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A student who studies frequently in order to do well on unannounced pop quizzes in one of her courses is showing the effects of

A VI/LH schedule

Within a behavioral approach, a set of stimuli that have some physical characteristic in common is referred to as:

A common-element stimulus class

A rule is less likely to be followed if it identifies:

A small consequence

You pour a cup of coffee. You add sugar and then cream. You stir the coffee and then take a sip. The taste of the coffee with the cream and sugar is the reinforcer. This is an example of:

A stimulus-response chain

According to Suzie's teacher, "Suzie is a good student because she is highly motivated." This is an example of _______________ view of motivation

A traditional

A problem behavior consistently occurs in a certain situation or in the presence of certain stimuli, and is never followed by any clearly identifiable consequence. These are indicators that the problem behavior is:

An elicited respondent

Drawing a conclusion on the basis of inadequate evidence, such as misinterpreting a frown of the face of a passerby to mean that they are expressing disapproval, is an example of what Beck called:

Arbitrary inference

The partial rule "drive slowly" identifies the:


Behavior modification is based on the following two propositions:

Behavior can be controlled, and it is desirable to do so in order to achieve certain objectives

The broadly inclusive assessment approach of including medical and nutritional information along with behavioral assessments is referred to as:

Behavioral diagnostics

Escape conditioning and positive reinforcement are similar in that:

Both lead to an increase in the likelihood of behavior

Observations indicate that a person with severe developmental disabilities engages in excessive scratching due to reactions by well-meaning staff. By way of treatment, the staff provides attention to the individual every ten seconds and scratching decreases. The treatment program would be described as a(n) _________________ for staff attention


A parent tells his teenage daughter that she can earn points for mowing the lawn, and when a certain number of points have been earned, she can exchange them for use of the family car. The description of the points program is a(n):


From a behavioral point of view, the term "ethics" refers to:

Certain standards of behavior that are developed by a culture and that promote the survival of that culture

Believing, thinking, and perceiving are three things that describe

Cognitive processes

Approaches that focus on substituting rational thoughts and appraisal information for irrational thinking are referred to as:

Cognitive restructuring

A behavior that has been gradually strengthened by the direct-acting effects of reinforcement is said to be:

Contingency shaped

A procedure that involves extinction of a problem behavior, combined with reinforcing a behavior that is topographically dissimilar to, but not necessarily incompatible with the problem behavior is known as a:

DRA schedule

You are likely to reinforce an acquaintance who telephones your calls occur at a reasonably low rate, but not if they occur at a high rate that you feel hassled. This is being reinforced on a(n):

DRL schedule

On a(n) ____________ schedule of reinforcement, a reinforcer is presented if a specified period of time passes and a particular behavior does not occur during that time


Thinking in absolute terms, such as assuming that one is a failure for getting any grade less than an "a" is an example of what Beck called:

Dichotomous thinking

Tokens should have the following two characteristics. They should be:

Easy to handle and attractive

A parent says "water" and the child mimics "water". The response of the child is an example of a(n):


A child is approached by a dog and is knocked down, which causes fear. The next time the child sees a dog, the child experiences fear, which subsides when the child runs away from the dog. The child's running away from the dog is maintained by:

Escape conditioning

A child screams loudly in a restaurant, causing some embarrassment for the parent. The parent gives the child an extra dessert, and the child is quiet. The parent's behavior of giving the extra dessert has been influenced by:

Escape conditioning

Which of the following types of treatment work BEST with OCD?

Exposure to the feared situation while preventing the compulsive behavior from occurring

In _________, the end result of the procedure is some new stimulus control of a particular behavior


A common example of response cost that is applied as a punishment by parents to their children is sending children to their room as a punisher for undesirable behavior emitted elsewhere in the house


A guideline for identifying behaviors which no longer require token reinforcement is to identify those behaviors that have received continuous reinforcement under the token economy


Cognitive restructuring would be classified as an exposure-based therapy


Feeding a personal very salty food, which would establish water as a reinforcer and also evoke behavior such as asking for a drink, is an example of forward chaining


In stimulus generalization, an individual makes a different response to two different stimuli, whereas in stimulus discrimination, an individual makes the same response to two different stimuli


In the program in which Tommy could earn extra playtime at the end of the day for having three or fewer talk outs during class, Tommy's talk outs decreased because of the direct-acting effects of reinforcement of free play at the end of the day when he didn't talk out


The behavioral view of motivation conceptualizes motivation as some "thing" within us that causes our actions


The topography of a behavior typically tells us a lot about the controlling variables of that behavior


When a teacher is concerned with decreasing a student's undesirable finger snapping behavior in class, she/he should first identify the IQ of the student


Withdrawal of punishing events causes an emotion called anxiety


A list of fear producing situations arranged from those that cause least fear to those that cause the most is called a(n):

Fear hierarchy

A procedure for overcoming a simple phobia that tries to get the client into the presence of the feared stimulus early during therapy, and to maintain exposure for long periods of time, is referred to as:


When the initial step of a sequence is taught first, then the first and second steps are taught and linked together, then the first three steps, and so on until the entire chain is acquired, this process describes:

Forward chaining

Experimentally assessing the effects of potentially controlling variables on the problem behavior of an individual is referred to as a(n):

Functional analysis

One can heat water by placing a tin of it over a campfire, plugging in an electric kettle, or placing a hot rock into a can of water. These alternatives constitute:

Functionally equivalent responses

If after having been reinforced for imitating a number of behaviors, an individual imitates a completely new behavior the first time that behavior is modeled, we say that ______ has occurred.

Generalized imitation

When an individual desensitizes a fear in real life rather than in his or her own imagination, _______________ is being used

In vivo desensitization

If you use escape conditioning to change a behavior, the behavior is likely to _______________


In backward chaining, the response that is closest to the main reinforcer:

Is conditioned/learned first

Considering the sequential steps for designing and implementing a treatment program following baseline assessment, and supposing that you have identified the target behaviors and defined the goal, which question would you NOT be addressing at this time?

Is the treatment cost-effective?

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an intervention that is least intrusive or restrictive?

It emphasizes wisely-used aversive control

A child goes into the kitchen and asks a parent for a glass of milk. The request by the child is an example of a(n):


After many interruptions while trying to write the behavior modification text at the university, Martin and Pear began working at one of their homes. Which category of situational inducement did they apply?

Move the activity to a new location

Another name for escape conditioning is:

Negative reinforcement

If you are considering strategies for decreasing a behavioral excess, which of the following would you not consider:

Negative reinforcement

To increase an operant behavior, you can:

Negatively reinforce it

Punishment is the same as:

None of the above

It would be appropriate to use a DRL schedule of reinforcement when a behavior:

Occurs at a greater than desired rate

People have learned to react negatively to all overt attempts to control behavior because:

Of their experiences with others who have used their power for their own benefit

The way that you learn to express an emotion is influenced by:

Operant conditioning

Which of the following procedures would you probably use if you wanted to decrease an excessive behavior?

Operant extinction

Suppose, on seeing the host at a party, you think to yourself, "He has a big nose." This would be an example of:

Operant thinking

When you arrive at a party, you think to yourself, "I'm glad lots of people are dancing, I hate to just sit around." is an example of:

Operant thinking

A procedure for overcoming phobias in which the therapist models graded approaches to the feared stimulus is known as

Participant modeling

Punishers that activate pain receptors of other sense receptors that typically evoke feelings of discomfort are included in the category of:

Physical punishment

Which procedure both increase the likelihood of the target response?

Positive reinforcement and escape conditioning

Which of the following is not one of the initial steps in setting up a token economy?

Programming generality to the natural environment

When an aversive stimulus is presented after a response and the response decreases in frequency, this procedure is called:


In order to "get up the energy" to follow her usual exercise routine on a Saturday afternoon, the exercise buff places some dumbbells in the center of the den (where she usually exercises) and turns on the TV to the local fitness channel. Which category of situational inducement is the exerciser practicing?

Rearrange the existing surroundings

Strong negative verbal stimuli make up the category of:


The autonomic reaction that you feel inside during the experience of an emotion is influenced by

Respondent conditioning

Suppose, on a warm summer day, you close your eyes and imagine that you are at the beach, and you visualize a good looking person in a bathing suit. This is an example of:

Respondent thinking

In a token economy, taking away tokens following a problem behavior is an example of ____________ punishment


If you tell someone to stop eating candies and the person stops, then that would be an example of:

Rule-governed behavior

When the goal of a program is to develop some new behavior along some physical dimension such as force, form or duration, one should use:


The term _____________ involves influencing a particular behavior by using situations and occasions that already exert control over the behavior

Situational inducement

When the probability of the behavior is different in the presence of two different stimuli or situations, _________________ is occurring

Stimulus discrimination

When a behavior becomes more probable in the presence of a stimulus or situation as a result of a similar behavior having been strengthened in the presence of that stimulus or situation, _____________ has occurred.

Stimulus generalization

The process of breaking a task down into smaller steps or component responses to facilitate training refers to:

Task analysis

Countercontrol may be defined as

The amount of control a controlee can exert over the controller by virtue access to suitable reinforcersOf the

Very few people follow the rule "Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle in order to avoid brain damage from a serious accident" because:

The consequences are highly improbable

Few people follow the rule "Floss your teeth everyday to prevent tooth decay" because:

The consequences of a single such action are too small to be noticed and are only of cumulative significance

Which of the following is not one of the considerations for deciding on the token price of each backup reinforcer a token economy:

The size of the backup reinforcers

With unconditioned motivating operations:

The value-altering effect is innate and the behavior altering effect is learned

Assume that you are a professional behavior modifier. Under which of the following conditions would you NOT treat a behavior problem that had been referred to you?

There are individuals who will hinder the program, and who can't be controlled

Which of the following is NOT a recommended characteristic of target behaviors selected for clients?

They should be in the best interest of the client's caretakers

In non-exclusionary time-out, the individual is:

Timed out in the problem situation

Which of the following is NOT a tactic for programming stimulus generalization?

Training sufficient response exemplars

A conceptual limitation of the traditional view of motivation is that it involves circular reasoning:


A procedure called "functional communication training" is one in which children with developmental disabilities are taught a simple communicative response as an alternative to self-abuse in order to obtain staff attention


For most of us, an imminent deadline that we have not yet responded to is a CS for anxiety


In avoidance conditioning, the response prevents or postpones the aversive stimulus rather than removing it


It is important to consider the causes of undesirable behavior because it may lead one to appropriately conclude that other specialists should deal with the problem


Other people's actions may become SD's for engaging in similar actions because the response of imitating often results in reinforcement. This is one process by which imitative behavior is learned


Public goals are more effective than private goals


Stimulus generalization refers to the transfer of a particular behavior to different stimuli, whereas response generalization refers to transfer between responses in a particular setting


When designing a behavior modification program, it is unnecessary to assess whether the behaviors of concern can be counted, timed, or measured in some way


When Suzie plays the slot machines in Las Vegas, her gambling behavior is reinforced on a ______________ schedule


Gradually making the schedule of token delivery more and more intermittent or gradually decreasing the number of behaviors that earn tokens are two ways of:

Weaning a client from tokens when transferring behavior to the natural environment

A behavior modifier might determine whether or not a client's behavior might be easily generalized and maintained by assessing:

Whether or not there are reinforcers and/or people in the natural environment to maintain the desired behavior

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