plain whorl
has two deltas and at least one ridge that makes a complete circuit, which may be spiral, oval, circular, or any variant of a circle. An imaginary line drawn between the two deltas must touch or cross at least one of the recurving ridges within the inner pattern area. BULLSEYE
tented arch
a fingerprint pattern in which the ridges enter on one side of the impression and flow or tend to flow out the other side with a rise or wave in the center and also have a spike in the center; no deltas
plain arch
a fingerprint pattern in which the ridges enter on one side of the impression and flow or tend to flow out the other side with a rise or wave in the center; no deltas
left slope loop
a loop fingerprint pattern which enters and exits on the left side of the fingerprint; one delta
right slope loop
a loop fingerprint pattern which enters and exits on the right side of the fingerprint; one delta
accidental whorl
a pattern consisting of a combination of two different pattern types with two or more deltas; or a pattern which is a combination of two or more different fingerprint types; or a pattern which conforms to none of the definitions.
central pocket loop whorl
has two deltas and at least one ridge that makes a complete circuit, which may be spiral, oval, circular, or any variant of a circle or an obstruction at a right angle to the line of flow. An imaginary line drawn between the two deltas must NOT touch or cross any recurving ridges within the inner pattern area.
double loop whorl
whorl that has two loops combined in the same pattern, usually opening in opposite directions; two deltas