Final Ethics Tests

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Many believe it is wise to have a(n)___________ when counseling couples, due to the complexity of the work a) "No secrets" policy b) Attorney c) Hidden agenda d) Three-year contract

a) "No secrets" policy

Jan is an incest victim and is covered for six sessions by insurance. Her counselor is in a private practice and knows that Jan needs more sessions. She decides to offer Jan her services pro bono. In making the ethical decision to ensure that her client has equal access to services, the counselor is using the basic moral principle of a)justice b) fidelity c) veracity d) benefiance

a) =justice

The family systems perspective is grounded on the assumption that a client's problematic behavior may be: a) A symptom of dysfunctional patterns handed down across generations. b) An individual problem that needs to be resolved before the family can meet in a group. c) The issue that is keeping the family in crisis. d) A result of the individual's maladjusted and psychosocial development.

a) A symptom of dysfunctional patterns handed down across generations.

Nakita is an African-American mother with four children and has been having trouble finding housing in a safe community. Lisa is her social worker and suspects that there may be racial discrimination involved and takes her to sites that she has previously screened for availability. In this case, Lisa is acting as an: a) Advocate b) Evaluator c) Adviser d) Ombudsman

a) Advocate

Chong is a legal immigrant and is having post-traumatic stress syndromes as a result of his experiences in Laos. He may be reluctant to use the available counseling resources because he: a) All of them b) harbors the attitude that he should be able to take charge of his own life. c) may perceive the resources as culturally insensitive. d) believes that it is only for people who have extreme symptoms.

a) All of them

Of the following, which factor(s) is/are crucial to therapy outcomes? a) All of them b) The client's motivation c) Severity of the client's symptoms d) Client-therapist relationship factors

a) All of them

Supervisors are ethically vulnerable because: a) All of them b) There is a power differential between the participants. c) Of the "therapy like" quality of the supervisory relationship. d) They are faced with protecting the welfare of the clients, supervisees, the public and the profession.

a) All of them

Which of the following statements is consistent with the values within the feminist perspective on family therapy? a) All of them b) Therapists should empower their clients to make their own choices. c) Therapists demystify the therapeutic process for the clients. d) Therapists challenge traditional gender roles and the impact that socialization has on relationships and families.

a) All of them

With respect to confidentiality, group leaders have a responsibility to: a) All of them b) Clearly define what it means c) Explain its importance d) Inform members of the difficulties involved in enforcing it

a) All of them

Jolene tells her counselor that she is depressed about the break-up of her relationship and "just wished she could go to sleep and never wake up". In this case, the counselor needs to: a) Assess if Jolene is suicidal and intervene if necessary b) See if there is any chance for reconciliation c) Recognize her statement is only a "cry for help" and should not be taken seriously d) Immediately commit Jolene to a psychiatric facility

a) Assess if Jolene is suicidal and intervene if necessary

The following would be an ineffective way of managing a client's suicidal ideation: a) Be willing to communicate your caring without setting limits b) Attempt to secure a promise from the client that he or she will not try to commit suicide c) Immediately hospitalize the client after proper assessment d) Recognize the limits of your competence and know when and how to refer

a) Be willing to communicate your caring without setting limits

In this role, counselors assist clients in recognizing oppressive forces in the community as a source of their problem and teach their clients strategies for developing political power to bring about change in the clients' social and physical environment: a) Change agent b) Consultant c) Adviser d) Advocate

a) Change agent

________ uses assessment to understand the client's pattern of thinking and to identify self- defeating beliefs. a) Cognitive-behavioral therapy b) Feminist therapy c) Behavioral therapy d) Systemic therapies

a) Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Counselors can encourage ethnic minority clients to learn skills they can use to interact successfully with various forces in their community by acting as their: a) Consultant b) Advocate c) Broker d) Adviser

a) Consultant

Joyce is being supervised in her agency by a licensed, experienced clinician who is highly trained in counseling and is listed with her Board as a supervisor. She is familiar with play therapy and uses art in her practice with children but has no training in art therapy. She wants to see and discuss the art of Joyce's clients. Her perspective and evaluations of the art are incongruent with Joyce's training and her insights are disturbing to Joyce. Joyce's best course of action would be to: a) Discuss her discomfort, request a different approach to supervision and discontinue bringing clients' art to meetings. b) Offer to share material from her art therapy classes, and some readings with the supervisor to bring her up to speed. c) Share with the supervisor that their outlook on art therapy differs and that it does not seem like the best match and that she will seek supervision with a different person in the agency. d) Ignore the supervisor's interpretations of the art and learn what she can from her.

a) Discuss her discomfort, request a different approach to supervision and discontinue bringing clients' art to meetings.

A utilization review may take place ____________ treatment. a) During b) Before c) After d) All of them

a) During

Contemporary theories of counseling: a) Emphasizes the social and cultural facts of human existence b) Are grounded on assumptions that are a part of Eastern culture c) Focus on interdependence, and losing self in the totality of the cosmos d) Emphasize the uniqueness of the individual, self- assertion and ego strength

a) Emphasizes the social and cultural facts of human existence

Below is a sex-biased response to problems presented in couples therapy: a) Encouraging couples to accept the fact that the child rearing is primarily the responsibility of the mother. b) Assuming that remaining married may not be the best choice for a woman. c) Demonstrating equal interest in both the woman's career and the man's career. d) Having the same reaction to a woman's extramarital affair as a man's affair

a) Encouraging couples to accept the fact that the child rearing is primarily the responsibility of the mother.

Therapists who fall in to the category of clinicians who see diagnosis as being restrictive or who oppose diagnosis are likely to be: a) Existential or relationship-oriented therapists b) Directive therapists c) Psychoanalytic therapists d) Those who practice from a multicultural framework

a) Existential or relationship-oriented therapists

Supervisees in training programs do NOT have the right to: a) Expect that the supervisor will be their personal therapist if needed. b) Be fully informed of their supervisor's approaches to supervision. c) Continually access to any records maintained during the supervisory relationship. d) Confidentiality with regard to disclosure, unless mandated by law.

a) Expect that the supervisor will be their personal therapist if needed.

It is NOT the responsibility of the supervisor to: a) Independently decide the needs of the trainee, including the course of therapy they will need. b) Perform the role of teacher, counselor, or consultant as they are appropriate. c) Promote knowledge and skills required to effectively work with clients from culturally diverse backgrounds. d) Assist supervisees to recognize their personal limitations and protect the welfare of their clients.

a) Independently decide the needs of the trainee, including the course of therapy they will need.

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding evidence-based practice? a) It is synonymous with the term "empirically supported treatments". b) Psychodynamic therapy falls under the category of evidence-based practice. c) Therapeutic interventions that are not considered "evidence-based practices" are unethical. d) All of them

a) It is synonymous with the term "empirically supported treatments".

Direct client services focuses on: a) Outreach activities b) Client advocacy c) Consultation d) Influencing policymakers

a) Outreach activities

Gender sensitive models of training family therapy are aimed at: a) Overcoming trainee gender bias and sex-role stereotyping b) Raising consciousness concerning the role of the cultural and ethnic factors in influencing the outlooks and behaviors of individuals and families. c) Understanding the collaborative nature of family therapy. d) Direct clinical contact with all the members of the family system.

a) Overcoming trainee gender bias and sex-role stereotyping

According to professional ethical principles on testing, it would be unethical for a counselor to: a) Perform testing and assessment services for which they have not been adequately trained. b) Develop, administer, score, interpret, or use assessment procedures that are appropriate for the situation. c) Test within the client's socialized behavioral or cognitive patterns. d) Consider the validity of a given test and interpret data in the context of the cultural characteristics of the client.

a) Perform testing and assessment services for which they have not been adequately trained.

The following is a safeguard against malpractice accusations: a) Practice in specific areas where you are competent b) Avoid a clients perception of abandonment by not taking time off c) Give free sessions until the client is able to pay d) Never engage in bartering under any circumstances

a) Practice in specific areas where you are competent

Below is an example of a technique being used in an unethical way: a) Practicing unfamiliar techniques in group b) Modifying techniques so they are suitable for the client's cultural and ethnic background. c) Have a therapeutic purpose and be grounded in some theoretical framework. d) Members are given the freedom on whether or not they wish to participate in a given experiment.

a) Practicing unfamiliar techniques in group

The authors recommend at least three experiences as adjunct to a training program for group workers that would NOT include: a) Recognition that professional codes, legislative mandates, and institutional policies alone will ensure competent group leadership. b) Personal (private) psychotherapy c) Experience in group therapy, group counseling, or personal-growth groups. d) Participation in a supervision and training group.

a) Recognition that professional codes, legislative mandates, and institutional policies alone will ensure competent group leadership.

An African-American woman was interacting with her child in a domestic abuse shelter where she is over-heard to say to her child "keep touching that and I'm going to whoop you". The social worker who over heard this statement should a) Recognize that what constitutes abuse in one culture may not be viewed as abuse in another culture and not reportable until it is determined that the child is in danger. b) Immediately report the mother to Child Protective Services. c) Tell the mother that she will be evicted from the shelter if she continues to talk to her child that way. d) Remove the child from the mother's care until the mother can learn how to talk to her child with respect.

a) Recognize that what constitutes abuse in one culture may not be viewed as abuse in another culture and not reportable until it is determined that the child is in danger.

Which of the following models of ethical decision making focuses primarily on the social aspects of decision making and redefines the process as being interactive rather than intrapsychic? a) Sociocultural model b) Social constructivist model c) Feminist model d) Integrative model

a) Sociocultural model

The managed care model: a) Stresses time-limited interventions, cost-effective methods, and a focus on preventative strategies. b) Allows practitioners to decide what clients need, how and when to treat them, and how long therapy will last. c) Has grown out of demands by practitioners for quality control and stabilizing escalating costs of mental-health care. d) Encourages curative interventions, accurate diagnosis and hospital admissions when needed. e) Assumes that practitioners will set therapeutic goals of personal growth and self-actualization for their clients.

a) Stresses time-limited interventions, cost-effective methods, and a focus on preventative strategies.

Professional code of ethics for supervisors agree that: a) Supervisors occupy a position of power and should not engage in sexual relationships with the student. b) All dual or multiple relationships with the supervisees are unethical. c) Social interaction with supervisees is essential to effective counselor training. d) Sexual relationships between supervisors and students are unethical unless the student freely consents.

a) Supervisors occupy a position of power and should not engage in sexual relationships with the student.

John is seeking counseling through his managed care provider and he needs to be informed that: a) The managed care company may request the entire clinical record of a client. b) He has the right to expect unlimited sessions. c) His insurance provider will not have access to his records. d) No referrals will be made upon termination of therapy.

a) The managed care company may request the entire clinical record of a client.

Martha is in a counselor training program and often discusses personal concerns with her supervisor. The purpose of this discussion is: a) To facilitate the trainee's ability to work successfully with clients. b) For the supervisor to initiate a therapeutic relationship with the trainee. c) To resolve the trainee's problems so they work more effectively with clients. d) To always make a referral to personal therapy.

a) To facilitate the trainee's ability to work successfully with clients.

Matt is an 8 year old who is working on identifying feelings in school-based individual art therapy. He has made a list of feelings that he experiences. During his sessions, he completes detailed drawings of children in situations in which the different feelings arise. These images are displayed in the art therapist's office and other children use them as the basis for their feeling drawings. Matt states that he is very proud that he can help other children. Displaying Matt's drawings is: a) Unethical b) Very good for his self esteem c) Potentially inspiring to other children d) Potentially upsetting to other children e) Ethical as long as he only signs his first name.

a) Unethical

After failing to set limits with her employer, Leanne began to feel overwhelmed with her job at the counseling center. In addition to her regular duties, she was responsible for supervising all of the trainees. To manage her time, she spent a disproportionate amount of time with certain trainees and neglected others, assuming that they had the skills to fend for themselves. If a client of one of her neglected trainees decided to file a lawsuit, it is likely that Leanne would bear: a) Vicarious liability and direct liability b) Vicarious liability c) Direct liability d) No liability (because her employer would be held responsible)

a) Vicarious liability and direct liability

Susan is in a counselor training program and is infatuated with her supervisor. She has indicated that she is interested in pursuing an intimate relationship. In order to provide adequate supervision for Susan, her supervisor would need to: a) clearly define and maintain ethical, professional and social relationship boundaries with Susan b) attempt to resolve the situation therapeutically. c) suggest that she transfer to another training program or supervisor. d) let Susan know that there is no possibility for intimacy until she graduates from the program.

a) clearly define and maintain ethical, professional and social relationship boundaries with Susan

Ronald directs his clients toward solutions instead of encouraging them to seek alternatives for themselves. He is likely to have a strong need: a) for approval b) to feel a sense of achievement and accomplishment. c) to empower his clients. d) to nurture his clients.

a) for approval

Most ethical codes specify that therapist should: a) inform clients that a diagnosis can become a permanent part of their file and have ramifications in terms of cost of insurance, long-term insurability, and employment. b) alter case notes that are damaging to the client if they are subpoenaed into court. c) do all that they can to keep the client engaged in therapy even if the client has worked through their problem. d) be available to their clients even when they are on vacation.

a) inform clients that a diagnosis can become a permanent part of their file and have ramifications in terms of cost of insurance, long-term insurability, and employment.

Many professionals struggle with the issue of how to work within a system while retaining their dignity, vitality and convictions. The most important component in any effort to bring about change is to: a) make an honest self-examination to determine the degree in which the "system" is actually hindering them. b) start the process of changing the system by speaking to the director of the organization. c) conduct research as to the reasons for the problems in the organization. d) evaluate the options in responding to unacceptable circumstances.

a) make an honest self-examination to determine the degree in which the "system" is actually hindering them.

Counselors who have unresolved personal conflicts a) need to recognize that their problems may interfere with their effectiveness and refrain from activities that would harm a client. b) need to repress anxiety-provoking c) are quite effective because they kno d) must resolve all their difficulties before counseling others.

a) need to recognize that their problems may interfere with their effectiveness and refrain from activities that would harm a client.

Thomas has terminal HIV/AIDS and has decided to end his life rather than continue to suffer. The counselor he is working with does not condone rational suicide. In this case, the counselor needs to: a) refer him to a competent professional qualified to assist the client. b) learn as much as possible about the course of the client's abilities. c) explore the impact of the client's religious beliefs on making his decision to end his life. d) help the client seek medical treatment that will help him cope with his pain.

a) refer him to a competent professional qualified to assist the client.

Beneficence refers to doing good for others and to promoting the well-being of clients. a)True b)False

a) true

A theoretical orientation is best described as: a)A set of general guidelines that counselors can use to make sense of what they are hearing and what needs to change. b) A rigid framework that provides specific steps of how to conduct a counseling session. c) A conceptualization of the intrapsychic structures that dictate a client's behavior. d) A set of techniques that can be used to promote behavioral changes.

a)A set of general guidelines that counselors can use to make sense of what they are hearing and what needs to change.

Gail feels like she has not accomplished what she wanted in her therapy group and has decided to leave. Gail's therapist needs to: a)Encourage her to explain why she wants to leave to other group members. b) Encourage her to leave before her negative attitude affects other members of the group. c) Put undue pressure on her to stay in group. d) Encourage other members to pressure her to stay.

a)Encourage her to explain why she wants to leave to other group members.

Which of the following is NOT considered to be one of the characteristic of diversity sensitive group work? a)Group counselors treat all members the same b) Group counselors respect members' religious, spiritual beliefs and values c) Group counselors respect the roles of family and community hierarchies within a client's culture. d) Group counselors acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for working with diverse clients.

a)Group counselors treat all members the same

__________ to give informed consent means that the client has the ability to make rational decisions. a) Willingness b) Capacity c) Voluntariness d) Comprehension of information

b) Capacity

________________________ is a three-stage developmental sequence, from multicultural awareness to knowledge and comprehension to skills and applications. a) Diversity-sensitive counseling b) Culture-centered counseling c) Multicultural counseling d) Cultural immersion

b) Culture-centered counseling

Of the following, which is an example of a behavior that might leave a mental health practitioner vulnerable to a malpractice suit? a) Used a procedure to which the client did not respond favorably. b) Employed a technique that he or she was not trained to use. c) Used a procedure within the realm of accepted professional practice. d) Explained the possible consequences of treatment and the client still wanted to participate in the process.

b) Employed a technique that he or she was not trained to use.

Which of the following would be least likely to lead to a malpractice suit? a) Failure to obtain or document informed consent. b) Engaging in a bartering arrangement with a client c) Practicing beyond the scope of competency d) Unhealthy transference relationships

b) Engaging in a bartering arrangement with a client

Counseling friends. Regarding the issue of counseling friends, I think: a) It is seldom wise to accept a friend as a client. b) Friendship and therapy should not be mixed. c) It should be done only when it is acceptable to both the client and the counselor. d) It should be done rarely, and only if it is clear that the friendship will not interfere with the therapeutic relationship.

b) Friendship and therapy should not be mixed.

Margaret works privately as a therapist and teaches in a graduate program for art therapy. She has a written release giving her permission to show and discuss former client's (Greg) art therapy case work in class. She wants to share Greg's art work with her friend Amy to help her see the benefits of art therapy. She feels sure Greg would approve. a) Margaret is demonstrating a creative approach to therapy b) Margaret is violating Greg's confidentiality c) Because Greg signed the informed consent, Margaret can share the art with anyone. d) Margaret is crossing a boundary but is functioning in the best interest of her client

b) Margaret is violating Greg's confidentiality

Laws regarding confidentiality in school counseling: a) Both answers b) None of these c) Require counselors to make their personal records available and disclose the substance of confidential counseling sessions to parents. d) Are exactly the same as laws regarding confidentiality in private practice settings.

b) None of these

___________should include a record of client and therapist behavior that is clinically relevant, including interventions used, client responses to treatment strategies, the evolving treatment plan, and any follow-up measures taken. a) Intakes b) Progress notes c) Screenings d) Assessments

b) Progress notes

In the event that a practitioner is sued, he or she should: a) Destroy or alter files or reports that may be incriminating. b) Promptly retain an attorney. c) Discuss the case with other professionals. d) Try to resolve the matter directly with the client.

b) Promptly retain an attorney.

As mandated reporters, therapists should: a) Report abuse only after collecting ample evidence. b) Report suspected child abuse, elder abuse and dependent-adult abuse, and report suspected abuse even when uncertain. c) Report suspected child abuse, elder abuse and dependent-adult abuse. d) Report suspected abuse even when uncertain.

b) Report suspected child abuse, elder abuse and dependent-adult abuse, and report suspected abuse even when uncertain.

______ refers to a personal inclination or desire for a relationship with the transcendent or God. a) Faith b) Spirituality c) Religion d) Belief

b) Spirituality

Robert runs into the office, unprepared and frustrated because he is late for his weekly appointment with his first client of the day. He is consistently late for his appointments and his behavior is a)Immoral b) Unprofessional c) Illegal d) Unethical

b) Unprofessional

______ is cited in the text as grounds for malpractice suit. a) Client abandonment b) Violations of confidentiality and sexual misconduct. c) Client abandonment and misdiagnosis. d) Failure to obtain informed consent and practice beyond the scope of competency

b) Violations of confidentiality and sexual misconduct.

The major type(s) of elder abuse is/are: a) Physical abuse b) all of them c) Sexual abuse d) Financial or material exploitation

b) all of them

The term minority group has come to refer to: a) any relationship between two or more diverse groups. b) any category of people who have been discriminated against or subjected to unequal treatment and oppression by society largely because of their group membership. c) any pattern of behavior that denies access to opportunities or privileges to members of one racial group. d) a sense of identity that stems from common ancestry, history, nationality, religion and race.

b) any category of people who have been discriminated against or subjected to unequal treatment and oppression by society largely because of their group membership.

It is the authors' position that counselors would not work well with diverse populations if they a) are flexible in applying theories to specific situations. b) believe that they are free from any racist attitudes, beliefs, and or feelings. c) are open to being challenged and tested. d) are comfortable with differences that exist between themselves and their clients.

b) believe that they are free from any racist attitudes, beliefs, and or feelings.

Richard is counseling a male Asian client and is encouraging him to go away to college even though he is expected to take care of his aging parents. Richard is violating the following basic moral principle in making ethical decisions a) beneficience b) nonmaleficence c) fidelity d) autonomy

b) nonmaleficence

The top factor(s) that contributes to burnout are: a) Helplessness and a state of inefficiency b) Inability to leave clients concern at the office c) All of these d) Cumulative effects from work with trauma survivors e) Emotional depletion

c) All of these

Two processes that offer safeguards against malpractice liability in suicidal cases are: a) Intervention and hospitalization if needed b) Assessment and orientation c) Consultation and documentation d) Diagnosis and informed consent

c) Consultation and documentation

The following is true concerning dual relationships: a) Due to the fact that there are clinical, ethical, and legal risks, all blending of roles must be avoided. b) There is a clear consensus among practitioners regarding nonsexual relationships in counseling. c) Counselors need to make every effort to avoid dual relationships with clients that could impair professional judgment or increase the risk of harm to clients. d) Objectivity in counseling is enhanced with dual relationships.

c) Counselors need to make every effort to avoid dual relationships with clients that could impair professional judgment or increase the risk of harm to clients.

Emily enjoys going to galleries and keeps up to date with contemporary art in her community. She is familiar with the professional artwork of a new client. In the course of therapy, he creates some pieces that he plans to hang in his next show. He tells Emily how his work with her has helped his art, and he asks for her cards to place in the gallery. Emily is pleased to comply as she likes working with artists. a) Emily has made a positive and valid marketing decision that will help her build her practice. b) Emily has possibly not explained confidentiality guidelines to her client. c) Emily has crossed a confidential boundary by giving him her cards to display. d) He is an adult and it is his choice to share his counseling relationship with the general public. If he wants to distribute her cards and it is not something Emily needs to discuss with him.

c) Emily has crossed a confidential boundary by giving him her cards to display.

A single father reports that he had too much to drink and harshly spanked his three-year old son when he wouldn't stop screaming. The father feels terrible about the incident and asks his counselor to get some help for him so that it will never happen again. Acting on the highest level of ethical functioning, the counselor would: a) Immediately report the incident to the Child Protective Services in order to protect the child. b) Consult with a colleague about referring her client to a treatment center. c) Examine all the factors and special circumstances of this case before acting. d) Place the child in foster care until the father can learn to deal more constructively with his anger.

c) Examine all the factors and special circumstances of this case before acting.

_________________________ counseling is any counseling relationship in which the counselor and the client belong to different cultural groups, may hold different assumptions about social reality, and may subscribe to different world views. a) Culturally encapsulated b) Transcultural c) Multicultural d) Diversity-sensative

c) Multicultural

Which statement has the correct definition? a)Principle ethics describes a level of ethical functioning wherein counselors act with minimal standards b)Principle ethics focuses on the character traits of the counselor and nonobligatory ideals to which professionals aspire rather than on solving specific ethical dilemmas. c) Principle ethics is a set of obligations and a method that focuses on moral issues with the goals of solving a dilemma and establishing a framework for future ethical behaviors d) Virtue ethics focus on acts and choices, used to facilitate the selection of socially and historical answers to "what shall I do"?

c) Principle ethics is a set of obligations and a method that focuses on moral issues with the goals of solving a dilemma and establishing a framework for future ethical behaviors

Which of the following is an inappropriate response to a client with lifestyle choice or spiritual or religious beliefs that conflict with the therapist? a) Describe similarities and differences between spirituality and religion. b) Identify the limits of his or her understanding of the client's spiritual and/or religious perspective. c) Refuse to counsel homosexual clients on the basis of religious beliefs d) Utilize spiritual and or religious practices as techniques as applicable to clients viewpoint.

c) Refuse to counsel homosexual clients on the basis of religious beliefs

Which of the following therapist behaviors might be indicative of a countertransference reaction? a) seeking the approval of the client b) rejecting a client c) all of the answers d) treating the client in benign ways e) overprotecting the client

c) all of the answers

The culturally encapsulated counselor is characterized by: a) defining reality according to the client's reality. b) showing sensitivity to cultural variations among individuals c) defining reality according to one set of cultural assumptions d) evaluating other viewpoints and making attempts to accommodate the behavior of others.

c) defining reality according to one set of cultural assumptions

Frank is a Native American college student who is seeking information about his career choice from a male counselor. The counselor notices that he uses very little eye contact and needs to recognize that Frank: a) would be more likely to have direct eye contact if the counselor were female. b) lacks trust about the information he is receiving. c) is likely to view direct eye contact as a lack of respect. d) is unlikely to follow through with his suggestions.

c) is likely to view direct eye contact as a lack of respect.

Statements such as "Minority groups need to take responsibility for their own predicament" and "In order to succeed, people need to stop complaining and start working" do not take into account environmental factors. These are examples of a) challenging culture-bound values. b) guiding principles for action. c) stereotypical beliefs. d) cultural intolerance

c) stereotypical beliefs.

According to the authors, the first step in the process of acquiring multicultural counseling skills in a training program should be that the students a) open themselves to people in other cultures through reading and travel. b) free themselves from all racist thoughts, actions and feelings. c) take a self-exploratory class to help identify their cultural and ethnic blind spots. d) have their value system conform with an "acceptable norm".

c) take a self-exploratory class to help identify their cultural and ethnic blind spots.

Written consent forms should NOT include: a) Clarification pertaining to fees and charges and procedures for filing for insurance reimbursement. b) A statement describing the counselor's theoretical orientation and how this will affect treatment. c)A detailed description of what will occur in therapy and a guarantee that the client will resolve their issues. d) A discussion of how a managed care system will affect the treatment, if applicable.

c)A detailed description of what will occur in therapy and a guarantee that the client will resolve their issues.

The following comprise mental health confidentiality violations and must be reported as a breach to each client: a) A therapist's car was broken into in a parking lot at her work site. A tote bag was stolen, it contained client files. b) A therapist sent two boxes containing protected health information to a recycling center. c) A password protected but unencrypted laptop was stolen from a counselor's office. It contained protected mental health information. d) All of them

d) All of them

It is illegal and unethical for a therapist to disclose confidential information when: a) There is a need to obtain appropriate consultations b) An emergency exists c) The client consents to disclosure d) An employer requests disclosure to determine the mental status of an employee without their consent.

d) An employer requests disclosure to determine the mental status of an employee without their consent.

Priviledged communication does NOT apply in cases of: a) Death with dignity. b) Unfaithfulness in one or both partners in couple's therapy c) Client disclosures of personal and sensitive information d) Child abuse and neglect

d) Child abuse and neglect

Joe has a counseling practice and is also teaching psychology part-time at a university. He is well liked and trusted by students and some have asked for private counseling. Joe has decided to wait until semester break before taking them on as clients. Joe would be: a) Playing favoritism by not counseling all of his students. b) Exhibiting ethical behavior by telling his students to wait until he finishes teaching. c) Not qualified to counsel his students because he is a part-time instructor. d) In a dual relationship with his students which may cause ethical problems.

d) In a dual relationship with his students which may cause ethical problems.

Ted is a counselor educator and also acts as a therapeutic agent for his student's personal development since personal awareness is considered to be an intrinsic part of developing counselor skills in the program at the university in which he teaches. Ted is: a) In a situation that automatically leads to a conflict of interest. b) Involved in a situation in which he will become so subjective that he will be unable to teach his students. c) Totally unethical in attempting to guide his students towards self awareness. d) Involved in role blending which is inevitable in the process of educating and supervising counselor trainees.

d) Involved in role blending which is inevitable in the process of educating and supervising counselor trainees.

A patient to was extremely upset over his wife's extramarital affair was voluntarily admitted to a psychiatric facility. After repeatedly threatening to kill both of them and admitting to his therapist that he had a weapon, he was given a weekend pass to visit his children who were living with his wife. He met his wife and lover at the house and killed both of them. The Bradley case illustrates the duty a) To breach client confidentiality under exceptional circumstances b) To involuntarily commit a dangerous client c) To warn anyone who is in the vicinity of the intended victim who might also be a danger d) Not to negligently release a dangerous client

d) Not to negligently release a dangerous client

The Death with Dignity law is in which state? a) New York b) None of these c) Texas d) Oregon

d) Oregon

The counselor who asks the questions "Am I doing what is best for my client?" rather than "Is this situation unethical?" is functioning from the following ethical perspective? a) Virtue ethics b)Practical ethics c)Value ethics d) Principle ethics

d) Principle ethics

Susan is quite distressed after finding out that her husband has been unfaithful and tells her counselor that she is so angry that she feels like killing him. In this case, the counselor needs to: a) Warn Susan that she can be arrested for making threats against her husband. b) Commit Susan to a hospital until she can overcome her anger c) Warn the husband that he is in potential danger d) Question Susan to determine whether she is serious about doing physical harm to her husband

d) Question Susan to determine whether she is serious about doing physical harm to her husband

The California's court ruling that requires that therapists breach confidentiality in cases where the general welfare and safety of others is involved is a result of the: a) Hedlund v Superior Court decsiion b) Bradley Center V. Wessner decision c) Jablonski v United States decision d) Tarasoff decision

d) Tarasoff decision

Concerning counseling via the Internet, which statement is most accurate? a) This form of counseling is not suited to a problem-solving approach. b) Most experts agree that what is being currently offered via Internet counseling is a form of traditional psychotherapy. c) The codes of the major professional organizations offer detailed guidance regarding ethical practices in the use of technology. d) There are both advantages and disadvantages in using Internet technology to deliver counseling services.

d) There are both advantages and disadvantages in using Internet technology to deliver counseling services.

Jenny, a 12 year old client in a residential treatment setting for behavioral disturbed children, uses clay to address treatment goals such as building self-efficacy and impulse control. The staff art therapist has a bucket of colored clay from which Jenny picks out pre-formed faces that were made by other art therapy clients and discarded. She builds a totem pole out of these faces; and Jenny proudly discusses her success at building a structure with realistic faces for the first time. Jenny verbalizes that she is finally able to make something that looks good, unlike last time when she used "nothing but a useless unformed blob of clay". a) This was a successful activity because the art therapist provided a supportive structure by offering pre-formed faces. b) Offering the discarded art formed by other children is an economical and wise choice. c) This activity was a poor choice because Jenny became regressed due to the evocative texture of the clay. d) This activity was both ethically and clinically problematic because offering discarded art formed by other children is not only a breach of confidentiality but is likely to stir up feelings of rivalry or inadequacy for Jenny.

d) This activity was both ethically and clinically problematic because offering discarded art formed by other children is not only a breach of confidentiality but is likely to stir up feelings of rivalry or inadequacy for Jenny.

What is/are the reason(s) for the underutilization of mental health services by minority groups? a) transportation challenges b) child care issues and transportation challenges c) biased nature of the services d) all of them e) child care issues

d) all of them

Henry is seeking counseling through his managed care provider. Ethically, he needs to be informed that a diagnosis: a) of a severe emotional problem will exclude him from getting services. b) will in no way influence the course of his treatment. c) is not required if he does not give his approval. d) can become a permanent part of his file.

d) can become a permanent part of his file.

A cross-cultural counselor who perceives reality exclusively through the filters of his or her own life experiences is said to be culturally a) immersed. b) ignorant. c) biased. d) encapsulated

d) encapsulated

Inappropriate socialization with clients, burdening clients with a counselor's personal problems and putting clients in awkward business situations are examples of: a) Established therapeutic practices b) Inappropriate crisis intervention c) Seeking balance in the counseling relationship d) mishandling of a client's transference or counselor's countertransference.

d) mishandling of a client's transference or counselor's countertransference.

The virtuous professional a) functions within their professional code of ethics because they fear the consequences if they do not. b) typically focuses on moral issues with the goals of solving a particular dilemma. c) is motivated to do what is right because they feel obligated. d) possesses vision and discernment, which involves sensitivity, judgment, and understanding and leads to decisive ethical actions.

d) possesses vision and discernment, which involves sensitivity, judgment, and understanding and leads to decisive ethical actions.

Marie is working with a lesbian client who is in a dysfunctional relationship with another woman. She is seeking counseling to sort out her options regarding leaving her emotionally abusive partner. Marie can assist her client by a) encourage her client to realize how difficult it is to live in a lesbian relationship. b) attempting to change the sexual orientation of her client. c) automatically attributing her client's problems to her sexual orientation. d) supporting her client's attempts to leave the abusive relationship, work on her abuse issues, and eventually enter into a positive lesbian relationship

d) supporting her client's attempts to leave the abusive relationship, work on her abuse issues, and eventually enter into a positive lesbian relationship

_______________ is the process whereby clients place past feelings or attitudes they had toward significant people in their lives onto their therapist a) projection b) mirroring c) countertransference d) transference

d) transference

In an attempt to convince her young client to practice safe sex, Valerie fabricated her own statistics and facts about the hazards of unprotected sex. In this instance, Valerie violated the principle of a) justice b) benefiance c) fidelity d) veracity

d) veracity

The basic purpose of professional code of ethics is to a)Ensure that standards remain consistent over time b)Set standards that will be understood and enforced across all cultures c)Protect professionals from lawsuits d)Educate professionals about sound ethical conduct, provide a mechanism for professional accountability and serve as a catalyst for improving practice

d)Educate professionals about sound ethical conduct, provide a mechanism for professional accountability and serve as a catalyst for improving practice

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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