final exam

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A benign tumor of an endocrine gland is known as a/an:

Aden/o- means gland and -oma means tumor.

Insulin is secreted by the ____________ cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas.

Alpha cells secrete glucagon, beta cells secrete insulin, and delta cells secrete somatostatin.

Which disease is the result of a hypersecretion of cortisol?

Cushing Syndrome

Which disease is the result of a hypersecretion of cortisol?

Cushing syndrome

Which of the following is treated with a blepharoplasty?

Sagging skin on the eyelids is corrected with a blepharoplasty.

Which word is used to describe sustained muscle spasms?

Tetany occurs when the calcium level in the blood becomes very low.

NPH refers to a/an:

a drug; NPH is a type of insulin given to treat diabetes mellitus.

The hormone which regulates electrolyte balance, and sodium and potassium balance is:

aldosterone; This is the most abundant and biologically active of the mineralocorticoid hormones.This hormone regulates the balance of electrolytes, keeping sodium and water in the blood while excreting potassium in the urine.

The pineal body secretes which hormone that maintains the body's internal clock, the 24-hour wake-sleep cycle, and regulates the onset and duration of sleep?

aldosterone; This is the most abundant and biologically active of the mineralocorticoid hormones.This hormone regulates the balance of electrolytes, keeping sodium and water in the blood while excreting potassium in the urine.

A congenital lack of thyroid hormone from birth is known as:


The medical word for farsightedness is:

d. hyperopia.

The suffix -ism means:

disease from a specific cause.

A condition which causes pronounced outward bulging of the anterior surface of the eye is called:



follicle stimulating hormone

In order to see if the prescribed treatment was effective for diabetes mellitus in his patient, the physician ordered a:

hemoglobin A1C; This measures the average amount of glucose bound to RBCs. It is also called glycohemoglobin or glycosylated hemoglobin.

The chemical messengers of the endocrine system are known as:


Robert Kovaleski needs to have a cataract removed from his eye. In order to have this surgery performed, this patient must see an:


A lobectomy is a surgical procedure performed on the:

thyroid gland.


(Luteinzing hormone) works in conjunction with FSH in females to cause ovulation and prepares the uterus for pregnancy, in males the testes to secrete testosterone.

Which blood test is performed to measure the level of glucose after the patient has not eaten for at least 12 hours?

A fasting blood sugar (FBS) is used to evaluate the function of the pancreas.

All of the following words pertain to the eye except:

A macule is a flat, pigmented spot on the skin. This word can be confused with macula, an area of the retina.

Hyposecretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex is known as

Addison's disease is an autoimmune disease in which the body produces antibodies that destroy the adrenal cortex.

Hyposecretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex is known as:

Addison's disease is an autoimmune disease in which the body produces antibodies that destroy the adrenal cortex.

Excessive amounts of growth hormone after puberty result in:

After puberty, the ends of the long bones no longer grow, so excessive amounts of growth hormone cause facial and extremity enlargement (acromegaly).

Which condition would produce an abnormal brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER)?

An auditory nerve tumor, such as an acoustic neuroma, will produce an abnormal brainstem auditory evoked response.

The physician noted in the physical examination that the patient had aniscoria. This means that the patient had:

Anis/o- = unequal; cor/o- = pupil; -ia = condition.

Which of the following is true of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)?

Antidiuretic hormone is produced by the hypothalamus but stored and released by the posterior pituitary gland. Its action is to bring water from the kidney tubules back into the blood.

Which of the following is NOT true about the sclera?

Aqueous humor is produced by the ciliary body.

The patient's prescription is for -4.25 diopters. This means that the patient is:

Concave lens are measured in minus diopters and are used to treat nearsightedness.

Increased cortisol levels would be found in patients with:

Cortisol is secreted by the adrenal cortex, which is affected in Cushing's syndrome.

Hyposecretion of antidiuretic hormone is known as:

Diabetes insipidus causes excessive amounts of water to be excreted in the urine (polyuria).Other symptoms include weakness, thirst (due to water loss and dehydration), and increased intake of fluids (polydipsia).

ADA refers to a diet that would be prescribed for a patient with:

Diabetes mellitus is treated with a diet that restricts the use of calories as per the guidelines of the American Diabetes Association (ADA).

Which type of diabetes occurs only during pregnancy?

During the time of pregnancy or gestation the pregnant woman can develop gestational diabetes mellitus.

Hearing loss may be caused by all of the following EXCEPT:

Dysequilibrium is also known as motion sickness, but is not associated with hearing loss.

What is the most abundant and biologically active female hormone?

Estradiol is the most abundant and biologically active female hormone.

Infertility may have a hormonal cause due to a lack of:

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary gland is needed to stimulate follicles in the ovary to produce eggs and in the testes to produce sperm.

Thyromegaly is a sign of a:

Goiter is a chronic enlargement of the thyroid gland.

Together FSH and LH are known as:

Gonadotropin (GOH-nah-doh-troh-pin), gonad/o- gonads (ovaries and testes), trop/o- having an affinity for; stimulating; turning, -in a substance.

Exophthalmos is associated with:

Graves' disease is a type of hyperthyroidism in which too much thyroid hormone causes edema in the tissues behind the eye.

The most common form of hyperthyroidism is:

Graves' disease. This is an autoimmune disease in which the body produces antibodies that stimulate TSH receptors on the thyroid gland, increasing the production of thyroid hormones.

Jimmie Jencks stuck a jellybean in his right ear. In that ear, he would have:

He would have conductive hearing loss because the jellybean keeps sound waves from being conducted through to the inner ear.

A type 1 diabetic would be treated with:

Humulin is a form of insulin

Hyposecretion of the growth hormone during childhood and puberty is:

Hyp/o- means below or deficient.The treatment for dwarfism is to use a synthetic growth hormone drug.

Hypoglycemia can cause:

Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is associated with those symptoms because of the lack of sugar in the blood.

The combining form pituit/o- and ____________ both mean pituitary gland.

Hypophys/o- is the Greek combining form that means pituitary gland.

Hypersecretion of the growth hormone during adulthood causes:

In acromegaly, the face, hands, and feet enlarge.The treatment of acromegaly involves the use of drugs to suppress the production of the growth hormone.

What class of drugs is used to dilate the pupil and prepare the eye for an exam?

Mydriatic (mih-dree-AT-ik), mydr/o- widening, -iatic pertaining to a state or process.

The abbreviation NIDDM means the same as:

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is also called type 2 diabetes mellitus or adult-onset diabetes mellitus.

Which is often a precipitating factor to the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus?

Obesity and heredity are precipitating factors for type 2 diabetes.

A gland which secretes a hormone which stimulates the ovaries to develop follicles is the:

Only the pituitary gland secretes hormones that stimulate the ovary.

A pregnant woman may be given the hormone ____________ to stimulate her uterus to contract and begin labor.

Oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland causes the pregnant uterus to contract.

As part of the endocrine system, the pancreas secretes three hormones directly into the blood. They are:

Pancreas.Glucagon, gluc/o- glucose (sugar, ag/o- to lead to, -on substance; structure. Glucagon is a hormone that breaks down stored glycogen. Insulin, insul/o- island, -in a substance. Insulin is secreted by little "islands of cells," the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Somatostatin, somat/o- body, stat/o- standing still; staying in one place, -in a substance. somatostatin: A substance [that makes the] body [to be] standing still [without growth].Somatostatin inhibits the release of growth hormone, glucagon, and insulin from the pancreas.

The purpose of the parathyroid glands is to regulate the:

Parathyroid hormone from the parathyroid glands regulates the amount of calcium in the blood.

Calcium levels in the blood are regulated by:

Parathyroid hormone increases blood calcium levels in the blood and calcitonin decreases blood calcium levels in the blood.

Which is a treatment option for hyperthyroidism?

Radioactive sodium iodide is given to the patient for hyperthyroidism to destroy some thyroid cells to relieve the excessive secretion of thyroid hormones.

It was in the middle of winter when the patient came to the doctor's office complaining of depression, weight gain, and problems with sleep. He was told that he had a condition related to hypersecretion of melatonin plus the lack of exposure to sunlight. He was diagnosed with:

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is found in people living in northern climates.

Which is the abbreviation for the hormone released by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the thyroid gland?

TSH is the abbreviation for thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Which hearing test uses a tuning fork?

The Rinne test uses a vibrating tuning fork placed on the mastoid process and then next to the ear to measure bone conduction and air conduction of sound.

All of the following are diagnostic tests for diabetes EXCEPT:

The blood level of growth hormone reflects the functioning of the anterior pituitary gland that secretes growth hormone.

Which medical procedure is performed to test the ability of the ciliary muscles and ligaments to contract and flex the lens as demonstrated on near and distance visual acuity tests?

The combining form accommod/o- means to adapt. The suffix -ation means a process, or being or having. The ciliary muscles must adapt to the changing distances.

Otorrhea is the drainage of serous fluid or pus from the:

The combining form ot/o- means ear. The suffix -rrhea means flow, discharge, or drainage.

Air is warmed and moisturized in the nasal cavity by which structure?

The conchae or turbinates in the nose warm and moisturize incoming air. The sound-alike word cochlea is a bone in the inner ear.

The ____________ gland produces and releases tears.

The lacrimal gland produces and releases tears.

Which of the following endocrine glands contains structures known as the islets of Langerhans?

The pancreas contains islets of Langerhans and is responsible for regulating blood glucose level.

A lab test for a patient showed low calcium levels in the blood. The physician would consider doing further testing on which endocrine gland to evaluate the cause of this hypocalcemia?

The parathyroid gland hormone releases calcium from the bone and raises calcium levels in the blood.

The best definition of parathyroid is:

The parathyroid glands are beside the thyroid

The parathyroid glands secrete a hormone which regulates the level of what substance in the blood?

The parathyroid glands secrete a parathyroid hormone, which regulates the level of calcium in the blood.

The pineal body secretes which hormone that maintains the body's internal clock, the 24-hour wake-sleep cycle, and regulates the onset and duration of sleep?

The pineal body, which is located posterior to the hypothalamus, secretes melatonin.

Kate was unhappy about her protruding ear so she elected to have an otoplasty performed on her:

The pinna is the visible external ear. An otoplasty is the reshaping of the ear. Ot/o- = ear; -plasty = process of reshaping.

The transphenoidal hypophysectomy is done to remove the:

The pituitary gland is also called the hypophysis. This surgical approach to remove the pituitary is done through the sphenoid sinus.

Which gland is also called the neurohypophysis?

The pituitary gland is called the hypophysis.The anterior pituitary gland is called the adenohypophysis.The posterior pituitary gland is called the neurohypophysis.

Severe hypothyroidism in adults is known as:

The symptoms of myxedema include swelling of the subcutaneous and connective tissue in various parts of the body, tingling in the hands and feet because of nerve compression, an enlarged heart, bradycardia, an enlarged tongue, slow speech, and mental impairment.

Hormones from various endocrine glands affect:

The thyroid hormone affects body metabolism, insulin from the pancreas affects blood glucose, parathyroid hormone affects blood calcium, and aldosterone from the adrenal gland affects blood sodium.

Which portion of the brain interprets visual impulses from the optic nerve?

The visual cortex that interprets visual impulses is in the occipital lobe of the cerebrum.

Which type of diabetes begins in childhood or adolescence?

Type 1 diabetes is caused by destruction of the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.Type 1 diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune response that may be triggered by a viral infection or an inherited genetic predisposition.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is:

Type 2 diabetes mellitus, or adult-onset diabetes mellitus, can be treated with weight loss, exercise, and diet.If those measures are not sufficient, oral antidiabetic drugs can be prescribed.

Which is a urine test that measures glucose, ketones, and other substances in the urine?

Urine dipstick - Urine test that measures glucose, ketones, and other substances in the urine.Rapid screening test used to evaluate diabetic patients.

The hypersecretion of oxytocin causes:

Uterine inertia causes weak or uncoordinated contractions of the pregnant uterus during labor.

The patient has a herpes simplex infection of his eye. The medication prescribed for this condition is:


The frontal sinuses are located:

a. above each eyebrow.

The combining form adren/o- means:

adrenal gland.

The process by which two hormones exert opposite effects is known as:

antagonism;The combining form antagon/o- means fight against.

Abnormal levels of FSH point to improper functioning of the:

anterior pituitary gland.

Abnormal levels of FSH point to improper functioning of the:

anterior pituitary gland; FSH, follicle stimulating hormone, from the pituitary gland stimulates hormone secretion from the ovaries and testes.

One of the neurotransmitters of the sympathetic nervous system that increases the heart rate and constricts smooth muscle in blood vessels to raise blood pressure in the "fight or flight" response is called:


Medial deviation of one or both eyes is known as:


Which hormone is secreted by alpha cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas?


Glycosuria means that there is ____________ in the urine.


The form that sugar takes when it is stored in the liver and the skeletal muscles is called:


Chronic and progressive enlargement of the thyroid gland is known as:

goiter; Mild-to-moderate thyroid gland enlargement is known as thyromegaly.

Red, painful swelling or pimple containing pus near the edge of the eyelid from a bacterial infection in a sebaceous gland is known as:

hordeolum also known as a stye

Excessive amounts of calcium in the blood is known as:


Cushing's syndrome is due to:

hypersecretion of cortisol in the adrenal cortex;Cushing's syndrome is caused by an adenoma in the adrenal cortex that causes hypersecretion.The treatment is surgery to remove the adenoma in the adrenal cortex or pituitary gland.

An endemic goiter is related to a deficiency of:


Which is a dangerous complication associated with diabetes mellitus when the byproduct of imperfect fat combustion occurs in the patient?

ketoacidosis; The diabetic cannot metabolize glucose so the body turns to fat for energy. The byproduct of this process creates ketones, acids that, when found in excess in the body, can cause coma or even death.

Which hormone is associated with the wake-sleep cycle?


What endocrine gland is also known as the master gland?

pituitary gland

The suffix -physis means:

state of growing.

Which is the process where two hormones work together to achieve a result?


Which is the fleshy tissue in the back of the oral cavity that hangs from the soft palate?


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