Foundations for Living A 2020 Unit 1

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When the ancient Greeks did not want a child, they

Committed infanticide

The belief that man is limited by rules and regulations was held by the _____ .


Apart from special revelation, humanity is limited in their scope of __________.


What should be used when making our decisions?


When the Hebrews used human reason, it was within the parameters of _______


"The ______ things belong unto the LORD our God; but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law."


The Greeks had a ______ worldview


________means without religion: earthly or carnal.


Describe the similarities between Greek gods and humans.

The similarities between Greek gods and humans are that both marry, procreate, are envious and competitive, and sometimes battle one another. Both also feast and have big celebrations.

Anaximander believed all life came from the sea.


Both the Jews and the Gentiles were challenged to make changes when they became Christians.


The view held by Plato and other early Greek philosophers that is held by many Christians today is called


A society governed by God is called a _______


Thales believed everything proceeded from ________ and would eventually return to it.


Two of the largest and most influential city-states in ancient Greece were ______ and ______

- Athens - Sparta

In school, Athenian boys focused on _____.

- literature - art - music - gymnastics

Which sorts of women were preferred in ancient Sparta?

- masculine - bold - strong

The culture of a civilization is _____.

- the stage of development it has reached

Genesis __:__ tells of man's dominion over the earth.


Match the following.

6 2 4 5 3 1

Ancient Greek democracy differed from what we know as democracy today. Which of the following factors demonstrate this idea?

All of the Above

Our worldview is influenced by _____.

All of the Above

The city-state that believed greatly in individualism was


The spread of _________ brought the Greek and Hebrew civilizations together.


In Christianity, Jews and Gentiles were fellow _________ of God's Kingdom.


Thales's practice of secularism can be demonstrated by his belief that Greek gods were responsible for unexplained phenomena.


The Greeks were very similar to the Jews for centuries.


The Hippocratic Oath was an oath taken by Greek rulers to assure just governing practices.


Paul was an apostle called to evangelize people who held a ______ worldview


Those outside the Jewish religion were called


The belief that Scripture is a prescription for freedom was held by _____ .


The philosophy, "Since man was created, man is under the rule of his Creator," was embraced by the ______ .


The wife was considered the _______ of her husband.


_____ promotes personal independence of action, character, or interest.


Athens and Sparta had which of these basic assumptions in common?

Man is the measure of all things.

_______ was recognized as being the writer of the Pentateuch


a government by the few is a(n)


A ________ is the one who is the head of the family and rules by paternal right.


The _____ comprises the original books of the Hebrew scriptures.


The philosopher _______ divided the world into two realms, the material and the non-material.


_____ was a leading philosopher of ancient Greece and an adherent of dualism.


______ was not an area of rational inquiry to ancient Greeks.


The concept of _______ proposes that the individual exists only for the well being of the entire group.


The philosopher who introduced the form of mathematics known as geometry was


To the Spartans, being a good citizen meant serving

The state

The ancient Greek worldview believes that all knowledge and understanding starts from and is limited by human reason.


The ancient Hebrew worldview believes that the foundation and authority of knowledge is the Creator as revealed in Scripture and the person of Christ.


The exact beginnings of ancient Greeks religions are unclear.






Eve was Adam's ____ .


A group of people organized from highest to lowest is called a


Government by the few is called a(n)


at age six......


Which of the following statements characterizes the religious practices and beliefs of ancient Greece?

- Ancient Greek gods shared the same interests as the people - Each city-state had its own favorite deities - The purpose of the gods was to fulfill the desires of the Greeks

Approximately ________ years ago, the ancient Greek worldview was brought together with the ancient Hebrew worldview.


Throughout their history, the Hebrew people were ruled by _____.

All of the Above

Charles Darwin is referred to as the father of evolution, yet the theory of evolution actually began with the Greek philosophers Thales and _______


______ could be considered the founder of the theory of evolution.


Anaximander believed which three elements were the essential forms of all life?

- air - water - fire



Which of the following were characteristics of Greek gods?

All of the Above

Which term best fits the following method: (1) Capture what is wrong with current society, (2) find the agents who can resolve such wrongs, and (3) resolve the wrong by means of criticism and practical reform.

Critical Theory

A civilization's stage in the development of mind, morals, beliefs, and tastes is called its _____.


Ancient Sparta held the view known as individualism, which is the personal independence of action, character, or interest.


__________ taught that humanity fulfills righteousness by two commands: love God and love neighbor (Matthew 22:34-40).


Which of these books is not included in the Pentateuch?


Torah literally means _____


Several factors contributed to ancient Greece adopting a city-state structure of government. Which of the following was not a factor?

Tyrants gained power and ruled oppressively

List some similarities between ancient Greek beliefs and practices and those you have seen in the world today.

(got partial credit) Some similarities between ancient Greek beliefs and practices and beliefs today are that then and now questions are thoroughly discussed through confrontation and dialogue. Another similarity is also the separation of material and spiritual things. How our actions affect future outcomes and how we live life.

Among the number of books included in the Bible which were written by the apostle Paul are _____ and _____.

- Ephesians - 2 Timothy

_________ is the term which best describes people outside the Jewish religion.

- Gentile

Genesis 1:28 includes which of the following information?

- God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. - Adam and Eve received dominion over fish.

The _____ seperated the secular from the religious, while _____ considered every area of life religious.

- Greeks - Hebrews

The __________ separated the secular from the religious, while _________ considered every area of life religious.

- Greeks - Hebrews

A major difference between the ancient Greek and ancient Hebrew views of nature was that the _____, while the _____.

- Greeks believed nature was a power in and of itself - Hebrews believed God created and controlled nature

The _____ had a biblical worldview, while the _____ had a secular worldview.

- Hebrews - Greeks

Which of these would be considered battles faced by both the early Hebrew converts and by Christians today?

- It is not always easy to change one's way of acting - It is complicated to learn to change one's worldview

Both Jewish and Gentile Christians were called upon to make some radical changes. Which of these statements describe some of those changes?

- Jews were no longerr required to observe their ceremonial laws. - Jews must now view Gentiles as their equals in the Kingdom of God. - Gentiles now accept the revelation of God in Scripture, not in human reason. - Gentiles now believe in one true God. - Gentiles now view God as sovereign, not man

Which of the following statements exemplify the value the Hebrews placed on human life?

- Man is made in the image and likeness of God. - Cain was cursed by God because he murdered his brother, Abel - Children are a blessing from God.

Which of the following beliefs are attributed to ancient Greek philosophers?

- One may find rational answers to all phenomena in numbers - All life came from the sea and humans descended from an animal of another species - The material world in insignificant

Which of the following beliefs are attributed to ancient Greek philosophers?

- One may find rational answers to all phenomena in numbers - All life came from the sea, and humans descended from an animal of another species - the material world is insignificant - sexual immortality is allowed because it is an act performed by the body, which will eventually die away

______ is the philosopher who divided the world into two realms, the material and the non-material.

- Plato

Which of these were dangerous implications of Plato's worldview?

- Productivity - Sexual immortality is allowed - The earth does not need to be cared for

2 Timothy 3:16-17

- Scripture - Inspiration - Profitable - Reproof - Correction - Righteousness - Good

The founder of secularism is considered to be _____.

- Thales

Hebrew families functioned in a hierarchical structure. Which of the following statements exemplify this principle?

- The Hebrew people considered themselves responsible to God since God was their creator - The Hebrew husband and father, in his family position, presumed himself accountable to God. - Other Hebrew family members considered themselves responsible to God. - Hebrew children who obeyed their parents were obedient to God; children who disobeyed were disobeying God.

Which of the following statements reflect the ancient Hebrew worldview?

- The religion of the Hebrew people had a definite beginning - The Hebrew people worshiped only one God.

Which of the following statements are true about the ancient Hebrews?

- They believed God is unchangeable - they had ancient documents detailing their origins - they had a prophet or lawgiver - they had a clear set of laws standards

Which of the following statements are true about the ancient Greeks?

- They created their gods for the purpose of serving their own desires - They worshiped many gods - They had no known religious standard for morals - They believed there was a distinction between the religious and the secular

One who perceives or interprets things according to the teaching of Scripture has a(n) _____.

- biblical worldview

Plato believed that the _____.

- material world was insignificant - non-deteriorating world mattered

The three rational approaches of inquiry were _____.

- mathematics - philosophy - natural science

Paul tried to convince the Jewish Christians to __________

- no longer observe ceremonial laws - view Gentiles as their equals

A tyrant in ancient Greece's city-state government would often be _______.

- powerful - supported by the working class - a charismatic leader

Which factors contributed to ancient Greece adopting a city-state structure of government?

- the country had many mountains - the country was scattered among many islands - communication was difficult between cities

Which of the following statements were beliefs about Ancient Greek gods?

- they possessed human form - they did not age or die and had superhuman abilities - they joined in feasts in the same manner as humans

Match the vocabulary words to their definitions.

1. the act of communicating or revealing truth by divine agency or supernatural means 2. a living being which has been created and has come to exist by the creative act of another 3. the supernatural, divine influence imparted by God to men 4. the power or right of independent self-government 5. to turn with sorrow from a particular course of action 6. military leaders whom God raised up to restore Israel to pure worship Autonomy: 4 Repent: 5 Inspiration: 3 Creature: 2 Revelation: 1 Judges: 6

Match the vocabulary words to their definitions.

1. to hear, in the strictest sense of the word; Deuteronomy 6:4 2. literally, "five books"; refers to the first five books of the Bible 3. literally, "law"; later used to refer to the entire Hebrew Bible Torah: 3 Shema: 1 Pentateuch: 2

Give an example of a dualistic way of thinking that you have witnessed.

A dualistic way of thinking that I have witnessed is when someone has attended church and bible studies and went off and would curse and do bad things but figured their levels of right and wrong were balanced because of it.

Which worldview does the following statement best relate to: Humans have the capacity within themselves to overcome all societal problems and shape their future.

Ancient Greek

Which worldview does the following statement best relate to: Humanity is in need of special revelation whereby God specifically reveals His plans and saving purposes for humanity and all of creation.

Ancient Hebrew

_______ believed the family should decide if an infant should live or die based on whether or not the infant would hinder them from the "good life"?


The purpose of organized worship among the Hebrew people was to _____.

Be reconciled with God

The ancient Olympic Games were an example of

Both statism and individualism

The meaning of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 is that God inspired all scripture. This applies to the __________.

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament

Which of the following statements demonstrates secularism as practiced by Thales?

By understanding nature, one could find answers to everything

_________________ preserves humanity from ultimate societal destruction which results from untethered pride and autonomy from God.

Common Grace

The essential verse, known as the Shema, which illustrates the Hebrew people's view of God is found in _______ 6:4


______ chapter 28 deals with the blessings of obedience and the curses of disobedience.


The new Gentile Christians were to depend upon ______ .

Divine Revelation

________ means holding two conflicting worldviews at the same time.


The ______ were the letters writtent to the early church and recorded in the New Testament.


________ are letters written by the apostles that later became part of the New Testament.


Western civilization includes


Christianity's beginnings came from the Greek culture


Critical theory arises from the ancient Hebrew worldview derived from Bible.


Greek gods did not take on animal traits


In answer to prayers, the ancient Greek gods were said to grant forgiveness and sanctification.


The ancient Greek and ancient Hebrew worldviews answer social issues from the same foundation.


The belief in Jesus as one of many ways to salvation reflects a biblical worldview.


The patriarchs were those who used their powers and personalities to gain power in the city-state


The religion of ancient Greece had a hierarchy, that is, a central organization.


We should think of Christ's activities on earth as separate from His religious works.


The Hebrews believed nature was controlled by _______ .


After each of the six days of creation, God declared everything He created as _____ .


The belief that man has the ability, the right, and the full independence to make all his own decisions without reference to any higher power is a belief held by the _____ .


Christianity began with the _______ culture


The concept entirely foreign to the ______ people was the belief there was a secular life.


Man was given dominion over all the earth because man was superior to all creatures. This statement reflects the theology of ancient ______ .


Things passed on from earlier generations are a people's


All Jesus thought, said, or did was according to _____.

His Father's will

Genesis 1:26 tell us that ______ were created in the image and likeness of God.

Human beings

______________ explains how one's identity explicitly impacts one's place in society.


God raised _______ to throw off the yoke of bondage and restore the nation to pure worship.


The Hebrew rulers called ___________ were leaders whom God raised up to be military champions, who threw off the yoke of bondage and restored their nation.


The book of the Bible which recounts the Hebrew people's repetitive cycle of disobedience, then repenting and turning back to God is the book of ________ .


Which term best fits the following statement: Anywhere a person's values are not given an equal share in society, then society must listen to that person and appropriate structural change till all is made equal

Lived Experience

Both Plato and Socrates believed the answers to all questions could be found in


Both Plato and Socrates believed the answers to all questions could be found in ______


The primary obligation of the ancient Hebrew people was to _______ god's law.


The Greeks had a system of government in which a few of the wealthiest and most powerful ruled. That system is called a(n)


According to Anaximander's beliefs, the formation of the world was due to the "separating out of ______ ."


The apostle who was called to evangelize the Gentiles was ________ .


Match the vocabulary words and Bible refernces to their definitions or associations. 1. The Hebrew word which means to hear, in the strictest sense of the word 2. "The secret things belong unto the Lord...." 3. " All scripture is giving by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly fufrfnished unto all good works." 4. a group of people organized from the top to the bottom 5. where the Cultural Mandate is found

Shema (1) Hierarchy (4) Deuteronomy 29:29 (2) Genesis 1:28 (5) 2 Timothy 3:!6-17 (3)

What are some beliefs held by the ancient Hebrews, which reflect their worldview?

Some beliefs held by the ancient Hebrews which reflect their worldview are that they had a biblical worldview rather than a secular worldview. The ancient Hebrews considered every aspect of their life religious and molded their entire lifestyle around God. The ancient Hebrews also believed that nature was created by God and therefore was controlled by God. The Hebrews also depended on divine revelation to answer life's questions rather than human reason.

Describe the Ionian science of nature.

The Lonian science of nature is when everything is attributed to nature. It eliminates supernatural activities such as the Greek gods and stated that by gaining an understanding of nature, you could find answers to anything

An ancient philosopher once said: "Man is the measure of all things." The statement points to the idea that man is at the center of everything. Given what you've learned about Greek and Hebrew religious views, which of the two cultures would have been more likely to share this view? Why? Give examples from each culture. Note: if necessary, refer back to the lesson "Ancient Greek Worldview: Religion."

The culture that would have been more likely to share this view is the Greeks. The Greeks believed that the sole purpose of the Gods was to fulfill their desires and to satisfy their needs. Rather than the Hebrews who believe that, just like us, we must follow God's laws and obey him in order to be connected with him and to be in his good graces. The Greeks worshipped their gods only if they really wanted to. I wasn't a social standard. Whenever they worshipped or did something in relation to their gods, it was for selfish reasons.

According to the lesson, what is the primary reason for societal wrongs and poor social structures in today's world? (Answer in at least 2 sentences)

The primary reason for societal wrongs and poor social structures is society's rejection of God's humanity and living by one's own accord or will.

Explain the two themes of blessings and curses illustrated in Deuteronomy 28, and provide examples of those themes from the book of Judges.

The two themes of blessings and curses in the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy are that when we obey God and please him through following his orders we too will be pleased with an award of good and blessings. When we disobey God or neglect him and his laws we are cursed with suffering. Those themes are shown again in the book of Judges whenever accounts of disobedience or rebellion are shown, there were direct consequences because of them. The book of Judges shows us that when the Israelites pushed away from God and set aside his laws they suffered the most. They faced famine and war as a consequence of their actions.

The ancient Hebrews had human rulers such as judges and kings, yet they believed they were ultimately governed by God. This is an example of a ______ .


The term _______ literally means "law" and was later used to refer to the entire Hebrew Bible.


A person may profess belief in the Bible, while still considering certain aspects of his life to be secular.


Ancient Greeks believed their gods shared their same interests.


Ancient Hebrews believed their prosperities and hardships were both direct results of their relationship with God.


Both the Hebrews and the Greeks believed man was not the highest of all creatures.


Critical theory's overarching goal is to explain and provide practical ways for overcoming human oppression.


For the Hebrews, the term helpmeet meant the mother is a suitable helper, and while she was under the direct leadership of the father, she works together with him in the management of the family.


One manner in which the Hebrew way of worship differed from the Greeks was that the Hebrews had identical worship in all their communities.


Reconciliation in Christ unites humanity amid differences, as Galatians 3:28-39 emphasizes.


The Greek city-states did not share all the same deities.


The Hebrew people considered themselves a theocracy.


The Hebrew people demonstrated their reliance upon God by obeying His commands.


The Hebrews' belief in God governed all aspects of their lives.


The gods of ancient Greece were fabricated by the people themselves.


The government of ancient Greece was the city-state form.


The ultimate structural problem is humanity's disobedience to God's authority.


Today, new Christians face many of the same challenges as the early Christians.


True citizens in ancient Greece had to own land and be born Greek.


Thales believed everything proceeded from and would eventually return to


In ancient times, which of these referred to that part of the Roman Empire west of the Adriatic Sea?

Western Civilization

An overall perspective that affects one's opinions and actions pertaining to the world and its events is one's


Define the term worldview and provide an example of opinions which are affected by one's worldview.

Worldview is an overall perspective of the world and its events and your opinions based on this. Opinions that are affected by one's worldview can be things such as religious stances, morals, and personal interests.











God revealed himself to the Hebrew people through the _____.

both of the above

The Greeks depended upon human reason, rather than _____.

divine revelation

A system or theory assenting to two conflicting worldviews is known as


The belief that our life can be divided into the secular and the religious is a form of ______


Michael goes to youth group every week, prays with his family at dinner time, and worked as a camp counselor at his church's summer camp. Michael went to youth group last night and consequently didn't have time to study for his upcoming history test. Michael chose to cheat on the test. He later rationalized that it was okay to cheat since his attendance at church resulted in the lack a study time. Michael's worldview would be considered _______ .


To be created in the _______ and likeness of God means to possess His attributes, although not fully and completely.


Athens considered the _____ of utmost importance


Greek religion began with the


________ is personal independence of action, character, or interest.


The primary duty of Hebrew rulers was to ________

maintain the law of God

In ancient Greece, the recorded beginnings of rational inquiries about life and nature were in the field of _____.


statism was the preeminent policy in


Sparta adhered to _______, the belief that the individual exists only for the good of the entire group.


In ancient Greek culture, those who used their powers and personalities to gain power in the city-states were called


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