Forest Protection, Conservation, and Development

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Native or confined naturally on a particular, usually restricted, area or region; biologically a relic of once wide-distribution.


Planting trees in areas where there were none before

Contribute to Environmental Protection and Management

At your home; Close running tap water when not needed. Turn off lights and saving electricity as much as possible. Discourage single-use plastics. Use eco-friendly bags, food and water containers, etc. Segregating solid waste from biodegradable to recycling material

Contribute to Environmental Protection and Management

At your school or institution; Extension programs and volunteerism in community development Cleanup drive and bayanihan Join information drives in promoting environmental dates

Contribute to Environmental Protection and Management

Discourage illegal collection of forest animals and plants. Minimize the utilization of combustion engine vehicles.

Tree Planting and Growing (2)

Do tree brushing and weeding when needed. This enable the tree seedlings to avoid nutrient competition with unnecessary plants.

Policy Thrusts Involving Youth in Environmental Conservation and Development (3)

Executive Order 23, s. 2011 - National Greening Program Section 3.1.1 All students, identified by the DepEd and CHED and all government employees shall be individually required to plant a minimum of ten (10) seedlings per year in areas determined by the Convergence Initiative. Private sectors and civil society groups shall likewise be encouraged to participate in the NGP.

Forest Protects the Watershed Areas

Forests are natural reservoirs which receive water through rainfall and store clean underground water. They can be used for hydroelectric power generation, for commercial, industrial, and domestic purposes.

Tree Planting and Growing

If you have healthy and vigour seedlings already, you may now do tree planting and growing to the designated area. Remember to remove the polyethylene or plastic bags to enable fast growth. Make sure to provide enough hole for the seedling and cover it with soil.

RA 9275

Known as "Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004" Provision of protection, preservation and revival of the quality of fresh, brackish and marine waters. Chapter 5: Civil liability/Penal provisions

Policy Thrusts Involving Youth in Environmental Conservation and Development

RA 9163 - National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001 Section 3. (d) "Civic Welfare Training Service" refers to programs or activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry

Benefits of Proper Waste Disposal

Recyclable materials can be converted to cash which provide income and employment Reduce infestations of pests Reduce risks to overall health Reduces the size of our landfills It also help conserve and protect the surrounding environment

Contribute to Environmental Protection and Management

Recycling paper, plastics, glass and metals for local junk shop to be utilized. Creation of compost pits for biodegradable materials. Avoid burning of litters, trash and other combustible substances

Policy Thrusts In Protecting and Conserving Forest and Natural Resources PH

Republic Act (RA) 8749 Known as "Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999" An act providing for a comprehensive air pollution control policy and for other purposes. Chapter 6: Fines and Penalties

Forest Serves As Source of Important Medicine

Some of the forest plants can heal common disorders and diseases Less expensive than commercialized medicines Ingredients for production of synthetic medicines (Lagundi, Moringa, Cinchona, Banaba, Nito, and etc.)

Forest Fights Pollution

The leaves of plants trap dust particles and other air pollutants Minimizes noise from public vehicles Provide as carbon sink and give off oxygen for animals

Policy Thrusts In Protecting and Conserving Forest and Natural Resources PH

These are some of the existing policies that promotes the environmental protection and sustainable management of natural resources.

Roles of Youth in Environmental Protection and Management

They live longer with environmental consequences than elders. They can play an active role in protecting and improving the environment.

Forest Protects and Conserves the Soil

Upholds the cycling and recycling of nutrients in the soil. Roots hold the soil and water particles which reduce the incidence of run-off and sedimentation. Reduced evaporation of stored water, thus maintaining the soil's water-holding capacity and keeping it suitable for plant growth.

Proper Disposal of Solid Waste

Waste management includes the activities and actions required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal. collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste, together with monitoring and regulation of the waste management process

Environmental Dates (2)

World Environment Day - June 5 World Oceans day - June 8 International Climate Change Day - June 21 World Rainforest Day - June 22 World Habitat Day - 1 st Monday of October World Animal Day - October 4 World Food Day - October 16

Environmental Dates (1)

World Wildlife Day - March 3 International Day of Action for Rivers - March 14 International Day of Forests - March 21 World Water Day - March 22 Earth Day - April 22 International Day for Biodiversity - May 22 Environmental Month - June

Nursery Establishment (2)

Youth can develop a small forest nursery which can be done by group or by individual. Providing man-power to an existing forest nursery could be a good help.

RA 9003

known as the "Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000" An act providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds therefor, and for other purposes Chapter 6: Penal Provisions

Nursery Establishment Forest Nursery

- An area where young forest trees and other plants are grown for planting. Place for raising good young trees, which are then planted out where they are to grow.

The Role of Forests in 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

1) eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; 2) achieve universal primary education; 3) promote gender equality and empower women; 4) reduce child mortality; 5) improve maternal health; 6) combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; 7) ensure environmental sustainability, and 8) develop a global partnership for development

Nursery Establishment Things to be considered:

1. Seeds and Water Supply 2. Size and Ownership of the area 3. Location 4. Accessibility 5. Topography 6. Ground cover 7. Soil Condition


All the plant life in a particular region or period.

Climate change

An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere brought by the global warming

Impacts of Forest Loss

Loss of habitat and extinction of wildlife Flash floods in urban areas Reduce land productivity leads to fewer crop and food scarcity Social conflict

State of World Forests 2020 (FAO)

Between 2015 and 2020, the rate of deforestation was estimated at 10 M hectares per year. Primary forest worldwide has decreased by over 80 million hectares since 1990.

Impacts of Forest Loss

Contributes to the climate change, severe drought, occurrences of super typhoons. Increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Occurrences of soil erosion and land slide

What is a Forest?

Definition by DENR Memorandum Circular 2005-05 A land with an area of more than 0.5 hectare and tree crown cover (or equivalent stocking level) of more than 10 percent.

Forest Prevents Flood and Continued Alteration of Local Climate

Forests absorbs great amounts of rainwater which mitigate the negative impacts of flooding. Removal of forest results in flash floods during the rainy season and drought during the dry season.

Forest Provides Habitat For Wildlife

Forests are the homes of great number of wildlife species. Ecosystem processes related to food chain and food web. The rapid disappearance of forest animals is due to the indiscriminate destruction of their habitat.

Goal 1

Forests maintain land productivity and the provision of water resources to agricultural systems thus contributing to food production and food security; They provide wood and non-wood forest products, income and employment to millions of people.

RA 7586

Known as the "National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of 1992" An act providing for the establishment and management of national integrated protected areas system, defining its scope and coverage, and for other purposes

RA 7076

Known as the "People's Small-scale Mining Act of 1991" An act creating a people's small-scale mining program and for other purposes Section 27: Penal Sanctions


Latin words foris (outdoors) and forestis (unenclosed open ground or woods).

Policy Thrusts Involving Youth in Environmental Conservation and Development (2)

RA 8044 known as "Youth Nation-Building Act" Section 2.c Encouragement of youth involvement in character-building and development activities for civic-efficiency, stewardship of natural resources, agricultural and industrial productivity, and an understanding of world economic commitments on tariffs an trade and participation in structures for policy-making and program implementation to reduce the incidence of poverty and accelerate socio-economic development;

Forest Protection, Conservation and Development

The holistic management system of natural resources that occur on land in association with flora/fauna and other forest components. Providing sustainable development for human benefit


The process of reestablishing a forest on previously cleared land

Goal 7

They protect biological diversity; Maintain and provide clean and reliable water resources to urban and rural population; Conserve soils, protect against flooding, enable carbon sequestration to protect the atmosphere and protect coastal and marine resources.

DAO 2019-09

Updated national list of threatened Philippine Fauna and their categories

DENR Administrative Order (DAO) 2017-11

Updated national list of threatened Philippine Plants and their categories Section 9: Illegal Acts (unauthorized collection)

Roles of Youth in Environmental Protection and Management

Youth means a person with aged 15 - 30 years old (RA 8044) Young people constitute a large part of the population. Youth are the backbone of the nation.


a woody plant having a well-defined stem, more or less definitely formed crown and usually attaining a height of at least 10 feet.

What is a Forest?

an ecosystem with a dense and extensive tree cover that varies by species composition, structure, age class, associated processes,and which commonly includes meadows, streams, fish, and wildlife (Helms, 1998)

a community dominated by

dense extensive tree cover

RA 9175

known as the "Chain Saw Act of 2002" An act regulating the ownership, possession, sale, importation and use of chain saws.

RA 9147

known as the "Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act" An act providing for the conservation and protection of wildlife resources and their habitats,

Forest Protection

part of Silviculture which deals with the safeguarding, protecting, or caring of the forest resources.

Exotic species

plants introduced from a foreign; plants grown outside its natural range.


the art and science of tending and caring the forest


the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet.

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