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You own a turkey feeding operation. Which of the following is likely your largest expense category?


BLANK in the gut occurs as a result of symbiosis.


Pepsinogen activation occurs in:

gastric pits

This organ is used mostly for particle size reduction:


What is the main cellular source of energy in a pig fed a corn and soybean meal diet?


When blood glucose concentration drops overnight, _______ is released to maintain homeostasis.


Which of the following is a catabolic process? - gluconeogenesis - lipogenesis - glycolysis - glycogen synthesis


What hormone is particularly effective at directing nutrients to support muscle growth?

growth hormone

This type of animal is best designed to capture the most value out of a diet containing a mix of grains and fiber:

hind-gut fermenter

Look at the diagram of the gastrointestinal tract at right. If this had been dissected from a newly discovered species, what class would you assign this species to?

hindgut fermenter

Which of the following is a positive aspect of a high-quality nutrition study?

including a placebo group

Papillae in the rumen function much like:

intestinal villi

A horse consuming only grass would absorb most of its calories through the

large intestine

In a human, some fiber digestion occurs in the _____________.

large intestine

Enterocytes form chylomicrons after absorption of:


The venous blood leaving the gut travels next to the:


bile is produced by the


Lacteals transport lipids into the:

lymphatic system

What is the primary role of the gall bladder?

release of an emulsifier

For nutrients that are difficult to digest, greater ___________ allows for more complete digestion

retention time

Which of the following is important for solubilizing nutrients in most birds? - the beak - molars - the crop - the liver

the crop

Which of the following holds the most acidic contents?

the pig stomach

Why are there buffers in ruminant saliva

they prevent rumen microbes from killing themselves with acid

Peristalsis is a key mechanism for:


Saliva plays an important role in:


BLANK are produced in the absence of oxygen.

volatile fatty acids

Fermentation in the rumen generates:

volatile fatty acids

Which of the following observations is a sign that digestible nutrients are not being absorbed?


Last week your hens started laying eggs, which is very exciting. Is there anything you need to consider about their nutrition now compared to before laying eggs?

Yes, the requirements of several specific nutrients will be much greater due to egg production

Last Saturday you got up after a short night and greedily ate 3 pieces of pizza that your roommate had left sitting on the coffee table for 3 days. Unfortunately, you then spent most of the day vomiting. Yesterday, your friends went out for pizza and you didn't have the slightest interest in your favorite food. You are probably experiencing:

a learned aversion

Which of the following is not a nutrient? a. Calcium b. Carbon dioxide c. Glucose d. Fat e. Water

carbon dioxide

Which species below has the greatest total mass globally (adding up all individuals around the world)?


You would find the greatest concentration of anaerobic bacteria in the ________ of a pig.


In your excitement about your new business, you decide to talk to your banker about expanding your operation to 1,000 backyard hens. In response, he asks for a budget for your business. You know that feed is costing you $0.15 per hen per day. Based on what you know, what are your total costs per hen per day likely to be?


Which of the following feed:gain ratios represents the best feed efficiency for a poultry operation (while still being plausible)?


You have a group of 10 growing pigs, which gained an average of 60 pounds each over 30 days. The average daily gain of this group is:

2 lb

Your backyard pig doesn't seem to be growing very fast, and you are wondering if it's because the carrots you've been feeding him are not very digestible. You clean up his pen real nice and then carefully weigh out his feed and feces for 3 days. Using the data you recorded below, determine the % dry matter digestibility of this pig's diet. Amount of feed per day: 6 pounds Dry matter % of feed: 25% Amount of feces per day: 5 pounds Dry matter % of feces: 20%


If feed efficiency is defined as feed consumed divided by weight gained, what was the feed efficiency in this scenario: A pig consumed 1 pound of dry feed per day for 21 days, and gained 7 pounds.


After taking ASI 318, you learned that grinding grain can improve starch digestibility. You feed your pet a nicely-ground corn meal that should provide 90% starch digestibility. If you gerbil consumes 100 grams of starch per day from this meal, approximately how much glucose do you expect her to absorb?

90 grams

The ruminant ____________ is very similar to the monogastric stomach.


One beneficial role of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is to:

Activate a zymogen

Which of the following is an example of metabolism helping an animal to survive? a. A cow - which only has forage to eat - producing glucose internally b. A bear storing lots of body fat prior to hibernation c. A bird tearing apart muscle tissue for energy and water while migrating across the ocean d. A dog synthesizing an amino acid that it is in short supply, so it can continue producing proteins e. All of the above

All of the above

Read the testimonial below in your best (internal) Austrian accent, then select the most accurate statement. "Before I started eating lots of meat, I was a flabby little wimp. Look what becoming a carnivore did for me!"

An anecdote from a single person tells us little about typical responses to a particular diet

____________ are the most abundant organisms living in the gut


Your pet dog is massively obese, and unfortunately is suffering from liver disease. Which of the following physiological functions might be failing as a result of this liver problem?

Clearance of drugs and toxins

Sadly, this morning you woke up to find one of your beloved hens had gone to the great roost in the sky. [brief moment of silence] Trying to hold back tears, you call your vet and she suggests that maybe the problem was ileitis. To investigate this possibility, your cut open the dead hen and assess the ___________.

Distal small intestine

In a newborn ruminant, milk is:

Diverted into the abomasum for digestion

The fundic region of the stomach is where ______________ occurs.

Enzyme secretion

Solubilizing nutrients in the gut is important because:

Enzymes primarily act on dissolved nutrients

Why do some animals consume their own feces?

For access to vitamins made by microbes in the large intestine

The __________ isn't much more than a fancy storage sack

Gall bladder

A survey recently conducted by a practice of 19 veterinary cardiologists showed that out of 150 recent cases of canine dilated cardiomyopathy (a form of heart disease), most of the dogs were eating grain-free diets. Which of the following newspaper headlines would most accurately reflect these findings?

Grain-free diets common among dogs with heart disease, new study says

Where could you find a lacteal?

In the middle of an intestinal villus

What makes peer-reviewed scientific articles especially valuable in evaluating evidence about a question?

Independent scientists with expertise on the topic assessed the work and determined the paper to be worth publishing

Which of the following countries has the most people who make a living raising livestock?


If an animal were really, really dehydrated but had unlimited access to dry food, it may not be able to produce much saliva or other liquids to secrete into the gastrointestinal tract during and after a meal. What problem might this cause?

It would be difficult for enzymes to interact with most of the nutrients in the food

Propionate is uniquely important to a ruminant because:

It's the main substrate for gluconeogenesis

In a pig, most calories are absorbed through the


If the tissue in the omasum were shaped more like the inside of the abomasum

Large feed particles would flow into the abomasum

In a horse, where are the end-products of fermentation absorbed?

Large intestine

You are studying the anatomy of the mouse. You have a fluorescent dye that can be absorbed in the gut and then tracked as it travels through the blood vessels. What does the fluorescent image of the blood vessels leaving the gut look like?

Like a branched tree leading to the liver

You quickly notice that your hens are going around their pen snapping up and swallowing little stones! What should you do about this?

Nothing - this is a normal and potentially useful thing

Molars are primarily used for

Particle size reduction

A ________ would recover more useable calories from 100 grams of corn than the other species listed.

Pig (monogastric)

Which of the following "meals" would result in the most bile release (assume similar total volume consumed)? - pasta 80% carbs - steak 80% protein - salad 80% fiber - cheese plate 50% fat - coffee 90% water

cheese plate; 50% fat

Late one night you hear a lot of noise coming from the hen house area. You shine a flashlight back there, but it's hard to see. As you peer through the gloom worried about whether a wild animal has gotten in, you should be most concerned about anatomical features related to _____________.


If the following animals were stranded on islands where grass is the only feed resource available, which would be most likely to survive? Let's be clear - they are each stranded on their own island, not all together...


Read the summary below. What description would fit this type of research?

Randomized controlled study

A bat use echolocation for


Of the functions of the digestive system listed below, which one happens first?


Which of the following statements about enzymes is true

Some enzymes must be activated after their release by a cell

What is the transport mechanism for triglycerides to travel through the bloodstream?

They are carried by lipoproteins

Which of the following hormones is most likely to be involved in adaptation to cold winter weather?

Thyroxin (T3)

The esophagus is involved in


Measurement of starch digestibility in a dog does NOT require: - measurement of starch intake -urine collection - analysis of fecal samples - measurement of total fecal output

Urine collection

The least important component of nutrient digestion is:

acid hydrolysis

When a nutrient is absorbed only in conjunction with influx of sodium (which was pumped out before), this is an example of:

active transport

This tissue is typically the last one to finish being deposited during growth:


Nutrient requirements are impacted by: - growth - egg laying - exercise - pregnancy - all of the above

all of the above

Saliva in ruminants can provide ___________ to keep microbes growing. - buffers - nitrogen - phosphorus - water - all of the above

all of the above

The environmental impact of animal agriculture - has decreased per unit of food produced over recent decades - includes land use, nutrients released into water and air - may grow due to increased global animal-source food demand over coming decades - is influenced by the precision of diet formulation - all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is used for prehension? - horse's lips - an elephant's trunk - a racoon's claws - a pig's tongue - all of the above

all of the above

which of the following organs produces digestive enzymes in the pig? - stomach - salivary glands - jejunum - pancreas - all of the above

all of the above

Mucus is secreted by: -salivary glands -cells in th stomach -cells in the large intestine -cells in the small intestine -all of the above

all of the above.

An equine researcher decides to conduct a survey to see if horses that are regularly fed apples are healthier or not. Which of the following issues needs to be considered to make this a valid study? a. The measure(s) of health need to be clearly defined b. Are other diet components different between apple-fed and non-apple-fed horses? c. Are there differences in the environment of apple-fed and non-apple-fed horses, perhaps due to owner characteristics? d. Are there differences in the vaccination status of apple-fed and non-applefed horses, perhaps due to owner characteristics? e. All of the above

all the above

which of the following NOT an essential nutrient? - a mineral that is needed in the diet for bone health but does not provide energy. - water - a fatty acid that is only needed in the diet for reproduction - an amino acid that improves growth if in the diet, but can harm health if it is overfed. - all the above

all the above

Animals are usually in a/an __________ state for a few hours after a meal.


The liver is most critical for


Your friend arranges a controlled nutrition study. She has half of her friends consume only Varsity Donuts for a week, and the other half consumes only Cheerios. At the end of the week, a questionnaire shows that the ladies who ate Cheerios felt better (more energy, less discomfort) than the other group. From this study, one can conclude:

nothing useful can be concluded

One role of the ___________ is to retain large particles in the rumen until they are sufficiently digested.


This organ produces a lot of the enzymes needed for digestion in the gut lumen:


You read an advertisement in the Collegian asking for volunteers to complete a survey about eating habits. You can earn $20 for your time, but you have to agree to follow up with the researchers annually for the next decade to answer questions about health and diet. Right away you understand that this is a:

prospective epidemiological study

This species would absorb the most nutrients through the cecum:


This type of animal absorbs most of its calories through the stomach:


Illness following ingestion of a certain feed/food can influence ___________ in the future.


Fiber can be digested by enzymes made by:

some anaerobic bacteria

What animal is most likely to be fed an ionophore to improve its efficiency?


Among the portions of the pig gastrointestinal tract below, which portion would have the lowest pH (in the lumen)?


which of the following is an example of an anabolic process: a. Fermentation of fiber by bacteria b. Digestion of feed compounds c. Release of stored body fat d. Synthesis of new muscle protein

synthesis of new protein

You are a scientist evaluating recent claims that taurine is an essential nutrient for people. However, in one experiment you find that consuming very large quantities of taurine causes peoples' hair to fall out. This leads to the conclusion that:

taurine has toxic effects at high doses

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AH I PrepU - Chapter 11: Older Adult

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