Flashcards for Ionic Compounds

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Charge of Hydrogen and how many electrons it will lose or gain

+1 charge and will lose 1 electron

Explain the process by which a neutral atom becomes a cation. Use aluminum as an example

An atom can be defined as it has the same number of protons and electrons. The protons cancel out the electrons, and the electrons cancel out the protons. And Defined by the octet rule, an atom gains or loses electrons. If an atom gains electrons, the majority of its power is negative charges and becomes an anion. When losing electrons, it becomes known as a cation due to majority of its charge being negative. Another characteristic that is illustrated is that of metals losing electrons and non metals gaining properties. Their charges work in opposite ways though. For example, to become positive and follow the octet rule, aluminum would want to lose 3 electrons as that it is defined as being a metal. The charge would then be positive as through gaining electrons, and when losing electrons would become positive.

Explain why ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points.

Ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points due to strong bonds holding the compounds together. The bonds make the compound have a strong force, and it requires a lot of work to break the bonds. There are also certain properties that involve the temperatures of ionic compounds. The higher the melting and boiling points, the more energy is being used to hold these compounds together. A similar approach can be termed because of the crystallized structure.

Do metals gain or lose electrons?

Metals tend to lose electrons to attain Noble Gas electron configuration. Groups 1 and 2 (the active metals) lose 1 and 2 valence electrons, respectively, because of their low Ionization energies. The charge is also positive.

Why is LiF considered to be an ionic compound while GaAs is not? What does this have to do with their positions on the periodic table?

The metals are termed anions as they tend to lose electrons, and the cations are non metals as they gain electrons. An ionic compound is defined by the combining of metals and nonmetals. It needs both things to work and The reason LiF is considered ionic is because Lithium can be considered a metal and fluorine can be considered a nonmetal, and opposites attract Whereas, GaAF is not considered an ionic compound as both of the elements that make up the compound are nonmetals.

What test that you could perform on a compound would be most important in determining if it were ionic or not? Explain your reasoning.

The unique characteristics that ionic bonds have include not being soluble in water, being able to conduct electricity in water, and not having an indicative melting point. To me, an ideal experiment would be one tests them all, so most likely one having to do with measuring the electrical charge of things tested and putting the things tested in water. This way, we would be have multiple ways of telling what is ionic compound and what isn't. The procedures that could come from this experiment include, putting the tested subjects in the water to see how they interact with it and testing the electrical conduction, By doing these acts in an experiment, we would be able to test what makes up an ionic compound on multiple instances, and be able to easily identify one.

charge of nitrogen

charge of -3.

Charge of Boron

it will want to gain 3 electrons and will have a charge of -3

Charge of carbon

it will want to gain charge of +3

Charge of lithium

it will want to lose 1 electrons and will have a charge of +1

Charge of Beryllium

it will want to lose 2 electrons and will have a charge of +2


metal loses 2 electrons will have a charge of +2

Do nonmetals gain or lose electrons?

Nonmetals tend to gain electrons, and their charge becomes negative.

What is Lattice energy?

When thinking of the energy, there are two definitions. Lattice energy is defined as the energy required to separate a mole of an ionic solid into gaseous ions. It can't be measured but can be calculated using electrostatics using the Born-Haber cycle.


non metal and wants to gain 1 electron, will have charge of -1


non metal gains 2 electrons will have a charge of -2


non metal wants to gain 3 electrons will have a charge of -3

Charge of Helium and how many electrons it will lose or gain.

will gain 1 electrons and charge of -1

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