final practice test

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Which are attributes of a good bug report?

- Clear title and proper grammar in report. - One bug per report. - Simple and repeatable reproduction steps. - Expected results and observed results. - Build/version where bug was found. - Screenshots or other pictures of bug in action when user interfaces are involved.

What are the benefits of testing Sprint Backlog items during the Sprint? (Choose three answers)

-Improves the quality of the feedback received in the Sprint Review -Increment becomes more transparent -increment becomes potentially releasable

What is the typical size for a Scrum Team?

10 or fewer

The timebox for a Daily Scrum is?

15 minutes

When the Sprints are two weeks and there are six developers in the team, what would be the timebox for the Sprint Planning meeting?

4 hours

The timebox for a Sprint Review is...

4 hours for a one-month Sprint

What's the allowed Development Team size?

6 ± 3

What's the timebox for a complete Sprint Planning meeting?

8 hours for a one month Sprint

To create focus which of the following are most important to have ready when Sprint Planning begins?

A Product Goal communicated by the Product Owner. A Product Backlog with the most important items ready for discussion.

Which statement can be considered an Increment?

A few new features in a useable state that are added to those delivered in previous sprints

Which of the following can be delivered as the output of a Sprint?

A few new features that the customer can easily try and experiment

Which statement best describes Scrum?

A framework for creating complex products in complex environments.

Which of the following best describes Scrum?

A framework for the development of complex products

What are the two outcomes of Daily Scrum?

A shared understanding of the work to be undertaken An updated backlog of impediments for the Scrum Master to solve

Which of the following describe an architecture spike?

A small development activity to learn about technical elements of a proposed solution.

Which of the following best describes Continuous Integration?

A software development practice where developers integrate and verify their work frequently, often multiple times each day, to detect integration errors as quickly as possible.

What does a test written with Test-Driven Development represent?

A technical requirement that must be satisfied.

What is Technical Debt?

A term representing the eventual consequences of poor technical choices.

Which describes the practice of expressing requirements as acceptance tests?

Acceptance Test-Driven Development

Which of the following is the LEAST productive way for the Scrum Master to improve the Development Team's communications with the Product Owner?

Act as a go-between for them

Which of the following is most essential to Scrum?


When many Scrum Teams are working on a single product, what best describes the Definition of Done?

All Scrum Teams must have a Definition of Done that makes their combined Increment valuable and useful.

In order to make investment decisions, the Product Owner is likely to look at the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the product being built. What costs will a Product Owner take into account?

All investments required to conceive, develop, operate and maintain the product.

The length of a Sprint should be:

All of the above.

Which of the following can be delivered as the output of a Sprint?

An Increment of Done software

Which of the following best describes Scrum?

An adaptive project development framework

Which of the following are common Product Owner activities during the Sprint? (Choose 2 answers)

Answer questions from the Development Team about the items in the Sprint Backlog Work with the stakeholders

It is mandatory for the Product Owner to monitor and share progress of the Product Backlog by using which method?

Any practice based on trends of work completed and upcoming work.

Who should be present during Product Backlog refinement?

Anyone that the Scrum Team decides will be valuable during refinement.

What variables should a Product Owner consider when ordering the Product Backlog?

Anything that informs them to achieve the product's goals and to optimize the value delivered.

When do the Developers participate in Product Backlog refinement?

Anytime during the Sprint.

How much work should be done on each Product Backlog item?

As much as mentioned in the Definition of Done

How often should Development Team membership change?

As needed, with caution

During a Sprint, when is new work added to the Sprint Backlog?

As soon as they are identified

The Scrum Master could not resolve some of the issues. Which two of the following are good techniques to overcome this problem?

Ask the Development Team for help Ask the Product Owner for help

Which three of the following actions should a Scrum Master do in starting up a project?

Ask the Development Team to discuss and identify the way they are going to develop the product Ask the Product Owner to explain the project, its business need, history, goals, and context Ask the Development Team members to introduce themselves to each other and tell about their skills and background

The Development Team has spent three weeks in a four week Sprint, when they realize they will not be able to deliver 5 out of 15 items. What should they do?

Ask the Product Owner to collaborate with them and adjust the work

How many hours per day should a Development Team member work?

At a sustainable pace

How many hours per day should a developer work?

At a sustainable pace (usually 6 to 8 hours)

When can the Product Backlog be updated?

At any time when done by the Product Owner or a delegate.

For the purpose of transparency, when should a new Increment of working software be available?

At the end of each Sprint

When is the time for Sprint Retrospectives?

At the end of each Sprint

When should a new potentially releasable piece of software be available?

At the end of each Sprint

What are reasons to automate the software build process?

Automation improves the quality of software by making builds less error prone. To get feedback on changes to the code early and often.

How is a Product Backlog ordered?

Based on the value of the items

Which is NOT a Development Team responsibility?

Breaking down Product Backlog items into smaller items.

How does an organization know that a product built using Scrum is successful?

By releasing frequently, and measuring the value customers/users experience.

The Development Team has realized that they have over committed themselves for the Sprint. What should they do?

Call the Product Owner to review the items with them and revise the Sprint Backlog if necessary

What does Code Coverage show?

Code being exercised by tests.

Select the desirable characteristics of a unit test.

Code in each test is as small as possible while maintaining readability of the code. Each test makes assertions about only one logical concept. The test executes fast. Each test is independent of other unit tests.

What are typical activities for a Product Owner in a Sprint?

Collaborate with stakeholders, user communities, and subject matter experts. Work with the Developers on Product Backlog refinement.

The Development Team cannot deliver the Increment because they don't understand a functional requirement. What should they do?

Collaborate with the Product Owner to solve the problem

The Development Team has decided not to have Daily Scrums. What should the Scrum Master do?

Convince them to have Daily Scrums

The Development Team has decided not to have Sprint Retrospectives. What should the Scrum Master do?

Convince them to have Sprint Retrospectives

What are some shortcomings of code coverage as a measurement for how well a system or product is tested?

Could create incentives to write tests that simply increase code coverage, rather than tests that find bugs without increasing coverage. Code coverage does not ensure that the most important or highest risk areas of the code are being exercised by tests. Code coverage does not necessarily provide functional coverage.

Which two of the following are the best ways a Scrum Master can teach teams to help them self-organize?

Create a releasable Increment at the end of each Sprint Timebox events to manage risk

The Definition of Done is used to... (Choose two answers).

Create a shared understanding of what has to be done for each item Increase transparency

Which three activities will a Product Owner likely engage in during a Sprint?

Create new items in the Product Backlog Answer developers questions about the Sprint Backlog items Reorder the Product Backlog items

Which of the following is designed for inspection?

Daily Scrum

Which statement describes test-first development?

Designing tests before satisfying them.

Who is on the Scrum Team?

Developers. The Scrum Master. The Product Owner.

When is the Sprint Backlog created?

During Sprint Planning.

When should the Sprint Retrospective be held?

Each Sprint

How should multiple Scrum Teams deliver a done, useful, and valuable Increment in a Sprint?

Each Sprint, all Scrum Teams have a done Increment that integrates with all of the other done Increments from all other Scrum Teams on the initiative. The sum of all Increments is the Increment for that product.

How do multiple teams that work on the same product deliver their outputs?

Each team creates its own Done Increment. All increments will combine and create a single Increment for the project.

Select the desirable characteristics of a unit test.

Each test makes assertions about only one logical concept. Each test is independent of other unit tests. The test executes fast. Code in each test is as small as possible while maintaining readability of the code.

Which 3 of the following are the responsibilities of a self-organizing team?

Estimate the amount of work of newly created Product Backlog items Create tasks for Sprint Backlog items Pull Product Backlog items for the upcoming Sprint

Which of the following activities are included in the Product Backlog refinement? (Choose multiple answers)

Estimating the Product Backlog items Ordering the Product Backlog items Adding detail to the Product Backlog

What type of testing is usually done during the Sprint?

Every test

Which are attributes of a good bug report (choose all that apply)?

Expected results and observed results. Screenshots or other pictures of bugs in action when user interfaces are involved. Clear title and proper grammar in report. Simple and repeatable reproduction steps. Build/version where bug was found. One bug per report.

Which three of the following are Scrum Master responsibilities during the Sprint?

Facilitate meetings as requested or needed Solve problems Ensure the Development Team stays self-organized

Which of the following is the best way a Scrum Master can increase the team productivity?

Facilitating meetings and removing impediments

What is the best way a Scrum Master optimizes the team productivity?

Facilitation and problem solving

A Product Owner is essentially the same thing as a traditional Project Manager?


A comprehensive branching and merging model in shared version control reduces the coordination problems when multiple teams are working on the same code.


A real self-organized team does not need a Scrum Master.


Adding more resources to a Scrum project increases productivity and the delivery of value proportionally.


Each Sprint Backlog item is owned by one, or a pair of developers.


Each Sprint Backlog item should be owned by a Development Team member.


Individual Development Team members should be cross-functional.


It's better to have longer Sprints when the project is riskier.


Itâ s recommended to have analysts employ a â definition of readyâ to ensure all items at the top of the Product Backlog are actionable once they are selected for the Sprint Backlog.


No additions or changes to the core Scrum framework are needed for Scaled scrum.


Only technical writers can create documentation during a Sprint.


Programmers and testers should not be included in refining Product Backlog items.


Scrum Teams should normalize their estimations, so that management can measure and compare their performance.


Scrum has a role called "Project Manager".


Scrum is a detailed software development methodology.


Scrum is a development methodology that provides a practical Agile environment.


Scrum is a technique.


Scrum is an empirical development methodology.


Test-Driven Development is a predictable way to develop working, well-organized code?


The Development Team should have a team leader to manage the collaborations.


The Product Owner and Scrum Master should not be part of the Development Team.


The Product Owner determines the number of items that should be selected for each Sprint.


The Product Owner makes sure the Development Team selects enough items from the Project Backlog for a Sprint to satisfy the customer.


The Product Owner should prepare the Sprint Goal before the Sprint Planning.


The Scrum Master should ask each member to answer the three standard questions at the Daily Scrum and forbid other discussions.


The Scrum Master shouldn't allow the Product Owner to go to the Sprint Planning meeting without having the Sprint Goal prepared.


The Scrum Team must choose at least one high priority process improvement item, identified during the Sprint Retrospective, and place it in the Sprint Backlog.


The Sprint Review is the only time at which stakeholder feedback is taken into account.


The value delivered by a product can only be determined by revenue.


The whole Sprint Backlog is defined during the Sprint Planning and usually does not change during the Sprint.


When multiple Scrum Teams work together on the same product, each team should maintain a separate Product Backlog.


When multiple teams are working on the same project, there should be one Definition of Done for all of them.


When the Scrum Team becomes mature enough, it doesn't need a Scrum Master anymore.


While changing software, you find a bug in a previously delivered piece of functionality. What should you do?

Fix the bug if it is critical or easily fixed. Otherwise, put the new bug into the Product Backlog to be prioritized and fixed in an upcoming Sprint.

When are individuals with testing and quality expertise included in the software development effort?

From the beginning and throughout all Sprints.

Which of the following are attributes of a bad bug report?

Generic titles. Assigning blame. Vague statements or untested assumptions.

The team doesn't have the tools and infrastructure required for the development of items. What should the Scrum Master do?

Have them improve the tools and infrastructure over time and adjust the Definition of Done accordingly

Which two of the following are more important for increasing transparency?

Having a shared Definition of Done Having a common language

When forming multiple Scrum teams, which two of the following are the most important considerations?

Having proper size in each team

Which of the following is a right action from the Scrum Master in response to a Product Owner who has problems managing the Product Backlog?

Help the Product Owner order the items

Which three statements describe the usage of the Definition of Done?

Helps developers understand how many Product Backlog items they can select for each Sprint Creates a common understanding of when work is complete Increases transparency

Which does a self-organizing Development Team choose?

How many items to pick for the Sprint backlog

Complex products are often decomposed into components. These components may be represented as activities, workflows, functions, features, capabilities, and other similar nomenclature. How does this product decomposition affect the way that multiple Scrum Teams work together to deliver the products?

How the organization discusses and plans the work of creating the components will be reflected in the implementation of that product.

Who creates the Definition of Done?

If it is not an organizational standard, the Scrum Team must create a Definition of Done appropriate for the product.

Should User Stories be part of the documentation generated by a Scrum Team?

If they are part of the Definition of Done.

When does the next Sprint begin?

Immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint.

The Definition of Done describes the work that must be completed for every Product Backlog item. What should the Developers do during the Sprint, if they find a problem outside of their control that is blocking them from delivering work?

Immediately raise the issue to the Scrum Master as an impediment.

When should a Sprint Goal be created?

In the Sprint Planning meeting

When should we review the way we have worked during the Sprint and plan for improvements?

In the Sprint Retrospective meeting

When should we present the project performance information to the customer?

In the Sprint Review meeting

What are two common benefits of self-organization?

Increased commitment Increased self-accountability

What are two common benefits of self-organization?

Increased creativity Increased buy-in

The Scrum Master has a lot of unresolved issues. Which three of the following actions can be taken to facilitate it?

Inform management of the impediments and their impact Prioritize the issues and work on them in order Consult the Development Team

The CEO wants the Development Team to add a very important item to the current Sprint. What should they do?

Inform the Product Owner so that s/he can work with the CEO

The three pillars of empiricism are:

Inspection, Transparency, Adaptation

The Development Team cannot forecast how much work they can do in the upcoming Sprint, because of the uncertainties in the Product Backlog which the Product Owner is not able to overcome. What two actions should the Scrum Master recommend?

Invite everyone to discuss this problem in the next Sprint Retrospective and try to find a solution Ask the developers to come up with their best guess and do not worry about the capacity

Which three of the following are true about Product Owners?

Is accountable for ordering the Product Backlog Is one person Can also be the Scrum Master

A Nexus Daily Scrum:

Is an opportunity to make integration issues transparent. Provides input into each team's individual Daily Scrums, so that each Scrum Team can better plan their work until their next Daily Scrum.

Which two statements explain why the Definition of Done is important to the Product Owner?

It creates transparency regarding progress within the Scrum Team. It establishes the expected quality of the Increment reviewed at the Sprint Review.

Which two statements are right about technical debt?

It creates uncertainty, because when more code is added, more problems will occur and the development slows down It creates false assumptions about the current state of the system; e.g. it might not really be releasable.

Which 3 statements are right about the definition of done?

It defines what it takes for a Product Backlog item to be ready for release It creates transparency for the Increments that will be inspected at the Sprint Review It helps the Development Team have a reliable forecast of the number of items they can select in the Sprint Planning

Which two statements explain why the Definition of Done is important to the Product Owner?

It establishes the expected quality of the Increment reviewed at the Sprint Review. It creates transparency regarding progress within the Scrum Team.

Which of the following best describes the Product Backlog?

It grows and changes as more is learned about the project

Which statement is right about the Sprint Backlog?

It has just enough details

Which are potential benefits of Test-Driven Development?

It improves quality and reduces bugs. It promotes good design and separation of concerns.B.It promotes good design and separation of concerns. It causes you to construct a test harness that can be automated. It causes you to construct a test harness that can be automated. It speeds the overall development process.D.It speeds the overall development process.

Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog?

It is created in the beginning of the Sprint

Which statement best describes the Sprint Review?

It is when the Scrum Team and stakeholders inspect the outcome of a Sprint and figure out what to do next.

Which of the following are benefits of Continuous Integration?

It leads to higher transparency and rapid feedback to the team. Causes team members to consider each other's work and context.

Which of the following best describes the Product Backlog?

It provides just enough information to enable the team to develop the product

Which of the following should be considered for setting the duration of Sprints? (Choose multiple answers)

It shouldn't be so long that the risk is unacceptable to the Product Owner It shouldn't be more than one calendar month It shouldn't be so long that other business events canâ t be synchronized with the development work

Which statement about the Definition of Done is incorrect?

It's defined by the Scrum Master

Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog?

It's the Development Team's plan for the Sprint

The Development Team has realized that one of the planned works in the Sprint Backlog is not needed any more. What should they do?

Just remove it

Average items in the Product Backlog are usually...

Larger than items in the Sprint Backlog

Items in the Product Backlog are usually...

Larger than the items in the Sprint Backlog.

What's the role of a PMO in an organization that only uses Scrum for project delivery?

Managing portfolios and programs and facilitating the application of techniques that complement Scrum

What is the Product Owner accountable for in Scrum?

Maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team.

Which three of the following are the responsibilities of a self-organizing team?

Measure and visualize their own performance throughout the Sprint Develop the Sprint Backlog items Select items from the Product Backlog to be developed during the Sprint

Which of the following are mandatory in Scrum? (Choose multiple answers)

Measuring the performance of the Sprints Using Sprint Backlogs

Which of the following is the most important concern in scaled Scrum?

Minimizing dependencies among teams

When does a Developer become the sole owner of an item on the Sprint Backlog?

Never. All Sprint Backlog items are "owned" by the Developers on the Scrum Team.

When does a Developer become accountable for the value of a Product Backlog item selected for the Sprint?

Never. The entire Scrum Team is accountable for creating value every Sprint.

Which of the following can be considered an Increment?

New complete features added to the output of the previous Sprints

Whoâ s the project manager in Scrum?

No one

How much time should the Development Team spend on Product Backlog refinement?

Not more than 10% of their time

What should be done between two Sprints?

Nothing; there's no time between the two

Which statement best describes a Product Owner's responsibility?

Optimizing the value of the work the Scrum Team does.

Which of the following is NOT included in a typical Product Backlog?


Which types of tests can be automated?

Performance Smoke Unit Integration Functional

Which of the following is not done in the first Sprint? (Choose 2 answers)

Plan the first few Sprints Complete the solution architecture for the whole product

Which of the following is not timeboxed?

Product Backlog refinement

Who's in the Scrum Team? (Choose multiple answers)

Product Owner Scrum Master Development Team

The purpose of the Nexus Integration Team is to:

Raise transparency. Be accountable that a product Increment is produced.

Which of the following are advantages of Continuous Integration?

Reduce effort and risk when integrating changes. Know immediately how a change affected the product.B.Know immediately how a change affected the product.

The customer wants the Development Team to add a very important item to the current Sprint. What should they do?

Refer the customer to the Product Owner

What do burn-down charts track?

Remaining work across time

Which two of the following are Scrum Master responsibilities during the Sprint?

Remove impediments Ensure the Product Owner spends enough time for the project

The Development Team has realized that they have selected too many items for the Sprint Backlog, while they are in the middle of the Sprint Planning. Which two of the following are proper actions in this case?

Remove some of the lower priority items Inform the Product Owner and start development

Which two of the following are NOT Development Team responsibilities?

Reporting the Sprint progress to the customer Prioritizing the new Product Backlog items

When can a Scrum Master cancel a Sprint?

S/he can't cancel Sprints

Why should the Scrum Master be at the Daily Scrum?

S/he doesn't have to be there; just needs to ensure that the Development Team holds the meeting every day

What relationship does Scrum have to technical practices?

Scrum Teams with excellent technical practices will likely be more successful.

Which two of the following are true about Scrum?

Scrum is a framework for developing and maintaining complex products Scrum is based on empirical process control theory

Which three of the following are true about Scrum?

Scrum is based on empirical process control theory Scrum is a development framework Scrum is adaptive

What are three incorrect, untrue, or misleading statements about Scrum?

Scrum is like traditional processes but with self-organization to replace Project Managers. Scrum is a methodology where you can pick and choose which parts of Scrum you think will work for your environment. Scrum is a framework that eliminates complexity.

Which of the following is the subject of Sprint Retrospective?

Scrum process

Which is NOT a Development Team responsibility?

Selecting the Product Owner

In a normal situation, which of the following events can NOT be finished before the timeboxed duration?


Which output of the Sprint Planning provides the overall direction for the Sprint?

Sprint Goal

Which Scrum events are timeboxed?

Sprint Planning. Sprint Review. Sprint Retrospective.

Which two of the following are feedback loops in Scrum?

Sprint Review Daily Scrum

Which three of the following are feedback loops?

Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Daily Scrum

Which of the following is required by Scrum? (Choose 2 answers)

Sprint performance measurement Sprint Planning

The Product Owner has problems managing the Product Backlog. Which of the following is a proper action by the Scrum Master?

Suggest common Product Backlog management techniques to the Product Owner

An organization has decided to adopt Scrum. What happens if they tailor the Scrum terminology to match their current environment? (Choose multiple answers)

TRY---The change might not be obvious to everyone, and therefore very little change may actually happen --The change might not be obvious to everyone, and some benefits may be lost __Management may feel less enthusiastic about the change

How much of the Sprint Backlog should be defined during the Sprint Planning meeting?

TRY: Enough so the Development Team can create its best forecast of what is can do, and to start the first several days of the Sprint.-------------------------------------------------not_ All of the potential work. OR-- Just enough for the Scrum Master to be able to assign tasks to developers

How is budgeting done in Scrum?

TRY: Ideally revised each Sprint to ensure value is being delivered--------------------------------------------------------not-- Budgeting is very simple and limited to the run cost (time and material)

A developer does not work properly and is blocking the team activity. Who should decide on removing that person?

TRY: The Development Team OR the scum master-------------------------------------------- not--The Development Team, probably with the help of the Scrum Master

How is a Product Backlog ordered?

TRY: Whatever is deemed most appropriate by the Product Owner.-----------------------------------------------------------not--Based on the Product Owner's judgment not--Based on the customer's feedback received for the requirement specification document

How should the Product Owner forecast the completion date?

TRY: by using a trend line in the burn-down chart---------------------------------------------------not----By dividing the remaining amount of work in the Product Backlog to the latest calculated velocity. ___By any method s/he finds appropriate

How can a Scrum Master help multiple teams keep their output aligned in a single product?

Teach them that it's their responsibility to work with the other teams to create aligned outputs and an integrated Increment.

Which two of the following are true about the Scrum Master role?

Teaches the Development Team to keep the meetings to their timebox Works with other Scrum Masters in the organization to adopt Scrum

Who writes tests in a Scrum Team?

The Developers

Who is responsible for managing the progress of work during a Sprint?

The Developers.

Who is responsible for the system architecture of a product being developed using Scrum?

The Developers.

A developer does not work properly and is blocking the team activity. Who should decide on removing that person?

The Development Team

Who adds new work to the Sprint Backlog during the Sprint?

The Development Team

Who decides on the technical approach?

The Development Team

Who determines how work is performed during the Sprint?

The Development Team

Who determines the number of Product Backlog items selected for a Sprint?

The Development Team

Who determines when it is time to update the Sprint Backlog during the Sprint?

The Development Team

Who estimates the work of the newly identified items?

The Development Team

Who must do all the work required for the Product Backlog items, based on the Definition of Done?

The Development Team

Who updates the remaining work during the Sprint?

The Development Team

Who writes tests in a Scrum Team?

The Development Team

Who's responsible for tracking the remaining work of the Sprint?

The Development Team

Whoâ s required to attend the Daily Scrum?

The Development Team members

Which best describes the cross-functionality?

The Development Team should have all the expertise required for the product in a way that they do not need any help from the outside

How are Product Backlog items chosen in scaled Scrum?

The Development Teams pull in items in agreement with the Product Owner

What is a Product Backlog?

The Product Backlog is an emergent, ordered list of what is needed to improve the product.

Who has the final say on the Product Backlog items?

The Product Owner

Who is responsible for engaging the stakeholders?

The Product Owner

Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a release, and be able to explain the alternatives most clearly?

The Product Owner

Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a release?

The Product Owner

Who should know the most about the project performance?

The Product Owner

Who's responsible for Product Backlog refinement?

The Product Owner

Who's responsible for engaging the stakeholders?

The Product Owner

What best describes the relationship of the Product Owner and the stakeholders?

The Product Owner actively asks for stakeholder input and expectations to incorporate into the Product Backlog.

Adaptation requires regular inspection. In what ways does the Product Owner contribute to the results achieved by inspection ?

The Product Owner shares the current state of Product Backlog at the Sprint Review, which, combined with the inspection of the Increment, leads to an updated Product Backlog. The Product Owner invites stakeholders to the Sprint Review to learn how the current state of the marketplace influences what is the most valuable thing to do next.

Adaptation requires regular inspection. In what ways does the Product Owner contribute to the results achieved by inspection ?

The Product Owner shares the current state of Product Backlog at the Sprint Review, which, combined with the inspection of the Increment, leads to an updated Product Backlog. The Product Owner shares the current state of Product Backlog at the Sprint Review, which, combined with the inspection of the Increment, leads to an updated Product Backlog.

Who has the final say on the order of the Product Backlog?

The Product Owner.

A senior manager frequently distracts the team. Who should try to solve this problem?

The Scrum Master

The customer doesn't spend enough time collaborating with the team and it's making problems for the project. Who's responsible for fixing this problem?

The Scrum Master

Why should the Scrum Master participate in the Daily Scrums?

The Scrum Master is not one of the Daily Scrum participants.

Who should create the Sprint Goal?

The Scrum Team

What are ways Developers can ensure a good application architecture?

The Scrum Team should have a set of guiding architecture principles that every Developer understands and follows when writing code. The Developers plan some time each Sprint to discuss the architecture needed for the features planned in that Sprint

Product Backlog items are refined by:

The Scrum Team.

The Developers should not be interrupted during the Sprint and the Sprint Goal should remain intact. These are conditions that foster creativity, quality and productivity.

The Sprint Backlog is fully formulated in the Sprint Planning event and does not change during the Sprint.

Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place?

The consistency reduces complexity.

What is code coverage?

The degree to which the system under test has been exercised by tests.

The Product Owner manages the Product Backlog. Who is accountable for estimating the effort to complete the Product Backlog items?

The developers

What does it mean to say that an event has a timebox?

The event can take no more than a maximum amount of time.

You are on a Scrum Team that is enhancing an existing product. Which is the LEAST useful piece of documentation you want to have at your disposal?

The full history of retrospective plans and lessons learned.

What factors should be considered when establishing the length of a Sprint?

The level of uncertainty over the solution being developed. The risk of being disconnected from the stakeholders.

What two things best help the Product Owner manage the value of a product?

The order of the Product Backlog. Validating assumptions of value through frequent releases.

Who creates the Definition of Done?

The organization (or the Scrum Team if none is available from the organization).

Who creates the definition of "Done"?

The organization (or the Scrum Team if none is available from the organization)..

An organization has decided to adopt Scrum, but management wants to change the terminology to fit with terminology already used. What will likely happen if this is done?

The organization may not understand what has changed with Scrum and the benefits of Scrum may be lost.

What does it mean for a Development Team to be cross-functional?

The team includes not only programmers, but also testers, architects, UI designers, etc.

Is the Product Owner required to be present at the Sprint Retrospective?

Their attendance is mandatory. The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the Scrum Team to assess and improve itself.

A Product Owner is entitled to postpone the start of a new Sprint after the conclusion of a previous Sprint for the following reason:

There is no acceptable reason. A new Sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint.

What happens during Sprint 0?

There is no such thing as Sprint 0.

Which two statements are right when four teams are working on a single product?

There should be only one Product Owner There should be only one Product Backlog

What are the benefits of having tests in the Definition of Done? (Choose 3 answers)

There will be increased transparency of the Increments Increments will be closer to being potentially shippable Increments will be more complete

How is management external to the Scrum team involved in the Daily Scrum?

There's no such involvement

Which two statements are correct about testers?

There's no such role in Scrum

What should the Product Owner do during the Sprint zero?

There's no such thing as Sprint zero

What's the responsibility of the Product Owner during Sprint zero?

There's no such thing as Sprint zero

How can security concerns be addressed in Scrum? (Choose 2 answers)

They can be added to the Product Backlog They can be added to the Definition of Done

When can a Development Team cancel a Sprint?

They can't cancel Sprints

What phrases best describe the relationship of the Product Owner and the Developers?

They collaborate often so the Developers build Increments keeping end-user and stakeholder concerns in mind. They collaborate often so the Product Owner can make informed decisions in balancing effort and value of Product Backlog items.

What is the main reason for the Scrum Master to be at the Daily Scrum?

They do not have to be there; they only need to ensure the Developers have a Daily Scrum.

When do Development Team members volunteer to own a Sprint Backlog item?

They don't do so

When the Scrum Team becomes mature enough, the following decision might be taken.

They will add more stringent criteria to the Definition of Done

Which two of the following are acceptable ways of handling infrastructure and architecture?

They will be done as a part of other Product Backlog items They will be added to the Product Backlog to be done in the early Sprints, while at least a few business functionalities are also delivered during those Sprints

Which of the following is common when the Scrum Team becomes mature enough during the project?

They will improve the Definition of Done

When does the Development Team prepare the tools and infrastructure for the development?

Throughout the project

What's the purpose of Scrum of Scrums?

To align multiple teams that are working on the same product

What is the value of refactoring code?

To improve readability and maintainability

Which is a benefit of establishing naming standards for code?

To make the code more readable.

Why is Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place?

To reduce complexity and overhead

What is the principal value of releasing an Increment?

To validate assumptions made when developing the product.

The Product Owner doesn't spend enough time on the project. Which of the following options is the best response from the Scrum Master?

Train the Product Owner why it's important for her/him to spend enough time on the project

Which of the following are Scrum pillars? (Choose multiple answers)

Transparency Inspection Adaptation

A first Sprint can start before the Product Owner has a complete and exhaustive Product Backlog in place.


A person working on multiple Scrum teams is often less productive than one who works in only one team.


The Scrum Master is not allowed to tell the Development Team how to build the product.


The Sprint Goal and the Sprint Backlog are the results of Sprint Planning.


The Sprint Review is an informal meeting with the customer.


The purpose of ALL Sprints is to produce a done Increment of working product.


The purpose of a Sprint is to produce a valuable and useful Increment of working product.


There is one Product Backlog for a Nexus.


Every Scrum project should have a Scrum Master and Product Owner.

True; part-time or full-time.

Choose three responsibilities of a self-organizing Development Team.

Try: Report daily progress to stakeholders. Pull Product Backlog items for the Sprint.Reorder the Product Backlog.NOT Report daily progress to stakeholders Assign tasks Perform quality assurance. not ---Report daily progress to stakeholders. Estimate the amount of work of Product Backlog items Reorder the Product Backlog not---Report daily progress to stakeholders Assign tasks Estimate the amount of work of Product Backlog items

What is pair programming?

Two developers writing code together, providing constant peer review.

Which of the following are attributes of a bad bug report?

Vague statements or untested assumptions. Generic titles. Assigning blame.

Which description best fits the role of the Product Owner?

Value Maximizer.

When is a Sprint Backlog item considered complete?

When everything is done based on the Definition of Done

When is a Sprint canceled?

When the Product Owner determines it makes no sense to finish it

When is a Sprint canceled?

When the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete

When might a Sprint be abnormally cancelled?

When the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete.

The Sprint Review is:

When the customer inspects the Increment and progress, and provides feedback

When is a Sprint over?

When the predefined timebox duration is over

What does a trend line through a release burn-down chart indicate?

When the remaining work will likely be completed if nothing changes in the Product Backlog or the Development Team

When is a Sprint over?

When the timebox expires

When is a Product Backlog item considered complete?

When thereâ s nothing more we can do before it can be used by the end users

When may a Development Team change its engineering practices?

Whenever needed

When a Continuous Integration build fails, who ideally ensures the build is repaired?

Whoever the Developers agree should fix it.

What should Developers do if the Product Owner is unavailable?

Within the Sprint, the Developers make the best decisions possible to assure progress toward the Sprint Goal, re-aligning with the Product Owner once they are available again.

What are typical activities for a Product Owner in a Sprint?

Work with the Developers on Product Backlog refinement. Collaborate with stakeholders, user communities, and subject matter experts.

Who can attend the Daily Scrum?


When should the Product Owner ship an Increment?

as needed

A Scrum Team consists of the following:

developers Scrum Master Product Owner

Upon what type of process control is Scrum based?


The product must be released to production at the end of each Sprint.


Who can replace Sprint Backlog items during the Sprint?

not- No one OR. The Development Team

What should be done between a Sprint Retrospective and the next Sprint Planning?

not- Refactor the developed items Nothing; there's no time between the two.

What does it mean to say a Product Backlog item is Done? (Choose multiple answers)

not-- The item can be a part of a potentially releasable piece of software No work left based on the Definition of Done The item is ready for functional testing by the Product Owner The item creates a software that is usable by the end user. ____not. The item can be a part of a potentially releasable piece of software No work left based on the Definition of Done The item creates a software that is usable by the end user

Who can change the Sprint Backlog during the Sprint?

not-- No one. ___The Development Team ___The Scrum Master

Which of the following best describes transparency?

not-- Significant aspects of the process must be visible to those responsible for the outcome. not___The whole process should be visible to everyone

When multiple Scrum teams are working on the same product, should all of their outputs be integrated every Sprint?

not-- Yes, only if there are dependencies among them. ___yes

What's the Scrum Master's responsibility during the Sprint Retrospective?

not--- Collaborate with the managers to attend the meeting and get results not--Manage the meeting

Which role is the equivalent of project manager in Scrum?

not--- The team leader(s) not__ scrum master not-- The Product Owner

How should developers deal with non-functional features?

not---not _____ Incorporate them into every Increment

Which of the following are outputs of Sprint Planning? (Choose multiple answers)

not--Items selected from the Product Backlog Tasks Sprint Goal

Which of the following topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review? (Multiple answers)

not--Sprint results Scrum process and improvements for the next Sprint not--Progress Sprint results

What happens if the Development Team cannot complete all Sprint Backlog items by the end of the Sprint?

not--The Sprint will be over with the completed items not--The Sprint time will be extended temporarily

Who must be present at the Daily Scrum?

the Developers.

A scaled Scrum environment is one that conforms to Scrum framework and uses more than one Scrum Team for one or more Sprints.


Scrum can be used for sustaining complex products.


The Product Owner can delegate her/his responsibilities to the Development Team.


Timeboxing helps everyone focus on the same problem at the same time.


A company has four products. Which two of the following are acceptable ways of forming Scrum Teams?

try: --There can be one Product Owner for each Product. --There can be a single Product Owner for all products

The Sprint Review is:

try: An opportunity for inspection and adaptation

How should multiple teams be composed for a single project?

try: Developers themselves will decide on how to form the teams-----------------------------------------------------------not-- The Product Owner decides on how to form the teams

Nine (9) Scrum Teams are working on a single product. Which of the following is the best way of planning Sprints?

try:Everyone meets at the same time to check the Product Backlog and to receive information from the Product Owner. Then they coordinate dependencies, shift team members as needed, and create their Sprint Backlogs.---------------------------------------not-- The Product Owner and all team members meet and create one Sprint Backlog for the project. All teams will share that Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint.

What are two ways that Developers can ensure a good application architecture?

Architecture is an ongoing discussion between Developers who are implementing current Sprint Backlog items. The Developers have a set of guiding architecture principles that every Developer understands and follows when building the product.

The Scrum Master should cancel the Sprint Planning, if the Sprint Goal is not composed beforehand.


The Sprint Backlog contains items selected from the Product Backlog, and nothing more.


The Sprint Backlog should not change after the Sprint Planning.


The customer has the final say on the order of Product Backlog items.


The purpose of ALL Sprints is to release a piece of working software.


There should be a hardening Sprint every few Sprints, to resolve dependencies and fix open bugs.


Which does a self-organizing Development Team choose?

How to best accomplish its work

When is a system's architecture decided?

Throughout the project, as understanding emerges and the Developers learn more about the product.

What is the value of refactoring code?

To improve readability and maintainability.

What is the purpose of the Nexus Sprint Retrospective?

To plan ways to increase quality and effectiveness across the whole Nexus.

The purpose of the Nexus Sprint Backlog is:

To provide a view of dependent Product Backlog items in a Sprint. To make dependencies transparent to the Scrum Teams.

All Increments should be potentially releasable.


Developers may also serve on the Nexus Integration Team.


Items at the bottom of the Product Backlog are usually larger than those on the top.


Items in the Product Backlog are usually larger than items in the Sprint Backlogs.


Scrum does not have a role called "project manager."


Who estimates the work during the Sprint?

not- The Scrum Master The Development Team

What happens if the Development Team cannot complete its work by the end of the Sprint?

not- The Sprint will be extended Nothing

Which two of the following are true about the Product Owner?

not-- Is accountable for prioritizing the Product Backlog items Can be influenced by a committee

Which of the following should be done during the Sprint Review? (Multiple answers)

not-- Demonstration of the Increment Discussion of the Scrum process, and how it was used during the Sprint _______________________________ Demonstration of the Increment Communication of the project progress

Which two of the following are not done during the first Sprint?

not-- Develop a plan for the whole project OR. Prepare a complete infrastructure and set of tools for the project

When must a new Increment of working software be available?

not-- Every 3 Sprints At the end of each Sprint

While the Sprint Planning is progressing, the Development Team has realized that they donâ t have enough resources to complete all the selected Sprint Backlog items. Which two of the following is usually the best action?

not-- Hire more developers Inform the Product Owner and start the development ________________________ Inform the Product Owner and start the development Remove some of the items from the Sprint Backlog

Which two of the following are true about the Scrum Master role?

not-- Is responsible for updating the burn-down chart Itâ s a management position _______________________________ Helps those outside the team interact with the Scrum Team Itâ s a management position

The Development Team has realized that they have over committed themselves for the Sprint. Who should be present when they review and adjust the work?

not-- Only the Product Owner OR. The Product Owner and the Development Team

Who must do all the work required for Product Backlog items, to make sure they are potentially releasable?

not-- The Scrum Master The Development Team

What's the vertical axis in a typical burn-down chart?

not-- The capacity of the team The amount of remaining work

When multiple teams are working on the same project, how many Definitions of Done should they use?

not-- There should be only one Definition of Done for all teams OR. There can be multiple definitions, as long as they are well communicated and understood among teams and with the customer

What's the main responsibility of testers?

not-- They verify the programmers output There's no tester role in Scrum

When should Increments be shipped?

not-- When the Increment is free of defects When it makes sense

When can the composition of the Development Team change?

not-- Whenever needed Not during the Sprints

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