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Which of the following statments about youth crime is false?

most states have encacted laws that make the juvenile system more lenient and that do not allow younger children to be transferred

In England, the justice of the peace was:

nominated by the king

primary line element in a police agency is called

patrol services

which of the following is not a cyberterrorist activity? Question options: A) Active racketeering B) Data manipulation C) Software piracy D) Industrial espionage

A. Active racketeering

The five major functions of the Incident Command System include which one of the following? Question options: A) Command, operations, planning, logistics, finance/administration B) Funding, logistics, coordinated responses, finance, intelligence C) Economics, planning, training, logistics, supervision D) Operations, preparation, development, procedures, logistics

A. Command, operations, etc.

The incident of 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting is an example of: Question options: A) domestic terrorism. B) anti-terrorism training. C) an accident. D) foreign terrorism.

A. Domestic

According to the Mintzberg model, what are three major roles of chief executives? Question options: A) interpersonal, informational, decision-maker B) entrepreneur, disturbance-handler, leadership C) interpersonal, liaison, negotiator D) figurehead, dissemination, spokesperson

A. Interpersonal, information, decision maker

Title 42, United States Code Section 1983, was initially enacted as the: Question options: A) the Ku Klux Klan Act, 1871 B) Civil Rights Act, 1864. C) Vicarious Liability Act, 1912 D) Vigilante Act, 1877.

A. KKK act

Which of the following statement about Boston's Operation Ceasefire is false? Question options: A) Social service was not available to gang members to support an alternative to life in the gang. B) One of the main goals of focused deterrence is reducing gang activity. C) This project focused on suppression approach has resulted in declines in youth homicides, firearm assaults, and shots-fired calls for service. D) The pulling-levers approach attempted to prevent gang violence by making gang members believe that consequences would follow on violence and gun use and choose to change their behavior.

A. Social service

Which one of the following is not an advantage of open-air drug markets for both buyers and sellers? Question options: A) They are generally safer because sellers are in the open, exposed, and thus carry no weapons. B) Buyers know where to go in order to purchase the drugs they want. C) Buyers can weigh quality against price. D) Sellers are able to maximize customer access.

A. They are generally safer because

Which one of the following is not a way that the FBI has succeeded in putting away two generations of godfathers on racketeering charges? Question options: A) Tracing their roots to, prosecuting in Sicily B) Use of informants C) Wiretapping D) RICO Act

A. Tracking their roots

An assessment center may include which of the following: Question options: A) Role-playing exercises B) In-basket exercises C) Simulated critical incidents D) All of the above


Which of the following statement is false regarding civil liability? Question options: A) An off-duty police officer uses excessive physical force while moonlighting as a security guard could result in Section 1983 lawsuits. B) The doctrine of respondeat superior means that an employer may be held liable for the wrongful acts of its employees C) State and municipal governments are entitled to sovereign immunity. D) The public duty doctrine (duty of care) is derived from common law and says that police have no duty to protect the general public from harm unless a special relationship is present.

A. an off duty / C.

During routine nonemergency vehicle patrol activities, the police: Question options: A) are held to the same standard of conduct as private citizens B) are governed by the state statutes covering emergency vehicles C) have limited immunity for violations of traffic laws D) are permitted to take risks that would amount to negligence if undertaken by citizens

A. are held to the same standard

In police organizations, administrators are ___, middle managers are normally ____, and first-line supervisors are normally ____. Question options: A) chiefs/captains and lieutenants/sergeants B) majors/sergeants/corporals C) generals/majors/lieutenants D) city managers/chiefs/captains

A. chief/capt

Which of the following statement about municipal and county agencies is correct? Question options: A) Middle management can reduce the effectiveness of a police agency if it serves as a barrier between top administrators and operational personnel. B) Overall, studies show that sheriffs have better experience, training and education than municipal police chiefs. C) The first-line supervisor's position is felt by many to be the least difficult rank in the police hierarchy. D) Civilianization is based on the fact that most citizen calls for police service do require a sworn officer to enforce the laws and take reports.

A. middle mang.

Which of the following is not a principal feature of a bureaucracy? Question options: A) no immediate supervisor B) hierarchy of offices C) technical competence D) specialization

A. no immediate supervisor

A police officer attacks and physically injures a citizen without provocation. Which of the following statements regarding this act is false? Question options: A) The officer has sovereign immunity and may not be sued. B) The officer's act may be a tort. C) The officer may be charged with a crime. D) The citizen may sue the officer in civil court.

A. the officer has sobering immunity

Which of the following is not a barrier of effective communication within police agencies? Question options: A) the preponderance of poor speaking skills B) the inaccurate nature of the grapevine C) the strained sender-receiver relationship D) subordinates do not always have the same "big picture" viewpoint of their superiors

A. the preponderance of evidence

Municipal police officers and deputy sheriffs working in small and rural areas often differ from those officers and deputies in populous areas because in the rural areas: Question options: A) the work is often more solitary in nature and thus more dangerous, as the nearest backup unit --- if there is one --- might be dozens of miles away. B) the work in urban areas tends to be much more political. C) the rural officers tend to be much more highly trained and specialized. D) the rural officers to not have to deal with drug or gang problems.

A. the work is often solitary

Rules and regulations are: Question options: A) general and serve basically as guides to thinking rather than action. B) directives that leave little or no latitude for individual discretion, like not smoking in public. C) 0the preferred methods for handling matters. D) None of the above

B. Directives

The FBI divides the international terrorist threat into categories; which of the following is not one of them? Question options: A) Formalized terrorist groups. B) Groups predominately populated by American émigrés. C) Foreign sponsors of international terrorism. D) Loosely affiliated international radical extremists.

B. Groups predominantly

Which of the following statements about street gangs is true? Question options: A) The increasing number of older gang members is a serious problem today. B) Gangs today tend to follow a basic model, resulting in considerable homogeneity among them. C) Gangs frequently migrate across the country to set up satellite operations. D) Police gang units can use civil injunctions to deal with criminal-related gang problems.

B. Homogenity

The USA Patriot Act expanded the federal government's ability to investigate Americans without establishing probable cause for ____ : Question options: A) government purposes. B) intelligence purposes. C) confidentiality purposes. D) political purposes.

B. Intelligence

"Ongoing groups, clubs, organizations, or associations of five or more individuals that have as one of their primary purposes the commission of one or more criminal offenses" defines: Question options: A) an organized crime family. B) a criminal street gang. C) human traffickers. D) a local drug ring.

B. a criminal street gang

Negligence arises when a police officer's conduct: Question options: A) fails to provide a service to the public. B) creates a danger to others. C) damages municipal property. D) All of the above

B. creates danger to others

Which of the following is not one of the major policy areas of the federal Office of National Drug Control Policy? Question options: A) Substance abuse treatment B) Drug education programming C) Domestic law enforcement D) Interdiction and international counterdrug support

B. drug education

Proximate cause may be found in such cases as where an officer: Question options: A) after leaving a traffic accident scene, writes a citation which results in a conviction. B) leaves the scene of an accident aware of dangerous conditions (e.g., spilled oil, smoke) without giving proper warning to motorists. C) receives a call for service regarding a violent crime in progress but fails to arrive until after a citizen has been injured. D) Both B and C are examples

B. leaves the scene of an accident away of t

Span of control is the principle that: Question options: A) every officer should report to one and only one superior. B) the number of persons one individual can effectively supervise. C) the fact that first responder is always in charge at a crime scene. D) ensures that multiple and/or conflicting orders are not issued to the same officer

B. the number of persons one individual can effectively surprise

False arrest is the arrest of a person: Question options: A) with the use of a fake police ID. B) without probable cause. C) made by a person other than a police officer. D) by mistake.

B. with/o probable cause

The three levels of leadership found in an organization are: Question options: A) administration, chief executive, manager. B) supervisor, director, manager. C) administration, management, supervision. D) executive, management, director.

C. Administration, managment, supervison

GREAT is a program that was primarily created to: Question options: A) give students an education on the federal Drug Schedule. B) give students information on the constitutional law. C) give students information on how to resist peer pressure and gang influences. D) give students lessons on resisting violence in schools.

C. Give students info

Which of the following statement is correct ? Question options: A) Police officers enjoy qualified immunity if they violate a suspect's constitutional rights if that suspect was not yet officially in police custody. B) The police cannot be held liable for failing to properly monitor a prisoner if the jail design does not permit detainee supervision. C) Police can be liable for damages to computer data seized during the investigation of a local business. D) The police have a general duty to protect the public from harm and can be sued under Section 1983 for failing to prevent an individual from being injured during a violent event.

C. Police can be liable for damages

Statistics regarding required use of body armor, use of electronic control devices, and in-car computers in both county sheriff's offices and municipal police agencies show these agencies: Question options: A) sheriff's offices are quite a lot higher in all of these equipment categories. B) municipal police agencies are quite a lot higher in all of these equipment categories. C) are actually quite close in all of these equipment categories. D) use of all these types of equipment is low - less than 20 percent of personnel - due to costs.

C. are actually quite close

are granted absolute immunity from Section 1983 suits. Question options: A) Judges B) The states C) Both A and B D) None of the above

C. both a and b

n 2007 the U.S. Supreme Court held that "a police officer's attempt to terminate a dangerous high-speed car chase that threatens the lives of innocent bystanders...": Question options: A) can only be done if the driver is an adult B) violates the Fourth Amendment C) does not violate the Fourth Amendment D) can only be done using the PIT technique

C. does not violate the fourth amendment

Which of the following statement about organization and administration is false? Question options: A) Weber's ideal bureaucracy was designed to eliminate inefficiency and waste in organizations. B) As a rule of thumb, at least 55 percent of all sworn police personnel should be assigned to the patrol function in police organizations. C) The chief executive is said to be the "backbone" of the police organization. D) Under a (narrow) span of control, the number of people who can be adequately supervised is small, normally three to five.

C. the chief

If a suspect in a home consents to the entry of an undercover police operative (such as a narcotics agent), he or she is also granting permission to the police to enter as well. This legal concept is: Question options: A) the "enter at your own risk" axiom. B) the "permission by proxy" postulate. C) the "consent once removed" doctrine D) clearly illegal in all jurisdictions.

C. the consent once removed

A tort is: Question options: A) an instrument used by lawyers to file criminal charges. B) the amount of money spent by police officers for false arrest protection. C) the infliction of some injury upon one person by another. D) a legal term meaning "let the decision stand."

C. the inflection of some injury

Since the 1999 mass murders by two shooters at Columbine High School in Colorado, police have modified their protocols for dealing with such incidents to include: Question options: A) first calling in military units to guard the perimeter and block the shooter's escape. B) holding back until backup and emergency medical teams are on-site. C) using one specially trained officer to act as first-responder, to slowly assess the scene. D) reacting swiftly, rushing toward the shooter to stop him/her before more lives are lost.

D. Reacting swiftly, rushing toward the shooter

The USA Patriot Act also allowed authorities to conduct searches if there was/were ____ to believe someone posed a national security threat. Question options: A) "any reason whatsoever" B) "a preponderance of evidence" C) "probable cause" D) "reasonable grounds"

D. Reasonable found

Which of the following is a contemporary development that organizations utilize to promulgate policies and procedures as well as rules and regulations? Question options: A) Administrative due process in employee disciplinary matters. B) The threat of civil litigation. C) Trend toward the accreditation of police agencies. D) All of the above.

D. all the above

Areas of criminal procedure covered under Section 1983 include: Question options: A) illegal search and seizure. B) negligence. C) police brutality. D) All of the above

D. all the above...

Police legal responsibility to ensure the health and safety of persons in their custody: Question options: A) does not exist, as all jails were built with adequate inmate observation capabilities. B) may result in liability for a self-inflicted injury if the inmate was only placed in a single cell C) is limited to persons who are incarcerated D) generally does not result in liability for a self-inflicted injury that results from the detainee's intentional behavior

D. generally does not result in liability

______ communication, including the grapevine, utilizes informal communication and provides emotional and social bonds that build morale and feelings of teamwork among employees. Question options: A) Downward B) Upward C) Written D) Horizontal

D. horizontal

Which of the following is not a common type of tort brought against police? Question options: A) Assault and battery B) Invasion of privacy C) Defamation and malicious prosecution D) Paternity and lewd and lascivious behavior

D. paternity

The primary line element in a police agency is called: Question options: A) staff services. B) auxiliary services. C) investigation. D) patrol services.

D. patrol

Which of the following is not an area on which a special relationship can be based? Question options: A) The spatial and temporal proximity of the officer's behavior to the injury B) Departmental policy or guidelines that prohibit a certain course of action C) Whether the officer could have foreseen that he or she was expected to take action in a given situation to prevent injury D) Whether the officer has a personal relationship with the individual

D. whether the officer has a personal relationship

Which of the following statement about organized crime and gangs is false ? Question options: A) The oldest, profitable, most dangerous form of organized crime is La Cosa Nostra. B) The Mob's primary and centuries-old code of honor is that of omerta. C) Gang members who belong to early-onset gangs are less likely to be involved in violent crime. D) Gangs are basically looseknit in nature and there tends to be little homogeneity among them.

c. Gang members

Procedures are: Question options: A) general and serve basically as guides to thinking rather than action. B) directives that leave little or no latitude for individual discretion, like not smoking in public. C) the preferred methods for handling matters. D) None of the above

c. the preferred methods for handling matters

one of the controversial issues regarding the use of drones, for protecting u.s borders is that ?

public concerns with privacy

not one of the three types of activity in NCVS respondents for a hate crime specification?

the victim considers the crime to be a crime to be a hate crime

T or F? the police may be held liable for failing to properly monitor a prisoner if the jail design does not permit detainee supervision?


T or F?nearly half of all state law enforcement entities identify themselves as "state police", which by law can generally perform more generally law enforcement functions than highway patrol troopers?


T or F? Reis found that 37 percent of the instances of excessive force by police occurred in controlled setting, station houses, and patrol cars?


True or false? noble cause corruption is a type of wrongdoing that stems from a crime control orientation?

true- dirty harry problem

#1 ______is "a force that is external in nature that causes strain upon the body, both physical and emotional." Question options: A) Depression B) Recession C) Stress D) Disillusionment

C. stress

The most important element of the police selection process is probably the: Question options: A) character investigation. B) general interests test. C) oral test. D) polygraph examination.


The service style of policing involves the officer as: Question options: A) "teacher" B) "soldier" C) "neighbor" D) "observer"


Which of the following is not one of John Broderick's police personality types? Question options: A) The Pessimist B) The Optimist C) The Enforcer D) The Realist


To William Parker, police were the "thin blue line" and the rights of took precedence over the rights of the . Question options: A) society / individual B) officers / administrators C) civilians / police D) individual / society

A. Society/ Individuals

The first campaign to organize police unions began shortly after ___________. Question options: A) World War I B) the Civil War C) the Rodney King incident D) 9/11


Which type of search, seizure and arrest may be conducted without a warrant? Question options: A) all of the above B) There are exigent circumstances present with probable cause C) Seizures of evidence that is in "plain view" D) Searches where consent is given

A. all the above

The leading private security organization that publishes standards and guidelines for the field, including minimum selection and training qualifications for personnel, is: Question options: A) American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) International B) Certified Private Protectors Guild C) Security World and Protection Professionals D) The International Association of Private Police and Security Chiefs

A. amer. society for

Stoddard described eight deviant practices by police, referring to these practices as the: Question options: A) blue-coat crime. B) the environmental theory. C) the grass-meat-eaters pipeline D) the thin blue line

A. blue coat crime

Which of the following is not a common provision of a state's Peace Officer Bill of Rights? Question options: A) Financial assistance while suspended from duties B) Written notice C) Right to Representation by counsel D) Polygraph Examination

A. financial assistance

Which of the following statement is correct? Question options: A) In a small space like a car, officers can reasonably infer a common agreement among driver and passengers, and have probable cause to suspect that drugs belong to any or all of them. B) Even though the Christian Burial Speech was found to violate the defendant's rights, evidence concerning the location and condition of the victim's body was admitted at trial under the evidence necessity exception to the exclusionary rule. C) In 2002, the Supreme Court held that police focusing on possible drug couriers may question passengers on a bus and trains for evidence without telling the passengers that they can refuse to be searched. D) Police officers are required to obtain warrants for making felony arrests when the officers have reasonable grounds but not probable cause to arrest.

A. in a small place like a car

Police shifted to the community policing and problem solving era primarily due to: A) the isolation of the police from the public. B) too much closeness of the police to the public. C) the lack of enough arrests being made during the previous era. D) none of the above.

A. isolation of the police from the publice

In a high-risk situation (e.g., a gang drive-by shooting), the Supreme Court has upheld the police: Question options: A) issuing a search warrant themselves, while standing somewhere in the suspect's yard. B) using text messaging to contact a judge directly, for permission to enter. C) handcuffing a home's occupants and detaining them for several hours while searching the premises for evidence. D) firing a warning shot into a wall before entering the suspect's home.

A. issuing a search warrant themselves

A police officer may have a cynical view toward society. Which of the following is not one of the reasons resulted in police cynicism? Question options: A) Police officers feel disappointed in the result of internal performance evaluation. B) Police officers observe fellow officers who do not live up to their code of ethics. C) Police officers confront the reality of the streets --- the pain and criminality of society. D) Police officers depict miscarriages of justice, such as lenient court decisions.

A. police officers feel disappointed

The purposes of slave patrols included all but which one of the following: Question options: A) to provide around-the-clock, random checks of cotton field workers' ID cards. B) protect the white majority from slave uprisings and crimes. C) to capture runaway slaves D) to maintain the institution of slavery

A. to provide around the clock random checks

A new approach to training new officers that is related to the FTO program is the: Question options: A) Pre-Solo Officer Program, or PSOP. B) Police Training Officer (PTO) program. C) Post-Recruitment Program, or PRP. D) After Academy Program, or AAP.


One of the greatest obstacles to understanding the American police is: Question options: A) leadership. B) its crime-fighter image. C) its social worker image. D) the media.


Probably the most difficult barrier to recruiting minority officers has to do with: Question options: A) the fact that minority officers commonly want to work in their old neighborhoods. B) the image that police officers have in the minority communities. C) the fact that the salaries are too low. D) the fact that HIV has afflicted a disproportionately high number of black officers.


Which one of the following is not an advantage of having female police officers? Question options: A) female officers are less likely to use excessive force B) female officers are less likely to utilize community policing practices C) it reduces sexual discrimination and harassment within the police agency D) female officers are as competent as male officers


According to John Broderick, ____ are officers who put high value on individual rights and due process. However, they are less likely to recommend the job to a son or daughter. Question options: A) realists B) idealists C) enforcers D) optimists


About 60 percent of female officers who leave their agency typically do so during their ____year. Question options: A) third B) second to fifth C) first and second D) second and third

B. 2nd to 5th

The movement to improve American law enforcement began in: Question options: A) Philadelphia. B) New York. C) Chicago. D) Atlanta.

B. New Yourk

August Vollmer's most daring innovation was the idea of a: Question options: A) auto patrol. B) police school. C) bicycle patrol. D) foot patrol.

B. Police school

Which of the following does not fall under the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination? Question options: A) A witness is testifying in a civil case. B) A suspect is required to provide a blood sample that may help prove his guilt. C) An individual is testifying before a congressional committee. D) A criminal defendant is questioned under oath in court.

B. a suspect

Detective Smith is certain that Joe Green is a child molester but does not have sufficient evidence to arrest him. Smith bribes one of his informants to provide a false tip, which he uses to obtain a search warrant that allows him to search Green's house. During the search, Smith locates evidence that eventually leads to Green's conviction for multiple counts of child sexual abuse. This is an example of the: Question options: A) principle of intentional corruption B) Dirty Harry problem C) reverse accountability D) relative ethics

B. dirty harry problem

Police firearms regulations normally address all but which of the following? Question options: A) Regulations concerning how to shoot warning shots B) Guidelines for carrying the weapon while off duty C) Limitations on when the weapon may be fired D) Requirements for the safeguarding of the weapon

B. guidelines for when carrying the weapon

Which of the following is not one of the findings about the relationship between police stress and police performance noted by Shane (2010)? Question options: A) Police officers perceived organizational stressors are higher than perceived operational stressors across different cities. B) Police work itself rather than police organization may be the primary source of officer's stress that subsequently leads to lower performance. C) The findings suggest that as education increases officers may be more likely to become bored and frustrated with the job. D) The findings support interactive theory that suggests humans and their environment interact to create stress. Police officers cannot control or escape from these stressors.

B. police work itself rather than

The standard for a legal arrest is: Question options: A) "beyond a reasonable doubt." B) a "preponderance of evidence." C) "probable cause." D) "parens patriae".

B. preponderance of evidence

The holds that when one commits an act to achieve a good end, and an inevitable but intended effect is negative, then the act might be justified. Question options: A) "axiom of unintended results" B) "principle of double effect" C) "precept of preplanned performance" D) "principle of intentional corruption"

B. principle of double

Which of the following statement is false? Question options: A) If an officer has been admitted into a home with an arrest or search warrant and sees drugs and paraphernalia on a living room table, the officer may arrest the occupants on drug charges as well as the other charges. B) Street officers often have the time and the opportunity to effect an arrest with a warrant in their possession. C) "Probable cause" is "less than actual knowledge" yet "more than a mere hunch" that a crime occurred. D) When police find drugs during traffic stops but no one in the vehicle claims them, they may arrest everyone in the vehicle.

B. street officers have often

There is now a growing formal movement to attempt to bring the public and private police closer together, due to all but which one of the following reasons: Question options: A) Size of the industry (employment in private security being nearly three times that of the public police, and its spending is more than double). B) Studies show that 42 percent of all public police agencies exist in cities that are nearly financially bankrupt. C) Security organizations are generally well equipped to address such crimes as school shootings, workplace violence, or computer crimes. D) Expertise and resources (the private security industry is advanced in technologies and crime and loss prevention).

B. studies show 42 %

Which of the following statement is false? Question options: A) Even though African Americans are arrested more often than whites relative to their numbers in the population in general, empirical studies did not prove racial bias in policing. B) Herbert Packer's due process model of law enforcement holds that repression of crime is the most important function of the police. C) The rotten apple theory explains police corruption by suggesting it is the result of a small number of corrupt officers who probably had character defects prior to being hired. D) Under Brady, an officer's prior misconduct must be disclosed to the accused if it is favorable to the accused, even if the misconduct did not occur during the officer's involvement with the accused.

B. the Herbert packers

The most important factor influencing how much graft police officers receive is: Question options: A) the rank of the individual officer B) the character of the individual officer C) the branch of the department to which the individual officer is assigned D) the type of assignment the officer is given

B. the character of the officer

Which one of the following statements is true about policing in general? Question options: A) More than 20 percent of the calls answered by police are direly related to crime control or law enforcement. B) Under the watchman style of policing, order maintenance is the primary function of the police officer. C) Police applicants typically come from lower class and are motivated by authority. D) Suspicion and authority are two staple aspects of the police personality.

B. under the watchman

In _______ the Supreme Court held that illegally obtained criminal evidence must be barred from use in federal prosecutions. Question options: A) United States v. Robinson B) Weeks v. United States C) Gentry v. Dade D) Mapp v. Ohio

B. weeks v us

Which of the following is not one of the factors that set the stage for the emergence of the current policing era? Question options: A) The emphasis on organizational change, including decentralization and more police discretion. B) The detachment of patrol officers in patrol vehicles. C) Too much time being spent by the policing with citizens. D) Increased cultural diversity in our society.


It has been estimated that at any point in time, what percentage of a department's officers will be in a burnout phase? Question options: A) 30% B) 80% C) 15% D) 55%

C. 15%

When Henry Fielding died, his "thief-takers" evolved into a group called the ________ Runners, under John Fielding. Question options: A) Ryland Street B) Rommero Street C) Bow Street D) Pembroke Street

C. Bow Street runners

Which of the following is not one of police operations observed by Bayley (1994)? Question options: A) Traffic officers are highly discretionary and they can find an excuse to stop a vehicle, if not for speeding or driving mistakes then for mechanical vehicle defects. B) The most common conflict situations the police handle are domestic disputes and violence. C) Criminal investigation is by far the biggest assignment in policing. D) Detectives spend most of their time talking to people and confront a suspect with the evidence they have.

C. Criminal investigation

Peel's nine "principles of policing" emphasized: Question options: A) setting an example to the community B) maximum punishment to the offender C) prevention of crime D) rehabilitation

C. Prevention of Crime

The reform (or professional) era of policing was characterized by police emphases being on: Question options: A) proactively attacking crime and disorder. B) trying to join and support such non-violent groups as the Black Pacifists. C) quantitative measures of their effectiveness (numbers of arrests, response time, calls for service, and so on). D) none of the above.

C. Quantitative measures

Which of the following is not considered lawful under the plain view rule permitting warrantless searches? Question options: A) A police officer pulls a vehicle over for running a red light and observes a quantity of illegal drugs in the back seat. B) A police officer looking at a field that is surrounded by a barbed wire fence upon which are posted several "No Trespassing" signs sees a large number of marijuana plants being cultivated in the field. C) A police officer who is conducting a legal search for illegal drugs moves a desktop computer to locate its serial number. D) While executing a search warrant authorizing him to search a house for drugs, a police officer observes some stolen property.

C. a police officer who is conducting

In Illinois v. Wardlow, the Supreme Court decided that a citizen's running away from the police: Question options: A) may only be searched with the citizen's consent. B) may be killed, under today's fleeing-felon rule. C) may be searched under certain conditions. D) may never be searched.

C. may be searched under

Based on the Dynamic Resistance Response Model, what would be an appropriate police response to a suspect who is aggressively resistant? Question options: A) Holding the suspect using a firm grip or a control hold B) The use of force, including deadly force C) Subduing the suspect using a stun gun or pepper spray D) Verbal commands or only the officer's mere presenc

C. subduing the subject using stun gun/ pepper spray

Which of the following was not a policing legacy from the colonial period? Question options: A) A theory of "Republicanism" was created. B) Police officers began to be armed and uniformed. C) The colonial period witnessed the beginning of the theory of crime prevention. D) Colonists committed themselves to local law enforcement.

C. the colonial period

With regard to police use of deadly force, the Supreme Court reasoned that: Question options: A) it is constitutionally reasonable to use deadly force unless at nighttime. B) the officer must take into account the prior criminal history of the felon. C) the use of deadly force to prevent the escape of all felony suspects was constitutionally unreasonable. D) using deadly force is allowed only if one is escaping in a motor vehicle.

C. the use of deadly force to prevent escape of felonies

Empirical evidence indicates that college-educated police officers are better officers in all but which one of the following ways? Question options: A) They take fewer leave days, receive fewer injuries, and have less injury time. B) They are likelier to take a leadership role in the organization. C) They typically come from a lower socioeconomic background, thus being better able to empathize. D) They have significantly fewer founded citizen complaints.

C. they typically come from a lower

Which of the following is not a controversial drug testing issue? Question options: A) Whether a positive test proves there was on-the-job impairment B) Whether or not the testing methods are reliable C) Whether the employee knew before ingesting drugs that he/she would be tested D) Whether testing should be permitted when there is no indication of a drug problem in the workplace

C. whether the employee knew before ingesting the drug

What were the duties of the constable during the Middle Ages?

Collection of taxes, pursing felons, supervising highways

Among the recommendations of the President's Crime Commission were: Question options: A) hiring more minority members as officers. B) hiring better educated officers C) better applicant screening and intensive pre-service training. D) all of the above


An area of lawsuit vulnerability in police testing and selection, because of job relatedness, is the: Question options: A) polygraph exam. B) character investigation. C) drug screen. D) physical agility test.


Desirable psychological qualities of police officers include: Question options: A) well-adjusted, authoritarian, aggressive. B) emotional reactions, subservient, a service orientation. C) quick to show emotion, pragmatic, aloof. D) logical skills, a people orientation, incorruptible.


An issue involving lower-level private security personnel is whether or not: Question options: A) they should be uniformed. B) they should use batons. C) they should have marked vehicles. D) they should be armed.

D. they should be armed

In late 2003, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that it was constitutional for police to wait _______ before knocking down a door of a drug suspect when entering a home to serve a warrant. Question options: A) 60 seconds B) until all residents are absent C) one to two minutes D) 15-20 seconds

D. 15-20

The origins of modern policing in America can be linked to: Question options: A) change in laws. B) chattel slavery. C) change in policing procedures. D) English heritage.

D. English heritage

The purpose of collective bargaining is to: Question options: A) determine who should receive salary/benefits increases. B) allocate resources equitably to all governmental units. C) obtain jobs for union members. D) produce a bilateral written agreement to which both parties will bind themselves.

D. Produce a bilateral written agreement

Officer grievances may cover a broad range of issues, including: Question options: A) salaries, overtime, and leave B) hours of work, allowances, and retirement. C) opportunity for advancement, performance evaluations, and workplace conditions. D) all of the above

D. a o t a ^

In the past, once a "Mirandized" suspect invoked his or her right to silence, interrogation had to cease and the police could not interrogate the suspect unless the suspect's attorney was present. Then, in a 2010 decision (Shatzer), the U.S. Supreme Court modified this ruling, allowing the police to again attempt questioning without a lawyer present. Which one of the following was the court's rationale and its decision? Question options: A) The suspect had experienced a break in Miranda custody B) Ample time had passed for the suspect to get reacclimated to his normal life. C) More than two weeks had passed between the first and second attempts at interrogation. D) All of the above were part of the Court's rational, and thus his subsequent confession did not have to be suppressed.

D. all the above were apart

The Human Rights Watch attributes the protection of police officers who engage in Human rights violations to: Question options: A) silence between fellow officers B) Flawed Reporting Systems C) unreliable and inconsistent data about such incidences D) All of the above

D. all the aboveee

The U.S. Supreme Court established _________ to the exclusionary rule doctrine. Question options: A) "inevitability of discovery" exception B) "police safety" exception C) "public safety" exception D) Both A and C

D. both a and c

The _____bars anyone - including police and military personnel - from carrying firearms if they have a misdemeanor conviction for domestic violence. Question options: A) Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban B) Regulatory Firearms Ban C) Lautenburg Amendment D) Both A and C

D. both a and c

Which one of the following is a commonly accepted form of "moonlighting" for police officers? Question options: A) Private security B) Construction work C) Teaching criminal justice D) Both A and C are usually acceptable

D. both a and c

Deemed "one of the most important laws ever passed," the FLSA mandated that: Question options: A) all applicants are subject to a background check. B) drug testing is mandatory for all police recruits. C) employers must allow new parents with a sick child up to 6 months off with pay. D) employees are to receive a set minimum pay and must receive compensation for overtime.

D. employees are to

Stressors originating within the organization stemming from intra-gency practices and characteristics would include all but which one of the following? Question options: A) Absence of career development opportunities B) Inadequate reward system C) Poor supervision D) Not getting along with employees of other police organizations, of any rank

D. not getting along

Which of the following statement is correct? Question options: A) Police may randomly and capriciously stop a vehicle to check the driver's license and registration. B) A police officer may add to existing probable cause after making the arrest and before trial, if the suspect pleads innocent. C) Juveniles may be tried twice for the same offense, and do not have the right of appeal. D) The current trend regarding the use of illegally seized evidence is clearly toward the crime control model.

D. the current trend regarding

A police officer's religious beliefs directly conflict with a mandatory requirement of the job. What can be done about this? Question options: A) The officer should sue the department for religious discrimination if he is forced to meet the mandatory requirement. B) The officer should be disciplined for objecting to a mandatory job requirement. C) The department must waive the requirement for the officer. D) The officer will have to choose between observing his religion and keeping his job.

D. the officer will have to choose

In 2012 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that police attaching a Global Positioning System (GPS) device to a suspect's vehicle without a search warrant: Question options: A) is legally and constitutionally permissible. B) can only be done within a 1000-foot range of a repeater radio tower. C) is always lawful, provided police used reliable informants and trained GPS operators. D) violates the Fourth Amendment as it constitutes a "search".

D. violates the fourth

In which situation has the Supreme Court not upheld convictions? Question options: A) When probable cause was provided by a reliable informant B) When probable cause was provided by an anonymous letter C) When probable cause was provided by a suspect fitting a "drug courier" profile. D) When probable cause was provided by a hunch on the part of the arresting officer.

D. when probable cause was provided on a hunch

true or false: more than 40percent of the calls answered by police are directly related to crime control or law enforcement?


not one of August vollmers contributions?


For many people, the need for increased educational attainment by police is evident: while ______ percent of Americans aged 25 and over have a bachelor's degree or higher, only about ______ percent of all local police agencies require at least a bachelor's. Question options: A) 30 / 1 B) 30 / 32 C) 55 / 10 D) 10 / 5

a. 30-1

undercover officers enjoy a professional mystique except what?

after going "deep" undergound they never return to patorl

false about police patrol?

as patrol increases, so do chances that an officer will discover a felony crime in progress

what is false about street officer discretion?

as the rank of the officer increases the amount of discretion that he or she can imply normally increases

Studies of police work have found that patrol officers would often deliberately delay responding to calls for service, especially in cases of_____. Question options: A) drive by shootings. B) routine traffic stops. C) family disturbances. D) None of the above

c. fam. disturbances

Peels nine principles of policing emphasized?

crime prevention

not one of the factors that set the stage for the emergence of the current policing era?

detachment of patrol officers in patrol vehicles

T or F?A police officer may add probable cause after making the arrest and before trial


The FBI carries out "the inteelignegce cycle" which is defined as the process of collecting analyzing and disseminating intelligence info to top us government officials


during routine nonemergency vehicle patrol activist the police are permiteted to take risks that would amount to negigle


police officers enjoy qualified immunity if hotel violate a suspects const. rights if that suspect was note ofdficali npoilce custody


which of the following statement about immigration issues and policies is false


A "hue and cry" raised by the constable would:

have citizens join in the pursuit of criminals.

to obtain electronic messages greater than 180 days the police have too?

have facts showing the messages are material to an ongoing investigation

Locards theory?

in forensic science cross transfer of evidence form offender to the victim occurs in form of finger prints hard fibers and so on

false about intelligence led policing?

intelligence analysis provides an understanding of the who, when,where, and what while crime analysis allows the police to understand the who

What is false about the crime fighter image?

it gives a reasonably accurate view of contemporary policing

false about community orientated policing?

slogan indicated that first line supervisors seem to generate the greatest support to community policing woithout resistance?

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