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Chief cells in adults secrete


2 groups

peptide hormones have how many groups?

The fluid lubricating the opposing surfaces of the membrane in the pericardial cavity is called

pericardial fluid

A moist compact mass of food in the esophagus is called


Rhythmic and coordinated timed waves of contractions in the muscularis layer result in

peristalsis that propels food.

The efferent arterioles carry blood to the

peritubular capillaries

Which of the following structures is NOT part of the lower respiratory tract?


Packets of small membrane-enclosed packets of cytoplasm shed by megakaryocytes are called


The formed elements with a role in blood clotting are


The location of the pancreas with respect to the stomach is


The soft palate is located ________ to the hard palate


The common goal of the endocrine and nervous system is to

provide homeostasis

Nutrient reabsorption occurs mostly in the

proximal convoluted tubule

The majority of reabsorption occurs in the

proximal convoluted tubule

The lateral boundary of the oral cavity is the


The chemical characteristic that guides white blood cells toward damaged tissue is called


The tissue layer labeled "C" is the

circular muscle layer

The thoracic duct's enlarged pouch-like structure.

cisterna Chyli

Granular tissue separating adjacent pyramids of the medullar is called the


Crushing and shredding of food occurs mostly in the ________ region of the tract and is called ________.

proximal; mechanical processing

The blood vessels that carry blood to and from the lungs comprise the

pulmonary circuit

The circuit that begins at the right ventricle and ends at the left atrium is the

pulmonary circuit

The circuit that carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs is the

pulmonary circuit

The release of chyme into the duodenum is regulated by the

pyloric sphincter

The release of chyme into the duodenum is regulated by the

pyloric sphincter.

The urge to defecate is triggered by movement of fecal material into the


The most abundant formed elements are

red blood cells

synaptic communication

releases neurotransmitter close to target cells and ideal for crisis management, does this describe direct, paracrine, synaptic, or endocrine communication?

Initial formation of filtrate occurs in the

renal corpuscle

The dense fibrous layer that anchors the kidney to surrounding tissues is called the

renal fascia

The coronary sinus drains blood into the

right atrium

The wbc that is involved in allergic reactions is the



epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine, also called catecholamines are all what, to tyrosine derivatives?

The hormone that stimulates red blood cell production in response to hypoxia is called


The name of the structure with the collapsible lumen that is labeled "A" is


The tube that transports food to the stomach is the


What is the structure labeled "A"?


Which of the following does NOT contain simple columnar epithelial tissue?


Which of the following is NOT an accessory organ of the digestive tract


direct communication

exchange of ions and molecules between adjacent cells across gap junctions, describes what type of communication?

What following is NOT a function of the upper respiratory tract?

exchanging gases with blood

The urinary valve under voluntary control is the

external urethral sphincter

The plasma component with a role in blood clotting is called


hormonal sensitvity

for every cell, the presence or absence of specific receptor determines on what?

The tongue is attached to the floor of the oral cavity by the


The portion of the stomach that contacts the diaphragm is the


The structure labeled "A" is the


The digestive hormone that stimulates gastric motility is


The arteriole network where filtration occurs is called the


The structure that separates the upper and lower respiratory tracts is called the


An example of a hormone that is released from structure "b" is


group 1

glycoproteins are in which group of peptide hormones?

Movement of urine through the ureters occurs through

gravity and smooth muscle peristalsis

The area labeled "C" is the

greater curvature of the stomach.

Pregnancy test kits


The structure labeled "A" is the

hard palate

The structure that serves as a bony separation between the nasal and oral cavities is called the

hard palate

What is the structure labeled "A"?

hard palate

The percent of whole blood volume contributed by formed elements is the


The abundant protein component of red blood cells is


Bile is collected from the liver through the ________ duct(s)


Bile flow into the duodenum is controlled by the ________ sphincter


The diaphragm opening that allows passage of food is called the esophageal


The medial point of entry and exit to the kidney is called the


amino acid derivatives, peptide hormones, lipid derivatives?

hormones can be divided into 3 groups, what are they?

3 groups

hormones can be divided into how many groups?

Because it has a larger diameter and steeper slope, more foreign objects become lodged in the ________ during choking

right primary bronchus

What is the identity of the cell labeled "B"?

roaming alveolar macrophage

The narrow tunnel in the tooth root that receives nerves and blood vessels is the

root canal

The folds of the urinary bladder that disappear as it fills are called


The pacemaker of the heart is normally the

sa node

chyme entering the duodenum stimulates release of

secretin, GIP, and CCK

Rhythmic cycles of contraction that do NOT follow a set pattern are called

segmentation, and they do not propel food

Rhythmic cycles of contraction that do NOT follow a set pattern are called

segmentation, and they do not propel food.

The layer of the GI tract that also functions as the visceral peritoneum is the


The stomach is lined with ________ tissue

simple columnar epithelial

The best description of the tissue type for structure "A" is

simple squamous epithelial

The upper and lower esophageal sphincters are composed of

smooth muscle

step 3

levels of cAMP decline because adenylate cyclase activity has been inhibited is step 1,2,3,or 4 of lower cAMP levels?

Fat-soluble vitamins are normally stored in the


The largest visceral organ is the


What is the structure labeled "B"?


The appendix is primarily an organ of the ________ system


The wbc that provides specific immunity is the


A common location for venipuncture is the

median cubital vein

The swallowing center is located in the

medulla oblongata

pineal gland

melatonin is produced by what gland?

tryptophan derivative

melatonin is the primary hormone of what derivative?

The process of eliminating urine from the body is


The urine of each kidney lobe is collected directly into a

minor calyx

Blood plasma that has filtered out of capillaries into microscopic spaces between cells.

Interstitial Fluid

Structure "A" and "B" will transport lymph fluid

Into subclavian veins

For homone production, the thyroid gland requires

Iodine and tyrosine

Following the exhalation process, which of the following is an accurate statement about lung volume?

It has decreased passively

Vitamins produced in the colon include

K and some B

the thoracic duct empties into the

Left subclavian vein

The lymphoid nodules located at the base of the tongue are called the

Lingual tonsils

Is a specialized fluid formed in the tissue spaces that will be transported by way of specialized vessels to eventually reenter the circulatory system.


Type of very specific antibodies produced from a population of identical cells


A _________ is an agranular leukocyte.


Quick, short communication to specific targets is provided by


The mechanism where an antibody binds to a bacteria or virus making it incapable of infecting cells is called


The phagocytes particularly abundant at injury or infections sites are


The hormone that stimulates milk ejection


The hormones that stimulates smooth muscle contractions of the uterus during labor is


step 2

PDE activity inhibits adenylate cyclase activity is step 1,2,3,or 4 of lower cAMP levels?

The structure labeled "A" is


The structure labeled "B" is the

Pancreatic duct

The structure labeled "B" is the


The lymphoid vessel run from __________ to __________.

Peripheral tissue; veins

What is a role of capillaries.

Permit diffusion between blood and interstitial fluids


are small molecules with five-carbon ring at one end; are important paracrin factors; coordinate cellular activities; afffect enzymatic processes in extracellular fluids. this is all the functions of what?

The large vessels that transport blood away from the heart are



binds to receptors in cell membrane, cannot have direct effect on activities inside target cell, and uses intracellular inremediary to exert effects, this all fuctions of what?

The transmission of endocrine signal occurs through


Sympathetic innervation controls nephron activity by

blood flow adjustments and renin release

The main portion of the stomach that functions as a mixing bowl is the


A moist compact mass of food in the esophagus is called


Food enters the stomach in the form of ________ and exits as ________

bolus; chyme

Structure "A" has an interior portion that is composed of


The structure at "C" is composed of


The primary mineral storage spot in the body is the


The artery that supplies blood to the upper limbs is the


step 4

cAMP breakdown accelerates; cAMP synthesis is prevented because levels ot cAMP decline is step 1,2,3,or 4 of lower cAMP levels?

Hormone released from structure "a" is


The vessels that exchange nutrients, respiratory gases, and waste are


What is the structure labeled "C"?


The chemical digestion that occurs in the mouth involves

carbohydrates and lipids

The most important factor affecting pH of body tissues is

carbon dioxide

The portion of the stomach that forms a junction with the esophagus is the


Which description best fits the tissue type for the structure labeled "C"


epinephrine is an example of a hormone in the structural family


The process of compaction starts in the



a presence of a hormone trggers decrease in number of hormone receptors, is what type of regulation?


abence of a hormone triggers increase increase in number of hormone receptors, is what type of regulation?

Movement of organic molecules, electrolytes, vitamins, and water across the digestive epithelium and into the interstitial fluid of the digestive tracts is called


Solutions with pH below 7.0 are


step 1

activated g protein stimulates PDE activity is step 1,2,3,or 4 of lower cAMP levels?

step 1

activated g protein: activates enzyme adenylate cylase is step 1,2,3,or 4 of increased cAMP levels?

step 4

activated kinases affect target cell: depends on nature of proteins affected is step 1,2,3,or 4 of increased cAMP levels?

step 2

adenylate cyclase: converts ATP to cyclic-AMP is step 1,2,3,or 4 of increased cAMP levels?

Proper enamel development in childhood requires

adequate calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D in the diet

Structure labeled "b" is the

adrenal gland

Which of the following is NOT an organ of the urinary system

adrenal gland

The arteries that supply individual nephrons are the


Breathing through the nose rather than breathing through the mouth is advantageous because

air is warmed on inhalation

The plasma component that is the major contributor to osmotic pressure is called


The average pH of blood falls in a range of slightly


The substance you would find covering much of structure "B" is


Which of the following best describes the main function of the lower respiratory tract?

moving air to and from gas exchange surfaces

Hypersensitivity of the immune system to harmless antigens.


The site of gas exchange between air and blood is the


What is the name of the structure labeled "A"?


Which of the following is the site for gas exchange?


The bony socket for the root of the tooth is the



amino acid derivatives, peptide hormones, and lipid derivatives are all divitions of what?

All the vessels of the systemic arterial system originate from the


The arteries that arch along the cortex and medullary boundary are the



are eicosanoids released by activated whiteblood cells, important in coordinating tissue responses to injury or disease, describes what?


are lipid derivatives hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

catecholamines and petide hormones

are not lipid soluble, unable to penetrate cell membrane, and bind to receptor proteins at outer surface of cell membran "extracellular receptors", this describes what 2 hormones?


are peptide hormones hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

The GI layer labeled "A" is the


The correct order of the layers of the digestive tract, from deep to superficial, is

mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa

The correct order of the layers of the digestive tract, from deep to superficial, is

mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa.

What type of membrane lines the respiratory tract?


The nerve network that innervates the muscularis externa is located in the

muscularis externa

The thickest layer of the heart is the


An osmotic gradient is established by the

nephron loop

The wbc that phagocytosis injured and infected tissue is the


Food normally passes through the

oropharynx and laryngopharynx

The tonsils that lie on the sides of the pharynx are called


The structure labeled "C" is the

palatine tonsil

The structure labeled "c" is the


Exocrine secretions from pancreatic cells are collected in the

pancreatic duct

Chordae tendineae originates at the

papillary muscles

In general, which of the following nerve activities is MOST likely to stimulate digestive functions


In general, which of the following nerve activities is MOST likely to stimulate digestive functions?


When you smell food, the ________ is stimulated

parasympathetic NS

HCl is secreted by

parietal cells

g protien

what protien changes concentration of second messenger cyclic-amp "cAMP" within cell?


what stimulates synthesis of enzymes or structural proteins?

endocrine system

what system includes all encorine cells and body tissues and organs that produce hormones or paracrine factors?

direct communication

what type of communication occurs between 2 cells of the same type?

The name of the structure in cross-section that is labeled "B" is


The windpipe that conducts air toward the lungs is the


What is the structure labeled "D"?


The right atrioventricular valve is the


The layer that stabilizes and anchors a blood vessel is the

tunica externa

Children normally develop ________ deciduous teeth.


The muscularis mucosa normally contains ________ distinct layers.


A typical red blood cell lasts

two to three months

The most abundant organic waste in urine is


Muscular tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder are the


paracrine communication

uses chemical signals to transfer information from cell to cell within single tissue; most common form of intercellular communication, does this describe direct, paracrine, synaptic, or endocrine communication?

The structure that helps prevent food from entering the pharynx prematurely is the


Increasing the diameter of a blood vessel by relaxing a muscle is called


The right atrium receives blood from the superior and inferior

vena cava

The vessels that collect blood from capillary beds are called


The membrane covering the heart is the

visceral pericardium

The layer of the GI tract labeled "D" is also known as the

visceral peritoneum

Compression of a bolus of food against the hard palate triggers the ________ phase of swallowing

voluntary, buccal

Compression of a bolus of food against the hard palate triggers the ________ phase of swallowing.

voluntary, buccal

epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine, also called catecholamines

what are the 3 compounds of tyrosine derivatives?

cyclic-amp, cyclic-gmp, and calcium ions

what are the 3 important second messengers of the intracellular intermediaries?

endocrine cell

what cell releases their secretions into extracellular fluid?

A condition characterized by a generalized thickening and toughness of arterial walls is


The formation of lipid deposits on the tunica media is called


The boundary between the right and left ventricles is the anterior

atrioventricular sulcus

The brachial artery divides and branches directly into the _______ and ______ arteries.

axillary, subclavian

Dental plaque is composed of

bacterial matrix and a combination of food particles.

The white blood cell that releases histamine is the


The hepatic portal system is responsible for

delivering blood to the liver for nutrient concentration adjustments

The submucosal layer consists mainly of ________ tissue.

dense irregular connective

direct communication

exchange of ions and molecules between adjacent cells across gap junctions; occurs between 2 cells of same type; highly specialized and relatively rare. does this describe direct, paracrine, synaptic, or endocrine communication?

You are more likely to damage the inner cheek than the hard palate during mastication. This is because the

hard palate contains keratinized cells while cheek cells are more delicate nonkeratinized cells.

The most superior portion of the pharynx is the


What is the structure labeled "B"?


The boundary between crown and root is called the


The functional unit of the kidney is called the


Ions are absorbed and enter the body via the

small intestine

This segment of GI tract is taken from the

small intestine

Which of the following represents a place where stratified squamous epithelial tissue is NOT found?

small intestine

Salivary amylase is secreted from

submandibular and parotid salivaries

The common waste product of RNA metabolism is

uric acid

The structure labeled "B" is the


catecholamine & peptide hormones

what 2 hormones are not lipid soluble?

second messengers

what acts like the empoyies of campus mail offices, in terms of the intracellular intermediaries?


what are lipid soluble and diffuse across membrane to reach receptor proteins on inner surface of membrane "inracellular receptors"

eicosanoids and steroid hormones

what are the 2 classes of lipid derivatives?


what class of lipid derivatives affect enzymatic processes in etracellular fluids?


what class of lipid derivatives are important paracrine factors?


what class of lipid derivatives are small molecules with five-carbon ring at one end?


what class of lipid derivatives coordinate cellular activities?


what commen goal does the endocrine and nervous system share?

endocrine cells

what do call glandular secretory cells that release their secretions into extracellular fluid?

thyroid hormones

what hormones come from tyrosine dervatives?


what is the primary hormone of tryptophan derivative?


what leads to thousands of second messengers in cell?


what lipid derivative is derived from arachidonic acid?

steroid hormones

what lipid derivative is derived from cholesterol?


what magifies effect of hormone on target cell?


what part of the intracellular intermediaries is the binding of a small number of hormone molecules to memvrane receptor?

endocrine system

what system regulates long-term processes of growth, development, and reproduction?

direct, paracrine, synaptic, and endocrine communication

what the four types of communiction, in regardes to the endocrine and nervous system?


what turn existing enzyme or membrane channel "on" or "off"?

tyrosine and tryptophan

what two derivatives are synthesized from the amino acids?

exocrine cells

what type of cell secrete their products onto epithelial surfaces?

endocrine cells

what type of cells release chemicals "hormones" into the bloodstream?

direct communication

what type of communication is highly specialized and relatively rare?

g protien

what type of protien has enzyme complex coupled to membrane receptor?

g protien

what type of protien is involvg ed in link between first messenger and second messenger?

endocrine system

what uses chemical messengers to relay information and instructions between cells?

less sensitive

when levels of particular hormone ar high, cells beome less or more sensitive?

more sensitive

when levels of prticular hormone are low, cells become less or more sensitive?

catecholamines and peptide hormones

which 2 hormones are unable to penetrate cell membrane?

catecholamines and peptide hormones

which 2 hormones bind to receptor proteins at outer surface of cell membrane "extracelular receptors"?

first messenger

which intraceellular intermediaris may act as enzyme activator, inhibitor, or cofactor?

g protien

which protien binds GTP?

endocrine communication

which type of communication alters metabolic activities of many tissues and organs simultaneously?

endocrine communication

which type of communication has cells, of the same name of this type of communication, that release chemicals "hormones" into the bloodstream?

synaptic communication

which type of communication is ideal for crisis management?

paracrine communication

which type of communication is the most common form of intercellular communication?

synaptic communication

which type of communication releases neurotransmitter at a syapse that is very close to target cells?

paracrine communication

which type of communication uses chemical signals to transfer information from cell to cell within single tissue?

Blood that has an unaltered composition is called

whole blood

Structure "B" is the

Thoracic duct

T Cells are lymphocytes that have undergone their first stage of development in the

Thymus Gland

The structure labeled "A" is the


The digestive hormone that dilates intestinal capillaries is


The typical urine volume per day is approximately

1200 mL

Each lung contains approximately ________ alveoli

150 million

The amount of gastric juice produced each day is approximately

1500 mL

What is the correct order of structures as fluid moves through the nephron?1. Glomerular capsule 2. Distal convoluted tubule 3. Proximal convoluted tubule 4. Nephron loop

1; 3; 4; 2

The muscularis mucosa normally contains how many distinct layers


Children normally develop ________ deciduous teeth


The kidneys, at rest, receive about what percent of cardiac output kidneys


A single drop of whole blood from an average healthy adult contains ________ red blood cells.

260 million

Red blood cells comprise about _________ of the cells in the human body.

33 percent

This figure depicts which substance?

A hemoglobin protein

Right Lymphatic Duct & Thoracic Duct

Where the lymph eventually empties into two terminal vessels

Lymph is filters by moving through these, which are in clusters along the path of lymphatic vessels.

Lymph Nodes

The network of tiny blind-ended tubes distributed in the tissue spaces.

Lymphatic Capillaries

which of the following would NOT function as an antigen-presenting cell?


The primary cells of the immune system are


The cells, tissues and organs that work together, having a primary function to protect the body against environmental and internal threats, is the _________ system.


The lymphoid vessels closely associated with blood capillaries are

Lymphoid capillaries

The vessel network labeled "B" is composed of

Lymphoid vessels

Damaged tissues release chemicals the recruit

Mast cells

The hormone that may exert an antioxidant role in the CAN is


Specific Immunity


The initial phase of the general stress response

Mobilizes energy

Acquired Immunity

Natural Immunity

Is a disease caused by a retrovirus that enters the bloodstream and integrates into the DNA of T cell lymphocytes.


Blocks HIV's ability to reproduce within infected cells.


The process of antibodies adhering to mucus membranes to add additional protection from pathogens is called

Adhesion prevention

Lymph enters the node through 4 of these lymph vessels.


Which of the following hormones increases renal reabsorption of sodium


A full stomach can contain approximately ________ liters of material


The length of the entire digestive tract is approximately

10 meters

Mature T cells differ from other lymphocytes in that they have matured

In the thymus

The vessel network labeled "A" is comprised of

Arterioles, venules and capillaries

pathogens inside cells T cells are generally responsible for controlling

Specific immunity

The ability of a B or T cell to react with one antigen while ignoring all others is called


the largest mass of lymphoid tissue in the body is the


The adrenal glands are located

Superior to the kidney

The adrenal medulla is stimulated by

Sympathetic preganglionic fibers

The mature lymphocytes that are responsible for cell-mediated immunity are

T cells

Most of the hormones that regulate digestive activity are produced in the


The portion of the small intestine that receives chyme and digestive secretions is the


arachidonic acid

eicosanoids are derived from what acid?

A blood clot that does not retain its vessel wall location becomes a(n)


The hardest biologically manufactured substance is


The structure at "A" is composed of


negative feed back

endocrine and nervous system are relgulated primarily by positive feedback or negative feedback?


endocrine and nervous system rely on the release of what?

chemical messengers

endocrine and nervous system share many what?

Tracheal cartilage is structurally in a C-shape so that

large masses of food can pass through the esophagus

A midsagittal section through the trunk would divide the heart unequally, with most lying on the _____ side.


The left atrium and ventricle are supplied blood by the

left coronary

The structure labeled "D" leads directly into the

left lung

Where is the cardiac notch located?

left superior lobe

The lesser omentum attaches to the stomach's

lesser curvature.

The tissue labeled "B" is the

lesser omentum

Disorders characterized by the immune system mistakenly attacking the body's own tissue are

Inherited autoimmune disorder

Pancreatic beta cells produce and secrete


Chemical messengers that coordinate viral infection defenses are


Artificial Exposure


inherited Immunity

Inborn Immunity

Diabetes mellitus Type I accounts for __________ percent of all cases of diabetes.


Adult males will typically have _______ of blood in their cardiovascular systems.

5-6 liters

The normal pH of urine generally averages around


The circular folds and villi of the small intestine collectively increase surface area for absorption by a factor of


Normal blood plasma pH levels vary between


Normal blood glucose levels are homeostatically maintained at

70-110 mg/dL

A typical trip through the esophagus takes approximately

9 seconds

Platelets circulate for ______ days

9 to 12

The small intestine is responsible for ________ percent of nutrient absorption


One effect of glucocorticoids

Amino acid metabolism

Artifically induced passive immunity can be described as

An administered antibody in antiserum

Life-Threatening allergic reaction

Anaphylactic Shock

The structure labeled "b" is the

Anterior pituitary

Protein compound normally present in body.


Combines with antibody to produce humoral immunity


presentation The first step in the specific defense response is


Specific immunity against antigens and pathogens in body fluids is provided by

B cells

The mature lymphocytes that are responsible for antibody-mediated immunity are

B cells

The sac-like chamber at the base of the thoracic duct that receives lymph from the abdominal pelvis and lower limbs is called the

Cisterna chili

The lymphocyte cells that are identical to one another after being activated are



Combining Site

Inactive proteins in blood


The group of circulating proteins that helps antibodies destroy pathogens is


Process of changing molecule shape slightly to expose binding sites

Complement Fixation

T cells Cells that directly destroy pathogens are


The most abundant lymphocyte that attack virally infected body cells are

Cytotoxic T cells

general digestive activities during the alarm phase of the stress response will


The structure that protects skin against mechanical abrasion is


Insulin resistance is a characteristic of

Diabetes mellitus type II

Lymph exits the node through 1 of these lymph vessels.


the pancreatic islets are clusters of

Endocrine cells

Which of the following is NOT a hormone released from the adrenal cortex?


The hormone associated with the alarm phase of the general stress response is


The pineal gland is located in the


Approximately 99 percent of the pancreatic cells have

Exocrine digestive function

The development of sperm is promoted by


The localized general tissue response to injury is


The muscular tube through the body used for digestion is known as the

GI tract

The muscular tube through the body used for digestion is known as the

GI tract.

The digestive hormone that stimulates the pancreas to release insulin is


Nonspecific Immunity

General Protection

Increased breakdown of glycogen and release of glucose is stimulated by


Pancreatic alpha cells produce and secrete


The largest zone of the adrenal cortex secretes


Hormones that regulate the activity of the gonads are know as


B cells are activated by contact with

Helper T cells

Also known as antibody-mediated immunity.

Humoral Immunity

the nonspecific defense that denies access to pathogens is

Physical barrier

Melatonin is produced and secreted by the

Pineal gland

The gland historically called the "master gland" is the


Secrete copious amounts of antibody into the blood- nearly 2000 antibody molecules for every 2nd they live.

Plasma Cells

Antibodies are produced by

Plasma cells

Hormones that are made by the hypothalamus are secreted by the

Posterior pituitary

The structure labeled "c" is the

Posterior pituitary

The release of ADH from the __________ is stimulated by osmoregulators in the _________

Posterior pituitary; hypothalamus

Damaged cells alter the local interstitial fluid environment by releasing

Prostaglandins, proteins and potassium

Antibodies are composed of


Structure "A" is the

Right lymphoid duct

Normal lymph flow is directed toward the

Thoracic cavity

Lymph from the body secretions inferior to the diaphragm and the left side of the body collects in the

Thoracic duct

Hormones that activate other endocrine glands belong to the group known as


Like many viruses, such as the common cold, HIV changes rapidly so development of a what that may not occur for several years.


endocrine communication

communication that has specific cells that release chemicals "hormones into bloodstream; alters metabolic, activities of many tissues and organs simultaneously, does this describe direct, paracrine, synaptic, or endocrine communication?

Progressive dehydration of indigestible foods is called


Because of their length, juxtaglomerular nephrons are particularly important in

concentrating urine

Blood is a type of

connective tissue

Swallowing is

conscious first, and then a subconscious activity

Swallowing is

conscious first, and then a subconscious activity.

The vessels that supply blood to the heart are called the

coronary arteries

The superficial granular region of the kidney is called the


The vessel that collects blood from the nephron capillaries is which vein

cortical radiate

step 3

cyclic-AMP "second messenger": activates kinase is step 1,2,3,or 4 of increased cAMP levels?

important second messengers

cyclic-amp "cAMP", cyclic-gmp "cGMP", and calcium ions are important to which intracellular intermediaries?


cyclic-gmp is derivative of what?


cydlic-amp is derivative of what?

The structure at "B" is composed of


The muscle that compresses the urinary bladder and expels the contents is the


The process of wbc migrating out of capillaries to the surrounding tissues is called


Which of the following activities occurs in the oral cavity?

digestion of carbohydrates

The structure labeled "C" is shared by which two organ systems?

digestive and respiratory

The part of the nephron that makes further adjustments in the composition of tubular fluid through a combination of secretion and reabsorption is the

distal convoluted tubule

Dentin is distinguishable from bone in that dentin

does not contain cells.

The highest level of endocrine control is exerted by the


The entrance to the colon is the

ileocecal valve

The flow of material into the large intestine is controlled by the

ileocecal valve


inactive molecules converted to active hormones before or after secretion, is called what?

Ridges and fold within the GI tract function to

increase surface area

Ridges and fold within the GI tract function to

increase surface area.

Water enters the body through

ingestion and metabolism

The connection between the nasal cavity and the pharynx is the

internal nares

The opening from the nasal cavity to the nasopharynx is called the

internal nares.

Fingerlike projections in the small intestine are called

intestinal villi

During quiet breathing, inhalation

is active and exhalation is passive

Inhaling through the nostrils is preferred over inhaling through the mouth because

it allows better conditioning of the inhaled air

Most chemical digestion and nutrient absorption occurs in the


The excretory function of the urinary system is performed by the


The primary location of ion excretion is the


The connective tissue portion of the inner membrane of the digestive tract is called

lamina propria.

What is the structure labeled "C"?

large intestine

The bone lying anterior to the heart is the



steroid hormones are derived from what?


stimulate synthesis of enzymes or structural proteins; increase or decrease rate of synthesis; turn existing enzme or membrane channel "on" or "off", are all functions what?

Pharyngeal phase of swallowing is triggered by

stimulation of tactile receptors in the pharynx.

The GI layer labeled "B" is the


The layer of the GI tract that is highly vascularized is the


The nerve network that innervates the mucosal and submucosal layers of the digestive tract is physically located in the

submucosa layer

The apex of the heart lies _______ to the diaphragm.


The base of the heart is the portion that is most


bind and read hormonal messages

target cells receptors do what to hormonal messages?

growth, development, reproduction

the endocrine system regulates long-term processes of what three things?


the group of eicosanoids produced in most tissues of body, are called what?


the pineal gland produces what hormone?

Backflow of urine into the ureters from the bladder is generally prevented by

the slit-like openings of the ureter

The structure labeled "a" is the


tyrosine derivatives

thyroid hormones and compounds: epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine, also called catecholamines. all these are dervatives of what?

tyrosine derivatives

thyroid hormones come from what derivatives?

prostaglandis and leukotrienes

what are the two primary groups of eicosanoids?

receptor cascade

what do you call a single hormone promotes release of more than 1 type of second messenger?


what do you call eicosanoids rleased by activated white blood cells, or leukocytes?

target cells

what do you call specific cells that possess receptors needed to bind and "read" normonal messages?


what eicosanoids is important in coordinating tissue responses to injury or disease?


what group of eicosanoids are involved in coordinating local cellular activities?


what group of eicosanoids can sometimes converted to thromboxanes and prostacyclins?


what group of eicosanoids produced in most tissues of the body; are involved in coordinating local cellular activities; sometimes converted to thromboxanes and prostacyclins?

peptide hormones

what group of hormones are are synthesized as prohomones?

peptide hormones

what group of hormones are chains of amino acids?

amino acid derivatives

what group of hormones are small molecules structurally related to amino acids synthesized from the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan?

steroid hormones

what hormones are lipids structurally similar to cholesterol?


what increase or decrease rate of synthesis?

first messenger

what intracellular intermediaries leads to second messenger?


what is a derivative of atp?


what is a derivative of gtp?


what is in different tissues that have different combinations of receptor and in the presence or absence of specific receeptor ditermines hormonal sensitiity?


what is in different tissues that have different combinations of receptors?

first messenger

what is like the postoffice to the college campus, interms of the intracellular intermediaries?

first messenger

which intracellular intermediaries tesults in change in rates of metabolic reactions?

g protien

which protien is activated when hormone binds to receptor at membrane surface?

nervous system

which system acts fast and would allow me to get out of the way of a speeding car?

nervous system

which system handles crisis management?

endocrine system

which system is unable to handle split-second responses?

endocrine system

which system would not work fast enough to help me dodge a bus?

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