"First Aid- Chapter 22: Emergency Childbirth"

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While assisting with a delivery, you can help the head of a baby emerge from the mother's birth canal by which of the following? Having the mother breathe slowly and deeply Asking the expectant mother to cross her legs Applying light pressure to the baby's head Having the mother pant

Applying light pressure to the baby's head

What are the four stages of labor in their proper order? Expulsion, Dilation, Placental delivery, Stabilization Stabilization, Dilation, Expulsion, Placental delivery Dilation, Placental delivery, Stabilization, Expulsion Dilation, Expulsion, Placental delivery, Stabilization

Dilation, Expulsion, Placental delivery, Stabilization

When an egg is fertilized by a sperm, which of the following is formed? Embryo Fetus Amniotic sac Umbilical cord


Crowning occurs during which stage of labor? Expulsion Placental delivery Stabilization Dilation


The two priorities in caring for a newborn are to make sure the airway is open and suction the airway.


True or false: Breathing rapidly and deeply during labor often aids muscle contractions.


While assisting in a delivery, you notice a prolapsed umbilical cord. What is the best care for the mother and child? Cut the cord so the baby can be delivered. Push the cord back into the vagina to relieve the pressure. Have the mother assume a knee-chest position. Support the baby's body and wait for the head to be delivered.

Have the mother assume a knee-chest position.

By focusing on an object in the room while breathing, an expectant mother can: Speed up delivery of the baby. Help reduce fear and apprehension. Help focus on the pain involved. Ensure that oxygen to her and the baby is decreased.

Help reduce fear and apprehension.

To stimulate contraction of the uterus and help slow bleeding after birth: Place a towel in the vagina. Cut the umbilical cord. Speed up delivery of the placenta. Help the mother to begin nursing the newborn.

Help the mother to begin nursing the newborn.

Which of the following would be least appropriate to do when giving care to the mother after birth? Gently massage the mother's abdomen. Clean the mother using clean towels. Insert clean gauze into the mother's vagina. Have the mother place her legs together.

Insert clean gauze into the mother's vagina.

You determine that delivery is imminent when which of the following occurs? Intense contractions occur less than 2 minutes apart. The woman's abdomen is soft but bulging. Contractions that were once regular become sporadic. The woman states her "water just broke."

Intense contractions occur less than 2 minutes apart.

Which of the following is the most common complication of childbirth? Persistent vaginal bleeding Abdominal pain Breech birth Prolapsed umbilical cord

Persistent vaginal bleeding

Which action would be most appropriate to do when using a bulb syringe on a newborn? Insert the tip 2 inches into the mouth. Clean the nose first and then the mouth. Place the tip no more than 1/2 inch into the nostril. Compress the bulb syringe after inserting it.

Place the tip no more than 1/2 inch into the nostril.

Which structure is responsible for providing oxygen and nutrients to the fetus? Umbilical cord Bag of waters Placenta Amniotic sac


You are assisting in the delivery of a newborn and are attempting to gather necessary supplies, but no disposable latex-free gloves are available. Which of the following would be appropriate to use? Newspaper Paper bag Plastic grocery bag Paper towel

Plastic grocery bag

Which of the following would NOT be an item needed to assist in the delivery of a baby? Pliers to help with dilation Clean sheets, blankets or towels; newspapers if nothing else is available Clean warm blanket or towel to wrap the newborn Disposable latex-free gloves or other items to use as a barrier between you and the mother's body fluids Large plastic bag or towel for the placenta

Pliers to help with dilation

Which of the following would be least likely to occur during the second stage of labor? Mother experiencing a sensation of needing to "bear down" Emergence of the baby's head at the vagina Evidence of complete cervical dilation Separation of the placenta

Separation of the placenta

While assisting with the delivery of a newborn, you observe that the umbilical cord is looped loosely around the baby's neck. Which action would be most appropriate? Encourage the mother to stop pushing. Cut the cord so that the baby can be delivered. Slide your forefinger along the newborn's neck to gently slip the cord over the baby's head. Immediately call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number.

Slide your forefinger along the newborn's neck to gently slip the cord over the baby's head.

You have assisted in the delivery of a baby. After cleaning out the mouth and nasal passages, the newborn is still not crying. What would you do next? Check for a heartbeat and immediately begin CPR. Stimulate the baby to cry by gently tapping the soles of the feet. Perform back blows and chest thrusts until the baby starts breathing. Immediately call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number.

Stimulate the baby to cry by gently tapping the soles of the feet.

During the first stage of labor, the expectant mother's pain and discomfort may increase due to which of the following? Knowing what to expect from reading books on childbirth Tensing up because of fear Encouragement on the caregiver's part Regular breathing

Tensing up because of fear

What do contractions that are 2 to 5 minutes apart and 45 to 60 seconds in length indicate? The placenta is about to be delivered. The first stage of labor has started. The baby is beginning to move through the birth canal. It is time to call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number.

The baby is beginning to move through the birth canal.

You are questioning a pregnant woman about her contractions. Which of the following would lead you to suspect that the woman is in labor? The contractions increase in how long they last. The contractions remain at the same discomfort level. The contractions occur sporadically. The contractions do not get closer together.

The contractions increase in how long they last.

You ask a pregnant woman if this is her first pregnancy based on which of the following? The first stage of labor normally takes longer with first pregnancies. The second stage of labor is normally shorter with first pregnancies. The first stage of labor is normally shorter with first pregnancies. The second stage of labor normally takes longer with first pregnancies.

The first stage of labor normally takes longer with first pregnancies.

Which statement best describes the first stage of labor? The uterus contracts to control bleeding. The baby's body emerges. The baby moves into the birth canal. The muscles in the uterus contract.

The muscles in the uterus contract.

You question a woman who is in labor for which reason? To determine if she is in labor and at what stage To care for the woman until EMS personnel arrive To call a physician to prepare for the delivery To determine what time the baby will be born

To determine if she is in labor and at what stage

What is the purpose of the fluid-filled amniotic sac? To attach the fetus to the placenta To surround the fetus during development To supply nutrients to the fetus To protect the fetus from injury and infection

To protect the fetus from injury and infection

Why is it useful to have a bulb syringe when assisting in the delivery of a newborn? To give rescue breaths to the newborn if necessary To suction secretions from the newborn's mouth and nose immediately after birth To remove any secretions from the baby's ears after birth To suction secretions from the birth canal during labor

To suction secretions from the newborn's mouth and nose immediately after birth

During a breech birth, you need to support the baby's body in order to relieve pressure on the umbilical cord.


If a newborn does not begin breathing on their own after 1 minute, you should start CPR.


True or false: Many new mothers experience shock-like signs or symptoms after delivery, so care for shock should be given.


Labor begins at which time? When the amniotic sac ruptures When the baby's head emerges At exactly 40 weeks after conception With rhythmic contractions of the uterus

With rhythmic contractions of the uterus

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