FINAL EXAM, Integrated Marketing Communications

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The types of associations that come to the consumer's mind when contemplating a particular brand is known as _____.

brand image

Salespeople who are conversant on a broad spectrum of subjects are said to have what?

breadth of knowledge

Which of the following is NOT a limitation of using magazines as an advertising medium?

buying difficulty

Which of the following terms might be specifically defined as "corporate philanthropy based on profit-motivated giving"?

cause-related marketing

A university fraternity sponsored a blood drive in cooperation with the Red Cross, but students weren't eager to donate. Red Cross volunteers took an impromptu survey and discovered that students erroneously believed they could contract AIDS in the process of giving blood. The erroneous belief that AIDS can be contracted while donating blood is best described as the _____ component of the student body's attitude.


Which of the following occurs BEFORE the consumer processing model's stage 4, agreeing with comprehended information?


A clear progression is implied from initial cognition, to affect, to _____.


Which of the following must be present for a novel advertisement to be considered creative?


John Smith owns three gas stations. There are rumors that he is a drug dealer. This is a _____ rumor.


The point of purchase is the time and place at which all elements of the sale (_____) come together.

consumer, money, and product

Which of the following is a strength of newspaper as an advertising medium?

consumers are in the right mental frame to process advertisements

A _____ is a set of exclusive rights for the form in which an idea or invention is expressed in a tangible medium.


With effective database marketing a firm may be able to alter the channel of distribution via direct marketing efforts, and hence _____.

cut direct costs

Patents that protect the appearance or shape, rather than the utilitarian function of an invention, are in the _____ category.


Marian is uneducated, frustrated with her life, and seeks security and status. Marian would fit into the Generation X category known as _____.


Sponsored e-mail that distributes free magazine-like publications is known as _____.


Which is NOT a technological development that has made single-source systems (SSSs) possible?

electronic funds transfer

When applying classical conditioning to advertising, the _____ would be the unconditioned response.

emotional reactions

Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of direct mail?


All of the following are possible objectives of social media campaigns except _____.

explore social media

A good brand name will help consumers to identify who your competitors are.


A patent for a new type of business method would fall into the design category of patents.


A pull strategy consists of a manufacturer's consumer promotion efforts that encourage consumers to prefer the manufacturer's brand.


Achieving agreement is the first step in evaluating sales promotion ideas.


Advertising spending as a percentage of total marketing communications expenditures has increased in recent years.


Attributes are what consumers hope to receive or avoid when consuming products.


Big Tech store is required to pay a slotting allowance to manufacturers for each item sold so that the retailer is allowed to restock the manufacturer's products.


Brand equity occurs when the consumer considers two competing brands to be similar.


Encoding involves activities undertaken by receivers to interpret—or derive meaning from—marketing messages.


Facebook offers a roadblock ad option which takes over a user's newsfeed to illustrate a full-screen video ad.


For many years, ad spending in the United States has averaged approximately 22 percent of the country's gross domestic product.


Frequency refers to the number of people who purchased a product as a result of an advertisement.


From the perspective of the customer, brand preference is the basic dimension of brand equity


Futures Company MindBase psychographic segmentation scheme consists of 66 general segments.


If the source of a message is forgotten or if the source switches to a different position, an internalized attitude will be lost.


Inbound telephone marketing efforts are directed at selling products over the phone.


Kelman's three receiver processing modes are similarity, familiarity, and liking.


Lack of flexibility is a limitation of newspaper advertising.


Laddering involves short, one-on-one interviews that typically last between 5 to 10 minutes.


Logos with abstract designs were found to produce more favorable consumer responses than those with natural designs.


Objective setting and budgeting decisions are implementation marcom decisions.


One of the resources of the salesperson that help determine effectiveness is the characteristic of the buying task.


Posttesting with tracking studies would be conducted at the final production stage of ad message research.


Pulsing and flighting advertising schedules are similar in that they both involve similar levels of advertising expenditures throughout the year.


Regulations against unsolicited e-mail (spam) are much more stringent in North America than in Europe.


Sales promotion can provide consumers with a compelling, long-term reason to continue purchasing a brand.


Slotting allowances are the fees that manufacturers pay retailers for access to more or better shelf space for existing brands.


The FTC is the U.S. government agency with primary responsibility for regulating advertising at both the federal and state levels.


The Federal Trade Commission states that there must be a hiatus period of at least 90 days between price-off label promotions on any given brand size.


The SPIN method is about the relative position of dominance, deference, or equality that buyers and sellers put themselves in as a result of dialog between the two.


The average user on Facebook has 1,030 friends.


There is abundant evidence that subliminal advertising is a very effective technique for increasing sales volume.


Which of the following is a stage in perceptual encoding?

feature analysis

A strength of newspaper advertising is the _____.


In a _____ advertising schedule, the advertiser varies expenditures throughout the campaign and allocates zero expenditures in some months.


Needs involving current consumption-related problems, potential problems, or conflicts are ______ needs.


The unique selling proposition style is a _____ advertising strategy.


The three strategies for changing attitudes include influencing consumers' brand-related beliefs, influencing existing evaluations, and adding an entirely new outcome into how consumers judge brands in a product category.


Singles and unrelated couples or friends living together represent a large, and growing, group of American households.


Social media campaigns are often lead by the objective of enhancing public relations.


Success of direct mailing depends on the quality of mailing lists contained in a company's database.


The antithesis of the traditional view toward advertising objectives (i.e., the heretical view) is that advertising objectives should be stated in terms of sales or market share.


The best medium for demonstrating product features is television.


The major difference between websites and other alternative online ad formats is that users seek out websites in a goal-oriented fashion.


The notions of trial and repeat purchase are particularly apt for inexpensive consumer packaged goods.


The saturation factor refers to the number of brands the celebrity is endorsing and if he or she is overexposed.


The trial experience can reduce the consumer's risk of being dissatisfied with a product after having permanently committed to it through an outright purchase.


Trade promotions are appropriately timed when they are used strategically to offset competitive promotional activity.


Tweens are usually classified as children between the ages of 8 and 12.


Video games provide an excellent advertising medium for reaching millenials.


With interstitials, users have to wait until the entire ad has been shown.


Yellow is a good attention getter.


Which of the following is an advantage of social media?

two-way dialogue

Which of the following is NOT a main stage of the New Product Adoption Process?

unawareness class

When a person willfully notices a stimulus, _____ has occurred.

voluntary attention

The objective for a brand's marcom program at any point in time depends on _____.

where on the hierarchy most consumers are located

When a viewer switches to another channel while commercials are aired, _____ has occurred.


A magazine reaches 5 million readers. The cost of advertising in this magazine is $150,000 per 4-color page. The cost per thousand is _____.


How many types of patents exist in the United States?


Wilson told Jade the preferred meal for each guest attending the dinner party. Of course Jade didn't pay attention. How long will Jade keep the information in her short-term memory without thinking about it or rehearsing it?

30 seconds or less

A brand has a target audience consisting of 80 million households. Television commercials for the brand are aired 40 times during a four-week period, which produces 600 gross rating points. The net coverage, or unduplicated audience, is 60 million households. The computed reach is _____.


Which of the following is a universal value?

All of these are correct!!! self direction, hedonism, achievement, benevolence

Which of the following is a type of standard ad unit (SAU) endorsed by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) for banner ads?

All of these are correct.

Which of the following questions should ad advertiser address when deciding whether or not to use a comparative advertisement?

All of these are correct.

Which of the following is a fundamental decision in the marketing communications decision-making process?

All of these are correct. targeting, positioning, setting objectives, budgeting

Which of the following companies tracks Internet users' surfing behaviors and provides this information to advertisers that wish to target prospective customers based on their online search behavior?

Audience Science

____ are fees manufacturers pay retailers for access to the slot, or location, that the retailer must make available in its distribution center to accommodate the manufacturer's new brand.

Bill-back allowances

The regulation of the brewing and liquor industries is done by the _____.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

The self-regulatory monitoring of children's television programs and commercials is done by the _____.


What distinctive feature separates cause-related marketing from event marketing?

Contribution to a designated cause is linked to consumers performing a behavior that benefits the firm

Media planners are responsible for developing the overall media strategy and purchasing the specific media vehicles for the advertiser.


The vast majority of marketing executives and marketing academics are against gauging the effect of marcom efforts in terms of the return on marketing investment, or ROMI, because it is almost impossible to measure.


Trade sales promotion includes the use of coupons, premiums, free samples, contests/sweepstakes, and rebates.


Unfair advertising is also deceptive advertising.


The _____ is the U.S. government agency that has primary responsibility for regulating information on the packages of food and drug products.


On a cost per thousand basis, direct mail is less expensive than other media.


The "read most" classification of the GfK MRI's Starch Ad Readership Studies is the percentage of people interviewed who read 80 percent or more of the written material in the advertisement.


Which of the following statements is true regarding the adoption of integrated marketing communications (IMC)?

Firms involved in marketing services rather than products are more likely to practice IMC.

_____ refers to two or more brands from the same company promoted in a single promotional effort.

Intracompany tie-in

NAD is the investigative arm of the _____.


_____ takes place when criminals send e-mail messages appearing to be from legitimate corporations and direct recipients to phony websites that are designed to look like companies' actual websites with the intent to extract personal data from people such as their credit card and pin numbers.


Which of the following is FALSE regarding rebates?

Rebates offer consumers immediate rewards

______ is an approach to handling objections that focuses on the relative position of dominance, deference, or equality that buyers and sellers put themselves in as a result of dialog between the two.

Relational communications

Selection of target segments is a critical step toward effective and efficient marketing communications for both business-to-business and business-to-consumer companies.Selection of target segments is a critical step toward effective and efficient marketing communications


The concept of media is relevant to all marcom tools.


The terms touchpoint and contact are used interchangeably to mean any message medium capable of reaching target customers and presenting the brand in a favorable light.


In a Starch analysis, a magazine ad for Absolute vodka received a score of 140. What does this mean?

That particular ad scored 40 percent above comparable ads.

One of the factors to be considered when evaluating the suitability of using a telephone sales force is the number and type of decision makers typically involved in purchasing a company's product.


Appeals to fears in advertising identify the negative consequences of _____.

a and b only not using the advertised brand AND engaging in unsafe behavior

Which of the following is an example of a push strategy?

a soft drink manufacturer sending point-of-purchase displays to grocery stores

Which of the following is NOT a reason that accounts for why many retailers resist manufacturers' EDLP pricing initiatives?

a, b, and c all of the above lol

Jif Peanut Butter has long used the slogan "Choosy mothers choose Jif." This campaign does not directly challenge competitors but instead relies upon an understanding of the consumer's desire to be perceived as a good parent. Hence, in the sense that Jif is being advertised as the "good-parent peanut butter," what advertising style is being used?

brand image

Customers are known to be more responsive to retailers' price deals when retailers _____.

advertise those deals

The _____ is a form of self-regulation undertaken by ad media that takes place behind the scenes before a commercial or other advertisement reaches consumers.

advertising clearance process

It is possible to translate the idea of advertising "strength" into numerical values by capitalizing on the concept of _____.

advertising elasticity

In terms of profitability, investing in advertising can be justified only if the incremental revenue generated from the advertising effort exceeds the increase in the _____.

advertising expense

Which of the following metrics is available directly from Facebook?

affinity score

In which country has advertising self-regulation flourished?

all of these are correct

Maria is asked by a market researcher to tell him the particular thoughts and feelings she has about Starbuck's coffee. A particular thought or feeling that comes to Maria's mind is known as a(n) _____.


Features or aspects of advertised brands are known as _____


When researching the amount advertisers should pay in a geographic area, Graham learned that the average television household now has upwards of 90 or more TV channels from which to choose. Graham believes the cost of television ads should be reduced because advertisements simply do not reach the large numbers of consumers they once did. This is an example of _____.

audience fractionalization

Banner advertising, along with other communications elements in an IMC program, can serve to facilitate increasing levels of brand _____ and thus enhance brand _____.

awareness; equity

James Denton, the marketer for Denton Cheese, distributed samples of a new cheese dish to consumers in the hope that they will form positive _____ about the product's performance, which will then lead to further purchases.


Which type of online advertising format has the appeal of communicating directly with prospective customers, who in turn can become active communicators through their own posted comments?


Which type of consumer promotion offers consumers an immediate reward with the objective of encouraging repeat purchases?

bonus packs

The goodwill that an established brand has built up over its existence is _____.

brand equity

Websites are different from other online ad formats because users seek out websites in a(n) _____ fashion.

goal oriented

John is the marcom manager at a major consumer packaged goods manufacturer. He feels that marcom objectives should be stated in terms of sales or market share gains and that failure to do so is a cop-out. Which view is John espousing?

heretical view

Which of the following is NOT a strength of radio as an advertising medium?

high CPM

Although not a typical practice in the ad industry when constructing creative briefs, it is desirable to indicate not only what objectives are to be accomplished but also _____.

how achievement of the objectives will be measured

Which of the following is one of Kelman's receiver processing modes?


When a product has a relatively high share of market and the competitor has a high share of voice, it is best to _____.

increase advertising expenditures

In the U.S., "olders" (ages 55 to 64) have _____ in recent years.

increased in number

Yellow pages, video games, and brand placement are examples of _____.

indirect advertising

Which of the following is NOT one of the classifications used by Starch?


_____ attention requires very little effort on the part of the receiver.


Comparative advertising _____.

is more effective when claims are made to appear more credible.

In copy testing, a valid test is one that _____.

is predictive of marketplace performance

Marketers typically refer to children aged 4 through 12 as _____ to distinguish this cohort from younger or older children.


All of the following are characteristics of the salesperson-customer relationship except _____.

knowledge of alternatives

A compensation system in which agencies carefully monitor their time and bill clients a fee based on time commitment is known as a(n) _____.

labor-based fee system

The _____ effect is the delay of results of marcom on sales from one time period to another.


The value of customer retention has been compared to a(n) _____.

leaky bucket

A salesperson is hired because he is the same age as most of the shoppers and is considered handsome. What tool of influence is being used?


Which of the following is a disadvantage of employing the services a full-service advertising agency?

loss of control over the advertising function

One of the primary purposes for brand marketers in creating customized magazines is to reach out to existing brand users and to create a bond that will result in increased levels of customer _____.


Alan is the advertising director for an electronics company. He wants to advertise in a medium where detailed product information can be portrayed with a sense of authority. Alan should use _____ advertising.


Marzetta has information about many kinds of products, stores, and other facets of markets, and initiates discussions with consumers and responds to requests from consumers for market information. Marzetta is a(n) _____.

market maven

Sponsorship involves two main activities: (1) an exchange between a sponsor [such as a brand] and a sponsee [such as a sporting event] whereby the latter receives a fee and the former obtains the right to associate itself with the activity sponsored, and (2) _____.

marketing of the association by the sponsor

If an advertising manager can't _____, she can't control and, therefore, can't improve.


Program evaluation is accomplished by _____.

measuring the results of marcom efforts against the objectives that were established at the outset

Carrie works at an advertising agency, and her job is to procure specific vehicles within particular media that have been selected for the agency's clients. Carrie is a(n) ____.

media buyer

To distinguish advertising, which typically is conveyed via print, TV, radio, the Internet, etc., from person-to-person forms of communication, including personal selling and word of mouth, the term _____ communication is used.


In advertising terminology, newspaper is the _____ and the Wall Street Journal is the _____.

medium; vehicle

When there are television commercials for the Ford Focus, television is the _____.

message channel

A certain manufacturer describes its product as "the Cadillac of swimming pools." In this advertising message, the relationship between the car and the pool is a type of _____.


Which type of ad has been created recently to increase revenue for Facebook?

mid-roll video ads

Which type of premium can build sales volume in stores that put up displays and participate fully?

near-pack premium

Cybill Shepherd was a spokesperson for the "Beef is Good Food" advertising campaign until a reputable magazine published an interview with Shepherd in which she admitted never eating red meat. From the Beef Board's perspective, Shepherd's magazine interview was _____.

negative publicity

Which of the following ads targets a vulnerable population?

nutritious breakfast cereal for children

Lucy owns a bakery. She wants to attract new customers, brand her bakery in consumers' minds, and create impulse purchases. Which of the following should she use to accomplish these goals?

on-premise signage

The most common method of compensation for advertising agencies today is _____.

outcome- or performance-based programs

According to the theory of psychological reactance, _____.

people react against any efforts to reduce their freedom of choice

In which method does a company set a brand's advertising budget by simply establishing the budget as a fixed percentage of past or anticipated sales volume?

percentage-of-sales method

Measures of _____ are used when an advertiser's objective is to influence consumers' attitudes toward and preference for the advertised brand.


Jack is developing a package that should convey lightness and cleanliness. It would be best to use a _____ package.


A large percentage of the tweets prior to 2009 were categorized by Twitter as _____.

pointless babble

The combined effects of advertising and display interact _____ in regards to a dealt brand's retail sales.


Sunshield is a new line of sunglasses that boasts lenses that grow progressively darker with increasing sunlight. Other brands have this same type of lens, but Sunshield is the first to make the claim that its product helps prevent sun lines and aging of skin. What type of creative advertising style is described here?


The Beef Council sponsored a variety of advertisements encouraging people to eat more meat. These advertisements were designed to create _____ demand.


Non-Hispanic whites' share of the U.S. population is _____.

projected to decline to 50 percent by 2050

Over the past two decades, the trend has moved toward greater expenditures on _____ and fewer on _____.

promotions; advertising

In general, _____ refers to information about consumers' attitudes, values, motivations, and lifestyles as they relate to buying behavior in a particular product category.


When preparing a _____ advertising schedule, MasterLens plans to use advertising during every period of the campaign, but vary the amount of advertising considerably from period to period.


Measuring respondents' pupil dilation as they view a television commercial or focus on a printed advertisement is done using a _____.


Consumer sales promotion includes all of the following EXCEPT _____.

quantity discounts

Cash discounts given to consumers who submit proofs of purchase are known as _____.


A color that is often described as active, stimulating, energetic, and vital is _____.


For manufacturers, the Buy X, Get 1 Free form of premium serves the primary purpose of _____.

rewarding a brand's loyal customers or encouraging trial

Edna has taken footage from existing commercials and spliced them together to represent a proposed commercial. Edna has a(n) _____.


To employ the profit-maximization rule for budget setting, the advertising decision maker must know the _____ for every brand for which a budgeting decision will be made.

sales-to-advertising response function

At the beginning of July, retailers put up special back-to-school displays that combine most of the items needed on school supply lists. At the end of September, these displays are removed and replaced by displays for Halloween items. Which type of POP display are the back-to-school displays?

semipermanent displays

Managers learn from the analytic aspect of marketing mix modeling which marcom elements are outperforming others and can then use this statistical information to _____.

shift budgets from program element to element

A(n) _____ uses a comparative term such as "like" or "as" to join items from different classes of experience.


Which personality dimension has General Motors attempted to create for its repair services through its hypothetical "Mr. Goodwrench," who represents the name and "face" of the trained technicians who work in thousands of GM dealerships?


Charles wants to learn how good (or bad) new brands are and what benefits they are (in)capable of delivering by trying and using them. Which approach to enhancing brand equity is this known as?

speak-for-itself approach

_____ involves marketing communication investments in events or causes for the purpose of achieving various corporate objectives.


Messages about new products that are attention-catching and memorable enable more rapid diffusion because they possess the _____ factor.


Which of the following activities is part of those included when salespeople service the product?

teaching safety features of the product

An advertising manager chose not to hire a celebrity endorser because the advertiser felt that the celebrity was overexposed. In this case, the advertiser was focusing on ______.

the saturation factor

Google's Double Click is an example of a _____.

third-party data tracking firm

The logic of recency planning includes the idea that the cost effectiveness of a single exposure is approximately ____ the value of subsequent exposures.

three times greater than

Which of the following is the primary task of trade salespeople?

to provide promotional assistance which can result in increased sales volume

A creative brief includes a description of the target audience.


A customer-driven atmosphere in selling is essential to developing long-term growth through customer relationships.


A major strength of billboard advertising is its broad reach and high frequency levels.


A symbol relation is formed when an object becomes a symbol of an arbitrarily selected referent.


A television commercial's peripheral cues could be the background music.


According to the shelf-space-model, achieving a high level of weekly reach for a brand should be emphasized over acquiring heavy frequency.


Account-specific practices include radio tie-in advertising.


Bonus packs are extra quantities of a product that a company gives to consumers at the regular price.


Brand image can be thought of in terms of the types of associations that come to the customer's or consumer's mind when contemplating a particular brand.


Brands are increasingly customizing their own events because it can be more effective and less costly than a preexisting event.


Budweiser's advertising with frogs and lizards represents the use of an allegory.


Cold calling is primary a tool used among salespeople in new-business selling.


Conceding to parts of the objection is one way of handling objections and reducing sales resistance.


Humorous advertisements generally involve the use of incongruity resolution.


In a continuous advertising schedule, an equal or relatively equal amount of ad dollars are invested throughout the campaign.


In programmatic advertising, the process is facilitated by demand side platforms (DSPs) that help the buying of ad space on the open market and supply side platforms (SSPs) that help match the unsold ad inventory.


It is possible to quantify the five adoption determining factors in terms of their importance and evaluation of effectiveness to arrive at a total score that indicates the likelihood that a new product will succeed.


Marketing public relations messages come across not as advertisements but as unbiased reports from journalists.


Noise may occur during the encoding of a message


On-premise business signage communicates information about products and services in close proximity to the store.


One reason for the growth of direct mail is the rising cost of television advertising and increasing audience fragmentation.


Online panel data has long shown the link between online advertising and purchase behavior.


Outdoor GRPs are based on the daily duplicated audience as a percentage of the total potential market.


POP displays serve as the capstone for an integrated marketing communications program.


Perhaps the major problem with direct mail is that many people consider it excessively intrusive and invasive of privacy.


Persuasion is an effort by a marketing communicator to influence the consumer's attitude and behavior in a manner that benefits the communicator.


Price-off promotions create problems for retailers, causing them to dislike this type of promotion.


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