Final Exam

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A green light stretches across the bay and Gatsby feels that it connects him to ___.


Abner ruined the de Spains' rug because they were angry that his pig kept escaping and charged him to pay for damages in "Barn Burning."


According to Booker T. Washington, what fraction of the Southern population consisted of African Americans?


According to the narrator in "Desiree's Baby," Armand's love was dangerous because he, like his relatives, easily fell into love "as if struck by a _____."

Daisy is in love with him

All of the following are rumors about Gatsby except ... - Daisy is in love with him - he has killed someone - he is a bootlegger - he's a German spy


Although the speaker of "Birches" sounds as if he is overwhelmed, he definitely does not want to leave Earth because he says that it is "the right place for ______."


Armand was kept in the city of or country of _____ as a child until after his mother died.


Armand, in "Desiree's Baby," blames his misfortunes and his "cruel" and "unjust" treatment primarily on


As evidence of his accomplishments in war, Gatsby shows Nick a ____.


At one point in the play, Stanley attempts to show his male dominance to Stella and Blanche by throwing his dinner out the window.


At the end of "Barn Burning," Sarty decides to remain loyal to his family in order to prevent his father's imprisonment.


At the end of the story "Sweat," Sykes' mistress, Bertha, bitten by the snake.


Authors such as Mark Twain practiced a brand of Realism writing known as ______, also recognized as local color.


Because "Hills like White Elephants" has no clear resolution when it ends--that is, readers don't know if Jig will have the operation or not--the literary work is labeled as ____-____.


Because Huck experiences change, such as from immaturity to maturity or innocence to experience, in the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is known as a story of ____.


Before the de Spains' fire, Abner always managed to warn the landowners that he was planning to set a fire in the story "Barn Burning."


Blanche actually lost her teaching job because she was romantically involved with one of her high school students.


Blanche's former boyfriend Shep Huntleigh is coming to rescue her and marry her.

He was actually involved in a homosexual affair

Blanche's marriage ended and her former husband killed himself because ...


Blanche, in A Streetcar Named Desire, hopes that she will be saved romantically by Stanley's friend ______.

her drinking, her age, her affairs

Blanches lies about virtually everything including


Booker T. Washington encouraged his audience of business owners to "cast down their _____" into African Americans for help in industrial areas including agriculture, commerce, and mechanics.

ethos and pathos

Booker T. Washington insisted, in his speech, that business owners could trust African Americans. After all, they had served white people in numerous roles already, such as taking care of their sick children, their dying relatives, etc. In making this claim, Washington was relying on two argumentative appeals, one concerning emotions and the other concerning credibility. What are the names of these appeals?


Booker T. Washington once asked Paul Laurence Dunbar to write a song for Harvard University.


Booker T. Washington was the first president of the Tuskegee Institute.


By the end of "After Great Pain," the speaker states that she and other people like her might remember difficult, traumatic experiences the same way that _____ person may remember____.


By the end of "Desiree's Baby," Armand discovers, via letter, that his ______ was also of mixed ancestry.


By the end of A Streetcar Named Desire, Stanley inflicts harm upon Blanche one last time by apparently raping her.

Declaration of Independence

By the end of our The Souls of Black Folks excerpt, Du Bois references the line "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as he acknowledges that these are rights all people want and deserve. What famous document was he referencing with this line?

a mental asylum

By the end of the play, Blanche is being taken to ...

Sexual desires

Despite the welcoming nature of Whitman in his poems, some critics called for the banning of "Leaves of Grass" due to its expression of _____.


Du Bois claimed that Washington's Atlanta Exposition speech was justified and made sense; he agreed with Washington on all points although others called Washington's speech the "triple paradox" of his career.


Du Bois was critical of Washington's Atlanta Exposition speech. He even referred to Washington's ideas as a paradox. What does the word paradox mean?


Du Bois wrote the book The Souls of Black Folk.


Dunbar wrote the poem "We Wear the Mask" about African Americans who felt that they needed to hide their disappointment, grief, and suffering from white Americans.


Dunbar's "We Wear the Mask" is known as a ____ poem, one which is short and presents the deep feelings/emotions of the poet.


Dunbar's "We Wear the Mask" is written in iambic ______ as the poem has lines that each contain 8 syllables broken into 4 sets per line. Each set contains 2 syllables alternating unstressed/stressed.


Emily Dickinson, one of the most famous American female points, is often described as being "_____."

win Daisy's love

Everything that Gatsby has done has been focused on achieving his one American dream, which is to _______.

Lower and Middle

For the most part, literature of the Realism era focuses on ______ classes.

Jim Crow

From the 1880s into the 1960s, a majority of American states enforced segregation through _______ laws (so called after a black character in minstrel shows).


Frost is known for the theme of flux and disorder—trying to make sense out of chaos. According to our textbook, Frost liked to imagine that the nature poems captured "outer and inner ________."


Frost's poem "Birches" is about using _____ in order to escape reality.


Frost's poem "Birches" relies heavily on sound devices to support theme. The sound device _____ concerns the repetition of consonant sounds anywhere in words, such as the "c" sound in "clicks, colored, cracks, and crazes."

Italian sonnet

Frost's poem "Design" is an example of what kind of poem?


Gatsby claims that he was a student at _____ although Tom questions it.


George and Myrtle Wilson lived in a place called the Valley of _____.


Hemingway's Theory of Omission is also known as the _____ Theory or Principle because the majority of specific details are "submerged' in a story.


How many years had passed since Daisy and Gatsby last saw one another before they were reunited with Nick's help in 1922?


Huck and Jim spend a great deal of time traveling on the ____ River.


Huck and his friends want to have a gang and to kidnap and "ransom" their victims, but they do not know what the word ransom means.


Huck escapes Pap's cabin by killing a deer and making it appear that he was murdered.


Huck realizes that his father, Pap, is back in town because he sees bootprints on the ground. These prints have a cross in the heel.


Huck tries to play a joke on Jim, but it backfires, causing Jim to be bitten by a snake.


In "Barn Burning," Sarty's full name is Colonel Sartoris Snopes.


In "Birches," ______ is personified as a someone who disrupts the speaker's thoughts before they can become too depressing.

mother's letter

In "Desiree's Baby," Armand burns all of the following items except for: - baby's cradle - mother's letter - baby's clothing -Desiree's letter


In "Desiree's Baby," Desiree was found as a toddler while "lying asleep in the shadow," suggesting that she may have a hard life. A hint concerning events to come in a story is known as _______.

French diction, such as corbeille; L'Abri; slavery

In "Desiree's Baby," Kate Chopin uses local color as evidenced by


In "Desiree's Baby," one boy is described as "_____," meaning that he is one-quarter black and of mixed ancestry.

solemn oaks, branches shadowing the house like a pall, black roof

In "Desiree's Baby," when Madame Valmonde goes to visit Desiree and the baby, the tone of the narrator becomes darker, foreshadowing the trouble to come. Readers notice this tone particularly due to the descriptions of the


In "Sweat," Sykes is happy when Delia sees him buying treats, such as bubble gum, for Bertha.

New Orleans

In A Streetcar Named Desire, the opening setting of the play is _____.


In Chapter 1, Huck demonstrates that he is superstitious and believes in bad luck after he worries over killing a spider.


In Ernest Hemingway's "Hills like White Elephants," the male character, referred to as "the American," wanted Jig to have what kind of "operation?


In The Great Gatsby, people like Gatsby who are newly rich live in ____ Egg.


In an Italian sonnet, the first eight lines, known as an octave, usually introduce a _______.


In section 2, Whitman relies heavily on _____, also known as the representation of the senses (sight, smell, taste, etc.) via words.


In the Atlanta Exposition speech, Booker T. Washington relied heavily on argumentative appeals. For instance, he relied on an appeal to emotions, known as _____.


In the Langston Hughes' poem "Theme for English B, the speaker remarks that he is "the only _____ person in his class."


In the beginning of the novel, Pap, Huck's father, is believed to be dead due to hanging.

She had lost her job

In the play A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche came to stay with Stanley and Stella because ...


In the poem "After Great Pain," the speaker uses the pronoun "He," creating an allusion which most critics argue to be a reference to ____.


In the poem "Design," the speaker uses negative words, such as witches, death, blight, etc. The emotional association to a word is known as _____.


In the poem "Design," what item is typically blue or violet but is oddly white in this scene?


In the speech at the Atlanta Exposition, Booker T. Washington stated that African Americans should not settle for vocational education and occupations and should instead immediately fight for equality and civil rights.

blue piano

In the stage directions in A Streetcar Named Desire, sounds from the _____ usually indicate a shift in emotions, usually a heightening of them and of tension/drama.


In the story "Desiree's Baby," Desiree and Armand live in a plantation home and area known as L'Abri, meaning shelter.


In the story "Sweat," Sykes throws a whip at Delia because he's trying to make her think that it's a snake.


In the story "Sweat," Sykes' mistress, Bertha, brings a snake to Delia's home in an effort to force Delia to leave.


Kate Chopin was known for writing regional works, also known as works of "_____ color."


Kate Chopin's story "Desiree's Baby" is a story with a feminist perspective. Because it has a feminist angle, the story fits under ______ criticism, a literary theory often focusing on the difficulties women face(d) in a patriarchal society.


Like past writers we've studied, such as Kate Chopin, William Faulkner was also known for regional (local color) writing.


Much of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is set in the state of ____.


Once Jim runs away, Jim and Huck reunite by luck on ____ Island.


One motif involving ________ demonstrates Blanche's relentless efforts to cleanse herself of her past.


One of the main points that Du Bois makes is that Washington's speech has basically shifted the "Negro problem to the ______ shoulders." To whom was Du Bois referring as the one(s) bearing the burden of the problem?


One specific trait of regionalism concerns the language that is typical of a certain place/region. The literary term for language that is peculiar to a specific place is known as _____.


Pap returns to find Huck because he misses him and wants to raise him correctly with Christian values.

A Raisin in the Sun

Playwright Lorraine Hansberry wrote a play called __________ after being influenced by "Harlem," also known as "A Dream Deferred."


Poet Robert Frost won only 1 Pulitzer Prize in his lifetime.

Myths, Assumptions, Prejudices

Realism challenged readers to look past....


Referenced in the poem "Some Keep the Sabbath...," a Bobolink is a ______.


Sarty's father served in the Civil War and was a dedicated Confederate soldier.


Some critics claim that the poem "Stopping by Woods" is not just about being tired of routine and obligations but that it could also be about the speaker's subtle contemplating ______,

Hotel Flamingo

Stanley accuses Blanche of staying in a hotel named ____ where she had multiple affairs after the end of her marriage.


Stanley gives Blanche a one-way bus ticket for her birthday.


Stanley, who has a ______ background, contrasts Blanche's stereotypical idea of the southern gentleman.


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is known as a ______ because it pokes fun at politics, religion, other cultural values/norms.


The Realism movement in literature, for our purposes, took place from ____ to _____.

Shoe-factory warehouse

The author of A Streetcar Named Desire was inspired to create Stanley's character after working with a man name Stanley in a ____.


The dictionary meaning of a word is known as____.


The discovery that Armand is of mixed ancestry is an example of _____ irony because not all characters know of his heritage; only he and the readers know.


The fire that Armand builds to burn Desiree and the baby's belonging is symbolic of Armand's _____.


The horse is personified because he thinks it is "______" that the man has stopped their normal routine in the poem "Stopping by Woods."


The literary period that took place from 1840-1860, involving authors Emerson and Thoreau, and focused on separation from society and finding one's ideal self is known as _____.


The novel The Great Gatsby was set during the ____.


The poem "Cross" has many dictionary meanings, also known as _______, that can apply to the speaker's situation.


The poem "Cross" represents a speaker who has been bothered, much like Armand in "Desiree's Baby" was, by his _____ heritage.

Winter Solstice

The poem "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" takes place on the "darkest evening of the year," known as the _______ .


The poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" is written in iambic _____, meaning that it contains 8 syllables, alternating unstressed/stressed, per line.

African Americans

The questions about deferred dreams are most likely referencing the issues faced by which group of people in the poem "Harlem," also known as "A Dream Deferred?"


The slave Jim consults a broken mirror in order to foretell the future of those around him.


The slave Jim runs away in Huck Finn because he is afraid that Miss Watson is going to sell him.


The speaker considers the combination of the white spider, moth, and flower, and it makes him wonder if a ______ exists.


The speaker of "Birches" compares the shattered ice to the "dome of _____."


The speaker of "Stopping by Woods" must continue on his journey because he has "_____ to keep."


The speaker of "Theme for English B" says that he is _____ years old although when Langston Hughes wrote the poem he was actually 49.


The story "Barn Burning" is told from the 3rd point of view limited perspective.


The story "Hills like White Elephants" is set in what country?


The term period in literature from 1914-1945 is known as _____.


The type of imagery representing touch is known as _____.


To demonstrate a world shared by all, Whitman states, "For every ____ belonging to me as good belongs to you"


Twain's Huck Finn is written in ____ person point of view because it represent Huck's, the main character's, thoughts and feelings and relies on pronouns such as I, we, me, my, etc.


Two months after being married, Sykes had beaten Delia for the first time in "Sweat."


W.E.B. Du Bois attended Harvard University and insisted that African Americans should pursue higher education.

1) Civil Rights 2) Political involvement 3) Higher education for the young blacks

W.E.B. Du Bois criticizes Booker T. Washington and claims that Washington is asking African Americans to give up 3 central things. List those items below.


W.E.B. Du Bois founded the Niagara Movement. This movement was the precursor to today's well recognized African American organization known as the ______.


Walt Whitman's collection of poetry "Leaves of Grass" was intended to present a ______ voice/tone.


Washington's audience at the Atlanta Exposition consisted primarily of white business owners.

She didn't love him

What does Gatsby want Daisy to tell Tom when they are in the city with Jordan and Nick?


What does the word "deferred" mean in reference to the dream in "Harlem," or "A Dream Deferred?"


What is the literary term for giving human-like traits to something that is inanimate or non-human?


What is the term for a reference to history, literature, religion, etc. that appears in a literary work?


What is the term for the repetition of initial consonant sounds such as in the line "as the stir cracks and crazes" with the repetition of the 'c' sound?


What is the term for using a part to represent a whole?


What is the type of imagery involving taste?

iambic pentameter

What is the type of meter when each poetic line contains 10 syllables, broken up into 5 sets, with each set containing 2 syllables--1 unstressed & 1 stressed syllable (very similar to the way we talk in general)?

Old Sport

What name does Gatsby use to refer most men as he attempts to impress or persuade them?

Harlem Renaissance

What was the event that involved an outpouring of innovative cultural production by African Americans (such as the introduction of jazz music) centered in Harlem, a neighborhood of New York City?


When Blanche has flashbacks regarding his marriage and the death of her husband, she hears music of the Varsouviana.


When Desiree realizes that Armand believes she is of mixed ancestry, she states that it can't be possible. She says, "Look at my _____, whiter than yours, Armand." To what body part was she referencing?


When Desiree realizes that Armand has turned his back on her and their baby, she and the baby disappear. Where do they go?


When Dickinson writes that some people recognize the Sabbath in "Surplice," the word means...


When Pap has a nightmare, he almost kills Huck and thinks that he is the Angel of Death.

interior monologue

When a character's thoughts are displayed in italic in a story, what is the term for it?


When a local paper boy comes by the apartment, Blanche tries to seduce him.

In media res

When a work like "Barn Burning" or "Hills like White Elephants" begins in the middle of action, it is labeled as beginning ________. Provide the Latin term for "in the middle of things."


When the story "Barn Burning" begins, the setting is a store in which court is being held.


Which of the following poems is a sonnet? - "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" - "Design" - "Out, Out--" - "Birches"


Which poet wrote about his love and hatred for America and who also wrote about the hard circumstances for young African American women in Harlem?

Edgar Allen Poe

While literature of the Realism era focused on local color/regionalism, literature of the Gothic era focused on mental illness, monsters, murder and other crimes, etc. One of America's most famous Gothic writers was ____.


Who kills Gatsby?

Dan Cody

Who was Gatsby's mentor when he was a young man in search of a new identity?


Who was driving the car that hit and killed Myrtle, Tom's girlfriend?


Who was the writer from Missouri who later lived in Harlem and who wrote "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain?"


Who was the writer known as a New England poet although he was born in California and, later in his life, spoke at the inauguration of President JFK?

Tennessee Williams

Who wrote the play A Streetcar Named Desire?

Producing and selling alcohol/liquor illegally

With Wolfsheim, Gatsby has earned his tremendous wealth by _____.


Works of the Modernist period are based greatly on allusions.


Writer Kate Chopin focused her literary works mainly on the Louisiana area and was known for her use of local color due, for one thing, to her integration of French dialect.

River boat

Writer Mark Twain actually came up with his pseudonym, or pen name, due to his experiences working on a ____.

Free verse

_______ is known as poetry that contains no set rhyme scheme or meter.

freedom of religion and worship practices

overall, the poem "Some Keep the Sabbath..." is promoting the idea or theme of ____.

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