First Aid Final PHED-1306

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A classic sign of a Smith's or Colles's fracture is:

"silver fork deformity"

The adult dose for activated charcoal is:

1 gram/kilogram of body weight

As a general rule, you can safely assume that the victim has not been poisoned by a pit viper bite if pain does not develop within:

1 hour

If the infant's heart rate is less than 100 beats per minute, provide artificial ventilation at the rate of one breath every:

1 to 1 seconds.

Most seizures last only as long as:

1 to 2 minutes.

Delivery of the placenta usually occurs within ________ of the birth.

10 minutes

The outcome for a near-drowning is best when victims are submerged for less than 5 minutes and when CPR is started within ________ of submersion.

10 minutes

Check for breathing and other signs of life for no longer than:

10 seconds.

How many causes of abdominal pain are there according to medical reference guides?


The body temperature of a victim of heatstroke needs to be cooled below ________ and stay that low before the danger has passed.


Conservatively estimated, there are more than ________ diabetics in the United States.

14 million

Autopsies reveal that only about ________ percent of all drowning victims aspirate a significant amount of water or vomit.


If you suspect the victim has inhaled carbon monoxide, move the victim at least ________ feet from the suspected source of the carbon monoxide.


To carry a victim out of a wilderness area may require as many as:

16 rescuers.

It is normal for a woman to lose as much as ________ of blood after giving birth.

2 cups

When performing lay person one-rescuer CPR, you provide constant compressions for ________ before rechecking for return of spontaneous circulation.

2 minutes

A miscarriage usually occurs before ________ weeks of pregnancy.


If a victim breathes more than ________ times a minute and experiences pain, there is probably a chest injury


It is estimated that ________ percent of all men over the age of fifty have abdominal aortic aneurysms.


The elderly have, on average, ________ coexisting chronic diseases.


The flat lift and carry method of rescue requires ________ rescuer(s).


Without water, a person will die in:

3 days.

Indirect pressure is applied: The material you use to make a tourniquet should be at least:

3 inches wide.

A normally healthy individual can survive about ________ without food.

3 weeks

Check vital signs for one full minute on a hypothermic victim because he/she may breathe only ________ times per minute.


When performing healthcare provider two-rescuer CPR, CPR should continue at a rate of ________ compressions to two ventilations.


You should not spend more than ________ per victim during actual triage.

30 to 60 seconds

With a chemical burn to the eye, you should continuously irrigate the eye with running water for at least:

30-60 minutes

As many as one in ________ elderly have psychiatric disorders, which can be the cause of some symptoms.


Which of the following is not a good throwing assist device to use with a conscious drowning victim?

4 × 4 lumber float

Which of the following is not an improvised dressing?

4 × 4 sterile gauze pad

Hyperventilation involves breathing at a rate faster than:

40 breaths/minute.

A diarrhea victim should not eat meat or drink dairy products for at least:

48 hours.

If you find a victim unconscious, not breathing, with a pulse, continue with ventilations, giving the victim one breath every ________.

5 seconds

Altitude-related illness has been recorded at altitudes as low as:

6,000 feet.

An abnormal or irregular pulse slower than ________ beats per minute indicates potential danger for the victim.


The human musculoskeletal system is composed of more than ________ muscles.


Perform rescue breathing for an adult at the rate of approximately ________ breaths per minute.


A breathing rate below ________ requires rescue breathing.

8-10 breathes/minute

The single most important care for a victim of diarrhea is to have the victim drink:

8-10 glasses of clear fluid a day.

Which of the following is true concerning a thrombus stroke?

80 percent of all strokes are thrombus strokes.

In general, the body's thermal control is lost once the body temperature is lowered to:


In secondary drowning, the victim is resuscitated but dies within ________ hours of the incident, usually from aspiration pneumonia.


Which of the following is true about angina pectoris

Angina is a brief feeling of pain or discomfort.

A toddler is running in the living room and falls, striking the side of his head on the end of a coffee table. The toddler is lying very still, with a blank stare on his face. What should you do?

Assess the toddler's ABCDs and call 911.

Which of the following is not true concerning carbon monoxide poisoning?

Carbon monoxide poisoning causes 25 percent of all poisoning deaths in the U.S. each year.

Which one of the following statements about chest injuries is not true?

Chest injury is the number-one leading cause of death from trauma.

Which of the following is not true about children in comparison to adults?

Children have slower respiratory rates.

The fracture that occurs from a victim falling on the palm of the hand with the wrist extended is a

Colles's fracture

To manage a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction, the victim may need:

Epinephrine auto injector.

"Wet" drowning occurs when a severe muscle spasm of the larynx cuts off respirations; additionally, it does not allow for aspiration of a significant amount of fluid into the lungs.


A Type I diabetic takes an oral medication to control his/her diabetes.


A bandage is a sterile covering for a wound.


A boxer's fracture results from a mistimed punch with an open fist.


A clamping injury means that a hand or finger has been caught in a door.


A complex partial seizure is also called a "drop attack."


A construction worker using a pneumatic nail driver nails his foot to the floor. He should pull the nail out to control the bleeding.


A dislocation is a soft-tissue injury or a muscle spasm around a joint.


A dressing should cover all the edges of the bandage.


A fish hook has completely penetrated the cheek. You should attempt to remove it.


A fractured hip is a fracture of the pelvic bone.


A musky, fruity, acetone odor on the breath is a sign of alcohol intoxication.


A partial-thickness burn involves all layers of the skin as well as fat, muscle, and bone.


A pressure bandage is one which is applied loosely to create pressure against the wound.


A rattlesnake bite can be treated with suction and ice to the bite site.


A shoulder separation is a more severe injury than a dislocation.


A single episode of DTs lasts between one and three hours; multiple episodes can last as long as a week.


A symptom of hyperglycemia is pale, moist skin.


A two-rescuer seat carry, where the rescuers lock both wrists with each other, would be OK to use on a victim with known neck or back injuries.


A victim is in the prone position. You can perform the primary assessment prior to rolling him/her to a supine position.


A victim of a stroke can be given water to drink.


A victim with acute abdominal distress will appear to be fine.


AEDs are too complicated to be used by the public.


About 90% of all avalanche victims die from blunt-force trauma.


Always perform abdominal thrusts on an adult who is clutching his/her throat and yelling that he/she can't breathe.


An average eight-year-old breathes forty breaths per minute.


An idiopathic seizure arises from a tumor on the brain.


Anaphylactic shock is never fatal.


Any burn to the lower body is more serious than a burn of similar extent and degree on the upper body.


As a general guideline for a mother that has had more than one pregnancy, you should try to transport her to the hospital if the amniotic sac has ruptured.


As a stimulant, heroin can cause the user to stop breathing.


Aside from water, the next best irrigant for treating eyes is diluted vinegar.


Asthma is characterized by repeated infections, which thicken and distort the lining of the bronchioles, and a characteristic "blue" color of the body.


Ataxia is a classic sign of high-altitude pulmonary edema.


Atherosclerosis is a disease condition in which the arteries lose their elasticity.


Bandaging too tightly and not covering the entire dressing are the two most common mistakes in bandaging.


Because victims of emphysema are usually cyanotic, they are referred to as "blue bloaters."


Bee venom from a honeybee is an example of an absorbed poison.


Breaking blisters caused by frostbite will help relieve the pain.


Broken ribs are often life threatening and therefore require aggressive care


Cardiogenic shock is caused by failure of the blood vessels to carry blood.


Carrying a victim out of a wilderness area by stretcher will require only four rescuers.


Charcoal briquettes used for outdoor cooking can be crushed up and ingested for an ingested poisoning victim.


Classic heatstroke occurs when victims involved in physical exertion and muscle stress retain the ability to sweat.


Consider any vehicle stable if it is not moving, regardless of how it came to rest after the collision.


Croup is a bacterial infection characterized by a high fever, drooling, and difficulty speaking.


Decompression sickness is sometimes referred to as the "squeeze."


Diarrhea is the passage of loose, watery, or unformed stools more than once a day.


During a disaster, keep all able victims and bystanders away from the scene, do not allow them to assist as they may not be reliable.


Dyspnea is the least common of all medical complaints in adults.


Even severe nosebleeds seldom cause enough blood loss to cause shock.


Examine the part that hurts first on any child, so that you can get that out of the way in order to perform the rest of your exam.


First aid care for a victim of epiglottitis includes examining the child's throat thoroughly.


First-degree frostbite affects the full thickness of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.


Football shoulder pads must be removed to assess the victim.


Gauze pads are also referred to as multitrauma dressings.


Generally, altitude-related illness doesn't develop until 24 to 48 hours after the victim is at the higher altitude.


Guarding, rigidity, pain, and tenderness are all signs of an obvious chest injury.


HAPE in the wilderness setting stands for: Help, Aid, Prepare, Evacuate.


Heart attack is the same as cardiac arrest.


Heat exhaustion is a true medical emergency.


Heatstroke and heat exhaustion are considered the same thing.


Heroin is one of the most potent stimulants of the street drugs.


Hypoglycemia doesn't look anything like shock.


If a diabetic has a seizure, he or she does not need to be seen in an emergency room if he or she is under the current care of a physician.


If a person falls through the ice on a lake, you should rescue them by walking onto the ice with a pole for him/her to grab.


If a sexual assault has resulted in genitalia injuries, you should have the victim shower and wash immediately.


If a victim has an abdominal evisceration, you should try to replace the organs back in the abdominal cavity.


If a victim of a fall from a ladder has numbness and tingling in his arms and legs, you should have him stand up and walk it off.


If a victim of a football injury is to be transported, you can leave the face shield on.


If a victim of drug overdose seems to be hyperventilating, have the victim breathe into a paper bag.


If all signs and symptoms of a poisoned victim have been controlled, the victim generally does not need to see a physician.


If an adult victim is unresponsive and you are alone, give first aid care for two minutes and then activate the EMS system.


If an eye injury involves the eyeball itself, use light pressure to control bleeding.


If an insect is inside your ear, you should kill it with a cotton-tipped swab and then remove it with tweezers.


If blood soaks through the first dressing, you must remove it and reapply with a fresh dressing.


If hyperventilation is caused by a medical problem, the hyperventilation is relatively benign.


If no pulse is found with a dislocated shoulder, you can attempt to reduce the shoulder once to obtain circulation.


If possible, you should rinse off an amputated part with alcohol.


If the victim has a probable spinal injury and the situation is stable, you should consider the firefighter's carry as your movement technique.


If the victim is wearing glasses you can rule out the possibility of contact lenses.


If the victim of a stroke develops difficulty breathing or becomes unconscious, turn him/her on his/her side with the paralyzed side up.


If there are signs of shock, keep the victim in a sitting position in case of vomiting.


If you know what to watch for, crib death can be predicted and prevented.


If you suspect food poisoning, give the victim milk or ice cream to neutralize the poison.


If you use an air splint to control bleeding, deflate it as soon as the bleeding has stopped.


If you're unsure whether or not you should splint an injury, it's always safer not to splint.


In a contusion, the dermis remains intact but there is damage to the epidermis layer.


In almost all facial injury cases, the first concern should be to control bleeding.


In caring for a burn, use a plastic dressing to trap moisture to keep the area from drying out.


In caring for sprains, the "I" in RICE stands for "immobilize."


In high-altitude cerebral edema, fluid from the body is slowly transferred into the lungs and the body's ability to take in oxygen is diminished.


Injuries to the external male genitalia are excruciatingly painful and usually life threatening.


Internal bleeding is most often caused by penetrating objects as opposed to blunt trauma.


It is acceptable for one attempt at reduction for a dislocated finger.


It is always better to use "baby talk" when assessing a child because they will relate better to you.


It is appropriate to apply ice to a burn to reduce the severity of the burn.


It is best to use activated charcoal in the powder form because it stays active longer than the pre-mixed.


It is crucial to determine at the scene the kind of stroke that occurred because first aid care will differ according to the cause of the stroke.


It is normal for a woman to lose up to 2 quarts of blood following delivery.


It is not necessary to start CPR on an infant that has died from sudden infant death syndrome.


It is the high degree of fever rather than how fast the temperature rises that causes a febrile seizure.


It isn't important to check a child's vital signs as often as you would an adult's.


Joints most often sprained are the wrist and the knee.


Labyrinthine vertigo is a disturbance in the inner eye.


Lift your hands off the chest between each compression to get enough force for the next compression.


Lightning kills more than 3,000 people a year in the United States.


Meconium is bright red in color and poses no danger to the newborn.


More often the injury caused by lightning is due to a direct lightning strike to the victim.


Nearly 20 percent of all serious eye injuries occur in or around the home.


Never repeat or confirm what the victim says during the "talk-down" technique because it can make the victim even angrier.


Never waste time trying to gain access to a victim through the vehicle door. More likely than not, the door will be jammed.


Only give liquids to a victim of acute abdominal distress to prevent dehydration.


Overbreathing increases the carbon dioxide in the blood to an abnormal level, causing hyperventilation.


Oxycontin is an illegal narcotic pain reliever.


People over the age of 65 take 10 percent of all prescription drugs


People with terminal illnesses are more likely to commit suicide than those with chronic illnesses.


Perform the head-tilt/chin-lift method for airway control only if you suspect a spinal injury.


Pneumothorax is a condition in which blood fills the chest cavity.


Poisons can enter the body through ingestion, intention, injection, or absorption.


Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia affects approximately 1 in 10 pregnant women.


Probably the most common injury that occurs in sports and recreation is a sprained wrist.


Pupils that are initially constricted and then later dilate are a sign of hypothermia.


Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is contracted by centipede bites.


Rubbing frostbitten cheeks is the best way to get circulation to return to the cheeks.


Setting up shelter on a ridge allows for maximum exposure and increases your ability to be found when lost in the wilderness.


Simple sunburn is an example of a partial-thickness burn.


Simply stated, diabetes mellitus is a disease in which there is too much insulin and not enough sugar.


Soft-tissue injuries are often the most obvious and dramatic and usually the most serious type of injury.


Sometimes it is best to "shock" a suicide victim out of the act, like saying to them, "go ahead and do it."


The "C" in RICE stands for "circulation."


The "hobo" spider is another name for the female black widow.


The First Aider at the victim's waist signals that it is time to move a victim found on the floor of a motor vehicle accident.


The Heimlich maneuver is an abdominal thrust delivered just below the sternum.


The Rule of Threes is used to determine the percentage of body surface that is burned.


The bite of the black widow spider is especially serious because the bite does not heal and requires surgical repair.


The blanket drag method uses a blanket as a harness under the victim's armpits.


The carotid pulse is the first to cease when the heart stops beating.


The chair litter carry method to move a victim is a four-rescuer technique.


The elderly are at the lowest risk from criminal assault.


The firefighter's carry is a two-rescuer technique.


The goal of first aid for a lightning strike victim is to wait until the heart regains its ability to function, then offer care.


The location of a snakebite influences its severity because fatty tissue absorbs venom more rapidly than muscle tissue.


The mammalian diving reflex enables victims in warm water to survive for longer than those in cold water.


The mammalian diving reflex is much more prominent in warm water than it is in cold water.


The most common kind of bandage is the cravat.


The most common mechanism of injury in shoulder dislocation is "pitcher's arm." The arm is thrown out of its socket.


The most dramatic chest injuries are usually the most life-threatening as well.


The most frequent drowning victim is a child between 5-10 years of age.


The onset of signs and symptoms of an air embolism can be very gradual in nature.


The placenta is a disk-shaped inner lining attached at one surface to the uterus and at the other to the birth canal.


The severity of electrical shock is determined by the victim's age.


The shirt drag method works best if the victim is wearing a T-shirt.


The tips of the fingers and toes should be covered when arms and legs are bandaged.


The treatment of choice for hyperventilation is to have the victim breathe slowly into a paper bag.


The victim of a lightning strike will hold a charge soon after the strike; wait 3-5 minutes before starting your physical assessment of the victim.


There is no need to worry about a victim becoming violent, if the victim's fists are clenched.


There is nothing you can do to protect yourself from disease transmission during mouth-to-mouth breathing.


Tick bites are serious because they may transmit meningitis.


To control bleeding of an open or depressed skull injury, apply direct pressure.


To gain access at a car accident, the first route to try is through the car trunk.


To relieve gastric distention you should press on the abdomen.


To stabilize a standard transmission vehicle, put the transmission in first gear.


To treat acute mountain sickness, drink at least 8 quarts of water a day.


Traumatic asphyxia occurs from a sudden compression of the throat, cutting off the ability for the victim to breathe


Two deepwater diving emergencies that require recompression are air embolism and the squeeze.


Two of the most important signs of a chest injury are obvious trauma and decrease in the respiratory rate.


Type I diabetes was previously called "adult-onset" diabetes.


Type II diabetes requires the victim to have an insulin injection daily.


Type II diabetics have to endure this disease their entire lives.


Urushiol is a slightly light-blue oil that causes poison ivy reactions


Vernix caseosa is the plastic-like sac of fluid in which the baby floats.


Victim care and crime scene preservation cannot be done at the same time.


Victims of lightning strike have a lesser chance of resuscitation than victims of cardiac or respiratory arrest.


When an abdominal aortic aneurysm ruptures, your primary goal is to prevent bleeding.


When applied correctly, a triangular bandage should easily slip over the injury site.


When applying a dressing to an injured ear, place part of the dressing in the ear canal.


When assessing a head wound, palpate the wound to determine size and depth of the injury.


When assisting with a delivery, have the woman take long, deep breaths during contractions and short, quick breaths between contractions.


When attempting to preserve an amputated part, keep it as warm and moist as possible.


When delivering chest compressions, your elbows should be bent to keep from depressing the chest too much.


When managing a violent victim, negotiate with the victim from a safe distance of at least 3 feet away.


When managing a violent victim, your first priority is to always protect the victim from hurting himself.


When the spinal cord is damaged, the victim will always have paralysis or numbness.


When transporting a woman in labor, have the woman cross her legs to prevent the baby from being born before reaching the hospital.


When using an AED, the operator has to identify the cardiac rhythm before pushing the shock button.


When you see a child displaying signs and symptoms of shock, the child is in the early stages of shock.


When you stop at the scene of a motor vehicle accident to help, you should park your car right next to the accident to protect the victims.


While a victim is having a generalized seizure, you should insert a pencil between his/her teeth.


While giving psychological first aid, it is appropriate to tell the victim "everything will be OK."


While placing a victim's head in a neutral in-line position, you encounter resistance of the neck and head to move. You should force the head and neck into a neutral position.


With proper first aid care you can lessen the duration of a seizure.


You can apply a defibrillator (AED) to someone who is not breathing but has a pulse.


You can generally rule out the possibility of spinal column or spinal cord damage if the victim can walk or move his or her arms and legs.


You can safely assume that a wheezing victim has asthma.


You can safely assume that if a person is in a stupor or has slurred speech, he is a victim of drug overdose.


You do not have to keep a premature infant warm after birth.


You must administer activated charcoal immediately to a victim of alcohol or gasoline ingestion to rid the body of the product.


You should always assume that a victim of a diving accident has sustained spinal injury, unless the victim is conscious.


You should always make certain to distinguish between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia before administering sugar.


You should encourage a victim to move around after a bite or sting to keep the joints from stiffening.


You should wait to bandage wounds and splint fractures until after you have moved the victim from a vehicle.


Your primary goal must be to determine the underlying cause for any abdominal complaint in order to treat it effectively.


bite wound is actually a combination of a contusion and a laceration.


cervical vertebrae are the least prone to injury.


emoptysis is the coughing up of dark brown blood.


If there is deformity found in a metacarpal fracture, an air splint is the treatment of choice.


A local baseball league player has been struck in the side of the head with a baseball. She is lying on her back, unresponsive, with blood coming from her ear. She is breathing. What should you do?

Have someone call 911; stabilize her head, open her airway with jaw thrust.

Which of the following is not a fact about suicide?

Improvement after severe depression means that the suicidal risk is over.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of type I diabetes?

It is generally controlled by diet and/or oral medication

Which one of the following is not true about labyrinthine vertigo?

It is the most serious type of vertigo.

Diarrhea should run its course. However, there are some over-the-counter medications that can help control the diarrhea. Which is not a medication that can control diarrhea?


Which of the following statements about cerebral embolisms is true?

Of all strokes, cerebral embolisms have the most rapid onset.

Which one of the following is not a basic principle of psychological first aid care?

Physical trauma is more real than emotional trauma.

Which of the following statements about first aid care of amputations is not true?

Place the wrapped and bagged part on dry ice to freeze it.

Which of the following statements about pre-eclampsia/eclampsia is not true?

Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia occurs most frequently in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

Which one of the following signs or symptoms of an insect bite or sting requires medical help?

Signs of an allergic reaction develop.

Which one of the following is not a true principle of dressing and bandaging?

The original dressing should be removed and replaced if blood soaks through.

Which one of the following is not a sign that a bandage is too tight?

The skin beyond the bandage is warm to the touch.

Why must a hemophiliac be transported by EMS to a hospital immediately?

Their blood will not clot without additional medication.

Which of the following is not true about sudden infant death syndrome (crib death)?

There is usually an indication of a struggle.

Which answer is true regarding premature babies?

They are more susceptible to respiratory infections.

Which of the following is not true about "roofies" (Rohypnol)?

They cause recurring "bad trips."

Which of the following is not true about premature babies?

They have smaller heads in proportion to their bodies.

A Type I diabetic takes insulin to control his/her diabetes.


A bandage should never be placed directly against a wound.


A change in a person's behavior may be the result of a physical illness or psychiatric problem.


A child's temperature is a much more important warning sign than an adult's because it can change so quickly.


A combination of back blows and chest thrusts are used on a conscious infant to remove an airway obstruction.


A conscious victim of a stroke may not be able to speak, but can still understand and hear you speak.


A contusion is a bruise to a muscle.


A factory worker cuts off her finger in a machine press. To retrieve the finger the machine should be turned off.


A fracture of one spot on the spine is usually associated with a fracture in other areas of the spine.


A giant desert centipede bite is dangerous to humans.


A goal of psychological first aid care is to help the injured person begin functioning normally again as soon as possible.


A good improvised stretcher for an infant or toddler is an infant car seat.


A grating sound under the skin is also called crepitus


A hematoma is a collection of blood beneath the skin.


A hemophiliac has a blood clotting problem.


A hernia is a closed injury involving the abdominal wall.


A high-pitched wheeze during inhalation is a sign of a reduced air passage.


A hypoglycemic victim may be hostile or belligerent.


A key point to remember is that a geriatric victim is likely to suffer from more than one disease at a time.


A key to survival in cardiac arrest is early CPR.


A kneecap that is dislocated can clearly be felt laterally.


A limb presentation means that one arm or one leg protrudes first from the birth canal.


A minty, metallic, or rubbery taste in the mouth is a sign or symptom of a pit viper bite.


A near-drowning victim can develop complications and die up to 48 to 72 hours after the incident.


A near-drowning victim needs to be taken to a hospital or medical facility, even if you think the danger has passed.


A person showing the signs of respiratory distress may be having a life-threatening emergency.


A person with pneumonia will generally have a fever over 101 degrees F.


A physician should evaluate anyone who experiences a first-time seizure.


A shepherd's crook can be used to pull an unconscious swimmer from the bottom of a pool.


A stroke should be treated as an emergency just like a heart attack.


A tingling sensation in your legs as you approach a victim might indicate that the ground is electrically energized.


A tooth can usually be successfully reimplanted if it is inserted back into the socket within 30 minutes.


A transient ischemic attack may precede a thrombotic stroke.


A traumatically induced injury that disrupts the normal continuity of the tissue, organ, or bone is referred to as a wound.


A triangular bandage folded into a cravat can be used to bandage the palm of the hand.


A vehicle with automatic transmission should be put in "Park" to prevent movement.


A victim is having breathing difficulty and is also in shock. Laying the victim supine will make his/her breathing worse.


A victim of acute abdominal distress must always be transported, because many will need surgery.


A victim who passes from one seizure to another without first regaining consciousness presents a life-threatening medical emergency.


A victim with acute abdominal distress often lies on his or her side with knees drawn up toward the abdomen.


A victim with ruptured esophageal varices should be positioned on his or her side with the face pointed downward.


Abdominal distress can be caused by an irritation of the membrane that lines the abdomen.


Abdominal distress of every victim should be considered life threatening until proven otherwise.


Absorbed poisons generally cause burns, lesions, and inflammation.


According to the NAEMSP, you should not begin CPR if the victim has been in cardiac arrest for more than 30 minutes.


Activated charcoal is the treatment of choice for victims of swallowed poisons.


Acute alcohol intoxication has many of the same signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia.


Acute alcohol intoxication often mimics hypoglycemia so you should always suspect diabetes and give the victim sugar if in doubt.


Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is dose dependent; the more the alcoholic was drinking, the more severe the syndrome will be.


All the body processes are affected by shock.


Always splint a dislocated joint in the position found.


An elderly victim may minimize or deny symptoms out of fear of being bedridden or institutionalized.


An improvised or rigid cervical collar should be applied before alignment of the legs and body.


An open wound needs to be dressed and bandaged to prevent infection and bleeding.


An undiagnosed hyperglycemic patient will experience hunger, thirst, and frequent urination.


Anaphylactic shock from insect stings may cause death within minutes.


Another term for dizziness is vertigo.


Any device used to immobilize a fracture or dislocation is a splint.


Any head injury victim who loses consciousness even briefly must be evaluated at a medical facility.


Any severe abdominal pain should be considered an emergency.


Anyone who has more than one seizure needs to be seen in an emergency room.


Apply an AED to victims of a lightning strike if they are found pulseless.


Applying a sling and swathe or an elastic bandage is appropriate when caring for a separated shoulder.


Approximately 75 percent of all victims involved in motor vehicle accidents sustain at least minor facial trauma.


Avalanches kill in two ways: by suffocation and by blunt-force trauma.


BRAT is an acronym for mild foods used to treat a post-diarrheal episode.


Be aware that pit vipers can still bite for a time after they are dead (usually about 20 minutes).


Because knife wounds are easy to see, First Aiders too frequently concentrate only on the superficial skin wound and fail to consider the underlying damage to organs.


Because of the critical nature of heart disease emergencies, you should treat every adult with chest pain as a heart attack victim until proven otherwise.


Because the growth plate just above the wrist does not fully mature until around the age of eighteen, children and adolescents are more prone to fracture.


Black widow spider bites are the leading cause of death from spider bites in the United States.


Both air embolism and decompression sickness are emergencies that require recompression.


Bright lights and loud noises can trigger seizures in a pre-eclampsia/eclampsia victim.


Burns due to lightning are usually minor and are not a primary concern.


By understanding the physiological process of breathing and methods of care, you can initiate and maintain an airway adequate enough to save most victims until emergency help arrives.


Cardiac arrest is a condition in which the heart stops beating.


Childbirth is a normal, natural process; in only a few situations do victims need to be transported rapidly.


Children have less blood than an adult and are therefore in greater danger of bleeding to death from a relatively minor wound.


Constipation is common and can result in serious problems in the elderly.


Deep underlying damage may occur with an abdominal injury, with only little external hemorrhage.


Defibrillation is one of the most important interventions for cardiac arrest.


Defibrillation is the most effective method of restoring a heartbeat to a pulseless victim.


Dizziness and fainting are not medical conditions, but symptoms of various diseases and injuries.


Drug abusers are more prone to certain injuries, illnesses, and infectious diseases.


Drug toxicity in the elderly is common because the kidney system declines in efficiency.


During a long extrication procedure, shock combined with temperature extremes can be fatal.


During an ice-emergency rescue, never go near the edge of the broken ice unless there is someone to support you.


During delivery, apply gentle pressure to the perineum to reduce the risk of tearing.


Eardrums and the sinus may rupture during barotrauma.


Elevation could be used to control bleeding of an extremity.


Even though the prognosis for a victim of cardiac arrest in the wilderness is grim, you should always begin aggressive CPR as soon as your assessment indicates.


Falling through the ice on a pond could result in immersion hyperthermia.


Fever is the most common cause of seizures in children under 5 years of age.


Few true eye emergencies occur, but when they do they tend to be urgent.


First-degree frostbite is also known as frostnip.


Flail chest is a life-threatening injury because it involves bruising of the lung tissue and inadequate oxygenation.


Flail chest, defined by two or more adjacent ribs fractured in two or more places, is considered a life-threatening injury.


Food poisoning is difficult to detect because the signs and symptoms vary greatly.


Football helmets should be left in place; however, the face shield should be removed if the victim requires immediate access to the airway.


GHB is one of the "club drugs" that is found in liquid form and added to drinks.


Gaining access to the victim means getting close enough to the victim to do a hands-on primary survey.


Gastric distention occurs most often in children and airway-obstructed victims when breaths have been given too forcefully.


Generally, it can be difficult to distinguish between fractures and other injuries, therefore victims of sports injuries should be evaluated by a physician.


Generally, you can resuscitate victims who have been submerged in cold water, even after 30 minutes.


Generally, you should stop chest compressions if the pulse does not start after 30 minutes of CPR.


Gestational diabetes increases a woman's risk of delivering very large babies.


HACE in the wilderness setting stands for: High Altitude Cerebral Edema.


Half of all plant poisonings are caused by mushrooms.


Head injuries affect 500,000 children under fourteen years of age.


Head injury is more likely in an infant because its head is large in proportion to its body.


Heart attacks and associated heart disease are the number-one killer of adults in the United States today.


Heat exhaustion is actually a mild form of shock brought on by the pooling of blood in the vessels just below the skin.


Hyperventilation can cause an acid/base imbalance that in turn causes carpopedal spasm of the hands.


Hypoglycemia is a grave medical emergency that can cause death in minutes.


Hypothermia slows metabolism and reduces the body's need for oxygen.


Ice packs should be applied in all sports injuries to reduce pain and swelling.


Identical twins share one placenta.


If a bandage becomes loose, wounds may bleed or become infected and broken bones can further displace.


If a person feels faint, he/she should sit down or lie down.


If a vehicle is on fire and victims are trapped, deal first with the fire.


If a victim has a genital injury, you should take measures to protect his privacy by draping him with sheets while treating the injury.


If abdominal contents are protruding through a wound, never touch them or try to replace them in the abdominal cavity.


If allowed to do so in your area, assist the victim of an acute asthma attack with their asthma medication.


If bitten by a deer tick, you may contract Lyme disease, a bacterial infection.


If no pulse is found in a dislocated elbow, you must splint it in the position found.


If people and pets in the same environment share the same symptoms, you should suspect carbon monoxide poisoning.


If the nose has been injured, do not try to straighten it.


If the victim is conscious, orange juice (with several tablespoons of sugar mixed in) can be given to a victim of hypoglycemia to help increase the blood sugar level.


If the victim shows signs of shock, arrange for immediate transport without taking time to apply a splint.


If there is enough force to damage the pelvis or to cause severe head or facial injuries, you should also assume there are injuries to the spine.


If there is only a partial airway obstruction, the victim will be able to cough.


If you apply ice to a pit viper wound, the venom will be absorbed more rapidly.


If you are in doubt about whether the victim is having an angina attack or a myocardial infarction, treat it as if it were a heart attack.


If your hands are positioned improperly during CPR, you could cause internal injury from chest compressions.


Improper splinting can actually make an injury worse.


Improper wound care can result in the loss of a limb.


In a valgus knee injury, the force is applied to the side of the knee while the knee and foot are fix


In a victim with abdominal pain, do not waste time with an extensive examination of the abdomen as it can worsen the pain and aggravate the medical condition that causes it.


In most cases you should care for a sprain as if it were a fracture, and immobilize it accordingly.


In most cases, a victim will not have to be moved from a car immediately; you will be able to wait for an emergency team to arrive.


In regard to hypothermia, a victim is not dead until he/she is warm and exhibits no signs of life.


In the case of an emergency, the sleeve of a shirt or jacket can be used as a sling.


In the elderly, cough power is diminished.


Inhalation injuries cause the majority of deaths from fire.


Internal bleeding may not cause signs or symptoms for hours or even days.


Intrinsic (nonallergenic) asthma is most common in adults. One cause is in response to emotional stress.


It is difficult for a First Aider to tell the difference between the pain of angina pectoris and the pain of a heart attack.


It is difficult to assess drug or alcohol emergencies properly because drugs and alcohol produce signs that mimic a number of system disorders and diseases.


It is important to stay calm when caring for a victim with asthma, because stress and emotional intensity can actually worsen the asthma.


It is possible for the body to acclimate to higher elevations, but it takes approximately 6 weeks.


Leave a victim of a motor vehicle accident in place unless there is immediate threat to life.


Ligaments connect bone to bone.


Linear lacerations generally heal better than stellate lacerations.


Many people and healthcare professionals believe that suicide is vastly underreported.


Marine-life venom is destroyed by heat rather than cold.


Meconium is the newborn's first feces, indicating fetal distress inside the amniotic sac.


Methamphetamines are produced in illegal clandestine drug labs.


More than 500,00 burn victims are seen each year in the United States. From these numbers, approximately 4,000 burn victims die.


Most brown recluse spider bite victims are unaware they have been bitten because the bite is often painless at first.


Most suicide-attempt victims do not really want to die.


Nausea and vomiting may also occur if a victim has had too much alcohol to drink or has motion sickness.


Near-drowning victims with possible spinal injuries should have in-line immobilization and be secured to a backboard before being removed from the water.


Neurological emergencies involving a disturbance in the chemical or electrical activity of the brain are generally more frightening than they are life threatening.


Never use elastic bandages, paper towels, toilet tissue, or any other material that could shred and cling to the wound.


Often a hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic victim may appear intoxicated.


Once inside the vehicle, complete a rapid survey, perform ABCs, and correct any life-threatening conditions.


One of the most essential parts of assessment in the wilderness setting is the mechanism of injury or illness.


One of the most versatile pieces of equipment for moving a victim is the backboard.


Outside a hospital setting, it is difficult to distinguish between sprains and strains.


Pale, cold, waxen skin, and slurred speech are all signs and symptoms of hypothermia.


Paresthesia is a pricking or tingling sensation that indicates loss of circulation.


People diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease typically have emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or both.


Performing adult CPR compressions on the xiphoid process can cause internal organ damage.


Platelets help the blood to clot.


Premature babies may weigh less than 5.5 pounds.


Psychological changes and crises often follow physical trauma or illness.


Race can affect the likelihood of frostbite. Blacks are three times more likely to experience frostbite.


Remove a sliver with tweezers to prevent infection.


Restraint should be avoided unless the victim is a danger to self or others.


Ritalin is a drug used to treat attention deficit disorder and is used as a street drug as well.


Rohypnal can cause sedation and amnesia.


Shivering is a response by the body to generate heat. It typically does not occur below a body temperature of 90°F.


Shock is a progressive process that can be either gradual or rapid in onset.


Signs and symptoms for hyperglycemia appear gradually, over a period of days.


Signs and symptoms indicating maxilla (upper jaw) fracture would include black eyes, nosebleed, and numbness of the upper cheek.


Silent myocardial infarctions are commonly seen in women, diabetics, and the elderly.


Skull fracture itself presents little danger unless accompanied by brain injury


Slings are used to support injuries of the shoulder, arms, or ribs.


Sometimes the injured person's own body makes the best splint (for example, taping one finger to an adjacent finger).


Sports helmets make it easier for the First Aider to access the victim's airway.


Stinging nettles cause intense burning or stinging pain.


Sudden, brief, massive muscle jerks that involve all or part of the body characterizes a myoclonic seizure.


Suicide is the third leading cause of death among college-aged students.


The "E" in RICE stands for "elevation."


The "shirt drag" method to move a victim is a single-rescuer technique.


The "talk-down" technique is the preferred method for handling bad drug trips.


The "walking assist" method to move a victim is a single-rescuer technique.


The acromioclavicular joint is the joint in the shoulder where the clavicle and scapula join.


The basic guideline in using reasonable force is to avoid any act of physical force that may injure the victim during restraint.


The body absorbs inhaled poisons very rapidly, so immediate care is critical.


The body loses heat in five ways, one of which is respirations.


The body maintains its temperature equilibrium by varying blood flow to the outer part of the body.


The coral snake is a poisonous snake, but does not have the usual fangs or a pit.


The decision to evacuate a victim depends on many variables. One is the severity of the injury.


The diving reflex may play a part in survival after prolonged submersion.


The expulsion of the mucous plug from the cervix is known as the bloody show.


The extent of assessment of a spinal-injured victim should be based on the level of training the First Aider has had under the direction of a qualified and certified instructor.


The extremity lift should not be used to move a victim with a neck or back injury.


The final result of inhalation of toxic fumes is reduced oxygen exchange.


The fingers are the most commonly broken bones in the body.


The first 10 minutes following a chemical burn to the eye often determine the final outcome of the injury.


The first indication of diabetes may be a life-threatening emergency.


The first priority in treating spinal injury is to ensure an adequate airway and breathing.


The first stage of labor may last as long as eighteen hours or more for a woman having her first baby.


The goal of first aid care for swallowed poisons is to rid the body of the poison before it enters the intestinal tract.


The higher the altitude, the longer you need to boil the water to destroy all microorganisms effectively.


The ideal dressing is layered, consists of coarse mesh gauze, and is bulky enough to immobilize damaged tissues and protect the wound.


The key to treating chemical burns is aggressive, vigorous, prolonged irrigation.


The keys to effective CPR are fast, hard compressions.


The longer the tissue remains in a clamping object, the more difficult it becomes to remove it


The more skin affected by an absorbed poison, the greater the need for medical attention.


The most common mechanism of injury in shoulder separation is falling directly on the tip of the shoulder.


The most common upper-airway obstruction in an unconscious victim is the tongue.


The most commonly fractured carpal bone is the navicular, which has a limited blood supply and heals very poorly unless promptly and properly treated.


The most experienced First Aider at the scene should perform triage.


The most important known factor in COPD is cigarette smoking.


The most popular sizes of sterile gauze pads are 2-by-2s, 4-by-4s, and 4-by-8s.


The number-one concern in providing first aid care for a victim of a motor vehicle accident is your own personal safety.


The number-one goal in treating status epilepticus is ventilation.


The palmer surface method is a method of using the palm to estimate the percentage of body surface that has been burned.


The patella and the kneecap are the same bone.


The primary signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion mimic those of the flu.


The recovery position can help conscious or unconscious victims maintain an open airway.


The shorter the time between cardiac arrest and the beginning of CPR, the greater the victim's chance of survival.


The signs and symptoms of a pit viper bite occur almost immediately; those of a coral snake may be delayed by as long as 8 hours.


The signs and symptoms of acute mountain sickness mimic a severe hangover


The signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning change with time and intensity of the poisoning.


The signs and symptoms of internal bleeding are similar to those of shock.


The three goals of first aid care for asthma are to improve oxygenation, relieve bronchospasm, and improve the victim's ventilation.


The upper and lower quadrants are differentiated at the navel.


The victim of chronic bronchitis usually has a tendency toward associated heart disease and right-heart failure.


The victim of hyperglycemia will usually complain of dry mouth and intense thirst.


The way you handle an amputated part can determine whether it can be reattached later by a surgeon.


There are two basic types of drowning: active and passive.


There are two categories of chest injury: open and closed.


There has never been a successful rescue of an avalanche victim buried under more than 6 feet of snow.


Three times more women than men attempt suicide, but three times more men are successful.


Throat injuries can be serious, because of the airway obstructions that can result.


To care for a mild shoulder separation, immobilize the shoulder with a roller or elastic bandage.


To care for a seizing victim, do whatever you can to protect the victim from hurting himself or herself.


To cool a victim of heatstroke, pour cool water of the victim's body.


To improvise a sling for an arm, you can use a belt.


To move a victim through narrow passages, you could use the flat lift carry technique.


Triage means to sort or pick.


Twenty-five percent of all myocardial infarction victims have no chest pain at all.


Under life-threatening conditions, you may have to risk injury to the victim in order to save his or her life.


Under normal circumstances, a victim should not be moved until a thorough assessment has been made and first aid care has been given.


Unless there are signs of shock, let the victim decide their own position of comfort.


Use backboards only if you are trained to do so.


Vomiting and diarrhea in children can quickly lead to dehydration and shock.


Wet clothing can cause you to lose heat 240 times faster than dry clothing.


When a person with COPD is having dyspnea, it is important to activate EMS right away.


When assessing victims of a psychological emergency, ask questions in a calm voice, and be nonjudgmental.


When esophageal varices rupture, bleeding can be fatal within minutes.


When helping to control bleeding, you should take body substance isolation precautions.


When immobilizing a fractured ankle where the shoe has been left on, you should untie the laces to prevent circulation problems.


When improvising dressings or bandages, adaptability and creativity are more important than are the rules for bandaging.


When irrigating an eye, pour from the inside corner across the eyeball to the outside edge.


When opening the airway, tilting the head too far back on an infant can result in an airway obstruction.


When performing artificial ventilation you don't have to perform a head tilt on a victim with a stoma.


When throwing an object attached by a rope to a conscious drowning victim, throw the object past the victim so that he/she can grab the rope or object.


Whenever the eye socket has been fractured, you should assume there is also head injury.


While broken ribs themselves are not life threatening, they can cause injuries that are.


While eating snow seems a simple way to add water to the body, it carries a high price in terms of heat loss.


With multiple birth deliveries, about 1/3 of the second twins have a breech presentation.


Without enough oxygen, certain cells in the body can die within minutes.


You can get a good idea of how much damage may have occurred by determining the mechanism of injury.


You can prevent shock by controlling bleeding.


You do not have to interpret or identify the cardiac rhythm in order to operate an AED.


You should assume that all downed power lines are live and call for expert assistance.


You should frequently check the color and warmth of skin beyond an elastic roller bandage.


You should make sure that chest compressions last at least as long as release of the compression.


You should not allow a victim to move on his or her own if you suspect myocardial infarction.


You should not use a canvas litter when the victim has to be moved lengthwise.


Your overall impression of how a child looks and acts can be more important than any one vital sign.


________ in the airway can cause resistance to ventilations.


Which of the following questions should you ask the victim or bystanders when taking a history from a poisoning victim?

When was it swallowed?

Which of the following statements about children and shock is not true?

With children, treat shock as signs and symptoms appear.

Under which of the following circumstances should you terminate CPR?

You are exhausted and unable to continue life support.

All of the following are true statements concerning the use of tourniquets except:

You should loosen or remove a tourniquet just as soon as the bleeding stops.

Which of the following statements is not true concerning clamping injuries and their treatment

You should not try to remove the clamping object without first activating the EMS system.

General signs and symptoms that apply to all insect bites and stings include all of the following except:

a blood-filled blister under the skin (near the bite).

A transient ischemic attack is:

a brief spell, similar to a stroke.

The only time you should irrigate an injured eye is in the case of:

a chemical burn.

Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of emphysema?

a chronic cyanotic (blue) complexion

Heatstroke victims usually have:

a compromised level of consciousness.

Which of the following people is statistically the most at risk for suicide?

a divorced man over 40

Complications such as cellulitis, infection, and tetanus would most likely result from:

a dog bite

At highest risk for suicide are victims who have:

a formulated plan.

True vertigo involves:

a hallucination of motion.

If the abdominal aortic aneurysm has burst, you may feel:

a hard, rigid abdomen.

Signs and symptoms including limping, tenderness to the touch, and red discoloration, later turning purple are indicative of:

a hip injury

Because of the high infection rate, the most difficult bite to manage is:

a human bite

Which of the following is not a sign/symptom of asthma?

a mucus-producing cough

You should stabilize flail chest by applying:

a pillow or bulky dressing to the flail section.

All of the following are signs and symptoms of a pit viper bite except:

a red rash over the entire body.

To manage a poisoning victim correctly, it is important to get:

a relevant history.

An improvised splint can not be made of:

a rope

The bite from a coral snake is usually:

a semicircle pattern.

A heart attack without pain is called:

a silent myocardial infarction.

If the vehicle is overturned, place ________ between the roof and the roadway.

a spare tire

The drug Ecstasy is:

a stimulant

For which injury should you activate the EMS system?

a wound that is spurting blood

Which of the following is not a cause of seizure(s)?

abdominal pain

Which of the following would take highest triage priority?

abdominal wounds

For an adult, chest compressions should be delivered at the rate of:

about 100 per minute.

You should immobilize the joint ________ the fracture.

above and below

Proper position of the hands during CPR is critical. Your hands must be:

above the xiphoid process.

A condition in which a normally positioned placenta prematurely separates from the uterine wall during the last 3 months of pregnancy is:

abruptio placenta.

Activated charcoal works by ________ contaminants.


Your neighbor collapses in the yard and has a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. Your first step in treating this victim is to:

activate 911.

When caring for a near-drowning victim, the first thing you should do is:

activate the EMS system.

When treating victims of internal bleeding, first you should:

activate the EMS system.

Which of the following might suggest poisoning by ingestion?

acute abdominal pain

In some cases, poison control professionals will instruct you to:

administer activated charcoal to absorb the poison.

Identifying signs and symptoms of a bone and joint injury should be done ________ the primary survey


When obtaining a history of a victim of a drug-/alcohol-related emergency, which of the following information is the least important?

age and weight of the victim

What type of splint should you avoid using on a dislocated elbow?


A diving emergency that generally occurs because of holding one's breath is:

air embolism.

An occlusive dressing would be one that is:


The most important part of rescue breathing is the opening of the:


Most of the cardiac arrests in children are from:

airway obstruction and/or respiratory arrest.

What is the most abused drug in the United States?


In pneumonia, which part of the respiratory system fills with fluid or pus?


Unlike the ischial tuberosity fracture, hamstring strain occurs:

among people of all ages

An open wound caused by rubbing and scraping off layers of skin is:

an abrasion.

When giving first aid for a carpal (wrist) fracture with no deformity, use ________ splint if you are adequately trained and properly prepared.

an air

An occlusive dressing is best described by which one of the following?

an airtight dressing

A toxic seizure occurs as a direct consequence of:

an allergic reaction to drugs.

The severity of bleeding depends on its source; the most difficult bleeding to control would come from:

an artery.

The tearing loose of a flap of skin is:

an avulsion.

The crimson red marking that characterizes a black widow spider is shaped like:

an hourglass.

Injected poisons usually cause ________ reaction at the injection site:

an immediate

To which one of the following should you apply a cold compress?

an insect sting

Anaphylactic shock is caused by:

an intense allergic reaction.

Which of the following is not a way the body conserves heat?

an obese person

An open neck injury will require:

an occlusive dressing.

The greatest danger from injected poison is

anaphylactic shock.

What medication can be applied to a shallow wound?

antibiotic ointment

The causes of hyperventilation syndrome usually involve:

anxiety or emotional stress.

In the BRAT diet, "A" stands for:


General first aid care for a bee sting includes:

apply a paste of baking soda and water.

If direct pressure fails to control severe bleeding on a partially severed limb, you should:

apply a tourniquet.

For a minor shallow wound, it is OK to:

apply an antibiotic ointment.

The victim has a severe muscle cramp to the calf muscle. You should:

apply ice to the muscle

When caring for a thermal burn victim, if less than 10 percent of the body surface is burned:

apply wet-sterile dressings.

In a heart attack, the common structures that cause the problems are:


All of the following are general guidelines for assessment of an abdominal injury except:

ask if the patient has any blood in his or her bowel movement.

Once you are inside the car with the victim, you should do all of the following except:

ask the victim to remove him- or herself from the vehicle.

Pain associated with movement is a sign of spinal injury. Assess the victim's pain by:

asking the victim where it hurts.

Which of the following would most likely cause true dyspnea?

aspiration of a foreign body

In one-rescuer CPR, you should stop after two minutes to:

assess for signs of life.

Before beginning any first aid care for head injury, first:

assess the victim's mental status.

The crucial first step of basic life support is:


Which one of the following first aid care procedures would you apply for a victim with dyspnea after checking for aspiration and clearing the airway?

assist with ventilation if needed

Use all of the following when trying to locate all victims involved in an accident except:

assume that those in the vehicle are all of the victims.

You should give plenty of fluids to victims of ________ to help loosen and thin mucus in the air passages?


When performing chest compressions on an infant, how far should the sternum be depressed?

at least 1.5 inches

When delivering chest compressions on an adult, press straight down compressing the victim's sternum approximately:

at least 2 inches.

In infants under one year of age, you can (if trained) determine pulselessness:

at the brachial pulse.

A condition in which fatty substances and other debris are deposited on the arterial walls is:


An abdominal aortic aneurysm is most common in those with:


A seizure in which the legs of a child suddenly and temporarily collapse is a(n):

atonic seizure.

A man sitting on the park bench turns toward you and asks if you can "hear the chimes." He then suddenly has a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. The sound of chimes is an example of a(n):


Which of the following is not a sign that immediate medical attention is needed for a drug/alcohol problem?

awake and alert

When providing mouth-to-nose ventilation, tilt the victim's forehead ________ with one hand and lift the lower jaw ________ with the other hand.

back, forward

When moving a victim at a car accident scene, you should use ________ only if you have been trained in spinal immobilization devices.


Which one of the following water emergencies can cause permanent blindness or deafness if the victim is not immediately cared for at a medical facility?


A fracture that occurs when there is a break in the base of the skull, is difficult to detect, and often causes extensive damage, is a:

basilar fracture.

It is typical for a victim with acute abdominal distress to:

be guarded.

When dealing with a disruptive, aggressive victim, you should follow all of the guidelines below except:

be overly friendly.

Osteoporosis is common in the elderly. This disease causes the bones to:

become less dense (thin out).

Within 7 to 10 days, the bite of a brown recluse spider:

becomes a large ulcer.

If you find a victim in a face-down position, move the victim to an assessment position ________ the primary assessment.


When caring for a bite or sting, the injection site should be:

below the level of the victim's heart.

The signs and symptoms of a coral snake bite usually occur:

between 1 and 8 hours after the bite.

While retrieving some wood from a pile outside, you feel a sharp pinprick pain to the back of your hand. There are small red fang marks. You have probably been bitten by a:

black widow spider

Which one of the following rescue techniques requires a piece of equipment to perform the move?

blanket drag

Distributive shock (for example, fainting) is caused by:

blood vessel dilation.

Which of the following is not a way the body conserves heat?

blood vessels dilate

All of the following might be a sign or symptom of a black widow spider bite except:

blood-filled blister under the skin (near the bite).

Which one of the following signs and symptoms is characteristic of a coral snake bite?

blurred vision and drooping eyelids

When the brain is injured, blood vessels in the brain dilate allowing more blood into the injured area; swelling and an increase in pressure result. This can affect all but:

body temperature.

To prevent infection of a wound in a wilderness setting, irrigate the wound with:

boiled water.

To immobilize an elbow joint injury you should immobilize the:

bones above and below the elbow

In most eye injury cases, you should patch:

both eyes.

To perform a chest thrust on a conscious pregnant victim, put your fist on their:


All of the following might be a sign that an unconscious victim is having a hypoglycemic diabetic emergency except:

breath the smells fruity and sweet

Because heroin is a depressant, the victim's ________ will probably be decreased.


Arterial bleeding is characterized by:

bright red blood.

When caring for injures to the mouth and jaw, examine the mouth for:

broken or missing teeth.

Almost all asthma attacks involve:


One of the late signs of skull fracture is Battle's sign, which is:

bruising behind the ears.

If the victim is suffering from an ischial tuberosity fracture, he/she will feel pain in the:


Stinging nettles cause intense burning or stinging pain. After washing with soap and water, you are advised to apply:

calamine lotion to the skin.

Your roommate just cut her wrist with a razor blade. There is a steady flow of blood from the wrist. What should you do?

call 911, move the razor blade, check ABCs, and control bleeding

A helmeted child falls from a bicycle and is lying unresponsive on the sidewalk, on her side. She is breathing. As a First Aider who witnesses this accident, you should:

call 911, then stabilize the child's helmeted head.

A victim of acute abdominal distress will have pain that:

can be local or widespread.

In caring for metacarpal (finger) fractures, assess for circulation every few minutes by checking:

capillary refill

Burns usually do not alter levels of consciousness, so you should assume that any victim who is unconscious is suffering from:

carbon monoxide poisoning.

The heart is failing as a pump and causing shock. This type of shock is called:


A young child has accidentally caught a large section of his scrotum skin in his pant zipper. You should:

carefully cut the zipper from the pants.

One of the best things you can do to protect yourself from legal liability is:

carefully document everything that happens.

A stroke that produces a sudden excruciating headache followed by a rapid loss of consciousness, and coma is caused by:

cerebral hemorrhage.

A high number of spinal injuries occur in the ________ spinal region.


The opening into the uterus is called the:


The most common sign of angina pectoris is:

chest pain

Which of the following is a sign or symptom of high-level exposure to carbon monoxide?

chest pain

Which of the following is a sign or symptom of pneumonia?

chest pain

Which of the following is not a sign/symptom of a stroke?

chest pain

If a victim has suffered abdominal trauma, you should also assume that he or she has suffered ________ until proven otherwise.

chest trauma

Colles's fractures are most common in:


A productive cough that has persisted for at least 3 months out of the year over the past 2 consecutive years would indicate:

chronic bronchitis.

Coughing that produces thick mucus; swelling of the hands, feet, and ankles; and low-pitched snoring sounds during inhalation and exhalation are all signs and symptoms of:

chronic bronchitis.

The term "blue bloaters" refers to victims of:

chronic bronchitis.

Material used for improvised dressings should be as ________ as possible.


One of the common problems the elderly experience due to a changing neurological system is:

clinical depression.

Contusions, hematoma, and crush injuries are all types of:

closed injuries.

Platelets help the blood to:


Which of the following is a drug that can cause a rapid and dangerous rise in pulse and blood pressure and lead to seizures, stroke, and death?


Which of the following organs would be in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen?

colon, appendix, small intestine

What is the first stage of shock called?

compensatory shock

A seizure that begins with a blank stare, then progresses into chewing and random activity is a(n):

complex partial seizure.

The most serious threat from abrasions is:

contamination or infection.

What should you do if you think you have injured the victim during CPR?

continue performing CPR

If the victim appears stable and does not need to be rescued immediately, and a rescue team will be arriving soon, you should:

control hazards and stabilize the accident scene.

Which one of the following is not included in the four basic purposes for dressings and bandages?

control pain

A pressure dressing is used to:

control profuse bleeding.

You can prevent shock by:

controlling bleeding.

Open injuries include all but:


Which one of the following is a sign that distinguishes eclampsia?


If a victim dies in the wilderness, the goal of the First Aider is to:

cool the body as rapidly as possible.

Rubbing your eye to remove dirt may injure the:


A brain injury in which the head comes to a sudden stop but the brain continues to move back and forth inside the skull is:


Generally, elastic roller bandages are not encouraged for use to:

cover a dressing.

A 16-year-old boy with a nose ring is involved in a fight where the nose ring is partially pulled from the nose avulsing some nasal tissue. You should:

cover with a dressing and have the boy put direct pressure on the nose.

The number-one cause of death among infants between 1 month and 1 year is:

crib death

Which one of the following is characterized by coughing with a harsh "seal bark"?


A viral infection that causes swelling beneath the glottis and progressive narrowing of the airway is:


Which of the following is not a sign of a miscarriage (spontaneous abortion)?


The internal bleeding that results from a ________ can be severe enough to cause deep shock and/or death.

crush injury

If a suicide victim was strangled and still has the cord or rope around the neck, you should:

cut the rope to remove the rope.

All of the following are items that would be helpful to have in your first-aid kit to extricate victims in a safe way except:

cutting torch.

The greatest danger with linear lacerations is:

damage to tendons and nerves.

Blood coming from a vein would be what color?

dark red

Severe hypothermia makes the victims appear:


Which one of the following deepwater diving emergencies has a gradual onset?

decompression sickness

A diving injury in which gases (usually nitrogen) enter the bloodstream is:

decompression sickness.

Always check the distal pulse of a suspected fracture site. Lack of a pulse indicates:

decreased blood flow

The most critical problem in heat exhaustion is:


If you determine that the victim's heart is not beating and other signs of life don't exist, the next step in the basic life support sequence is to:

deliver chest compressions.

During which stage of labor does the mother experience an uncontrollable urge to push?


Which one of the following is the first step in the basic life support sequence?

determine unresponsiveness

Which of the following is the first of four steps in victim assessment?

determining unresponsiveness

You witness a car, slowly jump a curb and hit a tree. You run over to find a conscious middle-aged woman looking very intoxicated but who has no odor of alcohol on her breath. You should suspect a(n):

diabetic emergency

DKA stands for:

diabetic ketaoacidosis

Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of respiratory distress?

dilated pupils

During which stage of labor does the cervix stretch and thin?


Which of the following stages of labor lasts the longest?


Bleeding from an impaled object wound should be controlled with:

direct pressure.

The best method of controlling bleeding and the one you should try first is:

direct pressure.

A sign and symptom of facial fracture would be:

distortion of facial features.

If a victim is obviously dead when you arrive on the scene of a crime, you should:

do nothing and disturb nothing, call the police.

Which one of the following is not characteristic of asthma?

does not generally appear until late teens

When constructing a shelter in the wilderness, the best place is:

downwind of a windbreak.

The incidence of food poisoning is:

dramatically high.

Before you crawl through a broken window:

drape a tarp or blanket over the edge.

Most abdominal injury victims will want their legs ________ to help relieve the pain.

drawn up

When tying or clamping the umbilical cord, how many clamps should you use?

dry and warm the infant.

A sensation of shortness of breath, a feeling of air hunger accompanied by labored breathing, defines:


Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing is termed:


Research has shown that the key to survival of a cardiac arrest victim is:

early CPR and early defibrillation.

A seizure during pregnancy often signals:


Which one of the following is not a cause for uterine rupture?


The leading cause of first trimester maternal deaths is:

ectopic pregnancy.

Arteriosclerosis occurs when arteries lose their:


All of the following dislocation injuries can be corrected in a wilderness situation except:


Besides direct pressure, what else could you try to control bleeding on an extremity?


Behavioral changes can be caused by all of the following physical problems except:

emotional stress.

Some situations require immediate evacuation. You should rapidly evacuate all of the following victims except:

emotionally distraught.

"Pink puffers" refers to victims of:


A respiratory disease characterized by inelastic, distended alveoli is:


The alveoli have become inelastic, distended, and trap air, which is no longer able to get into the bloodstream. This process occurs in:


If a victim dies in the wilderness, you could do any of the following except:

encase the body in a sleeping bag.

The number-one goal of first aid care for victims with COPD is to:

enhance oxygenation.

When handling victims of possible drug overdose, what is your first priority?

ensure your personal safety

General guidelines for managing a drug/alcohol crisis include:

ensuring your own personal safety.

The general rule for management of spinal injury is to support and immobilize the:

entire body.

Which one of the following is caused by a bacterial infection?


Which of the following is not one of the general guidelines for managing a drug/alcohol crisis?

establish a close relationship

What is the first thing you should do in treating injures to the face?

establish an airway

After activating the EMS system, the top priority of first aid care for a head injury is to:

establish an open airway.

What is the first priority in caring for a victim of maxillofacial (jaw and face) fracture?

establishing and maintaining the airway

Abdominal contents protruding through an open wound is called a/an:


Which of the following is the best indication that a violent drug victim is about to lose control?

excessive sweating and agitation

Which one of the following is not a typical sign or symptom of a ruptured uterus?

excessive vaginal bleeding

Which of the following would come first in the sequence of first aid care for an impaled object injury?

expose the wound

Which of the following is not a factor that could contribute to hypothermia even in the absence of cold environment?

extreme activity

A reaction to dust or pollen, often seasonal and occurring most often in children, describes which of the following types of asthma?


A loss of sensation over the eyebrow, profuse nasal discharge, and a paralysis of upward gaze are all signs and symptoms of:

eye socket fracture.

If you see a pear-shaped eyeball or blood in the front chamber of the eye, you would suspect injury to the:


Which one of the following is a sign or symptom of central vertigo?

facial droop

In caring for a victim of a seizure, which of the following should not be performed?

failing to seek medical care for a first episode

A person who severely hyperventilates can:


Another term for syncope is:


When the cells of the body don't get the glucose they need, _____ are used as fuel instead.

fats and proteins

A seizure that usually occurs in young children in conjunction with a fever is:


To remove an impaled object in the cheek, first you should:

feel inside the victim's mouth to determine penetration.

When a victim is being carried on a stretcher, he/she should be transported:


A fractured hip involves the top end of the:


Unlike children, adults rarely have seizures caused by:


In most cases of pneumonia in the elderly:

fever is usually absent.

In caring for a fractured clavicle, which of the following methods of splinting should you use?

figure-eight bandage

Under which of the following circumstances should you move a victim?


This rescue move requires a fair amount of strength by the rescuer to perform.

firefighter's carry

Unless there is a life-or-death situation, do not attempt a ________ if the victim has suspected spinal injuries or fractures of the extremities.

firefighter's carry

Most toxic inhalations occur as a result of


While watching some youth play hockey at the park, you see one of the players get hit in the abdomen with a hockey puck. The player is doubled up in severe pain. You should:

first check the player's ABCs, then the abdomen.

The American Heart Association guidelines suggest attempting CPR on a hypothermia victim, even in the presence of:

fixed and dilated pupils.

Generally, the most important treatment for a liquid chemical burn is to:

flushed the area with water.

Which of the following is a sign or symptom of hyperglycemia?

flushed, dry, warm skin

A cravat bandage is made by:

folding a triangular bandage.

If you feel restraining a violent victim is absolutely necessary, approach the victim with at least ________ people.


There is(are) ________ cause(s) of shock.


Drowning is the ________ common cause of death from unintentional injury.


Even properly performed CPR can cause complications. Which of the following might be a complication caused by CPR?

fractured rib

The definition of aseptic is:

free of bacteria.

During artificial ventilation, it is common to get air into the stomach. This is called:

gastric distention.

Which one of the following factors would not influence the severity of shock?


To remove a soft contact lens you should:

gently pinch the lens between your thumb and finger.

Which of the following is not a general procedure when assessing a child?

get the most painful parts of the assessment over with first

After activating the EMS system, the next priority when caring for a victim of inhaled poisons is to:

get the victim into fresh air.

When caring for a victim of an altitude-related illness, you should first:

get the victim to a lower elevation.

If an infant is unresponsive and you are alone, you should:

give first aid care for two minutes, then activate the EMS system.

A general rule about first aid care for diabetics is, when in doubt:

give sugar

You should do all of the following to prevent further heat loss in a victim of hypothermia, except:

give the victim hot coffee to drink.

When caring for a conscious victim of hypoglycemia, after activating the EMS system you should:

give the victim sugar

If a victim is found face-down:

give urgent first aid without moving the victim more than is necessary.

Which of the following should you avoid when caring for a victim of hypoglycemia?

giving sugar to a victim that can't swallow

Insulin is a hormone needed to facilitate the movement of:


In diabetes, ________ accumulates in the bloodstream.

glucose (sugar)

Insulin is a hormone needed to facilitate the movement of ________ out of the bloodstream and into the cell.

glucose (sugar)

Tennis elbow is very similar to:

golfer's elbow

A boxer's fracture is a fracture of the:


Most clamping injuries involve:


Ninety percent of all scorpion bites occur on the:


Arteriosclerosis is often referred to as:

hardening of the arteries.

If the air bag of the car deployed during the accident, expect:

harmless cornstarch residue.

To use the sheet drag method, fold the sheet several times lengthwise to form a:


Few true eye emergencies occur. Which is not an emergency?

has dust in the eye

In a diving emergency, you should always assume that someone who dives into shallow water and is conscious:

has spinal injuries.

Always assume that a victim of lightning strike:

has sustained multiple injuries.

If the barb on a fishhook has penetrated the skin, the best remedy is to:

have a physician remove it.

You should never attempt to reach a drowning victim unless you:

have been trained in water-rescue techniques.

Which of the following is not proper first aid care for a victim with hyperventilation?

have the victim breathe into a paper bag

The top priority in caring for broken ribs is making sure the victim can breathe adequately by:

having the victim splint ribs with a pillow.

To remove a car accident victim with a long backboard, the First Aider at the victim's ________ calls out the signal to move.


In a prolapsed cord, the best position for the mother is:

head down or buttocks raised.

For which one of the following heat-related emergencies should you have the victim lie down and raise the feet 8 to 12 inches?

heat exhaustion

Typical victims of chronic bronchitis are invariably:

heavy cigarette smokers.

An adult becomes unconscious while you attempt to relieve an airway obstruction. You should:

help to the floor and start CPR compressions.

The "talk-down technique" used to handle victims having bad trips includes:

helping the victim verbalize what is happening.

A collection of blood beneath the skin is called a:


Because of its dramatic nature, 80 percent of the victims of this form of stroke die.


Approximately 20 percent of all strokes are caused by:


Which of the following is not one of the signs and symptoms of acute abdominal distress?

high blood pressure

Using the three-level triage method, a victim who is critically injured and could recover with further treatment, should be tagged:

highest priority.

A bandage will:

hold the dressing in place.

Recent studies indicate that most children drown in:

home swimming pools.

Which of the following leave the stinger behind and therefore can sting only once?


Which of the following is not a consideration in deciding how to evacuate a victim?

how many wild animal are in the area

The severity of a snakebite is gauged by:

how rapidly symptoms develop.

A condition that results from too little insulin and too much sugar is:


"Overbreathing" is associated with which one of the following conditions?


Which of the following is a rapid life-threatening emergency?


Even though it may be summer time, an elderly victim that has fallen and is found on the floor may develop:


The loss of fluids and changes in biochemical balance describe what type of shock?


When treating a sprain, the "I" in the acronym RICE stands for:


To help reduce the swelling and relieve the pain from a bruise, you should use:


All of the following are priorities when caring for victims of acute abdominal distress except:

identifying the cause of the abdominal distress.

In which of the following situations would you not splint a fracture?

if it cause more pain

Under which of the following circumstances should you not give activated charcoal to a victim?

if the victim has swallowed acids or alkalies

The following are all used to assess the potential for violence except:

immediately contacting EMS and Police regardless of initial assessment.

If a drowning or near-drowning victim is not breathing, begin rescue breathing:

immediately in the water.

In attempting to save a tooth for reimplantation you should:

immerse the tooth in saliva or cold milk.

A friend's fingers have second-degree frostbite. How should you rewarm them?

immerse them in warm water

What is the most important first aid care for a suspected fracture?


Which of the following signs of anaphylactic shock indicates circulatory collapse?

imperceptible pulse

The most common cause of difficulty with ventilation is:

improper positioning of the head and chin.

If a victim of a psychological disorder needs to be restrained, he/she should be restrained:

in a supine position.

When thawing frostbitten tissue, you should do so:

in a warm water bath

How do Colles's and Smith's fractures differ significantly from each other?

in mechanism of injury

When splinting a sprained knee, you should wrap the knee in a pillow splint:

in the most comfortable position

Because dislocations are often accompanied by fractures, you should immobilize all dislocations:

in the position found

In what position should you splint a dislocated elbow?

in the position found

The best position for all unconscious victims in shock is:

in the recovery position.

Cramp-like pain is described as a pain that occurs:

in waves.

The best indication of complete airway obstruction is:

inability to speak.

All of the following are signs and symptoms of air embolism except:

inability to void the bladder.

Open wounds characterized by sharp, even cuts with smooth edges are:


Two of the most important signs of chest injury are:

increase in respiratory rate and shortness of breath.

All of the following are signs and symptoms of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm except:

increased pulse in the groin and foot.

A woman riding a horse is thrown and lands on two outstretched hands. One arm sustains a fractured elbow and the collarbone at the end of the other arm is fractured. This is an example of what kind of force?


The most serious threat from a large abrasion is:


Activated charcoal should be used for victims who have ________ a poison.


Toxic dusts, gases, and fumes are poisons that enter the body through:


As a rule, anaphylactic reactions occur more frequently and rapidly when the antigen is:


In which eye-emergency situation should you activate the EMS system?

injury to the eyeball

Most common injected poisons come from:

insect stings.

All of the following are signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia except:

intense thirst

Closed abdominal wounds may be extremely dangerous because of:

internal bleeding.

For victims of crush injuries, you should always suspect:

internal damage.

A victim of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia may appear:


Dull eyes, dilated pupils, and shallow irregular breathing are signs of what stage of shock?


While peeling an onion, you receive a small cut to your finger. You should:

irrigate the wound with tap water.

A seizure is an involuntary, sudden change in sensation, muscle activity and level of consciousness that results from:

irritation or overactivity of brain cells.

Which of the following is not true about the drug PCP?

is known as "Special K"

An impaled object should be removed in the field if:

it interferes with CPR chest compressions.

The bite of the brown recluse spider includes all of the following except:

it is obvious by the small red fang marks.

Which of the following is a sign or symptom of absorbed poisons?

itching or irritation

A ligament is often injured simultaneously with the:


Most frequently, achilles tendon rupture results from:

jumping and cutting maneuvers

If you suspect injury to the eyeball from an eye socket fracture you should:

keep the victim in supine position.

When the victim is in shock and the ambient air temperature is 90 degrees, you should:

keep the victim warm without overheating.

Generally, injuries that produce an audible "pop" are associated with the:


Locations that are particularly critical in burn injuries include all of the following except:


All of the following may cause fainting, except:

labyrinthine vertigo.

Closed injuries include all but:


The greatest threat from an avulsion wound is:

lack of circulation to the flap.

The most serious complication of a head injury is:

lack of oxygen to the brain.

A blanket may be used as a stretcher to transport a victim. You should only use a blanket that is:

large enough to support the victim's entire body.

Most poisonous snakes have which one of the following characteristics?

large fangs

If you know that a specific quadrant is causing the pain or the majority of the pain, examine that quadrant:


What is the best position for an unconscious victim with suspected hypoglycemia?

lateral recumbent

What position is best for a victim of inhaled poison if there are no contraindicating injuries?

lateral recumbent

A young child has had a pea stuck in his ear for a week before he told his parents that it was there. The parent should:

leave it alone and have a physician remove it.

In caring for a victim with tension pneumothorax, it is important to remember to:

leave one corner of an occlusive dressing untaped.

Regarding violent drug/alcohol victims, be alert to the signals of danger or violence and take evasive action. This includes:

leaving the scene.

If the victim sustained a medical or nontraumatic brain injury, place the victim on his or her:

left side and elevate the head slightly.

The stomach, spleen, liver, and pancreas would all be found in which of the four abdominal quadrants?

left upper

Which of the following is not a common cause of respiratory distress?

leg fracture

When treating a throat injury, you should keep the victim lying down to:

lessen the chance of air entering the blood vessels.

Which one of the following would be the correct procedure for general first aid care of eye injuries?

limiting the use of the uninjured eye

The most common type of skull fracture, which causes a thin-line crack in the skull, is a:

linear fracture.

Which of the following organs is most frequently damaged by penetrating abdominal trauma?

liver, small intestine, colon

When calling for help in a wilderness setting, which two critical pieces of information significantly increase the quality of the help that you're likely to receive?

location and complete information about the circumstances

To determine breathlessness, you should:

look, listen, and feel.

A victim is having a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. He is a known diabetic and has not eaten all day. The seizure was most likely caused by:

low blood sugar.

If you have to break a window to gain access to a victim, use a sharp object to give a quick, hard thrust in the:

lower corner.

Drooling, difficult speech, and pain around the ears are all signs of:

lower jaw fracture.

At a local ski hill, a snowboarder wipes out while doing a flip. He is responsive and says he cannot move or feel his legs and feet. He has most likely suffered a:

lower spine injury.

A trauma dressing is:

made from a 10-by-30-inch piece of thick, absorbent material.

Approximately 80 percent of people who succeed in committing suicide:

made previous attempts.

With throat injuries it is extremely important to:

maintain an airway.

After activating the EMS system, the next step in providing first aid care to a poisoned victim is to:

maintain the airway.

When providing first aid care for a victim of injected poison, after activating the EMS system, you should next:

maintain the victim's airway.

The primary first aid concern in acute intoxication is:

maintaining an airway.

Beyond normal treatment of shock, a special consideration for managing shock in a wilderness setting is:

maintaining body temperature.

Which of the following would be part of providing appropriate nonverbal support when managing a drug/alcohol crisis?

maintaining eye contact

If there is excessive vaginal bleeding following delivery of the placenta, you should:

massage the uterus.

Amniotic fluid that is greenish or brownish-yellow is a sign of:

meconium passage.

Which of the following causes of seizures is a derangement in the body's chemistry?


What technique should you use to open the airway of an unresponsive victim with spinal injury?

modified jaw-thrust

If organs are protruding through an open abdominal wound, what should you do

moisten a sterile dressing and cover the wounds

The First Aider at the head of the victim being carried on a stretcher should:

monitor the victim's condition.

How many of all fire-related deaths are caused by smoke inhalation?

more than 50 percent

During the assessment of the elderly victim, it is important to take into account all of the following factors except:

most elderly victims fake their illness, so respond accordingly.

All of the following are misconceptions about suicide except:

most people who are suicidal can't decide whether to live or die.

In which of the following situations should you always suspect spinal injury?

motorcycle accidents

To perform rescue breathing on an infant you should cover the:

mouth and nose.

Whenever possible, the most efficient way to perform rescue breathing is:

mouth to mouth.

When performing ventilation procedures on a child, use your mouth to cover the child's:


If a car is on fire and passengers don't appear to be trapped, you should first:

move the passengers.

If the scene of an accident is unstable and threatening either your life or the victim's, your first priority is to:

move the victim.

If you approach an accident with downed power lines, you should do all of the following except:

move the wires yourself.

An impaled object should be secured manually to prevent:


A special type of tissue that contracts when stimulated is:


Which of the following conditions is most likely to produce cardiac tissue death?

myocardial infarction

When the blood supply to the heart is significantly reduced or stopped, the result is:

myocardial infarction.

Myocardial infarction refers to the death of the:


The most common type of facial fractures are:


Which of the following is not associated with TIAs (transient ischemic attacks)?

nausea or vomiting

A tenderness when palpitating the anatomical snuffbox is highly suggestive of a:

navicular fracture

Extended stays at school, constant fatigue, listlessness, and delinquency are all signs of which type of abuse?


When caring for victims of acute abdominal distress, you should:

never give them water or food.

Victims of ruptured esophageal varices usually have ________ pain in the stomach.


Which of the following would characterize unresponsiveness in an infant?

no response when gently tapped

The breath of a victim with hypoglycemia will have:

no unusual odor

Which one of the following is considered the most popular and easy to use roller bandage?

nonelastic, self-adhering

In preserving the chain of evidence of a female victim of sexual assault, you should:

not allow her to clean under her fingernails.

To prevent a victim from becoming violent, you should:

not invade the victim's personal space.

At the local skateboard park, a skater takes a header in the half pipe. He didn't have a helmet on, and is lying on his back confused and not able to move. As a First Aider, you should:

not move the victim, call 911, and stabilize his head and neck in a neutral in-line position

Burn dressings are made from material that will:

not stick to the skin.

If a victim has suffered an abdominal evisceration, you should:

not touch the protruding organs.

The first step in assessing a responsive victim of spinal injury is to:

note the mechanism of injury.

When approaching a vehicle accident that involves downed power lines you should:

notify the power company and request an emergency crew.

Burns on the face or neck are extremely dangerous because:

of possible burns to the eyes.

The main consideration when giving psychological first aid care is to develop confidence and rapport by all of the following except:

offering extreme sympathy.

You should position the conscious victim of a stroke:

on his back with head and shoulders slightly raised.

A victim of a throat injury should be placed in what position?

on his or her left side

When a conscious choking victim becomes unresponsive, you should place the person:

on his/her back.

If you do not suspect spinal injury in a near-drowning victim, after removing the victim from the water, place him/her:

on his/her left side.

The best position for a victim of shock is:

on the back with legs slightly elevated.

Which one of the following is the best position for a victim of a seizure?

on the left side with face pointed downward

To perform chest thrusts on an infant, position your fingers:

on the lower third of the sternum.

When performing the Heimlich maneuver on an obese or pregnant victim, place the fist:

on the middle of the breastbone.

Often victims with abdominal injuries will be found:

on their side in fetal position.

If the victim of acute abdominal distress is nauseated, you should position him or her:

on their side.

In delivering chest compressions to a child who has not reached puberty, use:

one hand.

Approximately, how many of all diabetics go undiagnosed or unrecognized?


Impaled or embedded objects in the eye should be removed:

only by a physician.

Bone or joint injuries can be one of two types:

open or closed

A pneumothorax is caused by air entering the pleural space through an open wound in the chest wall, is called:

open pneumothorax.

Your first priority in caring for a victim with a chest injury is to:

open the airway if needed, ensuring adequate ventilation.

Which of the following is a legal but abused narcotic pain reliever?


Angina pectoris occurs when the heart's demand for ________ is greater than what it is receiving.

oxygenated blood

With nondisplaced fractures of the fingers, there is usually a great deal of:


Angina pectoris literally means:

pain in the chest.

The most common symptom of radial head fracture is:

pain while rotating the forearm

Ruptured esophageal varices are usually characterized by:

painless gastrointestinal bleeding.

All of the following are signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia except:

pale, moist skin

Which of the following is not a common cause of respiratory arrest?

paper bag over the mouth

A condition in which the sides of the chest move opposite each other during breathing is called:

paradoxical movement.

To check for a flail chest, watch for:

paradoxical movement.

What is the most reliable sign of spinal injury in a responsive victim?


The two major complications of spinal injury are inadequate breathing effort and:


When the spinal cord is injured, the victim may show signs of:


A burn that involves both the epidermal and dermal layer of skin, characterized by blistering, swelling, and pain is a:

partial-thickness burn.

Skin that is moist and mottled ranging from white to red with blisters, would be classified as a:

partial-thickness burn.

In treating injuries to the eyeball you should:

patch both eyes.

What is the first thing you should do in the case of a conscious victim with complete airway obstruction?

perform abdominal thrusts

To treat a responsive cardiac victim, activate the EMS system, then:

perform an initial assessment.

If the choking victim is a conscious infant, first you should:

perform back blows.

If more than one victim is involved:

perform triage.

Which of the following is not part of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation skill set?

performing a secondary survey

The area of skin and muscle between the vagina and the anus is the:


Irritation of the membrane that lines the abdomen is called:


Two-thirds of all heat loss through evaporation comes from what?


Stable angina pectoris usually appears suddenly and is associated with

physical exertion

Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of chronic bronchitis?

pinkish coloring

A co-worker goes to the supply room to get more paper. As she reaches for the paper, she cuts her hand on the metal shelf. You control the bleeding with direct pressure. How would you dress and bandage the wound?

place a sterile 4 × 4 dressing on the wound, then wrap with a roller bandage

Following delivery of the placenta, you should:

place the placenta in a plastic bag and transport it to the hospital

If a front tooth has been knocked out you should:

place the tooth in cold milk.

Pulmonary edema results from ________ leaking out of the capillaries into the surrounding lung tissue.


Which of the following could best be used to isolate you from a victim's blood?

plastic wrap

A fever usually exceeding 101°F and chills that "shake the bed" are symptoms of:


A condition in which air enters the pleural space, allowing the lung to collapse, is called:


What is the number-one cause of accidental death among children?


In cases of severe reaction to a scorpion sting, the victim will experience which of the following?

poor coordination and incontinence

Most wilderness emergencies are:


Stellate lacerations differ from linear lacerations in that they:

produce a ragged incision.

During what stage of shock does the body shunt blood away from the extremities and abdomen to the heart, brain, and lungs?


Which of the following is common in breech births?

prolapse cord

The only appropriate first aid care for a tick bite is:

prompt removal of the tick.

Which of the following is not one of the four major functions of the skeletal system?

protect against infection

In treating injuries to the genitalia, it is important to:

protect the victim's privacy.

Your first priority in managing a violent victim is to:

protect yourself.

A condition in which plasma seeps out of the capillaries into the lungs due to pressure from a failing heart is:

pulmonary edema.

The most dramatic sign of progressing congestive heart failure is:

pulmonary edema.

Before and after splinting, it is important to assess:

pulse and sensation

A first aid healthcare provider has performed rescue breathing. Next assess the victim to determine:


When an AED advises a shock be delivered, you should:

push the shock button.

If an object becomes lodged in the eyeball you should:

put a bandage compress over both eyes and activate the EMS system.

If a dressing becomes saturated with blood, what should you do?

put an additional dressing on top of the saturated one

Which of the following is not appropriate first aid care for a victim of a seizure?

putting something between the victim's teeth

When assessing a victim for abdominal injury, gently palpate all:


The loss of body heat involving the transfer of heat from the surface of one object to the surface of another without physical contact is:


Generally, dyspnea is characterized by________ breathing.

rapid, shallow

Which one of the following signs and symptoms would a victim of hemothorax most likely display?

rapid, weak pulse

Which one of the following would you do when caring for a fracture in a wilderness setting that you would not normally do in other emergency settings?

realign an angulated fracture

If the victim is breathing, maintain an open airway by placing the victim in:

recovery position.

Improper splinting can result in:

reduced distal circulation

Which of the following is not part of the first aid care of an asthma victim?

refrain from giving the victim anything by mouth

You should never thaw the tissue of a victim of frostbite if there is any chance of:


Which of the following is not a function of the placenta?

regulate blood glucose

Under which of the following circumstances should you not remove the helmet of a spinal-injured victim?

removal of the helmet would cause further injury

When dealing with chemical burns caused by spilled chemicals, it is important to start flushing the burn area while:

removing contaminated clothing.

If you have access to the EMS system, you should never try to:

replace fluids.

Which of the following would you do if you suspect abuse?

report your suspicions to proper authorities

A victim who responds appropriately to verbal or noxious stimuli but will fall asleep when the stimuli is removed, falls into which category of responsiveness?

responsive verbally or to pain

Generally, the best way to relieve angina pectoris is to:


Which one of the following is not proper procedure when caring for a victim of a seizure?

restrain the victim to prevent injury

The use of two gauze rolls, wrapped alternately around and across the wound until it is wrapped completely is an example of:

roller bandages.

You should suspect inhalation injury with all of the following signs except:

scald burns.

Which of the following would most likely not cause a full-thickness burn?


Approximately 15 percent of all drowning deaths are due to:

secondary complications.

When assessing a victim in the wilderness, you should spend more time on the ________ than you would normally.

secondary survey

Which of the following best describes first aid care procedures for eye injuries from an impaled object?

secure a protective cone over the object with a thick dressing and bandage both eyes

In managing shock, after activating the EMS system, what should you do next?

secure an open airway

A storm blows in while you are golfing. A member of your group is struck by lightning. Your first priority is to:

seek shelter for the victim and group.

Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of delirium tremens?


An obvious and palpable lump over the tip of the shoulder would be an indication of shoulder:


Complications from burns include:

severe infection

The most common symptom of rib fracture is:

severe pain.

The "Rule of Threes" of survival odds stands for ________, no water, and no food; taken together they considerably reduce survival time.

severe weather

Burn severity is classified by all of the following except:


A child who seems withdrawn, fantasizes, has poor peer relationships, and demonstrates infantile behavior has most likely been abused:


To determine unresponsiveness in an infant you should never:

shake the infant.

The human body has basic physiologic needs; in order they are:

shelter, water, food.

If you suspect spinal injuries, which of the following methods should you use?

shirt drag

In assessing a victim with acute abdominal distress, the number-one priority should be to look for signs of:


When the body cannot compensate quickly enough for uncontrollable bleeding, the result is:


An improvised splint should not be:

shorter than the bone

Which of the following is NOT a common complication from diabetes?

shortness of breath

One of the most common signs of myocardial infarction in an elderly person is:

shortness of breath.

All of the following are true about high-altitude pulmonary edema except:

signs and symptoms develop within a few hours.

An AED is only used on a victim who has no ________.

signs of life

Do not allow a person who has fainted to:

sit up immediately.

Which one of the following positions is best for a victim of asthma?

sitting or semisitting

The best position for a victim with a nosebleed is:

sitting, leaning forward.

When performing abdominal thrusts the thumb should be placed:

slightly above the navel.

An upper arm fracture, once splinted, should be placed in a:

sling and swath

The elderly are more prone to head injury; signs and symptoms of brain compression develop more:


Which of the following is not a basic tool that you could use for extrication?

small cutting torch

When a gunshot wound causes both entrance and exit wounds, the entrance wound is generally ________ the exit wound.

smaller than

Fatalities resulting from a fire are typically due to:

smoke inhalation

Which one of the following dressings is referred to as a multitrauma dressing, trauma pack, general-purpose dressing, burn pad, or ABD dressing?

special pads

If a victim has all of the fractures listed below, which would you splint first?

spinal fracture

In victims with trauma to the face, mouth, and jaw, you should suspect:

spinal injuries of the neck and back.

Whenever you care for a victim of head injury, always assume:

spinal injury.

Which of the following would be generally true when following basic rules for applying a splint?

splint an injury in the position you found it

The victim has a severely angulated lower leg fracture. You should:

splint leg in the position found

An injury in which ligaments are stretched and partially or completely torn is a:


If the foot turns or rolls inward, the ankle will be:


Before you begin care of a victim of chemical burns you should do everything except:

spray the area with water

If an object is impaled in the chest, you should:

stabilize the object and leave it

There are four general stages of alcohol withdrawal. Major seizures occurring within 48 hours characterize which stage?

stage three

If an adult has had a heart attack and his/her pulse is absent, you should:

start CPR

An unconscious drowning victim is 15 feet off-shore in waist deep water. Once you get to the victim, you find he/she is not breathing. You should:

start rescue breathing and move him/her toward shore.

A severe, prolonged asthma attack that does not respond to aggressive treatment is:

status asthmaticus.

Which of the following is not one of the stages of a generalized tonic-clonic seizure?

status epilepticus

Which one of the following presents a dire medical emergency?

status epilepticus

All of the following are signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock except:

stiffening of the joints.

The victim of ruptured esophageal varices needs rapid blood replacement and surgical procedures aimed at:

stopping the bleeding.

A ________ is a stretching and tearing of muscle fibers.


The best method for purifying water in the wilderness is:


Two major complications of diabetes include:

stroke and heart attack

A 60-year-old male is walking to the kitchen and suddenly clutches his head and collapses to the floor. He is unable to move his right arm and cannot speak. He has most likely suffered a:


The most critical aspect of treatment for meconium passage is to:

suction the baby's nose and mouth.

The pain from an abdominal aortic aneurysm that ruptures is:

sudden and severe.

The onset of hypoglycemia is:

sudden, within minutes

Which one of the following is not considered a "normal" reaction to a mass casualty incident or disaster?


Ideally, what position should the victim be in when opening the airway?


You should keep a hypothermia victim in which of the following positions?


A sling may be used to:

support an arm injury.

When a person dives into cold water, the mammalian diving reflex may play a part in:

survival after prolonged submersion.

If the victim of acute abdominal distress is a child and there is tenderness or guarding when you examine the abdomen:

suspect the need for surgery.

If a victim of immersion hypothermia cannot be rescued from the water immediately, instruct the victim to do all of the following except:

swim around to increase circulation.

A loss of consciousness that results when the brain is temporarily deprived of adequate oxygen is:


Which of the following would not be used to treat a poisoning victim?

syrup of ipecac

In high-altitude pulmonary edema, the body's ability to ________ is diminished.

take on oxygen

If you have to break a window to gain access to a car accident victim, you should do all of the following except:

take time to clean up the largest pieces of glass on the ground to prevent further injury.

A near-drowning victim should always be:

taken to a medical facility.

A first aid healthcare provider determines whether the heart is beating by:

taking the victim's carotid artery pulse.

There are four basic options for getting help in the wilderness. Which is not an option?

tap out an SOS on a tree trunk

The best way to determine responsiveness is to:

tap the shoulder asking loudly, "Are you okay?"

To determine responsiveness, you should:

tap the victim gently on the shoulder and ask loudly, "Are you okay?"

Which of the following should you avoid doing when caring for a victim with broken ribs?

taping the ribs

If you approach an accident with downed power lines, you should:

tell the victims to stay inside the car.

Which of the following would not be appropriate when handling a victim of overdose?

telling them they are stupid

Golfer's elbow involves inflammation to the:


Highly specialized connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone is:


One of the few emergencies in which seconds count is:

tension pneumothorax.

A method for determining quickly the percentage of the body that has been burned is:

the Rule of Nines.

The severity of a scorpion sting depends on:

the amount of venom injected.

Which of the following signals the first stage of labor?

the bloody show

Heat cramps are muscle spasms that occur when:

the body loses too much salt.

The characteristics of a stroke depend on:

the cause, location and severity of the stroke.

When applying a bandage, it should cover which one of the following?

the entire dressing

Never use which one of the following rescue methods if the victim has back injuries?

the extremity lift

Which one of the following rescue techniques would require two rescuers?

the extremity lift

The initial signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to those of:

the flu.

The signs and symptoms of pneumonia depend on:

the lobe of the lung that is affected.

When assessing bone injuries, you can get a good idea of how much additional damage may have occurred by determining:

the mechanism of injury

If you need to gain access to a car accident victim by breaking a window, choose:

the one farthest from the victim.

The seriousness of a burn is determined by:

the percentage of the body burned.

When bandaging over a joint, the joint should be bandaged in:

the position in which the joint is to remain.

Which pulse should you check in a child to take a pulse quickly?

the radial pulse

If it becomes necessary to move a victim, your speed should depend on:

the reason for the move.

When treating a cut on an elderly person's hand, be careful of the kind of tape you use to secure the dressing because:

the skin may tear easily.

What is the preferred method for handling "bad trips"?

the talk-down technique

You should not use ________ when handling a victim who has used PCP.

the talk-down technique

The phase of a generalized tonic-clonic seizure that lasts 15 to 20 seconds, where the victim loses consciousness and stops breathing, is called:

the tonic phase.

An important difference between marine animal bites and land animal bites is that:

the venom of marine life may cause more extensive tissue damage.

In which of the following cases would you not give activated charcoal as part of your treatment?

the victim has swallowed gasoline

Passive drowning is when:

the victim is not breathing and face down.

The postictal phase of a generalized tonic-clonic seizure is characterized by:

the victim slowly becomes responsive yet exhausted.

The amount of force considered to be reasonable depends on all of the following except:

the victim's ethnicity.

When assessing the potential for violence, you should anticipate violence if:

the victim's fists are clenched.

When performing a physical assessment on a seizure victim, which of the following should you not pay particular attention to?

the victim's gender

If you have a legal "duty to act," you are legally required to begin CPR on any victim who needs it unless:

there are obviously fatal wounds.

A victim of acute abdominal distress should determine the most comfortable position for himself unless:

there are signs of shock.

The most common type of burn is:


Children under five and adults over fifty-five react more severely to a burn because:

they have a disproportionate fluid-to-surface-area ratio.

Discolored skin with deep small blisters filled with dark fluid would be a sign of which degree of frostbite?


Poisoning is the ________ cause of accidental death in the United States.

third leading

The best way to rescue a conscious drowning victim who is too far away to reach is to:

throw out a floating object tied to a rope and tow the victim to shore.

Which of the following is not a goal of First Aider crisis intervention when managing a drug/alcohol crisis?

to provide counseling

Which of the following is a function of a traction splint?

to splint a thigh

In an emergency, you can use any of the following as dressings except for:

toilet tissue.

Diabetes face a grave physical situation when their blood glucose level is:

too high or too low

Hypoglycemia is the result of:

too much insulin, not enough glucose

When you hyperventilate, you breathe:

too rapidly and too deeply.

A splint that provides a counter-pull, alleviates pain, and reduces blood loss is a:

traction splint

If swelling causes airway obstruction of an infant victim, you should:

transport the victim immediately to a medical facility.

When keeping records in the wilderness, the T in the mnemonic CHART means:


Every victim of chemical burns should be:

transported to the hospital

Most brain injuries are caused by:


A sudden compression of the chest wall that forces blood to flow backward in the blood vessels is called:

traumatic asphyxia.

Which one of the following would be correct for treatment of injury to the ear?

treat as you would for other soft-tissue injuries

All of the following are part of initial first aid care for victims of dizziness, except:

treating for shock.

The windchill factor is a combination of the effects of the speed of the wind and the temperature of the environment.


When transporting a woman in labor, which of the following should you not do?

try to delay the delivery until you arrive at a hospital

When providing first aid care for severe hypothermia, you should do all of the following except:

try to rewarm the victim by applying heat.

When an AED is made available, the first step in using the AED is to:

turn on the AED.

Which of the following should be used for removing a tick?


In artificial ventilation, give ________ initial breaths allowing for deflation between breaths.


In many cardiac arrest situations, doing ________ minutes of CPR before using the AED is recommended.


In two-rescuer CPR, the First Aider at the victim's side should deliver chest 30 compressions and the First Aider at the victim's head should give:

two breaths.

To perform chest compressions on an infant use:

two fingers.

Alcohol is completely absorbed from the stomach and intestinal tract within:

two hours.

If the responsive cardiac victim is able (and has no allergies or contraindications), encourage them to chew:

two low-dose baby aspirin.

How many of all poisoning incidents involve drugs?


You should suspect internal bleeding based on signs and symptoms as well as the:

type of injury.

In multiple births, each infant will have his/her own ________ attached.

umbilical cord

Dentures should be left in if they are:


You should always suspect spinal injury in any swimmer who is:


A child is not more susceptible than an adult to which of the following?

unconsciousness via drug overdose

Which emotional reaction to a mass casualty incident involves a "don't care" attitude?


uestion 27 0 / 1 point Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of hyperventilation syndrome?

unequal pupils

If you find a victim in a bathtub with an electrical appliance that has energized the water, you should:

unplug the appliance before doing anything.

Abdominal distress in every victim should be considered life threatening:

until proven otherwise.

The poisonous element of poison ivy is:


When dressing a wound from a penetrating chest injury:

use an occlusive dressing.

A bent knee injury can be bandaged by:

using a roller bandage, wrapping in a figure-8 pattern.

The number-one goal in caring for a victim who experiences status epilepticus is:


An AED is designed to recognize and shock:

ventricular fibrillation.

During active drowning, the victim is often:

vertical in the water.

You suspect a person is choking; what sign does not confirm your suspicion?

victim can speak

Which of the following would most likely be a cause of hyperglycemia?

victim has not taken his/her insulin

Esophageal varices are common in all individuals listed except:

victims without any pre-existing medical conditions.

You receive a jellyfish sting to your arm. You should apply:

vinegar to the sting

Which of the following signs and symptoms of a drug- or alcohol-related emergency would indicate a life-threatening emergency?

vomiting while not fully responsive

Which of the following characterize stage two signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome?

vomiting, illusion, or hallucinations

Breaths that are given too rapidly or excessively will cause air to enter the stomach instead of the lungs, which can cause:


If you suspect a lower jaw fracture, carefully immobilize the lower jaw, and monitor for:


The ________ method of moving a victim uses a single rescuer to assist the injured victim to walk.

walking assist

A victim of hypothermia or frostbite should not be given liquids that cause the further loss of heat or constrict peripheral blood vessels. What fluid could the victim drink?

warm water

The poorest prognosis for drowning victims is for those submerged in:

warm water.

For a poisonous snakebite, first aid care includes:

washing the bite with soap and water.

Which of the following can repeatedly sting you?


Which of the following would you not do if you suspect an unresponsive victim might be experiencing a drug or alcohol emergency?

watch the victim walk down the street

Chemical burns caused by concentrated sulfuric acid produces heat when mixed with ________ and may cause greater burn injury unless flushed rigorously.


First aid care for heat cramps includes administering sips of ________ at the rate of one-half glassful every 15 minutes.

water/sports drink

Which of the following is not a reliable sign of status asthmaticus?


The only time you should try to remove an impaled object from the cheek is:

when penetration is all the way through.

Generally speaking, when should you remove a contact lens from an injured eye?

when there is a chemical burn

All of the following are factors that can determine the severity of a snakebite except:

whether or not the victim is taking anti-coagulate drugs.

Factors that would determine the severity of electrical shock include all of the following except:

whether the victim had an axial or transverse electrical contact.

When assessing a victim of head injury, it is important to obtain a history that includes:

whether the victim's mental status has changed.

Choosing the method you will use to open the airway depends on:

whether you suspect cervical spine injury.

A hemophiliac is a person whose blood:

will not clot.

All of the following are true about gestational diabetes EXCEPT

women deliver smaller than normal babies

When performing an extremity lift carry, the rescuer closest to the victim's head grasps the victim's:


The lower tip of the sternum is the:

xiphoid process.

Which of the following would not be a sign or symptom of an infected wound?

yellow color

You are hiking in the woods. The air temperature is 50 degrees. It starts to rain and your clothes become soaking wet. You start to shiver. What is happening to you?

you are becoming hypothermic.

To gain access to a victim means:

you first attempt to get to the victim through a car door.

While out golfing, your partner becomes dizzy and light-headed. He says he is a diabetic and hasn't eaten yet today. What should you do to assist in treating him?

you have him drink a regular cola

You should consider any vehicle unstable until:

you have made it stable.

You should open the airway using the jaw-thrust maneuver if:

you suspect neck or back injury.

You can tell the most about a child's status by:

your overall impressions of how the child looks and acts.

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Ch 23 - Nursing Care of the Newborn and Family

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