Final Quiz Questions

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You might hear a person who is experiencing learned helplessness saying each of the following except:

" I failed, but it wasn't my fault"

According to research conducted by Gollwitzer, Heckhausen, and Steller (1990), individuals show a "cognitive tuning" toward information expressing the pros and cons of one goal versus rival goals. This process represents a ________ mindset.


According to a biological view of emotion, about how many different emotions are there?

a small number—between 2 and 10

The principal antecedent of _____ is physical and psychological restraint or interference, as in the experience showing that a situation is "not what it should be."


According to current research, general personality factors are not necessarily the regulators of achievement behavior in specific life domains such as school, sports, and work. This statement represents a problem associated with the

classical approach to achievement motivation

Which of the following group of theorists would most likely agree with this statement: "Before emotion can occur, a person engages in a meaning interpretation of the event to evaluate its importance or relevance to personal well-being."

cognitive emotion researchers only

According to Condon and Barrett (2013), ___________ is often regarded as a positive emotion, but the sympathy it entails for another's suffering produces elements of psychological distress.


The _______ is characterized by a relative insensitivity to inner guides and closer attention to behavioral incentives, cues, and pressures that exist in the environment.

control causality orientation

In Buddhist thought (as expressed by the Dalai Lama), which are the three most destructive emotions?

craving, agitation, and hatred

In their studies in which participants judged how much control they had in a low-control situation, Alloy and Abramson concluded that:

depressed individuals made accurate judgments of control while nondepressed overestimated their control

Nolen-Hoeksema and colleagues assert that rumination-based __________ impairs problem solving, distracts attention, stimulates negative thinking, erodes social support, and replaces reparative coping behaviors with self-harm and destructive bingeing behaviors.


Humanistic theorists emphasize that human beings are motivated to

develop their full potential

___________ is the considered the oldest emotion, with its original function being to prevent the oral incorporation of offensive substances


The limited strength model of self-control suggests that the amount or strength of willpower is crucial to successful self-control and that when one exerts control, this depletes some of the resources that make later attempts more likely to fail. What is depleted during self-control attempts?


The fundamental assertion of positive psychology therapy is that

good mental health requires more than the absence of mental illness

Dweck (1999, 2006) asserts that people think about their personal qualities such as intelligence and personality characteristics in two ways. Some see them as fixed, whereas others see them as malleable. This view represents ______________ mindsets


In the chicken-and-egg debate over whether emotions are caused primarily by biology or by cognitions, the conclusion reached by the text is that:

emotion is a complex interactive chain of events

During emotional socialization, an adult tells a child, "Louis, I see you are throwing a temper tantrum; boy-o-boy, you must be mad, really mad." This socialization experience exemplifies the passing along of:

emotion knowledge

In Kraut and Johnston's study of bowlers, the researchers found that bowlers were much more likely to smile when they _____ than when they _____.

engaged their friends; made a good bowling score

According to Buck's proposition that emotions are the readout of motivational states, motives energize and direct behavior, while emotions

facilitate or inhibit that behavior

Carl Rogers did not like the term teacher because he felt that the only learning that mattered was student-initiated learning. Instead of teacher, he preferred the term


_________ functions as a warning signal for forthcoming physical or psychological harm that manifests itself in an impulse to freeze or flee (as in the "flight" part of the fight-or-flight response)


If a classroom teacher defines success as showing improvement and places a high value on learning and effort, then her students are likely to adopt which type of achievement goal during learning activities?

mastery goal

Research finds that those with high self-esteem choose to interact with people who evaluate them positively, while those with low self-esteem choose to interact with people who evaluate them negatively. This shows that, generally speaking

people choose to interact with people who treat them in a way that they want to be treated

An individual who is sensitive to negative outcomes, avoids possibilities of loss, and adopts a vigilant behavioral strategy of caution that might be characterized as "do the right thing" is demonstrating a ____________ mindset


Regulatory Focus Theory (RFT; Higgins, 1997, 1998) suggests that people strive to achieve their goals by using two separate and independent motivational orientations or mindsets. These mindsets are

prevention and promotion

Which one of the following happiness exercises is not a recommended approach to therapy within positive psychology therapy?

quest to avoid the daily mistake

According to Averill (1968, 1979), ______________ indirectly motivates people to seek and maintain social cohesion within groups.


Bauer and Baumeister (2011) assert that _____________ is the ability to suppress, restrain, and even override an impulsive desire, urge, behavior, or tendency to pursue a long-term goal


The following question represents which motivational construct: "If things start to go wrong during my performance, do I have the resources within me to cope successfully and turn things around for the better?


The problem with placing too much emphasis on self-esteem in a motivational analysis of behavior is that:

there are few findings that self-esteem causes anything at all

Self-perception theory is more applicable to situations in which people's attitudes are initially _____, while cognitive dissonance theory is more applicable to situations in which people's attitudes are initially _____.

vague, ambiguous, and weak; clear, salient, and strong

As one person watches a peer perform incompetently and verbalize distress, the observer comes to believe, "If she can't do it, what makes me think I can?" The observer's self-efficacy belief has been affected by:

vicarious experience

When one student who doubts his computer skills watches another student cope very well with the demands of a computer, the first student's efficacy expectation rises. The student's increased efficacy expectation was due to the influence of:

vicarious experience

For an entity theorist, the meaning of effort is

"The harder you try, the dumber you therefore must be."

Which of the following quotations best represents an outcome expectation?

"What I do will work."

Which of the following is not taken as evidence that emotions are biologically generated events?

Emotions can only be found in the human species

Which of the following sequence of events best reflects the James-Lange theory of emotion?

I see a dog, my heart races, I feel fear

Which one of the following best represents Lazarus's concept of primary appraisal?

Is this event a personal threat?

Which of the following is NOT one of the themes proposed by Maslow's need hierarchy?

Needs vary in how innate they are, as some are innate and others are learned

Which of the following statements regarding self-esteem is most true?

Self-esteem is a by-product of life's satisfactions, triumphs, and positive relationships

The most frequent source of a person's day-to-day emotion is:

other people

People who adopt a mastery rather than a performance goal show a greater tendency toward the following except

a preference to work on the task by themselves without asking for help from others

The facial feedback hypothesis:

asserts that emotion arises from proprioceptive feedback from facial behavior has been shown to be false

As an individual learns from parents and peers what behaviors and characteristics are "good and bad" and "right and wrong," he or she learns

conditions of worth

The purpose of the cross-cultural investigations that tested whether human beings display similar facial expressions of emotion regardless of cultural/national differences was to demonstrate that:

facial behavior has an innate, unlearned component

Compared to people in neutral moods, people who feel good (i.e., experience positive affect):

have greater access in memory to happy thoughts and positive memories

In the marshmallow study, a young child is shown a marshmallow and offered the following deal: "You may eat the marshmallow whenever you want to, but if you hold off and do not eat the marshmallow and instead wait until I return to the room in 15 minutes, then you will get a second marshmallow." The results showed that children who demonstrated higher self-control (i.e., they waited the 15 minutes) had:

higher grade point averages

The integration of self-efficacy and perceived control beliefs that one can attain desired goals leads to the psychological experience of


During failure feedback, mastery-oriented individuals generally focus on:

how they can remedy the failure.

Researchers suggest that acts of kindness are just as likely to activate ___________in us as they are to activate ___________

indebtedness; gratitude

The consensus in humanistic thinking about the problem of evil is that evil

is not inherent in human nature

Helplessness is


Internalization of "good and bad" and "right and wrong" learned from our parents

moves the person away from the organismic valuation process

Which of the following is key to developing competent self-regulation?

observation and imitation of an expert model

In the radish study (Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Muraven, & Tice, 1998), participants in the experimental group were assigned the high self-control task of eating radishes (and resisting the chocolate chip cookies), while participants in the control group were assigned the no-self-control task of eating the chocolate chip cookies. Participants were then asked to complete a series of impossible-to-solve geometry problems. The results showed that:

on average, participants who ate the chocolate chip cookies persisted in solving the geometry problems for longer periods of time

A(n) _______ is the personal tendency to explain why bad events happen to the self by using attributions that are unstable and controllable.

optimistic explanatory style

People high in the dispositional need for achievement tend to adopt ______________, whereas people high in the dispositional fear of failure tend to adopt ________________.

performance-approace, performance-avoidance

The following statement expresses a _______ goal orientation, "My goal in this class is to get a better grade than most of the other students."


All other things being equal, the person who adopts a ________ goal orientation is relatively more likely to suffer a low sense of personal control, low vitality, and low life satisfaction


Having the benefit of a tutor or coach who models how to do do things such as setting goals, developing strategies, formulating implementation intention, monitoring performance, and evaluating how well one is doing is a description of:


De Hooge and colleagues suggest that the functional purpose of ___________ is to motivate behaviors that will restore a positive view of the self that has just been threatened or challenged by one's own moral violation or display of incompetence


Compared to people in a neutral or negative mood, people under the influence of positive affect are significantly more likely to:

solve problems in a creative way

The more people strive for validation, the more likely they are to

suffer high anxiety during social interaction

Compared to people who pursue inner guides such as self-actualization, people who devote their lives to the pursuit of the American dream (money, fame, popularity):

suffer more psychological distress

The finding that heart rate and skin temperature increase for one emotion (e.g., anger) but change very little for other emotions (e.g., disgust) is an important finding because it ____ of emotion.

supports the James-Lange theory

Cognitive emotion theorists most endorse the position that

the appraisal, not the stimulus event itself, causes emotion

According to Baumeister and colleagues, self-control depletes essential brain fuel. Besides not consuming sugar-rich foods, how else might someone exert effective self-control according to the text?

through practice

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