Final Performance MGT TEST

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The three types of performance to be assessed in a team performance management system are:

"(1) individual performance based on task performance, which refers to the specific activities required byone's individual job, such as a programmer's ability to write quality code; (2) individualperformance based on contextual performance, which refers to specific activities thatcontribute to team performance, such as team members cooperating with each other;and .... (3) team performance as a whole. "Although the saying goes, "There is no 'I' in team,"this just isn't so because teams consist of individuals with their individual motivation,needs, and talents. The system should include a good combination of both "me" and"we" considerations." "(1) individual performance,(2) individual performance that contributes toteam performance, and (3) team performance. Allthree are necessary for a system to be successful"

What is the purpose of gap analysis ?

"A gap analysis is conducted to examine the areas for which there are large discrepancies between self-perceptions and the perceptions of others."

What are temporary assignments?

"A less systematic rotation system includes the opportunityto work on a challenging temporary assignment. This allows employees to gain specific skills within a limited time frame."

What is the goal of rater error training?

"Accordingly, the goal of rater error training (RET) is to make raters aware of what rating errors they are likely to make and to help them develop strategies to minimize those errors. In other words, the goal of RET is to increase rating accuracy by making raters aware of the unintentional errors they are likely to make."

What is an organization's culture defined by?

"An organization's culture is defined by its unwritten rules and procedures. For example, is the organization fundamentally built around individual performance, or is teamwork the norm? -Is the organization one in which high-level performers are regarded as role models who should be emulated, or are they viewed as a threat to upper management? -Are we happy with the current culture, or do we wish to change it? CP plans are powerful tools that help solidify the current culture, and they can also be used to create a new type of culture."

Explain job rotation.

"Another way to gain necessary skills is to be assigned to a differentjob on a temporary basis. This is the model followed in the medical professionin which residents must rotate across specialty areas for several months(e.g., OB-GYN, psychiatry, pediatrics). For example, residents may be required torotate across the various emergency medicine services for a 19-month period." Job rotation is the systematic movement of employees from one job to another within the organization to achieve various human resources objectives such as orienting new employees, training employees, enhancing career development, and preventing job boredom or burnout.

Know the following types of training: BO (Behavioral Observation)

"BO training involves showing raters how to use observa-tional aids such as notes or diaries. These observational aids help raters record a pre-established number of behaviors on each performance dimension. Using these aids helps raters increase the sample of incidents observed and recorded during a specific time period. --In addition, an aid such as a diary is an effective way to standardize the observation of behavior and record of critical incidents throughout the review period. In addition,it serves as a memory aid when filling out evaluation forms. Memory aids are beneficialbecause ratings based on memory alone, without notes or diaries, are likely to be dis-torted due to factors of social context (e.g., friendship bias) and time (i.e., duration ofsupervisor-direct report relationship). --Leaders often make decisions regarding the performance of their employees in a heuristics way that considers just a few data points that they process hierarchically. In other words, leaders have a kind of pre-established decision tree in their mind, often based on their experience and expertise, and based on these pre-established decision trees, they make decisions that have profound consequences for their employees. -- Organizations should be aware of this and could benefit from them if they spend time and effort trying to understand how managers make critical decisions regarding their employees. -Knowing these decision trees used to make decisions couldhelp firms train employees and establish more transparent performance management systems where employees know the aspects of their performance that are more determinant when their manager makes decisions about them. This ultimately helps firms and managers to communicate policies more effectively and increase the perceived trustworthiness of the system.

Behavioral observation focuses on?

"Behavioral observation (BO) training is another type of program implemented to mini-mize unintentional rating errors. --BO training focuses on how raters observe, store, recall,and use information about performance. Fundamentally, this type of training improves raters' skills at observing performance."

Know the difference between contextual and task performance.

"Contextual and task performance must be con-sidered separately because they are not necessarily parallel. An employee can be highlyproficient at her task but be an underperformer regarding contextual performance. In other words, an employee can be an excellent performer when working individually but a substandard performer when working with others." Task performance refers to the behaviors of providing products or services directly related to work. Contextual performance refers to the behaviors and efforts that are not directly related to their work, including organizational citizenship behavior and prosocial behavior.

What is contingent pay?

"Contingent pay, sometimes referred to as merit pay, is given as an addition to the base pay ("Base pay is given to employees in exchange for work performed") based on past performance. As we will describe later in more detail, contingent pay means that the amount of additional compensation depends on an employee's level of performance. So, for example, the top 20% of employees in the performance score distribution may receive a 10% annual increase, whereas employees in the middle 70% ofthe distribution may receive a 4% increase, and employees in the bottom 10% may receiveno increase at all"

What does gathering feedback from multiple systems decrease the chance of?

"Decreased possibility of biases. -Because these systems include information from more than one source, there is a decreased possibility of biases in the identification of employees' weaknesses"

What is the feature of forms that ensures that raters provide evidence of performance regardless of the level of performance?

"Descriptiveness" Good forms require that the raters provide evidence of performance regardless of the performance level. The form should be sufficiently descriptive that an outside party (e.g., supervisor's supervisor or HR department)has a clear understanding of the performance information conveyed."

Know all of the different rater errors: First Impression, Spillover

"First impression error" First impression error occurs when raters make an initialfavorable or unfavorable judgment about an employee and then ignore subsequentinformation that does not support the initial impression. This type of error can beconfounded with the "similar to me" error because first impressions are likely tobe based on the degree of similarity: the more similar the person is to the rater, themore positive the first impression will be.• Spillover error. "Spillover error" occurs when scores from previous review periodsunjustly influence current ratings. For example, a rater makes the assumption thatan employee who was an excellent performer in the previous period ought to bean excellent performer also during the current period and provides performanceratings consistent with this belief"

What is selective exposure?

"First, selection exposure is a tendency to expose our minds only to ideas with which we already agree. Those employees who already agree that performance management is a good idea may become involved in the communication plan activities, including reading about the system and attending meetings describing how the system works. On the other hand, those who do not see much value in a performance management system may choose not to read information about it and not to attend meetings about it."

Know the following types of training: FOR "A typical FOR training program includes a discussion of the job description for the individuals being rated and the duties involved. Raters are then familiarized with the performance dimensions to be rated by reviewing the definitions for each dimension and discussing examples of good, average, and poor performance"

"Frame of reference (FOR) training helps improve rater accuracy by thoroughly familiar-izing raters with the various performance dimensions to be assessed. --The overall goal is to give raters skills so that they can minimize unintentional errors and provide accurateratings on each performance dimension by developing a common FOR" "Typically, FOR training programs include the following formal steps: 1. Raters are told that they will evaluate the performance of three employees on threeseparate performance dimensions. 2. Raters are given an appraisal form and instructed to read it as the trainer reads aloudthe definition for each of the dimensions and the scale anchors. 3. The trainer discusses various employee behaviors that illustrate various performancelevels for each rating scale included in the form. The goal is to create a commonperformance theory (frame of reference) among raters so that they will agree on theappropriate performance dimension and effectiveness level for different behaviors. 4. Participants are shown a video clip of a practice vignette, including behaviors relatedto the performance dimensions being rated, and are asked to evaluate the employee's performance using the scales provided. 5. Ratings provided by each participant are shared with the rest of the group and dis-cussed. The trainer seeks to identify which behaviors participants used to decide ontheir assigned ratings and to clarify any discrepancies among the ratings. 6. The trainer provides feedback to participants, explaining why the employee shouldreceive a certain rating (target score) on each dimension, and shows discrepanciesbetween the target score and the score given by each trainee"

Know all of the different rater errors: Halo, Primacy

"Halo error." Halo error occurs when raters fail to distinguish among the differentaspects of performance being rated. Recall we described this error in Chapter6 in the context of peer evaluations. If an employee receives a high score onone dimension, she also receives a high score on all other dimensions, eventhough performance may not be even across all dimensions. For example, if anemployee has a perfect attendance record, then the rater may give her a highmark on dedication and productivity. The perfect attendance record, however,may be caused by the fact that the employee has large loan payments to makeand cannot afford to miss work, not because the employee is actually an excellentoverall performer. In other words, being present at work is not the same as beinga productive employee. This error is typically caused by the rater's assigningperformance ratings based on an overall impression about the employee instead ofevaluating each performance dimension independently. "Primacy error" Primacy error occurs when performance evaluation is influencedmainly by information collected during the initial phases of the review period. Forexample, in rating communication skills, the rater gives more weight to incidentsinvolving communication that took place toward the beginning of the reviewperiod as opposed to incidents taking place at all other times"

Disparate Treatment

"Illegal discrimination, also called disparate treatment, means that raters assign scores differentially to various employees based on factors thatare not performance-related such as race, nationality, color, or ethnic and nationalorigin. As a consequence of such ratings, some employees receive more training,feedback, or rewards than others. Illegal discrimination is usually referred to as disparate treatment because employees claim they were intentionally treated differently because of their sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability status, or other status protected under the law. "

Explain mentoring

"In general terms,mentoring is a developmental process that consists of a one-on-one relationshipbetween a senior (mentor) and junior (protégé) employee. For such programs tobe successful, it is best to allow the mentor and protégé to choose each other ratherthan arbitrarily assigning who will be mentoring whom. In general, mentors serveas role models and teach protégés what it takes to succeed in the organization. In more specific terms, mentors can help protégés gain targeted skills"

How should a supervisor handle defensiveness?

"In such situations, supervisors need to recognize that employee defensiveness is inevi-table, and they need to allow it. Rather than ignoring the defensive attitude, supervisors need to deal with the situation head-on. First, it is important to let the employee vent and to acknowledge the employee's feelings. To do this, the supervisor may want to pause to accept the employee's feelings. Then, the supervisor may want to ask the employee for additional information and clarification. If the situation is reaching a point where communication becomes impossible, the supervisor may want to suggest suspending themeeting until a later time" Prevent/Reduce Defensive Behaviors -Establish and maintain rapport -Be empathetic -Be open-minded -Observe verbal and nonverbal cues -Minimize threats -Encourage participation

A direct supervisor's functions regarding employee development include?

"In terms of the specific role of the supervisor, consider the following five functions: 1. explaining what is required of the employee to reach a required performance level 2. referring to appropriate developmental activities 3. reviewing and making suggestions about developmental objectives 4. checking on the employee's progress toward developmental objective achievement 5. offering the opportunity for regular check-ins and reinforcing positive behaviors"

Which evaluation method measures how well managers are managing performance discussion meetings?

"Quality of performance discussion meeting" A confidential survey can be distributedto all employees on a regular basis to gather information about how thesupervisor is managing the performance discussion meetings. For example, is the feedback useful? Has the supervisor made resources available so the employee can accomplish the developmental plan objectives? How relevant was the performance review discussion to one's job? To what degree have developmental objectives and plans been discussed? To what extent does the supervisor's way of providing feedback encourage direct reports to receive more feedback in the future?"

Know all of the different rater errors: Recency, Negtive

"Recency error" Recency error occurs when performance evaluation is influencedmainly by information gathered during the last portion of the review period.This is the opposite of the primacy error: raters are more heavily influenced bybehaviors taking place toward the end of the review period instead of giving equalimportance and paying attention to incidents occurring throughout the entirereview period "Negativity error" Negativity error occurs when raters place more weight on negativeinformation than on positive or neutral information. For example, a rater mayhave observed one negative interaction between the employee and a customer andseveral positive interactions in which customers' expectations were surpassed.The rater may focus on the one negative incident in rating the "customer service"

Know all of the different rater errors: Similar to me, contrast

"Similar to me" error. --Similarity leads to attraction, so we tend to favor those whoare similar to us. Consequently, in some cases, raters are more likely to give higherperformance ratings to those employees who are perceived to be more similar tothem in terms of attitudes, preferences, personality, and demographic variables,including race and gender." "Contrast error" -- Contrast error occurs when, even if an absolute measurementsystem is in place, raters compare individuals with one another instead of againstpredetermined standards. For example, when a rater rates an individual of onlyaverage performance, the rating may actually be higher than deserved if the otherindividuals rated by the same rater display substandard performance levels: theaverage performer may seem to be better in comparison to the others."

Know all of the different rater errors: Stereotype, Attribution

"Stereotype error" Stereotype error occurs when a rater has an oversimplified viewof individuals based on group membership. That is, a rater may have a belief thatcertain groups of employees (e.g., women) are unassertive in their communicationstyle. In rating women, therefore, he may automatically describe communicationas being "unassertive" without actually having any behavioral evidence to supportthe rating. This type of error can also lead to biased evaluations of performancewhen an individual (e.g., woman) violates stereotypical norms by working in anoccupation that does not fit the stereotype (e.g., assembly of airplane parts).This type of error can also result in consistently lower performance ratings formembers of certain groups. For example, a study including an identical sampleof black and white workers found that white raters gave higher ratings to whiteworkers relative to black workers than did black raters. In other words, if awhite worker is rated, then it does not really matter whether the rater is black orwhite; however, if a black worker is rated, the rater's ethnicity matters becausethis worker is likely to receive a higher rating from a black rater than from awhite rater. "Attribution error" The attribution error takes place when a rater attributes poorperformance to an employee's dispositional tendencies (e.g., personality,abilities) instead of features of the situation (e.g., malfunctioning equipment).In other words, different raters may place different relative importance on theenvironment in which the employee works in making performance evaluations.If raters make incorrect inferences about the employees' dispositions andignore situational characteristics, actions taken to improve performance mayfail because the same situational constraints may still be present (e.g., obsoleteequipmen

Know what the "strike first" and "say it and say it again" strategies are.

"Strike first". Create a positive attitude toward the performance system before any negative attitudes and rumors are created. Make communications realistic and do not set up expectations you cannot deliver. Discuss some of the arguments that might be used against the system and provide evidence to counter them" ------------------------------------------ "Say it, and then say it again" Repeat the information frequently. Because people can absorb only a small amount of information at a time, and may be resistant to change, the information must be repeated frequently"

What is the meeting called where an employee's developmental needs and the resources and methods available to meet those needs are discussed?

"The Developmental Plan", --discusses the employee's developmentalneeds and what steps will be taken so that performance will be improved during the following period. This meeting also includes information about what types of resources willbe provided to the employee to facilitate the development of any required new skills.

The goal of constructive feedback is?

"The goal of providing constructive feedback is to help employees improve their per-formance in the future; it is not to punish, embarrass, or chastise them. It is important togive constructive feedback when it is warranted because the consequences of not doing socan be detrimental for the organization as a whole."

What type of computing an overall score relies on the weights given to indicate the relative importance of each performance dimension measured to prevent personal bias from entering the rating.

"The mechanical procedure" consists of first considering the scores assigned to each sec-tion of the appraisal form and then combining them up to obtain an overall score. Whenadding scores from each section, weights are typically used based on the relative impor-tance of each performance dimension measured"

Know Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972)

"Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended by the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Act of 1972). Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion,sex, or national origin"

Define Reward

"Until a few years ago, the terms "compensation" and "compensation and benefits" were used commonly. But more recently, these terms have been replaced with "rewards" and"total rewards." A reward system is the set of mechanisms for distributing both tangible and intangible returns as part of an employment relationship."

· Know what these terms mean: folly of rewarding A while hoping for B.

"What happens when the system rewards results and behaviors that are not those that will help the organization succeed Example: is an organization that would like employees to focuson teamwork and a one-for-all spirit, but it rewards employees based on individualresults. This happens in many professional sports teams. What are professionalathletes likely to do? Will they pass the ball, or will they try to score themselves asoften as possible to improve their own individual statistics?"

Good developmental plans focus on developing career competencies including:

-Focus on short term and on specific roles and positions -Focus on the knowledge and skills needed for long term career aspirations and development -Focus on developing 3 sets of career competencies: -Reflective career competencies -Communicative career competencies -Behavioral career competencies

What are some benefits of virtual teams?

-Reduce expenditure on travel ("First, virtual teams allow organizations to savemoney on travel expenses.") -Minimizes personal and professional disruptions due to travel -Minimizes commuting time by allowing employees to telecommute ("virtual teams also includeindividuals who live locally but telecommute—an important benefit for employees withvarious personal and family needs who may want to minimize commuting time") -Reduces the need for large brick-and-mortar office space ("which can lead tosubstantial savings, particularly in highly populated urban areas with high leasing costs")

Coaching consists of which of the following behaviors?

1)"Establish development objectives." The manager works jointly with the employees increating the developmental plan and its objectives 2) "Communicate effectively" The manager maintains regular and clear communicationwith employees about their performance, including both behaviors and results 3)"Motivate employees". Managers must reward positive performance. When positiveperformance is rewarded, employees are motivated to repeat the same level ofpositive performance in the future. 4) "Document performance" Managers observe employee behaviors and results. Evidence must be gathered regarding instances of good and poor performance. 5)"Give feedback". Managers measure employee performance and progress toward goals.They praise good performance and point out instances of sub-standard performance.Managers also help employees avoid poor performance in the future. 6)"Diagnose performance problems and performance decline." Managers must listen to employees and gather information to determine whether performance deficiencies and declines in performance are the result of a lack of knowledge and skills, abilities, ormotivation or whether they stem from situational and contextual factors beyond the control of the employee. 7)"Develop employees" Managers provide financial support and resources for employee development (e.g., funding training, allowing time away from the job fordevelopmental activities) by helping employees plan for the future and by giving challenging assignments that force employees to learn new things"

What steps does feed forward interviewing include?

1.Elicit a success story 2.Uncover the underlying success factors 3.Extrapolate the past into the future

To control biases and increase acceptance of the performance management system, increase ______________ involvement. A. human resource B. employee C. customer D. none of the above

B Employee

During the ______________ meeting, an employee's developmental needs and the resources and methods available to meet those needs are discussed A. system inauguration B. self-appraisal C. development plan D. objective setting


The feature that recommends that a form specify expectations about past and future performance is referred to as: A. Clarity B. Comprehensiveness C. Time orientation D. Descriptiveness


What are some challenges that organizations choose to include a team component in their performance management systems, face? A. How to assess relative individual contributions B. How to balance individual and team performance C. How to identify individual and team measures of performance D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Know what the following terms mean: adverse impact, defamation.

Defaminiation "Defamation is the disclosure of untrue, unfavorable performanceinformation that damages an employee's reputation. An employee can argue thatthe organization defamed her if the employer states false and libelous informationduring a performance evaluation or negligently or intentionally communicates thesestatements to a third party, such as a potential future employer, thus subjecting the employee to harm or loss of reputation" "Note that the definition of defamation includesthe disclosure of untrue information. " --------------------------------------------------- "Adverse impact, also called unintentional discrimination, occurs whenthe performance management system has an unintentional impact on a protectedclass such as sex or race.Contrary to a common misconception that "class"refers to ethnic minorities or women only, adverse impact also happens when, for" "As an example of where adverse impact exists against women, consider the position of firefighter and, more specifically,the performance dimension of physical strength. If members of a protected classreceive consistently lower performance ratings, then the employer must be able todemonstrate that the performance dimension measured is an important part of thejob. In this case, the fire department should demonstrate that physical strength is akey KSA for the job of firefighter and, based on the argument of business necessity,an appropriate measure should be included as part of the performance evaluationand every employee should be evaluated in the same fashion."

Only forms adopting a results-oriented approach need the following features: simplicity, relevancy, descriptiveness, adaptability, comprehensiveness, clarity, communication, and time orientation. (T/F)


What type of training is more likely to lead raters to provide consistent and more accurate ratings as well as to help employees design effective development plans?

FOR Traning "can take quite a bit of time and effortto develop and administer, but it is well worth it. Specifically, as a consequence of imple-menting this type of training, raters are not only more likely to provide consistent andmore accurate ratings, but they are also more likely to help employees design effectivedevelopment plans. This is because sharing a common view of what constitutes goodperformance allows supervisors to provide employees with better guidelines to employ toreach such performance levels.1"

Know the different coaching styles: analyzing

Finally, coaches may prefer ANALYZING performance in a logical and systematic way andthen following rules and procedures when providing a recommendation. To use the same example, such analyzer coaches may tell employees to talk to a customer in a specific way"because this is what the manual says." Analyzers, then, are not very assertive but, like drivers, are likely to talk about tasks and facts rather than personal feelings

What are the correct steps in the coaching process?


In which strategy is a supervisor most likely to introduce his/her own bias and why?

Judgemental method "A supervisor is more likely to introduce her own biases in computing the overall performance score when no clear rules exist regarding the relative importance of the various performance dimensions and there is no direction on how to combine the various performance dimensions in calculating theoverall score"

What is another term for contingent pay?

Merit Pay "Contingent pay (CP), also called "pay for performance" means that individuals arerewarded based on how well they perform on the job."

What are ways to control biases and increase acceptance of the performance management system?

Minimize Biases Involve employees Understand employee needs Strike first Provide facts and consequences Put it in writing Use multiple channels of communication Use credible communicators Say It and then say It again

Is disagreement about an employee's performance always a problem?

NO "When different sources disagree about an employee's performance, it is not necessarily a problem. ---For example, self-ratings of salespeopledo not necessarily agree with the ratings given by their direct supervisor, which mayindicate misunderstandings regarding the nature of performance"

Know what the following terms mean: negligence, employment at will Side Note: Employement at Will "Charles Freiberg filed suit against Sprint/Nextel for wrongful terminationbased on incorrect performance evaluations by his supervisor even though thecompany had an employment-at-will provision in its "Employment Guide and Codeof Conduct." Freiberg's supervisor had cautioned him that his performance wasinadequate, but the supervisor used a different method of measuring performancethan the one used companywide. Specifically, some of Freiberg's peers had receivedsimilar ratings from the supervisor but were not cautioned for low performance.Also, the supervisor scheduled Freiberg's weekly check-in performance reviewmeetings during regularly scheduled training meetings, which prevented Freibergfrom receiving developmental feedback regarding his performance. What didFreiberg do? He

Negligence: failure to use reasonable care, resulting in damage or injury to another. "Many organizations outline a performance management system in their employee manual, employment contract, or other documents. When the system is described in such documents and not implemented as described, legal problems can arise. ---For example, there may be a description of how frequently appraisals take place, or how frequently supervisors and employees are to meet formally to discuss performance issues. If an employee receives what she believes is an unfair performance evaluation and the system has not been implementedas expected, she may be able to challenge the system based on negligence on thepart of the organization. " ------------------------------------------- "Employment at will." "In employment at will, the employer or employee can end the employment relationship at any time. This type of employment relationship gives employers considerable latitude in determining whether, when, and how to measure and reward performance. Thus, an employer could potentially end the employment relationship without documenting any performance problems." "Thereare two exceptions regarding an organization's ability to terminate an employeeunder these circumstances. ---First, there may be an implied contract derived fromconversations with others in the organization or from information found in thecompany's documentation (e.g., employee handbook) indicating that employeeswould be terminated for just cause only. ---Second, decisions about terminating an employee should consider a potential violation of public policy. A case decided bythe U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota illustrates that employment-at-will does not mean that employers can terminate employees without proper cause."

Feedback on performance should be?


Know the difference between fight or flight responses?

Possible Defensive Behaviors of Employees Fight response •Blaming others •Staring at supervisor •Raising voice •Other aggressive responses ((("First, employees may engage in a fight response. This includes blaming others for performance deficiencies, staring mutely at the supervisor, and other,more aggressive responses, such as raising her voice or even pounding the desk. -------------------------------------- Flight response •Looking/turning away •Speaking softly •Continually changing the subject •Quickly agreeing without basis Other passive responses ((Second,employees may engage in a flight response. This includes looking away, turning away,speaking softly, continually changing the subject, or quickly agreeing with what the supervisor is saying without basing the agreement on a thoughtful and thorough discussion about the issues at stake)))

Having better knowledge of the performance management system leads to greater acceptance and satisfaction with the system


Cultural transvergence refers to the applicability of performance management systems across cultures (T/F)

TRUE "In such situations, a helping and trusting relation-ship allows for what is labeled cultural transvergence in performance management, whichmeans that cultural differences are discussed openly, and alternate practices, whichenhance individual and team performance, are implemented"

Know the different coaching styles: persuading, directing, amiable, and analyzing

There are four main coaching styles: driver, persuader, amiable, andanalyzer. "First, coaches can adopt a DRIVING STYLE in which they tell the employee being coached what to do. Assume that the coach wants to provide guidance regarding how to deal with a customer. ----In this situation, the preference for a driver is to say to the employee, "You must talk to the customer in this way." Such coaches are..... - assertive, speak quickly and often firmly, usually talk about tasks and facts, are not very expressive, and expose a narrow range of personal feelings to others" ------------------------------------------ "Second, coaches can use a PERSUADING STYLE in which they try to sell what they want the employee to do. ---Someone who is a persuader would try to explain to the employee why it is beneficial for the organization,as well as for the employee himself, to talk to a customer in a specific way. Like drivers, persuaders are assertive, but they tend to use expansive body gestures, talk more about people and relationships, and expose others to a broad range of personal feelings. ----------------------------------------- Other coaches may adopt an AMIABLE STYLE and want everyone to be happy. Such coaches are likely to be more subjective than objective and direct employees to talk to customersin a certain way because it "feels" like the right thing to do or because the employee feelsit is the right way to do it. ---Such coaches tend not to be very assertive and to speak deliberately and pause often, seldom interrupt others, and make many conditional statements.

The feature that recommends that a form specify expectations about past and future performance is referred to as?

Time orientation

Which tools are meant for addressing challenges of open-ended questions? Challenges •Difficult to systematically categorize and analyze •Quality, length, and content vary

Tools to overcome challenges: •Computer-aided text analysis (C A T A) software: " arecent analytics innovation is the increasing sophistication of computer-aided text analy-sis (CATA) software that allows for an analysis of text (as opposed to numbers) andmore and better use of such information. •Establish goals of information provided: "establish the goals of the information that raters are asked to include in these open-ended sections " •Training in systematic and standardized rating skills: "offer raters training on how to do that in a systematic and standard-ized fashion across ratees"

Suggestions to improve the quality of self-appraisals include what: (multiple answers)

Use comparative instead of absolute measurement systems Allow employees to practice their self-appraisals Ensure confidentiality Emphasize the future ------------------------------ "In addition, the following suggestions are likely toimprove the quality of self-appraisals: • Use comparative as opposed to absolute measurement systems. ----For example, insteadof asking individuals to rate themselves using a scale ranging from "poor" to"excellent," provide a relative scale that allows them to compare their performancewith that of others (e.g., "below average," "average," "above average"). Other options in terms of comparative systems were discussed in Chapter 5 .• Allow employees to practice their self-rating skills. ---Provide multiple opportunities forself-appraisal because the skill of self-evaluation may well be one that improveswith practice. • Assure confidentiality. --- Provide reassurance that performance information collectedfrom oneself will not be disseminated and shared with anyone other than the directsupervisor and other relevant parties (e.g., members of the same work group) .• Emphasize the future. ---The developmental plan section of the form shouldreceive substantial attention. The employee should indicate his plans for futuredevelopment and accomplishments"

What type of rating errors result because of the complexities involved in observing performance, storing that information in memory, and then recalling that information while rating an employee?


___ rating errors result because of the complexities involved in observing performance, storing that information in memory, and then recalling that information while rating an employee


What are ways to control biases and increase acceptance of the performance management system?...... • Involve employees. Involve employees in the design of the system. People supportwhat they help create. The higher the level of participation is in designing thesystem, the greater the support for the system will be. • Understand employee needs. Understand the needs of the employees and identifyways in which these needs can be met through performance management. Forexample, do they want more feedback? Are they interested in development activitiesthat would eventually lead to a promotion or a different job within the organization?

• Strike first. Create a positive attitude toward the performance system before anynegative attitudes and rumors are created. Make communications realistic and donot set up expectations you cannot deliver. .• Provide facts and consequences. Because of the presence of cognitive biases, factsdo not necessarily speak for themselves. Clearly explain facts about the system andalso explain what they mean or what the consequences are. Don't let employeesdraw their own conclusions because they may differ from yours" "Put it in writing. In Western cultures, written communications are usually morepowerful and credible than spoken communications because they can be carefullyexamined and challenged for accuracy. Create documentation, which is oftenposted online for everyone to download, describing the system. • Use multiple channels of communication. Use multiple methods of communication,including face-to-face (especially in the case of small and medium-sizeorganizations) and virtual meetings, e-mail, TED talks, and short video clips.In other words, allow employees to be exposed repeatedly to the same messagedelivered using different communication channels. Of course, make sure that allchannels convey consistent information .• Use credible communicators. Use credible sources to communicate the performancemanagement system. In companies where HR department members are perceivedas "HR cops" because they continually emphasize what cannot be done as opposedto how one's job can be done better, it may be better to use a different departmentor group. • Say it, and then say it again. Repeat the information frequently. Because peoplecan absorb only a small amount of information at a time, and may be resistant tochange, the information must be repeated frequently"

What conditions need to be present in order for a CP plan to motivate employees?

•Employees see clear link between their efforts and resulting performance. (Expectancy) •Employees see clear link between their performance level and rewards received. (Instrumentality) •Employees value the rewards available. (Valence) motivation = expectancy x instrumentality x valence "If the expectancy, instrumentality, or valence conditions are not met, the CP planis not likely to improve performance"

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6 - Connective Tissues & Friends

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