Final Exam: Sociology of Education

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What is one way in which young children's educational experiences differ?

Boys are more likely to be encouraged to be independent learners, while girls are treated as if they need more help

School reform movements have used a market-based philosophy to promote voucher programs. What do these reformers believe?

By allowing families to "vote with their feet" voucher systems may force failing schools to become more effective, or risk losing their students and funding

In what way does the "distraction hypothesis" explain students' short attention spans in school?

Children are used to the constant entertainment on TV and do not have the tolerance for the down times in the classroom

What is a major reason some groups want to ban books?

All of the above are reasons

The human capital perspective has been criticized for all but which of the following reasons?

An individual's beliefs, values, and behaviors cannot be transformed for economic modernization

Which of the following would not be considered an example of "process" in education?

the structure of roles within the organization

Which of the following is not part of the informal structure of school?

the structure of rules and refulations

Bourdieu and Passeron argue that children from privileged families succeed in school because:

their cultural capital is a better match with expectations of the school system

Post-modernism stresses the importance of:

theories relevant to local situations

What is true of "intelligence"?

there are multiple intelligence's

All of the following are results of early childhood education researcher except:

there are nearly always negative results of removing children from their homes for day care at a young age

which of the following represents a sociological perspective concerning the nature of status and roles?

there is often flexibility for an individual to determine role performance within the requirements of the position

Why are children from upper- and upper-middle class backgrounds more likely to obtain positions of power after they leave high school?

they are expected to and will attend college

Why do boys and girls experience different socialization experiences?

they are expected to take on sex-appropriate roles and behavior

In what way are all schools similar?

they are structured as an organization

How is the "glass ceiling" hindering girls in school?

they are taking more math and science, but cannot find many outlets to apply their knowledge

why can't school boards achieve their full potential

they are torn between what the public wants and what the school needs

How do conflict theorists differ from functionalist theories in their perspective of school goals?

they believe that goals only exist to further inequality in the classroom

Why have 2-year colleges been a source of controversy

they contribute to the holding back of lower socioeconomic classes

why do college graduates find challenges in the job market

they do not have specific skills for which employers are looking

why do teachers fall into category of "semiprofessionals"?

they do not meet all the requirements that characterize professionals

In relation to role expectation,s what do functional theorists believe?

they help an organization to operate efficiently

what do all types of social movements have in common

they seek change

In what way do charter schools blur the separation between church and state?

they use government funds to operate schools

Why has it been found that same-sex colleges are beneficial to women?

they will be sure of themselves

Students most likely to transfer from 2- to 4-year institutions are:

those with good grades

Why were free schools created

to give children a sense of ownership in their education

the original function of the medieval university was:

transmitting knowledge

A desegregated school is composed of students from different racial groups. However, this does no necessarily mean that it is integrated in terms of the development of positive interracial relationships


According to conflict theorists, schools reproduce social classes


According to the text, self-conceptions of academic ability among students are significantly correlated with their academic performance


According to the text, standardized test measures of achievement reveal gender differences. Girls do better in reading, writing, and literature, while boys do better in math and science


According to the text, student apathy may be a coping mechanism that protects their self-worth against failure in school


Both functional and conflict theory tend to examine school power dynamics in terms of the large cultural, economic, and political systems of society. However, neither conflict nor functional theory has placed much emphasis on classroom dynamics


By the time children enter nursery school, a sense of gender identity has already been established


Children from different social classes experience different language environments during primary socialization


Critics of the functionalist perspective argue that functionalism has difficulty in explaining social change, and that it fails to recognize the number of divergent interest groups in conflict with one another


Most experts agree that early identification of "at-risk" students and early intervention are critical if we are to reduce school failure as they progress through the system


NAEP data shows that significant gaps exist between White and minority students, yet it also shows that the racial test score gap has narrowed over time


Oppositional culture theory states that minority students develop an an oppositional attitude towards schooling due to structural barriers and is especially observable in the transition to middle school


Social stratification refers to the organization of people in society into socioeconomic strata


The "human capital" perspective argues that there is a strong relationship between the global economy and the role of education


Women's children live longer as mothers receive more education


a recent controversy about charter schools and religious sponsorship occurred over a catholic diocese proposing to open charter schools that would receive public funds


a school's value climate is influenced by the family background and socioeconomic composition of the student body


according to some conflict theorists, the hidden curriculum of a school serves a social control function that reproduces the social class of students


conflict theorists argue that in the transfer of knowledge, some groups in society are left out of the decision makings


despite improvements in the portrayal of gender in textbooks, males are still portrayed more often and in more varied roles than are females


despite some membership increases by females and blacks, school boards in the US are composed predominantly of white males with middle to high incomes


parents attitudes toward education strongly influence children's achievement


parents involvement in the educational process tends to differ by social class


principals are the "boss-in-the-middle" because they mediate conflicts between parents and teachers and must support and evaluate teachers


researchers think that chronic exposure to microaggressions wears down student's metabolic systems and immune responses


the higher the parents involvement in their children's schooling, the higher students academic performance


the open education British primary school model features individualized education


the primary purpose of the IEA study was to identify key characteristics of national education systems and relate them to outcomes of learning


which of the following conclusions is supported by research on how parents influence their children's school conduct?

when teachers involve parents in home teaching activities with their children student learning increases

Which of the following is true about school superintendents?

women superintendents are generally found in small districts where they do not risk appearing too authoritarian

Which statement best explains the way in which the early educational system in the US perpetuated gender inequality?

women were not encouraged to attend school or learn to read and write

"brain drain" refers to:

workers leaving countries because they cannot find opportunities

The "legitimation of knowledge" refers to which of the following?

Education is ideological with knowledge domination by those in power

An argument cited by opponents of bilingual education is that

English facility is crucial to "get ahead" in the US

What is one way the stratification of education has changed in recent years?

Girls are more likely to graduate high school and attend college

Why does academic performance alone have little influence on an individual's success?

Many factors contribute to a person's position in society

How are processes different from structure in the educational system?

Processes are constantly changing, while structure remains the same

According to functionalist theory, why is inequality unavoidable?

Some people are better able to contribute to societal requirements than others

What did not concern Kozol about social class disparities in educational environments due to funding?

Students do not care about their school environment

Why does standardized teaching negatively affect lesson planning for teachers?

Teachers "teach to the test" and have little flexibility

Why do some people argue that the use of textbooks in classrooms should be abandoned in lieu of technology?

Technology has the ability keep students informed with relevant information

What was one way separation of church and state has proven to be controversial in the school setting?

The teaching of evolution

How do the Japanese differ in their educational values from many in the United States?

They believe all students can do well

Why do Asian girls tend to better in math than their American counterparts?

They receive more parental support

What do Davis and Moore suggest about the way stratification occurs?

Those who achieve more success in education will achieve more success in society

Critics of tracking claim which of the following?

Tracking increases academic failure and heightens racial and social class tensions in a school

Based on Durkheim's work, which of the following is true?

We cannot separate the educational system from the rest of society because education is closely related to all other societal institutions

which statement best explains the role of the principal in a school system

a decision maker who controls an individual school, but has little influence in the district as a whole

What is a consequence that the increase in reports of college rankings has had?

a hierarchal system of colleges has been established

what was the impetus for programs such as teach for america?

a need for teachers in at-risk schools

What is meant by "rationality of the organization"?

a position holder has authority over others only in areas associated with the job

the most recent movement in US education is


Which statement is true regarding "curriculum of the home"

affluent families provide better preparation for school

Which of the following is an example of a flaw in the human capital perspective

all nations desire to be like western nations

According to the text, education:

all of the above

According to the text, which of the following is associated with grade retention?

all of the above

According to the text, which of the following variables could affect school dropout patterns?

all of the above

Current research topics in the journal Sociology of Education, the main journal in the field, show which of the following to be key areas of research?

all of the above

Functional theorists argue that higher education has developed rapidly because:

all of the above

Home influences on students are seen in:

all of the above

In examining contemporary educational reform movement as discussed in the text, what general conclusion can be drawn?

all of the above

In relation to power dynamics and roles, functional theorists argue that:

all of the above

Race and early life experiences shape students' later educational experiences through exposure to threats such as:

all of the above

Research on sex differences suggest that:

all of the above

Sociologists of education study:

all of the above

The "crisis of boys" is a reaction to:

all of the above

The "hidden curriculum" is often revealed by the:

all of the above

The gender gap in pay exists due to:

all of the above

What has been the impact of colonial powers on educational systems today?

all of the above

Which of the following is true with respect to illiteracy?

all of the above

Why is a bureaucratic model problematic for universities

all of the above

factors that affect school boards in their decision making include:

all of the above

of what importance is "the environment" to the educational system

all of the above

role conflict occurs when:

all of the above

school boards:

all of the above

the differences in educational experiences of students in rich versus poor schools are due to which of the following?

all of the above

the school as an organization refers to the:

all of the above

the structure of bureaucracy can cause what type of problem in school settings?

all of the above

what is true of classroom structures and teacher expectations?

all of the above

which of the following is true regarding efforts to improve the quality of teaching?

all of the above

which of the following is a function served by community colleges according to Clark's study?

all of the above are functions

What theme(s) dominate cross-cultural studies of education

all of the above are themes

how can the government increase its control in education

allotting money only to schools that follow federal initiatives

how did the individuals with disabilities education act changed the school system

allowing disabled students to reach their full potential

how can a bureaucratic school system fail a student?

allowing him or her to slip through the cracks

What does the back-to-basics movement desire

an emphasis on rudimentary skills

(ch. 7) conflict theorists argue that:

appointed school boards are more likely to serve capitalist interest

when did schools begin to move toward the current bureaucratic model?

as more students attend school beyond the elementary level

(CH 1) Both functional and conflict theories:

attempt to explain how education contributes to the maintenance of the status quo in society

A sociologist studying education would be least likely to focus on which of the following?

biological factors affecting individual learning

How were the progressive and humanistic movements similar

both focused on child-centered methodologies

how did religion influence education in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire

by offering the only type of secondary education

According to research cited in the text, how does class size affect student learning and achievement?

children in lower grades gain by being in smaller classes

how can schools be seen as an investment

children will contribute to society in the future

the "informal system" does not include:

classroom lesson plans

According to Parsons, the school expects "successful" students to develop two components of achievement, which include:

cognitive learning and moral responsibility

according to Parsons, the school expects "successful" students to develop two components of achievement, which include:

cognitive learning and moral responsibility

Social movements refer to

collective efforts to bring about change when large groups are dissatisfied with existing conditions

What is the relationship between community colleges and the business community

community colleges seek to meet business needs

does employment of adolescents after school hours help or hinder their academic achievement?

conclusions are uncertain due to the number of hours worked and reasons for work

The belief that educational systems reflect desires of the elite in society and are organized to perpetuate elite status reflects what perspective?

conflict perspective

Which theory would most likely agree with the following statement: "Education produces a disciplined labor force for military, political, or other ares of control and exploitation by the "elite"?

conflict theory

What is not true concerning discipline in school?

corporal (physical) punishment has been strictly forbidden by the Supreme Court

Which of the following was not a position advocated by Horace Mann for establishing public schools

create a strong Christian social order

Small schools-within-schools have been found to:

create more personal learning environments for students and not be associated with more effective teaching methods

A multicultural approach to education seeks to provide:

culturally relevant curriculum and a social justice framework

"school climate" refers to the:

culture, rituals, expectations, and ceremonies of the school

what is one theory that explains the recent decline in the achievement of boys in school?

curricula are not designed to suit boys' brains

making students repeat a grad is associated with which of the following?

decision to drop out of school and dissatisfaction and frustration with school

Since the 1990s, what has happened to efforts to desegregate?

desegregation has slowed and, in many areas, re-segregation has occurred due to a new wave of court cases that has effectively re-segregated schools

Dependency and world system theorists argue that:

developing countries are exploited so they cannot advance

Unanticipated consequences of educational functions include:

development of a youth subculture

How can a society's culture cause conflict in education?

each group within the society has different interests

what does the term "hidden curriculum" explain?

expectations of students that are not clearly defined

A fundamental characteristic of schooling as a social system is that schools are insulated from the controversies that occur in the economic, political, religious, and cultural spheres of the larger society


A major concern about the role of students as discussed in the text is that they have no power in the higher education system


According to Bowles and Gintis, a primary goal of schooling in the US is to teach students nonconformity and rebellion against an oppressive economic system


Both federal and state law requires schools in various districts to provide all students equal access to computer technologies and the Internet


Compared to other organizations, school systems tend not to generate role conflict because the goals of education are clearly defined and universally shared


Conflict theorists argue that changes in the educational system alone, without necessarily bringing about changes in the economy, would be sufficient to end poverty


Conflict theorists who examine the U.S schools have consistently produced hard empirical evidence that school curriculum promotes the interests of capitalism


Differences between urban and rural schools in developing countries are generally very small


Functionalists argue that the goals of a school system are those goals of the dominant power groups, and that there are competing goals for schools held by different interest groups in society


International organizations such as the Ford Rockefeller foundations and the world bank have promoted educational reforms that have successfully addressed inequality in many poor countries


Minority students have an excess of cultural capital that they use to do well in school


One of the positive functions of ability grouping is that it increases the number and variety of students in various groups


Racial and ethnic disparities do not exist for educational attainment


Social reproduction does not explain why kids from working-class background struggle in school


Social scientists have been able to develop unequivocal and accurate measures of human intellectual capacity


Studies of the relationship between education and stratification consistently show that one's social class position upon entering school does not affect educational achievement


The majority of countries around the world have legal separation of religion and educational institutions


Today the field of comparative education uses as its primary method case studies to compare countries


Unlike other social institutions, schools are autonomous agents that are immune or insulated from conflicts in political, economic, or religious spheres


because women dominate teaching, they are also disproportionately represented in positions of administrative leadership, including principals and school superintendents


contrary to popular belief, the use of drugs, alcohol, smoking, and sexual activity of close peers does not influence a student's involvement is such behavior


court rulings on religion have favored the viewpoint of "creation science"


during the "enlightenment" of the eighteenth century, the concern in education shifted away from an emphasis on the powers of reason to an emphasis on religious dogmA


evidence suggests that making an academically failing student repeat a grade is one of the most effective ways to motivate him or her to improve school performance.


female and male students are equally likely to drop out of high school


if present enrollment trends in the US continue, by 2010 there will be more students in private schools than in public schools


in most nations religion and education are separeate


most teachers have bachelors' degrees, but often not in their field of teaching


research has shown that boys have innate cognitive advantages over girls


research on teacher expectations indicates that teachers are influenced by students' previous work and test scores, but not by the physical appearance, sex, and language patterns of students


schools can prevent religious clubs from meeting due to separation of church and state. This does not apply to other clubs


studies of general intelligence demonstrate that there are biological differences in math and verbal abilities resulting from one's sex


the federal government has little influence over higher education because it lacks ability to fund research


the four countries with the highest mathematics and science performance on the IEA tests are all in Europe


the history of race and education in the US can be characterized as separate but equal


the legal function of schools is to teach subject areas of language, math, science, and history


According to the text, the educational system is relatively insulated from environmental factors such as population changes, social movements, and technological innovation


what is one advantage to small schools?

fewer discipline issues

"teacher burnout" involves all but which of the following?

frequent loss of temper in the classroom

in what major way are businesses involved with schools

giving internships to students

Which of the following is not listed in the text as a basic function of education?

guarantee of equal life chances

How did Horace Mann contribute to the educational system of the US

he developed teachers colleges

What was John Dewey's contribution to education?

he incorporated the needs and interests of the child

what is one reason tracking makes it difficult for students to change placement once put into a particular "level"?

higher tracks move faster and learn more content

how is the idea that the US has begun to lose its position in the world economy evident?

in the outsourcing of work to other countries

which of the following factors is an example of "educational climate"?

influences on students' values toward education

which of the following is not a feature of bureaucracies as described by Weber?

informal and affective role relationships

the text suggest that student apathy and alienation:

is a coping mechanism among students who see little possibility of success in school

In relation to higher education, what does functionalist theory believe?

it allows students to have the chance to fill different niches in society

What is not true concerning functionalist theory?

it assumes the institutions of society are highly interdependent and in basic harmony with each other

what do critics of decentralization argue?

it does not decrease the power of administrators

In what way has comparative education changed since its inception

it has taken on a broader approach

Why do some conflict theorists disagree with formal education for every young children?

it is biased toward certain groups

Why has Title IX been a source of controversy since its inception?

it is difficult for schools to prove they are complying with the mandates

In the broadest sense, the education systems' environment refers to:

key organizations, ideas, and trends in society that influence school systems

Educational movements and calls for reform are more common in countries that:

lack centralization of decision making in the educational system

Which of the following is not seen by most sociologists as a major educational problem in the world today

lack of common standards of education and curricula across cultures

the teacher style that allows students a great deal of freedom in the classroom is:


which of the following is an example of the "hidden curriculum" of a school?

learning the rules and routines associated with the lunchtime recess

Why was the use of taxpayer money to fund public schools considered undesirable before 1850

literacy was not an important issue

Local communities and school are closely connected because:

local businesses put pressure on schools to train students for work

stereotype threat affects students by:

making students feel stress when asked to perform a task that could confirm the stereotype

Why are there few women at the administrative level in the school system?

men have traditionally held these roles

How was standardized testing changed the role of the elementary teacher?

more emphasis has been placed on the performance of students

A functionalist view of economics and education suggests which of the following

more schooling opens more economic possibilities for individuals and nations

what is not true concerning the impact that the number of siblings in a family has on students futures?

more siblings in a family results in higher academic achievement because older siblings provide models and help younger siblings with academics

The "essentialists" refers to the movement in education that favored:

more stress on intellectual activities

According to the text, which of the following is true with respect to education?

none of the above

As a result of the 1954 Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of education:

none of the above

The coleman report found that:

none of the above

Which of the following is true of the Hispanic population?

none of the above

scientific research on sex and gender roles indicates that:

none of the above

what initiatives can reduce the "educational achievement gap"?

none of the above

which of the following is true of youth gangs?

none of the above

why is joey from a working-class family likely to achieve less in school than billy from a middle-class family

none of the above

What is one way some colleges are encouraging lower-income families to apple without discriminating against other groups?

offering free or very low tuition rates

How do most public schools teach morals?

organizing special activities

according to the functionalist theory, what will happen if a part of the school system does not work properly?

other parts will cease to function properly, as well

what is most accurate concerning parental involvement in the formal education of their children?

parental involvement often leads to positive learning results for children

Barriers to student learning include all but which of the following

peer student issues

"Accountability" refers to any of the following except:

promotion based on longevity

How does the Head Start program help to achieve educational equality between races?

providing young children of minority backgrounds opportunities they may not have had otherwise

According to Ogbu, "involuntary immigrants" are likely to:

reject the dominant society as an oppressor

Conflict theorists such as Bowles and Gintis view higher education as:

related to the needs of a capitalist society

According to conflict theorist, the informal system helps to:

reproduce students social class positions

In his study of inequality, Christopher Jencks concluded that:

school reform can bring about little if any social changes in inequality outside schools

how are school boards able to control aspects of curriculum and teaching?

selecting and hiring the superintendent

different experiences of men and women in the educational system are due to:

socialization experiences

The alternative education movement emphasizes all but which of the following

strict emphasis on the "basis"-discipline and teacher-directed activities

"cooling-out" refers to a process in higher education where:

students are dissuaded from continuing on in higher education because of "academic weakness"

which of the following is not part of conflict theorists view of power dynamics in schools?

students are socialized into universally shared norms of the school for a smooth-running system

According to some researchers, why is bilingual education important to society?

students who speak other languages will someday be seeking jobs

How is a teacher's attitude toward his or her students influential in strification?

teacher behavior toward a student is directly related to performance

in relation to teachers, what does institutional theory explain?

teachers are able to implement change beyond the classroom

what is one reason the organization of a school contributes to student success?

teachers have a support system and are able to receive constructive feedback on performance

Critic of the humanistic education movement argue that:

teachers should be more direct and absolute in teaching values

The open systems perspective on racial and ethnic inequalities in education shows us:

that problems of equality go far beyond the effect of schools alone

Critics argue that which of the following would maintain segregation and would provide public support for private schools

the "choice" program

What is a fundamental difference between the education of children in poor nations compared to those in affluent nations

the amount of formal classroom experience

the relationship between home influence and school attainment can best be characterized as:

the child bringing pressures, problems, and expectations from home to school

Bowles and Gintis argue that:

the educational system is designed to keep people within their social class positions

Which of the following is a true statement concerning socialization?

the family is the primary context for initial childhood socialization

The largest change in higher education enrollments in the last decade is:

the growth in enrollment at for-profit colleges

Max Weber's brand of conflict theory stressed:

the importance of status group relationships in forming "status cultures" in schools

The "credential crisis" refers to

the inflation of credential necessary to compete for jobs

Conflict theorists argue that:

the school system is basically volatile and coercion helps explain the equilibrium that does exist

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