with all of the ingredients required for growth except for nitrogen. What result do you expect to have at the end of your experiment? Nitrogen-fixing bacteria will significantly outnumber those incapable of fixing nitrogen. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria will be present, but will be significantly outnumbered by non-nitrogen-fixing species. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria will not be present in the culture. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria will be present but not at significantly greater numbers than non-nitrogen-fixing species.

You had an adaptive immunity to that virus.

You and a friend were in line for a movie when you noticed the woman in front of you sneezing and coughing. Both of you were equally exposed to the woman's virus, but over the next few days, only your friend acquired flu-like symptoms and was ill for almost a week before recovering. Which one of the following is a logical explanation for this? Your friend had antibodies to that virus. Your friend had an autoimmune disorder. You had an adaptive immunity to that virus. Your friend had allergies.


You are given an organism to identify. It has a fruiting body that contains many structures with eight haploid spores lined up in a row. What kind of a fungus is this? chytrid zygomycete ascomycete deuteromycete basidiomycete

planting five hundred new trees

You own three hundred acres of patchy temperate forest. Which one of the following actions would increase the net primary productivity of the area the most? introducing one hundred rabbits into the area planting five hundred new trees relocating all of the deer found in the area adding fertilizer to the entire area

a cofactor necessary for enzyme activity

Zinc, an essential trace element for most organisms, is present in the active site of the enzyme carboxypeptidase. The zinc most likely functions as _____. a noncompetitive inhibitor of the enzyme am allosteric activator of the enzyme a cofactor necessary for enzyme activity a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme a coenzyme derived from a vitamin


Zygomycetes are named for structure in their sexual reproduction - the ______________.

Amoebic dysentery

_____ Entamoeba histolytica protozoan amoeba


_____ are the main male hormones. Progesterones Mineralocorticoids Androgens Luteinizing hormones Estrogens


_____ are the sites of protein synthesis. Peroxisomes Ribosomes Microfilaments Golgi apparatuses Mitochondria


_____ glands are 4 tiny glands located on the thyroid gland that secrete PTH ( parathyroid stimulating hormone control calcium metabolism by increasing the levels of calcium ions in blood

Helper T cells

_____ interact with the antigen-class II MHC complex presented by macrophages. B cells Helper T cells Epithelial cells Cytotoxic T cells Bacterial cells


_____ is a carcinogen that promotes colon cancer. fat UV light estrogen a virus testosterone

heart attack

_________ _________ portion of heart muscle dies due to a lack of oxygen possibly due to clot in coronary arteries which supply blood to the heart


_________ are leaf like and enclose and protect the flower bud


_________ are reproductive cells that resist drying by encasement in tough coat.


_________ is a quantitative estimate of the total mass of living matter in a given area usually measured in grams or kilograms per square meter. It is possible also to construct biomass pyramids.


_________ part mainly responsible for photosynthesis.


_________ part needed for sexual reproduction in flowering plants.


_________ part of plant generally above ground that support leaves & flowers.


_________ part that grows into new stems, leaves, flowers.


_________ pressure is produced by movement of water and ions into the root xylem ------ rejected because it does not work long distance


_________- fluid contains dissolved substances, red & white blood cells , platelets


__________ = carrying capacity


__________ = growth rate of population


__________ = per capita rate of growth


__________ = population size

short term

__________ __________ memory lasts only a short time, usually only a few minutes

myelin sheath

__________ ____________ is a protective lipid covering of many axons.


__________ are clusters of neuronal cell bodies outside of the CNS.


__________ are fragments of cells used in blood clotting


__________ are threadlike surface structures that permit attachment or prokaryotes and conjugation,


__________ blood cells ( leukocytes) defend the body from invaders


__________ blood cells (erythrocytes) carry oxygen and some carbon dioxide in blood


__________ capacity is the maximum volume of air that can be moved in and out during a single breath.


__________ diverse modern cone bearing gymnosperms. Male cones produce pollen and female cones produce ovules which develop into "naked seeds " which drop out of the cones.


__________ is a membrane that lines thoracic cavity, covers lungs, produce moisture to reduce friction


__________ is number of individuals in a population


__________ is the liquid part of blood, 55% of blood: Plasma _ 91% is water, 2% is dissolved solutes ( ions, nutrients, waste, gases, hormones, vitamins), 7% are proteins ( globulins, albumin, fibrinogen)


__________ is the number of organisms in a given unit area or volume.


__________ last survivor. beautiful tree with fan shaped leaves but foul smelling fleshy seeds


__________ of an individual is its ability to survive and produce viable fertile offspring. Species interactions vary in impact for each species


__________ pressure - cause water to move back into capillary from tissue fluid


__________ pressure - causes water to move from capillary to tissue fluid


__________ richness is a measure of the number of species in a community and the abundance of each species.


__________ system 1) anchors a plant in the soil 2) absorbs and transports ions & water 3) stores food.


___________ ( ie freshwater marsh, swamp) are lands covered with water all or part of the time.

cell body

___________ ___________ contains nucleus and organelles.

long term

___________ ___________ memory lasts a long time because there has been transfer of information from short term to long term memory

heart agina

___________ ___________ pain in left arm due to partial blockage of coronary artery and temporary lack of oxygen to part of heart

motor neurons, nerves

___________ __________carry nerve impulses from the CNS to an effector which are muscles and glands . These _______________ are stimulated : muscle to contract and gland to secrete.


___________ are derived from the steroid cholesterol ( example: estrogen testosterone)


___________ consumers eat the secondary consumers and are also a carnivore


___________ growth in plants involves cell division in apical meristem Leading to growth in length (height) (Plant grows taller & root grows deeper).


___________ holes in the leaves to exchange gases


___________ hormone -receptor complex acts on a gene to stop or start transcription of mRNA which is translated into a protein that carries out a function


___________ is a waxy watertight barrier that coats some plant parts.


____________ is a reproductive structure that produces gametes, attracts gametes from other individuals; nourishes plant embryos, and develops seeds and fruits


____________ is the process by which new information is acquired.


____________ lipid soluble so enters a cell through the plasma membrane to form a hormone -receptor complex in the cytoplasm or nucleus


____________ not lipid soluble so they do not enter cell; but instead bind to plasma membrane receptors


____________ pumps blood through body and causes blood pressure


____________ refers to living factors


____________ refers to nonliving factors


____________ refers to the organisms that float in the water that include phytoplankton and zooplankton.

vascular, xylem, phloem

____________ tissue system is made of xylem and phloem that provide support & transport. ________ transports water & minerals; _________ transports sugars & amino acids in sap.


____________ vascular tissue transports food (organic compounds like sugar) to roots and other nonphotosynthetic tissues.


____________ vascular tissue transports water and minerals from root to shoot.


____________Receptors within the plasma membrane activate secondary messengers within the cytosol that lead to metabolic reactions


_____________ ( primary producers) form the base of food chains and produce energy -rich organic molecules upon which nearly all other organisms depend

adrenal medulla

_____________ _____________ (on kidneys) release epinephrine to stimulate heart

climate change

_____________ ______________ refers to the sum of all the changes in local temperature and precipitation patterns that result from global warming such as storms and droughts.

global warming

_____________ ________________ refers to the increase in the average temperature of the planet


_____________ feeding occurs when nutrient are taken up directly from the environment, across the plasma membrane usually though transport proteins.


_____________ includes both the biotic community of organisms in an area and the abiotic environment affecting that community


_____________ is a circulating fluid in blood vessels and heart


_____________ is the ability to store and retrieve information derived from experience and is essential for learning.


_____________ is the only hormone that causes blood sugar levels to lower as it signals cells to take up glucose for their energy source and signals the liver and muscles to take up glucose and store it as glycogen.


_____________ is the process of a seed beginning to grow with the seed coat opening to allow the embryo to put down its 1st root & 1st shoot.


_____________ producers are the organisms that use photosynthesis to harvest light and store that energy in energy rich carbon compounds such as sugar.


_____________ species are those species moved by humans from a native location to another location and they grow to large population size and disrupt native species.


_____________ system : small intestines absorbs nutrients


_____________ tiny blood vessels where exchange of substances occurs

Seeding Contaminated Sites

_____________- add specific species of bacteria & archaea that degrade toxic compounds.

Fertilizing Contaminated Sites

_____________-encourage growth of existing bacteria & archaea that degrade toxic compounds.


______________ ( female gonad) secrete estradiol ( an estrogen) which develops female reproductive tract

biological magnification

______________ _____________ is the tendency of certain chemicals to concentrate in higher trophic levels in food chains.


______________ a suspected pathogen from a sick organism.


______________ action is movement of water up a narrow tube ---- rejected because it does not work long distance


______________ causes 90% of lung cancers and 30% of all cancers, leading cause of cardiovascular disease and emphysema.


______________ conducts water and dissolved ions in one direction from root to shoot.


______________ defenses are present even if predators are not around


______________ disease is a form of progressive mental deterioration or dementia characterized by confusion, memory loss, and is age related.


______________ diversity consists of the amount of genetic variation that occurs within and between populations.

nitrous oxide

______________ is a gas that is involved with the erection of a human male penis.


______________ is biome that occurs where a freshwater river merges with the ocean.


______________ is the single layer of cells that are the outermost layer of a root.


______________ receive input from sensory neurons and other interneurons They sum up all the nerve impulses and then send commands to motor neurons . Note: all interneurons are located in the CNS


______________ remove oxygen from water for aquatic animals (ie. fish).


______________ smallest arteries that carry blood away from heart


______________ species is a species within a community that have a role out of proportion to their abundance or biomass. Ex: beaver builds a dam in a river which alters the habitat for many other organisms.


______________ succession refers to succession on a site that has already supported life but has undergone a disturbance ( on land has soil)


______________ surface (ie. earthworm breathes through its skin)


______________ system : kidneys absorb metabolic wastes and balances water, salts


______________ tiny veins that carry blood back to heart


______________ tissue system forms an outer protective covering of epidermis with a waxy cuticle.


______________ transport involves the export of a material from one cell, followed by import of the same substance by an adjacent cell.


______________ tubes move air though insect body. Air enters through holes called spiracles.


______________ use light energy as a source of energy for synthesis of organic compounds (sugar) from carbon dioxide and water . ( ex: cyanobacteria)


_______________ "throat" passageway for air and food as it leads to larynx and esophagus


_______________ (consumers) are organisms that receive their nutrition by consuming other organisms.

multiple sclerosis

_______________ ________________ is a disease caused by the body's immune system attacking the myelin sheaths of axons.

ecological succession

_______________ _________________ is the gradual and continuous change in species composition and community structure over time.


_______________ are chemicals released into the environment that pose direct and indirect threats to species. These include: industrial pollutants, drug pollutants, pesticides and herbicides, excess N and P due to runoff, garbage


_______________ are dense bacterial colonies enmeshed in a sticky polysaccharide-rich matrix.


_______________ are protective membranes around brain & spinal cord.


_______________ diversity is the number and relative abundance of species in a community.


_______________ ecology focuses on an organism's physiology and behavior


_______________ have a sac like feature called asci which produce by meiosis (8) sexual spores known as ascospores.


_______________ is a severe mental disturbance characterized by psychotic episodes in which patients lose the ability to distinguish reality.


_______________ is gland in the brain that helps maintain homeostasis via the nervous system and is master control gland of the pituitary.


_______________ is the ability to cause disease.


_______________ is the geographic distribution of a species

adrenal cortex

_______________ is the outer part of the adrenal gland that is stimulated by ACTH to secrete glucocorticoids (cortisol , cortisone) which are anti-inflammatory and yield energy via proteins and fats.


_______________ is the water evaporation from leaves mainly out of the stomata into drier air


_______________ is too little thyroxine which results in sluggishness and weight gain and low energy.


_______________ of water is its tendency to stick to the lignified walls of xylem conducting cells.


_______________ on epithelium of trachea, cilia sweep mucus up to throat thus cleaning air.


_______________ skeletal muscle separates thoracic from abdominal cavity & functions in breathing


_______________ space between the vocal chords opening to larynx


_______________ succession refers to succession on a newly exposed site that has no life (on land with no soil)


_______________ such as too much hunting and fishing has led to the loss of some species.


_______________ use light energy to generate ATP, but they must take in organic compounds from their environment ( an unusual type of bacterium)


_______________: bacterial structure that helps it go dormant and survive unfavorable conditions.

carbon dioxide, water

________________ and __________ are by-products of cellular respiration.

guard cells

________________ are cells around stomata that open or close the pore.


________________ are plant pigments that serve as sunscreen for leaves.


________________ are substances that decrease our feeling of pain.


_________________ deposits of plaque consisting of fats, cholesterol, salts, bacteria collect below inner linings of arteries narrowing the channel


_________________ in veins prevent backflow


_________________ is a condition in which the muscles around the bronchioles are hyperexcitable and contract more than usual which narrows the bronchioles making it difficult to get enough air.


_________________ is a degenerative lung disorder in which the bursting of alveolar walls reduces the total surface area for gas exchange.


_________________ is a disorder characterized by depressed mood as well as abnormalities in sleep, appetite, and energy level.


_________________ is a hormone (mineralcorticoid) produced by the adrenal cortex to increase blood pressure by increasing the sodium ions in the blood by promoting kidney reabsorption of sodium ions.


_________________ is all the populations that live in the same place at the same time.


_________________ is an interaction that affects both species negatively as both species compete over food and other resources. (- / - ) An example is birds competing for the fruit in a tree.


_________________ is single longer extension that conducts (carries) nerve impulses.


_________________ is the evaporation of water through holes (stomata) in plant leaves.


_________________ life cycle of plant completed in two years


_________________ life cycle of plant is more than two years and can be many many


_________________ plant that does not possess woody tissue


_________________ plant that does possess woody tissue

vascular tissue

_________________ provided way to move water, minerals and nutrients & upright support


_________________ theory states water is pulled up trees along a water potential gradient via forces generated by transpiration at leaf surfaces ----------- accepted because it does work long distance


_________________ transport is the movement of solutes along cell walls and the spaces between cells.


_________________ two air passages branching from trachea into lungs


_________________ windpipe passage of air to bronchi


__________________ - a ballooning of blood vessel which is so weak it can break


__________________ are molecules that kill bacteria or stop them from growing.


__________________ are tiny algae that float in water and are unable to maintain their position.


__________________ competition occurs between individuals of different species.


__________________ diversity is the number of different ecosystems in a specified area.


__________________ ecology deals with the flow of energy and cycling of chemical elements among organisms within a community and between organisms and their environment that includes trophic levels.


__________________ ecology is the study of how groups of species interact and form functional communities.


__________________ fluid or "tissue fluid- fills tissue spaces between cells


__________________ footprint is an estimate of the amount of land required to provide the raw materials an individual or a nation consumes, including food, fuel, water, housing, and waste disposal.


__________________ found in the Arctic is the northern limit of plant growth. It is partly covered by permafrost (continuously frozen subsoil). Vegetation includes dwarf shrubs, grasses, mosses, and lichens.


__________________ have armored cellulose cell walls with two flagella.


__________________ is a whiplike rotating structure in some bacteria that causes movement


__________________ is high blood pressure.


__________________ is the final electron acceptor of cellular respiration


__________________ is the fluid part of the cell


__________________ is the region where the DNA in a single circular chromosome is located

Cell Wall

__________________ is the rigid protective structure located directly outside of the plasma membrane.


__________________ make proteins


__________________ occurs when a parasite consumes relatively small amounts of tissue or nutrients from another individual called the host.


__________________ occurs when a predator kills and consumes all or most of another individual called prey


__________________ unicellular with glassy shells.


___________________ a cattle egret follows a cow to eat the insects kicked up by the cow


___________________ a squid eats a fish


_____________________ stage when people scavenged for food like berries and nuts, gathered food and hunted animals. There was little rise in human population at this stage


_____________________ system : lungs exchange gases

pacemaker, atria

_____________________- SA (sinoatrial node) regulates heartbeat---signals contraction of _____________

temperate deciduous forests

______________________ have broadleaf trees and many that lose their leaves in the winter. There are 4 seasons & climate is temperate with sufficient water to support trees


______________________ is important in the brain and at synapses between motor neurons and muscle cells.

industrial revolution

______________________ stage where new industries with machines made it possible to produce a great quantity of food by fewer people and improvements in health care led to better survival rates for children and longer life spans. Human population began to grow exponentially

temperate grassland

_______________________ includes grasses such as seen on the N. American prairie.


_______________________ is the process by which elevated nutrient levels lead to an overgrowth of algae and the subsequent depletion of water oxygen levels.

age of agriculture

_______________________ stage where people began to grow crops that they could rely on for a food source. People settled in communities. Growth in human population was still fairly low.

growth hormone

__________________________ (GH) promotes skeletal and muscle growth and fat metabolism.

casparian strip

__________________________ is a waxy layer which forms a water-repellent cylinder at the endodermis.

zone of cell division

___________________________ is the meristem where cells divide rapidly

alternation of generation

___________________________ means there is a sporophyte and a gametophye generation.

zone of elongation

____________________________ is where cells increase in length

root cap

_____________________________ protects the growing root

follicle stimulating hormone

______________________________(FSH) stimulate the gonads (sex organs - testes and ovaries) to produce sex hormones and stimulates development of gametes.

luteinizing hormone

_________________________________(LH) stimulates testes and ovaries to produce of sex hormones and release of eggs in female

tropical rainforest

________________________occur in equatorial areas where the temperature is warm and days are the same year round. Rainfall is very high in tropical rain forest and productivity is very high. A tropical rain forest has layers of vegetation with emergent trees, the canopy, shrub understory, and herbs on ground


_____________________exist in gaps between the plant cell walls of 2 adjacent cells.


_____________________of this detritus contributes soil organic matter to inorganic matter that is part of soil.


_____________________species is a species that no longer has any living members.


_____________________sphincters control the flow of blood into capillaries.


____________________fluid is protective fluid below the meninges, within ventricles ( chambers) of the brain and the central canal of spinal cord. A spinal tap removes some of cerebrospinal fluid for testing.

Obligate Aerobes

____________________require oxygen to live


____________________signals are hormones carried between cells by blood or other bodily fluids to be picked up by receptors of target cells.


____________________will increase blood pressure.

ventricles, right, left

___________________chambers that pump blood out of heart. ___________ ventricle - pumps blood to lung ___________ventricle - pumps blood to whole body, strongest chamber


___________________is high blood pressure "Silent Killer"


__________________life cycle of plant completed in one year


__________________muscle pump skeletal muscle contractions


__________________pump breathing inhale chest expands reduces pressure in thoracic cavity so blood flows from abdominal cavity to thoracic


__________________valves - valves between ventricles and arteries leaving heart


_________________air sacs of the lungs, place where gas exchange takes place 1 cell layer thick


_________________facilitates lung inflation by reducing surface tension.


_________________organisms that break down all dead organisms and convert them to minerals.


_________________organisms that eat both plants and animals


_________________smaller airways to the alveoli


_________________transport is the movement of a substance from the cytosol of one cell to the cytosol of an adjacent cell via membrane-lined channels called plasmodesmata


________________are many short extensions receive signals from sensory neurons and other neurons


are able to use energy obtained by chemical changes of inorganic compounds to make organic compounds (ex: some bacteria that live in hydrothermal vents.

primary consumer

caterpillar = __________________


if individuals migrate out of a population , it is called ________________.


is alcohol an activator or inhibitor?


is amphetamine an activator or inhibitor?


is caffeine an activator or inhibitor?


is cocaine an activator or inhibitor?


is nicotine an activator or inhibitor?


is valium an activator or inhibitor?


left atrium contracts - blood flows through AV valve into left ___________

secondary consumer

lizard = ______________


must obtain organic molecules for both energy and as a source of carbon ( food)


obtain energy from inorganic molecules and get organic molecules from others.


superior vena cava and inferior vena cava carry oxygen poor blood to ________atrium


true/false Biodiversity is higher on land than in the sea.


type of veins in dicots


type of veins in monocot?


use organic molecules for energy but then make their own food


vascular tissue pattern in dicots


vascular tissue pattern in monocots


vertebrates associated with 1 circuit 2 chambered heart

amphibians, turtles/snakes

vertebrates associated with 2 circuits 3 chambered heart

crocodiles, birds, mammals

vertebrates associated with 2 circuits 4 chambered heart


what do paramecium use for swimming?


what is B?


what is H?


what is I?

root hairs

what is K?


what is L?


whereas tropical rain forests are hot, so the rate of decomposition is ____________.

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