Final Exam Anatomy 001

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A muscle fascicle is

a bundle of cells

The lateral movement of the arms away from the body is called


Of the basic digestive processes, the one in which nutrients enter capillaries is called


Type of angular movement at a joint that involves moving a bone towards the midline of the body


Pyramid-shaped gland consisting of neural crest-derived cells and endocrine secretory cells.

adrenal gland

Pancreatic cell type that produces glucagon.

alpha cells

Name ONE classification of joints based on FUNCTION:

amphiarthroses, synarthroses, diarthroses

What are the 2 intracapsular ligaments in the knee joint that cross like an "x" and run from the proximal tibia to the distal femur?

anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament

What does the term brachial refer to?


Phospholipids of the plasma membrane are arranged

as a bilayer with their nonpolar tails sandwiched between the polar heads.

Type of synapse between an axon terminals of one neuron and dendrites of another, these are also the most common type of synapse:


The rectus femoris demonstrates this type of muscle fascicle arrangement.


The largest region of the uterus is its


A prime mover for flexing the forearm at the elbow is the


The only muscle cells that branch are ________ muscle cells.


This type of muscle contains intercalated discs.

cardiac muscle

This structure of the brain is located dorsal to the pons and medulla. It is responsible for smoothing and coordinating body movements and helps maintain equilibrium:


Threadlike structures of the endocardium that prevent prolapse of the atrioventricular valves.

chordae tendineae

Fingerlike placental structures where oxygen and nutrients from the maternal blood supply diffuse into the embryonic blood.

chorionic villi

Name the disorder of the lymphatic system where there is leakage of fatty lymph into the thorax:


When muscle fascicles are arranged in concentric rings this arrangement is referred to as


Name ONE bone marking that is a surface for the formation of joints

condyle facet head

This arrangement of muscle fascicles tends to be triangular in shape. The Pectoralis major is an example of a muscle with this type of muscle fascicle arrangement.


Name the structure/groove where the coronary arteries are located:

coronary sulcus

The most superficial layer of the kidney is the


"Baby" teeth are more properly called ________ teeth.


Root word that means "triangular"


This type of connective tissue is able to withstand tension in many directions

dense irregular connective tissue

Cranial and vertebral arteries are classified as what?

dorsal body cavities

The ligamentum arteriosum is a remnant of what fetal structure?

ductus arteriosus

What vessel in the fetus connects the pulmonary trunk to the aortic arch so that most of the blood bypasses the immature lungs?

ductus arteriosus

The ________ is formed by the union of the ductus deferens and seminal vesicles.

ejaculatory duct

The uterus is composed of three basic layers. The innermost layer is the _______


Seen in abundance during parasitic infection.


The outer layer of the heart that is continuous with the visceral layer of the serous pericardium:


adrenal medulla secretes

epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which muscle fiber type would be the most useful in the leg muscles of a sprinter?

fast glycolytic

Examples of a greater and lesser trochanter are only found on which bone?


What is the plasma protein involved in clotting?


The opening of the oviduct is surrounded by these structures.


The fossa ovalis is a remnant of what fetal structure?

forament ovale

The fascicles of the biceps brachii muscle have this type of arrangement.


Renin is produced in

granular cells

The medial concave cleft in which vessels, ureters, and nerves enter/leave the kidney.


If you were to have liposuction, you would have tissue removed from which layer?


The secretion of hormones by the anterior lobe of the pituitary is controlled by the


Smooth muscle constriction between the ileum and cecum.

ileocecal valve

Vein that drains the blood from the brain before it enters the brachiocephalic vein to the SVC:

internal jugular vein

During what phase of the cell cycle is the DNA duplicated?


Name all the stages of Mitosis

interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis

Set of lymphatic capillaries that collect fat-laden fluids from the intestinal tract.


A prime mover for extending the arm at the shoulder is the

latissimus dorsi.

In syndesmoses, bones are connected exclusively by


The tonsil located on the posterior surface of the tongue is the ________ tonsil.


The beta type endocrine cells in the pancreatic islets secretes a hormone that

lowers blood sugar levels.

Smallest lymph vessels that are the first to receive lymph:

lymph capillaries

Small, bean-shaped organs abundant in the cervical, axillary, and inguinal regions.

lymph nodes

The region of the distal tubule that monitors concentration of the filtrate is called the

macula densa

Target organs for the hormone oxytocin include the uterus and the

mammary glands.

Name the vein that is used to obtain blood or administer IV fluids:

median cubital vein

The first menstruation is called ________.


Voiding of urine, known as ________, involves sympathetic, parasympathetic, and somatic fibers.


Heart valve with two cusps.

mitral valve

The valve between the L atrium and the L ventricle

mitral valve

Viral disease common in adolescents and young adults caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) that specifically attacks B lymphocytes. Also known as the "kissing disease".


What is the autoimmune disease in which the Immune system attacks the myelin surrounding the axons in the CNS?

multiple sclerosis

pharyngeal tonsils are located in which part of the pharynx?


This tissue type, in addition to certain muscle tissues, is capable of generating electrical impulses.


Leukocyte primarily responsible for destroying bacteria.


The most abundant white blood cell type is the


In osteoporosis, bone resorption occurs at faster rate than the deposition of new bone. Using your knowledge of bone cells, you reason that the cause of this must be an increase in activity and number of


Name the organ that has both endocrine and exocrine functions.


The long axes of the fascicles run parallel to the long axis of the muscle is a description of this type of fascicle arrangement.


Hormone that increases the blood concentration of calcium (Ca2+) whenever it falls below some threshold value:

parathyroid hormone

What gland secretes such hormones as prolactin (PRL), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and growth hormone (GH)

pars anterior, adenohypophysis, or anterior pituitary gland

Layer of connective tissue surrounding a nerve fascicle:


Name the 6 types of synovial joints.

plane, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle, ball and socket

Cell fragments, also called thrombocytes, involved in clotting.


The primary somatosensory cortex is located on the ________.

post central gyrus

Which arteries connect the basilar artery and the internal carotid artery forming the posterior aspect of the cerebral arterial circle?

posterior communicating arteries

Directional term meaning "toward the back"

posterior or dorsal

Part of the male urethra that the ejaculatory duct opens into

prostatic urethra

The part of the nephron whose epithelial cells are most responsible for resorption and secretion is the

proximal tubule.

Stenosis (narrowing) of the mitral valve may cause blood to back up into the

pulmonary circulation.

The right ventricle pumps blood into which vessel?

pulmonary trunk

What are the only veins in the body that contain oxygenated blood?

pulmonary veins

hematocrit measures the % of blood clotting that consists of:

red blood cells

The descriptive term for the location of the kidneys relative to the abdominal cavity.


A synergist muscle can do all of the following except: A) add extra force to a movement. B) hold a bone in place to create a stable base for the prime mover. C) reverse a particular movement caused by the prime mover. D) prevent inappropriate extra movements that might otherwise be produced.

reverse a particular movement caused by the prime mover.

This organelle uses amino acids to produce proteins


Oxygen-poor blood returns to the heart and enters the

right atrium.

The vermiform appendix lies within the ________ region of the abdomen.

right inguinal

What is the basic unit of contraction in skeletal muscle?


The gastrocnemius operates in a ________-class lever system.


The type of burn in which the epidermis and part of the dermis are damaged is ________ degree.


The ________ phase of the uterine cycle occurs after ovulation.


Plasma minus clotting factors.


Identify the type of membrane transport where molecules move down their concentration gradient

simple diffusion

Contractions of these muscles are under voluntary control.

skeletal muscle

This type of muscle is found in large blood vessels leading to and from the heart.

smooth muscle

The transverse colon bends inferiorly at the ________ to become the descending colon.

splenic flexure

What is the function of the gallbladder?

storage of bile

All of the following are located within the spermatic cord except the: A) testicular artery. B) ductus deferens. C) pampiniform plexus. D) superficial inguinal ring.

superficial inguinal ring.

Peroxisomes function to

synthesize and degrade hydrogen peroxide.

Which endocrine gland stands out in X-ray images and helps radiologists orient within the brain?

the pineal gland

The femoral region is the


In striated muscle, the I band is where _____ ______ occur.

thin filaments occur

The biceps brachii operates in a ________-class lever system.


Two-lobed lymphoid organ located posterior to the sternum


Calcitonin, which lowers blood calcium levels, is produced by the ________ gland.


Hormone that controls metabolic rate

thyroid hormone

The ________, a clinical landmark in the urinary bladder, is bounded by the two ureteric openings and the internal urethral orifice.


What arteries travel through the transverse foramen of the cervical vertebrae to give blood supply to the brain?

vertebral arteries

Which layer covers the surface of the heart?

visceral pericardium

Another name for the serosa covering many organs of the digestive system is

visceral peritoneum.

The typical (diploid) cells of the body have 46 chromosomes; how many chromosomes does each gamete have?


The sternal angle between the manubrium and the body of the sternum is a landmark for which rib?

2nd rib

All are considered primary brain vesicles EXCEPT: A) Diencephalon B) Rhombencephalon C) Prosencephalon D) Mesencephalon

A) Diencephalon

Which of the following is true regarding the three types of cartilage? A) The high water content of hyaline cartilage allows it to resist compression well. B) Fibrocartilage contains the most abundant amount of elastic fibers. C) Elastic cartilage is most similar to dense regular connective tissue. D) Hyaline cartilage is best able to withstand repeated bending.

A) The high water content of hyaline cartilage allows it to resist compression well

Which of the following statements concerning the endocrine glands is incorrect? A) The hormones they secrete travel more quickly than nerve impulses. B) They are a group of ductless glands. C) They secrete messenger molecules called hormones. D) The hormones they secrete regulate processes such as growth and metabolism.

A) The hormones they secrete travel more quickly than nerve impulses.

Which statement concerning the anatomical position is false? A) The person is lying down, as straight as possible. B) The knees, elbow, and neck are straight (not bent). C) The toes point anteriorly, but the fingers point inferiorly. D) The palms face anteriorly.

A) The person is lying down, as straight as possible.

The correct proximal to distal sequence of the three vessels branching from the aortic arch is: A) brachiocephalic, left common carotid, left subclavian. B) left common carotid, left subclavian, brachiocephalic. C) brachiocephalic, left subclavian, left common carotid. D) left subclavian, left common carotid, brachiocephalic.

A) brachiocephalic, left common carotid, left subclavian.

Most foreign substances in inspired air fail to reach the lungs because of the: A) ciliated epithelium and mucus that line the respiratory passages. B) action of the epiglottis. C) abundant blood supply to the nasal mucosa. D) porous structure of the nasal conchae.

A) ciliated epithelium and mucus that line the respiratory passages.

In lymph nodes, follicles are always located A) in the cortex. B) near the hilum. C) in the lymph sinuses. D) in the medullary cords.

A) in the cortex.

Which of the following puts the pathway air travels to the alveoli in the correct order? A) larynx — trachea — primary bronchi — lobar bronchi — segmental bronchi — bronchioles B) larynx — primary bronchi — trachea — lobar bronchi — bronchioles — segmental bronchi C) larynx — trachea — lobar bronchi — primary bronchi — bronchioles — segmental bronchi D) trachea — larynx — segmental bronchi — primary bronchi — lobar bronchi — bronchioles

A) larynx — trachea — primary bronchi — lobar bronchi — segmental bronchi — bronchioles

As skeletal muscles enlarge in a weight lifter, all of the following occur except: A) muscle cells divide mitotically. B) myofilaments become more abundant in the muscle cells. C) myofibrils become more abundant in the muscle cells. D) muscle cells grow larger.

A) muscle cells divide mitotically

Which of the following would not inhibit micturition? A) relaxation of the internal urethral sphincter B) relaxation of the detrusor muscles C) activation of the sympathetic pathways D) stimulation of the somatic motor neurons to the external urethral sphincter

A) relaxation of the internal urethral sphincter

Which of the following is not a function of the bony skeleton? A) storage of parathyroid hormone B) transmission of muscular forces by acting as levers C) support and protection D) production of blood cells

A) storage of parathyroid hormone

Which of the following is true regarding endochondral ossification? A) the majority of the bones of the body are formed in this way. B) bone begins replacing the cartilage model shortly after birth. C) the epiphysis gets its blood supply from the diaphyseal periosteal bud. D) the marrow cavity is the first bony structure to form.

A) the majority of the bones of the body are formed in this way

n which part of the uterine tube does fertilization usually occur?


________ is a condition in which the blood's capacity for carrying oxygen is diminished.


Directional term meaning "towards the front"


what is position of the uterus in relation to the vagina?


The chambers of the heart that receive blood from the pulmonary and systemic circuits


During ventricular diastole: A) AV valves are closed, semilunar valves are open During ventricular diastole: B) AV valves are open, semilunar valves are closed C) AV valves are closed, semilunar valves are closed D) AV valves are open, semilunar valves are open

B) AV valves are open, semilunar valves are closed

What anatomical difference makes urinary tract infections more common in females than in males? A) In males the urethra is shared by the both the reproductive and the urinary systems, whereas in females it is part of the urinary system only. B) In females the urethra is shorter than in males. C) In males the urethra is made up of three regions, whereas in females it is made of only one. D) In females the urethra is attached to the anterior vaginal wall by connective tissue.

B) In females the urethra is shorter than in males.

Semilunar valves are located: A) between the atria and the ventricles. B) between the ventricles and the aorta/pulmonary trunk C) between the great veins and the atria. D) only between the left ventricle and the aorta.

B) between the ventricles and the aorta/pulmonary trunk

Which of these is not characteristic of a synchondrosis? A) absence of a joint cavity B) bone ends attached by collagen C) not highly movable D) composed of hyaline cartilage

B) bone ends attached by collagen

Which of these bony markings is correctly paired with its function? A) foramen — site of muscle attachment B) fissure — opening C) crest — depression D) trochanter — joint surface

B) fissure — opening

Fenestrated capillaries: A) are located in the central nervous system. B) have pores in their walls. C) permit the movement of very few molecules. D) occur in most of the organs of the body.

B) have pores in their walls.

All of these are functions of muscle tissue except: A) production of movement B) line surfaces in the body C) generate heat D) maintain posture

B) line surfaces in the body

Which of these joints is one of the most freely moving joints of the body, but requires the stability provided by the rotator cuff muscles to keep it in place? A) elbow joint B) shoulder joint C) hip joint D) sternoclavicular joint E) ankle joint

B) shoulder joint

Characteristics of a symphysis include: A) intracapsular ligaments B) the presence of fibrocartilage C) an articular capsule D) an interosseous membrane

B) the presence of fibrocartilage

Muscle tissue is endowed with all of the following properties except: A) excitability. B) transmissibility. C) contractibility. D) extensibility.

B) transmissibility.

These blood cells are the least numerous of the leukocytes (WBCs)


White blood cells that release histamines


Vein that drains the Internal Jugular vein and Subclavian vein into the Superior vena cava

Brachiocephalic v

Impulse generator and conductor, these transmit an impulse away from the cell body: A) Dendrites B) Synapse C) Axon D) Ganglia

C) Axon

Which of these does not act as a protective mechanism in the respiratory system? A) ciliated epithelium lining the respiratory tract B) mucous lining the respiratory tract C) acidic secretions from the lining of the trachea D) alveolar macrophages in the lungs.

C) acidic secretions from the lining of the trachea

B lymphocytes are to ________ as T lymphocytes are to ________. A) antibodies; antigens B) programmed cell death; antibodies C) antibodies; programmed cell death D) antigens; antibodies

C) antibodies; programmed cell death

Of the following, which is the only organ that is not an upper respiratory structure? A) oropharynx B) nasal cavity C) bronchi D) vestibule of the nose

C) bronchi

During ventricular systole, blood is A) not flowing into or out of the heart. B) flowing from the systemic and pulmonary circuits into both the atria and ventricles. C) forced from the ventricles into the aorta and pulmonary trunk. D) forced from the atria into the ventricles.

C) forced from the ventricles into the aorta and pulmonary trunk.

Cartilaginous joints: A) allow movement in only one plane as a hinge. B) are seen in sutural lines. C) include symphyses. D) allow free movement.

C) include symphyses.

The lymphatic capillaries are: A) as permeable as blood capillaries. B) less permeable than blood capillaries. C) more permeable than blood capillaries. D) completely impermeable.

C) more permeable than blood capillaries.

Muscles are not likely to tear from their bones because A) the tendons are partially ossified at their attachment points to the periosteum. B) elastin fibers in the tendon can allow for stretching and recoil of the muscle. C) perforating fibers of collagen attach the tendons and periosteum to the cortical surfaces of bone. D) a circumferential lamella sandwiches the ends of the tendon onto the surface of an adjacent lamella.

C) perforating fibers of collagen attach the tendons and periosteum to the cortical surfaces of bone.

The splenic flexure is the boundary between the A) spleen and stomach. B) descending colon and sigmoid colon. C) transverse and descending colon. D) transverse and ascending colon.

C) transverse and descending colon.

Which layer of blood vessels contains smooth muscle tissue? A) tunica externa B) tunica adventitia C) tunica media D) tunica intima

C) tunica media

The epicardium is the same as the: A) fibrous pericardium. B) pericardium. C) visceral layer of serous pericardium. D) endocardium.

C) visceral layer of serous pericardium.

The ________ marks the point where the trachea branches into the two main bronchi.


Structure that separates the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain:

Central sulcus

Bone marking that is a surface for the formation of joints


The type of tissue that is most diverse, abundant, and made of an extracellular matrix

Connective Tissue

All are direct branches of the Aortic Arch EXCEPT: A) L common carotid a. B) Brachiocephalic trunk C) L subclavian a. D) R subclavian a.

D) R subclavian a.

Comminuted fractures, in which the bone fragments into many pieces, are more common in the elderly. Anatomically, why would advanced age increase the risk for these kinds of fractures? A) With age, bones acquire widespread microfractures that can result in fragmented fractures when excessive force is placed on the bone. B) Elderly individuals tend to do more activities resulting in strong twisting forces on their bones. C) Bone becomes more flexible with age. D) The decrease in organic, living, components in bone makes it more brittle.

D) The decrease in organic, living, components in bone makes it more brittle.

Which of the following us true about the lungs in elderly individuals? A) They produce more alveoli. B) Their protective mechanisms increase, reducing the risk of illness. C) They have greater capacity to fill due to increased flexibility of the thoracic wall. D) Their elasticity declines.

D) Their elasticity declines.

What is the effect of the parasympathetic fibers carried by the vagus nerve? A) They increase the force of cardiac contractions. B) They speed up the heartbeat. C) The heartbeat is not influenced by the vagus nerve. D) They slow the heartbeat.

D) They slow the heartbeat.

All are functional classifications of neurons EXCEPT: A) Motor neurons B) Sensory neurons C) Interneurons D) Unipolar neurons

D) Unipolar neurons

An example of a pivot joint is the: A) distal tibiofibular joint. B) sagittal suture. C) suture. D) atlantoaxial joint.

D) atlantoaxial joint

Sympathetic stimulation of terminal bronchioles causes: A) bronchoconstriction. B) secretion of less surfactant. C) a decrease in blood supply to the bronchioles. D) bronchodilation.

D) bronchodilation.

All of the following are true regarding the composition of bone tissue except: A) 35% of bone tissue is composed of organic materials. B) 65% of bone tissue is composed of inorganic hydroxyapatites. C) the mixture of organic and inorganic components allows bone to be strong but not brittle. D) elastin fibers are the most abundant organic components of bone.

D) elastin fibers are the most abundant organic components of bone

Eccentric contraction: A) generates force without changing the length of the muscle. B) pulls the insertion toward the origin. C) shortens the muscle. D) generates force as the muscle lengthens.

D) generates force as the muscle lengthens.

Which of these joints is stabilized by an iliofemoral ligament, a pubofemoral ligament, and an ischiofemoral ligament? A) elbow joint B) ankle joint C) shoulder joint D) hip joint E) sternoclavicular joint

D) hip joint

Which of these is not a consequence of aging on bones and cartilage? A) decline in bone mass B) You Answered decrease in completely-formed osteons C) thinning of the articular cartilage. D) increase in chondroblast activity

D) increase in chondroblast activity

Which muscle is used for both quiet inspiration and forced expiration? A) scalenes B) latissimus dorsi C) external intercostals D) internal intercostals

D) internal intercostals

One factor that propels an oocyte through the uterine tube is: A) amoeboid motion of the oocyte. B) secretions of the non-ciliated cells. C) pressure exerted by ovarian fluid. D) smooth muscle contraction (peristalsis).

D) smooth muscle contraction (peristalsis).

Which of the following is not an accessory digestive organ? A) liver B) teeth C) salivary gland D) spleen

D) spleen

The longest of the three parts of the male urethra is the: A) membranous. B) prostatic. C) neck. D) spongy urethra.

D) spongy urethra.

The pericardial cavity lies between: A) the serous pericardium and the epicardium. B) the fibrous pericardium and the parietal pericardium. C) the fibrous pericardium and the diaphragm. D) the parietal pericardium and the visceral pericardium.

D) the parietal pericardium and the visceral pericardium.

Which of the following vessels does not carry oxygen-poor blood to the heart? A) the superior vena cava B) the inferior vena cava C) the coronary sinus D) the pulmonary vein

D) the pulmonary vein

The tricuspid valve is closed: A) while the ventricle is in diastole. B) by movement of blood from atrium to ventricle. C) while the atrium is contracting. D) when the ventricle is in systole.

D) when the ventricle is in systole.

Special movement that involves lifting the foot so its superior surface approaches the shin


The largest type of lymphatic vessel is a lymphatic


All of the following structures in the body contain cartilage except: A) the nose B) the ears C) the joints D) the discs between vertebrae E) the esophagus

E) the esophagus

T/F The least abundant type of leukocyte is the monocyte.


T/F: During muscle contraction, Z discs move farther apart and the A band shortens


Bone marking that is a depression or opening


Type of angular movement at a joint that involves decreasing the angle between two bones


Neuronal cell bodies outside of the CNS:


Which organelle sorts, processes, and packages products made by the rough ER?

Golgi apparatus

The attachment site of a muscle that is "more movable" during contraction


What is the location of the apex of the heart in the thorax?

L 5th intercostal space midclavicular line

The heart chamber that receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins.

Left atrium

These vertebrae are large, have kidney shaped bodies, and have articular processes oriented in the sagittal plane

Lumbar vertebrae

Body plane that divides the body into equal right and left halves


The U-shaped ________ is located between the proximal and distal convoluted tubules.

Nephron Loop

These blood cells are the most numerous of the leukocytes (WBCs)


Type of bone cell that actively produces and secretes bone matrix


What is the type of epithelium found in the upper respiratory tract and trachea?

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

Represents ventricular depolarization beginning at the apex

QRS complex

Part of the cell that is the site of protein synthesis


Neuroglia that wrap their processes around axons in the PNS:

Schwann cells

What type of muscle is found lining the hollow organs of the body and is under involuntary control

Smooth Muscle

T/F Muscular arteries regulate blood flow to organs and groups of organs.


T/F The elastic arteries are the largest arteries near the heart.


T/F The elbow joint is an example of a fulcrum as the biceps brachii flexes the forearm.


T/F The middle and posterior cerebral arteries are connected by the posterior communicating arteries.


T/F Veins have less elastin in their walls than do arteries.


The area of the sarcomere that contains no myofilaments.

The I band

multilayered epithelium is classified by_____.

The cell shape found in the apical layer

The ________ is the portion of the soft palate that prevents food from entering the nasal cavity.


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