final exam review part 2

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All of the following were reasons for Ottoman decline EXCEPT:

expansion of the Ottoman armies into Spain and Portugal

Lord Charles Townshend's insistence on growing turnips and Jethro Tull's invention of the seed drill were examples of advancements made during Britain's

Agricultural Revolution

What was the result of the creation of the Mandate System set up at the Paris Peace Conference?

Britain and France treated their mandates like colonies

Which two countries pressured the Qajar Shahs into permitting spheres of influence to control oil production in Persia?

Britain and Russia

What was the outcome of the Second Boer War 1899-1902?

Britain reestablished control over South Africa at great military cost

All of the following were reasons for Irish resentment toward British rule during the 1800s EXCEPT:

Britain's threat to withdraw from Ireland and grant it "home rule"

Which countries were a part of the Triple Entente of the early 1900s?

Britain, France, Russia

Which two men are most closely associated with bringing information about the interior of Africa to Western newspapers?

David Livingstone and Henry Stanley

Which of the following did Emile Zola NOT include as part of his argument in his article, "J'Accuse!"?

Dreyfus was an inept military leader

Louis Pasteur : pasteurization and rabies vaccines :: _____________ : smallpox vaccine.

Edward Jenner

What were some of the measures Lenin implemented to win the Russian Civil War?

all of these are correct

Fears of aggression by Germany and the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans led to the growth of


How did Britain abolish slavery in its empire?

Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833

If you were in the mood for Dutch art from the late 19th century that rebelled against, yet included many of the techniques of, the previous art styles of the century, whose exhibition would you attend?

Paul Gaugin and Vincent van Gogh

Which plan called for offensive tactics and "élan" to win a war against Germany?


Which style of art of the late 1700s and early 1800s was a rebellion against the cold reason and logic of the Enlightenment?


Which statement is NOT true according to the map?

Rome and the Papal States were the last to join unified Italy

American entrance into World War I was critical because __________ had suffered a revolution and was starting to withdraw from the conflict.


Poland's revolution in 1830 failed because of the intervention of


Which country claimed to be "protector of the Slavs" in the Balkans?


Why was James Watt's improvement of Newcomen's steam engine important?

all of these are correct

Which of the following best describes Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP)?

an economic and political hybrid in which people could own some private property, but large industry was government-controlled

Overall, how did Britain avoid revolution throughout the 19th century?

gradually reforming its voting laws

All of these were problems facing Emperor Franz Joseph shortly after taking the throne of Austria in 1848 EXCEPT:

helping the Seventh Coalition battle Napoleon Bonaparte

Which of the following describes the role of the Chartist Movement in 19th century Britain?

it gained little immediate reform, but nearly all of its six demands for government reform were enacted before 1914

How did the British criminal system change between 1800 and 1900?

it greatly reduced and then ended capital punishment and transportation to Australia

All of the following were reasons the Union won the American Civil War EXCEPT:

it had much more creative and decisive generals than the Confederacy

All of the following are reasons the League of Nations was weakened in the years after World War I EXCEPT:

it took too much funding from Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary

How did Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli gain working class support for the Conservatives in 1867?

passing a bill that greatly increased the number of male voters in Britain

What did Lenin promise the workers upon his return to Russia from exile in 1917?

peace, land, and bread

Czar Alexander III's policy of "Russification" most led to

pogroms against Jewish people in Russia

The German economy was severely weakened by the demands of Clemenceau and Lloyd George that Germany pay France and Britain $33 billion worth in


The 1832 Reform Act in Britain introduced voting reform by eliminating

rotten boroughs

What was the significance of the Battle of Tannenburg?

showed how little Russia had industrialized and prepared for modern war

Which of the following was NOT a part of American imperialism (expansionism) in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

the American Civil War

How did Britain gain control of the Suez Canal?

the Egyptian government could not pay its debts, so they sold their shares in the canal company to Britain

What was the long-term economic outcome of the American Civil War?

the Industrial Revolution was sped up and the US became an industrial power

What nickname was given to the Ottoman Empire during the 1800s?

the Sick Man of Europe

"Melancholy, out of step with society, and mysterious." What type of 19th century fictional character is being described above?

the romantic hero

Which of the following became the most popular way to transport goods and travel over land in Britain by 1800?

the steam locomotive

Rudyard Kipling Jules Ferry missionaries What do all the people listed above have in common?

they all believed in "civilizing" Africans with Western Christian ideas

Why did most Russians oppose the inclusion of Grigorii Rasputin in the Czar's household?

they saw him as a legitimate replacement for the Czar

All of the following were ways in which Parliament reformed working conditions EXCEPT:

limiting the number of adult male workers that could be employed in factories and mines

Between the 1890s and 1920s, the Ottomans carried out a genocide against


The ____________, signed on November 11, 1918, halted the fighting in World War I.


All of the following occurred as part of Serbia's independence movement EXCEPT:

Austria intervened to crush the Serbian Uprisings

With whom did the Ottomans compete for control over the Balkan Peninsula?

Austria-Hungary and Russia

The ethnic and political conflicts among the subjects of Austria-Hungary as well as the Ottoman Empire in southern Europe led the region to be called the

Balkan Powder Keg

At which battle did Shaka's massacre of 1,300 British lead to a massive British military campaign to defeat him?

Battle of Isandlwanda

At Paris in 1919, Georges Clemenceau of France, David Lloyd George of Britain, Woodrow Wilson of the USA, and Vittorio Orlando of Italy were collectively known as the

Big Four

Which of the following is NOT true of Bismarck's campaign against socialism in Germany?

Bismarck arrested and executed all socialist leaders in the Second Reich

____?____ Prussia defeats Denmark in eight months in 1864 and occupies Schleswig and Holstein Prussia defeats Austria in six weeks in 1866 after a dispute over Schleswig and Holstein Prussia defeats France in ten months in the Franco-Prussian War 1870 What do the statements above imply?

Bismarck had assembled an industrial, fast-moving army

Why was the Muslim League created in 1906?

Both I and II are correct

1875 Bought the majority share of the Suez Canal 1882 Attacked by a nationalist uprising in Egypt 1882 Declared Egypt a protectorate What country is being described in the timeline above?


Czar Nicholas I claimed to be protecting Orthodox Christians in southeastern Europe Britain and France saw Nicholas I's motives as a simple land-grab in the Black Sea region and declared war Disease ravaged both the Russians and their enemies during the conflict Russia was defeated by the superior military technology of Britain, France, and Sardinia Russia ceded territory to the Ottomans, and neither Russia nor the Ottomans could have navies in the Black Sea

Causes and Results of the Crimean War

Which French monarch refused to accept the Charter of 1814, leading to the July Revolution of 1830?

Charles X

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Treaty of Nanjing at the end of the First Opium War?

China was forced to give more enclaves to France and Russia

Which of the following was the Empress Dowager who put down the Self-Strengthening Movement?


Which one of this set of painters would have told you to close your eyes, open them and then paint the fleeting "impression" you saw onto a canvas?

Claude Monet and Edgar Degas

What was the new name of Lenin's Bolsheviks after the signing of the Constitution of 1922?

Communist Party

____?____ Anarchists sabotage and bomb government targets High Unemployment and taxation Opposition from the Pope Mass emigration to the Americas Agriculture and industry struggle What is the best title for the list of statements above?

Conditions in Newly Unified Italy

Which diplomatic meeting ended the Russo-Turkish War of 1878 and greatly reduced the lands and power of the Ottomans in Europe?

Congress of Berlin

Which Irish politician in Parliament was most closely associated with pushing the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829 through Parliament?

Daniel O'Connell

Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia accepted the Frankfurt Assembly's offer to become king of a new confederation of German States in 1848.


Guangxu's Hundred Days of Reform successfully started China on the road to modernization.


Imperialism was unanimously accepted in Britain and other imperialist countries.


Most imperialist countries of the late 19th century were not interested in competing with other imperialists for prestige.


The Bronte sisters wrote works of literature in the style of realism.


The Covenant of the League of Nations emphasized the need for nations to act individually and to declare war when they deemed it was necessary.


The New Imperialism refers to the era of colonization started by Christopher Columbus in 1492.


Which Hungarian politician did Emperor Franz Joseph work with to create the Dual Monarchy of Austria Hungary?

Ferenc Deak

end of secret treaties and alliances free trade free speech freedom of the seas "self-determination" reduction of large militaries territorial adjustments creation of an association of nations for 'collective security' In January 1918, before World War I was over, Woodrow Wilson proposed the ideas above in a plan for long-lasting peace he called the

Fourteen Points

______ created "Young Italy", tried unsuccessfully to create an Italian republic in Rome in 1848, and was exiled.

Giuseppe Mazzini

What was the overall result of the Greek War of Independence?

Greece gained its independence from the Ottomans with help from other European powers

Which family dynasty ruled Austria in the 1800s?


Why was Toussaint L'Ouverture so important to Haiti's revolution?

He fought the French to gain independence for Haiti as well as to abolish slavery

Which massive naval battle of World War I was a loss for Britain, but in the long-run kept German battleships contained in the North Sea?


Bismarck took control of Catholic schools Bismarck took the power to appoint Catholic priests The German public rejected Bismarck's political program against Catholics Bismarck withdrew the measures he had enacted against Catholics The political program was considered a failure The line of events above describe Bismarck's campaign against Catholicism in Germany, which he called


reduction in the number of hours in the "work day" severe restriction on child labor creation of a minimum wage legalization of trade unions Which 19th century political party in Britain would have worked hardest for the reforms listed above?

Labour Party

What was "War Communism?"

Lenin's idea to temporarily implement full communism in order to win the Russian Civil War

The reforms of Emperor Napoleon III of France between 1862 and 1871 led his government to be known as the

Liberal Empire

Which nationalist leader is most closely associated with Hungarian nationalism of the late 1840s?

Louis Kossuth

How did the United States acquire Louisiana?

Napoleon Bonaparte sold it to Thomas Jefferson in 1803

What event turned Czar Alexander I almost completely away from liberal reforms in Russia?

Napoleon's invasion of Russia

All of the following were results of Czar Nicholas II signing the October Manifesto EXCEPT:

Nicholas II became the first limited monarch in the Romanov Dynasty, and the Duma gained strength

What were the Three Pillars that made up Czar Nicholas I's vision for Russian identity?

Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality

____?____ Austrians dominated the Army The Austrian Parliament was given preference by Franz Joseph German speakers were given more privileges within the empire than other ethnic groups Slavic people had little in common with the Germanic Austrians What would be the best title for the statements above?

Reasons for Discontent within the Dual Monarchy

Why did the United States refuse to ratify the Treaty of Versailles or to join the League of Nations?

Republican lawmakers sought a return to political isolationism based on the Monroe Doctrine

The British East India Company gained a solid foothold in northern India after

Robert Clive led an army of sepoys to overthrow the Mughal sultan in Bengal

If you wished to travel upstream in a river, which inventor would you want to consult?

Robert Fulton

Which plan called for Germany to do the following? Attack quickly through neutral Belgium to avoid the Maginot Line and invade France Occupy France Send all available remaining German soldiers eastward to fight Russia

Schlieffen Plan

Which of the following was NOT a major American Civil War battle?

The Battle of Bunker Hill

The USA would not interfere in European politics Any colonies Europeans already held in the Western Hemisphere, they could keep Europeans could not engage in any new colonization in the Western Hemisphere Any attempt to create new colonies in the Western Hemisphere would be considered hostile to the USA Some Latin Americans were happy for this protection, while others saw it as the USA trying to increase its dominance in the hemisphere Europeans did not respect the proclamation until Britain's navy helped to enforce it What is being discussed in the statements above?

The Monroe Doctrine

What is the name given to the formal imperial rule of Britain in India between 1858 and 1947?

The Raj

If you were a British or French pilot during World War I, which flying ace would you least likely want to engage in a dogfight?

The Red Baron (Manfred von Richtofen)

Taking of Hawaii as a US territory 1893 Acquisition of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines by the US from Spain after the Spanish American War 1898 Building of the Panama Canal 1904-1914 What do these events imply about US foreign policy in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

The US looked to expand its territories and influence beyond North America to compete with other world powers

All of the following were reasons for the White Armies' loss to the Red Army EXCEPT:

The White Armies were more efficient in their use of superior numbers of people and resources during the war

Who would you hire to paint you realistically or just take your photograph in the 1800s?

Thomas Eakins and Mathew Brady

Women serving as nurses, lorry drivers, and spies Use of propaganda War bonds drives and rationing to provide supplies and weapons Use of conscription All of the items above describe traits of

Total War

At the request of Pope Gregory XVI, Klemens von Metternich sent Austrian troops to put down the uprising in Italy in 1830.


Christian missionaries and European adventurers tried to influence the native people with whom they came in contact.


Colonial soldiers in Africa and Asia tended to side with and fight alongside their colonizers during World War I.


Europeans justified their right to overtake other territories by pointing to Social Darwinism, or the application of Charles Darwin's theories to racial groups.


Factory and mine owners preferred to hire women and children instead of men because they could pay them less.


France controlled most of the East-West Belt, while Britain controlled most of the North-South Belt in Africa.


France usually used direct rule in their colonies while Britain usually used indirect rule.


General John J. Pershing led the American Expeditionary Force into the Western Front in 1917.


Imperialist countries were motivated by a desire to gain natural resources that could be converted to industrial manufactures.


Individual pashas became independent of Ottoman rule during the 1800s.


Which two long-running battles of 1916 were technically victories for the Allies, but resulted in the loss of a total over 1.5 million soldiers?

Verdun and the Somme

Thrift, honesty, hard work, and duty were all social values most associated with a person's 'respectability' during the

Victorian Age in Britain

The Zimmermann Telegram sparked the US to join the Allies in early 1917. It contained all of the following EXCEPT:

a promise to Mexico that it would gain control over all of Central America

Kay's flying shuttle Hargreaves's spinning jenny Arkwright's water frame Whitney's cotton gin What theme ties all of the inventions above together?

advances in textile production in England

Over which issues did Kaiser Wilhelm II finally force Bismarck to resign and retire?

all of these are correct

Some of the earliest European spheres of influence in China could be found near the

all of these are correct

What characterized the "arms race" between Britain and Germany between 1890 and 1914?

all of these are correct

Which of the following were forms of economic imperialism used by the British in India?

all of these are correct

Why did Britain begin to embrace economic domination as the way to influence world events in the early-mid 1800s?

all of these are correct

What was the most devastating weapon by numbers of deaths used on the Western Front?


Which of the following would best describe Russia in the 1800s?

autocratic, rigid social hierarchy, not industrialized

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of gas warfare during World War I?

gas warfare was abandoned as a tactic by the end of 1916

Which of the following was NOT related to the British colonization of Australia?

granting of sovereignty to the Australian colonists in the late 1700s

What was the overall effect of the Napoleonic Wars and the Congress of Vienna on European countries?

growth of nationalism in European countries

Which of the following is NOT true of Prime Minister William Gladstone of Britain?

he and Benjamin Disraeli were so successful as Prime Ministers because they held mutual admiration and trust for each other

What was the significance of the work of T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) during World War I?

he helped begin the Great Arab Revolt of 1916 which caused the Ottomans to collapse from inside out

All of the following were obstacles to a unified Latin America following independence EXCEPT:

lack of a common language

Why is Mustafa Kemal "Ataturk" historically significant?

led the Young Turks to overthrow the Ottoman sultan in 1908

Pedro I's new government in Brazil differed from other new Latin American governments in that it was a(n)

limited monarchy

What was Leon Trotsky's most notable contribution to the Russian Civil War?

organized the Red Guards into the Red Army

All of the following were reasons for the weakness of the new Weimar government EXCEPT:

refusal of Britain or France to recognize its legitimacy as a government

All of the following were reasons the USA officially joined the Allies in 1917 EXCEPT:

support of Americans for autocracy

All of the following were objectives of Britain's failed Gallipoli campaign EXCEPT:

take control of the North Sea to keep Germany's navy hemmed in

Why was Czar Alexander II assassinated?

the "People's Will" were angry with him for rolling back most of his liberal reforms in the 1870s

What was the historical significance of the Dreyfus affair?

the affair shown a light on corruption and anti-Semitism in the French government, legal system, and army

All of the following were overall results of the Revolutions of 1848 EXCEPT:

the concepts of nationalism and liberalism disappeared from European politics

What did the empires of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottomans, and Russia all have in common after World War I?

they all disintegrated as empires

Why did corporations rise during the Industrial Revolution?

they were a way for entrepreneurs to pool wealth and reduce the risk involved in business ventures

What was different about the 1830 revolutions in Portugal and Switzerland in comparison to the other revolutions of 1830?

they were mostly peaceful and done through legal reforms

Why were labor unions formed during the Industrial Revolution?

to collectively bargain with factory and mine owners

Why did the British fight the Opium Wars against China?

to continue the sale of opium to Chinese merchants in return for Chinese tea

Why did Luddites smash textile machines and attack factory owners?

to protest the changes to their way of life brought on by labor-saving machines

What was the strategy that defined warfare on the Western Front during World War I?

trench warfare

The major result of the Enclosure Movement between 1500 and 1800 in England was

urbanization occurred, creating more abundant labor in cities

Why was Alexander II's emancipation of the serfs in 1861 considered unsuccessful?

it did not create a prosperous new class of farmers and wealthy landowners were angry at Alexander II

Liberal unrest in 1848 in Vienna was so great the Metternich fled and retired from politics.


Middle class businesspeople and factory owners gained the most wealth and political power of any class during the Industrial Revolution.


Most of the Revolutions of 1848 in Europe failed because the middle class bourgeoisie did not fully support them.


The German title 'kaiser' means 'emperor'.


The most notable form of indirect rule was Britain's creation of "protectorates".


World War I propaganda played on base emotions and emphasized the atrocities committed by a country's enemies.


What was the new name of the Russian government after the Constitution of 1922?

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Whose ideas were the basis for capitalism?

Adam Smith

What was the nickname for the Balkan Peninsula in the early 1900s?

Balkan Powder Keg

What part of the Second Reich is shaded in blue on the map above?


From which country did the US acquire the territory of Florida in 1819?


What were the most radical socialists among Russia's workers called?


The idea that the German military had been undermined by treasonous elements during World War I and that Germany had fallen victim to Jewish and communist influence as a part of Treaty of Versailles was called the

"Stab in the Back" Theory

Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles established that

"war guilt" belonged solely to Germany

___?___ Indian Removal Act 1830 and the Trail of Tears Seminole Wars, Great Sioux War, fighting the Comanche and Apache creation of impoverished reservations for Native Americans assimilation to white culture broken treaties What is the best title for the list above?

19th Century Actions by the US Government Toward Native Americans

___?___ Usman dan Fodio The Mahdi The Wahabbi Movement What is the best title for the list above?

19th Century Muslim Reformers

Which two authors would you most likely hire to tell sweeping epic tales of war, romance, revenge and societal criticism in France?

Alexandre Dumas and Victor Hugo

Emile Zola's "J'Accuse" claimed all of the following about French government and society EXCEPT:

Alfred Dreyfus was a traitor

All of the following were reasons for the November (Bolshevik) Revolution of 1917 EXCEPT:

American encouragement of a revolution in St. Petersburg

outlawing of the practice of sati refusal to promote Indians to high ranks in the military disdain for the caste system classification of Indians as second-class subjects use of cow and pig fat in cartridges for army weapons All of the above are examples of

British cultural insensitivity leading to the Sepoy Rebellion

Which of the following would NOT produce a Romantic poem about nature and emotion if you asked them to do so?

Emile Zola

WSPU women's suffrage large-scale street demonstrations hunger strikes Which 19th century British reformer would be most closely associated with the terms listed above?

Emmeline Pankhurst

Which country, led by emperor Menelik II, successfully resisted Italian imperialism in Africa in the late 1800s by winning the Battle of Adwa in 1896?


What was the result of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?

Europeans 'carved up' Africa into areas of domination for themselves

After World War I, Germany was permitted to keep a standing army in the Rhineland for security and a sizable navy to protect against Russian aggression.


Belgium did not gain independence from the Netherlands until after 1945.


Czar Nicholas II refused to use secret police or repression before the Russo-Japanese War.


Europeans only created economic and political spheres of influence in Latin America.


France's annexation of Algeria is considered informal imperialism.


Why did Garibaldi give the lands he conquered in southern Italy and Sicily to Victor Emmanuel II?

Garibaldi was showing nationalism by choosing to unify the country rather than separate it

____?____ plentiful entrepreneurs willing to take risks on new enterprises with their wealth there was a population boom after agricultural advances, leading to abundant labor supply plentiful natural resources, such as coal and iron ore the government was favorable to business What would be the best title for the list above?

Gears Turning: Reasons the Industrial Revolution Started in Britain

What was historically significant about the 2nd Battle of Ypres (1915)?

Germany became the first country to ever use large amounts of poison gas on an enemy in battle

What did Bismarck mean by his reference to "iron and blood" in his speech to the German Parliament in 1862?

Germany would be built on an aggressive and advanced military

Which countries were a part of the Triple Alliance in the late 1800s?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

What nationalist leader led his group "Young Italy" in a failed attempt to create a republic in Rome in 1848?

Giuseppe Mazzini

The Battle of Caporetto resulted in a humiliating defeat for


Which leader is most closely associated with the liberation of the southern half of South America (Argentina, Chile, Peru)?

Jose de San Martin

Father Miguel Hidalgo Jose Morelos Augustin de Iturbide Which country's independence movement was led by the three men listed above?


___?___ Father of Modern Egypt modernized the Egyptian army improved and revised tax collection and the bureaucracy oversaw irrigation and agricultural advancements What is the best title for the statements above?

Muhammad Ali

Which European political figure's actions led to the instability that allowed Latin Americans to win independence between 1800 and 1830?

Napoleon Bonaparte

As part of the March Revolution of 1917, the Czar abdicated the throne and a

Provisional Government under Lvov and Kerensky tried to rule Russia

___?___ ended Russia's participation in World War I in early 1918 Russian empire disintegrated Russia ceded much of Eastern Europe to Germany signed by V.I. Lenin What is the best title for the list of items above?

Provisions of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

All of the following were long-term causes of the Boer War of 1899-1902 EXCEPT:

Queen Victoria had long-sympathized with Dutch farmers in the Transvaal

President Wilson expressed outrage at the deaths of 128 Americas after a German U-boat torpedo sank the

RMS Lusitania

Which Indian scholar, like the British, condemned the caste system and many Indian religious practices?

Ram Mohun Roy

Cavour: "I used shrewd diplomacy with France to gain parts of the country I unified." Garibaldi: "But you gave me money to conquer the rest of it, even though you didn't like me." Cavour: "Yes. I had to attain my political goals however I could." What idea is Cavour demonstrating in the conversation above?


What philosophy did Otto von Bismarck use as Chancellor?


The Italian nationalist movement of the 1850s and 1860s was called the


What failed uprising of 1850-1864 started because of the misery of China's peasants and resulted in the deaths of 20-30 million Chinese?

Taiping Rebellion

How did Bismarck provoke war with France in 1870?

by falsifying parts of the Ems Telegram in order to insult Napoleon III

How did Austrian leaders respond to socialists' and industrial workers' demands in the 1800s?

by putting down all protests with police and military

Conditions in the Trenches on the Western Front rats and lice harassed soldiers soldiers dealt with mud year-round _________________________ barbed wire, sand bags, and machine guns lined the tops of the trenches boredom and trenchfoot were common "shelling" (artillery bombardment) was regular and deadly What term best fills in the blank above?

charging from the trenches involved "going over the top" into "no man's land"

What production system did the factory system replace in Britain?

cottaging system

Despite liberating the northern part of South America, what goal did Simon Bolivar fail to achieve?

creation of a unified Gran Colombia

Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist Henrik Ibsen: A Doll's House Emile Zola: Germinal All of the authors and works above sought to

critique the harsh realities of industrial societies

What event led to the Revolution of 1905 in Russia?

defeat by Japan in the Russo-Japanese War

Which of the following was NOT a part of factory or mining conditions during the early Industrial Revolution?

educational opportunities and insurance plans for workers

Which of the following were NOT effects of industrial life on industrial workers?

effective government regulations that reduced workers' misery in industrial communities before 1820

Areas established by the Qing specifically to control trade brought by Europe were called


terrible smell from mills and factories falling of coal ash on towns constant noise coming from factories disposal of factory and human waste in streets and bodies of water All of the items above are examples of

environmental pollution in industrial cities

"Fifty-Four Forty or Fight" 1844 The Texas War of Independence 1835 The Mexican War 1846 The Gadsden Purchase 1853 The California Gold Rush 1849 Purchase of Alaska from Russia 1867

they were seen as logical outcomes of America's "Manifest Destiny"

Why did merchants pressure Sir Robert Peel to adopt "free trade"?

they wished to import large quantities of goods without the added tariffs applied under the Corn Laws

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