Final Questions

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A major advantage of using existing data is: saving time. All of the above are correct. the quality of the data is often better than what you collect on your own. saving money.

All of the above are correct.

Family is important to the socialization process because:

All of the above are correct.

The "graying of the United States" refers to the process by which:

All of the above are correct.

The social-conflict approach might lead a sociologist to highlight: class differences in a high school population. gender inequality in college sports. All of the above are correct. racial inequality in a company's hiring and promotion practices.

All of the above are correct.

Which of the following statements about race and internet use in the United States is correct?

Among affluent, college-educated people, the share of black people and white people using the internet is the same.

Read the statements below. Which of these statements is NOT correct?

Couples who meet online are typically older than couples who meet in more conventional ways.

What is the term for the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that, together, constitute a people's way of life?


A century ago, most people who immigrated to the United States came from:


Which of the following most closely conveys the point of the Sapir-Whorf thesis?

People perceive the world through the cultural lens of language.

Read the four statements below. Which of them is NOT found within the American Sociological Association's guidelines for ethical research?

Researchers must always perform their research several times in order to ensure its accuracy.

Read the four statements below. All but one of them correctly names a distinctive characteristic of a total institution. Which one does NOT?

Staff members encourage individual growth and creativity.

Which of the following statements is supported by research conducted at UCLA?

Students are likely to feel positively about online photos that they see have lots of "likes."

In the United States, women are somewhat more likely than men to use social-networking sites.


Unlike simple stereotypes, sociological generalizations: are offered fair-mindedly with an interest in the truth. All of the above are correct. do not apply to all individuals in some category. are based on all available facts.

all of the above

Compared to an industrial society, a postindustrial society is based on:

an information-based economy.

When people model themselves after the members of peer groups they would like to join, they are engaging in:

anticipatory socialization.

Perhaps the most important consequence of the development of mass media and social media has been ________

expanding people's access to information.

Carol Gilligan extended Lawrence Kohlberg's research, showing that:

girls and boys typically use different standards in assessing situations as right and wrong.

The text states that cultural change is set in motion in three general ways:

invention, discovery, and diffusion.

The fundamental difference between older mass media and newer social media is that social media ________

is interactive.

The social sciences, including sociology, support the basic claims that:

it is human nature to nurture.

Critics of the Sapir-Whorf thesis point out that:

language does not determine reality.

The chapter opening story of the diversity initiative at investment company Charles Schwab & Co. shows us that:

learning more about cultural diversity can help a company boost sales.

In the socialization process, what makes the peer group different from the family is that the peer group:

lets children escape the direct supervision of parents.

The text's discussion of the life course leads to the conclusion that:

life-course stages are linked to biology, but they are mostly a social construction.

Survey research suggests that couples who make the greatest use of social media are ________

likely to have the highest levels of relational conflict.

Based on both the Harlows' research with rhesus monkeys, and the case of Anna the isolated child, one might reasonably conclude that:

long-term social isolation leads to permanent developmental damage in both monkeys and humans.

Wrong-doing such as an adult forcing a child to engage in sexual activity is an example of violating cultural:


The ideal of objectivity means that a researcher:

must strive to be personally neutral about the outcome of the research.

The first medium of mass communication was the ________


As a part of human culture, religion would be an example of:

nonmaterial culture.

Patterns of socialization vary by class; in child-rearing, lower-class parents stress __________, while well-to-do parents stress __________.

obedience; creativity

All around the world, what we find everywhere is:

people creating cultural systems

When Charles Horton Cooley used the term "looking-glass self," he was referring to the fact that:

people see themselves as they think others see them.

Horticultural societies are those in which: Correct!

people use simple hand tools to raise crops.

The United States has now entered which technological era?


Ageism refers to:

prejudice and discrimination against the elderly.

The Bechdel Test asks whether or not a film ________

presents women and their lives in a significant way.

Among all forms of life, humans stand out as the only species that:

relies on culture to ensure survival.

Which of the following concepts refers to efforts to radically change someone's personality through careful control of the environment?


Looking at childhood in global perspective, we find that:

rich societies extend childhood much longer than poor societies do.

Taken together, the cases of Anna and Genie provide strong evidence that:

social experience has a crucial role in forming human personality.

Which discipline defines itself as "the systematic study of human society"?


The concept "cultural lag" refers to the fact that:

some cultural elements change more quickly than others.

Which of the following reflects Goffman's description of the resocialization process?

stripping away an old identity, then building a new identity

Which theoretical approach highlights the fact that it is not so much what people do that matters as much as the meaning they attach to their behavior?

symbolic-interaction approach

Gerhard Lenski focused on which of the following factors as having great power to shape a society?


George Herbert Mead considered the self to be:

the part of an individual's personality composed of self-awareness and self-image.

The structural-functional approach helps us to:

understand "what makes society tick."

If you were marketing products effectively by using sociological data, you would ________

use older technology such as cable and satellite technology to sell to older people and newer, internet-based media to sell to younger people.

Standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called:


Studying the meaning people attach to their everyday lives is the search for:


The insight of Marshall McLuhan can be summed up with which of the following statements?

"The medium is the message."

The first use of the term "World Wide Web" and the creation of the first social-networking site both took place during the ________


The term "sociology" was coined in 1838 by:

Auguste Comte.

The first computers, built back in the 1960s, were far smaller than the personal computers we use today.


Social media differ from mass media in that mass media is based on transmitting information from a single source to a vast number of people.


Which of the following statements linking nature and nurture does sociology hold to be correct?

For human beings, nurture is our nature.

Which woman made a mark as an early sociologist by studying the evils of slavery and also translating the writings of Auguste Comte?

Harriet Martineau

Our basic drives, or needs, as humans are reflected in Freud's concept of:


Which early sociologist claimed that the important task was not to simply understand society but to change it?

Karl Marx

Today, most immigrants to the United States arrive from:

Latin America and Asia.

Which of the following statements is TRUE? People the world over live in ways that are mostly the same. There is no longer serious poverty in the world. Because the United States is so rich, there is little reason for us to learn about the international economy. Learning more about other societies helps us better understand our own way of life.

Learning more about other societies helps us better understand our own way of life.

The sociologist who called on his colleagues to be value-free was:

Max Weber.

__________ distinguish between right and wrong; __________ distinguish between polite and rude.


President Franklin D. Roosevelt gained public support with his "fireside chats," which made use of the ________ Correct!


Which of the following concepts refers to interactive media that allows people to communicate with one another and to form communities based on interests and goals?

Social media

Many people consider CNN and MSNBC to have a liberal political bias and Fox News to have a conservative political bias.


The history of radio shows that AM stations predominantly transmit "talk" and that FM stations provide high-quality music.


Who was the early U.S. sociologist who described the difference between folkways and mores?

William Graham Sumner

Critical sociology can best be described as a(n) __________ approach.


A small number of people used to represent an entire population is called:

a sample.

Multiculturalism is defined as:

an educational program recognizing the cultural diversity of the United States and promoting equality of all cultural traditions.

Which theory developed by the psychologist John B. Watson claims human behavior is not instinctive, but learned within a social environment?


Read the list of values below. Which from that list is NOT one of the values central to U.S. culture, as identified by the sociologist Robin Williams?

belief in tradition

Research at Microsoft Corporation concluded that the use of social media increases ________

capacity to multitask.

An idea in Freud's thinking that has special importance to sociology is his assertion that:

culture demands that individuals become less self-centered.

Failing to consider the possible importance of gender in a sociological study describes the problem called:

gender blindness.

It is correct to say that the development of more complex technology:

has both positive and negative effects.

In general, people using social media present ________ images of themselves.


A criticism of the symbolic-interaction approach is that it:

ignores how structural factors such as class affect people's experiences.

By "taking the role of the other," Mead had in mind:

imagining a situation from another person's point of view.

Using which of the following methods would a researcher be most likely to reveal information about herself to her subjects?interviews


Feminist theory makes the claim that ________

mass media and social media support the domination of males over females.

An increasing share of U.S. employers ________

monitor the social media posted by their employees.

Cultural transmission refers to the process of:

passing cultural patterns from one generation to another.

Cultural patterns that are widespread among a society's population are referred to as:

popular culture.

By saying that the sociological perspective shows us "the strange in the familiar," the text argues that this point of view:

rejects the familiar idea that people simply decide how to act in favor of the initially strange idea that society shapes our lives.

According to George Herbert Mead, children learn to take the role of the other as they model themselves on important people in their lives, such as parents. Mead referred to these important people as:

significant others.

Suicide rates are generally higher among:

single people compared with married people.

Colorado cowboys, the southern California "beach crowd," computer nerds, and wilderness campers all display _____ patterns.


The U.S. military supported the development of the internet because ________

the military feared that war would destroy city-based mass media.

The theoretical approach closely linked to the ideas of Karl Marx is ________

the social-conflict approach.

What is the term for a basic image of society that guides thinking and research?

theoretical approach

By linking specific facts together to create meaning, we create a:


The concept "digital divide" refers to the fact that ________

there are large differences in internet use among various categories of people within a country or for the world as a whole.

Two variables are said to display correlation if:

they vary together.

According to Erving Goffman, the goal of a total institution is:

to radically alter a person's personality or behavior.

The tragic case of Anna, the isolated girl studied by Kingsley Davis, shows that:

without social experience, a child is incapable of thought or meaningful action.

Which of the following people had an important influence on the development of the social-conflict approach?

Karl Marx

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