Fire Officer

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"___ work environment" is defined as subjecting an employee to discrimination.

"Hostile Work Environment"

RECEO VS: Salvage Salvage Includes: (List 2) The operation can be placed wherever appropriate in a particular situation. Involves placing salvage covers over property to protect it during overhaul.

-Protecting or removing property that could be damaged by the fire, smoke, water, or firefighting operations -Securing the building and protecting it from weather

Although technology has advanced, communication skills are important. A FO must be able to process several types of information to supervise and support company members. Communication skills are required to:

-Provide direction to the crew members -Review new policies and procedures -Exchange information -Work with citizens -Conduct tours -Release public information -Prepare reports

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 brought about promotional examinations. The act:

-Provided a model for the civil service systems that were developed by many states and cities in subsequent years -Replaced the spoils system with a system of merit selection and promotion -Established promotional examinations for fire officer positions, based on testing for specific knowledge and skills.

Overhaul tasks include:

-Pulling ceilings/walls -removing door and floor trim -checking the attic and basement -checking floors -removing or wetting burned material

Evaluation Errors: Personal Bias An evaluation error that occurs when the evaluator's perspective skews the evaluation. The FO must not allow an evaluation to be slanted by factors such as: (List 5) This is the are most likely to be referenced when an employee files hostile workplace or discrimination charges.

-Race -Religion -Gender -Disability -Age

Information that should be included in a preliminary investigation document: (list 6)

-Receipt of the alarm -response to the incident -accessibility at the scene -fire suppression -civilian contacts -scene integrity

Critical Decision Making Emergency scenes demand rapid decision making by the crew leader. FOs and military combat officers use a similar decision-making process. Two decision-making models:

-Recognition-primed decision making (RPD) describes how commanders can recognize a plausible plan of action -Naturalistic decision making describes how commanders make decisions in their natural environment.

A key component of leading is the ability to motivate. Five overriding principles apply:

-Recognize individual differences -use goals -ensure goals are perceived as attainable -individualize rewards -check for system equality

Administrative Duties of Fire Officer I (List 5)

-Record Keeping -Managing projects -Preparing budget requests -Initiating and completing station maintenance requisitions -Conducting preliminary accident investigations

Lower Revenue Options: Reduce the Workforce Sometimes called ____. Fire departments try to protect staffing on emergency response vehicles by reducing the positions in administrative and support areas. This approach has limited effectiveness because these personnel represent only a small proportion of the workforce, and because they perform important tasks that support the emergency responders. Options include:

-Reduce their workforce -maintaining the same number of companies but reducing the staffing per vehicle -limiting the number of units in service -Temporarily closing fire companies for one day or work shift at a time, reassigning the on-duty fire fighters to fill vacancies in other fire stations.

Physical Fitness Tips The NFFF summarizes the importance of physical fitness with the following recommendations that support fire fighter maintenance: (list 3)

-Regular medical check-ups: Yes, they can be a pain, but if you do not do it for you, do it for those who need you. -Regular exercise: Even walking makes a big difference! Walk a mile a day and watch the changes. -Eat healthy: Think about what you are eating, and then picture operating interior at a working fire 30 minutes later. Now, what do you want to eat?

Theories of Motivation: (list 5)

-Reinforcement Theory -Motivation-Hygiene Theory -Goal-Setting Theory -Equity Theory -Expectancy Theory

Regarding promotion The suggested method for handling promotional in-baskets includes:

-Review -Prioritize -Identify resources/options/alternatives -Follow up -Make notificiations

Fire Fighter Survivability inside Structure Fires (continued) The ROE integrate the fire fighter into the risk assessment decision-making progress. The development of the ROE integrates several nationally recognized programs and principles, including:

-Risk assessment principles from NFPA 1500 and NFPA 1561 -concepts and principles from crew resource management -data and lessons learned from the National Near-Miss Reporting System, National Fallen Firefighters Foundation's 16 Life Safety, and fire fighter fatality investigation reports from NIOSH

Most FO leadership activity is directed toward ___ situations. This includes being well prepared to perform in ___ situations. Effective FOs use a participative form of leadership. The officer must have discretion regarding when, how, and by whom assignments are carried out.

-Routine -emergency

Violations are classified as: (list 2)

-Routine (Includes failure to use safety equipment, follow a recommended tactile best practice, and failure to follow recommended cerebral best practices) -Exceptional violations include not being qualified to perform an action.

CERT Course Schedule: Session 2, Fire Safety and Utility Control Briefly covers fire chemistry, hazardous materials, fire hazards, and fire suppression strategies The thrust of this session is:

-Safe use of fire extinguishers -Size-up of the situation -Control of utilities -Extinguishment of a small fire

Students must meet prerequisites from the following sections of NFPA 1001, in order to participate in any live fire evolutions:

-Safety -Fire behavior -Portable extinguishers -PPE -Ladders -Fire hose, appliance, and streams -Overhaul -Water supply -Ventilation -Forcible Entry -Building Construction

Human resources management is built from two schools of thought:

-Scientific Management -Humanistic Management

The FO conducts regular evaluations of fire fighter performance. The evaluation process helps the fire fighter: (list 3) Many career fire departments require an annual performance evaluation. In volunteer departments, the procedure may be less structured, but is otherwise equivalent.

-Set goals for professional development -Set goals for performance improvement -Create the motivation to perform at the highest possible level

Regarding Promotion Preparation A personal study journal can be used to: (List 3) Sections Include: (List 4)

-Set up a personal study schedule -Track Progress -Make Notes -Information about the exam -Calendar -Written reference materials -Information about the announced or anticipated components of the promotional examination

The Communication Cycle: Medium (With Noise) The method used to convey the information from the sender to the receiver. Can consist of: (List 5) The sender should consider the circumstances, the nature of the message, and the available methods before choosing a particular medium. The medium influences the importance attached to the message.

-Spoken words -written words -pictures -symbols -gestures

High-Rise Considerations Fires in high-rises requires more fire fighters and an expanded ICS. The incident is divided into manageable units: (list 5)

-Staging area supervisor -Service branch director -Support branch director -Lobby control officer -Stairwell support group

Effective Communication Skill Basics: Ensure Accuracy Stay current on: If a fire fighter is misinterpreting a factual point or a departmental policy, you are obligated to clarify or correct the information. Obtain the accurate information from a chief officer or headquarters staff and correct the misunderstanding. Fire station discussions can encroach on subjects that are intensely personal and can quickly escalate into confrontations. Establish ground rules about the topics and level of intensity when discussing issues. Rumor control is useful in deescalating the spread of inaccurate information.

-Standard operating guidelines -Policies -Practices -Personnel regulations -The approved fire department budget -The current union contract, if applicable

Fire Fighter Rehabilitation The NFFF summarizes incident scene rehabilitation with the following items that support the fire fighter rehabilitation guidelines: (list 6)

-Stop before you drop. -Cool down when hot. -Warm up when cold. -Dry off when wet. -Stay hydrated with noncaffeinated drinks -Monitor vital signs.

Managing Incidents: Levels of Command The ICS includes 3 levels of command, with a set of responsibilities being assigned to each level: At small-scale incidents, or in the early stages of a larger incident, one company officer may cover all three levels simultaneously. When the incident expands, the management responsibilities are subdivided. A FO may have a role at any level.

-Strategic Level -Tactical Level -Task Level

Publishing the Plan The plan document is published in six parts: The emergency operations/response plan assigns responsibilities for carrying out specific actions in an emergency. This plan should link with the FD incident action plan and be consistent with NFPA ___.

-Strategic Plan -Emergency Operations/Response Plan -Prevention Plan -Mitigation Plan -Recovery Plan -Continuity Plan NFPA 1561, Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System

Regarding promoting Functions of a narrative job description:

-Summarizes the scope of the job -Provides examples of the typical tasks a person holding that position is expected to perform -Lists the KSAs needed at the time of appointment -Lists any special requirements

Requirements of the Fire Officer I (List 3):

-Supervises a single fire suppression unit or small administrative group -Must be able to prioritize multiple demands -delegates tasks to subordinates

Engaging The Community Through Social Media In The Path Forward, the American Red Cross presented research at the 2010 Emergency Social Data Summit showing that nearly half of respondents affected by a disaster asked for help on social media and 75 percent expected help to arrive within the hour. A key to successful fire department use of social media is establishing the public's trust. Outward social media efforts provide the public with timely awareness of: (list 4) Outward Social Media Can: (list 3)

-Active emergency incidents that may affect traffic or their neighborhood -Alerts regarding impending natural or human-made significant events -Emergency directions during a major weather event -Emergency communications during a disaster -Supplement traditional fire prevention and injury prevention campaigns -Increase awareness of fire department community activities -Provide a constantly updated digital presence

HFACS Level 2: Preconditions to Unsafe Acts Analyzes substandard conditions and practices of the individuals involved in the incident. Substandard conditions include factors contributing to: (list 3) Substandard practices include failure to use elements of crew resource management and personal readiness.

-Adverse mental states -Psychological states -Physical limitations

Most structure fire responses address relatively minor situations, such as activated fire alarms and fires that involve less than a room and contents. To prepare the fire company for larger first and critical situations, each response should require the same consistent approach. Following are some possible examples of response actions:

-All crew members don their PPE, sit down, and fasten their seat belts before the apparatus moves, and they remain seated and belted as long as the apparatus is moving. -The first-arriving engine company always establishes a water supply -The first-arriving ladder company positions and prepares to deploy the aerial apparatus. -Crews entering the building wear full protective gear, including SCBA, carry their tools; and perform their assignments for a working fire.

Situational Awareness: Be aware of situational loss factors. The following loss factors must be taken into account:

-Ambiguity -Distraction -Fixation -Overload -Complacency -Improper Procedure -Unresolved Discrepancy -Nobody Fighting the Fire

Michigan v Clifford (1984) continued The court held the following:

-As fire fighters remove rubble or search other areas where the cause of a fire is likely to be found, an object that comes into view during such process may be preserved. -Once the investigator has determined where the fire started, the scope of the search authority is limited to that area. -After the cause and the origin have both been determined, a search warrant or consent is required for any further search

Emergency Communications The direct approach in emergency communications requires: (list 3) Key points for emergency communications include the following:

-Asking precise questions -providing timely and accurate information -giving clear and specific orders -be direct -speak clearly -use a normal tone of voice -hold the radio about 2 inches from your mouth -for a repeater system, allow for a time delay after keying the microphone. Use plain english, use common terminology, and avoid being near other noise sources

Five steps for developing a training program:

-Assess Needs -Establish Objectives -Develop the Training Program -Deliver the Training -Evaluate the Impact

Leadership Styles: (List 3)

-Autocratic -Democratic -Laissez-Faire

Error Management Model CRM is an error management model with three activities:

-Avoidance (Provides the greatest opportunity for trapping and preventing errors from becoming a catastrophe) -Entrapment -Mitigating Consequences

Qualifications to NFPA 1521, the incident safety officer must: (list 3) General knowledge requirements include: (list 4)

-Be a fire department officer -Meet the requirements for Fire Officer I -Be qualified to function in a sector officer position -Safety and health hazards involved -Building construction -Personnel accountability systems -Incident scene rehabilitation

The FO should be prepared to act as a spokesperson for the FD. The NFPA provides guidelines for the FO conducting an interview with the media: (list 4)

-Be prepared -stay in control -look and act the part -It's not over until it's over

Training to become a managing fire officer includes:

-Becoming an NFPA FO II -Completing the National Fire Academy Leadership Development and Initial Company Operations series -Training for Unified Command, Public Information Officer, NFPA Investigator, and Fire and Life Safety Educator I -Lower-level college courses -2 to 4 years as a supervising FO -Functioning as acting officer for multicompany operations -Delivering appraisals and discipline -Participating in development of local emergency plans

Benchmarks for checking air supply include:

-Before Entry -After going up or down stairs -Before entering and searching a room -After exiting a room -After going down a hallway or aisle -Before and after doing a demanding task

Expectancy Theory of Motivation People act in a manner they believe will lead to an outcome they value. The FO must address employees: (list 3)

-Belief that their effort will achieve the goal -Belief that meeting the goal will generate the reward -Desire for the reward

Regarding Expectancy Theory The FO must address employees: (list 3)

-Belief that their effort will achieve the goal -Belief that meeting the goal will generate the reward -Desire for the reward

Leadership attributes are based on: (List 6)

-Beliefs -Values -Ethics -Character -Knowledge -Skills

Four-Step Method of Training: Preparation Components of a lesson plan: (list 3)

-Break the topics down into simple units -Show what to teach, in which order to teach it, and exactly which procedures to follow. -Use a guide to help accomplish the teaching objective.

The NFPA provides a "Get Your Message Out" media primer to help the fire service publicize community outreach campaigns and other events associated with public safety education. Recommends three steps when working with the media:

-Build a strong foundation -Use a proactive outreach -Use measured responsiveness

Special Extinguishing Systems There are four types of special extinguishing systems that may be used in various structures. Code compliance inspection looks for physical damage, confirms that safety seals are intact, and verifies the documentation for required inspection, testing, and maintenance.

-Carbon Dioxide -Dry or Wet Chemical -Halon -Foam Systems

Training vs Education The National Professional Development Matrix focuses on:

-Career enhancement for emergency responders -Professional development discussions -Succession Planning -National professional development standards recommendations

Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint: Do Not Blame The Person Filing The Complaint ___ and ____ dictate that it is the complaintant who determines whether the situation is hostile or is harassment.

-Case Law and Current Practice

Understanding Fire Codes FOs perform inspections to enforce fire codes. Fire codes are often adopted or changed in reaction to a disaster, known as the _____. The ___ is responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard. A fire code is usually enforced through ___ inspections. Many code requirements can be traced back to historical disasters.

-Catastrophic Theory of Reform -authority having jurisdiction -code compliance inspections

Conducting the Inspection: (list 4)

-Circle the Property -Meet with the Representative -Inspect the building from the outside in, bottom to top -Conduct an exit interview

During a critical situation, the FO must maintain company and group integrity. After every incident, briefly review the event in order to: (List 4)

-Clarify issues -Answer questions -Reinforce good practices -Identify any unacceptable performance

Standpipes are subdivided into 3 classes based on their expected use:

-Class I -Class II -Class III

Regarding Diversity A consent decree can require a variety of activities, including:

-Community Outreach -Job Fairs -Pre-Employment Preparation -Peer Group Coaching

Regarding Postexamination Promotional Considerations Each jurisdiction has a promotional process that evolved as a result of:

-Community needs -consent decrees -lawsuit settlements -arbitration decisions -grievance settlements -labor contracts -memoranda of understanding

High-Risk Considerations Recommended practices for high-rise buildings include the following: (List 4)

-Comply with the organization's SOPs -Consider bringing the big attack line first -Beware of weather conditions -Assemble an adequate crew

After-incident duties of Fire Officer I (List 3)

-Conducting a preliminary investigation to determine the origin and cause -Securing the scene to preserve evidence -Conducting a postincident analysis

Includes making decisions and modeling behavior consistent with the department's: (List 3)

-Core Values -Mission Statement -Value Statements

Negative Discipline: Correcting Unacceptable Behavior Negative discipline discourages unacceptable behavior. Typical steps progressive negative discipline: (list 5)

-Counseling the fire fighter -Verbally reprimanding the fire fighter -Issuing a written reprimand -Suspending the fire fighter from work -Terminating the fire fighter

Engaging the Community Through Social Media Best Practice examples include: (list 8)

-Crowdsourcing for creative problem solving -Online collaboration and multimedia information sharing -Developing creative and engaging content -Relationship building and community partnerships -Volunteer networks Text campaigns -Incentification (causing someone to be excited about what you are offering) -Gamification (use of game-oriented thinking and game mechanics to engage users and solve problems)

When faced with declining revenues, fire departments have to make difficult choices. Five lower revenue options:

-Defer scheduled expenditures -Privatize or contract out elements of the service provided -Regionalize or consolidate services -Reduce the workforce -Reduce the size of the fire department

Three types of Evidence:

-Demonstrative Evidence -Documentary Evidence -Testimonial Evidence

State Fire Codes State Fire Marshals may work in:

-Department of Insurance -Department of Public Safety -A separate government department -Regulatory agency -State police -Cabinet-level office -State Fire Commission

Fire officer as a Commander A fire officer who is going to establish command should have:

-Detailed knowledge of responding companies -Mastery of local procedures -Ability to issue clear direct orders

You have a special responsibility when starting the evaluation process with a probationary fire fighter, including: (List 2)

-Determining skills, knowledge, aptitudes, strengths, and weaknesses -Setting expectations

Regarding promotion for managing fire officer The second-level supervisor might also be expected to:

-Develop a fire fighter's work improvement plan -Prepare a budget proposal -Evaluate fire company performance -Develop a department-wide training plan

Budgeting: Navigating the Budgetary Process: A Case Study Using the example of a FD preparing a budget so that it can get funding from a private corporation to establish a ___ program, here's the budgetary process: (six steps)

-Developing a budget proposal -Overview of Fire Ground Location Program (FGL) -FGL annual personnel and operating expenditures -FGL capital budget -Ask for everything you need -Cost recovery and reduction

The fire officer is responsible for the skill, confidence, and competence of the fire fighters under his or her command. Three recommendations to assist fire officers in training include:

-Developing a personal library -knowing the neighborhood -using problem-solving scenarios

Nonemergency duties of Fire Officer I (List 4)

-Developing preincident plans -providing company-level training -delivering public education programs -responding to community inquiries

Goal-Setting Theory of Motivation Relies on competitiveness of people. The key to motivation is setting specific goals to improve performance. Goals must be: (List 4)

-Difficult, but attainable -Clear -Specific -Measurable

Budgetary Process: FGL annual personnel and operating expenditures a. Personnel expenses -The FGL will have a captain, 3 lieutenants, and 4 technicians -Personnel cost is described in two areas: b. Operating expenses -The cost of operating the FGL unit entails 3 general areas:

-Direct salary for each position -Fringe positions -Vehicle Cost -Officer Operations (Including rent, telecommunication charges, and equipment maintenance) -Personnel Training

Above Battalion chiefs in the fire department hierarchy are.... Officers at these levels are usually in charge of major functional areas, such as...

-Divisions Chiefs -Deputy Chiefs -And/Or Assistant Chiefs -training -emergency operations -support services -fire prevention within the department

Effective Communication Skill Basics: Listen Actively Listening must be continually practiced to maintain proficiency. Listening is an active process that requires good eye contact, alert body posture, and frequent use of verbal engagement. Tips for improving your listening skills include the following:

-Do not assume and do not anticipate what someone will say. -Do not interrupt. -Try to understand the need. Often, the initial complaint or problem is a symptom of the real underlying issue. -Look for the real reason the person wants your attention. -Do not react too quickly. Try not to jump to conclusions. -Avoid becoming upset if the situation is poorly explained or if an inappropriate word is used. The goal is to understand the other person's viewpoint.

The FO faces two unique challenges: -The fire station as a work location -Leading a voluntary fire company Fire fighters think of the station as a "home away from home". This view promotes bonding but can produce various productivity problems. The FO must maintain order. 2 general rules for nonemergency activities are:

-Do not compromise the fire company's ability to respond to emergencies in its district. -Do not jeopardize the public's trust in the fire department.

Humanistic Management Scientific management considered people as cogs in a production line. Humanistic Management shifted the focus to pay attention to workers. Studies revealed the Hawthorne effect where the people being studied improved their performance because of the attention they received. Two important theorists for humanistic management are:

-Douglas McGregor -Abraham H. Maslow

The Fire Station as a Business Work Location The fire officer can help maintain an appropriate work environment by encouraging and enforcing acceptable behavior whenever fire fighters are on duty by: (List 3)

-Educating employees on workplace rules and regulations -Promoting the use of "on-duty speech" -Being the designated adult.

CPSE Designations Successful candidates have met requirements for:

-Education, certification, and training -Professional contributions -Professional affiliation -Community Involvement

Arson Motivation: Profit Verify the insurance coverage amounts and look for recent changes in the policy. Other example of arson for profit include:

-Elaborate schemes to manipulate supply and demand for products by destroying inventory or manufacturing facilities to cause a shortage and drive up prices -Extortion -Elimination of competition -Vacant building being burned to save the cost of their demolition

Fire Officer's Tasks: The Beginning of Shift Report The format may be: (list 3)

-Electronic -Paper -Verbal

The Fire Officer's Role in Workplace Diversity Actionable Items: (List 2)

-Employee behaviors that require immediate corrective action -Failure to act is likely to create a liability and a loss for the department.

The Fire Officer's Role in Workplace Diversity Hostile Workplace/Sexual Harassment (list 2)

-Employers have a duty to maintain a harassment-free work environment -Sexual Harassment: Unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome attention and intimacy in a nonreciprocal relationship. -"Hostile Work Environment": Subjecting an employee to discrimination -Social media and 24-hour news can bring rapid attention to even minor incidents.

Conducting the Annual Evaluation: Establishing Annual Fire Fighter Goals The FO should require all fire fighters who have completed probation to identify three work-related goals they want to achieve during the next evaluation period. This provides focus beyond the minimum day-to-day activities and helps fire fighters prepare for future promotional examinations or assignments. Examples of individual fire fighter goals might include:

-Enrolling in and competing a building construction course at the local community college -Becoming qualified as an aerial operator -Learning how to use the computer-aided design software to develop tactical preincident plans

A typical volunteer duty night schedule includes:

-Equipment Check -Classroom session, skill drill, or community outreach activity -Cleaning

Positive Reinforcement is directed toward motivating individuals to meet or exceed expectations. The FO needs to: (list 2)

-Establish a set of expectations -Recognize improved performance and reward excellent performance

The Wager-Connery Act:

-Established the procedures that are commonly called collective bargaining -Forms the basis of formal labor relations in the U.S. -grants workers the right to decide, by majority vote, which organization will represent them at the labor-management bargaining table -requires management to bargain with duty elected union representatives and outlaws yellow dog contracts

The 2012 Department of Homeland Security report, First Responders Communities of Practice Virtual Social Media Working Group Social Media Strategy, made the following recommendations: (List 3)

-Establishing and maintaining brand standardization across all agency-related social media profiles is essential to awareness, recognition, and familiarity. -Developing a social media presence before the onset of a crisis or emergency event establishes a response agency as a credible and authoritative source. -Agencies should maintain both on- and offline communications, and ensure that all communications are consistent across all information channels.

A FO must handle emergencies effectively. The first arriving officer is responsible for:

-Establishing command of the incident -Providing direction to the rest of the responding units -Leadership responsibilities that relate to the communications center.

Accident Investigation and Documentation: Interview with Witnesses Interview witnesses, including all of the individuals directly or indirectly involved, as well as anyone who simply observed what happened. When interviewing a witness: (list 3) Determine what PPE was being worn, how it was being worn, and whether it performed as designed. Restate previous questions in a different order and from a different perspective to verify previous answers.

-Explain the rationale for the interview and note that this is a fact-finding process -Advise the person that it's okay not to know the answer to every question -Begin by asking the individual to give a verbal chronology of whatever occurred, being sure not to interrupt

Notifications Some information must be passed up the chain of command quickly: (List 3)

-Exposure Reports -Information the chief needs to know -Anything that someone at a higher level may call to inquire about.

Fire service incident management was once a local activity. Two programs provided the foundation for the National Incident Management System (NIMS):

-FIRESCOPE -The Fire Ground Commander (FGC)

In 1940, Chief Lloyd Layman authored Fundamentals of Fire Tactics, which used military training model with an emphasis on general principles. Layman presented a five-step process for analyzing emergency situations.

-Facts -Probabilities -Situation -Decision -Plan of Operation

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 This law states that it is illegal for an employer to:

-Fail or refuse to hire or discharge any individual, or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

Cultural Change Issues in Education According to the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), the fire service wishes to enhance its professional image with higher education. Possible pitfalls include:

-Failing to balance the values of classroom and experiential education. Mechanical and manual labor are still the necessary base skills for fire fighters. -The breakdown (real or perceived) of command and control, particularly in administrative issues, when this balance is not achieved. -Disenfranchising valuable and talented responders who don't have degrees -Failing to balance the desire to attract professionals with degrees with building professional opportunities for young people within the community.

Infrequent reports usually require a fire officer's personal attention to ensure that the report's information is complete and concise. Special reports include:

-Fire fighter injury report -Citizen complaint -Property damage or liability-event report -Vehicle accident report -New equipment or procedure evaluation -Suggestions to improve fire department operation -Response to a grievance or complaint -Fire fighter work improvement plan -Request for other agency services

Finding the Point of Origin The fire investigator usually starts in the area where the least amount of damage occurred. To find the point of origin, the investigator analyzes:

-Fire pattern left by the fire -observations of witnesses -the physics and chemistry of fire initiation, development, and growth -any location and circuit where electrical arcing has caused damage

Live Fire Training: Student Prerequisites In addition to prerequisite training, trainees must be equipped with: (list 3)

-Full Protective Clothing -Personal alert safety system (PASS) alarm device -SCBA

Budgeting: Expenditures The budget format should comply with the recommendations of the ___ Board.

-Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)

To make ethical choices and decisions: (List 6)

-Have a code of ethics -Select employees who share values -Ensure top management exhibits ethical behavior -Have clear job goals -Have performance appraisals -Implement an ethics training program

The key to improving ethical choices is to have clear organizational values. This can be accomplished by: (List 6)

-Having a code of ethics that is well known throughout the organization -Selecting employees who share the values of the organization -Ensuring that top management exhibits ethical behavior -Having clear job goals -Having performance appraisals that reward ethical behavior -Implementing an ethics training program

Training must anticipate: (List 3)

-High-Risk situations -urgent time frames -difficult circumstances

Documentation and Record Keeping Repositories include all of the official documents accumulated during employment, including the following items: Some departments maintain a second personnel file at fire headquarters that include:

-Hiring Packets (Application, Candidate Physical Aptitude Test score, and medical examination results) -Tax withholding, I-9 status, and insurance forms -Personnel actions (changes in rank and pay) -Evaluation Reports (Probationary, Annual, and Special) -Grievances -Formal Disciplines -letters of commendation -transfer requests -protective clothing record -work history -copies of certification -other fire department-specific information

Motivation-Hygiene Theory Breaks the motivational process into two parts:

-Hygiene Factors (Conditions that are external to the individual, such as pay and work conditions) -Motivation Factors (The individual's internally determined motivators, such as the desire for recognition, achievement, responsibility, and advancement)

Managing Incidents: Establishing Command The first FO to arrive assumes command. Command must be established and the ICS must be used at every event. The initial IC provides an initial radio report and announces that command has been established. This report should provide an accurate description of the situation for units that are still en route. It should also identify the actions that arriving units will take. The CO should include the following information:

-ID of the company or unit arriving on scene -a brief description of the incident situation -obvious conditions -brief description of the action to be taken -declaration of the strategy to be used (offensive or defensive) -any obvious safety concerns -assumption, identification, and location of command -request for additional resources (or release of resources), if required

Risk Management involves:

-Identification and analysis of exposure to hazards -Selection of appropriate risk management techniques -Implementation of chosen techniques -Monitoring of results

Elements of a radio report to Dispatch Center: (List 7)

-Identification of the arriving company -Brief description of the incident -Brief description of action to take -Declaration of the strategy to be followed -Any obvious safety concerns -Command identification and location -Request or release of resources

The content of the initial radio report needs to meet the department operating procedures. A FO must provide a calm and complete description of the situation on arrival. If a specific requirement for the initial communication has been established, a radio report should meet those criteria. Otherwise, the report should include:

-Identification of the company arriving at the scene -A brief description of the incident situation (This may include providing information about the building size, occupany, haz chemical release, or multiple vehicle accident) -Obvious conditions, such as a working fire, multiple victims, a hazardous materials spill, or a dangerous situation. -brief description of the action to be taken -declaration of strategy to be used: offensive or defensive -any obvious safety concerns -assumption, identification, and location of command

Regarding promotion for managing fire officer The supervisor should be able to: (List 2)

-Identify patterns -Determine the underlying causes for tardy reporting

Locally Developed Programs The five-step planning process can help local fire departments create and develop programs. This process was created by the USFA in the 1970s and updated by 2003 by FEMA. The five-step process:

-Identify the problem -Select the method -Design the program -Implement the program -Evaluate the Program

Five Step Planning Process: Evaluate the Program Two types of evaluation may be undertaken:

-Immediate Feedback -Long-term evaluation

All fire fighters, including volunteers, have benefited from IAFF efforts including: (list 5)

-Improved quality of protective clothing -Safety of firefighting equipment -content of training programs -advanced techniques of emergency incident operations -the process for handling a grievance

The types of problems you may encounter can be classified into four broad categories:

-In-House Issues -Internal Departmental Issues -External Issues -High-Profile Incidents

Arson Motivation: Profit Often, the plan behind arson committed for profit is to collect insurance money. Indicators of insurance fraud include:

-Inability to meet payments -failure to complete business contracts -poor sales volume -lack of supplies and inventory

HFACS Level 3: Unsafe Supervision Unsafe supervision is broken down into four categories: Level 3 is intended to examine the role (if any) of supervision in a near-miss event.

-Inadequate supervision -Allowing inappropriate operations -Failure to correct known problems -Supervisory violations

Negative Discipline: Correcting Unacceptable Behavior As the penalty increases, participation of higher-level supervisors is required. An example of how the negative discipline process might proceed includes:

-Informal Oral or Written Reprimand -Formal Written Reprimand -Suspension -Termination

Along with Yukl updating the French and Raven taxonomy, Yukl also provides two additional position-based power descriptions:

-Information Power (Control over information. Unlike Expert Power, Information power is based on the target person's assessment of the agent's ability to discover or obtain relevant information rapidly and efficiently, usually through a cultivated network of sources) -Ecological Power (Control over the physical environment, technology, or organization of work; and the target person's behavior is based on perceptions of opportunities and constraints)

Postincident Analysis as in MS The incident safety officer provides a written report that includes information relating to safety and health issues involved with the incident, including: (list 5)

-Information about the use of protective clothing and equipment -Personnel accountability system -Rapid intervention crews -Rehabilitation operations -Other issues that directly affect the safety and welfare of members at the incident scene

Regarding Training and Coaching: Ensure Competence and Confidence Many fire fighter tasks involve psychomotor skill sets, classified into four levels:

-Initial -Plateau -Latency -Mastery To bring FFs to the mastery level, you must work every day to reinforce skills.

Helmet Cams and On-The-Job Digital Images Digital technology provides an opportunity to provide a dramatic first-person perspective while a fire fighter is operating at a structure fire, vehicle crash extrication, or life-threatening medical emergency. Recordings also create a significant legal risk to the fire department. Posting such videos on social media could: (list 3) Deleting such recordings could be considered destruction of evidence. Utilizing images or logos that identify the department is prohibited when members post private pictures or videos on social media.

-Interfere with an arson investigation -Illegally identify a medical patient -Expose a crime victim Some departments now prohibit the use of any video recording device when responding to or operating at an incident.

Four-Step Method of Training: Presentation The presentation is the lecture or instructional portion of the training. The objective is to: (List 3)

-Introduce the subject matter -Explain the importance of the topic -Create an interest in the presentation

What are the third most common reasons for fire department responses? (List 3)

-Investigating an odor -a hazardous condition -other service call

Managing Incidents: Command Options The first-arriving company-level officer has three options when arriving at the incident and assuming command:

-Investigation Mode -Fast-Attack Mode -Command Mode

The NFFF summarizes the issue of vehicle safety by pointing out the following items that support the driver response plan:

-It's not a race. -Safe is more important than fast. -Stop at red lights and stop signs! No excuses! -If they do not get out of your way, do not run them over! Think and react carefully!

Every fire officer has a supervisor. Every fire officer has an obligation to work effectively with his or her supervisor by: (List 3)

-Keeping the supervisor informed -Making decisions appropriate for their level of responsibility -Consulting with a supervisor before making major disciplinary actions or policy changes.

There are four phases of volunteer participation:

-Large loss of applicants during training due to time commitment or physical limitations -Small loss during the probationary period -Moderate-to-High loss between the third and sixth years of membership -Recommitment between the 15th and 18th years of membership

A disciplinary suspension usually results from a willful violation of a policy or procedure or another specific act of misconduct. Suspended career fire fighters can be placed on ____ or even ___. Volunteer fire fighters are not allowed to respond to emergencies. Suspensions usually run for (How long?)

-Leave-without-Pay (LWOP) status for a specific period or even on restrictive duty. 1-30 days

French and Raven's power types include: (List 5)

-Legitimate Power -Reward Power -Expert Power -Referent Power -Coercive Power

Managing Incidents: Responsibilities of Command The IC is responsible for the management of all incident operations. This officer is responsible for the completion of 3 strategic priorities: The IC is also responsible for:

-Life Safety -Incident Stabilization -Property Conservation -building a command structure that matches the organizational needs of the incident -translating the strategic priorities into tactical objectives -assigning the resources that are required to perform the tactical assignments

A 24-hour typical fire station workday includes activities such as: (list 6)

-Line-up and equipment check -Cleaning -Physical Training -Productivity Activity -Study Time -Special Station Activity

Prohibited Live Fire Training Activities Activities that are absolutely prohibited during life fire training include: (List 3) They are prohibited because they at one point, someone either died or got hurt by practicing these.

-Live "victims" -Flammable or combustible liquids -More than one fire evolution in an acquired structure at a time.

A fire officer's supervisory activities are defined by: (list 3)

-Local Labor Contract -Municipality's personnel regulations -Fire department's rules, regulations, and procedures

Supervisory Duties of Fire Officer I (List 2)

-Making Work Assignments -Ensuring that health and safety procedures are followed

Regarding Postexamination Promotional Considerations Candidates must be: (List 2)

-Medically qualified -Free of active formal discipline. (Usually a time period must pass between a formal disciplinary action and considerations for an officer promotion)

The Fire Officer's Role in Workplace Diversity: Actionable Items In instances of actionable items you should:

-Meet with the employee privately -Provide the fire department's or municipality's equal employment opportunity/affirmative action (EEO/AA) policy statement -Maintain a formal or informal record of the counseling session -Ensure that a higher-level supervisor is informed of the action that has been taken if any doubt arises about the message being fully understood

Under Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), six regional organizations provide academic accreditation:

-Middle States Commission on Higher Education -New England Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Institutions of Higher Education -North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Higher Learning Commission -Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges -Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges -Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities

The point of origin can often be identified by fire patterns: (list 3)

-Movement Pattern -Intensity Pattern -Char

Reducing Deaths from Motor Vehicle Collisions Collisions account for the largest percentage of traumatic deaths. (List 5)

-NFPA's Firefighter Fatalities in the United States—2011 notes that the number of fire fighter deaths resulting from motor vehicle collisions averaged 15 per year over the past decade. -Volunteer fire fighters have an increased risk from motor vehicle collisions. -Almost 40 percent of the fire fighters died in their personal vehicles. -More than three-fourths of the fire fighters who died in these incidents weren't wearing a seat belt. -Excessive speed given the road conditions and operator error are frequently cited causes of these fatal collisions.

Rules of Engagement: Rule 11. Declare A Mayday As Soon As You Think You Are In Danger Objective: To ensure a mayday is declared as soon as a fire fighter thinks or she is in trouble. Fire Fighters should provide the IC with: (list 6)

-Name -Company -Location -Air Supply -Situation -Any other critical information

The first edition of NFPA 1561 was issued in 1990. Its improved national preparedness includes: (list 2)

-National Response Framework -NIMS

Use thermal imaging devices to: (list 5)

-Navigate -Locate victims -Evaluate fire conditions -Locate hazards -Find escape routes in smoke-filled buildings or total darkness

Michican v. Tyler (1978) continued The general provisions related to this process include:

-No search warrant is needed when fighting a fire or remaining on scene for a reasonable period of time to determine the cause of a fire, and any evidence is admissible under the plain view doctrine. -Administrative search warrants are needed for reentry that is not a continuation of a valid search when the purpose is to determine the cause of the fire. -A criminal search warrant is needed when reentry is not a continuation of a valid search and the purpose is to gain evidence for prosecution.

Collective bargaining is regulated by a complex system of federal and state legislation. Federal legislation establishes a basic framework that applies to all workers. The states have discretionary powers to adopt labor laws and regulations that don't violate the federal requirements. Four major federal laws establish the groundwork for collective bargaining:

-Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932 -Wagner-Connery Act of 1935 -Taft-Hartley Labor Act of 1947 -Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959

The Fire Officer as Trainer: Develop a Personal Library Start with a three-ring notebook with subject matter tabs, including: (List 3)

-Notes -Handouts -Product information sheets

Reducing Deaths from Motor Vehicle Collisions Prevention measures include: (list 4) Driver minimum qualifications are established in: (list 3) Only members who have completed a driver training program should operate apparatus. The FO is responsible for ensuring that drivers follow the rules of the road.

-Obeying traffic laws -Using seat belts -Driving sober -Controlling speed -NFPA 1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications -NFPA 1451, Standard for a Fire and Emergency Services Vehicle Operations Training Program -NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program

The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) is the largest fire service labor organization in the United States. Three original objectives:

-Obtain Pay Raises -Establish the two-platoon/12-hour workday -Ensure promotions are based on merit

Fire Officer's Tasks: The Beginning of Shift Report The report provides: (List 5) The ___ chief moves available staff to cover vacancies and any vacancies that remain have to be covered by fire fighters working overtime.

-On-duty staffing information -Sick Leave List -Identifications of positions that need to be filled for that shift -Location and condition of all of the apparatus or rolling stock -Any "must know" information that will require immediate attention

Residential Occupancy includes 5 subcategories:

-One- and two-family dwelling units -Lodging or rooming houses: Provide sleeping accommodations for a total of 16 or fewer people on a transient or permanent basis -Hotels: Provide sleeping accommodations for more than 16 persons and that are primarily used by transients for lodging with or without meals -Dormitories: Provide sleeping accommodations for more than 16 persons who are not members of the same family -Apartment buildings:Contain three or more dwelling units with independent cooking and bathroom facilities

Using Information Technology Most reports are completed using a computer and software. Types of software include:

-Operating System (Handle input, manages files, manages activity) -Application programs used to complete specific tasks such as: word processing, spreadsheets, presentations

Regarding Promoting (Writing or Speaking Exercise) A candidate may deliver a short oral presentation or write a memo or report. An oral presentation assesses: The written report assesses: Many ____ centers include an oral interview. One of the most popular questions is to ask the candidate...

-Oral Communication -Planning or Organizing skills -Persuasiveness -Written Communication -Problem Analysis -Decision-Making Skills Assessment Centers -why he or she should be selected for promotion.

Two critical events that require immediate autocratic action are:

-Orders to evacuate a building (FO is responsible for providing a head count to the group command officer or the IC) -A fire fighter mayday (FO must maintain radio discipline so that command can determine that mayday location and situation)

Decisions should be guided by: (list 4) Problem-solving techniques are designed to identify and evaluate potential solutions to a problem and determine the best course of action.

-Organizational values -Guidelines -Policies -Procedures

Steps for Developing a Specific Training Program: Deliver the Training New programs should be subjected to a pilot class or trail run before finalization. This provides the opportunity to tweak the program, identify any problems, and correct any unforeseen issues. It is important to develop lesson plans for every training program. A good lesson plan satisfies four criteria:

-Organize the lesson -Identifies key points -Can be reused -Allows others to teach the program

Preparing for an Inspection: Assemble Tools and References At a minimum, you should carry the following tools: Plan to wear your safety shoes and bring your fire helmet, eye protection, and protective gloves if you will be inspecting an area that is under renovation or an occupancy that requires such protective equipment

-Pen, pencil, and eraser -Inspection form -ClipboardConsider using the type of clipboard that law enforcement and emergency medical services (EMS) professionals use. -Graph paper and ruler -Hand light -Digital camera -Coveralls -Measuring device, tape measure, or walking meter -Fire department business cards -Reference code books

An incident safety officer is designated individual at the emergency scene who: (list 4)

-Performs a set of duties and responsibilities as specified in NFPA 1521 -Functions as a member of the incident command staff -Reports directly to the incident commander -Is an additional resource to ensure that the safety priorities of the situation are being addressed

Professor Gary A. Yukl updated the French and Raven taxonomy to define two types of power:

-Personal (Includes EXPERT and REFERENT power, and reflects the effectiveness of the individual) -Positional (Defined by the role an individual has within the organization; and LEGITIMATE, REWARD, and COERCIVE power are the three examples of positional power)

True respect is based on three competencies:

-Personal competence refers to an individual's own internal strengths, capabilities, and character -Technical competence refers to an individual's ability to perform tasks that require specific knowledge or skills. -Social competencies refers to the person's ability to interact effectively with other people. It requires knowing how to speak to people respectfully, whether praising or chastising them.

Five Department Expenditures are divided into three general areas:

-Personnel Expenditures -Operating Expenditures -Capital Expenditures

The four functions of management were originally identified by Henri Fayol and published in the Bulletin de la Societe de l'Industrie Minerale in 1916; Constance Storrs provided the English translation in the 1949 textbook "General and Industrial Management" These four functions are as follows:

-Planning -Organizing -Leading -Controlling

Regarding Reinforcement Theory of Motivation There are four types of reinforcers:

-Positive Reinforcement -Negative Reinforcement -Extinction -Punishment

A FO is responsible for the team's safety, their actions, and their performance at the incident scene. If your department has broad SOPs or none at all, you have two choices in assigning tasks: You should be trained in the ____ process.

-Preassigning them (Relieves you of the burden of having to make some decisions during the emergency) -Assigning them as needed on the scene (Reduces unnecessary effort) -critical decision-making process

The Four-Step Method of Training involves: (list 4)

-Preparation -Presentation -Application -Evaluation

The Stafford Act was amended in 2007 to provide federal government disaster and emergency assistance. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) makes it easier for organizations to work together. Five components of NIMS include:

-Preparedness -Communications and information management -Resource management -Command and Management -Ongoing Management and Maintenance

There are six basic motives for Arson:

-Profit -Crime Concealment -Excitement -Spite/Revenge -Extremism -Vandalism

Three types of academic accreditation are available:

-Programs that meet a specific profession or vocation -Organizations that meet federal requirements for tuition reimbursement -Institutions that meet voluntary accrediting requirements to issue degrees

Effective Communication Skills: Keep Your Supervisor Informed Keep the chief officer informed about three areas:

-Progress toward performance goals and project objectives, including: training, inspections, smoke detector surveys, target hazard documentation -Anticipated problems early enough. It is important to let the chief know about anticipated problems early enough to get help and to keep the projects running on time. -Matters that may cause controversy. Inform your supervisor about: conflicts with other FOs or between shifts or conflict that extends outside the organization, any disciplinary issues, a controversial application of a departmental policy, attitudes and morale. Communicate regularly with the chief about the general level of morale and fire fighter response to specific issues.

Types of Expenditures: Capital Expenditures Comprise purchase of durable items that cost more than a predetermined amount and will last for more than (How long?) The municipality establishes a unique inventory record that documents the purchase price, source, assignment, and disposal of each capital item. Vehicles, such as heavy fire apparatus, are often included in a special section of the capital budget because of their cost and complexity. In larger departments, replacement vehicles are purchased from a special ___ fund, and only additional vehicles are included in the supplemental capital budget. Capital improvement projects encompass the construction, renovation, or expansion of municipal buildings or infrastructure. These expensive projects are often funded through long-term loans or bonds issued by the municipality.

-one budget year -set-aside fund

When an incident is too large for one person to manage, the IC may appoint officers to oversee four major components:

-operations section -planning section -logistics section -finance/administration section

CERT Course Schedule: Session 6, CERT Organization Addresses: (list 2)

-organization and management principles -need for documentation

Regarding Promotion The In-Basket exercise measures the candidate's ability to: (List 4)

-organize -prioritize -delegate -follow up on administrative tasks

Fire Analysis is the scientific process of examining a fire occurrence to determine relevant facts including:

-origin -cause -subsequent development -responsibility for whatever occurred

Preincident Planning: Step 1, Identify Physical Elements and Site Considerations (Continued) You need to determine and include the building's size and dimensions, including: (list 3) Note connections between buildings and distances to exposures. Indicate access routes and point of entry. Include detailed information about the construction of the roof, floor, and walls, and an assessment of their structural integrity. Highlight any factor that might affect the ability of the responding fire fighters to enter and safely perform interior operations.

-overall height -number of stories -length, width, and square footage

The preincident plan and the officer's observations are combined to produce an IAP developed by the incident commander that incorporates: (list 4)

-overall incident strategy -tactics -risk management evaluation -organization structure

Supervising a Single Company: Command Staff Assignments Command staff assignments include the roles of safety officer, liaison officer, and public information officer (PIO). The IC could assign any available and qualified officer to perform one of these roles. The SO is responsible for: (list 2)

-overseeing that the IC is informed of safety concerns -taking preventive action when an immediate hazard is identified

Materials most often used as trailers include:

-paper towels -black gunpower, -film wrapped in paper bags -kerosene or other combustible liquids, gasoline, or other flammable liquids, and decorative streamers -Cotton batting, paper, sheets or rolls of fabric softener, and newspapers

Lower Revenue Options: Privatize or Contract out elements of the service provided Privatization means replacing municipal employees with contact employees. The concept is that the cost of the municipality to provide the service should be lower because a private company can operate more efficiently than a local government agency. Some fire departments privatize or contract out services that are so specialized that a private company may be able to provide an economic advantage to the municipality. Examples include: (List 6)

-paramedic training -special operations classes -hazardous materials site clean-up -ambulance billing -apparatus maintenance -communications system maintenance

Training ensures that every fire fighter can perform ___ and every company is prepared to operate as a ___.

-perform competently -operate as a team

Rescue Priority Tasks The rescue priority can be assigned to different companies. Rescue priority tasks include:

-performing searches of the structures -raising ladders -removing occupants -providing medical care and transport -establishing a RIC

The Purchasing Process: Purchase Orders Most organizations place a limit on the maximum amount of a purchase. The FO's role is to acquire the item at the most reasonable cost to the organization. Most organizations allow ___ bids for these items. The purchase order typically requires an authorizing signature by an official who has control over the budget area from which the funds are paid. The purchase order is then entered into the ___ system, which debits the maintenance account. A copy of the purchase order is given to the vendor, who attaches the sales receipt to it and sends it to the fire department's finance department for reimbursement. By issuing the purchase order, the fire department indicates to the vendor that there are funds available for the purchase and the purchase has been approved.

-phone bids -purchasing system

Teamwork: Followership Followership encompasses the appropriate actions of those who are led. All followers should perform a self-assessment of their ability to function as part of a team, considering 4 critical areas:

-physical condition -mental condition -attitude -understanding human behavior

Emergency Management and Business Continuity Plans NFPA 1600 focuses on: (list 5) The preincident plan is a component of a business continuity program

-planning -implementation -training and education -exercises and tests -program maintenance and improvement

Natural Fire Causes (Continued) Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes can cause fires.

-power lines may contact trees or fall onto structures -sheets of metal may be blown across power lines -earthquakes may also cause gas mains to break and release flammable gases into structures.

Nonfire events that may set off the water flow alarm include: (List 3)

-public water supply surges -sprinklers that have been broken accidentally -burst pipes

The FO I performs a administrative duties and supervisory functions that are related to a small group of fire department members. Typical administrative duties include:

-record keeping -managing projects -preparing budget requests -initiating and completing station maintenance requisitions -conducting preliminary accident investigations.

Evaluation Errors: Leniency or Severity Some FOs rate all of their fire fighters either higher or lower than their actual work performance. Leniency: (list 2) Some officers think that low ratings will cause fire fighters to be...

-reduces conflict -is common when the FO is required to conduct a face-to-face meeting with the fire fighter to review the evaluation. motivated to work harder

Fire Officer Greater Alarm Responsibilities The IC calls for greater alarms when needed. Company-level officer may be called to: (list 5)

-reinforce the fire attack strategy -relieve an exhausted crew -perform support activities -maintain a ready reserve -perform additional related duties that are time- or mission-critical

Regarding Evidence Artifacts include:

-remains of the material first ignited -remains of the ignition source -an item on which fire patterns are present

Fire Cause Determination: Legal Proceedings You may be called on to testify in court as a witness. Prepare by reviewing: When testifying:

-reports -photographs -diagrams -previous depositions -dress appropriately -follow the prosecutor's directions -sit up with both feet on the floor -avoid gesturing -keep answers short and to the point -use language a jury can understand -be courteous and patient -be honest -do not hesitate answering questions -speak clearly and loudly -if you do not remember, do not guess

Subunits of Planning Section include: (list 5)

-resource units -situation units -documentation units -demobilization units -technical specialists

Regarding National Response Framework The Department of Homeland Security built a comprehensive NIMS to: (list 3)

-respond to attacks and disasters -consolidate emergency response plans -ensure implementation of the NRF

The fire department needs to provide emergency scene awareness training to reduce fire fighter injury. Expected behavior for trainees falls into three areas:

-responding to alarms -on-scene activity -emergency procedures

Supervising a Single Company: Closeness of Supervision The inherit risks associated with emergency operations demand close supervision at all times. Fire fighters who are assigned specific tasks often concentrate on the task and ignore everything else. Your role is to: (List 4)

-review the entire area of responsibility -monitor progress -coordinate with other companies -look out for hazards

Preparing for an Inspection: (5 steps)

-review the fire code -review prior inspection reports, fire history, and preincident plans -coordinate activity with the fire prevention division -arrange a visit -assemble tools and references

Incident Prevention Incident prevention is based on the ___ assessment. A strategy is developed to prevent an incident that threatens people, property, and the environment. Public, not-for-profit, and private entities are expected to evaluate and update their risk assessments regularly, adjusting the level of preventive measures to be commensurate with the predicted risk.

-risk assessment

Rules of Engagement: Rule 7. Maintain Continuous Awareness of Your Air Supply, Situation, Location, and Fire Conditions Objective: To cause all fire fighters and company officers to maintain constant situational awareness of their SCBA air supply and where they are in the building, as well as all that is happening that may affect their risk and safety. Major factors in fire fighter deaths include: (list 3)

-running out of air -getting caught in rapidly deteriorating conditions -become disoriented and lost

NIOSH investigations often identify fire fighters' (List 3) as major factors in deaths.

-running out of air -rapidly deteriorating fire conditions -disorientation/lost

CERT Course Schedule: Session 2, Fire Safety and Utility Control Briefly covers fire chemistry, hazardous materials, fire hazards, and fire suppression strategies. The thrust of this session is: (list 4)

-safe use of fire extinguishers -size-up of the situation -control of utilities -extinguishment of a small fire

Fire Officer's Tasks: Decision Making -Some chiefs complain that new supervising fire officers hesitate to make decisions. -Chiefs typically want new officers to run their companies and make the decisions that are within their ___. -Chiefs are available for consultation, but they expect their officers to run the fire stations.

-scope of responsibility

CERT Course Schedule: Session 5, Light Search-And-Rescue Operations Participants learn about: (list 5)

-search and rescue planning -size-up -search techniques -rescue techniques -most important, rescuer safety

Levels of Command: Task Level This is where the physical work is accomplished. Individual fire companies or teams of fire fighters perform task-level activities, such as...

-searching for victims -operating hose lines -opening ceilings

FIRESCOPE was created in the wake of massive southern California wildfires. It developed a standardized method of: (list 4)

-setting up incident management structure -coordinating strategy and tactics -managing resources -disseminating information

Preincident Planning: Step 3, Identify Fire Protection Systems and Water Supply Evaluate: (list 7) Determine the adequacy of available water for: (list 3) Identify the available water supply.

-size of the building -contents -construction type -occupancy -exposures -fire protection systems -any other features that could affect the amount of water needed to control the fire -sprinkler systems -inside and outside hose streams -any other special requirements or needs

A disabled sprinkler system may be encountered in fires involving large industrial or commercial occupancies. Look for damaged or vandalized: (List 4)

-sprinkler hook-ups -hose cabinets -hard-wired smoke detectors -high-rise communication systems

CRM suggests that developing a(n) ____ language and teaching appropriate ____ behavior are the keys to reducing errors resulting from miscommunication.

-standard -assertive

A formal written reprimand should include:

-statement of charges -statement that it is an official letter of reprimand -list of previous offenses, if applicable -statement that similar occurrences could result in more severe disciplinary action

The planning section works with: Responsible for developing and updating the ___ plan. The planning section chief reports directly to the IC.

-status boards -preincident plans -building construction drawings -maps -aerial photographs -diagrams -reference materials -Incident Action Plan

Situational Awareness Provide situational awareness by: (list 5) Do not lose track of the larger situation

-staying oriented -making observations -providing and receiving regular updates -listening to the fireground radio -assessing the risk-benefit model

Accidental Fire Causes Pyrolysis should be considered if the area of origin includes: The most common electrical fire scenario is misuse by the occupant. Electrical devices and appliance that start fires usually produce evidence of electrical damage on their power supply cord relatively close to the device or appliance.

-steam pipes -fluorescent light ballasts -flue pipes for a fireplace, or a wood-burning stove

Regarding requirements for FO II Emergency duties include:

-supervising a multiunit emergency operation using the ICS and developing an operational plan to deploy resources to mitigate the incident safely. -also expected to determine the area of origin and preliminary cause of a fire and to develop and perform a postincident analysis of a multicompany operation.

Negative Discipline: Correcting Unacceptable Behavior Informal Oral or Written Reprimand: -Issued by.... -Remains at the fire station level and expires after a time period no longer than (How long?)

-supervising or managing officer -1 year

A company-level officer is responsible for...

-supervision -performance -safety of fire fighters

Negative Discipline: Correcting Unacceptable Behavior Formal Written Reprimand: -Document initiated by a FO (Usually after consulting with a ___) -Some organizations require a ____ or other command officer to issue a written reprimand. A copy of the letter goes into the individual's official personnel file. -Expires after a set time period, usually (How long?)

-supervisor -1 year

Logistics functions are routinely performed by personnel assigned to a support services division. Subunits include: (List 7)

-supply units -rehabilitation units -facilities units -ground support units -communications units -food units -medical units

RECEO VS: Ventilation Designed to remove productions of combustion and allow fresh air to enter Can improve: (List 2) Limited fires, controlling the door, and coordinating ventilation with water application are vital to controlling the flow path early in suppression operations

-survival conditions -conditions so that fire fighters can enter and operate inside a building

Formal Communication: SOGs Written organizational directives that identify a desired goal and describe the general path to accomplish the goal, including critical tasks or cautions. Formal, permanent documents that are published in a standard format and remain in effect until they are rescinded or amended. Often used in multi-jurisdictional activities that provide flexibility for each responding agency to achieve a goal through various methods and resources. The U.S. Fire administration's "Developing Effective Standard Operating Procedures for Fire and EMS Departments" found that the courts tend to assess liability based on factors such as: (list 5)

-systems in place to develop and maintain SOPs/SOGs -Compatibility with regulatory requirements and national standard -Consideration of unique departmental needs -Adequacy of training and demonstration of competence -Procedures used to monitor performance and ensure compliance

Developing a Personal Library Use a notebook with subject-matter ___. NFPA ___ topic headings, school curricula, personal list, and so on. Keep notes from training events and handled incidents.

-tabs -NFPA 1001

A task force operates under the supervision of a ____.

-task force leader

Reasons for delay in declaring a mayday include:

-temporal distortion -reluctance to relinquish control -channeled attention -loss of situational awareness -fear of the unknown -fear of retribution -lack of procedural knowledge -attempting to fix the problem -pride -denial

Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint: Do not retaliate against the person filing the complaint The most obvious forms of retaliation are... More subtle forms of retaliation include...

-termination, discipline, demotion, or threats to do any of these things. -changing the shift hours or work location of the accuser, even if the intent is to remove the alleged victim from the problem.

Types of Expenditures: Operating Expenditure The operating budget covers the basic expenditure that supports the day-to-day delivery of municipal services. These funds are allocated in categories that allow for some flexibility through the year. If actual costs exceed budget projects.... A per-mile vehicle replacement fee is calculated by estimating... The replacement of a pumper, aerial apparatus, or specialized suppression rig will be a capital item. Mandated training is also factored into the FD's operating cost

-the additional amount is sometimes charged back to the FD at the end of the fiscal year. -the anticipated replacement cost and the projected number of years that the vehicle will be used.

Retroactive Code Requirements Regulations that apply to a building remain in effect unless: (list 2) On occasion, the authority having jurisdiction passes a code revision that applies retroactively.

-the building is remodeled -occupancy has changed

Trailers leave a distinct fire pattern that resembles... Liquids typically have irregular edges and areas that are burned where the liquids pooled because of ___ spots. Sometimes, a trailer of ignitable liquid is poured from one electrical outlet to another to stimulate an electrical fire.

-the material's shape and often runs from one room to the next. -low spots

Preincident Planning: Step 1, Identify Physical Elements and Site Considerations (Continued) Document the location of utilities. Note the presence of flammable liquids, compressed or liquefied gases, hazardous materials, and steam lines. Information about elevators should include: Note any conditions that might potentially delay access. Include security information. Determine the environmental impact of any contaminants that could be released from the facility. During a test of the preincident plan, document any interference or poor coverage of the ____ system.

-their location -floors served -type of elevator -type of recall or override service -two-way radio system

Most departments require an accident investigation report to be filed when: (list 3)

-there's a potential exposure to an infectious disease -an employee or citizen is injured -property damage has occurred to either private property or departmental property

Latent Conditions: The inevitable "resident pathogens" within the system. Adverse includes the following: (list 2) Latent conditions may lie dormant within a system for years.

-they translate into error-provoking conditions within the local workplace -they can create long-lasting holes or weaknesses in the defenses.

Salvage tasks include:

-throwing salvage covers over items -removing lingering smoke -soaking up water -deactivating sprinklers -removing important documents

Accident Investigation and Documentation: Identification and Collection of Evidence Examination of the physical evidence includes documenting: (list 3) Such factual information should be verifiable and should not include any interpretation. Note weather conditions. Document the scene of the accident with drawings noting the locations of relevant artifacts that could provide information about how or why the accident occurred.

-time of day -date -conditions

The subunits of finance/administration include:

-time units -procurement units -compensation and claim units -cost untis

Special Extinguishing Systems: CO2 Fixed systems that discharge carbon dioxide from either low- or high-pressure tanks, through a system of piping and nozzles, either: (list 2) CO2 extinguishes fire by displacing ___. CO2 is heavier than air, so it settles in low spaces. Fixed systems are generally required to comply with NFPA ___. Your preincident plan should require the use of SCBA if a fixed system becomes activated.

-to protect a specific device or process -to flood an enclosed space -oxygen -NFPA 12, Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems

Examples of Unusual Occupancy include:

-towers -water tanks -barns

Striking For Better Working Conditions: 1918-1921 Occurred during a period of economic instability following WWI. Most of the FF strikes were efforts to establish a... Organized labor reached a turning point in 1919 with: (list 3)

-two-platoon system -obtain more pay -or gain the right to form a labor organization that would be recognized by the municipality -an industry-wide in the steel industry -the first "general strike" that shut down Seattle, Washington, on Feb 6 -A similar strike that occurred in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, on May 15, 1919

Lloyd Layman's Five-Step Size-up Process: Facts Facts are the things that are known about the situation. Preincident planning allows the first-arriving officer to quickly determine: Additional facts become known upon dispatch, such as: Visible smoke and fire conditions are additional facts. The more facts you can secure, the more accurately the situation can be seized up.

-type of construction -presence of fire protection systems -fire flow requirements -water supply sources -special hazards -other significant factors -time of day -location of incident -weather -specific resources that the fire department is sending

A reprimand will often suffice to correct behavior. If not, you must determine whether the fire fighter is: (List 2)

-unable to meet the required performance -unwilling to perform

Accidental Fire Causes The most frequent ignition causes in residential fires are: Other accidental fire causes include:

-unattended cooking -smoking materials -heating (Improper maintenance and combustibles located too close to the heating device) -refueling of gasoline-powered equipment near an ignition source -placement of fireplace ashes in a combustible container -sparks from welding

Four-Step Method of Training: Preparation Fire fighters should be ___ competent with many tasks so that they can perform them automatically. Three indicators that training is needed include:

-unconsciously competent -A near miss -A fire-ground problem -An observed performance deficiency

Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid Robert Blake and Jane Mouton developed a grid theory that assumes that every decision made and every action taken in the workplace are driven by people's: (list 3) These values are based on two fundamental concerns:

-values -attitudes -beliefs -concern for people -concern for results

Fire Fighter Injuries and Deaths: Struck by contact with an Object Traumatic injuries are the second leading cause of fire fighter fatalities. Most of these deaths are caused by: Trauma deaths resulting from motor vehicle collisions accounted for 19% of annual line-of-duty deaths from 2008 to 2012.

-vehicles accidents -falls -structural collapse of a burning building

Ventilation Tasks include:

-vertical ventilation -horizontal ventilation -negative-pressure ventilation -Positive-pressure ventilation -Natural Ventilation

The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 covers (Which First responders?)

-volunteer fire departments and other nonprofit emergency service organizations

Leadership Styles: Laissez-Faire A free-rein style of leadership moves the decision making from the FO to the individual fire fighters. The FO depends on the fire fighters' good judgement and sense of responsibility to get things done within basic guidelines. Effective when: (List 2)

-working with experienced fire fighters -handling routine duties that pose little personal hazard

Example Grievance Procedure: Step 2 If the problem is not resolved at Step 1, the employee may prepare and submit a ___. This is usually submitted on a specified grievance form document. Who receives a copy? The supervisor has (How many?) days to reach a decision and provide a written reply to the grievant. Failure to respond within those days means...

-written grievance -the employee, the employee's supervisor, and the personnel office receive a copy -10 days. -that the supervisor has denied the grievance and the grievant can immediately go to step 3.

Regarding Vehicle Cost in Operating expenses, it is determined by: (List 3)

-years of service -miles accumulated -specific vehicle cost

Standpipe System: Class II Class II provides a ___ inch hose coupling with a pre-connected hose and nozzle in a hose station cabinet. The hose is designed for occupant use.

1 1/2 inch

Standpipe System: Class III Class III provides both ___ inch and ___ inch connections. The ___ inch connection may have a pre-connected hose line that can be used by the occupants until the FD arrives.

1 1/2-inch and 2 1/2-inch

A FO II has the same roles and responsibilities as a FO I, along with the following additional items:

-Supervises and directs the activities of a multiunit station -Completes employee performance appraisals -Creates a professional development plan for members of the organization -Leads water rescue, haz mat, and other special teams -Ensures the safe and proper use of equipment, clothing, and protective gear and enforces departmental policies. -Participates in the formulation or evaluation of departmental or agency policies as assigned, implements new or revised policies, and encourages team efforts of fire personnel -Participates in the formulation of the departmental budget and makes purchases within it -Develops emergency incident operational plans requiring multiunit operations. -Prepares written reports so major causes for local service demand are identified for various planning areas within the service area of the organization.

Emergency duties of Fire Officer I (List 7)

-Supervising a group of fire fighters who are performing company-level tasks -Functioning as the initial arriving officer at an emergency scene -Performing a size-up -Establishing the Incident Management System (IMS) -Developing and implementing an incident action plan -Deploying resources -Maintaining personnel accountability

The three roles of company officers are:

-Supervisor -Commander -Trainer

Three roles of company officer:

-Supervisor -Commander -Trainer

There are different ways to fund volunteer fire departments: (list 4)

-Tax Revenues -Direct fund-raising -bingo and other gaming activities -real estate and portfolio management

Regarding promotion for supervising fire officer Many examinations also test the candidate's knowledge in specialized company tasks, such as:

-Technical/heavy rescue -Truck company operations -Rapid intervention teams

CERT Course Schedule: Session 1, Disaster Preparedness Addresses the different hazards to which people are vulnerable in their community. Materials cover actions that participants and their families can take before, during, and after a disaster. As the session progresses, the instructor explores an expanded response role for civilians to become disaster workers. Also discussed are: (list 2)

-The CERT concept and organization -Applicable laws governing volunteers in that jurisdiction

Accreditation determines if a school or program meets fire service requirements. Two organizations provide accreditation to fire service certification systems:

-The National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications -The International Fire Service Accreditation Congress

Written Reports: Monthly Activity and Training Report The officer delegates the preparation of routine reports that do not involve personnel actions or supervisory responsibilities to subordinates. The officer is always responsible for checking and signing the report before it is submitted. Two other routine reports are: (list 2) Some fire companies post a version on their public website that includes: (List 2)

-The annual fire fighter performance appraisals -The fire safety inspection -Pictures/information of incidents and the personnel involved -special events or unusual situations that occurred during the month

Example Grievance Procedure: Step 3 A step 3 grievance is written out on another specific grievance form and specifies: (List 3) Copies of the Step 2 grievance form and the supervisor's response are attached. It is submitted to a second-level supervisor, typically an ___, who has (how many?) days to respond. If the grievance is denied or the administrative FO does not respond within the specified time, the grievant can move to step 4 and present their grievance to the fire chief.

-The article and section of the contract or personnel regulation alleged to have been violated -The dates, times, and specific violations that are alleged to have taken place -The desired remedy or adjustment -administrative fire officer, who has 10 calendar days to respond.

Regarding Fire Officer's Tasks Four Basic Vital Tasks:

-The beginning of shift report -Notifications -Decision Making -Problem Solving

EEOC guidelines state that verbal and physical conduct of sexual nature is harassment when the following conditions are present:

-The employee is made to feel that he or she has to endure such treatment to remain employed. -Whether the employee submits to or rejects such treatment is used when making employment decisions. -The employee's work performance is affected. -An intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment is present.

A Supervisor′s report is required by state worker's compensation agencies whenever an employee is injured. This report identifies:

-The injured person -The nature of the injury -The means by which the incident occurred -Practices or conditions that contributed to the incident -Any potential loss -The typical frequency of occurrence -Actions that will be taken to prevent the same incident from occurring again

Transfer of Command should follow a standard procedure:

-The officer assuming command communicates with the initial IC -The initial IC briefs the new IC including the following information in their report: (Incident conditions, tactical worksheet and IAP, progress toward completion of the tactical objectives, safety considerations, deployment and assignment of operating companies and personnel, need for additional resources) -communicate the transfer of command to dispatch and all units -After transfer, the new IC determines the assignment for the previous IC. Options include: Serving as group supervisor, and remaining at the command post

Command Options: Fast-Attack Mode The company-level officer performs the initial incident command responsibilities through a portable radio while engaged in a fast attack. The fast-attack mode ends when: (list 3)

-The situation is stabilized -The situation is not stabilized and the company officer must withdraw to the exterior and establish a command post -command is transferred to another officer

The Evaluation Process The annual evaluation is a four-step process: Unless there is a problem with the employee's performance, the scheduled evaluation should be used primarily as an opportunity to discuss future goals and objectives.

-The supervisor fills out the evaluation form -The subordinate reviews the evaluation -A feedback interview is conducted -Goals are established

Regarding Multiple-Choice Written Examinations A question can be challenged and invalidated if:

-The wording is not clear -There is no correct answer -More than one of the answers provided could be correct.

Regarding Task Allocation FOs fall into 3 multitasking categories:

-Those who are reluctant to admit they are overwhelmed -Those who are overwhelmed before the fully complexity is even realized -Those who effectively assess the incident, call for additional resources early, and manage to stay ahead of the incident.

Division Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, and/or Assistant Chiefs Officers at these levels are usually in charge of major functional areas, such as: They also have responsibility for relatively large ___ areas

-Training -Emergency Operations -Support Services -Prevention -geographic

Wildland Fire Cause Determination Factors affecting the rate of spread include: (list 4)

-Type and density of material burning -Wind speed and direction -Humidity and fuel moisture content -Slope of the terrain and natural features

Regarding Fire Patterns Movement patterns: (list 2)

-U shaped -V shaped

Most career fire fighters work under a labor contract or memorandum of understanding (MOU). These agreements cover: (list 3)

-Various working conditions -Promotion/Assignment practices -Problem-solving procedures

Questions to ask when determining the root cause of the accident:

-Were unsafe acts being committed? -What must be done to change the behavior or attitude? -If the cause was an unsafe condition, how can this condition be corrected?

Budgetary Process: Overview of Fire Ground Location (FGL) The narrative part of the budget submission describes: (List 3) The narrative part of the budget submission describes the ___ if the new program is not funded.

-What the FGL program will do -The impact of the FGL program on current operations -The consequences if the new program is not funded. -consequences

Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint: Interview the People Involved Find out exactly what the complaining employee is concerned about. Get details: (List 3) Talk to employees who are being accused of discrimination or harassment. Interview witnesses who may have seen or heard any problematic conduct. Takes notes and gather any relevant documents.

-What was said or done -When and Where -Who was Present

Even at the company level, values can be implemented to help prevent undesirable ethical choices. One way to help judge a decision is to ask yourself three questions:

-What would my parents and friends say if they knew? -Would I mind if the paper ran it as a headline story? -How does it make me feel about myself?

There are three situations in which the fire officer must temporarily behave as a Theory X manager.

-When operating at a fire or other high-risk activity, the fire officer must provide close and autocratic supervision. -When the fire officer must take control of a workplace conflict and issue specific directions to defuse the situation -When a fire officer is near the end of a series of negative disciplinary measures

Leadership Styles: Democratic A consultant approach takes advantage of all of the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the group in determining how to meet an objective or complete a task. Use this style when: (List 2)

-When planning a project or developing the daily work plan of the company -In low-risk emergency scene operations

Leadership Styles: Autocratic An iron-hand approach is used when the fire officer needs to maintain high personal control of the group. This style of leadership is required in two situations:

-When the fire company is involved in a high-risk, emergency scene activity -When the fire officer needs to take immediate corrective supervisory activity.

Lloyd Layman's Five-Step Size-up Process: Situation The situation assessment involves 3 considerations:

-Whether the resources on scene and en route will be sufficient to handle the incident -the specific capabilities and limitations of the responding resources in relation to the problem. -the capabilities and limitations of the personnel, based on training and experience

Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint: Look for Corroboration or Contradiction The accuser and the accused may offer different versions of an incident, leaving you with no way of knowing who is telling the truth. You may have to turn to other sources for clues: (List 2)

-Witnesses may have seen part of an incident -In some cases, documents, such as e-mails and posted notes, may prove one side to be right.

Regarding Promotion The classification system is: Periodically, a classification specialist from the HR department surveys the individuals within a classification to rank the frequency and importance of a range of job tasks.

-a core component of the civil service system -used to determine the compensation level for a position -provides a map to identify the factors that need to be evaluated

The fire fighter should demonstrate the task or skill under the fire officer's supervision. The objective is... A good reinforcing technique is to have the fire fighter.... Provide immediate feedback, identifying omissions and correcting errors. Success is achieved when the student can perform the task safely without input from the supervisor.

-a correct demonstration of the task, safely performed. -explain the task while demonstrating the skill.

The division structure provides effective coordination of the tactics being used by different companies working in the same area. For example, the division supervisor might coordinate the actions of: (list 3)

-a crew advancing a hose line into the fire area -a crew conducting search-and-rescue operations in the same area -a crew performing horizontal ventilation

Each type of organization has a different process for obtaining revenue and authorizing expenditures. Some funds are restricted and can be used only for certain purposes. A ____ district is created to provide fire protection with a designated area. Funding sources that are not restricted may be taken from.... Revenue sources include: (list 6)

-a fire tax district -one part of the budget to cover another part of the budget -general sales and gross receipts taxes -property taxes -individual income taxes -federal support -charges levied on consumers -direct fire department fees for service

The most common fatal motor vehicle collision scenario involves... The second most common type of fatal collision is...

-a firefighter responding to an emergency incident in a personal vehicle -a tender (mobile water tanker) rollover

Determining the Cause of the Fire: Ignition Factor or Cause The 3rd factor in determining the cause of a fire is the sequence of events that brought together the source of ignition and the fuel. The cause of a fire could be: (List 4)

-a human act that was either accidental or deliberate -negligence -mechanical failure -natural force

An officer is responsible for being...

-a leader and supervisor to a crew of fire fighters -managing a budget for the station -understanding the response district -knowing departmental operational procedures -being able to manage an incident

Analyzing Death and Injury Data The number of fire fighters who died on duty declined over 30% over a 30-year period due to: (list 2) The rate of fire fighters dying within structure fires is higher. ___% of 2011 injuries occurred during fireground operations.

-a reduction in the number of FFs dying from cardiac death -a decreasing number of structure fires -43.5%

Often a FO is both:

-a supervisor representing management -a member of the union bargaining unit

Arson Motive: Extremism Arson targets of extremists include: An extremist may want to cause a monetary loss to the person or business or to bring attention to a cause. ___ devices are frequently used in these crimes.

-abortion clinics -religion institutions -businesses that are ecologically damaging -businesses undergoing labor disputes -Incendiary devices

When a "red flag" is raised, the supervisor is mandated to: (list 4)

-accept the validity of the concern -take a few seconds to assess it -talk with others -make a safe decision

Fire Fighter Death and Injury Trends The FO develops an IAP that: (list 2) Prevention depends on the ability to avoid the events leading to injury or death. Agencies that publish statistical analyses providing information about the causes and circumstances of dangerous events include: (list 4)

-addresses and minimizes chances of harm -identifies and controls factors that might lead to injury or death -the NFPA -the USFA -the NOISH -the IAFF

A fire officer is responsible for managing a work unit. Much of what a fire officer does consists of routine ____ work. Supervising and managing fire officers usually report to higher-ranking officers


As is true for the FO I, the duties of the Fire Officer II can be divided into...

-administrative -nonemergency -emergency activities

Once the use group classification is known, the building code or NFPA 101 identifies:

-allowable height -floor area -construction type -requirements for the number of exits -maximum travel distance to an exit -minimum width of each exit -requirements for the installation of fixed fire protection systems in new buildings

National Fire Academy Size-up Process: Phase 3 Ongoing Size-Up This phase includes ongoing analysis of the situation and ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of the plan being executed. The IC should always be prepared to modify the plan if the situation changes. The ongoing evaluation could indicate that resources can be redeployed from one task to another where they would be more effective. The ongoing size-up requires a constant flow of feedback information to the IC. The IC needs to know:

-an assignment is completed -an assignment cannot be completed -additional resources are needed -resources can be released -conditions have changed -additional problems have been identified -emergency conditions exist

Most fire codes include a section that authorizes code enforcement officials to enter a private properties at any (What time?) to conduct fire and life-safety inspections. The scope of this authority usually depends on...

-any reasonable time -the type of property involved

Complex Sprinkler Systems Some sprinkler systems are designed to discharge protein or aqueous film-forming foam as the extinguishing agent. These systems: Often there is an on-site or nearby technician who has been trained in the maintenance of these systems.

-are used in high-hazard areas where the contents to be protected are flammable liquids -require more frequent inspections -are custom designed for the facility

Conducting a Critique Schedule the critique (when?). Start with the background and basic information about the incident. The first-arriving officer should describe the situation on arrival and the actions that were taken. Each company takes a turn explaining what its members saw and did. The moderator should keep the analysis directed, including: (List 5) The officer directing the critique should provide his or her assessment.

-as soon as convenient after the event -what the initial strategy was and how it changed -how the command structure was developed -how resources were allocated -which special or unusual problems were encountered -differentiating between problems that occurred because procedures weren't followed and areas where procedures should be changed or updated

Incident Reports must be provided when a fire company was one of the first arriving units:

-at a fire with a civilian fatality or injury -At an incident that became a crime scene or arson investigation -Participating in an emergency scene activity that qualifies for official recognition, an award, or a bravery citation -Involved in an unusual, difficult, or high-profile activity that requires review by the fire chief or designated authority -Part of an activity that: May have contributed to a death or serious injury. May have created a liability. Has initiated an internal investigation

NFPA 704 markers should be placed: (list 3)

-at each entrance to the building -on doorways to chemical storage areas -on fixed storage tanks

An officer is responsible for:

-being a leader and supervisor -managing a budget for the station -understanding the response district -knowing operational procedures -being able to manage an incident -Understanding fire prevention methods, building codes, and records management system

A masonry wall may consist of: (list 7)

-brick -stone -concrete block -terra cotta -tile -adobe -concrete

Model Codes States and local jurisdictions may adopt a nationally recognized model code either with or without amendments, additions, and exclusions. A complete set of model codes includes: (List 5)

-building code -electrical code -plumbing code -mechanical code -fire code

Lloyd Layman's Five-Step Size-up Process: Probabilities During size-up, you must consider the most likely possibilities based on the known facts. Likely path of fire requires an in-depth knowledge of factors such as: (list 5) Another aspect of considering probabilities is the amount of time it takes to accomplish fire-ground tasks.

-building construction -fire dynamics -hazardous materials -sprinkler system performance -human behavior in fires

Regarding promotion for supervising fire officer Typical technical questions cover:

-building construction -incident management -hydraulics -emergency medical care -firefighting tactics

Risk-Benefit Analysis The NIMS provides the framework for commanding high-risk tasks. The FO starts the analysis by preparing a preincident plan that includes: (List 5)

-building construction -occupancy -use -contents -condition

On-Scene Observations SOPs list the essential size-up factors, including: (list 6) You must understand and recognize:

-building size and arrangement -type of construction -occupancy -fire and smoke conditions -weather -time of day -basic fire dynamics (conduction, convection, radiation) -fuel load

Wildland fire cause evidence includes:

-campfire remains -time-delay devices -cigarette remains -lighters -multiple ignition points -splintered trees -fulgurites -barrels used to burn trash -fallen electrical wires -trees on power lines -railroad tracks

Structural firefighting is a practice built upon experience and experiments. Recent findings have: (List 3)

-changed our understanding of fire dynamics -identified the importance of controlling flow path -changed ventilation and interior firefighting practices

Leading in the volunteer fire service requires even greater reliance on leadership skills than does leading a municipal company. You must promote the satisfaction of every member and be alert for issues that could potentially create conflict. Unique issues that impact a volunteer's participation include:

-changes in employment, family situation, or elder/child care -extensive training requirements -interpersonal conflicts

Occupancy Type: Assembly May be further divided into more specific types, including:

-churches -taverns or bars -nightclubs -basketball arenas -restaurants -theaters

Examples of Storage Occupancy type include:

-cold storage plants -granaries -lumber yards -warehouses

If a building is burning, damaged, or expelling hazardous materials, you are expected to: (list 4) You should look at a building from two perspectives:

-command the incident -rescue those in harm's way -mitigate the situation -render the scene safe -preparing to handle an emergency by developing a preincident plan -performing a fire and life-safety inspection to ensure it meets the fire prevention code

A FO should "walk the talk" by: (list 2)

-committing to department goals and objectives -participating in activities that are expected of fire fighters

The Fire Service CRM model covers:

-communication skills -teamwork -task allocation -critical decision making -situational awareness -debriefing

Preparing Information for an Incident Review The IC conducts the multiple-company incident review. Preparatory work is often done by one of the ___. Information about the situation leading up to the incident should be obtained. In the case of a fire involving a building, this process should begin with a review of the building, including: The postincident review is also a good opportunity to determine whether the information on file was useful.

-company officers -its size and arrangement -construction type -date of construction -known modifications or renovations -any known history that could be significant

Regarding FO II requirements Nonemergency duties include:

-conducting inspections to identify hazards and address fire code violations -reviewing accident, injury, and exposure reports to identify unsafe work environments or behaviors -taking approved action to prevent reoccurrence of an accident. -developing preincident plan for a large complex or property -developing policies and procedures appropriate for this level of supervision -analyzing reports and data to identify problems, trends, or conditions that require corrective action

Regarding Fire Cause Determination The IC is responsible for:

-conducting the investigation -completing National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) document

The three methods of heat transfer are:

-conduction -convection -radiation

Preincident Planning: Step 4, Identify Special Hazards Document special hazards in the facility and develop a plan to send the proper resources during an emergency. Request data on the maximum inventory of hazardous materials coordinator and the location of MSDS. Identify any area of the occupancy that contains gases or vapors that could present a hazard to emergency responders, including: (list 4)

-confined spaces -inert atmospheres -ripening facilities -special equipment-treating atmospheres

Writing a Report. Reports should be accurate, and must present information in an understandable format. When preparing a report: (list 2) Some reports require a recommendation and you may need to analyze and interpret data. If you encounter variances, analysis should consider both the cause and the effect.

-consider the intended audience -an appropriate format must be selected

Codes may classify a building by: (list 3)

-construction type -occupancy type -use group

Preparing for a Promotional Examination Candidates must master: (list 2) Preparation requires a personal study plan

-content -process

Requesting an Investigator A set of guidelines explains when to request an investigator:

-death or serious burn injury -deliberate fire -large-loss fire -possible crime

Requesting an Investigator You should determine the point of origin and probable cause. On small or routine incidents, this is the only investigation conducted. A fire investigator's primary responsibility is to develop a properly documented case. If needed, the investigator forwards the case to the prosecutor. A set of guidelines explains when to request an investigator: (list 4)

-death or serious burn injury -deliberate fire -large-loss fire -possible crime

Assigning Resources Some situations require assistance from other agencies or jurisdictions. You may have to activate a local emergency plan that: (list 2) The nature of the event should be considered when establishing an evacuation plan. For guidance in determining evacuation distances, based on the product, quantity, and environmental conditions, consult: (list 3)

-defines the responsibilities of each responding agency -outlines basic steps to be taken for a particular situation -CHEMTREC -The Emergency Response Guidebook -The local hazardous materials team

Examples of business occupancies include:

-dental offices -banks -architects' offices -hair salons -colleges and universities -doctors' offices -investment offices -insurance offices -radio and television stations

Risk Reduction Today's fire service take on the role of preventing many nonfire incidents. Some degree of culture shift is needed. Systemic needs: -can be addressed through developing programs to reduce risk. -are often identified at the __ or __ level Individual needs can be encountered in private homes. Learn which community programs are available.

-departmental or community level

Investigation Report Narrative report information should be provided in chronological order and include: Attachments to the report include:

-description of the structure before the vent -alarm notification information -results of the fire scene examination -information obtained from witnesses and responders -statements of evidence -warrants -sketches

Understanding Fire Code Compliance Inspections The objective of inspection is to... The party responsible for code enforcement can be the ___ or ___.

-determine whether the property complies with the applicable codes -fire chief or fire marshall

Fire Officer Preparation Responsibilities A training action plan includes:

-development of a pre-burn plan -calculation of needed water supply -arrangements to have a dedicated ambulance or EMS unit -establishment of rest/rehabilitation area -inspection of the structure -assignment of dedicated positions of safety officer and ignition officer -assignment of instructors to each functional crew -conducting pre-burn briefing session -conducting a post-burn review

Regarding Fire Patterns Char helps determine: (list 2)

-direction of fire spread -apparent duration and intensity

Establishing a Strong Supervisor/Employee Relationship: Schedule regular one-on-one meetings Such routine contact with team members establishes a personal connection and trust between you and each fire fighter. During the meeting: (list 2)

-discuss job performance and expectations on the part of both people involved. -give guidance and coaching where necessary

Prearrival Information Size-up begins with ___. (List 3) help the fire officer anticipate what might be happening.

-dispatch -The name, location, and nature of the incident

McGregor: Theory X A Theory X manager believes that people... They need to be closely watched and controlled. Theory X makes sense when you look at the ___ Age working conditions.

-do not like to work -industrial age

Volunteer Fire Department Funding: Direct Fund-Raising Direct Fund-Raising often includes ____ solicitations or direct mail campaigns. Many volunteer corporations sponsor activities to generate revenue, such as: (list 4)

-door-to-door solicitations -dinners -bake sales -car washes -raffles

Public Education (Continued) FOs often have to transmit the program's message to its intended audience. The goal of a public safety education program is to prevent injury, death or loss due to fire or other incidents. Four objectives of such a program are the following: An educational presentation is successful when...

-educate on how to change behavior -instruct on how to perform specific tasks -inform about fire safety issues -distribute information on timely subjects -it causes a change of behavior

Equity Theory of Motivation Employees evaluate outcomes they receive for their inputs and compare them with outcomes others receive for their inputs. Outcomes range from pay and benefits to recognition, achievement, and promotion. Inputs include: (list 4) If you want to motivate the fire fighter, you must determine where the individual believes an inequity exists.

-educational level -performance level -risk taken -special skills

The FO I must be able to prioritize multiple demands on the time of the company or work group members and to delegate tasks to subordinates. These demands may be related to...

-emergency operations -nonemergency tasks -administrative functions

A rigid command and control process remains essential when operating at emergency scenes. Away from emergencies, however, departments are using the concepts of (List 3)

-employee empowerment -decentralized decision making -delegation

Regarding promotion for supervising fire officer The supervising fire officer examinations includes many technical questions covering:

-engine -truck -rescue company operations

Landrum-Griffin Act: This act also amended portions of the ___ Act.

-established a bill of rights for members of labor organizations -required that unions file an annual report with the government listing the assets of the organization as well as the names and assets of every officer and employee -mandated minimum election requirements -mandated the duties and responsibilities of union officials and officers Taft-Hartley Labor Act

Extinguishment tasks include:(list 3)

-establishing a water supply -advancing handlines -applying water

Exposure Priority tasks include: (list 2)

-establishing a water supply and setting up master streams -removing combustible material from the windows of exposed buildings

Planning includes...

-establishing goals and objectives and then developing a way to meet and evaluate those goals and objectives. This task could be as simple as planning the daily activities for the fire company or as complex as developing an annual budget.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) originally passed in 1938 as part of Roosevelt's New Deal with the primary purpose of: Public safety agencies do not have to pay fire fighters overtime until after they have worked ___ hours in a maximum 28-day cycle (which averages out to a 53-hour workweek)

-establishing minimum standards for wages -spelling out administrative procedures covering work time and compensation 212 hours

Regarding FO II Administrative duties include:

-evaluating a subordinate's job performance -correcting unacceptable performance -completing formal performance appraisals on each member. -developing a project or divisional budget -preparing news releases and other reports to supervisors.

Planning Section Functions: (list 6)

-examine the current situation -review available information -predict the probable course of events -prepare recommendations for strategies and tactics -keep track of resources at large-scale incidents -provide the IC with regular situation and resource status reports

Alternative Disciplinary Actions Depending on the nature and the severity of the offense, a variety of penalties may be imposed, including:

-extension of probationary period -establishment of a special evaluation period -involuntary transfer or detail -make financial restitution -loss of leave -demotion

The operations section is responsible for the management of all actions that are directly related to controlling the incident, including: (list 3) This part of the organization produces the most visible results.

-fighting the fire -rescue operations -treating patients

Safety Officer (Continued) Several state and federal regulations require the assignment of a safety officer at haz mat incidents and certain technical rescue incidents. Making such an assignment is a good practice even if it is not explicitly required by a regulatory-agency. Should be knowledgeable in: (list 6) Should also have considerable experience in incident response and specialized training in occupational safety and health.

-fire behavior -building construction and collapse potential -firefighting strategy and tactics -hazardous materials -technical rescue practices -departmental safety rules and regulations

Decision Making and Problem Solving Chiefs want officers to run the ____. Chiefs prefer that officers propose solutions to problems.

-fire stations

RIC SOPs governing RICs generally specify a list of equipment that will be prepared for use, including: (List 7)

-forcible entry tools -thermal imager -search rope -medical equipment -spare SCBA or full replacement cylinder -portable radio -full PPE

Dry-Pipe System Used in locations where a wet-pipe system would likely to ___. Pipes are filled with compressed air or nitrogen until a sprinkler opens. When the air pressure drops, the dry-pipe valve opens and water is released into the system. Requires the entire sprinkler system to be drained.


Decision Making is improved through:

-gaining experience -training constantly -improving communication skills -engaging in preincident planning

Supervising a Single Company: Command Staff Assignments (Continued) The Liaison Officer functions as the link between the IC and representatives from various agencies. At a hazardous materials incident, such representatives could include the property owner or a chemical manufacturer. The PIO is responsible for: (List 4)

-gathering information to be released to the general public -developing news releases -giving interviews or press conference -acting as the spokesperson for the IC

When making the decision to conduct search-and-rescue operations, factor in: (list 3)

-growing fire conditions -resources on scene -time needed to complete a rescue

Budgeting: Bond Referendums and Capital Projects A bond is a certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation that: (list 4) When used to build a new fire station, the authorized amount often includes: (list 5) Occasionally, a bond program is used to fund a large fire department apparatus purchase.

-guarantees repayment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date -is used to fund new stations or renovations -must be approved by voters -is repaid over 10 to 30 years -the land and site improvements -building construction -permits and fees -items that will go into the building -equipment assigned to the new station

When a fire occurs, an investigation is conducted to determine how a fire started. Understanding the cause helps to: (list 2)

-helps prevent future fires -helps determine if criminal acts were involved

FD operations often include high-risk situations. The FO is responsible for ensuring that every fire fighter completes every incident without serious injury, disability, or death. The FO: (list 3)

-identifies hazards and mitigates dangerous conditions -identifies and corrects behaviors that could lead to injury or death -sets a good example

A risk assessment is conducted to: (list 3) Hazards are subdivided into: (list 3)

-identify and monitor hazards -determine the likelihood of their occurrence -assess the vulnerability of people, property, the environment, and the entity itself to those hazards. -natural hazards -accidental and intentional human-caused events -technology caused events

Fire Company Inspections The purpose of a fire inspection is to... ___ must be understood. They determine the source of authority. Do not enter private property without the permission of the owner or occupant.

-identify hazards and ensure that violations have been corrected -Regulations

Five-Step Planning Process: Design the Program When designing a public education program, review the ABCD's of course preparation, just as in fire fighter training: The program format should be matched to the message, the audience, and the available resources. Demographic information assists in describing the audience. The development process should include delivery of a pilot class to a target audience to see how well it works. Most new programs will benefit from revision after the pilot is evaluated.

-identify the audience -explain the desired behavior the student should demonstrate after training -under which conditions will the student perform the task? -which degree of proficiency is expected? -identify the specific objectives of the educational program

Regarding promotion for supervising fire officer The first-level supervisor should be able to: (list 3)

-identify the problem -stop the behavior -report to or consult with a senior officer or chief before taking any significant supervisory action.

The Fire Officer's Role in Community Fire Safety Fire Officers play multiple roles in relation to properties within their communities, including: (list 3) In most areas, first inspectors and FOs perform fire inspections and have doe enforcement duties. Fire suppression companies are usually involved in preincident planning. FOs and fire fighters should conduct visits to properties to develop preincident plans

-identifying and correcting fire safety hazards -developing and maintaining preincident plans -promoting fire safety through public education

Safety Officer Acts as the Eyes and Ears of the IC by: (list 3) -is appointed early during an incident -has the authority to stop or suspend operations when unsafe situations occur, which is clearly stated in national standards, including: (which NFPAs?)

-identifying and evaluating hazardous conditions -watching out for unsafe practices -ensuring that safety procedures are followed -NFPA 1500 -NFPA 1521 -NFPA 1561

Fire Cause Determination: Securing the Scene If you suspect a crime has occurred:

-immediately request a fire investigator -secure the scene and maintain custody until the investigator arrives

Indicators of Incendiary Fires: Multiple Points of Origin Arsonists frequently utilize multiple points inside a building:

-in case one fire burns out prematurely -to maximize the amount of fire growth before the fire department can respond -to cause confusion -to trap the occupants by blocking access to all of the exits

The amount and cost of wildland fire suppression efforts are increasing. Wildland fires have different characteristics from structure fires: (list 2)

-influenced by environmental conditions -spread vertically through convection and horizontally through radiation.

Supervising a Single Company The FO is the working supervisor of a fire company. An officer's personal and physical involvement in fire suppression activities should never override supervisory duties. You must identify and mitigate fire-ground problems and relay relevant information to the branch, group, or IC. This includes (List 2) Each company officer serves as the ___ for the IC

-informing command when the company's assignment is completed or when the task is delayed or can't be accomplished. -informing the supervisor immediately when problems or hazards are encountered. -eyes and ears

Regarding promotion A typical in-basket contains:

-instructions for the exercise -a calendar -an organizational chart or list of personnel -10-30 exercise items

Fire Cause Classifications: Incendiary Fire Cause An incendiary fire is one that is...

-intentionally started when the person knows it should not be started.

The incident action plan of Planning Section is:

-is a basic component of ICS; all incidents require an action plan -outlines the strategic objectives and states how emergency operations will be conducted -is relatively simple and can be expressed by the IC in a few words or phrases

In departments with a contract or MOU, each fire station has a shop steward who: (list 4)

-is a member of the workforce who has received additional training in labor relations -enforces the contract or labor agreement -represents the union members at the work location -may serve as the initial labor representative when handling issues of discipline, policy, or procedures

Regarding Diversity The court formally meets with the fire department representative periodically to see how well the department is progressing. Expiration of a court order doesn't relieve the fire department of...

-its charge to maintain diversity.

The logistics section's chief reports directly to the IC. Responsibilities include: (list 4)

-keeping apparatus fueled -providing food and refreshments for fire fighters -obtaining the foam concentrate needed to fight a flammable liquids fire -arranging for a bulldozer to remove a large pile of debris

Negative Discipline: Correcting Unacceptable Behavior Some employee behaviors require immediate negative discipline. This is a common policy when there's willful misconduct, as opposed to inadequate performance. Personnel regulations usually provide a list of such behaviors, such as:

-knowingly providing false information affecting an employee's pay or benefits or in the course of an administration investigation -willfully violating an established policy or procedure -being convicted of a criminal offense that affects the ability of the employee to perform his or her job. -displaying insubordination -behaving in a careless or negligent way that leads to personnel injury, property damage, or liability to municipality -resorting to work when under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance -misappropriating fire departments property or funds

Human Error Gordon Dupont noted similarities between errors in the cockpit and in the maintenance hanger. Dupont's "dirty dozen" is a list of reasons and ways humans make mistakes. The "dirty dozen" includes:

-lack of communication -complacency -lack of knowledge -distraction -lack of teamwork -fatigue -lack of resources -pressure -lack of assertiveness -stress -lack of awareness -norms

Modern Vs Legacy Single-Family Dwellings Four Factors distinguish modern dwellings from Legacy dwellings:

-larger homes -open house geometries -increased fuel loads -new construction materials

High-Rise Considerations: Staging Area Supervisor The last operations section position that a FO might be called on to fill at a high-rise. Responsible for managing all activities within the staging area, including: (list 3)

-layout -check-in functions -traffic control within the area

National Fire Academy Size-up Process: Phase 1 Preincident Information Preincident information includes information about the building and the occupancy, such as: (list 4) Preincident information should also identify water supply sources, including: (list 3) If preincident plans are not available, determine information through on-scene observation and research. Your intuition and experience may have to be relied on until this information can be obtained.

-layout and construction type -built-in protections systems -type of business -nature of the contents -Location -Accessibility -Capacity

Resource Management and Logistics The emergency/disaster management and business continuity plan document requires that public, not-for-profit, and private entities provide the resources needed to run the proposed program. To do so, these organizations will need to...

-locate, acquire, store, distribute, maintain, test, and account for services, personnel, resources, materials, and facilities used to support the emergency/disaster management program.

Preincident Planning: Step 3, Identify Fire Protection Systems and Water Supply (continued) Document: (list 3) When the demand exceeds the available supply, identify an appropriate response to mitigate the deficiency. Identify the location and details of every: (list 5) Include data on the protective signaling system (fire alarm)

-location of fire hydrants -flow rates -distribution systems -fire department connection -fire pump -standpipe system -automatic sprinkler system -smoke management and special hazard protection systems

Rules of Engagement: Rule 1. Size up Your Tactical Area of Operation Objective: To cause the company officer and fire fighters to: (List 3) Lack of a complete size-up is often a contributing factor in fire fighter deaths. The first crew should size up the total situation within their line of sight. The first-arriving CO or team leader must cover each side of the fire ground.

-look over their area of operation -evaluate their risk exposure -determine a safe approach to complete objectives

Incident Scene Rehabilitation ICR is the tactical-level management unit that provides for:

-medical evaluation -treatment -monitoring -fluid and food replenishment -mental rest -relief from climatic conditions of the incident

Fire Clause Classifications: Natural Fire Causes When lightning is suspected: -Look for a contact point, usually near the top of the structure, concentrating on roof peaks with (List 3). If the building's electrical system is involved, the surge usually fuses or melts the main fuses or circuit breakers. -Examine the point of entry for each utility for scorching. -Check with weather services to determine whether any lightning strikes were recorded in the area.

-metal edging -antennas -large metal objects (such as air-handling units)

Airline disaster communication included: The key to reducing errors is to develop a standard language and teach appropriate assertive behavior. In a fire apparatus, the crew should exchange only pertinent information.

-misinterpretation of instructions -"fighter pilot" mentality in captains -lack of assertiveness by crew members -cockpit distractions

The Incident Safety Officer is a key component of the ICS. The ICS is the standard organizational structure that is used to manage assigned resources so as to accomplish the stated objectives for an incident. Incident Safety Officer Requirements include: (list 3)

-monitoring the scene -identifying and reporting hazards -taking steps to unsafe actions

Regarding the fire service CRM model, everyone must recognize the following:

-no one is infallible -technology is fallible -catastrophes result from a chain of events -everyone is obligated to speak up when they see something wrong -people who work together effectively are less likely to have accidents -every member of the team must participate

Construction Type I: Fire Resistive The construction elements are (Combustible or noncombustible?) and are protected from the effects of fire by encasement, using (list 3 different materials) Divided into subtypes depending no the model code used. The level of protection is described by the number of hours a building element can resist the effect of fire.

-noncombustible -concrete, gypsum, or spray-on coatings

The Purchasing Process: Requisitions The requisition differs from a purchase order in that the exact amount of the purchase is not ___. Instead, the department requests that a specific amount of funds be encumbered, or set aside from the budget account, that will more than cover the cost of the purchase. A ___ process will be followed. Once it is complete, the requisition will allow for payment of the item.

-not known -bidding process

Preincident Planning: Step 2, Identify Occupant Considerations The FD is expected to provide a rapid and safe evacuation of a facility or plan for protection in place. The preincident plan should: (list 2) The ICS plan should be able to track occupants.

-note locations of exits and special locking devices -reflect coordination between facility staff and fire fighters

Written Reports: Monthly Activity and Training Report Documents the company's activity during the preceding month. Typically includes: (list 6)

-number of emergency responses -training activities -inspections -public education events -station visits conducted the previous month -Some include details such as the number of feet of hose used and the number of ladders deployed during the month.

overcoming Environmental Noise Suggestions to improve communication include.

1. Don't struggle for power 2. Avoid an offhand manner 3. Keep emotions in check 4. Select words and tone carefully 5. Do not assume the message is understood 6. Immediately seek feedback 7. Provide appropriate details 8. Watch out for conflicting orders

Preparing a News Release Fire organizations need to be able to communicate effectively through the local mass media. Steps in preparing a news release include the following: (3 steps)

1. Formulate a plan (What is the release to accomplish? Who is the target audience? What makes the story interesting?) 2. Develop the concept and write. (Keep it clear, concise, and well organized. Don't release sensitive information that would create HIPAA Violation. Use the Department's letterhead. Format the release appropriately. Write "NEW RELEASE" at the top. Use pound signs (###) to separate the heading and contact information from the body of the news release. 3. Distribute the release equitably to all outlets.

Presenting a Report You should be prepared to make an oral presentation. Presentation consists of four parts:

1. Getting their attention 2. Interest Statement 3. Details 4. Action

An incident investigation consists of three phases:

1. Identification and collection of evidence 2. Interviews with witnesses 3. Written documentation

Every fire department has a budget. The budget process is a cycle that consists of:

1. Identification of needs and resources 2. Preparation of a budget request 3. Local government and public review 4. Adoption of an approved budget 5. Administration of the approved budget, with periodic review and revision 6. Close-out of the budget year

PreIncident Planning 6 Step Method:

1. Identify Physical Elements and Site Considerations 2. Identify Occupant considerations 3. Identify Fire Protection Systems and Water Supply 4. Identify Special Hazards 5. Identify Emergency Operation Considerations 6. Identify Special or Unusual Characteristics of Common Occupancy

Fires develop in four phases:

1. Incipient 2. Free Burning 3. Flashover 4. Smoldering/Decay

Change begins with postincident debriefing. (List 5)

1. Just the facts 2. When did you do? 3. What went wrong? 4. What went right? 5. What are you going to do about it?

Incident Priorities There are 3 basic priorities for an IAP:

1. Life safety 2. Incident stabilization (Direct toward keeping the incident from getting any worse) 3. Property conservation (directed toward preventing any additional damage from occurring)

Regarding Promoting The key points to meet in an interpersonal interaction assessment are: (List 8)

1. Maintain control of the interview 2. Tell the employee the exact behavior you expect. 3. Give the employee a deadline to demonstrate a consistent behavioral change. 4. Specifically arrange for follow-up meetings 5. Attempt to get the employee to buy into or take personal responsibility for the improvement plan 6. Be an empathetic listener, but remain focused on the reason for the interview. 7. Clearly explain the consequences if the employee's behavior does not change or improve. 8. Try to finish the session on a positive note.

The communication cycle consist of 5 parts:

1. Message 2. Sender 3. Medium (with noise) 4. Receiver 5. Feedback

Social Media Outrich NFPA leadership provides 10 tips on using social media to expand safety message outreach:

1. Plan a strategy 2. Committ 3. Be authentic 4. Be current 5. Be social 6. Maintain quality 7. Tailor Content 8. Be intersting and entertaining 9. Consider timing 10. Track results

Taylor's Four Principles of Scientific Management Taylor proposed four principles of scientific management:

1. Replace "rule-of-thumb" work methods. 2. Select, train, and develop each worker. 3. Cooperate with workers to ensure methods are being followed. 4. Division of work: managers think, workers work.

11 Rules of Engagement

1. Size up your tactical area of operation. 2. Determine the occupant survival profile. 3. Do not risk your life for lives or property that cannot be saved. 4. Extend limited risk to protect savable property. 5. Extend vigilance and measured risk to protect and rescue savable lives. 6. Go in together, stay together, come out together. 7. Maintain continuous awareness of your air supply, situation, location, and fire conditions. 8. Constantly monitor fire-ground communications for critical radio reports. 9. You are required to report unsafe practices or conditions that can harm you. Stop, evaluate, and decide. 10. You are required to abandon your position and retreat before deteriorating conditions can harm you. 11. Declare a mayday as soon as you think you are in danger.

Once the investigation is completed, present your findings and recommended action to a supervisor at a higher level. There are four possible responses:

1. Take no further action 2. Recommended the action requested by the complaint 3. Suggest an alternative solution 4. Refer the issue to the office or person who can provide a remedy.

There are four basic vital tasks connected to being a fire officer:

1. The beginning of shift report 2. Notifications 3. Decision Making 4. Problem Solving

Regarding Promotion There are three options for constructing a multiple-choice written examination:

1. The local exam committee develops the test and the committee members write the questions. 2. Private companies may develop generic exams 3. A consultant writes a more specific examination that is directed toward the local priorities

The fire department uses a paramilitary style of leadership. Most fire departments are structured on the basis of four management principles:

1. Unity of command 2. Span of control 3. Division of labor 4. Discipline

Assertive Statement Process Todd Bishop's 5-step assertive statement process encompasses the inquiry and advocacy communication steps as follows:

1. Use an opening/attention getter 2. State your concern 3. State the problem as you see it. 4. State a solution 5. Obtain agreement or buy-in

General Decision-Making Procedures Moving up in the ranks means an exponential increase in decision-making situations. Problems become more complex at higher levels of the hierarchy, requiring the participation of multiple organizations. The following systematic approach is recommended to ensure high-quality decision making: (list 5)

1. define the problem 2. generate alternative solutions 3. select a solution 4. implement the solution 5. evaluate the result

Regarding Training and Coaching: Provide New or Revised Skills Sets Teaching new skills requires more time than maintaining proficiency existing skills. Lecture or video presentations should not last more than ___ minutes. Practice new skills by encouraging adventure, challenge, and competition.

10 minutes

Creating and Maintaining a Safe Work Environment For every ff death, there are nearly (how many?) ff injuries.


The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and expanded its coverage to include almost all public and private with (how many?) employees

15 or more employees

In the 2011-2012 election cycle, FIREPAC raised more than $5.8 million in voluntary donations. Almost __% of the funds donated to candidates for federal elections went to Republicans


Fire Fighter Injuries and Deaths: Sudden Cardiac Arrest Security guards also have a high rate of heart attacks—a cause that accounts for 25 percent of their on-duty deaths. Construction workers and police officers both have lower heart attack rates than fire fighters. Among workers in all occupational categories, only ___ % of on-duty deaths are caused by heart attacks. Regular medical examinations and physical fitness programs are the most significant factors in preventing heart attacks. Other risk factors include:

15% Obesity High cholesterol Smoking Family history

Buckets of water gave way to hand-powered pumpers in (What year?) when Richard Newsham developed the first such pumper in London, England. Dozens of individuals powered this type of pump, making it possible to propel a steady stream of water from a safe distance.


The first full-time paid fire department in the United States was established in ___. Fraternal or benevolent fire fighter support organizations gradually became political advocates for the workers and began to define the labor-management relationship. This occurred entirely at the ___ level.

1853 -entry

French and Raven describe types of power in their _____ as the result of the "Target Person's" response from the "agent" making a request.

1959 Studies of Social Power

Fire Fighter Survivability inside Structure Fires The NFPA identified a concerning trend in the increasing number of traumatic injuries to fire fighters while operating inside structures. In the late 1970s, traumatic deaths inside structured occurred at a rate of ___ per 100,000 structural fires. By the late 1990s, that number rose approximately ___ per 100,000 structural fires. The rate now stands at ___ per 100,000 structural fires. Almost all of these non-cardiac fatalities were the result of: (list 3)

1970s: 1.8 deaths per 100,000 structural fires 1990s: 3 deaths per 100,000 structural fires The rate now stands at 1.9 deaths per 100,000 structures fires -Smoke Inhalation (62.1%) -Burns (19.1%) -Crushing or Internal Trauma

Managing Incidents: Fire Fighter Accountability Legal sanctions accelerated adoption of fire fighter accountability practices. Additional pressure to improve accountability came from a request by the IAFF for a clarification of OSHA respiratory protection regulation ____. As a result of the development of systems for accounting for fire fighters working at an incident, a minimum of two fire fighters must enter an IDLH area together. Two more properly equipped and trained fire fighters must: (List 3) This is known as the ____ rule.

29 CFR 1910.134 -be positioned outside the IDLH area -account for interior teams -remain capable of rescue two in/two out rule

Managing Incidents: The Fire Officer's Role in Incident Management Every FO must be able to function as the initial IC, as well as a company-level supervisor, within ICS. The first-arriving FO has the responsibility to establish command. ICS can be incrementally implemented. ICS allows for company officer to maintain a manageable span of control. For emergency operations, the recommended span of control is...

3 to 5 individuals reporting to one supervisor.

The Tipping Point of Harassment and Hostile Workplace Issues Complaints settled by a court decision represent less than __% of all of the harassment, hostile workplace, and discrimination complaints filed against fire departments.


The number of fire fighters who died on duty declined __% over a 30-year period.


There are ____ fire departments in the U.S.

30,145 fire departments

Type II Construction: Noncombustible (Continued) Type II is a common 20th-centure construction method Such a structure is durable, but is not a legacy building. It will require replacement in (how many?) years. This type of building is frequently updated with Type ___ structural elements.

30-40 years -Type V structural elements

In addition to federal laws, states control collective bargaining. ___% of local governments have forbidden employee strikes or other adverse labor actions. Fire fighters have the right to bargain collectively in (How much?) of the states.

40% 1/2 of the states

___% of vehicle fires are caused by mechanical failure or malfunction.


Structural firefighting accounts for only ___ percent of the response workload based on data submitted to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS)

5 percent

The USFA has adopted a national goal of a ____________ reduction in fatalities over a 10 year period


The faster rate of air consumption during laborious tasks can cut the minute rating for air consumption of SCBA bottles by how much?


EMS calls are now the most frequent activity undertaken by the fire service, accounting for a minimum of ___ percent of fire company responses.

66 percent

Regarding promotion for supervising fire officer The exam has the longest and most diverse reading list, and as much as ___ percent of this test focuses on the technical aspects of a supervising fire officer.

70 percent

With EMS responses accounting for more than ___ percent of responses in many fire departments, the FO must also understand the requirements for medical PPE. In many cases, this requirement is as simple as wearing appropriate gloves.

70 percent

Implementing Change The FO has the best opportunity to improve the safety and effectiveness of fire operations. The CRM approach concentrates on working conditions. It tries to build defenses to avert errors or mitigate their effects. High-reliability organizations that have embraced CRM have ___ percent fewer incidents, accidents, and injuries.

70-89 percent fewer

Rules of Engagement: Rule 9. You Are Required To Report Unsafe Practices or Conditions That Can Harm You. Stop, Evaluate, and Decide. Objective: To prevent company officers and fire fighters from engaging in unsafe practices or exposure to unsafe conditions, and to allow any member to raise an alert about a safety concern without penalty. The CO must minimize fire fighters' exposure to unsafe conditions and stop unsafe practices. Chief Paul LeSage determined that ___ percent of errors on the fire ground happen when individuals fail to intervene in known or observed unsafe situations.

74 percent

Researching and Validating CRM Concepts The aviation industry's ___ percent reduction in accidents is partly attributable to CRM. Professor Robert Helmreich and his staff at the University of Texas Human Factors Research Project developed CRM. CRM trains team members how to achieve maximum mission effectiveness in a time-constrained environment under stress.

80 percent

Maintaining Crew Integrity You must know the location and function of every crew member at all times. ___% of fatal fire suppression incidents involved the death of a single fire fighter. NIOSH investigates fire fighter line-of-duty deaths as part of its Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation program


Melted or heat-damaged personal protective equipment and burn injuries are often the result of what? A. defensive firefighting B. "stand your ground" mindset C. lack of caution D. lack of command structure

B. "stand your ground" mindset

How many members does an IRIC have? A. 4 B. 2 C. 3 D. 6

B. 2

"Do not risk your life for lives or property that cannot be saved" is which Rule of Engagement? A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6

B. 3

When preparing for an interview, you should provide no more than ________ key message point(s). A. 4 B. 3 C. 1 D. 2

B. 3

According to the NFPA , approximately _________ of on-duty deaths result from heart attacks. A. 30% B. 40% C. 50% D. 60%

B. 40%

What percentage of home fires are caused by cooking? A. 17% B. 42% C. 52% D. 4%

B. 42%

According to Lauren Backstrom, how much time should you spend interacting when using social media? A. 75% B. 50% C. 10% D. 25%

B. 50%

What percentage of disoriented fire fighter deaths occur in enclosed structures? A. 50% B. 75% C. 65% D. 20%

B. 75%

What is the minimum discharge volume for a handline used on a live fire training evolution? A. 75 gpm (283.9 lpm) B. 95 gpm (359.6 lpm) C. 125 gpm (473.1 lpm) D. 150 gpm (567.8 lpm)

B. 95 gpm (359.6 lpm)

What is central tendency? A. An evaluation error where a fire fighter is rated only on incidents that occurs in the last few weeks B. An evaluation error where a fire fighter is rated in the middle range of all dimensions of work performance. C. An evaluation error where the fire fighter is evaluated on the basis of the fire officer's personal ideals instead of the classified job standards D. An evaluation error that occurs when the FO compares the performance of one fire fighter with the performance of another.

B. An evaluation error where a fire fighter is rated in the middle range of all dimensions of work performance.

A deluge system is an example of which of the following? A. Special extinguishing system B. Automatic sprinkler system C. Detection system D. Standpipe system

B. Automatic Sprinkler System

Which of the following activities are NOT prohibited during life fire training? A. Live "victims" B. Breaching the structure from the roof C. More than one fire evolution in an acquired structure at a time D. Flammable or Combustible Liquids

B. Breaching the structure from the roof

Complex heavy fire apparatus is an example of what kind of expenditure? A. Operating B. Capital C. Nontraditional D. Normal

B. Capital

NIOSH fire fighter fatality investigations often cite the lack of what procedure as a contributing factor in fire fighter deaths? A. proper hose placement B. complete size-up C. timely ventilation D. rehab

B. Complete Size-Up

What's the best way to deal with things you hear via the department grapevine? A. avoid listening to anything delivered via the grapevine since it's just gossip B. Deal with the grapevine rumors that are creating stress among the fire fighters by identifying the accurate information and sharing it with subordinates C. take everything you hear as fact-based and accurate. D. report issues you hear from the grapevine to your supervisor

B. Deal with the grapevine rumors that are creating stress among the fire fighters by identifying the accurate information and sharing it with subordinates

If a fire fighter is faced with a life-threatening situation due to deteriorating conditions, which action should he or she take first? A. Make one attempt at self-rescue B. Declare a mayday C. Attempt to find a hose line or tag line D. Activate the PASS device

B. Declare a mayday

Which of the following is a common method used by volunteer fire departments to raise money? A. property taxes B. direct fund-raising C. direct fees for service D. general sales and gross receipts taxes

B. Direct fund-raising

What is the first step in Michael Taigman's conflict resolution model ? A. Understand the complainant's viewpoint B. Drain the emotional bubble C. Identify the complaintant's expectations D. Help the complaintant feel understood

B. Drain the emotional bubble

What are actionable items? A. Any civil action resulting from hostile workplace complaints B. Employee behaviors that require immediate corrective action C. Issues that impact the diversity makeup of a fire department D. Any to-do's noted on a beginning of shift report

B. Employee behaviors that require immediate corrective action

___ is an effective positive discipline strategy. A. Reward B. Empowerment C. Mentoring D. Conditioning

B. Empowering

Who is generally the first point of contact between the workers and the fire department organization? A. fire fighter B. fire officer C. union steward D. mediator

B. Fire Officer

Which of the following is a prerequisite to becoming a managing fire officer? A. Fire Officer III B. Fire Officer II C. Fire Inspector II D. Fire Instructor II

B. Fire Officer II

Which of the following provided the foundation for the NIMS? Select all that apply A. The National Response Framework B. FIRESCOPE C. The Stafford Act D. The FGC Program

B. Firescope D. The FGC Program

Which type of interest rate, if any, do bonds pay? A. None B. Fixed C. Variable D. Negative

B. Fixed

The preferred extinguishing system from the 1960s to 1990s for computer and electronic rooms was the: A CO2 system B. Halon system C. foam system D. dry chemical system

B. Halon system

Who is responsible for conducting the fire cause investigation? A. chief fire official B. incident commander C. property owner (by hiring a private agency) D. officer from the first-arriving engine company

B. Incident Commander

Which of the following is NOT a primary responsibility of an IC? A. Incident stabilization B. Investigation Evaluation C. Property Conservation D. Life Safety

B. Investigation Evaluation

Who divided the company officer's duties into three distinct roles of supervisor, commander, and trainer? A. Jack W. Gravely B. James O. Page C. Vincent Dunn D. Benjamin Franklin

B. James O. Page

The National Near-Miss Reporting System lists what as the most commonly reported cause of a life-threatening near-miss event? A. disorientation B. lack of situational awareness C. poor health practices D. freelancing

B. Lack of Situational Awareness

What should you do when handling a citizen's complain that you do not agree with? A. explain in detail why the complaint has no merit B. listen C. ask a lot of questions during the initial interview D. direct the citizen to your supervisor

B. Listen

What is the goal of positive reinforcement? A. Keeping individuals from engaging in dangerous behavior through a process of progressive discipline B. Motivating individuals to meet or exceed expectations C. Providing fire fighters with appropriate guidance by "walking the talk" D. Avoiding maladaptive behavior by setting specific, measurable guidelines

B. Motivating individuals to meet or exceed expectations

A U- or V-shaped fire pattern is also known as: A. pattern inversion B. movement pattern C. wall jet D. day-sleeper's fire

B. Movement Pattern

What is progressive discipline? A. An emphasis on rewarding correct behavior B. Moving from positive discipline to negative discipline C. Providing guidance and training to correct performance deficiencies D. Due process in corrective discipline

B. Moving from positive discipline to negative discipline

Which of the following is the most widely used type of promotional examination? A. Interpersonal interaction B. Multiple-Choice C. In-basket D. Simulation

B. Multiple-Choice

Which legislation enacted in 1883 established the civil service system in the U.S. federal government? A. Stafford Act B. Pendleton Act C. Civil Service Act D. Fire Fighter Act

B. Pendleton Act

If a promotion eligibility list is banded, what is typically one of the group headings? A. Passed B. Qualified C. Promoted D. Dismissed

B. Qualified

The acronym that covers the critical factors in developing a strategy is: A. WALLACE WAS HOT B. RECEO VS C. FOIL D. ROGER OUT


Which of the following is one of the three immediate command functions that must be accomplished as part of the first-arriving fire officer's initial radio report? A. Managing resources B. Setting the action plan C. Providing scene safety D. Coordinating with outside agencies

B. Setting the action plan

Which term means "the level of understanding and awareness one has regarding the reality of a set of conditions"? A. Size-Up B. Situational Awareness C. Command Presence D. Survival Orientation

B. Situational Awareness

Dr. James Reason likened the multiple layers of high-technology systems to: A. the maginot line B. swiss cheese C. the great wall of China D. Legos

B. Swiss Cheese

What is the criterion for winning an RFP? A. The RFP is evaluated electronically to prevent bias B. The RFP is awarded to the vendor with the highest score C. The RFP is awarded to the lowest bidder D. The vendor must meet at 75% of the specifications listed in the RFP

B. The RFP is awarded to the vendor with the highest score.

In the five-step process of decision making, once a solution is selected, what happens next? A. The solution must be brainstormed B. The solution must be implemented C. The outcome must be brainstormed D. Alternative solutions must be generated

B. The solution must be implemented

Which statement is correct about the range and depth of skills that new fire fighters bring to the job? A. They are reasonably consistent among new fire fighters due to the establishment of standards for professional qualifications B. They vary widely, from a few hours of orientation to NFPA 1001 certification as a fire fighter C. Variation is limited to the higher levels of qualification and certification D. Considerable variation among new members is a reflection of a poor selection process

B. They vary widely, from a few hours of orientation to NFPA 1001 certification as a fire fighter

Hidden within the assessment center in-basket papers are usually a few surprises, including a few ___ items. A. Illegible B. Time-Sensitive C. Slang D. Foreign

B. Time-Sensitive

What is the main purpose of an annual evaluation? A. To determine specific guidelines for a work improvement plan B. To discuss a fire fighter's future goals and objectives C. To provide positive reinforcement D. To remediate negative behavior

B. To discuss a fire fighter's future goals and objectives.

Low-rise multiple-family dwellings are typically what type of construction? A. Type IV B. Type V C. Type II D. Type III

B. Type V

Which circumstance requires the use of autocratic leadership? A. When turning a fire scene over to another officer. B. When the fire company is involved in a high-risk, emergency scene activity C. When planning a project or developing the daily work plan of the company D. When working with experienced fire fighters.

B. When the fire company is involved in a high-risk, emergency scene activity.

Which of the following describes SOPs? A. Formal documents that address a specific subject, policy, or situation B. Written organizational directives that establish or prescribe specific operational or administrative methods to be followed routinely for the performance of designated operations or actions. C. A document that suggests a particular action or decision D. Written organizational directives that identify a desired goal and describe the general path to accomplish the goal, including critical tasks or cautions.

B. Written organizational directives that establish or prescribe specific operational or administrative methods to be followed routinely for the performance of designated operations or actions.

What is CRM? A. a self-help program B. a behavioral modification training system C. a management tool for comparing output to input D. a methodology to self-regulate a previously supervised activity

B. a behavioral modification training system

What is Gordon Dupont's "Dirty Dozen"? A. the process that causes technical systems to fail B. a list of reasons and ways humans make mistakes C. the leadership skills needed to ensure effective teamwork D. the primary latent conditions that create the potential for a catastrophic event.

B. a list of reasons and ways humans make mistakes

An assessment center candidate should be prepared to make one of two types of simulated verbal presentations. What is one of those types? A. an appearance in court under adversarial conditions B. a presentation to civilians about a fire department practice C. a defense of a department policy to a panel of commissioners D. a welcoming speech to a group of new hires as a chief

B. a presentation to civilians about a fire department practice

Pyrolysis falls under which of the following fire classifications? A. natural B. accidental C. undetermined D. incendiary

B. accidental

According to James Reason, unsafe acts committed by people who are in direct contact with the situation or system are classified as which type of failure? A. passive B. active C. known D. latent

B. active

What is the basis for the air time rating for SCBA? A. air consumption of an individual engaged in vigorous physical labor B. air consumption of an individual at rest C. a theoretical metabolic formula D. extrapolations from animal experiments

B. air consumption of an individual at rest

The specific cause of a fire can be determined only after: A. salvage and overhaul are complete B. all potential causes have been identified C. the char has been analyzed D. evidence has been documented

B. all potential causes have been identified

The only way to go from a ventilation-limited to a fuel-limited fire is through ___. A. cutting off the source of oxygen to the fire B. application of water before vertical ventilation C. making a large enough ventilation hole D. application of foam-extinguishing agents

B. application of water before vertical ventilation

To be effective in a CRM environment, leaders must: A. become proficient in group problem-solving algorithms B. be open to suggestions and constructive criticism C. establish ready-to-go panic sequences D. let subordinates take turns leading

B. be open to suggestions and constructive criticism

How are many large capital improvement projects funded? A. recovery costs B. bonds C. supplemental budgets D. fire tax districts

B. bonds

A ___ is defined as an itemized summary of estimated or intended revenues and expenditures. A. fiscal analysis B. budget C. revenue plan D. financial plan

B. budget

While standing by, what should RIC members do? A. determine where the hot zone is B. closely monitor fire-ground radio communciations C. check in with the IC at specified times D. determine fire exposure parameters

B. closely monitor fire-ground radio communications

When an emergency incident is so large that immediate establishment of command by the first-arriving officer is required, the decision has been to go to a(n): A. investigation mode B. command mode C. fast-attack mode D. strategic mode

B. command mode

When should a company-level officer initiate a tactical worksheet to direct incoming units to take effective action? A. investigative mode B. command mode C. evaluation mode D. fast attack mode

B. command mode

What is one of the five options available to fire departments if revenues are reduced? A. issue a bond series B. defer scheduled expenditures C. restructure debt packages D. hire additional personnel to reduce overtime

B. defer scheduled expenditures

What is the primary focus on information collected by the census A. topography B. demographics C. climate D. economy

B. demographics

Incendiary devices are tangible items that are classified as ___ evidence. A. physical B. demonstrative C. documentary D. admissible

B. demonstrative

According to a study by Captain William R. Mora, three-fourths of line-of-duty-deaths occur: A. as a result of flashover B. in enclosed structures C. during rescue operations D. due to structural collapse

B. in enclosed structures

What should a public information officer do if he or she sees or hear a news story that contains inaccurate information? A. call the reporter's editor B. issues a press release with the correct information C. call the reporter with the correct information D. ignore it; the truth will come out

B. issues a press release with the correct information

When dealing with a highly emotional situation, the first step is often to: A. take control of the scene B. listen actively C. separate any and all individuals involved D. identify the source of the problem

B. listen actively

A good size-up requires officers to look carefully and assess what can be seen, and to ___ about what cannot be seen. A. assume nothing B. make reasonable assumptions C. defer judgement D. assume the worst

B. make reasonable assumptions

Once the mayday is declared, what should the fire fighter do? A. wait for command orders to withdraw B. manually activate the PASS device C. report the remaining level of oxygen in SCBA D. shelter in place

B. manually activate the PASS device

During an emergency incident, the level of supervision provided by the FO should be balanced with the experience of the company members and the: A. size of the incident B. nature of the assignment C. number of departments responding D. experience of the FO

B. nature of the assignment

During an emergency incident, the level of supervision provided by the FO should be balanced with the experience of the company members and the: A. size of the incident B. nature of the assignment C. number of departments responding D. experience of the fire officer

B. nature of the assignment

Which of the following is an element usually included in a decision document? A. outside authorship B. options C. past practice D. job performance requirements

B. options

Which of the following is NOT a step recommended by the NFPA when dealing with the media? A. build a strong foundation B. practice full disclosure C. use a proactive approach D. use a measured responses

B. practice full disclosure

Gary Klein's research on decision making under pressure found that FOs and military combat officers rely on what when developing plans of action? A. instinct B. previous experience C. team input D. traditional decision-making models

B. previous experience

Replacing employees with contracted employees is also referred to as: A. decentralizing B. privatization C. freelancing D. personalization

B. privatization

Which of the following is NOT something a monthly probationary evaluation would assess? A. performance of other job tasks B. progress toward future promotion C. progress in learning the fire company district, including streets and target hazards D. progress in learning job-specific information not covered in basic training

B. progress toward future promotion

The chemical decomposition that results in a gradual lowering of the ignition temperature of the wood until autoignition occurs is: A. oxygenation B. pyrolysis C. decaying D. fulgurites

B. pyrolysis

In preparing for examination, candidates should be familiar with the materials on the reference reading list as well as: A. forensic practices B. recent local history C. the laws governing arrest D. political influences within the organization

B. recent local history

Positive discipline is reinforced by: A. rewarding the desired performance each and every time it occurs B. recognizing improved performance and rewarding excellent performance C. informing the entire company of the recipient's good work and its beneficial consequence D. equally punishing any failure to maintain the desired performance that is being rewarded

B. recognizing improved performance and rewarding excellent performance

When the exact amount of a large purchase is not known, the item is purchased through a stringent process of a(n): A. special item expenditure B. requisition C. operating bond D. bidding proposal

B. requisition

When en route to an alarm, the entire crew should be exchanging only information that is pertinent to: A. the scene size-up B. responding to and arriving safely at the scene of the alarm C. their role and the tasks they will complete at the incident D. the standard operating procedures

B. responding to and arriving safely at the scene of the alarm

Which ICS position is responsible for providing fire fighter rehabilitation? A. operations section chief B. service branch director C. medical group supervisor D. planning section chief

B. service branch director

Which of the following factors has the greatest effect on an object's rate of combustion? A. weight B. shape C. mass D. volume

B. shape

As a fire grows and develops, it follows the same pattern as the: A. fuel load B. smoke and heat C. air currents D. oxygen and fuel sources

B. smoke and heat

Which of the following is NOT a step in an oral presentation? A. ask the audience to take action B. start with a formal outline of topics C. explain why the audience should be interested D. give details in a logical way

B. start with a formal outline of topics

The dividing of responsibilities among individuals and teams in a manner that allows for effective accomplishment is: A. resource assignment B. task allocation C. delegation D. activity responsibilities

B. task allocation

Which term describes the division of responsibilities among individuals and teams in a manner that allows for their effective accomplishment? A. span of control B. task allocation C. division of labor D. Resource management

B. task allocation

Which of the following is NOT a condition of followership? A. mental condition B. technical ability C. physical condition D. attitude

B. technical ability

In any situation where the fire department's reports or documentation are requested: A. the documents must be released as public information B. the fire department's legal counsel should be consulted C. a fire officer should be present during the review of the documents D. the request should be refused respectfully and politely

B. the fire department's legal counsel should be consulted

What is the primary purpose in requiring fire fighters to read new policy and sign off that they understand it ? A. this step is required by law B. this step ensures accountability C. this step provides legal protection for the officer D. this step creates buy-in

B. this step ensures accountability

Who are usually the best people to solve a problem? A. Those responsible for the outcome B. Those directly involved with it C. People with no direct involvement in it D. A team composed of some people outside the organization and some within the organization

B. those directly involved with it

The goal of every fire officer should be to foster a(n): A. amicable relationship with all employees B. trusting relationship with all employees C. open environments in the workplace D. enjoyable place to work

B. trusting relationship with all employees

Which statement is correct about a right-to-work state? A. The right to union representation is guaranteed by state law B. Workers cannot be compelled to join a union as a condition of employment C. Collective bargaining is not protected by state law D. Unions cannot require the payment of membership dues

B. workers cannot be compelled to join a union as a condition of employment

Fire Officer's Tasks: The Beginning of Shift Report The ___ chief moves available staff to cover vacancies and any vacancies that remain have to be covered by fire fighters working overtime.

Battalion Chief

___ chiefs, or district chiefs, are responsible for managing the activities of several fire companies within a defined geographic area, usually in more than one fire station.

Battalion Chief

This chief is responsible for managing the activities of several fire companies within a defined geographic area, usually in more than one fire station.

Battalion Chiefs

Habits to Improve Safety A fire officer can develop four simple habits to improve the safety of his or her crew:

Be physically fit. Wear seat belts. Practice safety through training and personal example. Maintain fire company integrity at emergency incidents.

Along with the first U.S. fire company, _____ organized the first fire insurance company in the United States and coined the phrase "..."

Benjamin Franklin "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"

What the second most common way that local governments lose harassment or hostile workplace complaints?

Blaming the person bringing the complaint is the second most common way that local governments lose harassment or hostile workplace complaints

What color is the NFPA 704 marking system for health?


A certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation that guarantees payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date.


The position of fire officer confers authority, but does not make a person a leader. ___ tell people to accomplish a task. ___ make people want to achieve goals and objectives.

Bosses Leaders

a method of shared problem solving in which all members of he group spontaneously contribute


___ provide a span of control. May handle a number of divisions/groups/units at larger incidents. A ___ is in command of a number of divisions/groups/units.

Branches branch director

Apply to construction, extension, or major renovation

Building Codes

Building Code Vs Fire Code Building codes apply to... Fire codes apply to...

Building codes apply to construction, extension, or major renovation Fire codes apply to existing buildings and situations involving potential fire risk or hazard.

Occupancy Type. Used for account and record keeping or transaction of business other than mercantile.


____ practices expanded with the migration from paper to electronic records. The ____ required the first large-scale recovery of digital records after a disaster.

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) -1989 San Francisco earthquake

___ words should be reserved for situations that involve an immediate risk of injury.

Buzz words

How many days is a supervisor given to replay to a written grievance? A. 5 B. 7 C. 10 D. 14

C. 10

A qualified fire investigator has specialized training and, in most cases, is certified in accordance with NFPA: A. 1003 B. 1021 C. 1033 D. 1500

C. 1033

Gordon Dupont has identified that humans make mistakes based on one or a combination of: A. 5 reasons and ways B. 8 reasons and ways C. 12 reasons and ways D. 15 reasons and ways

C. 12 reasons and ways

The managing fire officer candidate needs ___ years of experienced as a qualified supervising fire officer. A. 3 to 5 B. 3 to 6 C. 2 to 4 D. 1 to 2

C. 2 to 4

A supervising fire officer candidate needs 3 to 5 years of experience in agency operations and ___ hours of experience as an acting unit officer handling emergency responses and nonemergency activities. A. 50 B. 100 C. 200 D. 300

C. 200

According to national statistics, ___ of U.S. fires are incendiary A. 5% B. 10% C. 25% D. 35%

C. 25%

The top 3 local tax revenue sources for career fire departments represent roughly what percent of the total revenues collected by local governments? A. 25 B. 60 C. 50 D. 30

C. 50

A CERT course consists of ___ training sessions. A. 5 B. 7 C. 9 D. 11

C. 9

What is a grievance? A. An acrimonious relationship between two team members B. A personal bias that creates tension in the workplace C. A dispute, claim, or complaint involving the labor agreement or personnel regulations D. A debilitating reaction to a negative situation

C. A dispute, claim, or complaint involving the labor agreement or personnel regulations

Which entity provides an analysis of the impact of an event on the health and safety of persons in the affected area? A. A public, not-for-profit or private entity B. The NFPA C. A local government agency D. The FD

C. A local government agency

What is a Loudermill hearing? A. A formal meeting between the fire chief, the supervising officer, the fire fighter, and a union representative to determine sanctions B. An unofficial negative supervisory action where the supervisor meets with the fire fighter to discuss unsatisfactory behavior C. A predisciplinary conference that occurs before a suspension, demotion, or involuntary termination D. The first level of negative discipline

C. A predisciplinary conference that occurs before a suspension, demotion, or involuntary termination

What is the NRF? A. A board empanelled to oversee the Department of Homeland Security B. A secure communications network for transmission of voice and data messages C. An all-hazards approach to incident response D. The GAO hazardous materials investigation branch

C. An all-hazards approach to incident response

Which trend was started when the NFPA helped standardize fire fighter training by publishing the inaugural edition of NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, in 1974? (NOT SURE) A. Establishment of regional training institutions B. Accreditation of training institutions C. Development of consensus standards for training D. Reduction in line-of-duty deaths

C. Development of consensus standards for training

Which of the following is one of the most effective strategies in positive discipline? A. Enlightenment B. Emotional Stability C. Empowerment D. Halo Effect

C. Empowerment

The organization developed to create a more effective system to deal with major incidents, through the major fire agencies in southern California, is the: A. FGC B. NIMS C. FIRESCOPE D. FRP


Which of the following identifies doors, utilities access, and any special considerations or hazards? A. Preincident Plan B. Plot Plan C. Floor Plan D. Model Code

C. Floor plan

Which theory relies on competitiveness of people? A. Equity Theory B. Motivation-Hygiene Theory C. Goal-Setting Theory D. Expectancy Theory

C. Goal-Setting Theory

Which of the following is the most common type of assessment center activities? A. Progressive simulation B. Multimedia Interactive Simulation C. In-Basket Exercise D. Interpersonal Interaction

C. In-Basket Exercise

Which of the following is not a part of a personal study journal? A. Information about the exam B. Calendar C. Information about promotional opportunities in the geographic area D. Written reference materials

C. Information about promotional opportunities in the geographic area

Which act required that unions file an annual report with the government listing the assets of the organization as well as the names and assets of every officer and employee? A. Taft-Hartley Labor Act B. Wagner-Connery Act C. Landrum-Griffin Act D. Norris-LaGuardia Act

C. Landrum-Griffin Act

According to the Rules of Engagement, how much risk is acceptable in attempting to save property that is "savable"? A. None B. Incidental C. Limited D. Significant

C. Limited

Which NFPA standard provides information on preincident planning? A. NFPA 1001 B. NFPA 1500 C. NFPA 1620 D. NFPA 1981

C. NFPA 1620

Which of the following organizations did NOT participate in the Fire Fighter Safety and Deployment study? A. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) B. Department of Fire Protection Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute C. National Association for Fire Fighters and EMS Personnel D. Center for Public Safety Excellence Commission of Fire Accreditation

C. National Association for Fire Fighters and EMS Personnel

Which of the following does an oral presentation assess? A. Supervisory Skills B. Decision-Making Skills C. Planning and Organizing skills, and persuasiveness D. Problem Analysis

C. Problem and Organizing Skills, and Persuasiveness

What is one of the four areas typically evaluated in a structured probationary program monthly fire fighter assessment? A. Establishment of appropriate peer-group relationships B. Physical Agility C. Progress in learning the district D. Vehicle Operation

C. Progress in learning the district

Which concept evolved from OSHA's two-in/two-out rule mandated by 29 CFR 1910.134? A. ICS B. NIMS C. RIT D. Rule of Air Management


Who is considered one of the fathers of fire fighter certification training? A. Alexander Shaler B. James Arrow C. Ralph. J Scott D. Thomas Jefferson

C. Ralph J. Scott

What is the term for the ability of a test to measure what is intended to measure on a consistent basis? A. Validity B. Objectivity C. Reliability D. Selectivity

C. Reliability

What can an agency conduct to identify hazards and the probability of the hazard occurring? A. business continuity evaluation B. hazard analysis C. risk assessment D. Incident probability analysis

C. Risk assessment

Which of the following is a capital item? A. gasoline B. electricity C. SCBA D. Maintenance Services


Which of the following is not an activity within the CRM model? A. Teamwork B. Avoidance C. Situational Awareness D. Entrapment E. Mitigating Circumstances

C. Situational Awareness

Using an authoritative style during an emergency is an example of which of the following? A. standardized actions B. command staff assignments C. situational leadership D. closeness of supervision

C. Situational leadership

What is the first Rule of Engagement? A. Do not risk your life for lives or property that cannot be saved B. Determine the occupant survival profile C. Size up your tactical area of operation D. extend vigilance and measured risk to protect and rescue savable lives

C. Size up your tactical area of operation

In the ICS, actions required to achieve tactical objectives occur at which level of command? A. Task B. Single Resource C. Tactical D. Group/Division

C. Tactical

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 resulted from which of the following events? A. The Civil War B. The burning of Washington, D.C. C. Tammany Hall D. The Chicago Fire

C. Tammany Hall

Which government act provides additional compensatory and punitive damages in cases of intentional discrimination under Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act? A. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act B. The Americans with Disabilities Act C. The Civil Rights Act D. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

C. The Civil Rights Act

Which legislation was part of Roosevelt's New Deal with the primary purpose of establishing minimum standards for wages? A. Norris-LaGuardia Act B. Wagner-Connery Act C. The FLSA D. Taft-Hartley Labor Act


Who is responsible for initiating the incident management plan at an emergency scene? A. The fire chief B. The fire marshal C. The first arriving FO D. The safety officer

C. The first arriving FO

Which of the following is not an initiative from Everyone Goes Home®? A. Develop and champion national protocols for response to violent incidents. B. Enhance the personal and organizational accountability for health and safety throughout the fire service. C. Thoroughly program available technology to create a national research agenda. D. Empower all fire fighters to stop unsafe practices.

C. Thoroughly program available technology to create a national research agenda.

Which of the following is one of the most popular questions to asks a candidate for promotion? A. What special training and certifications B. How much experience he or she has in the supervising others C. Why he or she should be selected for promotion D. How he or she should handle an insubordinate employee

C. Why he or she should be selected for promotion

How does the text define a problem? A. a condition that results in lost productivity B. an impediment to progress toward an objective C. a difference between the current situation and the desired situation D. the first step on the path of logical deduction

C. a difference between the current situation and the desired situation

Which of the following presents the best way for a FO who wants to recommend changes to existing policies? A. a formal request B. a one-on-one meeting with the fire chief C. a post-incident debriefing D. an assertive statement process

C. a post-incident debriefing

What are interrogatories? A. Types of announcements that are used to distribute short-term and nonessential information that is of interest. B. A type of report that includes recommendations for employee recognition or formal discipline C. a series of written questions asked by someone from an opposing legal party D. guidelines that provide a standard and consistent response to emergency incidents

C. a series of written questions asked by someone from an opposing legal party

What is a key factor when getting your message out? A. use professional terminology to emphasize the importance of your message B. always maintain control of the interview C. always tell the truth D. assume that the interview's intentions are confrontational

C. always tell the truth

Which of the following roles is commonly encountered in an assessment center role-play simulation? A. an organization superior B. a news media reporter C. an angry citizen D. a peer

C. an angry citizen

The fire department has an agency-wide mission that is translated into: A. scheduled duty tasks B. fire fighters conduct C. Annual goals D. department guidelines

C. annual goals

How are funds obtained by issuing bonds classified? A. as part of recovery cost B. as a fire tax district line-item C. as a special revenue source D. as a capital improvement

C. as a special revenue source

A restaurant is an example of which type of occupancy group? A. business B. mixed C. assembly D. mercantile

C. assembly

What is the term for the level of funding that would be required to maintain all services at the currently authorized levels? A. fiscal budget B. continuance plan C. base budget D. operational budget

C. base budget

What is the term for the level of funding that would be required to maintain all services at the currently authorized levels? A. fiscal budget B. continuous plan C. base budget D. operational budget

C. base budget

The form that is faxed from every fire station to the battalion chief within 15 minutes of the reporting time is the: A. shift report B. daily status report C. beginning of a shift report D. task report

C. beginning of a shift report

Which of the following includes on-duty staffing information, a sick leave list, and identification of positions that need to be filled for that shift? A. In-Basket exercise B. Volunteer duty night schedule C. Beginning of shift report D. Staffing Schedule

C. beginning of shift report

Construction, renovations, or expansion of municipal buildings are expensive projects that have funds allocated to them in the: A. training budget B. operating budget C. capital expenditures D. personnel expenditures

C. capital expenditures

A fire officer should make a conscious effort to identify activities that can be: A. documented B. good training scenarios C. changed, improved, or updated D. addressed and dealt with by all department members

C. changed, improved, or updated

A critical element for fire fighter survival is ___. A. physical conditioning B. hierarchial command system C. crew integrity D. preincident planning

C. crew integrity

When a "red flag" is raised, the supervisor is mandated to do all of the following except: A. talk with others B. accept the validity of the concern C. determine the extent of the danger D. make a safe decision

C. determine the extent of the danger

A recommended practice for improving decision making includes gaining experience, training constantly, improving communication skills, and: A. knowing your resources B. enhancing technical skills C. engaging in preincident planning D. reviewing past incidents

C. enganging in preincident planning

Which of the following is NOT one of the 3 methods of heat transfer? A. conduction B. Radiation C. expansion D. convection

C. expansion

What is the most effective means of conveying many types of information? A. via phone B. via email C. face-to-face D. via radio

C. face-to-face

What is the root cause of almost every labor disturbance? A. Lack of federal or state regulations on employment practices B. lack of formal employment contracts C. failure to properly manage the relationship between labor and management D. power struggles between municipal and private entities

C. failure to properly manage the relationship between labor and management

Supervisor, commander, and trainer are three distinct roles of the: A. safety officer B. command officer C. fire officer D. battalion chief

C. fire officer

The point of origin can often be identified by ___. A. the fuel that was first ignited B. the amount of charring C. fire patterns D. determining the source of ignition

C. fire patterns

In Todd Bishop's five-step assertive statement process, "stating a solution" is the: A. second step B. third step C. fourth step D. fifth step

C. fourth step

Which of the following are formal documents that address a specific subject, policy, condition, or situation? A. SOPs B. announcements C. general orders D. SOGs

C. general orders

What should you do if a citizen at an emergency scene is in danger of becoming violent? A. ignore the person B. sedate the person C. get the police involved D. ask for help in restraining the person

C. get the police involved

Risk management involves all of the following EXCEPT ________. A. selection of appropriate risk management techniques B. identification and analysis of exposure to hazards C. getting NFPA approval for implementation D. monitoring of results

C. getting NFPA approval for implementation

Compared to legacy dwellings, modern structures: A. have greater compartmentalization B. have a lower heat-release rate C. have a shorter time to flashover D. are less sensitive to changes in flow path

C. have a shorter time to flashover

In addition to meeting regulatory requirements , how can records of accidents be used ? A. identifying accident-prone employees B. insurance reporting C. identifying trends D. employee administrative action

C. identifying trends

When would a FO issue a work improvement plan? A. as part of the formal annual review B. prior to the mid-year review C. if a fire fighter receives a substandard evaluation D. six weeks before the end of the annual evaluation period

C. if a fire fighter receives a substandard evaluation

What must a fire officer be when investigating a complaint? A. certified in conflict management skills B. dedicated to protecting the department C. impartial D. empathetic

C. impartial

Who conducts the multiple-company incident review? A. safety officer B. logistics officer C. incident commander D. incident commander

C. incident commander

Every type of emergency response must have some type of: A. officer's report B. recommendation report C. incident report D. resource report

C. incident report

A steadfast adherence to a moral code and internal value system is a sign of: A. ethical behavior B. honesty C. integrity D. accountability

C. integrity

What was one of the outcomes of the Taft-Hartley Labor Act? A. It revealed evidence of crime and corruption in some of the older local unions. B. workers flocked to join both the AFL and the new CIO C. it created a 60-day "Cooling off" period, which comes into effect when a labor agreement ends without a new contract D. it granted workers the right to decide, by majority vote, which organization will represent them at the labor-management bargaining table.

C. it created a 60-day "cooling off" period, which comes into effect when a labor agreement ends without a new contract

CRM does not advocate or support any undermining of: A. earlier error-management models B. delegation of assignments C. legitimate authority D. personal vision

C. legitimate authority

Spoken words, written words, pictures, symbols and gestures are examples of ________. A. messages B. feedback C. mediums D. communication loops

C. mediums

Customer satisfaction focuses on: A. achieving the fire department's mission statement B. serving the public C. meeting the customer's expectations D. efficiency of service

C. meeting the customer's expectations

Codes developed and adopted at the state level for either mandatory or optional enforcement by local governments that cannot be amended by local governments are called ________. A. ordinances B. regulations C. mini/max codes D. model codes

C. mini/max codes

When sending a message, any behavior is up for interpretation, so we must be careful to send only the intended message and attempt to: A. control the receiver B. focus the sender C. minimize misinterpretations D. increase the number of mediums

C. minimize misinterpretations

One very important consideration when an evacuation area is being established is the: A. time of day B. number of resources available C. nature of the event D. type of neighborhood

C. nature of the event

Which strategy would an incident commander select when he or she believes the benefits of controlling and extinguishing the fire outweigh the risks of fire fighters? A. transitional B. combination C. offensive D. defensive

C. offensive

Stairwell support groups are usually positioned ___ A. on every other floor B. on every floor C. on every third floor D. at the top and bottom of each stairwell

C. on every third floor

How do fire officers formally exercise leadership of a team? A. implied consent B. discipline C. rank and authority D. coaching and mentoring

C. rank and authority

What must a FO do in order for an EAP to be successful? A. ensure that all steps in progressive negative reinforcement have been followed B. force an employee to get help C. recognize stress in an employee D. document past negative behavior

C. recognize stress in an employee

A document that suggests a particular action or decision is called a? A. finding B. inquiry C. recommendation report D. after-action report

C. recommendation report

Which of the following is one of the six parts of a business continuity plan? A. resource requirements B. alternative facilities C. recovery plan D. record preservation

C. recovery plan

If a fresh oxygen supply is introduced to a fire in the smoldering phase, the fire will: A. flash over B. roll over C. resume the fully developed phase D. self-extinguish

C. resume the fully developed phase

When you have information that you want to distribute to several news outlets, what should you do? A. prepare a 4-page press release B. call each report individually C. schedule a press conference D. send an e-mail blast

C. schedule a press conference

Which of the following is a fire department likely to have if it has a contract or MOU in place? A. mediator B. grievance officer C. shop steward D. union negotiator

C. shop steward

A proposed increase in spending to provide additional services is a(n) ___ request. A. above base B. program budget C. supplemental budget D. capital

C. supplemental budget

The level of the command structure at which the physical work is actually accomplished is the: A. strategic level B. tactical level C. task level D. staff level

C. task level

Generally, structures built after 1980 differ from older homes in all of the following respects EXCEPT: A. they are larger B. they have open-house geometry C. they have increased fuel loads D. they are constructed with heavier lumber

C. they have increased fuel loads

What is a fire investigator's primary goal? A. to ensure that salvage operations are conducted according to standard operating procedures B. to fully document and preserve the fire scene in cases of arson C. to identify the point of origin and the cause of the fire D. to ensure the chain of custody for evidence gathered at the fire scene

C. to identify the point of origin and the cause of the fire

Which of the following is NOT one of the three situations in which a fire crew may have to disrobe at the incident scene? A. drug laboratories B. exposure to asbestos building components C. torn PPE D. Chemical/biological weapons

C. torn PPE

Successful communication occurs when: A. a message is transferred quickly and efficiently B. the desired outcome is achieved C. two people exchange information and develop a mutual understanding D. the message is internalized

C. two people exchange information and develop a mutual understanding

The purpose of active listening is to help the fire officer to: A. interact with the fire fighter B. provide appropriate feedback C. understand the fire fighter's viewpoint D. control the communication

C. understand the fire fighter's viewpoint

The size of the building and its contents, construction type, occupancy, exposures, and fire protection system will affect the amount of number of: A. incident commanders B. fire fighters in the RICO C. water needed to extinguish the fire D. departments required to handle the incident

C. water needed to extinguish the fire

When driving a fire apparatus, drivers need to be aware that stopping distances are directly related to the vehicle's: A. size B. contents C. weight D. wheel base

C. weight

When should a fire officer tell complainant that certain actions will be taken ? A. Never B. whenever possible C. when it is within the scope of his or her authority D. when he or she is sure of the outcome

C. when it is within the scope of his or her authority

___ groups can provide immediate assistance to victims in their area and collect disaster intelligence that assists professional responders with prioritization and allocation of resources after a disaster.


Extinguishes fire by displacing oxygen


In 1978, United Airlines Flight 173 crashed because the people flying it became engrossed in a burned-out light bulb and did not pay attention to the fact that the plane was running low on fuel. In response, NASA developed ____. It eventually became mandatory training. It was resisted by senior pilots until a spectacular crash landing by United Airlines Flight 232 in 1989. The crew attributed their success in this incident to their training.


Rule 9 applies ____ in that everyone gets to voice their safety concerns.


____ is an error-management model with 3 activities: avoidance, entrapment, and mitigating consequences


The goal of the IAFC Officer Development Handbook is to encourage company officers to acquire the appropriate levels of training, experience, self-development, and education throughout their professional journey to prepare for the Chief Fire Officer designation as the pinnacle of professional development. In this text, the FO II will be the ___.


A disproportionate number of fire fighters older than age 49 die from which of the following?

Cardiac Arrest

___ is the circumstances and factors that were necessary for the fire to occur.


The ___ provides the terminal focal point in FO professional development.

Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE)

The super-subordinate authority relationship that starts at the top of the organization hierarchy and extends to the lowest levels

Chain of Command

Carbonaceous material that has been buried and has a blackened appearance


Regarding Fire Patterns The blackened remains of carbon-based material after it burns.


Who authored Fundamentals of Fire Tactics?

Chief Lloyd Layman

An obsolete amplification device that enabled a chief officer to give order to fire fighters during an emergency, a precursor to the bullhorn and portable radio.

Chief's Trumpet

A detailed account of the fire company activities as related to an incident or accident.

Chronological statement of events

The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 amended the ___ and expanded its coverage to include almost all public and private employers with 15 or more employees

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Provides additional compensatory and punitive damages in cases of intentional discrimination under Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The changes introduced in the 1991 act increased the number of discrimination lawsuits filed against organizations.

Civil Rights Act of 1991

___ is a method of directing, instructing, and training a person or group of people with the aim of achieving some goal or developing specific skills


____ is the method whereby representatives of employees (unions) and employers determine the conditions of employment through direct negotiation.

Collective Bargaining

Negative Discipline: Correcting Unacceptable Behavior Termination: Usually recommended by a lower-level ____. The ___ issues the formal termination notice after consulting with the personnel office.

Commanding Officer -fire chief

The successful transfer and understanding of a thought from one person to another


____ is the successful transfer and understanding of a thought.


The path a message takes from and back to its original source

Communication Cycle

Provides basic training to residents and employees in local communities, as well as to government workers, that would allow them to function effectively during the first 72 hours after a catastrophic event

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

A log book that records emergency, routine, or special activities and any liability-creating event, including special visitors to the fire station

Company Journal

A state of opposition between two parties


___ is reached when a fire fighter can perform a skill reliably at will without assistance, but still needs to concentrate and think to perform the skill.

Conscious competence

A code or standard developed through agreement between people representing different organizations and interests. NFPA codes and standards are consensus documents.

Consensus document

The combination of materials used in the construction of a building or structure, based on the varying degrees of fire resistance and combustibility.

Construction Type

Restraining, regulating, governing, counteracting, or overpowering.


___ means restraining, regulating, governing, counteracting, or overpowering.


What's most often the highest cause of home structure fires?


60 AD: The emperor Nero established the ___.

Corps of Vigiles

When a fire department invoices a carrier or agency for extraordinary or special costs associated with a response to an incident

Cost Recovery

The ____ was established in 1996 as a national advocate and institutional voice for self-regulation of academic quality through accreditation.

Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)

A behavioural modification training system developed by the aviation industry to reduce its accident rate.

Crew Resource Management

In the late 1970s, the aviation industry had a problem of one-way decision making and communication. ____ established two-way communication among all members of the flight crew.

Crew Resource Management (CRM)

____ is a behavioral approach to reducing human error in high-risk or high-consequence activities.

Crew Resource Management (CRM)

Which NFPA standard covers the Infection control program ? A. 1501 B. 1521 C. 1561 D. 1581

D. 1581

More than what percentage of disoriented fire fighter deaths occur in enclosed structures? A. 1/4 B. 1/2 C. 2/3 D. 3/4

D. 3/4

According to studies conducted by Underwriters Laboratories, flashover in a legacy home occurs in about __________minutes. A. 10 B. 15 C. 25 D. 30

D. 30

How many potential responses are there once an investigation is complete? A. an infinite number B. 1 C. 3 D. 4

D. 4

How many parts does the plan document have? A. 3 B. 5 C. 4 D. 6

D. 6

Since the year 2000, an average of ___________ fire fighters on duty deaths have occurred each year in the USA . A. 50 B. 60 C. 80 D. 99

D. 99

Which item should be included in a personal study journal? A. A copy of NFPA 1007 B. A photograph of each piece of department apparatus C. A personal mission statement D. A calendar

D. A calendar

What is coaching? A. The developmental relationship in which a more experienced person helps a less experienced person B. The process of achieving proficiency through instruction and hands-on practice in the operation of equipment and systems that are expected to be used in the performance of assigned duties. C. The ability to change behavior based on personal ethics D. A method of directing, instructing, and training a person or group of people with the aim of achieving some goal or developing specific skills.

D. A method of directing, instructing, and training a person or group of people with the aim of achieving some goal or developing specific skills.

What is a T-Account? A. An employee benefit that covers the cost for employees to receive counseling for personal issues. B. An informal record that lists fire fighter activities used to provide documentation for annual evaluations C. A written document that is part of a special evaluation period D. A single-sheet form used to list the employee's assets and liabilities

D. A single-sheet form used to list the employee's assets and liabilities

What is Rule 10 of the Rules of Engagement? A. Adopt and require the use of a personnel accountability system B. Maintain crew integrity at all times C. Fight fire aggressively but provide for safety first D. Abandon your position and retreat before deteriorating conditions

D. Abandon your position and retreat before deteriorating conditions

To be eligible for Stafford Act funding, what must an agency do? A. Provide resources for the emergency support functions B. Be directly impacted by a disaster as declared by a governor C. Declare a national emergency D. Adopt and implement NIMS

D. Adopt and implement NIMS

Which process is defined as establishing expectation with a subordinate and examining where he or she stands relative to those expectations? A. Standardized proficiency evaluation B. A professional development plan C. Discipline and counseling D. Annual performance evaluation

D. Annual Performance Evaluation

The specific behavior to perform, the conditions in which it must be performed, and the performance measure are all part of a(n): (NOT SURE) A. task analysis B. evaluation standard C. lesson plan D. behavioral objective

D. Behavioral Objective

The direct responsibility for the supervision, performance, and safety of a crew of fire fighters belongs to the: A. command officer B. lieutenant C. battalion chief D. company-level officer

D. Company-Level Officer

Providing information about the workings of local government is an example of which form of positive discipline? A. Participation B. Education C. Awareness D. Empowerment

D. Empowerment

Which theory is exemplified when employees evaluate outcomes they receive for their inputs and compare them with outcomes others receive for their inputs? A. Goal-Setting Theory B. Reinforcement Theory C. Expectancy Theory D. Equity Theory

D. Equity Theory

Which theory requires that the FO address employees' beliefs that their effort will achieve the goal and that meeting the goal will generate the reward, as well as the desire for the reward? A. Goal-Setting Theory B. Equity Theory C. Reinforcement Theory D. Expectancy Theory

D. Expectancy Theory

In general, which level of supervisor has the longest and most diverse reading list for its promotional multiple-choice examinations? A. Administration B. Top-Level C. Staff D. First-Level

D. First-Level

The history of Fire Prevention Week his its roots in the: A. Philadelphia Fire Department B. Cincinnati Fire Department C. Peshtigo Fire D. Great Chicago Fire

D. Great Chicago Fire

Which level of the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) is the most difficult to analyze ? A. HFACS 1 B. HFACS 2 C. HFACS 3 D. HFACS 4


Which task force developed the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT)? A. Fire Service Joint-Management Wellness-Fitness Task Force B. Fire Fighter Physical Performance Task Force C. Cooperative Fire Fighter Fitness Task Force D. IAFC/IAFF Labor Relations Initiative

D. IAFC/IAFF Labor Relations Initiative

Which of the following is NOT considered one of the roles fire officers play in relation to properties within their communities? A. Identification and correction of fire safety hazards through checks or code enforcement. B. Promotion of fire safety through public education C. Development and maintenance of preincident plans D. Identification of high-risk property

D. Identification of high-risk property

Which entity provides accreditation for fire service professional certification programs? A. National Fire Protection Association B. International Fire Service Training Association C. International Society of Fire Service Instructors D. International Fire Service Accreditation Congress

D. International Fire Service Accreditation Congress

Which of the following would be maintained in a second personnel file at fire headquarters rather than at a secured central repository? A. Hiring Packet (Application, Candidate Physical Aptitude Test Score, and Medical Examination Results) B. Formal Discipline C. Evaluation Reports (Probationary, Annual, and Special) D. Letters of Commendation

D. Letters of Commendation

Which HFACS level covers unsafe supervision? A. Level 2 B. Level 4 C. Level 1 D. Level 3

D. Level 3

This individual is the incident commander's point of contact for representatives from outside agencies and is responsible for exchanging information with representatives from those agencies. A. Administration Officer B. Planning Section Chief C. Public Education Officer D. Liaison Officer

D. Liaison Officer

What type of feedback focuses on the effectiveness of the program in relation to the desired effect A. Immediate B. Formal C. Periodic D. Long-Term

D. Long-Term

Which of the following resulted in the plain view doctrine? A. Michigan v. Taylor| B. NFPA 1033 C. Illinois v O'Leery D. Michigan v. Clifford

D. Michigan v. Clifford

Which of the following includes measures taken to limit or control the consequences, extent, or severity of an incident that cannot be reasonably prevented? A. prevention B. regulation C. evaluation D. mitigation

D. Mitigation

Which agency establishes standards for live fire training? A. IFSAC B. USFA C. IAFC D. NFPA


If an incident escalates to the point that it requires a federal response, all of the participating agencies are expected to use the: A. ICS model B. FGC model C. FEMA model D. NIMS model

D. NIMS model

Which of the following provides a comprehensive all-hazards approach to domestic incident response? A. Incident Action Plan B. National Incident Management System C. Incident Command System D. National Response Framework

D. National Response Framework

Which of the following is one of the four NFPA classifications of fire cause? A. Intentional B. Unintentional C. Human-made D. Natural

D. Natural

Legitimate, reward, and coercive power are the three examples of Yukl's description of ___. A. information power B. ecological power C. personal power D. positional power

D. Positional Power

Motor vehicle safety; fire and burn prevention; choking, suffocation, and strangulation prevention; and poisoning prevention are topics covered by which program? A. Fire Safety for Babysitters B. CERT C. Emergency Preparedness D. Risk Watch

D. Risk Watch

For which type of incident was the Fire Ground Commander program designed? A. Haz mats incidents only B. Large, multiagency incidents in the same jurisdiction C. Large, multiagency incidents that crossed jurisdictional lines only D. small to medium-sized urban incidents

D. Small to medium-sized urban incidents

For which position does a multiple-choice examination include many technical questions covering engine, truck, and rescue company operations? A. Fire Officer II B. Battalion Chief C. Managing Fire Officer D. Supervising Fire Officer

D. Supervising Fire Officer

Which act specifically prohibited a union from forcing management to fire anti-union or non-union workers? A. Right-to-Work Act B. Nunn-Domenici Act C. Unfair Labor Act D. Taft-hartley Act

D. Taft-Hartley Labor Act

Which of the following started a national effort to update the academic needs of the fire service? A. The NPDM B. Fire Training Services Education Conference C. Fire Service Image Task Force Report D. The FESHE conference

D. The FESHE conference

What is mentoring? A. The ability to change behavior based on personal ethics B. The process of achieving proficiency through instruction and hands-on practice in the operation of equipment and systems that are expected to be used in the performance of assigned duties. C. A method of directing, instructing, and training a person or group of people with the aim of achieving some goal or developing specific skills D. The developmental relationship in which a more experienced person helps a less experienced person

D. The developmental relationship in which a more experienced person helps a less experienced person

Which of the following does not help a fire investigator determine the point of origin of a fire? A. Char B. Intensity Patterns C. Movement Patterns D. Type of Material

D. Type of Material

Which agency provides a four-step method to develop a competitive grant proposal? A. NFPA B. GASB C. Assistance to Firefighters Grant Association D. U.S. Fire Administration

D. U.S. Fire Administration

Which of the following is the smallest organizational element within the incident management system? A. Division B. Branch C. Group D. Unit

D. Unit

What is the last step in conducting an incident review? A. Determine the cost of the response B. Review the recording of communications C. Draw an incident scene D. Write a summary

D. Write a summary

Public education activities are often performed by: A. professionally trained educators B. public information officers C. fire officers D. a combination of staff personnel and fire companies.

D. a combination of staff personnel and fire companies

NFPA 1500 requires __________ to track identities , assignments , and locations of all fire fighters operating at an incident scene. A. tracking boards B. helmet tags C. a personnel tracking database D. a personnel accountability system

D. a personnel accountability system

Which of the following plays a major role in creating the emotional bubble? A. serotonin B. epinephrine C. cortisol D. adrenaline

D. adrenaline

When an incident requires an expanded incident report narrative, who must complete it? A. a chief officer B. a fire officer C. a risk manager from the human resources department D. all company members

D. all company members

Who is responsible for being vigilant and measured when applying strategy and tactics during search and rescue? A. command B. safety officer C. fire chief D. all members

D. all members

What does the term "turnaround point" relate to? A. response to changes in conditions B. victim survivability profile C. mayday procedures D. an air management plan

D. an air management plan

The practice of having multiple companies that might respond together do preincident planning together in their response area is viewed as: (NOT SURE) A. a dangerous practice that leaves an excessive percentage of the response area uncovered B. a well-intentional but ineffective idea that has lost popularity C. creating an inordinate amount of inconvenience and disruption for occupants of the target facility D. an excellent method of improving coordination between companies

D. an excellent method of improving coordination between companies

When should a radio report to the incident commander or the division/group supervisor on the decision to abandon the position be made? A. immediately B. within 5 minutes of the decision C. once everyone has been cleared from the building D. as soon as it is safe to do so

D. as soon as it is safe to do so

Which leadership style is required for supervision during emergency scene operations? A. group B. shared C. participative D. authoritarian

D. authoritarian

Which of the following activities provides the greatest opportunity for trapping and preventing errors from becoming a catastrophe? A. communication B. mitigating consequences C. entrapment D. avoidance

D. avoidance

Reducing duplication in staff and services by combining departments is: A. centralizing B. focused staffing C. hybridization D. consolidation

D. consolidation

An oral reprimand, warning, or admonishment ___. A. becomes part of an employee's official record B. is one step below termination in the progressive disciplinary process C. is usually not sufficient to correct unacceptable behavior D. does not go on an employee's official record

D. does not go on an employee's official record

Allowing a person with a complaint to express grief, anger, pain, or resentment is an example of ________. A. active listening B. giving feedback C. identifying expectations for resolution D. draining the emotional bubble

D. draining the emotional bubble

What did the Wagner-Connery Act do? A. prohibited a union from forcing management to fire antiunion or nonunion workers B. declared yellow dog contracts unenforceable in any court of the United States C. established a bill of rights for members of labor organizations D. established the procedures that are commonly called collective bargaining

D. established the procedures that are commonly called collective bargaining

A ___ is created to charge a special fire protection tax to properties within the service area in addition to other county or municipal taxes. A. revenue bond B. taxing authority C. benefit fee assessment D. fire tax district

D. fire tax district

A ___ is created to charge a special fire protection tax to properties within the service area in addition to other county or municipal taxes. A. revenue bond B. taxing authority C. benefit fee assessment D. fire tax district

D. fire tax district

Which type of special extinguishing system is used to protect gasoline storage tanks? A. CO2 B. halon C. dry chemical D. foam

D. foam

Formal documents that address a specific subject, policy, or situation, which are signed by the fire chief and are often used to announce promotions or personnel transfers, are: A. recommendation reports B. supervisor's reports C. announcements D. general orders

D. general orders

Which of the following organizes resources by function? A. branch B. division C. unit D. group

D. group

Conduction, convection, and radiation are the three methods of: A. fire growth B. ignition C. char development D. heat transfer

D. heat transfer

Which of the following occupancies requires more firefighting personnel? A. low-rise multiple family dwellings B. business occupancies C. one- and two-family dwellings D. high-rise buildings

D. high-rise buildings

What should a public information officer do if he or she has information that needs wide dissemination? A. call his or her favorite reporter B. take out a newspaper ad C. post it to the fire department blog D. hold a press conference

D. hold a press conference

CRM is a behavioral approach to reducing which of the following in high-risk or high-consequence activities? A. inefficient use of resources B. lack of training C. poor response times D. human error

D. human error

What is the most challenging phase of problem solving? A. defining the problem B. evaluating the solution C. generating solutions D. implementing solutions

D. implementing solutions

Complete this principle of CRM: "Humans create technology, therefore: A. humans can destroy it" B. technology is a reflection of the humans who created it" C. it can be made to learn" D. it is fallible"

D. it is fallible"

What's the best way to entice the reporter to read on? A. hand deliver it to the appropriate media outlets B. distribute it only to those media outlets that will be favorable to your message C. use official departmental stationary D. make the lead paragraph powerful and answer the basic "who, what, when, where, and why" questions

D. make the lead paragraph powerful and answer the basic "who, what, when, where, and why" questions

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, the leading cause of vehicle fires is: A. arson B. revenge C. vandalism D. mechanical failure

D. mechanical failure

More civilian fire deaths occur in which type of occupancy? A. high-rise buildings B. business occupancies C. low-rise multiple family dwellings D. one- and two-family dwellings

D. one- and two-family dwellings

Command should be transferred ___. A. at prescribed points in the incident. B. when the circumstances of the incident change C. whenever a higher-ranking officer arrives on the scene D. only to improve the quality of the command organization

D. only to improve the quality of the command organization

To be effective in a role-playing exercise, a candidate's supervisory decisions should be strictly based on: A. past practice B. the larger context C. the subordinate's work history D. policies and regulations

D. policies and regulations

What is one example of sociological noise in communication? A. Gender Difference B. Crowd Noise C. siren noise D. prejudice

D. prejudice

Once an investigation is completed, the fire officer: A. should provide the solution to the problem B. determines who to involve in the corrective action(s) C. addresses all parties of the investigation D. presents the findings to a supervisor

D. presents the findings to a supervisor

Minimizing water damage, using salvage covers, or venting smoke and heat from a building are characteristics of: A. life safety B. rescue and recovery C. incident stabilization D. property conservation

D. property conservation

Which of the following is one of Klein's decision-making models? A. learned B. linear C. real time D. recognition primed

D. recognition primed

A FO who conducts a preliminary cause investigation and suspects a crime has occurred should immediately: A. document the information he or she has found B. secure the scene C. remove the emergency responders from the scene D. request the response of a fire investigator

D. request the response of a fire investigator

In fire cause determination, in addition to identifying and focusing on a possible cause that fits the circumstances, the investigator must: A. interview suspects B. take and submit samples C. consult with law enforcement D. rule out all other possibilities

D. rules out all other possibilities

In which type of building do the majority of civilian deaths occur? A. shopping malls B. high-rise apartments C. multiple-family dwellings D. single-family dwellings

D. single-family dwellings

What is the leading cause of on duty death among firefighters ? A. burns B. falls or crushing C. asphyxiation D. sudden cardiac death

D. sudden cardiac death

In developing some reports, when a variance is encountered, the analysis should consider________. A. the methodology and analysis B. the circumstances and the audience C. the variance size and impact D. the cause and the effect.

D. the cause and the effect.

The three components of leadership are effective leadership, leadership skills, and: A. honesty B. ability C. integrity D. trust and respect

D. trust and respect

What's the first step in brainstorming? A. generate ideas B. ask everyone to contribute alternative solutions C. write out five criteria for judging D. write out the problem statement

D. write out the problem statement

The process of identifying problems and opportunities and resolving them.

Decision Making

Approach used when the risks outweigh the expected benefits

Defensive Operations

Pay attention and ask basic questions.

Define the Problem.

This leadership style is used when specialized fire companies are faced with an unusual emergency situation.


Tangible items that can be identified by witnesses (I.e. incendiary devices and fire scene debris)

Demonstrative Evidence

Tangible items that can be identified by witnesses, such as incendiary devices and fire scene debris

Demonstrative Evidence

Most urban and suburban fire departments are organized by a municipal or county government. Typically, these agencies fall under the organizational umbrella as a department, just like the police department, the public works department, and the human resources department.


Occupancy Type. Used to house four or more persons under varied degrees of restraint or security, where such occupants are mostly incapable of self-preservation because of security measures not under the occupants' control

Detention and Correctional

Preliminary Investigation Documentation: Response to the Incident

Did the fire company encounter any suspicious activity while responding to the fire? How much time elapsed from dispatch to arrival What were the observed weather conditions?

Preliminary Investigation Documentation: Civilian Contacts

Did witnesses make statements to fire fighters? Was the owner at the scene? What were the names of persons who were allowed into the fire scene?

A moral, mental, and physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the leader. Also, the guidelines that a department sets for fire fighters to work within.


The set of guidelines that a department establishes for fire fighters. Encompasses behavioral requirements.


___ is a moral, mental, and physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the leader.


___ is the set of guidelines that a department establishes for fire fighters.


___ means the workforce should reflect the community it serves.


Represents a geographic operation, such as one floor or one side of a building.


A way of organizing an incident by breaking down the overall strategy into smaller tasks. Some fire departments are divided into units based on function. Each function can be divided into multiple assignments, which can then be assigned to individual fire fighters. Makes a specific person responsible for completing a specific task and prevents duplication of job assignments.

Division of Labor

The production process in which each worker repeats one step over and over, achieving greater efficiencies in the use of time and knowledge; also, the formal assignment of authority and responsibility to job holders.

Division of Labor

____ is a way of organizing an incident by breaking down the overall strategy into smaller tasks.

Division of Labor

Composed of the resources responsible for operations within a defined geographical area.


Evidence in written form (reports, records, photographs, sketches, witness statements)

Documentary Evidence

Evidence in written form, such as reports, records, photographs, sketches, and witness statements

Documentary Evidence

Workplace Diversity ___ enforces civil rights in the workplace. Many fire departments have changed their practices to comply with civil rights laws. Each fire department should reflect the ___ of the community it serves.

EEOC -diversity

Control over the physical environment, technology, or organization of work

Ecological Power

__ is the process of imparting knowledge or skill through instruction.


___ is the process of imparting knowledge or skill through instruction. ___ is directed toward practical application of education.

Education Training

Occupancy Type. Used for educational purpose through the 12th grade.


Type II Construction: Noncombustible The structural elements can be made from (Combustible or noncombustible?) materials. Classified into subdivisions, based on... Although the buildings are assembled from noncombustible components, the structural elements have limited or no fire resistance. A TypeIIA structure frame is expected to resist fire for (How long?) A Type IIB building is expect to resist fire effects for (how long?)

Either noncombustible or limited combustile -the level of fire resistance -TypeIIA = 1 hour fire resistance -TypeIIB = No fire resistance

Regarding promotion ____ simulations are often included in a promotional examination to test the candidate's ability to perform in the role of officer at a fire or some other type of situation.

Emergency Incident Simulations

In response to economic turmoil in the 1990s, instead of striking, organized labor worked to get political candidates who were supportive of labor elected to local and national political offices. ____ was created as IAFF's political action committee.


Firefighting Resources of Southern California Organized for Potential Emergencies


NFPA 1021 defines four levels of fire officer: FO I = FO II = FO III = FO IV =

FO I = supervises a single fire company or apparatus FO II = senior non-chief officer in a larger fire department FO III = battalion or district chief FO IV = fire chief

Verbal Reports ___ is the most effective means of conveying information.


Hygiene Factors do not motivate individuals, but if the person is not satisfied with any of the external conditions, he or she will not be motivated.


___ is a logical, systematic examination of an item, component, assembly, or structure and its place and function within a system, conducted to identify and analyze the probability, causes, and consequences of potential and real failures.

Failure Analysis

Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint: Keep An Open Mind What is the most common reason a local government is found liable? Every complaint must be investigated and documented Do not come to any ___ until your investigation is complete. Follow your organization's procedures and inform your ___.

Failure to investigate a complaint is the most common reason a local government is found liable. -conclusions -supervisor

A relatively large number of causes are responsible for a large number of fires. True or False


A risk-benefit analysis determines the appropriate strategy for an incident True or False?


A transitional operation is used when the risks outweigh the expected benefits. True or False?


Behavior that is acceptable for a fire fighter is generally acceptable for a fire officer True or False


Bonds are used to fund annual operational expenditures True or False


Communication should focus on who is right. True or False


Defensive operation is conducted from the interior, using large streams to contain and, if possible, overwhelm a fire. True or False


During emergency situations, you should use a participative leadership approach to develop group cohesiveness and productivity. True or False


Environmental noise is any noise above 100 decibels True or False


Feedback is most effective when delivered 24-48 hours after an incident True or False


Getting caught in a burning structure accounts for the largest percentage of traumatic deaths for fire fighters. True or False


In Layman's process for analyzing emergency situations, the step of Plan of Operation occurs before Situation. True or False


In a large fire department, the direct supervisor is usually a fire chief. True or False?


It is recommended that you teach alternative methods of doing things during the presentation part of training. True or False?


Legacy homes reach flashover more quickly than modern homes True or False


Most grapevine information is based on verifiable fact True or False


NIOSH and IAFF establish requirements for fire fighters operating in an IDLH environment. True or False


Promotional opportunities have increased by 5-10% over the last 8 years. True or False


Revenue sources for volunteer fire departments primarily consist of general sales and gross receipts taxes, property taxes, and individual income taxes True or False


Safety information should be developed and delivered in a specific way to ensure the delivery of a consistent message. True or False


The AIFF provides a "Get Your Message Out" media primer to help the fire service publicize community outreach campaigns and other events associated with public safety education. True or False


The Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act was amended in 2007 to provide federal government disaster and emergency assistance. True or False


The Rules of Engagement for Structural Firefighting on the fire fighter and fire officer working at the strategic level of fire suppression operations. True or False


The battalion commander determines the importance of each task. True or False


The study done by the CFAI, IAFC, IAFF, NIST, and WPI found that 4-person crews operating on a low-hazard structure fire did not complete tasks any faster than 2-person crews. True or False


True or False Class specification worksheets provide examples of the typical tasks a person holding that position is expected to perform


True or False Promotion opportunities in the fire services have increased steadily since the 1970s


You should be able to determine a point of origin and a cause, or probable cause, for all fires. True or False?


Your relationship to the conflict and the complainant makes no difference in the role you play in resolving the conflict. True or False?


Since 1963, federal employees have been allowed to bargain collectively under restricted rules. JFK issues Executive Order #10988 in 1963, which granted federal employees the right to bargain collectively under restricted rules. Richard Nixon further expanded the rights of employee unions within the federal government and established the ____.

Federal Labor Relations Council

Training Versus Education The ___ identified the need for a broad knowledge and base and educational program.

First Wingspread Conference on Fire Service Administration

___ is what ignited material is being used for.

Forms of Material

The ____ method remains the method of choice if a candidate must describe how to develop a work improvement plan or explain a new procedure or device. When developing a written or oral response to such an issue, the candidate should identify each of the steps in the training process.

Four-Step Method

What is the foundation of the work performed at the Fire Instructor I level?

Four-Step Method of Training

Motivation-Hygiene Theory First described by ____.

Frederick Herzberg

Scientific Management was developed by ____ in the 19th century. It is based on: (list 5)

Frederick Winslow Taylor Breaking down work tasks Timing each element Fixing compensation based on timing Standardizing work tasks Consolidating a "planning department"

_____ describes types of power in their 1959 Studies of Social Power as the result of the "target person's" response from the "agent" making a request.

French and Raven

Which of the following is one of the larger sources of grant funds for both municipal and volunteer fire departments? A. Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program B. Direct Support Alliance for Emergency Service Providers C. Aldrich Foundation D. Technology Exploration Program at UCLA

A. Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program

The ongoing process to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to identify the impact of potential losses and maintain viable recovery strategies, recovery plans, and continuation of services is called ________. A. BCP B. Preincident planning C. mitigation planning D. risk assessment


Which ICS supervisory level is added when the number of groups or divisions exceeds the recommended span of control? A. Branches B. Units C. Sections D. Deputies

A. Branches

What is a natural characteristic of fire fighters that officers can use as a stimulant in positive discipline? A. Competitiveness B. Camaraderie C. Esprit de corps D. Individualism

A. Competitiveness

What is the current philosophical trend in labor-management relationships? A. Cooperation B. Unilateralism C. Arbitration D. Confrontation

A. Cooperation

Which agency enforces civil rights in the workplace? A. EEOC B. NFPA C. NAACP D. Justice Department


What is the likelihood of firefighters dying of a heart attack versus people in other occupations ? A. Fire fighters are more likely to die of a heart attack B. Fire fighters are equally as likely to die of a heart attack C. Fire fighters are less likely to die of a heart attack. D. There is no consistent comparison

A. Fire Fighters are more likely to die of a heart attack.

During the evaluation of a new fire fighter, who determines each individual's skills, knowledge, aptitudes, strength, and weaknesses? A. Fire Officer B. Individual C. Training Officer D. Hiring Authority

A. Fire Officer

According to Gravely, which of the following will shape workplace diversity going forward? A. Hostile workplace complaints B. Sexual Harassment Complaints C. Internal Pressure D. Government mandates

A. Hostile Workplace Complaints

Where does the fire investigator usually start a fire investigation? A. In the area where the least amount of damage occurred B. in the area identified by the FO as being the potential point of origin C. in the area where the most amount of damage occurred D. from the top of the structure down

A. In the area where the least amount of damage occurred.

One of the best ways to ensure approval of a budget proposal is to show that: A. it is necessary to comply with some legal requirement B. it is voluntary and would represent goodwill by the governing body C. it would be a popular action to take D. the entire fire department is behind the request

A. It is necessary to comply with some legal requirement

Which document is used by the human resource department to summarize the scope of the job and provide examples of the typical tasks a person holding that position might be expected to perform? A. Job Description B. Class Specification C. Technical Worksheet D. Task Analysis

A. Job Description

Which program was developed by the IAFF and IAFC to assist today's fire chiefs and union presidents in fostering cooperative and collaborative labor-management relationships? A. Labor-Management Initiative B. Relations by Objective C. Looking Forward D. Progress Through Teamwork

A. Labor-Management Initiative

Which U.S. supreme Court case determined the need for warrants in fire investigation? A. Michigan v. Clifford B. Corman v. City of Fresno C. Yoell v. Tompkins D. Utah v. Arey

A. Michigan v. Clifford

What is used to establish interim and long-term actions to reduce the impact of hazards that cannot be reasonably prevented? A. Mitigation Strategy B. Hazard Reduction Plan C. Risk Assessment D. Continuity Plan

A. Mitigation Strategy

Which theory requires you to consider the individual's perception of satisfaction? A. Motivation-Hygiene Theory B. Equity Theory C. Goal-Setting Theory D. Reinforcement Theory

A. Motivation-Hygiene Theory

Which of the following regulations provides detailed instructions on how to conduct a safe live fire training evolution? A. NFPA 1403 B. NFPA 1041 C. NFPA 1142 D. OSHA 29 CFR 1910

A. NFPA 1403

Which of the following was established by the federal government as a comprehensive, national, all-hazards approach to domestic incident response that describes specific authorities and best practices for managing incidents? A. NRF B. OSHA C. NIOSH D. IFSAC


Where was the first organized instruction of fire officers begun in 1869? A. New York B. Washington, D.C. C. Los Angeles D. Philadelphia

A. New York

Which of the following is one of Gordon Dupont's "Dirty Dozen"? A. Norms B. Freelancing C. Situation Awareness D. Restlessness

A. Norms

What are the two side of fire service discipline? A. Positive and Negative B. Verbal and Written C. Formal and Informal D. Preventive and Corrective

A. Positive and Negative

Using a video to show an incident or situation is an example of which steps in the four-step process? A. Presentation B. Evaluation C. Preparation D. Application

A. Presentation

Which of the following is one of the top three local tax revenue sources? A. property taxes B. motor fuel sales taxes C. corporate taxes D. alcoholic beverage sales taxes

A. Property taxes

Which of the following is a Class I standpipe system? A. Provides 2 1/2 inch hose outlets, intended for use by FD or fire brigade members trained in the use of large hose streams B. Provides both 1 1/2 inch and 2 1/2 inch connections. The 1 1/2 inch connection may have a preconnected hose line that can be used by the occupants until the fire department arrives. C. Provides multiple connections for the widest variety of purposes. D. Provides a 1 1/2 inch hose coupling with a preconnected hose and nozzle in a hose station cabinet; the hose is designed for occupant use

A. Provides 2 1/2 inch hose outlets, intended for use by FD or fire brigade members trained in the use of large hose streams

What is the purpose of the CERT program? A. Provides basic training to residents and employees in local communities that would allow them to function effectively during the first 72 hours after a catastrophic event B. Keeps the public informed about the importance of fire prevention C. Gives children and their families the skills and knowledge they need to create safer homes and communities D. The installation and testing of smoke alarms, inspections for hazards, mitigation of hazards, and one-on-one education on fire safety

A. Provides basic training to residents and employees in local communities that would allow them to function effectively during the first 72 hours after a catastrophic event

Which theory assumes behavior is a function of its consequences? A. Reinforcement Theory B. Motivation-Hygiene Theory C. Expectancy Theory D. Equity Theory

A. Reinforcement Theory

NPDM focuses on all of the following EXCEPT: A. Self-Regulation of academic quality through accreditation B. Career enhancement for emergency responders C. Succession Planning D. National Professional development standards recommendations

A. Self-Regulation of academic quality through accreditation

In the ICS, actions required to achieve tactical objectives occur at which level of command? A. Task B. Single Resource C. Tactical D. Group/Division

A. Task

Which of the following is a primary way of understanding the demographics of your community? A. The US census B. Face-to-Face Interviews C. Social Media D. The Local Newspaper

A. The US census

What is staging? A. The management of uncommitted resources at the scene of an incident. B. The collection, evaluation and dissemination of information about an incident C. A supervisory level established to provide the appropriate span of control D. A process that allows the IC to ensure all tactical issues are addressed and to diagram an incident with the location of resources.

A. The management of uncommitted resources at the scene of an incident.

Which agency is best suited to provide transportation and shelter in the event of an evacuation? A. The public school system B. Local Law enforcement C. Department of Housing and Urban Development D. Retail warehouse/distribution centers

A. The public school system

What is one of the factors that distinguish fire officers from the fire fighters ? A. The responsibility to act as an agent of the formal organization B. A high level of accountability C. Having a duty to act D. Having a standard of care

A. The responsibility to act as an agent of the formal organization

The process of achieving proficiency through instruction and hands-on practice in the operation of equipment and systems" is the definition of: A. Training B. Coaching C. Mastery D. Learning

A. Training

What's the best way to deliver public education to a group where 25% of the participants are non-native English speakers? A. Use a format and delivery style that is culturally appropriate for the group. B. Conduct the presentation using a lot of pictures/Graphics C. have a translator on hand D. deliver the presentation as you would with other groups

A. Use a format and delivery style that is culturally appropriate for the group.

Under which circumstances would you use a laissez faire leadership style? A. When working with experienced fire fighters B. When turning a fire scene over to another officer. C. When planning a project or developing the daily work plan of the company D. When the fire company is involved in a high-risk, emergency scene activity

A. When working with experienced fire fighters

What is CRM? A. a behavioral approach to reducing human error in high-risk or high-consequence activities B. a risk analysis system based on the theory that no one is infallible C. a leadership strategy that allows for a systems approach to managing human resources D. a communication model that allows for top-down and bottom-up feedback loops

A. a behavioral approach to reducing human error in high-risk or high-consequence activities

What is a strike team? A. a combination of single resources assembled for a particular tactical need B. a group of incident mangers designated to oversee a complex incident C. a group of responsible for providing facilities, services, and materials for an incident D. a combination of the same kind and type of resources

A. a combination of single resources assembled for a particular tactical need

Which of the following is an example of an external issue ? A. a complaint from a citizen B. an employee with a substance abuse problem C. an impasse in negotiations D. conflict between shifts

A. a complaint from a citizen

Which of the following is a memorandum of understanding most similar to? A. a labor contract B. a proficiency standard C. a procedure manual D. a probationary period

A. a labor contract

What is discipline? A. A moral, mental, and physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the leader B. The process or removing a poorly performing employee C. A system of moral, mental, and physical actions intended to reinforce positive behavior D. The ability to prioritize actions in order to ensure efficiency

A. a moral, mental, and physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the leader.

Radio messages must be ___. A. accurate, brief, and clear B. calm, concise, and controlled C. detailed, specific, and verifiable D. descriptive, defined, and deliberate

A. accurate, brief, and clear

Not wearing a seat belt in a moving vehicle is an example of what? A. active failure B. poor fellowship C. a latent condition D. incomplete task allocation

A. active failure

When a jurisdiction passes an ordinance that adopts a specific edition of the model code, it is a(n): A. adoption by reference B. regulation C. adoption by transcription D. fire prevention code

A. adoption by reference

During operations, if a FO encounters a problem or hazard, when should he or she relay that information to command? A. as soon as the fire officer realizes there is a problem or hazard B. as soon as command next checks in with the FO C. upon completion of the task D. never, this is not a determination to be made at the fire company officer level

A. as soon as the fire officer realizes there is a problem or hazard

Which of the following is one of the NFPA's 10 tips for using social media to expand safety message outreach? A. Be interesting and entertaining B. spend more time listening than responding C. it's not over until it's over D. grammar counts

A. be interesting and entertaining

Which of the following is one of the three steps for working with the media that is recommended by the NFPA's "Get Your Message Out" material? A. build a strong foundation B. pitch the message C. answer the questions before they're asked D. if you don't know, admit it

A. build a strong foundation

What kind of process is communication? A. circular B. linear C. branched D. managed

A. circular

Which of the following provides an extemporaneous record of all emergency, routine, and special activities that occur at the fire station? A. company journal/log B. supervisor's report C. morning report D. monthly activity report

A. company journal/log

Wildland fires tend to spread vertically through: A. convection B. conduction C. radiation D. wind

A. convection

Which of the following is an objective of the presentation step of instruction? A. Create interest in the material B. Allows hands-on practice by the students C. Gain approval for presenting the proposed training D. Validate the pre-testing results obtained earlier

A. create interest in the material

To assist in scheduling and planning the duty crew activities, many departments use a: A. day book B. service log C. status report D. chore or duty list

A. day book

Which of the following was NOT one of the original purposes of the IAFF? A. define collective bargaining procedures B. ensure promotions are based on merit C. establish the two-platoon/12 hour workday D. obtain pay raises

A. define collective bargaining procedures

What are tangible items that can be identified by witnesses (i.e. incendiary devices and fire scene debris)? A. demonstrative evidence B. documentary evidence C. tangible evidence D. testimonial evidence

A. demonstrative evidenc

How can you measure the effectiveness of a fireplace ash disposal education effort? A. determine whether there are fewer fireplace ash-initiated fires after the delivery of the program B. estimate the market penetration of fire department-provided ash cans C. count the number of times the program is mentioned in the local media D. count the number of requests for presentation of the program to civic groups and organizations

A. determine whether there are fewer fireplace ash-initiated fires after the delivery of the program

What are the main ways to reduce errors resulting from miscommunication? A. developing a standard language and teaching appropriate assertive behavior B. stating the concern and providing a solution C. ensuring a hierarchy of command and debriefing all situations with negative outcomes D. maintaining an environment in which all communications are focused on the work at hand and avoiding buzzwords.

A. developing a standard language and teaching appropriate assertive behavior

What does a project control document do? A. divides a project into segments, with milestones established to identify progress B. Sets criteria for choosing the best solution C. Lists tasks, responsibilities, and due dates D. Describe metrics for achieving prescribed goals.

A. divides a project into segments, with milestones established to identify progress

What is the primary purpose in requiring fire fighters to read new policy and sign off that they understand it ? A. do not explain or offer an excuse B. apologize first; consider it at length later C. explain, but do not apologize D. acknowledge the legitimacy of the complaint

A. do not explain or offer an excuse

What is the next step in problem solving after implementing a solution ? A. evaluate the results B. select alternative solutions C. convene a brainstorming committee D. obtain departmental approval for the situation

A. evaluate the results

The part of the process used to determine if a solution produced the desired results is the: A. evaluation phase B. feedback phase C. follow-up observations D. training review

A. evaluation phase

Often, arson to an abortion clinic, religious institution, or ecologically damaging businesses is classified as arson due to: A. extremism motives B. vandalism motives C. spite/revenge motives D. Crime concealment motives

A. extremism motives

Which of the following is one of the three primary components of a water-based fire protection system? A. fire pump B. hydrant C. fire engine D. water extinguisher

A. fire pump

A letter on official fire department letterhead intended for someone outside the fire department is usually an: A. formal communication B. informal communication C. general order D. legal correspondence

A. formal communication

One hundred years ago, fire development within a structure was ___-limited. A. fuel B. temperature C. time D. ventilation

A. fuel

The total quantity of all combustible products in a room or space is known as: A. fuel load B. fuel package C. flammable contents D. occupancy load

A. fuel load

If a fire fighter becomes separated and cannot get reconnected with his or her partner, the fire fighter must immediately: A. get on the radio and attempt to communicate with his or her company officer or partner B. leave the structure C. begin making continuous right-hand turns D. curl up and activate his or her PASS

A. get on the radio and attempt to communicate with his or her company officer or partner

Preincident plans provide valuable information in the event of a fire at which of the following? A. high-risk locations B. confined spaces C. high rack storage D. manufacturing plants

A. high-risk locations

Which of the following hazard zones presents the highest potential hazard to fire fighters? A. hot B. warm C. cold D. barrier

A. hot

What is one of the first considerations when planning a news release? A. identification of the target audience B. the cost to have the release published C. consistency with previously issued statements D. which sponsor to feature during the message

A. identification of the target audience

For a problem to be truly solved, the solution must be: A. implemented B. documented C. observed D. supported by the fire fighters

A. implemented

Narrative report information should be provided ___. A. in chronological order B. succinctly C. by stating the cause of origin first and working backwards D. according to NFPA guidelines

A. in chronological order

Which of the following is a correct statement about the International Association of Fire Fighters? A. It has impacted nearly every aspect of a fire fighter's job B. Its influence is limited primarily to career developments C. Its stated objective is to replace all volunteer positions with paid positions D. Its influence is primarily political

A. it has impacted nearly every aspect of a fire fighter's job

One of the best ways to ensure approval of a budget proposal is show to that: A. it is necessary to comply with some legal requirement B. it is voluntary and would represent goodwill by the governing body C. it would be a popular action to take D. the entire fire department is behind the request

A. it is necessary to comply with some legal requirement

What is the first step in the CRM task allocation phase? A. knowing your own limits and the capacity of the team B. ensuring safety is not compromised C. RPD D. estimating total resources available

A. knowing your own limits and the capacity of the team

In a high-rise fire, use of the elevators is controlled by the: A. lobby control officer B. service branch director C. stairway support unit leader D. lobby division supervisor

A. lobby control officer

Leaders ___. A. make people want to achieve goals and objectives B. use a democratic style when leading in emergency situations C. tell people to accomplish a task D. use information power to enforce behavior

A. make people want to achieve goals and objectives.

The Rules of Engagement are: A. model procedures B. regulatory requirements C. consensus standards D. administrative law

A. model procedures

Which of the following is the most likely indicator that a fire was intentionally set? A. multiple points of origin B. u-pattern on the wall C. charring along a door frame D. inverted burn pattern

A. multiple points of origin

The sender should consider which of the following before choosing a particular communication medium? (Select all that apply) A. nature of the message B. if the receiver has the authority to act C. available methods D. circumstances

A. nature of the message C. available methods D. circumstances

During the first phase of the conflict resolution model, the fire officer should: A. obtain information B. document all information C. gather all members involved in the problem D. discuss the problem with another officer.

A. obtain information

The last operations section position that a FO might be called on to fill at a high-rise is ___. A. occupant support supervisor B. support branch director C. lobby control officer D. service branch director

A. occupant support supervisor

Personal protective clothing falls under which budget category? A. Operating expenditures B. capital expenditures C. facilities expenditures D. personnel expenditures

A. operating expenditures

Which of the following topics is addressed by the Risk Watch program? A. poisoning prevention B. slips and falls C. ladder safety D. asthma

A. poisoning prevention

A __________is described as "a document developed by gathering general and detailed data used by responding personnel to determine the resources and actions necessary to mitigate anticipated emergencies at a specific facility." A. preincident plan B. blueprint C. certificate of occupancy D. local emergency plan

A. preincident plan

Which of the following is one of the top three local tax revenues sources? A. property taxes B. motor fuel sales taxes C. corporate taxes D. alcoholic beverage sales taxes

A. property taxes

If a propose solution to a problem involves discipline form a citizen complaint; the company officer is obligated to: A. protect employee privacy B. suspend the fire fighter C. segregate the complaint D. contact the fire department attorney

A. protect employee privacy

A method of ensuring that there are sufficient funds in a budget account to cover an estimated amount of a purchase is the use of a: A. purchase order B. tender C. bond D. fire officer account

A. purchase order

Which of the following typically requires an authorizing signature by an official who has control over the budget area from which the funds are paid? A. purchase order B. supplemental budget C. petty cash D. requisition

A. purchase order

The standard for evaluating sexual harassment is based on similar circumstances and reactions by a(n): A. reasonable person B. adult C. representative from the human resources department D. jury

A. reasonable person

Which of the following is the most difficult method of lowering expenditures in a fire department? A. reduce the size of the fire department B. reduce the workforce C. regionalize or consolidate services D. privatize or contract out elements of the service provided

A. reduce the size of the fire department

Fire Officers should strive to establish a working relationship with every building manager in their: A. response district B. community C. emergency plan D. high-risk report

A. response district

The process of identifying hazards, monitoring hazards, determining the likelihood of their occurrence, and assessing the vulnerability of people, property, the environment, and the entity itself to those hazards is called ________. A. risk assessment B. mitigation planning C. recovery planning D. BCP

A. risk assessment

Saying a checklist out loud when preparing for a low-frequency/high-risk task is an example of ___. A. situational awareness B. teamwork C. leadership D. task allocation

A. situational awareness

At which level are assignments defined by a geographical area or a functional responsibility? A. tactical B. strategic C. IC D. task

A. tactical

What is active listening? A. the conscious process of securing information through a combination of listening and observing B. using nonverbal gestures to accentuate verbal cues C. the ability to take notes while being the receiver in a conversation D. the ability to provide instantaneous feedback during the communication process

A. the conscious process of securing information through a combination of listening and observing

The preparation of a promotional examination usually involves a combined effort between the fire department and ___. A. the municipality's human resources section B. a subject matter expert C. an independent testing organization D. a panel of citizen in charge of refining the consensus document

A. the municipality's human resources section

What is the second leading cause of fire fighter fatalities? A. traumatic injuries B. burns C. asphyxiation D. cardiac arrest

A. traumatic injuries

What is the most frequent cause of residential fires? A. unattended cooking B. refueling of gasoline-powered equipment near an ignition source C. improper maintenance of heating devices D. smoking materials

A. unattended cooking

A company-level officer should ___. A. walk around the fire station at various times during the workday to observe what's going on B. publicly challenge any standard operating procedure that they do not agree with C. treat the fire station or other fire department facility as a home away from home D. unilaterally enforce departmental policy without consulting a supervisor.

A. walk around the fire station at various times during the workday to observe what's going on.

A company officer may be called on to testify as a: A. witness B. victim C. friend D. complainant

A. witness

An agent, often an ignitable liquid, used to initiate a fire or increase the rate of growth or spread of fire


Agents used to initiate a fire or increase rate of fire growth.


Agents used to initiate a fire or increase the rate of growth or spread of a fire


__ is a collegial process based on self- and peer assessment.


___ is a collegial process based on self- and peer assessment.


___ items are employee behaviors that require immediate corrective action. Failure to act is likely to create...

Actionable items -a liability and a loss for the department

The unsafe acts committed by people who are in direct contact with the situation or system.

Active Failures

The ability to accurately interpret comments, concerns, and questions

Active Listening

Occurs when the jurisdiction passes an ordinance that adopts a specific edition of the model code.

Adoption by Reference

Model Codes Jurisdiction may adopt a model code in two ways:

Adoption by Reference Adoption by Transcription

Occurs when the jurisdiction adopts the entire text of the model code and publishes it as part of the adopting ordinance.

Adoption by Transcription

___ is the statement of opinion that recommends what the person believes is the proper course of action under a specific set of circumstances.


Understanding the Scope of the Problem Captain William R. Mora compared the results of opened and enclosed structures. An open structure has... An enclosed structure is... More than 3/4 of fire fighter deaths occur in ___ structures.

An opened structure has windows or doors of sufficient number and size to provide for prompt ventilation and emergency evacuation An enclosed structure is one lacking windows or doors of sufficient number and size to provide for prompt ventilation and emergency evacuation. -enclosed

Where were building codes first developed?

Ancient Agypt

In 24 B.C., the Roman emperor ___ created what was probably the first fire department, called the ____.

Augustus Caesar -Familia Publica

____ leadership style should be used with critical situations.


Examples of Industrial Occupancy include:

Automobile assembly plants Clothing manufacturers Food processing plants Cement plants Furniture production facilities

Occupancy Type. Used for purposes of medical or other treatment or for care of four or more persons, where such occupants are mostly incapable of self-preservation due to age, physical or mental disability, or security measures not under the occupants' control

Health Care

The member of the FD assigned and authorized by the fire chief as the manager of the safety and health program.

Health and Safety Officer

Regarding NFPA 704 marking system, what hazard is associated with blue?

Health hazards

Defines the roles and responsibilities to be assumed by personnel and the operating procedures to be used in the management and direction of emergency operations


Public call boxes were introduced (where and when?)

Washington, D.C. in the 1850s

The Distance Education and Training Council is not always accepted, even though it meets the same standards of CHEA.


Theory Y is the prevailing trend, although job satisfaction and employee loyalty are lower now than they were in 1960.


Preliminary Investigation Documentation: Scene Integrity

Were any physical evidence or artifacts removed from the scene? Were any photos or videos taken during fire suppression? Did any fire department members make holes in walls or ceilings?

Training, Exercises, and Evaluation Public, not-for-profit, and private entities are expected to develop a training program so that all members can obtain the skills to maintain and execute the emergency/disaster management and business continuity program. Periodic reviews, testing, and exercises should take place.In some cases, federal or industry requirements may mandate the frequency and size of a simulation exercise. Postincident analysis and reports, performance evaluation, and lessons learned can be used to review the plan. As a stakeholder, you may be participating in or evaluating these activities.


(Dry or wet?) chemical systems are preferred for protecting cooking equipment.

Wet chemical systems

Water-Based Fire Protection Systems (List 4)

Wet-Pipe System Dry-Pipe System Deluge System Preaction System

Used in areas where the goal is to fill a large space, thereby excluding air and smothering the fire

Wet/Dry Chemical

Preliminary Investigation Documentation: Fire Suppression

What were your immediate observations on entry? Were there any unusual flames, smoke, or odors? What were the conditions of fire extinguishment? Were there obstructions to fire suppression? Was the alarm system functioning properly?

Preliminary Investigation Documentation: Receipt of the Alarm

Who reported the fire? What was the alarm received? Who discovered the fire?

The ICS is part of the NIMS Command and Management component. Local emergency response agencies were required to adopt it to remain eligible for federal disaster assistance. Adopting this system required training in the core NIMS curriculum (listed in order of typical completion): Students attending course at the National Fire Academy are required to have completed....

IS 700: National Incident Management System (NIMS), an Introduction ICS 100: Introduction to the Incident Command System ICS 200: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents IS 800: National Response Framework, an Introduction ICS 300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents ICS 400: Advanced ICS Appropriate position-specific training ICS 100 and 200 before arriving on campus

The four-step method of skill training originated during (Which war?)

World War I

The four-step method process was updated and renamed job instruction training when more than 1 million men and women received technical skill training during (Which war?)

World War II

Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint: Cooperate with Government Agencies If the fire fighter files a complaint with another government agency, that agency may investigate.


SOPs are developed within the fire department, are approved by the chief of the department, and ensure that all members of the department approach a situation or perform a given task in the same manner. An example of an SOP is a statement of the step-by-step process (procedure) to be used whenever vertical ventilation is required.


When New York City created the paid Metropolitan Fire Department in 1865, Tammany Hall was the seat of political power. William March "Boss" Tweed was the chairman of the Democratic Party and the Grand Sachem (leader) of the Society of St. Tammany, which had been founded in 1789 as a club for patriotic and fraternal purposes. Between 1865 and 1871, Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall exploited the spoils system in New York City, swindling an estimated $75 million to $200 million from the city. In response to this widespread corruption, the public demanded political reform


Understanding Built-In Fire Protection Systems Built-in systems are designed to assist fire fighters. Codes often allow more flexibility if built-in fire protection systems are included. ___ is the best method of ensuring the systems will work. NFPA's U.S. experience with Sprinklers reports that: (list 4)

Inspection -Sprinklers operated in 91% of all reported structure fires large enough to activate sprinklers, excluding buildings under construction and buildings without sprinklers in the fire area. -When sprinklers operated, they were effective 96% of the time. -wet-pipe sprinklers operated effectively 89 percent of the time -dry-pipe sprinklers operated effectively 76% of cases

Complex system of attributes that determines moral and ethical actions and reactions. Demonstrate behaviors by adhering to a moral code.


The complex system of inherent attributes that determine a person's moral and ethical actions and reactions, including the quality of being honest.


Regarding Promotion An ____ exercise tests a candidate's ability to perform as a supervisor. The candidate typically deals with a role player who has a ___.

Interpersonal Interaction problem

When this approach is used, any issue is handled in strict accordance with the rules and regulations of the organization

Interpersonal Interactions

__ are a series of written questions asked by someone from an opposing legal party.


A series of formal written questions sent to the opposing side


A series of formal written questions send to the opposing side of a legal argument. The opposition must provide written answers under oath.


What is the main drawback of a multimedia interactive simulation?

It is complex and can be expensive because the test-site administrator might need to arrange for role players and technical support staff to run the simulation

Preliminary Investigation Documentation: Accessibility at the scene

It's alot to type. How did you get in, and was it easy?

The first documented fire in North America occurred in (Where and when?)

Jamestown, Virginia in 1607

Regarding Promoting The municipality's personnel or human resources department uses two documents to define knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that are required for every classified position within the municipality:

Job description & Class Specification Worksheet

Type IV Construction: Heavy Timber (Continued) (More, less, or just as) durable as Type I structure. Most surviving Type IV buildings have been converted to (list 3) spaces A well-seated fire in a non-sprinkled Type IV building may exceed the municipal water supply capability.

Just as durable as type i structure -residential, mercantile, or mixed-use spaces

What does KSA mean?

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Required that unions file an annual report with the government listing the assets of the organization as well as the names and assets of every officer and employee

Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959

____ conditions have two kinds of adverse effects: error-provoking conditions within the local workplace and long-lasting holes or weaknesses in the defences.


The inevitable "resident pathogens" within the system.

Latent Conditions

"The process by which a person influences others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives"


A complex process by which a person influences others to accomplish a mission, task, or objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent.


___ is the process by which a person influences others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives.


Guiding or directing in a course of action.


___ means guiding or directing in a course of action.


An initial rapid intervention crew (IRIC) must assembled prior to operations within IDLH environments.


Press Release It should be dated and typed on department stationary, with the PIO contact information at the top. As brief as possible, ideally one to two pages in length, using an accepted journalistic writing style. Make the lead paragraph powerful to entice the reporter to read on, and answer the basic "who, what, when, where, and why" questions.


What color is the NFPA 704 marking system for material reactivity hazard?


A predetermination hearing ensures the employee has an opportunity to present his or her side of the case. Not all disciplinary actions require a loudermill hearing before suspension: the rules vary from state to state.


Although they require regular maintenance, current equipment does not require the constant attention that was demanded by horses and steam engines.


Conducting the Annual Evaluation: Advance notice of a substandard employee evaluation Municipalities typically require a formal notification to an employee who is likely to be evaluated below a "satisfactory" rating. The notice must identify the substandard performance and indicate what the employee must do to avoid receiving a substandard annual evaluation. A common practice is to require such a notification as soon as an issues arises, or at least 10 weeks before the annual evaluation is due.


Conducting the Annual Evaluation: Informal Work Performance Reviews -In addition to an annual evaluation, many departments encourage FOs to conduct informal performance reviews with each fire fighter throughout the year. During these informal sessions, the FO can review the T-account or performance log and see what the officer can do to assist the fire fighter in meeting the established goals. Together, they can identify situations or work conditions that impede progress.


Conducting the Annual Evaluation: Keeping track of every fire fighter's activity The T-Account is a slightly more sophisticated documentation system, similar to an accounting balance sheet listing credits and debits. A single-sheet form is used to list the assets on the left side and the liabilities on the right side, with the result resembling the letter "T"


Conducting the Annual Evaluation: Keeping track of every fire fighter's activity Using either method, the FO compiles an extemporaneous "When, what and how" record of each fire fighter's work history throughout the evaluation period. This record can be a powerful evaluation and motivational tool.


Conducting the Annual Evaluation: Mid-Year Review This review is an informal performance review that requires a higher level of documentation. Have each fire fighter write a self-evaluation in preparation for the session. This helps the fire fighter focus on the job description and the personal goals that were set at the beginning of the year. Review this document with the fire fighter and discuss how well expectations are being met. If necessary, identify resources or assistance that would help meet the goals. Also at this time, the personal goals can be adjusted because of changes in the work environment.


___ occurs when the target person believes that the agent has the right to make the request and the target person has the obligation to comply.

Legitimate Power

The Fire Officer as Trainer: Develop a Personal Library ____, a retired Boston fired commissioner, advocates maintaining a personal journal where you record information about incidents and issues, including: (list 3)

Leo D. Stapleton -What was encountered -What you learned -How you would handle it the next time

Complaints settled by a court decision represent ___ % of all of the harassment, hostile workplace, and discrimination complaints filed against fire departments.

Less than 3%

Level I Staging: Level II Staging:

Level 1 Staging: Later-arriving units wait for instructions Level 2 Staging: Responding companies are directed to a standby location

Maslow: Hierarchy of Need Abraham H. Maslow was a psychologist who researched mental health and human potential and created the hierarchy of needs, self-actualization, and peak experiences. Maslow's concept depicted human needs as being arranged like a ladder or a pyramid. 5 levels:

Level 1: Physiological Needs Level 2: Safety, Security, and Order Level 3: Social Needs and Affection Level 4: Esteem and Status Level 5: Self-Actualization

Conscious Competence Learning Matrix Dr. Thomas Gordon developed the Conscious Competence Learning Matrix in the 1970s. He described four levels of understanding of a skill in his book "Teacher Effectiveness Training":

Level 1: Unconscious Incompetence Level 2: Conscious Incompetence Level 3: Conscious Competence Level 4: Unconscious Competence

Which HFACS level practices include failure to use elements of crew resource management and personal readiness?

Level 2

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 This law states that it is illegal for an employer to:

Limit, segregate, or classify employees or applicants for employment in any way that would deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect status as an employee because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Rules of Engagement: Rule 4. Extend Limited Risk to Protect Savable Property Objective: To cause fire fighters to limit their risk exposure to a reasonable, cautious, and conservative level when trying to save a building. __ is defined as "the point, edge, or line beyond which something cannot or may not proceed, confined or restricted within certain limits" No building is worth the life of a fire fighter. Interior operations must be fully supported with adequate resources.


Budget format where expenditures are identified in a categorized line-by-line format

Line-Item Budget

"Unit calling, repeat..." Radio messages must be accurate, brief, and clear. Be as a consistent as possible when sending verbal messages over the radio. The performance goal should be to sound the same and communicate just as effectively when reporting a minor incident as when communicating under intense stress. Recordings of radio messages transmitted during emergency incidents are effective tools. (more on back)

Listening to recordings of your own radio communications also provides valuable feedback, allowing you to compare the actual communications output with your thought process at that moment. Listening to others allows you to identify and emulate techniques that are clear and precise, leaving no doubt about the intent of the message.

___ define the responsibilities of each responding agency and outline basic steps to be taken for a particular situation.

Local emergency Plan

Should focus on the effectiveness of the program in relation to the desired effect Success is achieved when the students actually demonstrate the desired behavior in the anticipated situation.

Long-Term Evaluation

Predisciplinary conference (or hearing) is conducted before suspension, demotion, or involuntary termination. Also known as ___.

Loudermill hearing

Most career fire fighters work under a labor contract or ___.


One of the first works on management of power was ___

Machiavelli's "The Prince", published in 1532

The IAFC identifies the Fire Officer II level as a ___ Officer.

Management Fire Officer

___ science is the systematic pursuit of practical results, using available resources.

Management science

Includes five behavioral modes

Managerial Grid

The description from the IAFC Officer Development Handbook for the tasks and expectations for a FO II. In this role, the company officer is encouraged to acquire the appropriate levels of training, experience, self-development, and education to prepare for the Chief Fire Officer designation.

Managing Fire Officer

NFPA ___ identifies FO II as the level of officer who issues formal evaluations and discipline. It becomes a part of work history.

NFPA 1021

The professional qualification standards for fire officers are documented in NFPA ____.

NFPA 1021

The requirements for FO II begin with meeting all of the requirements for FO I as defined in NFPA ___.

NFPA 1021

The professional qualification standards for fire officers are documented in NFPA ___.

NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications

Fire Department Public Information Officer Some fire departments have a full-time or part-time Public Information Officer Many smaller departments rely on the local or a staff officer to function as the PIO and interact with the local media. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) ___ covers the jobs requirements of a PIO

NFPA 1035

NFPA ____ describes the requirements for three levels of instructor.

NFPA 1041

Students must receive appropriate training before participating in any live fire evolutions. NFPA ____ provides essential information.

NFPA 1403, Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions

NFPA ___ requires an air management program.

NFPA 1404

NFPA ___ requires standardized IDLH exiting to be practiced.

NFPA 1500

NFPA Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System

NFPA 1561

NFPA Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs

NFPA 1600

What NFPA is associated with preincident planning?

NFPA 1620

NFPA ___ requires fire fighters to confirm the SCBA is fully functional.

NFPA 1852

Special Extinguishing Systems: Halon (continued) NFPA ___, covers the use of alternative agents that have been replaced Halon systems. Most are designed to flood a room or an enclosure and are toxic. The system can be automatically or manually fired. Both methods include a ___ warning for the occupants to leave the room before the agent discharges. The preincident survey should identify: (list 5)

NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems -prealert warning -chemical used -duration of the discharge (10 seconds to 1 minute) -enclosed protected -automatic activation sequence -location of the manual activation station

Infection Control Every FD should have an infection control program that meets NFPA ___.

NFPA Standard 1581, Standard on Fire Department Infection Control Program.

Today, model codes and standards are written by national organizations, such as...


Incident Reports The ____ collects data related to fires and other incidents. The first-arriving officer/IC completes an NFIRS report. Some incidents require an ____ narrative.

National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) -expanded incident report narrative

Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HPSD-5), Management of Domestic Incidents, further refined and nationalized the ___ for all national incidents.

National Incident Management System

FIRESCOPE and The Fire Ground Commander (FGC) were two programs that provided the foundation for ____.

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

A comprehensive national, all-hazards approach to domestic incident response. It describes specific authorities and best practices for managing incidents.

National Response Framework (NRF)

The ____ has developed professional qualification standards for wildland fire investigators.

National Wildfire Coordinating Group

Describes how commanders make decisions in their natural environment

Naturalistic Decision Making

Removing an undesirable consequence of good behavior

Negative Reinforcement

___ discipline is punishing inappropriate behavior or performance.

Negative discipline

Do all vendors accept purchase orders?


Motivation-Hygiene Theory Employees who are dissatisfied with the external conditions will not be motivated to achieve maximal performance for the company. Once fire fighters are satisfied with the external conditions, will improving these factors increase performance?

No. Basic needs are met, but this is not motivation

Of the three expenditures (Personnel, Operating, and Capital), ___ expenditure is usually the first area to be targeted if a budget needs trimmed.

Operating expenditures

This section is responsible for the management of all actions that are directly related to controlling the incident, including fighting the fire, rescue operations, and treating patients.

Operations Section

Laws enacted by an authorized subdivision of a state, such as a city, county, or town


Putting resources together into an orderly, functional, structured whole.


___ means putting resources together into an orderly, functional, structured whole.


As part of a mayday declaration, the fire fighter must activate the radio's emergency alert button (where provided), and then manually turn on the ___ alarm.

PASS alarm

Once the mayday is declared, the fire fighter should manually activate the _____.

PASS device

An individuals own internal strengths, capabilities, and character

Personal Competence

Reflects the effectiveness of the individual

Personal Power

Systematic method of accounting for all personnel at an emergency incident

Personnel Accountability Report

A ___ is a systematic method of accounting for all personnel at an emergency incident. The FO physically verifies members are present.

Personnel Accountability Report (PAR)

Command officers are accountable for the location and function of full companies. Some departments require a ___ roll call every 20 minutes during fire attack or other high-hazard operations.

Personnel Accountability Report (PAR)

A method of tracking the identity, assignment, and location of fire fighters operating at an incident scene.

Personnel Accountability System

___ identify personnel on the scene and personnel in the hazard area.

Personnel Accountability System

The National Fire Academy (NFA) has developed size up system that includes 3 phases:

Phase One: Preincident Information Phase Two: Initial Size-Up Phase Three: Ongoing Size-Up

The first organized volunteer fire company, the Union Fire Company, was established (Where and when) by (Who?)

Philadelphia in 1735, by Benjamin Franklin

Developing a scheme, program, or method that is worked out beforehand to accomplish an objective.


___ means developing a scheme, program, or method that is worked out beforehand to accomplish an objective.


This section is Responsible for the collection, evaluation, dissemination, and use of information relevant to the incident.

Planning Section

___ provide a representation of the exterior of a structure, identifying site access, doors, utilities access, and any special considerations or hazards

Plot plans

The ___ is the exact location where a heat source and fuel came in contact.

Point of Origin

___ is the exact physical location where a heat source and a fuel come in contact with each other and a fire begins.

Point of Origin

Are developed to provide definite guidelines for present and future actions. Often require personnel to make judgements and to determine the best course of action within the stated policy. May be enacted by other government agencies, as in the case of personnel policies that cover all employees of a city or county.


Formal statements that provide guidelines for present and future actions. They often require personnel to make judgements.


___ are developed to provide definite guidelines for present and future actions.


Defined by the role an individual has within the organization

Positional Power

Discipline may be positive or negative. Positive Discipline is... Negative Discipline is...

Positive Discipline is the encouragement of appropriate behavior or performance. Negative discipline is punishing inappropriate behavior or performance.

Giving a reward for good behavior:

Positive Reinforcement

Regarding Reinforcement Theory of Motivation ___ and ____ increase the likelihood of good behavior. ___ and __ decrease the likelihood of bad behavior.

Positive and negative reinforcement Extinction and Punishment

___ discipline is the encouragement of appropriate behavior or performance.

Positive discipline

____ reinforcement must be sincere and deserved. ___ reinforcement is often underutilized as management strategy.

Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement

The capacity of one party to influence another party.


___ is the capacity of one party to influence another party.


When it comes to methods of assigning tasks: Advantage of Preassignment: Advantage of Assigning on the Scene:

Preassignment: Allows the officer to make fewer decisions during emergency Assigning on the scene: Reduces the unnecessary efforts

A written document resulting from the gathering of general and detailed data to be used by responding personnel for determining the resources and actions necessary to mitigate anticipated emergencies at a specific facility.

Preincident plan

A ___ is used to make an official announcement to the news media from the fire department PIO.

Press Release

Examples of Detention and Correction Occupancy Type:

Prisons Jails Detention Facilities

___ are things that are likely to happen or can be anticipated based on the known facts.


A ___ is the difference between the current situation and the desired situation.


__ refers to skills and knowledge attained for both personal development and career advancement.

Professional Development

___ refers to skills and knowledge attained for both personal development and career advancement. Each FO should develop a personal plan of this.

Professional Development

___ discipline refers to starting to correct a problem with positive discipline and then increasing the intensity of the discipline if the individual fails to respond appropriately.

Progressive Discipline

Punishing bad behavior


Accidental Fire Causes When wood is continuously subjected to moderate heat below normal ignition temperature over a long period, it starts to break down into carbon. ____ results in a gradual lowering of the ignition temperature of the wood until autoignition occurs.


The destructive distillation of organic compounds in an oxygen-free environment that converts organic matter into gases, liquids, and char


Lloyd Layman developed a list of seven factors to assist in developing an action plan. ___ is an acronym that covers the critical factors in developing a strategy.


Maintain continuous awareness of air supply, situation, location, and fire conditions. ROE #___

ROE # 7

Go in together, stay together, and come out together. ROE #___

ROE #6

Constantly monitor fire-ground communications for critical radio reports. ROE #____.

ROE #8

Report unsafe practices or conditions. ROE #___

ROE #9

Eligibility can be either ___ ordered or ____.

Rank Ordered or Banded

A ___ is a dedicated crew assigned for deployment to rescue lost or trapped members.

Rapid Interview Crew (RIC)

A decision document prepared by the fire officer for the senior staff to support a decision or action is.

Recommendation Report

A document that suggests a particular action or decision.

Recommendation Report

___ and ___ are a challenge in volunteer fire departments that respond to several calls each day, particularly in areas where few individuals are available to serve as volunteers.

Recruitment and Retention

What color is the NFPA 704 marking system for flammability?


___ occurs when the target complies due to admiration of or identification with the agent and seeks approval.

Referent Power

___ Theory Assumes the behavior is a function of its consequences. To motivate, the officer must provide reinforcers.

Reinforcement Theory

___ Theory of Motivation assumes behavior is a function of its consequences. To motivate, the officer must provide reinforces.

Reinforcement Theory of Motivation

Regarding promotion via multiple-choice written examination ___ is the characteristics where a test measures what is intended to measure on a consistent basis


CERT Course Schedule 9 sessions:

Session 1, Disaster Preparedness Session 2, Fire Safety and Utility control Session 3, Disaster Medical Operations, Part I Sessions 4, Disaster Medical Operations, Part II Session 5, Light Search-and-Rescue Operations Session 6, CERT Organization Session 7, Disaster Psychology Session 8, Terrorism and CERT Session 9, Course Review and Disaster Simulation

___ is the unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome attention and intimacy in a nonreciprocal relationship.

Sexual harassment

Short-range planning covers developing a plan that extend up to.... Medium-range planning covers planning that is (how long?) in advance. Long-Range planning covers events longer than (how long?) in advance.

Short-range planning = up to a year Medium-Range = 1-3 years in advance Long-Range = longer than 3 years in advance.

Often included in a promotional examination to test the candidate's ability to perform in the role of officer at a fire or some other type of situation


The accurate perception of what is going on around you.

Situational Awareness

___ is the accurate perception of what is going on around you.

Situational Awareness

___ is the level of understanding one has regarding the reality of a set of conditions.

Situational Awareness

___ is a systematic process of gathering and processing information to evaluate a situation


Initial On-Scene Radio Report ___ is the mental process of gathering and considering all of the pertinent details of a given incident. The initial radio report follows the size-up. During this report, put the key information into words clearly and concisely and share it with all of the personnel responding to the incident. The initial report should: (list 3) Routinely using the same terminology and format helps ensure that nothing is missed. The dispatcher's repeating of the key information provides solid confirmation that was received and understood.

Size-up -describe what you have -state what you are doing -provide direction for other units that will be arriving

___ describes forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.

Social media

The Tipping Point of Harassment and Hostile Workplace Issues What can bring rapid attention to even minor incidents?

Social media and 24-hour news

___ is the impact of social media videos, pictures, and postings that lead to a sudden (and often unfortunate) change of status for the author of the post.

Social media-assisted career suicide syndrome (SMACSS)

The IAFC's Officer Development Handbook provides a guide for progression from ___ Fire Officer to ___ Fire Officer.

Supervisor Fire Officer to Executive Fire Officer.

A form completed by an immediate supervisor after an injury or property damage accident

Supervisor's Report

A form that is required by most state worker's compensation agencies and that is completed by the immediate supervisor after an injury or property damage accident.

Supervisor's report

A major division within the logistics section that oversees the supply, facilities, and ground support units

Support Branch

Conducting the Annual Evaluation Using the information gathered from a year of entries in a performance log or ____, the FO can provide an objective and well-documented annual performance evaluation.


Assignments are usually defined by a geographical area or a functional responsibility, or a combination.

Tactical Level

___ level objectives define the actions necessary to achieve the strategic goals.

Tactical Level

___ provide a list and an order of priority for dealing with them.

Tactical Priorities

The level at which objectives defining the actions that are necessary to achieve the strategic goals are formed.

Tactical level

Designed to reduce the power of unions.

Taft-Hartley Labor Act of 1947

___ refers to dividing responsibilities in a way to accomplish them effectively. Safety is compromised with task overload.

Task Allocation

Includes two to five single resources assembled to accomplish a specific task.

Task Forces

Individual fire companies or teams of fire fighters perform these activities. This is where the physical work is accomplished.

Task Level

___ level assignments are the actions required to achieve the tactical objectives.

Task level

___ are specific assignments that are typically performed by one company or a small number of companies working together.


Conducting the Annual Evaluation: Six Weeks before the end of the annual evaluation period The fire fighter should conduct another self-evaluation approximately 6 weeks before the official annual evaluation is due. The goal is to identify how well the fire fighter has met the organizational expectations and personal goals of the year. The FO should review this document and provide feedback, and both the FO and fire fighter should develop the final, formal evaluation report together, which includes developing 3 new work-related personal goals for the next evaluation period.


Developing a Personal Library Obtain copies of textbooks and references used in fire fighter training and promotional examinations.


Established by the National Association of State Directors of Fire Training, the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) provides accreditation to certification-issuing entities. IFSAC also accredits fire-related degree programs at the college and university levels. The IFSAC process follows the CHEA format and operates through Oklahoma State University. In 2012, there were 55 IFSAC-accredited fire service training programs and 23 fire science degree programs.


Evaluation Errors: Central Tendency A FO demonstrates a central tendency when a fire fighter is rated in the middle of the range for all dimensions of work performance. A central tendency evaluations holds little value for the fire fighter or the evaluation process. Being rated as "OK in all areas" is not OK.


Evaluation Errors: Contrast Effect An evaluation error that can occur when the FO compares the performance of one subordinate with the performance of another subordinate instead of against the classified job standards.


Evaluations Errors: Frame of Reference The fire fighter is evaluated on the basis of the FO's personal ideals instead of the classified job standards.


Example of a Typical Fire Station Workday Includes activities such as: -Line-up and equipment check -Cleaning -Physical Training -Productivity Activity -Study Time -Special Station Activity


Example of a Typical Volunteer Duty Night: -Equipment Check -Classroom session, skill drill, or community outreach activity -Cleaning


Fire Fighter I training included an end-of-course written exam and demonstration of practical skills. All of the knowledge and psychomotor preparation was designed to enable the candidate to complete the certification exam successfully. The same approach should be taken when preparing for a promotional exam, because the candidate is demonstrating mastery of the knowledge, skills, and abilities identified for a managing or supervising fire officer.


Fire Marks Start of the FDNY Fire College New York City began the first organized instruction of fire officers in 1869, when Commissioner Alexander Shaler established an Officer's School. That school published theManual of Instructions for Commanding Officers of Engine and Hook and Ladder Companies.Formalized instruction of Fire Department of New York (FDNY) fire fighters began when the department purchased the first scaling ladders in 1882. The inventor of the Hoell Lifesaving Appliance came to New York to teach scaling ladder methods and techniques. The School of Instruction was established in 1883 and continued to evolve, becoming the FDNY Fire College in 1911. Four levels of instruction were conducted at the college: Officer, Engineer, Company, and Probationary Fireman Schools.


Fire Officer's Supervisor Every fire officer has a supervisor. Every fire officer has an obligation to work effectively with his or her supervisor. Keep the supervisor informed.


Four-Step Method of Training: Preparation Practice delivering the lesson to make sure that the important items are covered in a timely fashion. Preview any audiovisual items and check all equipment used during the presentation. Check the physical environment to make sure it is conductive to learning.


Four-Step Method of Training: Presentation Begin with simple concepts and move progressively to more complex information, relating the new material to old ideas. Lecture only on what is important at this time to achieve the teaching objective. Do not teach alternative methods Teach in positive terms and avoid telling the fire fighter what not to do.


Four-Step Method of Training: Presentation Present a skill one step at a time, and demonstrate how it should be performed. Use simple but appropriate language


Four-Step Method of Training: Presentation Use a lesson plan Audiovisual aids and training props enrich the presentation Fire fighters retain information more effectively if they actually perform the skill in the process of learning it.


Getting It Done Performance in ContextWhole-skill training or training in context is an effective tool allowing experienced fire fighters to improve their group performance at standard evolutions. Athletes use visualization and sequential task mastery to develop consistent and high-level performances. Members who prepare for the Fire Fighter Combat Challenge, Transportation Emergency Rescue Committee (TERC) Extrication Challenge, or other timed skill events also use training in context to improve performance.


Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint: Keep It Confidential A discrimination complaint can polarize a workplace. The unique team nature of 24-hour fire service work creates a close environment where it is difficult to maintain confidentiality. Insist on and enforce confidentiality during the investigation.


Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint: Treat The Person Who Files The Complaint With Respect Employees often find it extremely difficult to complain about discrimination or harassment. When an employee comes to you with concerns about discrimination or harassment, be professional, but also understanding.


Informal Written Reprimand Some fire departments require the FO to use a standard from that: -ensures that all of the requirements are covered -allows the fire fighter to understand that this is a disciplinary issue


Know the Neighborhood -Conduct walkthroughs -Take Pictures -Maintain good relationships with building managers in the district.


Policies governing parts of a fire department's operations may be enacted by other government agencies, as in the case of personnel policies that cover all employees of a city or county. An example of a police is one stating that the fire officer shall ensure that station sidewalks are maintained to provide safety from slips and falls during snow and ice accumulation. Because it gives the officer latitude in determining how to ensure the safety of pedestrians, this directive is a policy.


Promotion to Company-Level Officer -Responsible for supervision, performance, and safety of fire fighters -Fire Chief's Representative


Regarding Postexamination Promotional Considerations Results of the census document a community's diversity and may influence public safety promotion practices.


Regarding Postexamination Promotional Considerations Some specialty supervisory positions require additional certifications or work experience.


Regarding Promoting (Technical Skills Demonstration) Fire Officers are expected to be skilled in task-and tactical-level activities They may also be required to demonstrate very specific technical skills.


Regarding Promoting (Emergency Incident Simulations) Multimedia Interactive Simulation The candidate is presented with a dynamic emergency incident through a multimedia format that typically includes full-color pictures depicting the incident. Using a handheld radio, the candidate is expected to command the event using the local jurisdiction's SOPs and incident command tools that are appropriate to what a person at that rank would use on the street.


Regarding Promoting (Emergency Incident Simulations) Progressing Simulation The candidate is provided with a set of basic information concerning an emergency incident to begin the exercise. As the simulation progresses, the candidate is provided with additional updates. The candidate has to react to the unfolding situation, which can change based on the answers to the previous questions.


Regarding Training and Coaching: Ensure Competence and Confidence The FO works as a coach when providing training. First, team members learn basic skills. Then, the coach works with them to build competence and confidence.


Regarding promotion via multiple-choice written examination The job requirement is identified through the KSA technical worksheet developed from the job description and class specification


Regarding promotion via multiple-choice written examination, and determining the reliability. A smaller department would be more likely to go an external source for the examination questions, simply because of the time and effort that would be required to write and validate them internally.


Budget preparation is both ___ and ____ process.

Technical and Political process

When it comes to Lower Revenue Options, which practice may create a huge political repercussions if a civilian dies or suffers serious injury in an incident where the nearest fire company was closed for the day?

Temporary closing fire companies for one day or work shift at a time, reassigning the on-duty fire fighters to fill vacancies in other fire stations.

___ have a higher, disproportionate fatality rate compared to other types of fire apparatus


___ means that the organization has determined that the employee is unsuitable for continued employment. Only the top municipal official can do this to an employee.


Regardless of where the complain is filed, who is required to take corrective action if the investigation confirms that a complaint has merit?

The Fire Chief

What's the current view of fire fighters "standing their ground"?

The culture of fire fighters "standing their ground" cannot be accepted. The fire department management team must intervene and eliminate this unsafe behavior.

Safety Zone Training Injury PatternsFrom 1997 to 2010, deaths during training activities represented 77.8 percent of the nonemergency annual line-of-duty death (LODD) total. This is an unacceptable situation. Deaths and serious injuries that occur during live fire training are caused by the following factors: Missing, incomplete, or inadequate preparation of the drill site. Inadequate training of instructors and assistant instructors. Inadequate orientation or training of recruits. Live fire evolutions are not the place to conduct or complete initial SCBA training. The students should be competent in SCBA use and emergency procedures before they participate in a live fire training exercise. Inadequate planning of the training evolutions by the lead instructor. A nonexistent incident management system or no designated safety officer. No provision of rehabilitation or emergency medical services at the drill site.


Some fire departments are divided into units based on function. For example, the functions of engine companies are to establish water supplies and flow water, truck companies perform forcible entry and rescue functions. Each of these functions can be divided into multiple assignments, which can then be assigned to individual fire fighters.


Some fire departments prefer the term (or standard)operating guidelines (SOGs) instead of SOPs because conditions often require the fire officer to use personal judgement in determining the most appropriate action for a given situation. The term SOG suggests that a specific step-by-step procedure should be used, but it allows the officer to deviate from this procedure if the conditions warrant doing so. The distinction between an SOP and an SOG is very subjective.


Steps for Developing a Specific Training Program: Establish Objectives The final part of the objective is the measure of performance. Fire fighter evolutions are often timed events, so the measure of performance is usually described in terms of the time required to complete a task properly. An example of a behavioral objective could look like this: Given a fire department pumper and a building two or more stories high, a crew of two fire fighters will exit the pumper in full protective personal clothing and SCBA, select and remove the appropriate ground ladder from the pumper, and properly deploy the ground ladder to the assigned window within 2 minutes.


Steps for Developing a Specific Training Program: Establish Objectives Training has occurred when there is an observable change in behavior. Prior to undertaking the training program, you should identify the specific behavior you want the fire fighters to exhibit after the training. The description must include the conditions under which the behavior will be demonstrated.


Steps for Developing a Specific Training Program: Evaluate the Impact Have you accomplished the change of behavior? Was the training program worth the fire fighters' or instructor's time? Was the instructional method appropriate for the learning objective? What can the instructor-developer do to improve the training program?


Steps for Developing a Specific Training Program: Evaluate the Impact Many successful national fire service training programs, such as the "Saving Our Own" fire fighter rescue class and the "Car Busters" extrication seminars, have been developed by fire officers and fire fighters. They have the perspective, understanding, and need to develop and share vital emergency activity training.


The FO must handle emergencies effectively. The FO has direct leadership responsibility for his or her company. The first-arriving FO has additional incident command responsibilities.


The Fire Officer as Trainer: Use problem-solving scenarios You can construct various emergency incident scenarios based on actual buildings and potential situations. Some computer-based fire incident simulators can accept digital pictures taken during walk-through visits and use them to create customized emergency incident scenarios.


The Fire Officer's Role in Workplace Diversity. Handling harassment or hostile workplace complaints. A complaint can be filed with the federal or municipality's EEOC officer or with the fire department The fire officer should know the department's procedure for handling complaints.


The Fire Officer's Role in Workplace Diversity: -Keep an open mind -Treat the person with respect and compassion -Do not blame the person -Do not retaliate against the person -Follow procedures -Interview the people involved. -Look for contradictions -Keep it confidential -Write all down -Cooperate


The Fire Officer's Role in Workplace Diversity: Actionable Items Ensure that a higher-level supervisor is informed of the action that has been taken if any doubt arises about the message being fully understood.


The Fire Station as a Business Work Location -Educate employees on workplace rules and regulations -Promote the use of "on-duty speech" -Be the designated adult


The Fire officer as Trainer: Know the Neighborhood Knowing the neighborhood may include working with building owners and occupants to practice incident action plans and procedures. Establish good working relationships with every building manager or emergency manager in your response district.


The Joint Council on National Fire Service Organizations created the National Professional Qualifications System (Also known as the "Pro Board") in 1972. When the Joint Council dissolved in 1990, the Pro Board evolved into the independent National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (NBFSPQ) The board of directors consists of representative from national fire service organizations that have an interest in training and certification. THE NBFSPQ has accredited the certification programs that are operated by 49 states, provinces, and other agencies, covering 85 levels in 18 different standards.


The chain of command creates a structure for managing the department as well as for directing fire-ground operations. Fire fighters usually report to a supervising officer who is responsible for a single fire company on a single shift. Some fire departments have only one officer rank, whereas others have two or more officer ranks (Sergeants, lieutenants, and captains).


The fire officer promotional process remains an inexact science. Many variations of examination and testing procedures are in use, with differences in emphasis and on the weights assigned to particular dimensions (attributes or qualities that can be described and measured during a promotional examination). The rank (sergeant, lieutenant, or captain) and the classified job description determine the technical, theoretical, or behavioral emphasis of the examination.


The officer is a part of management and is responsible for the conduct of others. The officer has to apply policies, procedures, and rules to subordinates and to different situations.


The officer's primary responsibility is to the fire fighters under his or her command. The FO should develop a consistent approach to emergency activities. SOPs must be followed


Use Problem-Solving Scenarios Present a fact-based situation Let company members use the code to solve the problem. -Identify the occupancy use group -Identify the issues. -Look up the applicable regulations -Make decisions


When most people think of managing, they envision the leading function of management. Leading is the human side of management. It includes motivating, training, guiding, and directing employees.


A Fire Officer II could also be in charge of a larger group performing specialized service or a significant administrative section within the fire department.


Evaluation Errors: Halo and Horn Effect Sometimes the FO may concentrate on only one aspect of the fire fighter's performance, which is either exceptionally good or bad, and apply that perception across the board to all aspects of the individual's work performance.


The officer must also understand fire prevention methods, fire and building codes and applicable ordinances (laws enacted by a local government or municipality), and the department's records management system. At each higher level, there are increasing requirements for knowledge and management skills.


A complete investigative report has three objectives: -It must identify and clearly explain the issues. -It should provide a complete, impartial, and factual presentation of the background information and relevant facts. -The conclusion should be a recommended action plan, based on and supported by the information.


Accommodating: Yield and Comply The accommodating person demonstrates a low concern for results and a high concern for other people.This individual maintains a heightened awareness of the personal feelings, goals, and ambitions of others, and always considers how proposed actions will affect them.He or she is approachable, fun, friendly, and always ready to listen with sympathy and encouragement. Discussions with an accommodating person tend to include an overwhelming emphasis on personal feelings and preferences, while avoiding concrete issues. The discussion itself becomes the goal, so conversations can meander in any direction instead of concentrating on solving the problem.


Analyzing Death and Injury Data The most frequently reported types of injuries on fire ground scenes were: Sprain, strain, or muscular pain (50.7%) Wound, cut, bleeding, or bruise (14.5%) Thermal Stress (6.9%) Burns (6.2%)


Arson Motivation: Excitement Sometimes, a fire is started for the excitement. The arsonist could be planning to make a dramatic rescue to gain praise or to obtain recognition for discovering or extinguishing the fire. May simply enjoy the excitement and spectacle that are generated by a fire.


Arson Motive: Crime Concealment A business owner or employee may elect to burn the business to destroy records that show embezzlement of cash, supplies, or inventory. Burglars might set fire to a building to destroy evidence of their entry, eliminate fingerprints, or conceal the fact that a theft occurred before the fire. Arson is also used to destroy evidence of other crimes, including murder, or to create a distraction while a crime is taking place in another location.


Budgetary Process: Developing a budget proposal Because this equipment is a new device providing a new service, the first step is to describe what the new unit will do and what the impact will be if the unit is not funded. The description should consider the audience that will review, authorize, and approve the application. Provide enough information in an understandable format to ensure understanding of the goals that the program will meet.


Budgetary Process: FGL capital budget The grant request would pay for the durable equipment needed to start the FGL program.


Budgeting: Nontraditional Revenue Sources Nontraditional revenue sources include donations from a targeted or industry for a specific purpose. Local or state regulations may allow a fire department to recover the extraordinary expenses incurred in responding to a hazardous materials incident. Cost recovery also applies to special services supplied by fire departments.


Budgeting: Revenue Sources (Grants Continued) There is strong competition for grants. Present a sound justification for why the organization should receive the funding. Show that efforts have been made to obtain the funds from other sources. Show that this solution provides a benefit at the lowest possible amount of funding.


CERT Course Schedule: Session 3, Disaster Medical Operations, Part I Participants practice diagnosing and treating airway obstruction, bleeding, and shock by using simple triage and rapid treatment techniques


CERT Course Schedule: Session 4, Disaster Medical Operations, Part II Covers evaluating patients by performing a head-to-toe assessment, establishing a medical treatment area, performing basic first aid, and demonstrating medical operations in a safe and sanitary manner.


Command Options: Investigation Mode The first-arriving company will conduct an investigation. Other units assigned to the event will stage and remain uncommitted pending the results of that investigation. The first-arriving company-level officer performs the role of initial IC as well as supervising the company performing the investigation.


Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Developed and first implemented by the LAFD in 1985. The Emergency Management Institute and the National Fire Academy adopted and expanded the CERT materials. In 1993, this training was made available nationally by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). CERT was moved to the Citizen Corps section of the federal government in 2004. In 2013, Citizen Corps listed 2200 CERT programs.


Taylor's theory of scientific management considered workers as cheap, stupid, and interchangeable. True or False


Teaching new skills requires more time than maintaining proficiency of existing skills. True or False?


The Everyone Goes Home® program was developed by the NFFF to prevent line-of-duty deaths and injuries. True or False


The IC conducts the multiple-company incident review. True or False


The ICS is part of the NIMS Command and Management component True or False


The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 replaced by the spoils system with a system of merit selection and promotion. True or False?


The budget format should comply with the recommendations of the GASB. True or False


The fundamental goal of a public safety education program is to prevent injury, death, or loss due to fire or other types of incidents. True or False


The local emergency plan usually includes an evacuation component that can be used for any situation where the occupants of an area must be protected from a dangerous situation. True or False


The reasons that holes appear in the layers of defense are attributable to active failures and latent conditions. True or False


The report is provided from each work location to the battalion or district chief within the first quarter hour of the reporting time. True or False


Transitional operation is used when the firefighting operation is changing or preparing to change. True or False


True or False An excellent way for adults to learn concepts, regulations, and decision-making skills is using problem-solving scenarios


True or False Eligibility can be either rank ordered or banded.


True or False Many fire fighters now work years beyond their retirement date.


True or False The eligibility list lasts 2 to 6 years


When a budget needs to be trimmed, operating expenditures are usually the first area to be targeted. True or False


Often uses compartmentation instead of fire sprinklers to control fire spread

Type I

Which type of construction is the most durable and lasting structure?

Type I

The structural elements can be made from either noncombustible or limited combustible materials.

Type II

The exterior load-bearing walls of the building are noncombustible masonry.

Type III

A well-seated fire in a non-sprinklered building of this type may exceed the municipal water supply capability.

Type IV

Low-Rise Multiple-Family Dwellings Typically type ___ construction. High peak-heat-release furniture and tighter insulation retains more heat. Buildings with sprinklers may increase difficulty for fire fighters due to being taller with longer hallways. The preincident plan should identify the best apparatus access positions and the hose lays required to get to every space in the building.

Type V

The most common structural type

Type V

Type V Construction: Wood Frame The entire structure may be constructed of wood or any other approved material. Sometimes, a masonry veneer is applied to the exterior. Include single-family, multiple-family, mercantile, and low-rise commercial buildings. This type will main or kill the first-arriving FFs if they enter the structure and fall through a fire-weakened floor. Underwriters Laboratory research in 2011 showed Type V residences in achieving flashover in (how long?) minute, compared to flashover times of (How long?) minutes for legacy residences.

Type V residences Flashovers = 3:30 to 4:45 minutes Legacy Residence Flashovers = 29:30 to 34:15 minutes

What is the most common structure type?

Type V: Wood Frame

Legal Considerations: Searches The FO who investigated the fire may be called to testify in court. Is a warrant needed to enter a fire scene? If so, how? If not, when?

Typically, no search warrant is needed to enter the fire scene, collect evidence, and determine the cause of a fire. A warrant is required for reentry after fire origin and cause have been determined.

Multiple points of origin do not mean that a fire was intentional. In some cases, material falling from the ceiling and burning at the floor level can create a secondary __ or ___ pattern, resembling an additional point of origin. Multiple points of origin may also occur when an electrical surge causes ignitions at different locations in a building's ___ system.

U or V pattern -electrical system

____ are forbidden by the NLRB or state/local laws; often involves the employer's efforts to avoid bargaining in good faith.

Unfair Labor Practice

An organizational element with functional responsibility for a specific incident activity, such as planning or logistics, or a specific geographic assignment


An organizational element with functional responsibility for a specific incident activity, such as planning or logistics, or a specific geographic assignment.


___ are more frequently used in large or complex incidents where many specialized groups must work together.


The management concept that a subordinate should have only one direct supervisor, and that a decision can be traced back through subordinates to the manager who originated it.

Unity of Command

The management concept that each fire fighter answers to only one supervisor and each supervisor answers to only one boss. Chain of command establishes a direct route of responsibility from the chief to the fire fighter. Designed to prevent fire fighters from being overwhelmed by conflicting assignments or priorities.

Unity of Command

___ is the management concept that each fire fighter answers to only one supervisor, and each supervisor answers to only one boss.

Unity of Command

Occupancy Type. Structures that do not fit neatly into the other occupancy categories Examples include:


Legislative Framework for Collective Bargaining: Taft-Hartley Labor Act of 1947 Passed by Congress over the veto of President Harry Truman. It was formulated following (Which war?) when industry-wide strikes threatened to undermine a smooth return to civilian production Designed to modify the ___ Act and reduce the power of unions.

WW2 -Wagner-Connery Act

The foundation of company officer practice came from ___. These elements were codified when the NFPA established the Professional Qualification standards, adopting the NFPA 1021 for fire officers in (what year?).

WWII combat experience. 1976

The ___ Act and favorable court decisions resulted in some unions becoming extremely powerful.

Wagner-Connery Act

Established the procedures that are commonly called collective bargaining.

Wagner-Connery Act of 1935

Conducting the Inspection: Circle the Property Circle the property and observe all four sides of the building when you arrive. Look for any obvious access or storage problems and any new construction since your last visit. Confirm the locations of hydrants, sprinkler/standpipe hook-ups, and other outside features with your preincident survey sheet. Park the fire apparatus in a location that does not disrupt the business and allows the fire company to respond if they are dispatched to an emergency. Some departments require that one fire fighter remain with the apparatus both to listen to the radio and to protect the rig from vandals or thieves. Do not park the apparatus in a fire lane


Conducting the Inspection: Conduct an Exit Interview It is important to wrap up your ongoing compliance inspection/preincident survey by meeting with the owner or designated representative to review what was found and issue any required correction orders. Complete the written report and give one copy to the occupant.


Fire Fighter Injuries and Deaths: Sudden Cardiac Arrest FFs are more likely to die of a heart attack while on duty than other U.S. workers. This is related to the nature of the work, which can suddenly change from low activity to an episode of high stress and intense exertion. Sudden stress can trigger a heart attack, particularly in an individual who is predisposed to cardiovascular disease.


Fire Prevention Week On the 40th anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire, the Fire marshals Association of North America (now known as International Fire Marshal's Association) decided that the date of this occurrence should be observed in a way that would keep the public informed about the importance of fire prevention. In 1920, President Woodrow Wilson issued the first National Fire Prevention Day proclamation. Every year since 1922, National Fire Prevention Week has been observed on the Sunday-through-Saturday period in which October 8 falls. In addition, the President of the United States has signed a proclamation announcing the national observance of Fire Prevention Week every year since 1925. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has officially sponsored Fire Prevention Week since the observance was first established.


Fire confinement tasks Fire confinement tasks include advancing handlines to the room of origin, into stairways, and into the attic or the floor above the fire.


Five-Step Planning Process: Identify the Problem In many cases, a public education project is initiated to address a problem that demands attention; the process sometimes works in the opposite direction, with the decision to undertake a public education effort being made first, before the objective is identified. In either case, you should attempt to identify the problem clearly before jumping into program development. Look at local emergency incident data to identify the types of events that generate deaths or serious injuries as well as the most frequent causes of fires.


Five-Step Planning Process: Implement the Program Implementation occurs when the program is actually delivered to the target audience. Timing is an important consideration regarding when a public education program is implemented.


Five-Step Planning Process: Select the Method After identifying the problem, select the most effective method to address it. Public life-safety education is not necessarily the best or the only response for every type of problem. Try to determine whether an engineering solution or an enforcement solution would be more efficient.


Five-Step Planning Process: Select the Method After identifying the problem, select the most effective method to address it. Public life-safety education is not necessarily the best or the only response for every type of problem. Try to determine whether an engineering solution or an enforcement solution would be more efficient.


For most structure fires, the IC directly supervises the functions of the operations section. A separate operations section chief is used at complex incidents so that the IC can focus on the overall situation while the operations section chief deals with the strategy and tactics that are required to get the job done.


Formal Communications: General Orders Usually signed by the fire chief. Can remain in effect for various periods of time, ranging from a few days to permanently. Also called executive orders, departmental directives, or master memos Many departments use general orders to announce promotions and personnel transfers. Copies of the general orders should be available for reference at all fire stations.


Formal Communications: Legal Correspondence It is not unusual for a fire department to receive a legal order demanding all documentation on file pertaining to a particular incident. In any situation in which reports or documentation is requested, the fire department should consult with legal counsel. The fire officer who prepared a report may be called on to sign an affidavit, appear at a deposition, or appear in court to testify that the information provided in the report is complete and accurate.


Formal Communications: Legal Correspondences If the initial incident report or other documents provide an accurate, factual, objective, complete, and clear presentation of the facts, the response to the interrogatory is often a simple affirmation of the written records. The task can become much more complex and embarrassing if the original documents are vague, incomplete, false, or missing.


Formal Communications: SOPs Written organizational directives that establish or prescribe specific operational or administrative methods to be followed routinely for the performance of designated operations or actions. Intended to provide a standard and consistent response to emergency incidents as well as personnel supervisory actions and administrative tasks.


General Inspection Requirements Verify that all fire department connection caps are in place, and that they are unobstructed and accessible.For sprinkler systems, extra sprinklers and a changing wrench should be readily available. Ensure that all control valves are in the open or correct position (some valves are normally closed) and are locked or have a supervisory alarm to protect the system from being accidentally shut down. Issues with liability and repair costs may arise when the local fire company is operating built-in fire protection systems in a non-fire-emergency situation. In some retesting programs, the fire prevention bureau requires a licensed fire protection contractor to perform the retest, and this contractor must submit a certified report of the findings. Only properly trained personnel can test fire protection systems.


General Inspection Requirements: Access and Egress In every inspection, the fire department must confirm that there is sufficient means of egress for the occupants.These provisions are often violated because improper storage causes the exits to be obstructed. Proper storage practices mean that the goods for sale or the items used by the business or industrial process are safely stored in accordance with the fire code. In some cases, a fire company may discover a very hazardous condition due to excessive, illegal, or dangerous storage practices.This situation requires immediate corrective action and, if available, assistance from the fire prevention division or the fire marshal's office.


General Inspection Requirements: Electrical During the inspection, confirm that no combustibles are stored around the electrical panels and that the panel covers have not been removed. Extension cords are intended for temporary use.They are not designed to serve as permanent wiring to power a refrigerator or copy machine. Check for multiple extension cords being used in sequence, and for open electrical boxes for outlets, switches, or junctions.


General Inspection Requirements: Exit signs and emergency lightning Exit signs indicate the direction of exit to occupants during a fire. Emergency lights light the path of the exit. These features are particularly important when the occupants may be unfamiliar with the location of exits other than the main entrance. The occupant is required to maintain documentation of monthly checks performed on these systems.


General Inspection Requirements: Hazard Identification Signs When required, visible hazard identification signs meeting NFPA 704 should be placed:On stationary containersOn above-ground tanksAt entrances to locations where hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, used, or handled Individual containers, cartons, or packages must be conspicuously marked or labeled. Material safety data sheets must be readily available on the premises for regulated material.


General Inspection Requirements: Portable Fire Extinguishers Almost every building has portable fire extinguishers. The fire code describes requirements for the size, type, and locations of extinguishers needed in various occupancies, usually referring to NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, for the details. Verify extinguishers are of the appropriate size and type. In addition to visually inspecting each extinguisher for physical damage, confirm that:The instructions are visibleThe safety or tamper seal is presentThere is current inspection and testing documentationThe pressure gauge is in the normal range


General Inspection Requirements: Special Hazards For most processes with very high hazards, the occupancy is required to have a fire prevention division or hazardous use permit .The permit is renewed annually after the fire prevention division performs a code compliance inspection. The local fire company may be the first to discover a high-risk occupancy.Such surprises are especially likely if your district includes "on spec" or "spec built" industrial parks.Owners construct buildings that are generic spaces and rent out space to a variety of tenants.Such spaces have high occupant turnover, with each occupant being associated with different fire risk factors.


General Structure Fire Considerations: Single-Family Dwellings More civilian fire deaths occur in one-and two-family dwellings than in any other type of occupancy. Rapid fire spread can occur in both modern and balloon frame buildings. A variety of fire hazards can be found. Single-family homes may have been converted into apartments.


HFACS Level 4: Organizational Influences The most difficult HFACS level to analyze. The operating culture of the FD is often as significant to the near miss as the individual's action. This level examines both resource management (staffing, training, budget resources, and equipment/facility resources) and organizational climate (chain of command, delegation of authority, risk management programs, and safety programs).


High-Rise Considerations: Lobby Control Officer Controls the entry and exit of both civilians and fire fighters in the lobby. Oversees the use of the elevators. Operates the local building communication system. Assists in the control of the heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems. The lobby control officer reports to the logistics section chief or, if that position is not established, the IC.


Incendiary Fire Causes You may be involved in making the determination of a fire's cause and origin and classifying it as incendiary, but ultimately the prosecuting attorney or grand jury will decide whether it should result in arson charges. Be aware of the local or state judicial system that governs your jurisdiction and recognize how that system affects the use of the fire investigation results.


Indifferent: Evade and Elude The lowest level of concern for both results and people The key word for this style is "neutral." An individual who demonstrates this style is the least visible person in a team.He or she is a follower who maintains distance from active involvement whenever possible.An indifferent person carefully goes through the motions of work, doing enough to get by, but rarely making a deliberate effort to do more. The indifferent manager relies heavily on instructions and process, depending on others to outline what needs to be done.Reliance on instructions avoids the need to take personal responsibility for resultsIf problems arise, the indifferent person is often content to ignore or overlook them, unless the instructions specify how to react to that particular problem. The indifferent person might point out the problem to someone else, but would be unlikely to offer a solution.


Informal Communications All communications from a company officer are retrievable within an information management system. Each message and report needs to be appropriate, accurate, and ethical. Some informal reports are retained for a period of time and may become a part of a formal report or investigation.


Legislative Framework for Collective Bargaining: Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959 After the AFL and CIO merged in 1955 to become the AFL-CIO, Senator John McClellan conducted hearings that revealed evidence of crime and corruption in some of the older local unions.


Legislative Framework for Collective Bargaining: Wagner-Connery Act of 1935 When the NIRA was overturned, employers were free to use their unfair labor practices in the management of their employees. The ensuing abuses led to the Great Strike Wave of 1933-1934. Labor organized against management and conducted citywide strikes and factory takeovers in numerous industrial sectors.


Life Safety Code NFPA 101, Life Safety Code®, is a model code document that contains requirements specifically related to protecting the lives of building occupants, covering detailed information on means of egress. When NFPA 101 is adopted by a jurisdiction, it can be applied to both new and existing buildings.


Lloyd Layman's Five-Step Size-up Process: Plan of Operation The final step in Layman's decision process is to develop the actual plan that will be used to mitigate the incident. Most other methods of size-up do not include this step as part of the size-up. They refer to the information obtained during size-up being used to develop a plan of action.


Lower Revenue Options: Defer scheduled expenditures Deferring scheduled expenditures means delaying the purchase of replacement fire apparatus or other expensive equipment. For example, a department that normally replaced pumpers on a 15-year schedule might decide to stretch the life of the rigs to 18 or 20 years


Lower Revenue Options: Reduce the Size of the Fire Department Departments have been asked to reduce their workforce in response to reduced local revenues. Closing a fire station or eliminating a fire company often creates a significant and high-profile political issue that mobilizes the citizens as well as the fire fighters.


Lower Revenue Options: Regionalize or Consolidate Services Regional or Consolidated fire departments are established to increased efficiency by reducing duplication in staff and services.


Managing Conflict The FO is the first-level representative of the fire department administration when dealing with subordinates and enforcing policies and procedures. Situations that involve conflicts and greivances require an additional set of skills that go beyond the general problem solving model.


Managing Incident The FO must be prepared to perform the duties of the first-arriving officer, and be fully competent at working within the ICS as a unit, group, or division leader.


Maslow Level 5: Self-Actualization Peak experiences are profound moments of love, understanding, happiness, or rapture, when a person feels more whole, alive, self-sufficient, and yet a part of the world. Self-actualizing people have many such peak experiences. These individuals tend to focus on problems outside of themselves and have a clear sense of what is true.


Media Relations It's always in the best interest of the fire department to maintain a good relationship with the local media. The interaction that occurs between the fire department and the news media is likely to have a direct impact on the department's public image, reputation, and credibility.


Multiphase Fire Fighter Safety and Deployment Study The study found that 4-person crews operating on a low-hazard structure fire completed tasks 30% faster than 2-person crews and 25% faster than 3-person crews.


NFIRS data flows into state and national database systems to provide a better understanding of the overall fire problem and risk factors.


National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) launched a Web-based system,, in 2005 to report near misses. The goal is to track incidents in which serious injury or death was avoided.


Preincident Planning: Step 4, Identify Special Hazards (continued) Document emergency operating procedures. Identify personnel who can provide technical assistance during emergency incident mitigation. The preincident plan should include instructions for de-energizing electrical systems and isolating and securing mechanical systems. Digital cameras are useful to document systems for training.


Preincident planning identifies the strategies, tactics, and actions to take if a predictable situation occurs. It familiarizes fire fighters with the building, and it is useful for practicing initial operations.


Preparing for an Inspection: Arrange a Visit -It is good practice to contact the owner or business representative to schedule a day and a time for the fire safety inspection. -In some cases, a time that is inconvenient for a business is an important time in terms of fire safety. -A fire safety inspection of a store in an enclosed mall on December 1 may reveal boxes stored from floor to ceiling, obstructing the sprinklers.


Preparing for an Inspection: Coordinate activity with the fire prevention -Coordination is needed in departments that implement both a fire prevention division and a company-level inspection program. -In buildings where a process, storage, or occupancy is required to have an annual fire prevention permit, the local fire company's ongoing compliance inspection could be scheduled for 6 months after the fire prevention division issues the permit. -The authority having jurisdiction determines the frequency of inspections for each type of occupancy. -You are expected to follow the inspection schedule and coordinate your actions with the fire marshal's office.


Preparing for an Inspection: Review Prior Inspection Reports, Fire History, and Preincident Plans -Review the inspection results from past activities. -You might detect a trend or a chronic problem. -Look at the fire history for the occupancy. -Bring a copy of the preincident plan with you. -A code enforcement inspection is an excellent time for you to update contact information, such as names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers. -You can also use the preincident plan to identify any modifications and additions that have been made to the occupancy.


Preparing for an Inspection: Review the Fire Code Before conduction an inspection, you should review the sections of the fire code that apply to the specific property. In some cases, you may discover unanticipated situations during an inspection that require you to research an additional section of the code. The NFPA's Fire and Life Safety Inspection Manual provides general information about a large variety of processes, equipment, and systems.


Publishing the Plan (continued) The mitigation plan establishes interim and long-term actions to reduce the impact of hazards that cannot be eliminated. The recovery plan provides the short- and long-term priorities for restoration of functions, services, resources, facilities, and programs.


RECEO VS: Confinement If the fire is in one room, the objective should be to confine the fire to that room or floor of origin. Confinement can also be directed toward supporting rescue efforts, protecting exit stairways and corridors so occupants can be removed safely.


RECEO VS: Exposures The best method of protecting an exposed property is to make an aggressive attack and to extinguish the fire before it can spread. If there are insufficient resources to save the fire building, use the available resources to protect adjacent buildings.


RECEO VS: Extinguishment Rapid extinguishment eliminates or significantly reduces the need for rescue, exposure, and confinement priorities. Higher priorities must always be considered ahead of extinguishment. Many tactical options may be employed to accomplish extinguishment, using either offensive or defensive strategies. Recent NIST and UL research shows the dramatic impact of initial application of 30-60 seconds of water into a compartment: dramatic reduction of heat within the flow path, improved occupant survival, and safer interior suppression conditions.


RECEO VS: Rescue Includes all functions related to searching for potential victims and removing them from danger, as well as any activity necessary to reduce the risk of death or injury. Medical care after the occupants have been removed is a priority. The best method of protecting the occupants from harm is to extinguish the fire quickly.


Radio Reports Radio communications are essential for emergency operations because they provide an instantaneous connection and can link all of the individuals involved in the incident to share important information. During an emergency incident, both the sender and the receiver should strive to make their radio messages accurate, clear, and as brief as possible. When given the option, many fire officers prefer to use a telephone or face-to-face communications instead of a radio to transmit complicated or sensitive information. A good practice is to think first; position the microphone; depress the key; take a breath; and then send a concise, specific message in a clear tone.


Regarding Material First Ignited The physical configuration of the fuel is an important characteristics in ignition. This information is significant when the investigator is trying to determine which type of heat source could have ignited the material.


Regarding Type I construction Extensive fire suppression operations may be carried out in such a building before it will collapse. Often uses compartmentation instead of fire sprinklers to control fire spread. May create unsurvivable interior furnaces when fire fighters are trapped on the fire floor.


Resource Management and Logistics The fire department may provide subject-matter experts or specialized resources as part of the program. It is the responsibility of the organization to develop a detailed resource storage, deployment, and recovery plan. This may include providing reimbursements for fire department time or resources.


Right To Work Proponents of the open shop statute believe that the practice eliminates union collusion and exclusionary practices and protects as individual's right to refrain from joining an organization. Opponents think that right-to-work statutes reduce a union's bargaining power and place an unfair burden on the union members.


Risk Assessment Local government agencies may provide an analysis of the impact of an event of the health and safety of persons in the affected area. The fire department will be involved in the analysis of properties, facilities, and infrastructure. If the property handles reportable levels of hazardous materials, analysis may be a part of a Local Emergency Planning Council activity. Senior officials of entities must consider regulatory and contractual obligations as well as the reputation or confidence of the organization. Each entity evaluates economic and financial conditions when developing the operations and delivery of service after a disaster or major emergency. All parties assess the impact of the potential event of the environment.


Situational Awareness: Assess problems in the time available Emergency scenes do not always permit leisurely, time-unconstrained periods for decision making. Seasoned incident commanders know that taking an extra 30 to 60 seconds to absorb and process as much information as possible often results in better and more confident decisions.


Situational Awareness: Fight The Fire All members of the crew must focus their attention on the details of the incident, while keeping the larger picture in mind. Crash investigations show that air crews have sometimes become distracted by events that took their attention away from flying the plane, resulting in controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) events.


Situational Awareness: Gather Information From All Sources Information gathering at the emergency scene has to be a rapid process. Using the rest of the crew as information resources, as well as additional arriving command officers and people familiar with the building or terrain, should enhance decision making and help keep situational awareness current.


Situational Awareness: Gather the best option Once all of the factors have been weighed, choose the option that maximizes results and minimizes risk.


Situational Awareness: Monitor results and alter the plan as necessary Maintaining situational awareness requires continual evaluation of the effectiveness of decisions. Having a "Plan B" or "Plan C" ready for implementation may be necessary. An extra set of eyes at a strategic location on the incident scene can often provide valuable information.


Sound: Contribute and Commit The sound person sees no contradiction in demonstrating high concern for both people and results at the same time. The consequence is a freedom to test the limits of success with enthusiasm and confidence.Leads to more effective work relationships based on "what's right" rather than "who's right." This model is preferred for a candidate who seeks to become a successful fire officer. The full integration of concerns for both people and results stands in contrast to the outcomes associated with the other behavioral styles.


Status Quo: Balance and Compromise The status quo person believes there is an inherent contradiction between the concerns for results and for people, but does not value one concern over the other. The objective is to play it safe and work toward acceptable solutions that follow proven methods. Such a politically motivated approach seeks to avoid risk by maintaining the tried-and-true course, following popular opinion and norms without pushing too hard in any direction. This type of manager must be intelligent and informed enough to persuade people and companies to settle for a compromise—often less than they want and less than they could achieve.This requires being well liked, keeping well informed, and effectively convincing people that the consequences are not worth the risk. The status quo approach actually represents a narrow view that underestimates people, results, and the power of change.


Supervising a Single Company: Closeness of Supervision (Continued) The level of supervision should be balanced with the experience of the company members and the nature of the assignment. The location of the task also affects the level of supervision. You must know where crew members are located and what they are doing. When performing a task in a high-risk or IDLH situation, you need to see and directly communicate with members.


Supervising a Single Company: Situational Leadership Adopt the appropriate leadership style for the specific situation. During nonemergency situations, a participative leadership approach can develop group cohesiveness and productivity. In contrast, time is often the essence at an emergency incident. You must frequently make decisions with little or no input from subordinates, and every member of the company must be prepared to perform a specific set of tasks with a minimum of instruction.


Supervising a Single Company: Situational Leadership (Continued) You should be gathering information to develop the next step in the incident action plan. Success using an authoritative style comes when you have developed the trust and confidence of your subordinates before the incident. Officers who demonstrate sound knowledge of the technical aspects of firefighting and demonstrate trustworthiness are well prepared to lead fire fighters into a high hazard task.


Supervising a Single Company: Standardized Actions Emergency incident operations must be conducted in a structured and consistent manner. SOPs provide a framework to allow activities to be efficiently completed through the efforts of everyone involved in the event. Standardized approaches are especially helpful in volunteer organizations.


Supervising a Single Company: Standardized Actions (Continued) NFPA 1720, Standard for the Organization and Deployment of the Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations and Special Operations to the Public by Volunteer Fire Departments, describes demand zones (urban, suburban, rural, remote, and special) and staffing response times. Such a standardized approach facilities the development of an incident action plan and promotes a consistent approach to risk and safety. Utilizing ICS facilities a consistent development of efficient incident management with effective control.


Teamwork: Handling Conflict The focal point of CRM in conflict resolution is to focus on what is right, not who is right. This allows the leader to focus on the best, safest outcome. Establish an open climate for error prevention. Leaders are required to keep their own egos in check. A leader who rules by intimidation can often win an argument, but the forces of nature always prevail over words.


Teamwork: Mentoring Mentors pay special attention to helping others develop their skills. CRM provides an effective vehicle for leaders to impart knowledge and skills to their subordinates. Leading by example requires constant effort, with no opportunities to turn the positive role model on or off at different times. A leader must be willing to admit to making a mistake, accept responsibility, and focus attention on moving forward. Mentoring always requires sharing knowledge. You must maintain technical competence, stay on top of technological advances, and ensure that others have the information that will keep them from being killed or injured. Technical competency requirements vary from position to position.


Teamwork: Responsibility Skeptics suggest that CRM advocates "management by committee", in which leadership gives way to consensus. In reality, leaders need to keep their eyes and ears open, especially for input from subordinates. Some must have the ultimate responsibility for decisions and outcome. Subordinates are encouraged to provide input, but the final decision rests with the recognized authority. Lines of authority are maintained and that ultimate authority rests with the legitimate ranking officer. Mission analysis requires fire service leaders to look at all situations with a risk-versus-gain mentality.


Technology, Court Decisions The Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen's Association's Fire Service Reputation Management White Paper includes this observation on departmental and personal information technology: Fire departments should also be mindful of department-related material/content that members may post to their individual or other websites or blogs, including "unofficial" departmental websites. Acting within the bounds of the law and, in particular, respecting individuals' freedom of speech and expression, departments should have policies to ensure that members do not post to their own or any other website inappropriate or offensive department-related material. Such policies should, among other things, explicitly aim to prevent any disclosures that might reveal sensitive Homeland Security-related information or that might constitute a potential HIPAA or other privacy-related breach or violation.


The Communication Cycle: Feedback Completes the communication cycle by confirming receipt and verifying the receiver's interpretation of the message. When relaying critical information during a stressful event, the sender should have the receiver repeat back the key points to the message in his or her own words.


The Communication Cycle: Message The message represents the text of the communication. In its purest form, it contains only the information to be conveyed. Messages do not have to be in the form or spoken words. Nonverbal cues can also convey a message.


The Communication Cycle: Receiver The person who receives and interprets the message. It is the receiver's responsibility to capture and interpret the information. In the fire service, the accuracy of the information that is received can be vital, so both the sender and receiver have responsibilities to ensure that messages are properly expressed and interpreted.


The Communication Cycle: Sender The sender is responsible for the receiver properly understanding the message. Tone of voice can influence the receiver's interpretation. Body language, mannerisms, and other nonverbal cues affect the interpretation. Senders may sometimes convey messages that are not intended, not directed to anyone in particular, or not even meant to be messages.


The Nature of Fire Investigation Fire investigation involves skill, technology, and science. Factual data must be compiled and analyzed. Investigations must be systematic. The origin must be determined before the cause is settled.


The public information officer serves as the contact person for media requests so that the IC can concentrate on managing the incident. A media briefing location should be established that is separate from the command post.


The relationship between the employer and the labor organization is determined by labor laws and regulations at the federal, state, and local levels.


Types of Problems: External Issues Fire department activities that involve private citizens or another organization. An example is a citizen making a complaint about an inappropriate remark uttered during an EMS incident. External issues require the FO to perform one additional task early in the conflict resolution process: making sure that the supervisor is not surprised.


Types of Problems: Internal Departmental Issues Operational policies, decisions, or activities that go beyond the scope of the local fire station. An example is a conflict over where a reserve ladder truck will be housed and which company will be responsible for maintaining it. The resolution usually requires action by command officers at a higher level on the organizational chart.


Typical Incident Safety Officer Tasks Ensure hazard areas are established and communicated to members. Ensure zones are marked and communicated to members. Ensure an RIC is ready for deployment. Ensure the accountability system is used. Evaluate traffic hazards and apparatus placement at roadway incidents. Monitor radio transmissions. Communicate the need for assistant incident safety officers. Communicate any injury, illness, or exposure of personnel. Initiate investigation procedures. Evaluate hazards associated with a landing zone. Ensure compliance with the infection control plan. Ensure that rehabilitation and stress management are provided. Ensure fire fighters' needs are met at long-duration operations. Attend strategic and tactical planning sessions and provide input. Ensure a safety briefing is developed and made available on the scene.


Using The Communications Order Model The communications order model is a standard method of transmitting an order to a unit or company at the incident scene. It is designed to ensure that the message is clearly state, heard by the proper receiver, and properly understood. It confirms that the receiver is complying with the instruction.


Vehicle Fire: Fire Cause Determination -Determine the fire's point of origin -Determine the cause -Look for indications of arson -Consider the source of accidental ignition -Note the make, model, and year of the vehicle, and the VIN -Interview the driver(s)


High-Rise Considerations: Support Branch Director The support branch is headed by the support branch director and is responsible for ensuring adequate supplies, personnel, and equipment are available. A support branch director must be established as an early part of the command staff. The support branch director is often located at a ___, an area where the primary logistics functions are coordinated and administered. The IC post may be co-located with the base. There is only one per incident. Spare ____ are the first priority for the support branch.

base -Spare SCBA cylinders

A ___ budget is the level of funding required to maintain all services at current levels.

base budget

Most municipal governments use a ___ budget in the financial planning process.

base budget

A ___ chief is usually the officer in charge of a single-alarm working fire.

battalion chief

Negative Discipline: Correcting Unacceptable Behavior Suspension: -May be initiated or recommend by a FO -Usually issued by a ___ or higher-level command officer after consultation with the fire chief or designee -Remains permanently in the employee's official file -Occasionally, the record is removed after a grievance, arbitration, or civil service hearing, or in the wake of a lawsuit

battalion chief

One officer, typically a ___, is designated as the strike team leader.

battalion chief

Usually the first level of fire chief; also called a district chief. These chiefs are often in charge of running calls and supervising multiple stations or districts within a city. A battalion chief is usually the officer in charge of a single-alarm working fire.

battalion chief

Fire Officer's Tasks: The Beginning of Shift Report Fire officers should provide a prompt and accurate report at the start of the workday. The report is provided from each work location to the ___ or ___ chief within the first quarter hour of the reporting time.

battalion or district chief

An individual who is qualified at the FO III level might work as a....

battalion or district chief in a large department and possibly as a deputy or assistant chief in a smaller organization.

A ___ is a certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation.


a method of shared problem solving in which all members of a group spontaneously contribute ideas


A supervisory level established in either the operations or logistics functions to provide an appropriate span of control is known as a(n) ___.


The American fire service started with neighbors helping neighbors using... The community of fire fighters voted for their ____.

bucket brigades and long hooks -company foreman

A ___ is an itemized summary of estimated revenues and expenditures.


The fire department preincident plan represents one component of a(n) ____.

business continuity program

Which of the following resulted in the largest number of non-cardiac fatalities? A. burns B. stroke C. smoke inhalation D. crushing or internal

c. Smoke inhalation

Budget preparation is technical because...

calculation of funds required to achieve different objections

Although four forms of staffing fire department organizations are commonly used, most discussions divide fire fighters into two categories:

career and volunteer

The Purchasing Process: Petty Cash (Continued) The petty cash custodian should always have the authorized amount on hand in the form of either ___ or ___. The account is regularly audited to ensure that it is being used properly. On each receipt, the appropriate notation is made to identify which account, or part of the budget, is covering the expenditure. Petty cash allows for small purchases to be made without having to obtain ____. Each time petty cash is spent, it lowers the account balances.

cash or receipts -purchase orders

The organizational structure of a fire department consists of a ____.

chain of command

Carbonaceous material that has been burned and has a blackened appearance is called ___.


Divisions Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, And/Or Assistant Chiefs all report directly to the ...

chief of the department.

FO III and FO IV generally refer to....

chief officer positions.

Formal Communication: Recommendation Report A document that suggests a particular action or decision. Some reports incorporate both a ___ section and a ___ section. The goal is to provide enough information and make an effective persuasive argument so that the intended individual or body accepts your recommendation. This type of report includes recommendations for: (list 3)

chronological section and a recommendation section -employee recognition or formal discipline -a new or improved procedure -adoption of a new device

Communication is a(n) ___ process that occurs in repetitive cycles.


Communication is a ___ process.

circular process

Because of the relationship between a fire department and a local government, fire fighters should consider themselves ____, working for the ____ who fund the fire departments

civil servants -tax-paying citizens

Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint: Write It Down Keep a list of all documents that are reviewed. Document any action taken against the accused or reasons for deciding not to take action. Assume that this record will be used in any subsequent ___ or ___.

civil service or court actions.

The right-to-work legislation was to prohibit the practice of ____ shops.

closed shops

In collective ____, unions and employers determine the conditions of employment through direct negotiation.

collective bargaining

Special Extinguishing Systems: Dry or Wet Chemical (Continued) Wet chemical systems are preferred for protecting cooking equipment. The wet chemical agent reacts with hot grease to form a foam blanket, reducing the release of combustible __. The foam blanket cools the grill and reduces the possibility of a ___. Dry chemicals systems leave a ___ that is difficult to clean up. Usually, the system used is a ____ that melts on flame contact. A manual pull station. Activation of the system turns off the cooking device by closing the cooking fuel valve or turning off the electricity.

combustible vapors -rekindle -residue -fusible link

After The Transfer of Command: Building the Incident Management System Command Staff The ICS can expand to handle larger and more complex incidents. After command has been transferred, a company-level officer may be assigned to the ____ staff. (3 positions) are always part of the command staff. Aides, assistants, and advisors may be assigned to work directly for the IC.

command staff -safety officer -liaison officer -information officer

Special Extinguishing Systems: Dry or Wet Chemical Fixed chemical extinguishing systems discharge a chemical-extinguishing agent through a system of piping and nozzles. These systems can be found protecting ___ devices and industrial processes where flammable or combustible ___ are used. Observe the condition of the nozzles. Many contain a protective cap that is intended to protect the nozzle from...

commercial cooking devices -combustible liquids -being obstructed with cooking grease

CRM promotes members working together for the ___.

common good

Decision-based errors include flaws in... Skill-based errors include:

communicating information to decision makers Attention failure Memory Failure Technique Failure

Many early volunteer fire departments were funded by donations or subscriptions, and many volunteer departments still rely on this source of revenue to purchase equipment and pay operating expenses. The first fire wardens were employed by...

communities and paid from community funds.

The __ is also the place to enter a record of any fire fighter injury, liability-creating event, and special visitors to the station.

company journal

Types of Porblems: In-House Issues Situations or decisions occurring at the work location that are within the direct scope of supervisory responsibilities. An example might be a complaint about the assignment of duties to different individuals within a fire station. Most of these conflicts begin and end at the ___ level

company officer level

A ___ is an expression of grief, regret, pain, censure, or resentment.


an expression of grief, resentment, accusation or fault finding?


Face-to-face is the most effective means of conveying information. A __ is effective when the magnitude or speed of the event requires maximum efficiency.

conditions-actions-needs (CAN) report

Once the emergency incident has been mitigated, the FO I is expected to...

conduct a preliminary investigation to determine the origin and cause, secure the scene to preserve evidence, and conduct a postincident analysis.

For an EAP to be successful, the FO must be able to recognize stress in an employee. The goal is to provide counseling and rehabilitation services to get the employee back to full productive duty. The process is public or confidential?


A __ is the state of opposition between two parties.


A ___ is the state of opposition between two parties.


When a fire fighter becomes aware of the existence and relevance of a skill, he or she has reached a level of ___.

conscious incompetence

Volunteer Committees of citizens and representatives of businesses, insurance companies, and government agencies explore and develop proposals that are debated and reviewed by various groups. The final result, called the ____, is then presented to the public.

consensus document

The Wager-Connery Act Senator Robert Wagner of New York introduced the Wagner-Connery Act to mitigate the revolutionary labor climate and avert further economic disruption. A 1936 strike in the automobile industry brought the Wager-Connery Act before the U.S. Supreme Court, where it was upheld as (constitutional or unconstitutional?)


Budgetary Process: Ask for Everything You Need When submitting a proposal for a new project or service, assume that there are no existing resources and ask for everything. This includes asking for enough tools to ensure ___ operation.


Training and Coaching are ___ fire officer tasks.


The finance/administration section is not activated at most incidents because...

cost and accounting issues are usually addressed before or after the incident.

A consultative approach to leadership styles is the ___ approach.


The increased deployment of specialized and highly technical emergency services creates a unique challenge for the fire officer. The best way to size up a complicated situation and develop an incident action plan is to use the ____ style of leadership. Once the operation begins, however, the FO needs to assume the ___ leadership role

democratic style of leadership, using the knowledge and experience of all responders to develop the best approach. autocratic leadership role to ensure the safe execution of the plan.

A FO should develop a good understanding of the population and ____ of the area. A variety of techniques may be applied to ensure that the department is delivering the appropriate services and information to the community. The U.S. is becoming increasingly more multiethnic. Emergency services and public education have to meet the needs of the community.


Regarding promotion for supervising fire officer Questions are directed toward a candidate's ability to....

demonstrate the basic knowledge that would be important for a lieutenant

The first-arriving FO at and incident describes the conditions to dispatch. The content of this report must comply with ___ procedures. This verbal picture establishes the tone of the incident.

departmental operating procedures

CERT Course Schedule: Session 7, Disaster Psychology Covers signs and symptoms that both the ___ and the ___ might experience.

disaster victim and the worker might experience

Battalion chiefs are also called ___ chiefs.

district chiefs

A supervisory level established to divide an incident into geographic areas of operation is known as a(n) ____.


Budget preparation is political because...

elected officials making decisions about which programs should be funded.

An ____ is designed to deal with personal issues that affect job performance.

employee assistance program (EAP)

A building that lacks sufficient windows or doors to provide prompt ventilation and emergency evacuation is a(n) ___ structure

enclosed structure

Be cautious with aluminum-sided houses where the electrical service is mounted on the side of the house. The entire house exterior could be...

energized by a lightning strike has fused the circuit breaker box.

Steps for Developing a Specific Training Program: Assess Needs First confirm that there is a need for training program. Some performance problem may be better solved through an ___ solution.

engineering (For example, PASS device not being integrated into the SCBA due to fire fighters not activating them even through training)

The fire officer demonstrating ___ behavior makes decisions and models behavior consistent with the department's core values, missions statement, and value statements.

ethical behavior

The preincident plan should identify the locations of any occupants who need assistance to ___ a building safely.


The nature of the event should be considered when establishing ___.

evacuation plans

Evaluation Errors: Recency An evaluation error in which the fire fighter is evaluated only on incidents that occurred in the last few weeks, rather than on all of the events that occurred throughout the ___ period.

evaluation period

Classifying by Building or Occupancy: Construction Type The type of building construction has a significant influence on firefighting strategy. Construction type is a fundamental size-up consideration when firefighting strategy for a burning structure is being determined. It is often difficult to determine the type of construction from the ___ of a building.

exterior of a building

The Fire Officer as Trainer: Use problem-solving scenarios Instead of reading the code regulations to provide training for company members, present... This is an excellent way for adults to learn concepts, regulations, and decision-making skills. This technique can be used for:

fact-based situations and require them to use the code to solve the problems. -Fire-ground hydraulics -Technical rescue scenarios -Incident management procedures -Reviews of preincident action plans

The systematic examination of an item, component, assembly, or structure and its place and function within a system, conducted to identify the probability, causes, and consequences of potential or real failures is called ___.

failure analysis

The root cause of almost every labor disturbance is....

failure to properly manage the relationship between labor and management.

To determine the fire's point of origin, you must understand (List 3)

fire behavior, growth, and development

The Purchasing Process: Petty Cash In the petty cash system, a member of the fire department acts as the custodian of an amount of cash that is provided by the organization. As members of the FD purchase small-dollar-value items, the petty cash custodian reimburses them for the expense in exchange for the sales receipt. When the petty cash custodian is low on cash, the accumulated receipts are turned over to the finance department in exchange for a like amount of cash. In small organizations, the receipts are turned over to the governing body, such as the ___ board, which approves the purchases and then write a check to refurbish the funds.

fire board

Fire Officer as Supervisor Function as the representative of the ___. Issues orders and directives. Follows rules and regulations.

fire chief

The head of the fire department, usually the ___, is accountable to the leader of the governing body such as the city council, the county commission, the mayor, or the city manager.

fire chief

Personnel at the FO IV level tend to be...

fire chiefs or hold senior positions in charge of a major component of the fire department.

A ___ establishes legally enforceable regulations that relate specifically to fire and life safety.

fire code

Preparation of a promotional exam involves a combined effort between a __ and ___ If developed within the agency, a ___ committee establishes the exam content.

fire department and a municipality's human resources section. test preparation committee

The ____ determines fitness-for-duty status after reviewing documentation of the exposure.

fire department physician

The most important resource on the fire scene remains the ____.

fire fighter

What are the most common activities being performed when fire fighters are injured ?

fire ground operations

The ___ is responsible for developing a work plan for a fire company or an administrative work group.

fire officer

Regarding Training and Coaching: Ensure Proficiency of Existing Skill Sets The ____ needs to ensure that every fire fighter is proficient in skill performance. Some departments have a standard set of ____. The FO must invest some training time practicing these skill sets. Some practice sessions should be performed wearing full ___>

fire officer -evolutions -PPE

Preincident Planning: Step 5, Identify Emergency Operations Considerations The preincident plan should identify anticipated area of ___ spread. The preincident plan should be fully coordinated with the internal evacuation or ___ plan. The facility should provide the fire department with an on-site liaison as soon as command is established.

fire spread -emergency operations plan

The budget describes where the revenue comes from (input) and where it goes (output) Annual budget usually apply to a ____.

fiscal year

Most experts believe that span of control should extend to no more than ___ people, but this number can change, depending on the assignment or the task to be completed. A fire officer must recognize his or her own span of control to be effective.


Regarding promotion Larger fire departments a more likely to develop an examination internally because they have the necessary resources. The fire chief in a large city can probably assign a command officer and (how many?) company officers to write the questions for a supervising fire officer examination.

five to seven company officers

Leaders can be effective only to the extent that others are willing to accept their leadership. A fire officer has to be both a leader and a ___.


The ___ tells how that material is used.

form of material

A ___ reprimand represents an official supervisory action at the lowest level of the progressive discipline progress.

formal written reprimand

The lowest level of the progressive disciplinary progress is ____.

formal written reprimand

The NFPA 1021 standard defines (how many?) levels of fire officer.

four levels

Type III Construction: Limited Combustible (Ordinary) Continued Type III was used to build commercial, multiple family, and mercantile types of buildings through the 1980s. Usually no higher than __ stories. Designed to preserve the load-bearing walls if fire consumed the building. The connected between the floor and the load-bearing wall is designed to pull out without damaging the wall.

four stories

The ___ determines how much heat and smoke will be produced by a fire.

fuel load

Preincident Planning: Step 5, Identify Emergency Operations Considerations The incident action plan addresses the appropriate and adequate departmental response to a working fire or emergency incident. The planned location of the incident command post and emergency operations center, if provided, should be noted. The number of required fire companies is affected by ___ loading.

fuel loading

Groups are organizing resources is by function such as ventilation, search and rescue, water supply, etc. Sometimes groups are established with both ___ and ___ designations.

functional and geographical designations

Legislative Framework for Collective Bargaining: Norris-LaGaurdia of 1932 Specified that an employee could not be force into...

a contract by an employer as part of obtaining and keeping a job.

The fire service draws authority from... The ___ is accountable for said authority.

a governing entity responsible for protecting the public. fire chief

Rules of Engagement: Rule 2. Determine the Occupant Survival Profile Objective: To cause the company officer and fire fighter to consider five conditions in relation to possible occupant survival of a rescue event. The essential component in size-up is to determine whether any occupants are trapped and whether they can survive. If survival is not possible....

a more cautious approach to fire operations must be taken

An officer at FO II could be the overall supervisor of....

a multiple-unit fire station.

Early insurance companies marked the homes of their policy holders with...

a plaque, or fire mark, that showed the name or logo of the insurance company.

Which has more stringent requirements: A purchase order or a requisition?

a requisition

Rules of Engagement: Rule 10. You Are Required to Abandon Your Position and Retreat Before Deteriorating Conditions Can Harm You Objective: To cause fire fighters and company officers to be aware of fire conditions and cause an early exit to a safe area when they are exposed to deteriorating conditions, unacceptable risk, or a life-threatening situation. Withdrawal must occur early enough to allow... Do fire fighters need a supervisor's approval to withdraw?

a safe exit form the building or to relocate No

The Fire Officer I level is the first step in a progressive sequence and is generally associated with an officer supervising....

a single fire company or apparatus.

A battalion chief is usually the officer in charge of...

a single-alarm working fire

Fire Cause Determination: Indicators of Incendiary Fires You must eliminate ___ and ___ causes of fire. Conditions indicating intentional fire include:

accidental and natural causes of fire -disabled built-in fire protection -delayed notification/difficulty getting to fire -accelerants and trailers -multiple points of origin -tampered or altered equipment

At the Fire Officer I level, the emphasis is placed on...

accomplishing the department's goals and objectives by working through subordinates to achieve the desired results.

Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint: Write It Down Takes Notes during ALL Interviews. -Review notes with the interviewee to ensure ___. Keep a journal of the investigation. Write down the steps you have taken, including...

accuracy. Dates and places of interviews.

the conscious process of securing all kinds of information through a combination of listening and observing

active listening

Regarding promotion for managing fire officer A managing fire officer examination includes fewer technical questions and more ___ questions because the captain position involves more management responsibilities.

administration questions

Supervising and managing fire officers usually report to higher-ranking officers. In a smaller department, the direct supervisor is usually ____ officer. In a smaller organization, a fire officer might report directly to...

administrative fire officer the fire chief or a deputy or assistant chief

Many fire departments have full-time safety officers who perform ___ functions relating to health and safety when not responding to emergency incidents.

administrative functions

Elected officials are both ___ and ____ in developing the local budget.

advocates and gatekeepers

Increases in the budget require early notification and the support of elected officials. Elected officials are both ___ and ____ in developing the budget.

advocates and gatekeepers

Fire Officer's Tasks: Problem Solving -Fire Officers should not complain about problems without proposing any solutions -They need to think through problems and contribute to solutions -The most valuable proposals from officers would consider the larger picture of how a possible solution would....

affect the rest of the department.

Reducing Deaths from Sudden Cardiac Arrest A disproportionate number of fire fighters older than age ___ die of cardiac arrest. Every fire fighter should undergo a medical examination. FOs should look for indications that a member is unfit for duty. Changes in lifestyle can often reduce the risk of a fatal heart attack. Fitness should be a personal priority.

age 49

Fire Officer's Tasks: Notifications Some type of information must be passed up the chain of command quickly. For example, all ___ and ___ reports must be processed without delay. The designated ___ officer must be informed immediately so that he or she can get patient information while it can still be easily obtained.

all injury and infectious disease exposure reports designated infection control officer

Michigan v. Clifford (1984) MvC 1984 resulted in the plain view doctrine, which...

allows for potential evidence to be seized during the processing of a fire scene, if the fire investigator had a legal right to be there and the evidence is in plain view.

Discipline encompasses behavioral requirements, such as...

always following orders from superior officers and performing up to expectations.

A __ is an error or fault resulting from bad judgement, deficient knowledge, or carelessness


A ___ is an error or fault resulting from bad judgement, deficient knowledge, or carelessness


The ___ plan establishes interim and long-term actions to reduce the impact of hazards that cannot be eliminated


Most departments include in-station training as part of the probationary period. Structured probationary programs requires a (How often?) evaluation. This evaluation typically assesses the probie's progress in 4 areas: In volunteer fire departments, it is common for different individuals to certify that a probationary fire fighter has met requirements for different components of the program.

monthly -Fire fighter skill competency -Progress in learning job-specific information not covered in basic training -Progress in learning the fire company district, including streets and target hazards. -Performance of other job tasks.

A ____ exercise is complex and can be expensive because the test-site administrator may arrange role-players and technical support to run simulation events for each candidate.

multimedia interactive simulation

Survivability Profiling Captain Stephen Marsar explored the concept of survivability profiling. During his 19 years with Fire Department in New York City, 32 members died, yet no civilians perished. Using date from the national Fallen Firefighters Foundation, Marsar showed that this was a ___ experience.

national experience

Regarding Promotion Preparing for Role Playing The most effective candidates are the one who act ___. Candidates might prepare by:

naturally -working in a busier or larger fire station -working under a widely respected officer.

The mutual discussion and arrangement of terms of an agreement is known as ___.


CERT Course Schedule The CERT course is delivered in the community by a team of first responders. Training is usually deliver in nine (How long?) hour sessions, with the session taking place (How many?) evening/s per week.

nine 2,5 hour sessions, one evening per week

Where the situation creates a high potential for an injury or a life-threatening situation, ____ needs approval from a supervisor or the incident commander to abandon a high-risk position.

no firefighter

A strike is one of the most drastic labor actions. Many states prohibit fire fighters from walking. From 1930 to 1968, the IAFF charter included a ____ clause. Municipal fire fighters did go on strike in various U.S. cities (How many?) times in the 20th century.

no-strike clause -three times

Type IV Construction: Heavy Timber The exterior walls are (Combustible or noncombustible), and the interior structural elements are unprotected wood beams and columns with large cross-sectional dimensions. ___ construction features massive wood columns and wood floors.

noncombustible (masonry) -Mill Construction

Type III Construction: Limited Combustible (Ordinary) The exterior load-bearing walls of the building are (Combustible or noncombustible?) masonry. A TypeIIIA building is expected to have a fire-resistive rating of (How long?) A TypeIIIB building has a fire resistive rating of (how long?) and the structural frame is (Protected or unprotected?)

noncombustible masonry TypeIIIA = 1 to 2 hours TypeIIIB = no resistance rating, structural frame is unprotected

The factor to keep in mind is that communication should not focus on ___ is right, but on ___ is right.

not who is right, but what is right

Michigan v. Tyler (1978) In MvT 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court held that fire officials are charged not only with extinguishing fires, but with finding their cause. "Prompt determination of the fire's origin may be necessary to prevent its recurrence" "Immediate investigation may also be necessary to preserve evidence from intentional or accidental destruction." If reentry is needed after the fire department leaves the scene or to conduct a search for evidence of a crime after the fire's cause and origin have been determined, the investigator must...

obtain a search warrant or receive permission from the occupant to conduct such a search.

The ___ type refers to the purpose for which a building or portion of a building is used or is intended to be used.

occupancy type

Most fire officers will find that managing ___ is their greatest challenge.


Conducting the Annual Evaluation: Keeping track of every fire fighter's activity Maintain a list of the fire fighter's activities by date, along with a brief description of performance observations in a ___ log.


A ___ is an informal record of a fire fighter's activities used to provide documentation for evaluations.

performance log

Initial training leads to basic skill certification. Most fire fighters work toward achieving higher levels of certification. A fire fighter may be required to achieve additional qualifications. Multicompany drills should be conducted (how often?)


A(n) ___ identifies personnel on the scene and personnel in the hazard area.

personnel accountability system

When the incident commander needs information obtained, managed, and analyzed, he or she will activate the ___ section.

planning section

Rules of Engagement: Rule 8. Constantly Monitor Fire-Ground Communications for Critical Radio Reports Objective: To cause all fire fighters and company officers to maintain constant awareness of all fire-ground radio communications on their assigned channel. Every fire fighter in the hazard zone should have a ____.

portable radio

Discipline can either be ___, when it defines appropriate action, or ___, when it responds to inappropriate actions or behaviors.

positive -corrective

A(n) ___ includes information on building construction, occupancy, use, contents, and condition.

preincident plan

The ___ is described (by NFPA 1620) as a document developed by gathering data used by personnel to determine the resources and actions necessary to mitigate anticipated emergencies at a specific facility.

preincident plan

Regarding Promoting (Emergency Incident Simulators) Realistic scenario Simulation The real-life format allows a candidate to function fully in the role of an officer. The format requires extensive ___ and a large supporting cast.


Standpipe Systems Pay particular attention to the condition of the standpipe system. Identify fire hose access and ensure proper calibration of ___ devices.

pressure-regulating devices

RECEO VS is an acronym that covers the critical factors in developing a strategy. The first five factors are listed in ___ order. The last two may be used at any point to support...

priority order -the first five

A ___ is the difference between the current situation and the desired situation.


Of the three basic priorities for IAP, ___ is the lowest priority.

property conservation

The ____ officer is responsible for gathering and releasing incident information to the news media and other appropriate agencies.

public information officer

Formal Communications: SOPs (continued) SOPs are formal, permanent documents that are: -publishes in a __ format -signed by the ___ -widely distributed They remain in effect permanently or until... Many FDs conduct a periodic review of all SOPs so they can revise, update, or eliminate any that are outdated or no longer applicable. Any changes in the SOPs must also be approved by the fire chief.

published in a standard format signed by the fire chief -they are rescinded or amended

A ___ is a method of ensuring that a budget account contains sufficient funds to cover a purchase.

purchase order

Fire Officer's Tasks: The Beginning of Shift Report Fire officers should provide a prompt and accurate report at the start of the workday. The report is provided from each work location to the battalion or district chief within the first ___ hour of the reporting time.

quarter hour

Closely monitoring ___ for critical progress reports provides greater lead time for fire crews to evacuate the structure should fire conditions deteriorate rapidly.

radio traffic

The ___ is "a dedicated crew of firefighters who are assigned for rapid deployment to rescue lost or trapped members"

rapid intervention crew (RIC)

In many fire departments, multiple-choice written examinations are the only assessment tools used for promotional examinations. A candidate who knows all of the facts can do very well on this type of examination, even if the individual is unable to apply the information in a ___ situation.

real-life situation "Book smart, street Dumb"

Promotional opportunities have decreased, due to the recent ___.

recent recession

Leading change describes the process of...

recommending and developing a process to establish a change

Regarding promotion via multiple-choice written examination The criterion (For job-content/criterion-referenced validity) comes from the appropriate NFPA standard and is linked to a published ____ document.


The process of providing rest, rehydration, nourishment, and medical evaluation to members involved in strenuous operations is called ________.


RECEO VS: Overhaul After all of the visible fire has been extinguished, the area must be checked for residual fire, including any fire that could have extended into areas not originally involved, such as walls, ceilings, and attic spaces. Incomplete overhaul may allow the fire to ___.


The characteristic where a test measures what it is intended to measure on a consistent basis is known as ___.


Rules usually require all of the official records of an employee's work history to be in a secured central ___.


Fire Officer as a Supervisor Functions as the ___ of the fire chief. Issues orders and directives Follows rules and regulations


For purchases that exceed a predetermined amount, a ___ is required.


The highest priority in developing an action plan is ___.


Teamwork: Leadership FOs formally exercise leadership of the team through a combination of rank and authority. For officers to become truly effective leaders, they must earn the trust and respect of their subordinates and demonstrate the skills of effective leadership. The informal authority to lead is derived through ___.


A temporary work assignment that isolates a fire fighter from the public is called ___.

restrictive duty

Many fire fighters now work years beyond their ___ date.

retirement date

In ___ states, a worker cannot be compelled to join or pay dues to a labor union.

right-to-work states

Public, not-for-profit, and private entities conduct a(n) ___ to identify hazards, determine the likelihood of their occurrence, and assess the vulnerability of people, property, and the environment.

risk assessment

A ____ weighs the risks involved in a particular course of action against the benefits to be gained from taking those risks.

risk-benefit analysis

A(n) ___ weighs the risks involved in a particular course of action against the benefits to be gained from taking those risks.

risk-benefit analysis

A fire officer is responsible for managing a work unit within the fire department. Much of what a fire officer does consists of routine ___ activities.

routine administrative activities.

Assistant Incident Safety Officers at Large or Complex Incidents Some incidents require more than one safety officer. Assistant incident safety officers can be assigned to subdivide responsibilities for different areas and function as events. The incident safety officer should inform the IC of the need to establish a ___ unit.

safety unit

Volunteer fire departments were often established by community members after a local disaster. During the 1800s, fire stations were often used for public meetings and assemblies. Next to ___, the FD is the most decentralized and community-based function of local government.


A Fire Officer I could also be assigned to supervise a small administrative or technical group. The next step, FO II, generally refers to the....

senior non-chief officer level in a larger fire department.

When there are two levels of officers in a fire department, the ___ officer has more authority, functioning as a managing fire officer.

senior officer

High-Rise Considerations: Service Branch Director The FO may also be called on to fill a position within the logistics section. Like the operations section, the logistics section is divided into branches. Typically includes a support branch and a service branch. The service branch is headed by the ___ and is responsible for communications and fire fighter rehabilitation.

service branch director

Formal Communications: Announcements The formal organization may use announcements, information bulletins, newsletters, websites, or other methods to share additional information with fire department members. The identification of these communications is different for each department. These types of announcements are used to distribute ___ information that is of interest.

short-term and nonessential information

The National Near-Miss Reporting System lists ___ as the most commonly reported cause of a life-threatening near-miss event.

situational awareness

Define The Problem: Pay Attention You should know what is going on in the organization and address difficult issues before they become major problems. This is known as ___, and it was called this by Chief Richard Gasaway. The best way to prevent major problems is to deal successfully with minor issues before they reach the ___ stage.

situational awareness -crisis stage

The ___ and the ___ of an incident will determine how much of the management structure will need to be expanded.

size and the complexity

The Fire Ground Commander (FGC) program was developed in Phoenix, Arizona to meet the needs of an all-hazards metropolitan fire department. Focused on (What size?) urban emergencies.

small- and medium-sized urban emergencies

The ___ is the energy source that caused the material to ignite. It must have been located at or near the point of origin.

source of ignition

Regarding NFPA 704 marking system, the last quadrant represents:

special hazards

Fires and Emergency Incidents require ___ problem-solving skills. Nonemergency situations require ___ problem-solving skills Decision-making skills are used when a problem requires a ___.

special problem-solving skills conventional problem-solving skills -response

Before the Civil War, the patronage or ___ system was used.

spoils system

What is the leading type of fire fighter injury?

sprains and strains

Preincident Planning: Step 1, Identify Physical Elements and Site Considerations To ensure a systematic approach that collects all of the required data, you should use a ____ method for completing each preincident plan. NFPA ___ outlines a six-step method. The first step is to identify physical elements and site characteristics.

standardized method -NFPA 1620

Regarding promotion via multiple-choice written examination Job-Content/Criterion-referenced validity means that the committee has certified that the knowledge being measured by the question is required on the job and referenced to known ___.


A ___ system is an arrangement of piping, valves, hose connections, and allied equipment that allows water to be discharged through hoses and nozzles to reach all parts of the building.

standpipe system

A ____ is generally the minimum legal standard in all jurisdictions within that state or province.

state or provincial fire code

A ____ is a concerted act by a group of employees who withhold their labor for the purposes of effecting a change in wages, hours, or working conditions.


The Norris-LaGuardia Act said that yellow dog contracts were not enforceable in any court of the United States. This made it almost impossible for an employer to obtain an injunction to prevent a ___


The act of witholding labor for the purposes of effecting a change in wages, hours, or working conditions.


A ___ consists of five units of the same type with an assigned leader

strike team

Taft-Hartley Labor Act of 1947 The most significant provision that affects fire fighters is referred to as "____". In the event that an imminent strike could affect a major part of an industry and imperil the health and safety of the nation, the president is granted certain powers to help settle the dispute. The president can: (List 3)

strikes during a national emergency -Order employees back to work -compel arbitration -provide economic, judicial, or political pressure to achieve a resolution of the dispute

Defensive operations are used when there is a risk of a ___ or there are inadequate resources to conduct an adequate interior attack to control the fire.

structural collapse

The FO must frequently make decisions with little or not input from ___.


Followership is particularly important for a fire officer because...

subordinates are always aware of what you do.

Power does not make you a leader. It makes you a ____.


A ___ report is required by state worker's compensation agencies whenever an employee is injured.

supervisor's report

A ___ budget describes increases beyond the base level.

supplemental budget

A ___ is a negative disciplinary action that removes a fire fighter from the work location and prohibits him or her from performing any fire department duties.


A CRM-enriched environment encourages the freedom to question. Inquiry and Advocacy are skills that promote ___.


In command mode, the company-level officer should establish a command position in a safe location and initiate a(n) ___ to direct incoming units to take effective action.

tactical worksheet

Command Options: Command Mode The company-level officer should establish a command position in a safe location and initiate a ____ to direct incoming units to take effective action. While the initial IC remains outside, the rest of the company members should do the following:

tactical worksheet -initiate fire suppression or emergency action with one of the members assigned as the acting company officer. The acting CO must be equipped with a portable radio, and the crew must be capable of performing safely without the initial IC -After the initial IC assigns them, the remaining company members work under another company officer -Stay with the initial IC to perform staff functions that assist command.

CERT Course Schedule: Session 9, Course Review and Disaster Simulation Participants review their answers from a ___ examination. Participants practice the skills they have learned during the previous eight sessions in disaster activity.

take-home examination

CERT Course Schedule: Session 8, Terrorism and CERT Provides an overview of....

terrorism and WMD

If there is any doubt whether a fire is present in the structure, all operations should be perform with the assumption...

that a fire truly exists.

Code enforcements start by confirming...

that the occupancy is used for the approved purpose.

The Rules of Engagement (ROE) evolved from "Rules" developed by.... ROE criteria include the following: (list 4)

the Seattle IAFC Safety Committee -be a short, specific set of bullet points -be easily taught and remembered -define critical risk issues -define "go" and "no go" situations

In volunteer departments, it is important to ensure that enough responders are available at all times, but particularly during...

the day.

The FO I classification is bestowed upon an individual who supervises a single fire suppression unit. At this level, emphasis is placed on accomplished...

the department's goals and objectives by working through subordinates to achieve desired results.

Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint A complaint can be filed with.. You should know the department's procedure for handling complaints.

the federal or municipality EEOC office or with the fire department

The objective of a grievance procedure should always be to resolve the problem at...

the lowest possible level and in the shortest possible time.

The introduction of public call boxes in Washington, D.C., during the 1850s was a major advance. Call boxes located around the city enabled citizens to send a coded telegraph signal to the fire department dispatch center. The fire department could determine the location of the fire alarm box by....

the number of bells in the coded signal.

If the organization has clear values that are part of a strong organizational culture, the officer uses.... If the values are not clear, the individual...

the organization's value system. -the individual substitutes his or her own value system

Example Grievance Procedure: Step 4 The same written information must be submitted, along with all of the documentation from the previous steps. The fire chief has 10 days to respond. If the fire chief does not respond within the time frame, or if the grievance remains unsettled....

the process moves out of the fire department to a mediator, personnel board, or civil service board for resolution.

National Fire Academy Size-up Process: Phase Two Initial Size-Up The second phase begins on... 3 questions to be answered.

the receipts of the alarm -What do I have? -Where is it going? -How do I control it?

Defensive operations are used when...

the risks outweigh the expected benefits.

Regarding Promoting (Emergency Incident Simulations) Multimedia Interactive Simulation This type of exercise is complex and can be expensive because...

the test-site administrator might need to arrange for role players and technical support staff to run the simulation event for every candidate.

Whats is the trend , if any the rate of fire fighter deaths while responding to calls in recent years ?

the trend is increasing

The only situation that justifies exposure to a high level of risk is one where...

there is a realistic chance that a life can be saved.

Fire officers decide which companies will perform certain duties when....

they arrive on an emergency scene.

Fire officers implement the controlling function when...

they consider the impact on the budget before making purchases, when they conduct employee performance appraisals, and when they ensure compliance with departmental policies.

High-Rise Considerations: Stairwell Support Group A particularly labor-intensive task is undertaken by the stairwell support group. These fire fighters move equipment and water supply hose lines up and down the stairwells of the high-rise building. The stairwell support unit leader reports to the support branch director or the logistics section chief. One practice is to position fire fighters on every ___ floor. Equipment moves up the high rise in an assembly-line fashion, as the next fire fighter passes off to the next fire fighter a few floors up.

third floor

Managing Incidents: Transfer of Command Command should be transferred only...

to improve the quality of the command organization

Today's two way radios enable fire units and individual fire fighters to remain in contact with one another at all times. Before these were available, the chief officer would should commands through his ____.


Rules of Engagement: Rule 6. Go In Together, Stay Together, Come Out Together Objective: To ensure that fire fighters always enter a burning building as a team of ___ or more members and that no fire fighter is allowed to be alone at any time while entering, operating in, or exiting a building. Examples of situation when a fire fighter is alone in a burning structure include:

two or more -fire fighter becomes separated from crew -single fire fighter freelancing -fire fighter entering a structure alone -fire fighter leaving when low on SCBA air

Team and Tools Every work team must include at least (how many?) people. Every team member must have full PPE, including... At least one team member must carry a ___.

two people -SCBA and a PASS device unit -radio

The ___ first ignited refers to the nature of the material itself.

type of material

When a skill becomes so practiced that becomes second nature, a fire fighter has reached the level of ___.

unconscious competence

When a fire fighter is not aware of the existence or relevance of a skill area, it is called ___.

unconscious incompetence

The grievance procedure specifies a process and timeline to resolve the matter. An employee can contact a union representative at any time to discuss the situation. The ____ acts as an advocate for the individual or group that submitted the grievance.

union representative

A(n) ___ works in either a geographical or functional assignment.


The ___ is the smallest organizational element within the incident management system.


The code requirements (regarding occupancy type) are determined by the structure's ___ group.

use group

Ethical choices are based on a ___ system. The officer must consider each situation, often (Consciously or subconsciously?), and make a decision based on his or her values.

value system subconsciously

Special Extinguishing Systems: Foam Systems A low-expansion foam system is used to protect hazards involving flammable or combustible liquids, such as gasoline storage tanks. These systems discharge foam bubbles over a liquid surface to create a smothering blanket that extinguishes the fire and suppresses ___ production. High-expansion foam is used in areas where the goal is to fill a large space with foam, thereby excluding air from the area and smothering the fire.

vapor production

Fire departments respond to more ___ fires than structural fires.

vehicle fires

ROE #5 calls for fire fighters and officers to be ____.

vigilant and measured

Rules of Engagement: Rule 5. Extend Vigilance and Measured Risk to Protect and Rescue Savable Lives Objective: To cause fire fighters to manage operations in a calculated, controlled, and safe manner, while remaining alert to changing conditions. During search-and-rescue operations, crews must remain ___ and ____. Crew members should continually assess fire conditions.

vigilant and measured

Today, some states do not require certification training for ___ fire fighters


Arson Motive: Vandalism The motive for vandalism is simply to cause damage for its own sake. Vandalism is often directed toward schools, abandoned structures, vegetation, and trash containers. In most cases, the fire setter committs this crime within (how far?) distance of their home.

walking distance

Water-Based Fire Protection Systems When a fire occurs, heat rising from the fire causes one or more sprinklers to open and release water onto the fire. When the water starts flowing, a ____ alarm is activated.

water flow alarm

Preaction System Similar to dry-pipe systems, but include a separate detection system that triggers the dry-pipe valve and fills the sprinkler pipes with water. At this point, it becomes equivalent to a ___ system. Designed to reduce the risk of water damage due to accidental sprinkler discharge or a broken pipe.

wet-pipe system

Regarding Promotion The candidate has a specified amount of time to go through the officer's in-basket and decide...

what to do with each item.

Conducting the Annual Evaluation: Advance notice of a substandard employee evaluation If the employee receives a substandard annual evaluation, then the municipality might require a ___ plan. This should cover a specific span of time. Regardless of the outcome, this evaluation is filled out and submitted as a permanent record in the employee's official file. The employee's performance is officially evaluated during the annual reviews.

work improvement plan

The FO's Role as a Supervisor Supervision is fundamental in FO duty. Supervisors must follow all established rules, regulations, and procedures. In fire departments, first-level supervisors are often members of the same collective bargaining unit as the fire fighters they supervise. The FO is generally the first point of contact between...

workers and the organization

Regarding Promoting (Emergency Incident Simulations) "Data Dump" Question The candidate is provided with information concerning an emergency situation, usually in ___ format that includes picture or pre-incident information. The candidate has to explain which actions would be taken and which factors would be considered in the making of those decision. This provides an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate a depth of knowledge about a particular subject.

written format

Four-Step Method of Training: Evaluation At the end of the lesson or program, there should be an evaluation of the student's progress. Training related to a certification program always includes an end-of-class evaluation. The evaluation may be a __ or ___ examination. You can be certain that training has occurred only when there is an observable change in the fire fighter's performance when responding to a real situation where that task or skill is applied.

written or practical examination

A pledge that employers require workers to sign indicating that they will not join a union as long as the company employs them is called ____.

yellow dog contracts

Prior to the Norris-Laguardia Act of 1932, some employers required workers to sign a pledge that they would not join a union as long as the company employed them. These pledges were called ____ contacts.

yellow dog contracts

Regarding Integrity Formal organizations publish their expectations as a code of ethics, a code of conduct, or a list of value statements.


The Beginning of Shift Report Provide a report at the start of the workday: -Provide on-duty staffing information and a sick leave list -Note the location and condition of apparatus


Accident Investigation and Documentation: Written Documentation -Present the facts in a logical sequence with the results of the interview or interviews attached. -Include a determination as to the most likely cause or causes of the accident. -Include a recommendation on how this type of accident could be prevented. -Some departments require a determination about the likely frequency as well as the likely severity of this type of accident.


Establishing a fire department social media policy Technology, court decisions, and high-profile incidents continue to shape the development of best practices for social media. The fire chief identifies who will develop a social media policy, including the process of submitting, reviewing, and approving content. The policy should cover use of personal as well as official fire department social media sites. The fire department has an obligation to actively protect itself from the creation and sharing of inappropriate images. In Connecticut and New Jersey, it is a criminal offense for an emergency responder to take a photo of a victim or patient; posting that image online generates a second criminal offense. The department should control use of images or discussion of incidents/issues identified as "fire department related" on personal social sites, even when the information is posted by off-duty personnel. Developing and enforcing the department's social media policy requires coordination among the authority having jurisdiction, human resources, public information agencies, and law enforcement.


Maslow Level 1: Physiological Needs The most basic human needs are physical—air, water, food, and shelter. This point emphasizes the importance of staying alert for conditions where the fire fighters are hungry, exhausted, dehydrated, too hot, or too cold. The practice of making a fire company work without a rest and rehydration period will fail to meet their most basic needs.


Maslow Level 2: Safety, Security, and Order Safety, security, and order needs are next in Maslow's hierarchy. Safety is a primary concern in the fire service. Security is more closely associated with maintaining employment or status within the organization. An individual who feels threatened may do what is necessary to survive, but will not feel highly motivated to advance the fire department's objectives. Any change in the established order is likely to arouse insecurities.


Maslow Level 3: Social Needs and Affection The third level of Maslow's hierarchy are psychological or social needs related to belonging to a group and feeling acceptance by the group. Group acceptance and belonging are particularly strong forces within the fire service. Transferring a fire fighter away from a "good" assignment can be a strong demotivator.


Maslow Level 4: Esteem and Status Promotions, gold badges, special awards, and take-home fire department vehicles are all symbols that apply to the esteem and status level. Many fire fighters are willing to invest both money and off-duty time to compete for a high-esteem or high-status position. Most elite fire units have more applicants than available positions.


Operations conducted in the flow path place fire fighters at significant risk.


Postincident Review A review should be conducted after emergency operations are performed. Such a review should be viewed as a potential learning experience. The format of a multicompany review depends on the nature and magnitude of the incident. Approach every postincident review in a nonthreatening manner and provide an open format for discussion.


The liaison area should be adjacent to, but not side, the command post. The IC can also assign a liaison officer to represent the fire department directly with another agency.


If your decision will have an impact that goes beyond the fire officer's scope of authority, talk to...

your supervisor.

Preincident Planning: Step 2, Identify Occupant Considerations (Continued) Some facilities cannot be completely evacuated in a short time frame. These facilities are usually designed to relocate occupants to certain areas until they can be evacuated or moved to another area or building. The products of combustion must be segregated from the occupants. Move those in the greatest peril to areas away from the fire. Close fire and smoke doors. Seal the individual rooms with wet towels to prevent smoke from filtering into the room. Sophisticated heating, ventilations, and HVAC systems are often divided into ____. Exhaust fans in unaffected zones can be redirect to eject smoke from the zone that is in alarm.


Levels of Command: Tactical Level A tactical-level supervisor manages a group of resources to accomplish the tactical objective. Assignments are usually defined by a ___ or a ___, or a combination. In large incidents, another level of management may be added to maintain a reasonable span of control.

geographical area or a functional responsibility

The Taft-Hartley Labor Act of 1947 spelled out specific penalties, including fines and imprisonment, for violation of the act. Gave workers the right to refrain from joining a union. Applied the unfair labor practice provisions to unions as well as to employers. Prohibited a union from forcing management to fire antiunion or nonunion workers. Unions were required to engage in ___ bargaining. Created a 60-day "cooling off" period, which comes into effect when a labor agreement ends without a new contract. Regulated many of the unions' internal activities.

good faith bargaining

The legal requirement of both the union and the employer arising out of Section 8(d) of the National Labor Relations Act. It is enforced by the NLRB and is known as ____.

good faith bargaining

In most areas, the fire service draws its authority from the...

governing entity responsible for protecting the public from fire-whether it is a town, a city, a county, a township, or a special fire district.

Provisions of the Wager-Connery Act also established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which has the power to... The act defined five types of unfair labor practices and declared them illegal:

hold hearings, investigate labor practices, and issue orders and decisions concerning unfair labor practices. 1. Interfering with employees in a union 2. Stopping a union from forming and collecting money 3. Not hiring union members 4. Firing union members 5. Refusing to bargain with the union

Regarding Ethics Ethical conduct requires ___. Choices must be made on the basis of maximum ___ to the citizens and the community. The process must be open to the ___.

honesty -maximum benefit -to the public.

Regarding promotion Larger fire departments a more likely to develop an examination internally because they have the necessary resources. The committee developing the examination first determines...

how many questions are needed to assess the candidate's knowledge within each particular area.

A finance/administration section may be needed at large-scale and long-term incidents that require... Usually established during a natural disaster, when state or federal expense reimbursements are expected, or during a haz mats incident in which reimbursement may come from the shipper, carrier, chemical manufacturer, or insurance company.

immediate fiscal management, particularly when outside resources must be procured quickly.

The tone of voice or the look that accompanies a message can ___ the receiver's interpretation of the meaning.


Communication is effective when the receiver understands what the other person ___.


Regarding Integrity The fire officer should "walk the talk" and demonstrate the behaviors that they say are important. Integrity can be demonstrated by a steadfast adherence to a moral code that combines a fire officer's internal ___ system and the department's ___ system.

internal value system and the department's organizational value system.

An __ is a detailed inquiry or systematic examination.


A disciplinary action in which a fire fighter is placed in a less desirable or different work location or assignment is called ___.

involuntary transfer or detail

The risks of an offensive attack can be justified only when...

it may generate realistic benefits.

When a committee has certified that the knowledge measured by a multiple-choice question is needed on the job and referenced to known standards, it has met the standard of:

job content/criterion-reference validity

The four-step method process was updated and renamed ____ when more than 1 million men and women received technical skill training during World War II

job instruction training

Regarding promotion via multiple-choice written examination The selection process includes evaluating each question for ____ and ___.

job-content/criterion-referenced validity and reliability

Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint: Follow established Procedures Local government personnel regulations generally provide a detailed procedure on how to handle harassment or hostile workplace complaints. Follow the procedure used in your ___.


Rules may be established by the local jurisdiction that sets the conditions of employment or internally within a fire department. For example, an organization may have a rule stating that employees with more than 15 years of service will receive 10 shifts of vacation. Rules and regulations to not leave any room for...

latitude or discretion

The act of ___ is a complex process of influencing others to accomplish a task.


Wet-Pipe System Water is present in all of the pipes throughout the system. When a sprinkler opens, water is discharged immediately. These systems require (More or less?) maintenance than dry-pipe systems. Because of the faster reaction, fewer sprinklers are activated to control most fires

less maintenance

The ___ officer is the IC's point of contact for representatives from outside agencies and is responsible for exchanging information with representatives from those agencies.

liaison officer

Regarding Promotion In-baskets are generally easy to organize and grade. This type of test can be difficult to develop for the ___ level, since many of the typical job tasks don't readily lend themselves to an in-basket assessment.


The term ___ designates the point, edge, or line beyond which something cannot proceed.


A ___ budget is a format in which expenditures are identified in a categorized line-by-line format

line-item budget

Volunteer Fire Department Funding: Tax Revenues Some jurisdictions pass local legislation or approve a charger that details the relationship, duties, services, and compensation that the volunteer fire department will provide to the community in return for the tax revenues. Tax revenues support the entire operation of some volunteer fire departments, whereas others supplement their tax allocation with fund-raising activities. Sometimes the volunteer corporations own and operate the fire stations and apparatus, whereas other volunteer organizations occupy buildings and operate vehicle that are owned by ___ government.

local government

Public Education Programs vary greatly among FDs: -Some have staff bureaus for public education programs -Some adopt national programs -often a program is developed at the ___ level. Examples of public education programs include:

local level -learn not to burn -risk watch -stop, drop, and roll -getting to know fire -change your clock-change your battery -fire safety for babysitters -fire safety for seniors -wildland fire prevention programs

Today, ____ pay for most career fire departments, and support many volunteer organizations.

local tax revenues

Building codes and fire codes have evolved over many years. The first codes were developed... The ___ industry played a major role in the development of the first model codes, which were offered to local jurisdictions as a proposed minimum standard.

locally and were often influenced by local preferences and customs. -insurance industry

Air supply status reports improve the ____ of crews.

logistical commitment

The ___ section is responsible for providing supplies, services, facilities, and materials during the incident.

logistics section

Sizing Up The Incident Size-up begins... The end result is an IAP that: (list 3) An experienced officer will adjust the plan as more information becomes available. Factors in size-up include: (List 3)

long before arrival and continues until the incident is stabilized. -considers all pertinent information -defines strategies and tactics -assigns resources to complete tasks -knowledge of the types of building construction used in the area -available water sources -available resources

Types of Problems: High-Profile Incidents Any issues that are likely to become ___ events. An example might be a fire fighter who is arrest while on duty. The department must take immediate actions to respond to these events. Senior fire administrations often become directly involved in these situations or keep a close watch on how they are handled.

major events

A ____ fire officer could also be in charge of all of the companies on one shift in a multiunit fire station.

managing fire officer

Steps for Developing a Specific Training Program: Develop the Training Program If training is needed for a new device, the ___ may have a training package available. If training is needed for a new procedure or company evolution, the ___ may have a template you can use. Other departments may have develop training programs, props, or resources that they will share.

manufacturer or vendor -department

Regarding NFPA 704 marking system, what hazard is associated with yellow?

material reactivity hazard

A ___ is when a fire fighter is experiencing a life-threatening emergency.


A philosophical shift in labor-management relationships is moving away from confrontational strategies and toward cooperative relationships, often through ___.


Most career fire fighters work under a labor contract or ____.

memorandum of understanding (MOU)

___ is the process of questioning a situation that causes concern.


You can find the use group classification in the building code or NFPA ___.

NFPA 101

Performance evaluation should be a continual supervisory process True or False


Structured probationary programs require a monthly evaluation True or False


Fire officers use the functions of management to get work accomplished by and through others. The four functions constitute a continuous cycle; they are never truly "__"


Example Grievance Procedure: Step 1 The grievant presents their complaint verbally to a supervisor, shortly after the occurrence of the action that gave rise to the grievance. In some organizations, this nondocumented verbal notification is called an "___" or ___. The grievant must provide: (List 3)

"informal grievance" or step zero -the article and section of the labor agreement or personnel regulation alleged to have been violated -a full statement of the grievance, giving facts, dates, and times of events, as well as specific violations -a statement of the desired remedy or adjustment

A state or provincial fire code is generally the minimum legal standard in all jurisdictions within that state or province. Most allow local authorities to adopt more restrictive codes, but some prevent this with "____ codes"

"mini/max codes"

Fire Officer's Tasks: Notifications The same priority applies to any information the chief needs to know about when it is current, particularly before someone at a higher level calls to ask about the issue Many chiefs call this the "____" rule

"no surprise" rule

Some departments provide an incentive for fire fighters by paying them for each response to an alarm. These departments are termed "___" or use part-time paid personnel.

"paid on call"

Active Failures and Latent Conditions Dr. James Reason took a systems approach: High-tech systems have many defensive layers. When the holes in all of the levels of defense align, a catastrophic outcome becomes more likely. Two reasons why holes appear in the layer of defense include:

-Active Failures -Latent Conditions

Fire Officer as a Trainer The fire officer is responsible for the skill, confidence, and competence of fire fighters under his or her command. -Three recommendations to assist fire officers in training:

1. Develop a personal training library 2. Know the neighborhood 3. Use problem-solving scenarios

Every ___ seconds, a fire department responds to a fire somewhere in the United States.

23 seconds

NFPA 1403 instructs on how to conduct an evolution under five scenarios:

-Acquired structures -Gas-fired training center buildings -Non-Gas-Fired Training Buildings -Exterior Props -Exterior Class B Fires

Regarding Promotion An officer must be able to lead, supervise, and perform a set of essential skills at an emergency incident scene. Emergency incident simulations follow one of four formats:

-"Data dump" questions -Progressing simulation -Multimedia interactive simulation -Realistic scenario simulation

Regarding Promotion Opportunities Rank Ordered: Highest-scoring candidate is ranked number 1, second highest is 2, etc. Banded: Candidates are placed into groups: (List 3)

-"High qualified" -"qualified" -"Not qualified"

Budgetary Process: Cost Recovery and Reduction It will cost more than ____ per year to run the FGL program in a city with 55 to 70 on-duty FFs. The cost recovery is realized through faster completion of tasks in a high-risk environment. In addition, safety is increased with identification of a fire fighter in medical or situational distress. Overall, the cost recovery is achieved by reducing the severity level when a fire fighter is in distress, reducing hospital time, and avoiding a lasting disability. The safety of the rescue team is improved because knowing the location of the fire fighter reduces the amount time spent searching within a hostile environment


Regarding promotion Larger fire departments a more likely to develop an examination internally because they have the necessary resources. Two of the committee members are assigned to work together and develop (How many?) multipl-choice questions of a specific area. The whole committee would then meet to select the (How many?) best questions for the examination.

-15 -9

Types of Expenditures: Personnel Expenditures More than __% of a career fire department's budget is allocated to salaries and benefits. This includes fringe benefits, such as: (list 3) Civil service regulations, local administration decisions, and labor contracts determine the cost of these benefits. FFs have a high worker's compensation rate when compared to other municipal employees. Fringe benefits reflect the estimated cost of providing sick and annual leave to the employee. The base cost of the fringe benefit equals the amount of the employee's accrued leave. In many cases, the actual cost of the FD also includes ___ to pay for another employee to fill the vacancy.

-90% -pension fund contributions -worker's compensation -life insurance -overtime

A predisciplinary hearing can be conducted by: A typical process involves the following: At the hearing, the accused individual has an opportunity to refute the charge or present additional information. The final resolution of a disciplinary action usually resides with the civil service commission or the city personnel director.

-A disciplinary board -The fire chief or another ranking officer -A hearing officer -The FO investigates the alleged offenses. -The FO submits a detailed report. -A fire department representative consults with the human resources director -A disciplinary board hearing is scheduled, and an advance notice letter is prepared. -The disciplinary board considers the charges. -The disciplinary board makes its recommendation to the fire chief, who issues the final decision.

Accountability Systems typically provide: (list 4)

-A method to identify all personnel who are on the scene -A method to identify personnel who are in the hazard area -A process to account for personnel quickly when an evacuation order or unusual event occurs (e.g., a flashover, backdraft, or collapse) -A process to ensure that personnel do not go unaccounted for an extended period of time

Fire Cause Classifications Once the facts are known, the circumstances of the fire are generally divided into four classifications according to NFPA 921.

-Accidental Fire Causes -Natural Fire Causes -Incendiary Fire Causes -Undetermined Fire Causes

Training to become a supervising fire officer includes:

-Achieving requirements for FO I, Incident Safety Officer, Hazardous Materials at Operations Level, Instructor I, and Inspector I -Lower-level college courses -3 to 5 years in agency operations -200 hours as acting unit officer -Developing and delivering training classes -Participating in the planning process -Participating in mass-casualty training -Being Capable of operating as a single-unit supervisor within an incident management system (IMS) -Performing a personal and professional inventory

Sources to review safety policies include: (List 5)

1. "Report of the Week" 2. "The Secret List" 3. Information posted by the Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI) 4. Incident videos collected by 5. NIOSH case studies

Lloyd Layman's Five-Step Size-up Process: Decision The fourth step in Layman's size-up procedure is making fire attack decisions based on the known facts and probabilities, as well as the situation. You need to answer four questions:

1. Are there enough resources responding to and on the scene to extinguish the fire or mitigate the situation? 2. Are sufficient resources available, and do conditions allow for an interior attack? 3. What is the most effective assignment on-scene resources? 4. What is the most effective assignment of responding resources?

Making a Decision Leaders make decisions. Here is a five-step approach:

1. Clear your mind. Take a deep breath or pause to concentrate on the issue. 2. List options. Brainstorm to develop a long list. 3. Weigh the outcomes. Is the best possible outcome worth the worst possible risk? What is the likelihood of the outcome? Which physical, legal, organizational, or moral barriers exist with the choice? 4. Make a choice. Accept responsibility for the decision and have a "Plan B" identified. 5. Evaluate decision. Did the decision have the desired outcome?

There are four major career changes in a fire fighter's career:

1. Completion of probationary training period 2. Beginning of work as a fire company commander 3. Beginning of work as a chief officer 4. Retirement

Transition from Fire Fighter to Fire Officer Four Major Career Changes:

1. Completion of probationary training period 2. Beginning of work as a fire company commander 3. Beginning of work as chief officer 4. Retirement

Recommending Change The FO is in the best position to lead change. You have the best view of opportunities, challenges, and barriers to change. The CRM assertive statement process provides a model for discussing a sensitive or consequential issues. The five disconnects in implementing change are:

1. Culture change is viewed as a threat 2. Bad behaviors and attitudes are tradition 3. Safety and mission are imbalanced 4. Voices of safety leadership are muffled. 5. Lessons have not been embraced.

Developing an Incident Action Plan After size-up, the IC develops an IAP. The two major components: SOPs are used to provide a consistent structure of the process establishing strategies, tactics, and tasks.

1. Determination of appropriate strategy to mitigate an incident 2. Development of tactics

Determining the Cause of the Fire Cause determination can be approached as a three-step process:

1. Determine the source of the ignition 2. Determine the fuel that was first ignited 3. Determine the circumstances or human actions that allowed the ignition source and the fuel to come together, resulting in a fire.

There are 9 functions of command:

1. Determining strategy 2. Selecting incident tactics 3. Setting action plan 4. Developing ICS organization 5. Managing resources 6. Coordinating resource activities 7. Providing for scene safety 8. Releasing incident information 9. Coordinating with outside agencies

A division responsible for communications and fire fighter rehabilitation

Service Branch

Special Extinguishing Systems: Halon Halon 1301 was the extinguishing agent of choice for fire protection in computer rooms and to protect electronic equipment from the 1960s to the 1990s. Based on the weight of the agent, Halon 1301 is about ___ % more efficient than CO2 for extinguishing fires. It also depletes the ___ layer. Since 2000, Halon has not been allowed to be manufactured or imported into the United States. ____ systems may still be recharged.

250% more efficient. -ozone layer -Legacy Systems

Standpipe Systems: Class I Provides ___ inch hose outlets, intended for use by fire department or fire brigade members trained in the use of large hose streams.

2 1/2 inch

Educational occupancy may also cover some daycare centers for children older than ___ years.

2 1/2 years

Striking to Preserve Wages and Staffing: 1931-1933 During the Depression, local governments reduced wages, initiated furloughs, and reduced workforce size. Several fire fighter strikes between 1931 and 1933 occurred in reaction to wage reductions and elimination of fire fighter jobs. One local union went on strike because the fire fighters had not been paid by the city for (how long?)

2 months

Eligibility list for promotion list lasts __ to ___ years

2 to 6 years

Staffing, Wages, and Contracts: 1973-1980 The most recent series of fire fighter strikes occurred between 1973 and 1980. The IAFF voted to eliminate the 50-year-old-no-strike clause in its constitution at its 1968 convention. Most of the ensuing strikes occurred after labor and management reached an impasse while negotiating a new contract. In the 1970s, several large cities were facing bankruptcy. NYC laid off more than 40,000 city employees on July 2, 1975, including 1600 fire fighters. Although 700 of the FFs were hired back within 30 days, 900 others lost their jobs. It would take (How long?) before the city could rehire all of the laid-off fire fighters.

2 years

The Everyone Goes Home program was developed by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) to prevent line-of-duty deaths and injuries. The Safety Summit in 2004 resulted in 16 initiative: 1. Define and advocate the need for a cultural change relating to safety, incorporating leadership, management, supervision, accountability, and personal responsibility. 2. Enhance the personal and organizational accountability for health and safety throughout the fire service. 3. Focus greater attention on the integration of risk management with incident management at all levels, including strategic, tactical, and planning responsibilities. 4. Empower all fire fighters to stop unsafe practices. 5. Develop and implement national standards for training, qualifications, and certification (including regular recertification) that are equally applicable to all fire fighters based on the duties they are expected to perform. 6. Develop and implement national medical and physical fitness standards that are equally applicable to all fire fighters based on the duties they are expected to perform. 7. Create a national research agenda and data collection system. 8. Utilize available technology wherever it can produce higher levels of health and safety. (continued on back)

9. Thoroughly investigate all fire fighter fatalities, injuries, and near misses. 10. Create grant programs that support the implementation of safe practices and/or mandate safe practices as an eligibility requirement. 11. Develop and champion national standards for emergency response policies and procedures. 12. Develop and champion national protocols for response to violent incidents. 13. Ensure that fire fighters and their families have access to counseling and psychological support. 14. Ensure that public education receives more resources and is championed as a critical fire and life safety program. 15. Strengthen advocacy for the enforcement of codes and the installation of home fire sprinklers. 16. Ensure that safety is a primary consideration in the design of apparatus and equipment.

Lower Revenue Means Fewer Resources Planned expenditures have to be balanced against anticipated revenues (How long?) or more in advance. Changes in the economy can reduce the amount of revenue collected by the local government.

A year or more

General knowledge requirements for incident safety officers include which of the following? A. Incident Scene Rehabilitation B. Building Construction C. Personnel Accountability Systems D. Safety and Health Hazards involved

A, B, C, D

Approximately how many fire fighters and EMS personnel does the IAFF represent in the U.S. and Canada? A. 300,000 B. 50,000 C. 100,000 D. 250,000

A. 300,000

"To cause fire fighters to manage search and rescue and supporting firefighting operations in a calculated, controlled and safe manner" is the objective of which Rule of Engagement? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

A. 5

Where is the RIC crew generally positioned during a scene?

A RIC consists of four members generally positioned outside, ready for immediate action.

What's a good example of an incident that would require departments to work together?

A car crash

In career departments, personnel expenses usually account for more than ___ of the annual budget. A. 90% B. 75% C. 60% D. 50%

A. 90%

To be effective team players, individuals must have:

A healthy appreciation for personal safety A healthy concern for the safety of the crew A respect for authority A willingness to accept orders A knowledge of the limits of authority A desire to help their leader be successful Good communication skills The ability to provide constructive, pertinent feedback The ability to admit errors The ability to keep one's ego in check The ability to balance assertiveness and authority A learning attitude The ability to perform demanding tasks Adaptability

In higher education, what is defined as a collegial process based on self-and peer assessment for public accountability and improvement of academic quality? A. Accreditation B. Peer Review C. Quality Assurance D. Academic Review Board

A. Accreditation

Which of the following is NOT a role for a company officer? A. Advisor B. Trainer C. Commander D. Supervisor

A. Advisor

In a large fire department, a fire officer's direct supervisor is usually which of the following? A. An administrative fire officer B. An assistant chief C. An ICS commander D. The Fire Chief

A. An administrative fire officer

Example of Mixed Occupancy Type:

An example would be an old commercial building that has been renovated to include multifamily residential loft apartments on the second and third floors and a bakery on the first floor.

Maliciously and intentionally starting a fire or causing an explosion


What has the highest rate of juvenile involvement compared with other serious felonies?


___ is a crime of maliciously and intentionally or recklessly starting a fire.


___ is the crime of maliciously and intentionally or recklessly starting a fire or causing an explosion.


Reducing Deaths from Fire Suppression Operations ___ and ___ are the primary factors in death in burning buildings. Follow established standard operating procedures (SOPs) The FO must be prepared for unanticipated hazards. If a situation doesn't fall under an established SOP, you must determine an appropriate course of action and give specific directives to subordinates.

Asphyxiation and burns

Occupancy Type. Used for the gathering of people for the purpose of deliberation, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, amusement, or awaiting transportation.


Regarding promotion An ____ comprises a series of simulation exercises used to evaluate a candidate's competence in performing tasks associated with a job.

Assessment center

Budgeting: Revenue Sources (Grants) FDs can apply for grants. One of the larger sources of grant funds is the ___ Program. The U.S. Fire Administration provides a four-step method to develop a competitive grant proposal:

Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program 1. Conduct a needs assessment 2. Compare the needs to the priorities of the grant program 3. Decide which grant to apply for 4. Complete the application

A midlevel chief who often has a functional area of responsibility, such as training, and answers directly to the fire chief.

Assistant or Division Chief

One dimension of demographic analysis is the identification of communities where people share the same cultural background and language. Cultural ___ is required to help the customers appreciate the services the fire department is providing.

Cultural sensitivity

Planned expenditures have to be balanced against anticipated revenues a year or more in advance True or False?


Fire insurance companies were established (Where and when?)

England soon after the Great Fire of London in 1666.

Preincident advanced communication skills and taking advantage of improved crew interaction provides:

Enhanced problem identification Better incident control Improved situational awareness More rapidly identified hazards Rapidly assessed resource capability More rapidly developed solutions Improved decision making Reduced surprises and unanticipated problems

A physical or sociological condition that interferes with the message in the communication process

Environmental Noise

___ noise is a physical or sociological conditions that interferes with a message.

Environmental noise

___ Theory Employees evaluate outcomes they receive for their inputs and compare them with outcomes others receive for their inputs.

Equity Theory

HFACS Level 1: Unsafe Acts Includes two categories:

Errors and violations

The fire officer demonstrating ___ makes decisions and models behavior consistent with the department's core values, mission statement, and value statements.

Ethical Behavior

Look for situations where the original problem is solved, but another unintended and equally bad situation is created. Requires some type of measurement that compares the original condition with the condition after implementation.

Evaluate the Result

___ includes material objects that are admissible as testimony in a court of law.


___ Theory People act in a manner they believe will be lead to an outcome they value.

Expectancy Theory

___ are monies spent for goods or services.


Ignoring bad behavior


This section is responsible for the administrative, accounting, and financial aspects of an incident, as well as any legal issues that may arise.

Finance/Administration Section

Volunteer Fire Department Funding: Real Estate and Portfolio Management As a corporation, some fire departments have invested in real estate to generate revenue for fire department operations. Other departments have developed a financial ___ that provides interest income to the department.

Financial portfolio

Handling a Harassment or Hostile Workplace Complaint Regardless of where the complaint is filed, the ___ is required to take corrective action if the investigation confirms that the complaint has merit.

Fire Chief

The highest-ranking officers in charge of a fire department, the individual assigned the responsibility for management and control of all matters and concerns pertaining to the fire service organization.

Fire Chief

Apply to existing buildings and situations involving potential fire risk or hazard

Fire Codes

Who determines procedures for who conducts the investigation?

Fire Department procedures

When New Member Training Is On the Job: Skills that must be learned immediately. Many departments require that members obtain ____ certification before responding in the field. Fire officers have special responsibilities when operating with: Federal regulations mandate that four topics are covered as part of any emergency service training program.

Fire Fighter I -Inexperienced fire fighters -Fire Fighters in Training -Bloodborne pathogens -Hazardous materials awareness and operations -SCBA Fit Testing -National Incident Management System (NIMS)

Fire Officer I candidates are required to meet all of the requirements of:

Fire Firefighter II as defined in NFPA 1001 Fire Instructor I as defined in NFPA 1041

Historically, an identifying symbol on a building to let fire fighters know that the building was insured by a company that would pay them for extinguishing the fire.

Fire Mark

___ increase water pressure in standpipe and automatic sprinkler systems. A field inspection of such a device generally is confined to a visual inspection to confirm that the pump appears to be in good condition and is free of physical damage.

Fire Pumps

Protecting Evidence The investigator's goal is to identify the point of origin and the cause of the fire. ____ involves re-creating the physical scene before the fire occurred, either physically or theoretically. You are responsible for protecting the fire scene evidence both from the public and from excessive overhaul and salvage

Fire Scene Reconstruction

Training Vs. Education The ___ conference started a national effort to update the academic needs of the fire service.

Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE)

Examples of skills and topics that should be taught first in a training program. Fire-ground tasks: Crashes and Medical Emergencies:

Fire-Ground Tasks: -Supply Line Evolutions -Ropes and Knots -Laddering the fire building -Lights, fan, and power development Crashes and Medical Emergencies: -CPR and AED training -Outside circle activities on a crash extrication -Helicopter landing zone procedures -Assisting paramedics

Regarding NFPA 704 marking system, what hazard is associated with red?


Although the number of structure fires continues to decline, the rate at which fire fighters are being killed or seriously injured while operating in burning structures continues to climb. ___ and ___ are the primary causes of death within a burning structure.

Flashover and structural collapse

___ and ___ are the primary cause of death for fire fighters within a burning structure.

Flashover and structural collapse

___ are interior views of a building

Floor plans

The volume between an inlet and an exhaust that allows the movement of heat and smoke from a higher-pressure area within the fire area toward lower-pressure areas accessible via doors, windows, and other openings

Flow Path

___ is the volume between an inlet and an exhaust that allows heat and smoke to move from a higher-pressure area toward lower-pressure areas. When combating ventilation-limited compartment fires:

Flow Path -control the access door -apply water before vertical ventilation -apply 30-90 seconds of water -you cannot make a big enough ventilation hole

Creates a smothering blanket that extinguishes the fire and suppresses vapor production


Customer Service vs Customer Satisfaction Customer Service: (List 4) Customer satisfaction focuses on meeting the customer's expectations

Focuses on fixing problems Straightens out procedural glitches Corrects errors of omission Provides information

Leaders can be effective only to the extent that others are willing to accept their leadership. This characteristic is called ____.


Encompasses the appropriate actions of those who are led


Budgeting: The Bidding Process For smaller items: For larger or complex purchases:

For smaller items, the fire department may develop specifications for bids. The FD writes up exactly what it wants in the product. Every requirement must be met. For larger or complex purchases, a request for proposal (RFP) is developed. The FD gives general information about what is desired. The vendor determines how it will meet the need.

A letter or report presented on fire department letterhead and signed by the chief officer or headquarters staff person

Formal Communication

An official fire department communication. Such a letter or report is presented on stationary with the fire department letterhead and generally is signed by a chief officer or headquarters staff member.

Formal Communication

___ communication entails an official document printed with the fire department letterhead. It is usually signed by the fire chief or a designated staff officer. It is usually archived.

Formal communication

Professor ____ updated the French and Raven taxonomy

Gary A. Yukl

Formal documents that address a specific subject, policy, condition, or situation

General Orders

Formal documents that address a specific subject, policy, condition, or situation are called ___.

General Orders

Short-term documents signed by the fire chief and lasting for a period of days to 1 year or more

General orders

Write out five criteria. Use brainstorming.

Generate alternative solutions and select a solution.

The source of ignition must have enough energy and must remain in contact with the fuel long enough to cause it to ignite. A competent ignition source has 3 components:

Generation: The ignition source must produce sufficient heat energy to raise the fuel to its ignition temperature Transmission: Sufficient heat energy must be transmitted from the source to the fuel to raise the fuel to its ignition temperature. Heating: The heat transfer from the source of the fuel must continue long enough for the fuel to be heated to its ignition temperature.

Who developed the first fire hydrant in 1817?

George Smith, a fire fighter in New York City

Who developed the first fire hydrant?

George Smith, a fire fighter in New York City, developed the first fire hydrants in 1817.

Regarding Promotion Assessment centers were developed in the officer corps of the.. The goal of the program was to select future officers based on their predictive performance in a (How many?) day assessment procedure

Germany army in the 1920s 2-to 3-day assessment

___ are responsible for performing an assignment, wherever it may be required, and often work within more than one division.


Analyzing Near-Miss Reports Every August, a working group of fire fighters and officers assemble to analyze near-miss reports using a tool modified from the U.S. Navy's Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS). The four levels are:

HFACS Level 1: Unsafe Acts HFACS Level 2: Preconditions to Unsafe Acts HFACS Level 3: Unsafe Supervision HFACS Level 4: Organizational Influences

Includes a prealert warning for the occupants to leave the room before the agent discharges


Mitigation strategy is based on the results of: Such strategies include interim and long-term actions to reduce organizational vulnerability.

Hazard identification Risk assessment Impact analysis Program constraints Operational experience Cost-benefit analysis

A(n) ___ addresses and minimizes chances of harm and identifies and controls factors that might lead to injury or death.


Levels of Command: Strategic Level The overall direction and goals are set at the strategic level. A strategic goal, in a defensive situation, could be to stop the extension of a fire to any adjacent structure. The ___ always functions at the strategic level.


The ___ is responsible for the management of all incident operations.


Assumes five basic human needs as motivators

Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's description of human needs as a pyramid or ladder that starts with physiological needs and ends with self-actualization

Hierarchy of Needs

The Preincident plan provides valuable information in the event of a fire at a high-value or high-risk location. High-value properties contain... High-risk properties have...

High-Value properties contain items with a high replacement value High-risk properties have the potential for a catastrophic property or life loss.

Mandated emergency service training program for new fire fighters: National Incident Management System (NIMS) ____ requires incident management training. NIMS provides a consistent framework that operates at all jurisdictional levels regardless of the cause, size, or complexity of the incident. NIMS creates an all-hazard template for FFs to operate within a multiple-jurisdiction domestic incident within the federal National Response Plan

Homeland Security Presidential Direct 5 (HPSD-5), Managing Domestic Incidents

Occupancy examples of Health Care:

Hospitals Nursing Homes

___ is defined as subjecting an employee to discrimination.

Hostile Work Environment

A management strategy that emphasizes human need and attitude; motivation comes from within the employee and not from authoritarian control. It leads to Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Humanistic Management

The intent of the IAFC ___ is to allow any member to report a safety concern through a structured process without fear of penalty.

IAFC 2012

Any condition that would do one or more of the following: 1. pose an immediate or delayed threat to life 2. cause irreversible adverse health effects 3. interfere with an individual's ability to escape unaided from a hazardous environment.

Immediate Dangerous to Life and health (IDLH)

Obtained from the students at the conclusion of the training, usually via a short survey form Can help you determine whether the specific objectives were met by the presentation This type of feedback is most effective in evaluating the mechanics of the class presentation

Immediate Feedback

A situation in which the parties in a dispute have reached a deadlock in negotiations is a(n)


Which term means that parties have reached a deadlock during a labor negotiations?


Often the most challenging aspect of problem solving, particularly if it requires coordinated involvement of a lot of different people. Must include a schedule to ensure goals are met.

Implement the solution.

(Where and when?) established the first fire regulations in North America when it banned wood chimneys and thatched roofs.

In 1630, Boston Massachusetts

Measures the candidate's ability to organize, prioritize, delegate, and follow up on administrative tasks

In-Basket Exercises

What does the "I" stand for in CISD?


The objectives reflecting the overall incident strategy, tactics, risk management, and member safety that are developed by the IC.

Incident Action Plan

The objectives reflecting the overall incident strategy, tactics, risk management, and member safety that are developed by the incident commander; are updated throughout the incident.

Incident Action Plan (IAP)

A system that defines the roles and responsibilities to be assumed by personnel and the operating procedures to be used in the management and direction of emergency operations; also referred to as an Incident Management System (IMS)

Incident Command System (ICS)

The person who is responsible for all decisions relating to the management of the incident and is in charge of the incident site.

Incident Commander

An individual appointed to respond to or assigned at an incident scene by the IC to perform the duties and responsibilities specified in NFPA 1521, Standard for FD Safety Officr

Incident Safety Officer

An individual appointed to respond to or assigned at an incident scene by the incident commander to perform the duties and responsibilities specified in NFPA 1521

Incident Safety Officer

Strategies and tactics developed based on the incident commander's IAP and the type of incident encountered

Incident Safety Plan

The tactical-level management unit that provides for medical evaluation, treatment, monitoring, fluid and food replenishment, mental rest, and relief from climatic conditions of an incident

Incident Scene Rehabilitation

The tactical-level management unit that provides for medical evaluation, treatment, monitoring, fluid and food replenishment, mental rest, and relief from climatic conditions of an incident.

Incident Scene Rehabilitation

Occupancy Type. Either products are manufactured for processing, assembling, mixing, packaging, finishing, or decorating, or repair operations are conducted.


Internal memos, e-mail, instant messages, and computer-aided dispatch/mobile data terminal messages. Such reports have a short life and may not be archived as permanent records.

Informal Communications

__ are used primarily to record or transmit information that may not be needed for reference in the future.

Information Communications

Based on the target person's assessment of the agent's ability to discover or obtain relevant information rapidly and efficiently, usually through a cultivated network of sources

Information Power

___ reports usually require a fire officer's personal attention to ensure that the report's information is complete and concise.

Infrequent reports

___ is the developmental relationship in which a more experienced person helps a less experienced person. Qualities of an effective mentor include: (list 3)

Mentoring -desire to help -current knowledge -effective coaching, counseling, facilitating, and networking skills.

Occupancy Type. Used for the display and sale of merchandise.


Measures taken to limit or control the consequences, extent, or severity of an incident that cannot be reasonably prevented.


__ includes measures taken to limit or control the consequences, extent, or severity of an incident that cannot be reasonably prevented.


Occupancy Type: Has multiple types of occupancies within a single structure


Codes generally developed through the consensus process with the use of technical committees developed by a code-making organization.

Model Codes

Developed by a standards developing organization such as the NFPA

Model Codes

___ are developed by a standards developing organization such as the NFPA.

Model Codes

Almost twice as large as legacy single-family dwellings

Modern Dwellings

Risk Watch A school-based program that links teachers, safety experts, and parents, Risk Watch gives children and their families the skills and knowledge they need to create safer homes and communities. The curriculum is divided into age-appropriate lessons, each of which addresses the following topics:

Motor vehicle safety Fire and burn prevention Choking, suffocation, and strangulation prevention Poisoning prevention Firearms injury prevention Bike and pedestrian safety Water safety Natural disasters

The selection process includes evaluated each question for job content/criterion-referenced validity and reliability

Multiple-Choice Questions

Regarding promotion ___ examinations are widely used in the promotional process because they can be structured to focus on very specific subjects and factual information.

Multiple-choice written examinations.

Managing Incidents: Documentation and Follow-Up Written documentation is prepared for departmental records. The results of this review should be documented in a standard format. Appropriate follow-up should address training needs and policy changes. The completed report should include all of the basic incident report information included in the ___ as well as the operational analysis information.


All fires must be documented and reported to the fire department's standard procedures. Most departments use the ___ or a variation. Basic report elements include:

NFIRS -Incident Number -Alarm Time and Date -Location of Incident -Property Ownership -Building Construction/Occupancy Type -Weather Conditions -Responding Units and Personnel

FO I candidates are also required to meet all of the requirements of FF II as defined in NFPA ____ and of Fire Instructor I as defined in NFPA ____.

NFPA 1001 NFPA 1041

Made it almost impossible for an employer to obtain an injunction to prevent a strike.

Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932

Is incendiary fire arson?

Not necessarily

Mandated emergency service training program for new fire fighters: Bloodborne Pathogens Even "suppression-only" fire fighters are at risk of being exposed to blood and other bodily fluids. OSHA regulation ____ requires all FFs to be trained about: Training takes about ___ hours.

OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030, Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens -The department's exposure control plan -PPE -Reporting requirements if an exposure occurs 4 hours

Mandated emergency service training program for new fire fighters: SCBA Fit Testing OSHA regulation ____ requires that anyone who uses respiratory protection during job tasks must be provided with appropriate training, and be fit-tested for a mask as well as subject to a a health monitoring program This training is usually part of the ___ training program.

OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.134 Respiratory Protection Training Fire Fighter I training program

Mandated emergency service training program for new fire fighters: HAZ MAT Awareness and Operations Every public safety member is required to have training at the hazardous materials awareness and operations level, as laid out in OSHA ____. At the awareness level, first responders are able to: At the operations level, first responders are able to:

OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.20, Hazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response (RESPONSE) -Recognize a potential hazardous materials emergency -Isolate the area -Call for assistance -recognize a potential hazardous materials incident -isolate and deny entry to other responders and the public -evacuate persons in danger -take defensive actions such as shutting off valves and protecting drains without having contact with the product

The purpose for which a building or a portion thereof is used or intended to be used.

Occupancy type

During an emergency, radio reports should be directed back to the IC: (list 3)

Once the task is completed When a progress update is necessary When additional resources are required

Occupancy Type. Provides sleeping accommodations for purposes other than health care, detention, or corrections


Regarding Fire Patterns Intensity Pattern:

Response of materials to the rate of heat release and flux

Examples of Mercantile Occupancy Type:

Retail stores Convenience stores Department stores Drug stores Shops

___ are income from all sources


___ developed the first hand-powered water pumper in 1720 in London, England. By 1829, more powerful, steam-powered pumpers had been developed and began to replace the hand-powered pumpers.

Richard Newsham

Identify hazards, determine the likelihood of their occurrence, and assess the vulnerability of people, property, and the environment.

Risk Assessment

Identification and analysis of exposure to hazards, selection of appropriate risk management techniques to handle exposures, implementation of chosen techniques, and monitoring of results, with respect to the health and safety of members.

Risk Management

A comprehensive program directed at injury prevention, developed by the NFPA, with co-funding from the Lowe's Home Safety Council in collaboration with a panel of respected safety and injury prevention experts

Risk Watch

A ___ is a key size-up factor when selectin the appropriate strategic mode.

Risk-Benefit Analysis

A decision made by a responder based on a hazard and situation assessment that weighs the risks likely to be taken against the benefits to be gained for taking those risks.

Risk-benefit analysis

Are developed by various government or government-authorized organizations to implement a law that has been passed by a government body. May also be established by the local jurisdiction that sets the conditions of employment or internally within a fire department. Do not leave any room for latitude or discretion.

Rules and Regulations

Directives developed by various government or government-authorized organizations to implement a law that has been passed by a government body.

Rules and Regulations

___ are developed by various government or government-authorized organizations to implement a law that has been passed by a government body.

Rules and Regulations

___ are written organizational directives that identify a desired goal and describe the general path to accomplish the goal, including critical tasks or cautions.


Written organizational directives that establish routine methods to follow for designated operations or actions. Developed within the fire department. Provide a uniform way to deal with emergency situations. Enable different stations or companies to work together smoothly.


Responsible for ensuring that safety issues are managed effectively at the incident scene.

Safety Officer

A member or members assigned to assist the incident safety officer; the tactical-level management unit that can be composed of the incident safety officer alone or with additional assistant safety officers assigned to assist in providing the level of safety supervision appropriate for the magnitude of the incident and the associated hazards.

Safety Unit

Based on the breaking down of work tasks into their constituent elements.

Scientific Management

The breakdown of work tasks into constituent elements. The timing of each element is based on repeated stopwatch studies; the fixing of piece-rate compensation based on those studies; standardization of work tasks on detailed instruction cards; and generally, the systematic consolidation of the shop floor's brain work.

Scientific Management

The maximum number of personnel or activities that can be effectively controlled by one individual (usually three to seven)

Span of Control

___ refers to the maximum numer of personnel or activities that can be effectively controlled by one individual (usually three to seven).

Span of Control

___ is the management of uncommitted resources at the scene of an incident.


The fire fighters who move equipment and water supply hose lines up and down the stairwells

Stairwell Support Group

A written organizational directive that prescribes specific operational methods to be followed routinely for the performance of designated operations or actions

Standard Operating Procedures

Written organizational directives that establish or prescribe specific operational or administrative methods to be followed routinely for the performance of designated operations or actions.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

___ are written organizational directives that establish or prescribe specific operational or administrative methods to be followed routinely for the performance of designated operations or actions.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Guides the testing of building partitions and floors for fire resistance.

Standard time temperature curve

Fire experiments in 1908 led to the development of a ___ curve to guide the testing of building partitions and floors for fire resistance. At the time, fires within a structure were ___ limited. Without intervention, fire would consume all of the fuel. Recent experiments have shown that modern fires are ___ limited, resulting in a different time-temperature curve.

Standard-time temperature curve -fuel limited -ventilation limited

An arrangement of equipment located in a manner that allows water to be discharged through an attached hose and nozzles for the purpose of extinguishing a fire

Standpipe System

Establishing a Strong Supervisor/Employee Relationship: List the areas in which you can succeed together If you and a FF have a rocky relationship and both of you have decided to work to improve it....

Start by listing the areas in which you can succeed together. Set goals and deadlines. Start with goals that are easily attainable and build on those successes. In some cases, a third party will need to be brought in to mediate.

Formal Communication: Recommendation Report (Continued) Usually includes the following elements:

Statement of problem or issue: One or two sentences Background: Brief description of how this became a problem or an issue Restrictions: Outline of the restrictions affecting the decision Options: Where appropriate, provide more than one option and the rationale behind each option. In most cases, one option is to do nothing. Recommendation: An explanation of why the recommended option is the best decision. Should be based on considerations that would make sense to the decision maker. The impact of the decision should be quantified as accurately as possible. Next action: A clear statement of the action that should be taken to implement the recommendation

Occupancy Type: Used primarily for storing or sheltering goods, merchandise, products, vehicles, or animals


What are the most frequently reported types of injury?

Straing, Sprain, or muscular pain

The overall direction and goals are set at this level. The IC always functions at this level.

Strategic Level

The level at which the IC always functions

Strategic level

Consists of five units of the same type with an assigned leader

Strike Team

Consists of five units of the same type with an assigned leader.

Strike Teams

___ teams are commonly used for wildland fires, where dozes of companies may respond.

Strike Teams

The IAFC called the Fire Officer I level a ____ Officer.

Supervising Fire Officer

The description from the IAFC Officer Development Handbook for the tasks and expectations for a FO I. In this role, the company officer is encouraged to acquire the appropriate levels of training, experience, self-development, and education to prepare for the Chief Fire Officer designation.

Supervising Fire Officer

The IAFC uses another term to distinguish the different company officers. The IAFC calls the Fire Officer I level a ____ within its Officer Development Handbook. In this text, the Fire Officer I will be the ___

Supervising Fire Officer -lieutenant

Regarding promotion via multiple-choice written examination, and determining the reliability. ____analysis can be performed to determine whether the more able candidates were less likely to select an incorrect answer. With a poor question, high scorers tend to answer the item incorrectly more frequently than ____.

Test-and-Item Analysis -low scorers

Witnesses speaking under oath

Testimonial Evidence

This act provides additional compensatory and punitive damages in cases of intentional discrimination under Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The changes introduced in this act increased the number of discrimination lawsuits filed against organizations.

The Civil Rights Act of 1991

This act amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and expanded its coverage to include almost all public and private employers with 15 or more employees. The act covers volunteer fire departments and other nonprofit emergency service organizations.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972

Which group enforces civil rights in the workplace?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

The ___ amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and expanded its coverage to include almost all public and private employers with 15 or more employees.

The Equal Employment opportunity Act of 1972

The ___ Handbook defines professional development as "the planned, progressive, lifelong process of education, training, self-development, and experience"

The IAFC's Officer Development Handbook

What civilization developed the first municipal water system?

The Romans

Conscious Competence Learning Matrix Level 2: Conscious Incompetence

The fire fighter becomes aware of the existence and relevance of a skill. In attempting to perform the skill, the fire fighter is aware of his or her deficiency. Training and practicing on the skill, however, will improve performance and move the fire fighter into Conscious Competence

Conscious Competence Learning Matrix Level 3: Conscious Competence

The fire fighter can perform the skill reliably at will and without assistance, but the fire fighter still needs to concentrate and think to perform the skill. Repeated practice in the skill will get the fire fighter to Unconscious Competence.

Conscious Competence Learning Matrix Level 1: Unconscious Incompetence.

The fire fighter is not aware of the existence or relevance of a skill area. He or she is not aware of having a deficiency in this area and might deny the relevance or usefulness of the skill.

Press conferences should be reserved for topics and situations that definitely have broad interest. True or False


ROE define "go" and "no go" situations True or False


Conscious Competence Learning Matrix Level 4: Unconscious Competence

The skills becomes so practiced that it enters the unconscious parts of the brain- it becomes second nature. The fire fighter will be able to perform other tasks while performing this skills, such as conducting a search and rescue while operating a fire attack line inside a burning structure. The tasks involved in wearing self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and operating a fire attack line are second nature at this level, for example. Consequently, the fire fighter can simultaneously focus attention on performing the search and locating victims.

French and Raven's Power Types: Referent Power

The target complies due to admiration of or identification with the agent and seeks approval.

French and Raven's Power Types: Legitimate Power

The target person believes that the agent has the right to make the request and the target person has the obligation to comply.

French and Raven's Power Types: Expert Power

The target person complies due to a belief that the agent has special knowledge.

French and Raven's Power Types: Coercive Power

The target person complies to avoid punishment believed to be controlled by the agent.

French and Raven's Power Types: Reward Power

The target person complies to obtain rewards believed to be controlled by the agent.

Recording of radio messages transmitted during emergency incidents are effective training tools. True or False


Size-up begins long before arrival and continues until the incident is stabilized. True or False


McGregor's description of the management assumption that people do not like to work and must be closely watched and controlled.

Theory X

Based on the theory that worker motivation is directly related to autonomy and responsibility.

Theory X and Theory Y

McGregor's description of the management assumption that people like to work and need to be encouraged, not controlled

Theory Y

Covers state and local governments, schools, colleges, and unions in terms of making sure an organization complies with civil right laws.

Title IVV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Civil Rights Act of 1991 provides additional compensatory and punitive damages in cases of intentional discrimination under Title ___ and the ___ Act of 1990

Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

This act covers state and local governments, schools, colleges, and unions. The act states that it is illegal for an employer to refuse to hire any individual, or otherwise discriminate against any individual due to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It states that it is illegal for an employer to limit, segregate, or classify employees or applicants for employment in any way that would deprive any individual of employment opportunities.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

NIMS provides a consistent framework that operates at all jurisdictional levels regardless of the cause, size, or complexity of the incident. True or False?


Offensive firefighting actvitity drives most fire department training, operations, and organizational structures. True or False


Materials used to spread a fire from one area of a structure to another, causing a fire to grow more quickly.


Materials used to spread fire from one area of a structure to another


__ is the process of achieving proficiency through instruction and hands-on practice in the operation of equipment and systems that are expected to be used in the performance of assigned duties.


___ is the process of achieving proficiency through instruction and hands-on practice in the operation of equipment and systems that are expected to be used in the performance of assigned duties.


A base budget is the level of funding required to maintain all services at current levels. True or False


A disproportionate number of fire fighters older than age 49 die of cardiac arrest. True or False


A fire investigator's primary responsibility is to develop a properly documented case. True or False?


All complaints should be investigated, even if the foundation for the complaint appears to be weak or nonexistent. True or False


An RIC is a dedicated crew assigned for deployment to rescue lost or tapped members. True or False


An educational presentation is successful when it causes a change of behavior. True or False


Asphyxiation and burns are the prime factors in death in burning buildings. True or False


CHEMTREC provides guidance in determining evacuation distances, based on the product, quantity, and environmental conditions. True or False


Candidates for promotion must be medically qualified and free of active formal discipline. True or False


Captain Stephen Marsar explored the concept of survivability profiling True or False


Command presence is the ability to protect an image of being in control of the situation True or false?


Cooking is a more common cause of home fires than smoking. True or False?


Cyanide is a frequent product of combustion True or False


Empower is one of the most effective strategies in positive discipline True or False


Every FO should be prepared to act as a spokesperson for the fire department True or False


In a fire apparatus, the crew should exchange only pertinent information. True or False


In grid theory, the accommodating person demonstrates a low concern for results and a high concern for other people. True or False


In order for the communication process to succeed, the recipient must send back confirmation. True or False


In volunteer fire departments, it is common for different individuals to certify that a probationary fire fighter has met the requirements for different components of the program. True or False


Inquiry is the process of questioning a situation that causes concern. True or False


Issues are often much more complicated and sensitive in conflict situations than they are in problem-solving situations. True or False?


Learn Not to Burn, Risk Watch, and Stop,Drop, and Roll are examples of public safety programs. True or False


Mentoring is the developmental relationship in which a more experienced person helps a less experienced person. True or False?


Messages do not have to be in the form of written or spoken words. True or False


More than 90% of a career fire department's budget is allocated to salaries and benefits True or False


Most municipal fire departments operate as components of local governments. True or False


NFPA 1035 covers the job requirements of a PIO True or False


Conducting the Inspection: Inspect the building from the outside in, bottom to top Walk around the exterior and confirm that the address is present and properly identified at both the front and the rear. Check that any fire department connections are free of foreign objects inside the piping, and the threads are in workable condition. Verify that all means of access and egress are clear and in proper operating order.Exit problems require immediate correction. Ensure that the location of Dumpster's does not present a fire hazard. Check outside storage buildings for compliance. The basement houses areas susceptible to improper storage of combustibles near electrical panels, open junction boxes, improperly stored hazardous material, and blocked exits. Systematically work through the building, checking for fire safety issues. Look for conditions that are prone to starting fires such as:Open electrical wiringUse of extension cordsStorage of combustibles too close to heat sources Watch for storage of flammable liquids, the use of candles, portable heating units, and fireplaces or wood stoves. Consider items that would assist in extinguishing a fire, including:Clearance between sprinklers and objectsCondition of smoke and heat detectorsOperability of fire extinguishers Confirm that fire doors are not propped open and are in operable condition. If the structure is equipped with a commercial kitchen, check the hood and duct system and fire suppression system for compliance.


Conducting the Inspection: Meet with the Representative Enter the business through the main door and make contact with the appropriate representative.If you have called ahead to schedule this visit, you already have a name and office location. Introduce your crew and briefly explain the goal of this visit.This is a great time to review and update all of the contact names, phone numbers, and information found in your preincident survey sheet. Ask to have a representative with the appropriate access cards and keys accompany the inspection team.


Controlling: Direct and Dominate A controlling person demonstrates a high concern for results, but a low concern for others.The high concern for results brings determination, focus, and drive for success. Such a person is usually highly trained, organized, experienced, and qualified to lead a team to success. Low concern for others prevents the controlling person from being aware of others involved in an activity, beyond what is expected of them in relation to results. The controlling person expects everyone else to "keep up" with his or her efforts, and moves ahead, intensely focused on results, often leaving others lost in the wake of his or her forceful initiative.


David Ziskind's 1940 book, "One Thousand Strikes of Government Employees", examined 39 fire fighter strikes and lockouts from 1900 to 1937. Approximately 1/2 of the strikes resulted in partial or completed victory by labor. Only one large-loss fire occurred during a labor action. A large industrial fire in Pittsburgh during the first IAFF organized strike in 1918.


Define The Problem: Ask Basic Questions In his 1974 book, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, management professor Peter Drucker encouraged managers to question the value of each organizational activity once a year, because what may have been vital last year may have minimal importance this year. You should identify which activities can be changed, improved, or updated.


Define The Problem: Fear vs Trust You must foster a trusting relationship with your employees. Employees who do not feel that their input is valuable will stop passing along vital information. The only way to define a problem correctly is with the best information.


Define The Problem: How Quickly Do You Get Bad News? Effective officers create a work environment that encourages subordinates to report bad news immediately. The sooner you get bad news, the faster you can implement corrective action. From the fire fighter's perspective, the fire officer who does not appreciate hearing bad news in the fire station will probably not want to hear it at the emergency scene.


Deluge System Special versions of wet- or dry-pipe systems in which large quantities of water are needed to control a fast-developing fire quickly. Most often found in ordnance plants, aircraft hangers, and occupancies with flammable liquid hazards. All of the sprinklers are open and ready to discharge water as soon as the control valve opens. Smoke, flame, or fire detectors are used to sense a fire and trigger the system.


Divisions are most often used during routine fire department emergency operations. The assigned supervisor coordinates the activities of all resources working within an area, in accordance with the IC's strategic plan.


Establishing a Strong Supervisor/Employee Relationship: Schedule Regular Meetings with the Company Use this time to discuss new policies and procedures, any concerns about station procedures, and upcoming personnel or policy changes. This is a good opportunity to obtain feedback and input from the company members. Keeping an open line of communication is critical to an effective supervisor/employee relationship.


Everyone Goes Home Fire fighters must work in teams. FOs must maintain accountability for all members working under their supervision. Companies must operate within the parameters of an incident management plan. Maintain reliable two-way communications. Put adequate backup lines in place to ensure that a safe exit path is available. Establish RICs to provide immediate assistance. Monitor air supplies to ensure that fire fighters leave the hazardous area before their low-air alarm sounds. All fire fighters must watch for, recognize, and communicate any indicators of impending building collapse.


Fire Cause Classifications: Undetermined Fire Cause Sometimes the cause of a fire cannot be determined. The extensive damage caused by the fire or the firefighting activities makes it impossible to say with certainty what happened. This may occur when there are multiple reasons that the fire could have started that cannot be ruled out. The evidence may not exist to make a definitive determination of the cause. The absence of any logical cause is another reason for classifying the cause of a fire as underdetermined.


Fire Cause Determination: After the Fire Officials are Gone Many investigations continue long after the department has cleared the event. The fire investigator is interested in determining the cause and origin. Insurance company investigators might also be looking at the factors that contributed to the loss.


Writing the Inspection/Correction Report Inspection/correction reports must:Describe any needed correctionsCite the appropriate sections of the code Review the finished report with the owner or the owner's representative. Life-threatening hazards must be corrected immediately. Conduct follow-up inspections. An example procedure for non-life-threatening code enforcement issues includes:Fails first fire company-level inspectionSchedule follow-up inspection in 30 days.Fails second fire company-level inspectionFollow-up inspection in 15 to 30 days.Fails third fire company-level inspectionIssue sent to the fire prevention division for resolution.Depending on the nature of the issue and the history of this occupancy, the fire prevention division contacts the owner and makes an inspection within 2 to 30 days.Fails first fire prevention division inspectionThe fire marshal issues a notice of violation or correction order.The time given to comply with the notice or order is determined by the situation and by local regulations.The owner can file for appeal or equivalency within 10 days of the first fire prevention division inspection.Fails second fire prevention division inspectionSecond notice issued by the fire marshalThe time to comply is shorter.The owner is warned of more severe consequences if the issues remain unresolved.Fails third inspectionFollow-up inspection in daysThe building representative may be subject to a misdemeanor charge punishable by fines or jail, or both.The occupancy may be required to cease operations until the matter is resolved.Fails fourth inspectionFines and legal action are initiated.


Written Reports: Morning Report to the Administrative FO Most career FOs are required to provide some type of morning report to their superior officer. Made by telephone or on a simple form that is transmitted by fax or e-mail. One purpose is to identify any personnel or resource shortage as soon as possible. The administrative fire officer needs to know that the company is short a driver/operator and has a person working involuntary overtime or holdover, or that a replacement needs to be found.


Written Reports: Routine Reports Provide information that is related to fire department personnel, programs, equipment, and facilities Most fire departments also require company officers to maintain a company journal or log book. Provides an extemporaneous record of all emergency, routine, and special activities that occur at the fire station. Serves as a permanent reference that can be consulted to determine what happened at any particular time and date, as well as who was involved. The general orders usually list all of the different types of information that must be entered into the company journal.


Anytime a fire fighter cannot be accounted for, he or she is considered missing until proven otherwise. A PAR should be performed if...

any unusual or unplanned events occurs

Resolution of a dispute by a mediator or a group rather than a court of law is known as ____.


Performance evaluation should be continuous. Feedback is most effected when delivered (When?)

as soon as possible after the incident.

Effective Communication Skill Basics: Stay Focused Directed questioning is a good method to keep a conversation on topic. If the speaker starts to ramble...

ask a specific question that moves the conversation back to the appropriate subject.

Fire Fighter Injuries and Deaths: Caught or Trapped The third most frequent category of fire fighter fatalities includes ___ and ___. The fire itself is the direct cause of the fire fighter's death.

asphyxiation and burns

An ___ comprises a series of simulation exercises used to assess a candidate's ability in executing tasks associated with a job.

assessment center

Regarding Promoting (Emergency Incident Simulators) Realistic scenario Simulation The candidate dons PPE, climbs into the officer's seat of an apparatus, and responds to a realistic scenario with a crew of fire fighters. This type of exercise is usually performed (Where?), where there are buildings and props that allow for a consistent simulation for all the of the candidates.

at a large urban or regional training academy

The Purchasing Process Most agencies have a standardized purchasing method. You must understand the policies and procedures of the organization. Purchasing violations may be found during the ___ process. Three different purchasing options:

auditing process -petty cash -purchase orders -requisitions

Regarding Fire Cause Determination The ____ provides criteria for requesting an investigator. The legal responsibility for conducting the investigation is defined by ___ or ___ regulations.

authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) -state or local legislations or regulations

An ____ system consists of a series of pipes with small discharge nozzles located throughout a building.

automatic sprinkler system

A Theory Y manager believes that people...

do like to work and they need to be encouraged, rather than controlled.

Volunteer fire departments often depend on ___ for duning

donations or subscriptions

Establishing a Strong Supervisor/Employee Relationship: If a disagreement arises, work together When both parties decide together what they want, they are usually very successful in attaining a mutually acceptable goal. When only one side decides what they want, they success rate....

drops off sharply.

With division of labor, the specific assignment of a task to an individual makes that person responsible for completing the task and prevents ___ of job assignments.


A ___ is a dispute, claim, or complaint involving the labor agreement or personnel regulations.


A supervisory level established to divide the incident into functional areas of operation is known as a(n) ___.


A(n) ___ is in charge of a functional operation at the tactical level.

group supervisor

The faster rate of air consumption during laborious tasks can cut the minute rating for air consumption of SCBA bottles in ___.


Define the Problem The first step in solving any problem is to examine the problem closely and to define it carefully. A well-defined problem is one that is ___-solved. Poorly defined problems, in contrast, waste tremendous time and effort.


The keyboard, monitor, and printer are computer: A. software B. hardware C. internal components D. local networks


Arson Motivation: Spite/Revenge Spite and revenge fires involve intense emotions. The arsonist may intentionally set a fire in the exit stairway of an occupied building in the middle of the night. Frequently, this action is triggered by.... In many cases, the individual has consumed...

hatred, jealously, or other uncontrolled emotions following a lover's quarrel, divorce, or bar fight. -alcohol or drugs before starting the fire

Disabled built-in fire protection If a building is protected by a central station monitoring company, that service should be one of the first entities to call 911 if a device becomes activated. If the call from another source, particularly witnesses outside the property, the system might.... Part of the investigation is identifying the status of fire suppression and alarm systems at the time the fire started.

have been disabled or impaired

A critical element for fire fighter survival is crew integrity. Freelancing is strictly prohibited. If a fire fighter becomes separated... If reconnection fails after (how many?) radio attempts or doesn't take place within (How long?), a mayday should be declared.

he or she must immediately communicate with the company officer or a partner. -3 radio attempts or doesn't take place within 1 minute

Accident Investigation The ___ is charged with investigation of accidents. The accident investigation should: (list 2)

health and safety officer -determine the cause and circumstances -identify corrective actions needed

Air Management SCBA provides a reliable air supply. The length of time that supply will last varies depending on the user and the nature of the work being performed. The rated time is based on a standard consumption rate for an individual at rest. Low-pressure warning devices provide an indication when the air supply reaches a set point. They are effective only if the fire fighter...

heeds the warning and can exit to a safe atmosphere in time.

Regarding Promotion. The most common assessment center activity is the ___ exercise.

in-basket exercise.

Preliminary Investigation Documentation In addition to the basic incident report, you may need to write up a special narrative report if the cause of the fire is ___ or if unusual circumstances are involved.


Fire Officer as a Commander Functions as the commander at the scene of an emergency incident. -May function as the initial ___ at a scene.

incident commander

The Fire Officer as Commander A fire officer function as the commander at the scene of an emergency incident. May need to function as the initial ____. A fire officer who is going to establish command should have: (List 3)

incident commander -detailed knowledge of responding companies -mastery of local procedures -the ability to issue clear direct orders

The first arriving FO implements the ___ plan. You must provide specific direction to all of the units that are operating and arriving.

incident management plan

Effective Communication Skill Basics: Deal with the Grapevine Every organization has an informal communication system, often known as the "grapevine". Much of the grapevine information is based on... Deal with grapevine rumors that are creating stress among the fire fighters by...

incomplete data, partial truths, and sometimes outright lies. -identifying the accurate information and sharing it with subordinates

Preincident Planning: Step 6, Identify Special or Unusual Characteristic of Common Occupancy Research applicable codes, standards, and other information sources to assist in identifying the common and unusual hazards associated with that occupancy group. Time, owner resistance, and propriety information are all factors that may potentially hinder the collection of data. Prioritize the data collection effort to obtain the most useful information. Use an ___ process. The local building department and other agencies may have information that will assist you with developing the preincident plan.

incremental process

Infectious Disease Exposure After exposure, wash the affected with soap and running water. Notify the ___ officer. Inform the exposed individual about counseling and testing services. Document exposures using a standardized reporting form, including: (list 5)

infection control officer -description of how exposure occurred -mode of transportation -entry point -use of PPE -medical follow-up and treatment

Fire Cause Determination: Conducting Interviews Interview victims, witnesses, fire fighters, and suspected perpetrators. Conduct separate interviews. Use (Open or closed?)-ended questions. Conduct interviews at the fire scene. Document interview information. Some witnesses may be reluctant to make a full disclosure of information. When do you use interrogations?

open-ended questions -They are used when an individual who is attempting to conceal information is being questioned. -Require special knowledge and skills that are beyond the scope and duties of this course. -Should only be conducted by a trained fire or police investigator

Budgeting: The Bidding Process All bids or proposals are (Private or public?) With a bid, the contract is awarded to the lowest bidder. With an RFP, each proposal is evaluated and the RFP is awarded to the vendor with the highest ___.

opened in public view. -highest score

Volunteer Fire Department Funding: Bingo and Other Gaming Activities A traditional volunteer fire department fund-raising method is to sponsor bingo or other gaming activities. These activities are state or regionally regulated, with specific procedures for conducting the games and handling the money. Volunteer fire departments have a revenue advantage over other operators because they do not have to pay their members to run the games. Some departments hold an annual carnival or other entertainment event that provides revenue to the department. Holding the even on fire department property and using unpaid staff allows the fire department to minimize ____. Many of these fund-raisers are major events in the community, creating goodwill and strong civilian awareness and support.

operating costs.

Rules of Engagement: Rule 3. Do Not Risk Your Life for Lives or Property That Cannot Be Saved Objective: To prevent fire fighters from engaging in high-risk operations when fire conditions prevent occupant survival and significant or total destruction of the building is inevitable. If conditions indicate no occupant can survive the fire conditions....

operations should be suspended until the fire has been controlled.

An ___ is the first level of negative discipline. It stays with the FO and (Does or does not?) become part of the employee's official record.

oral reprimand, warning, or admonishment -does not

Local Fire Codes Local and fire codes are enacted by adopting an ____, a law enacted by authorized subdivision of state, such as a city, county, or town.


The Tipping Point of Harassment and Hostile Workplace Issues Failing to respond to actionable items or ignoring elements leading to a hostile environment creates...

organizational liability and places the FO in professional peril.

The ___ area remains part of an active incident and requires the use of some protective equipment (helmet, boots, or respirator) or special vigalance.


Effective FOs use a ___ form of leadership. The officer must have discretion regarding when, how, and by whom assignments are carried out.

participative form

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