FL 220 GL

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Toms truck service was stolen how much transportation expenses within following limits

$20 per day $600 max

Transportation expenses are covered under personal auto policy for

$20 per day max $600

Limit of forgery on a BOP


An insured a building has an acv of $200k and he insured the property for $120k and with an 80% coinsurance clause. A $40k loss occurs . How Much will be paid out.


My company makes a claim that a baseball player is using steroids. Come to find out he is not. He turns around and sues us. What is he during for ? What kind of CGL policy would we need to settle with.

1. Libel 2. personal and advertising liability.

Business owners policy section 1 if the insurer wants to non renew how many days before the expiration date must insurer notify


If insured moving to new location his personal property coverage under the dwelling policy will apply on a pro data basis both locations for

30 days

The FJUA has how many sub plans


Which of the following is a property with a provision agreed upon by the insurer and insured as to the amount of insurance that represents a fair valuation for the property at the time the insurance is written and suspends and co-insurance or other contribution clauses in the policy.

Agreed value

What is reinsurance

An agreement between a ceding insurer and assuming insurer

Transporting wine from CA to VA. What kind of coverage do you need.

Business auto coverage or motor auto coverage

Doctor considered to be employee of a HMO

Closed panel

Landlord enters my home without permission. What could I sue for? What kind of coverage does he need ?

Commercial general liability *bodily injury& property damage Medical payments Personal & advertisments injury liability -invasion of privacy

The ABC Corp has $100k of coverage on its building through insurance company A and $50k of identical coverage on the same building through insurance company B. Assuming coinsurance is not an issue, when $24k loss occurs and the pro rated method is used how much will each insurer pay

Company A will pay $16k company B will pay 8k

Hire a company to put a deck and covered patio in. I'm during the company because some fell when a railing came lose. What kind of CGL coverage would I need in the case?

Completed operations coverage

You go to leave your house one morning and you realize someone stole your car. Which cause of loss would this fall under and why.

Comprehensive and specified

Insurance company canceling your policy which component of the policy would tell you what to do in the situation.


Death benefit owed from the insurance company is called.


Talking about another insurance agency in a negative manor


In what area is coverage available through the citizens property insurance

Defined areas

Leave your car at an auto repair shop to repair the transmission. That night lightning strikes the shop and the building burns to the ground. On the garage keepers form which option do you need to be covered.

Direct excess and direct primary coverage

What is the goal of HMO

Early detection through regular check ups

Major medical plans cover medical expenses both in and out of the hospital and have high max limits. What is therm used


Fidelity bond

Employers of dishonest acts of employees

Business of selling construction equipment and mobile equipment should insured with

Equipment dealers coverage form

Umbrella policies

Excess coverage

Which of the following would be an example of an unfair claims settlement practice

Failing to acknowledge a claim within 30 days

What type of compensation damages will pay for pain and suffering and disfigurement


Elaborate homes and those with detailed design with RC greater than ACV or market value are insured on


What is the benefit of experience rating

Helps employed with low claims experience because they get lower premiums

Which of the aviation insurance e coverages can be written to exclude coverage for losses arising from crashes or collisions.

Hull insurance

What do individuals use to transfer their risk of loss to a larger group


He part of the insurance contract that describes the covered perils and the nature of coverage of the contractual agreement between the insurer and insured is called

Insuring agreement

One advantage of claims made liability form the insurers point of view is that

It prevents stacking limits

Which law is the foundation of the statistical prediction of loss upon which rates for insurance calculations

Law of large numbers

Sally has heart disease in his family so he would like to buy health insurance policy that Strictly covers heart disease

Limited coverage

Own a run down building that I want to turn into a fancy building I higher contractor and asked him to completed renovations in 3 months. The contractor purchase a bond from a surety company for a specified amount. That amount is payable to me in the even the contractor can not meet the specified dead line

Obligee- the person promised the obligation will be met Principle - contractor Guarantor - surety company

Rental reimbursement is only Available if the policy includes which coverage.

Other Thea. Collision coverage

Bond written for a set limit, and a surety will be liable only for this amount of the limit. The limit is know as


Professional liability

Professionals who provide services for a fee. Doctors ,lawyers

Which following property would be covered u see a dwelling policy.


Which of the following entities are responsible for making premium payments


The following is not consideration in a policy.

The application not give. To a prospective insured

All of the following statements concerning coinsurance are true EXCEPT

The coinsurance formula also will be applied to total losses

The claims made trigger is based on

The date the claim is first made in writing against an insured for injury or damage that occurred on or after the policy's retro date

Under the provisions of the business income coverage form, all of the following are true. Except

The insured is reimbursed for the loss from the fat and restoration or policy expiration date. Which ever comes first

In accordance with the code of ethics agents must provide. Complete application

The prospective insured and the insurer

A policy conflicts with the state statues.

The provisions may or may not be altered to conform to the statutes

All of the following are supplement payments included in the liability section of a personal auto policy EXCEPT

Up to $100 for the cost to secure the release of a vehicle from impoundment lot following a covered accident

You own a butcher shop and a hurricane hits you lose power in your store and all the meat in the meat lockers are reuined now. What special endorsement would cover this.

Utility services direct damages

Which of the following is a statement that is guaranteed to be true and if untrue may breach an insurance contract


Both the broad theft and limited theft endorsements on the dwelling program exclude all of the following types of property EXCEPT


Personal business property out in the open is covered under commercial property policy while

Within 100 ft of the described location.

License agent must complete how Many hours of CE hours in every lic period


What type of liability would a person who owns a swimming pool have


Insurance policy is a legal contract it must conform to the state laws governing contracts which require all of the following elements EXCEPT


When insured makes a truthful statements on the application for insurance. E and pays the required premium it is known


Which of the following is a true statement regarding a special form dwelling policy.

Coverage A is for all risk perils and Coverage C is for the broad form peril.

Utility services direct damage

Coverage for damage from utility service

The designated symbols used in commercial auto policies can be found in

Covered auto

Dwelling policy forms that are ACV


Example of losses paid under HO3 would be paid under an HO2 homeowners policy

Damage to dwelling caused by ash or dust from a volcanic eruption


Is the person promised that an obligation will be met


Is the person who is promised that

Utility services time element

Loss of income or extra expenses

Coverages in dwelling and homeowners policies is the indirect losses

Loss of use

Coverage territory of business owners policy includes all of the following EXCEPT


During a sales presentation a producer intentionally makes a statement which may mislead the insurance application


The type of company to organize to return and surplus money to their policyholders

Mutual insurer

Which professional liability form provides form coverage for liability arising out of malpractice, error or mistakes made in rendering professional services.

Physicians, surgeons and dentist malpractice

Before an insurer will pay any loss under a policy what is usable required from the insured

Proof of loss

Turn heat on in business. But the sprinkler system has frozen. Before the pipes thaw a fire breaks out causes $40k in damages. What endorsement insures that your business owners policy pays for the damage.

Protective safeguards

Under the personal auto policy liability for bodily injury resulting from the insured side of no owned auto

Provided by the insured a policy on an excess basis

All of the following are considered parts of the policy structure EXCEPT


Offering something of value for business


Who is not insured for liability in a BAP

The owner of a car the insured borrows

Convince your neighbor to cancel his homeowners insurance policy he already has and allows you to write the policy for higher premium but same coverage.


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