Foundations For Living Unit 6

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The fifth commandment is the first with an attached


All people are born of the flesh, but not all are born of the Spirit.


Physical attraction is not an important factor to consider when choosing a marriage partner.


What is the promise attached to the commandment, "Honor thy father and thy mother"?

Things will go well for you. You will have a long life on earth.

Without a relationship with Jesus Christ, we all eventually become discontented.


Agape means _________ and phileo means _________-.

selfless love; brotherly love

Having parents who were poor role models makes it difficult for young people to understand family roles presented in Scripture.


Immature people often confuse physical passion for the sort of love taught in the Bible.


A man demonstrates he understands love if he loves his motorcycle a little bit, his wife even more, and God even stronger.


Attitudes found in today's young adults have often developed while they were in college.


Children must honor their parents only if their parents deserve honor by submitting to God.


Courtship and dating are the same thing.


Even if only one of the partners in a marriage is born again, the couple will continue to grow closer in their years of marriage.


Honoring one's parents is more of a duty than it is the right thing to do.


If a couple has a Christian marriage ceremony, it guarantees that the marriage will be a Christian marriage.


In the business world, all people have the same responsibilities and authority


It is advisable for a couple to wait until after they become parents to discover what their additional parental roles will be.


Much of what we learn from our culture about the roles of family members is consistent with God's Word.


Religious activities such as church attendance help provide a new birth.


Whenever anyone does a good deed, we know it is prompted by the Holy Spirit.


The average working wife, most particularly one who is not a believer, can feel she should not have to submit to her husband if she is smart and works outside the home.


The word equality means of the same degree with another, as in magnitude or value, neither greater nor less.


There is no correlation between the age at the time of marriage and a marriage's success, with the exception of teenage marriage.


True contentment is not based upon one's circumstances, because circumstances constantly change.


Modern television shows often depict the father as ____


A person can change incorrect learned behavior by _____.

-conforming to God's Word -submitting to Christ's lordship -allowing the Holy Spirit to guide -reading the Bible

After Quiz 1:


God gave us the ____ ______ to help us follow His rules.

Holy Spirit

A time of getting to know one another with the possibility of marriage in view is called


The most notable way all people are equal is that they are __________ ____ the image of God and are all valuable in the eyes of God.

created in

When marriage partners are truly born again, their selfishness is ______________


_______ keeps people from communicating with each other, and a lack of ______ causes distrust.

distrust; communication

Culture and _______________ greatly determine one's way of communicating.


Egalitarianism is the belief that all people are _________ in every sense


In a hierarchical structure, _____________ in the chain of command play(s) an important role.


It is easier for a wife to submit to her husband in a selfless, loving way if her husband demonstrates _____.

he loves his wife as Christ loves the Church

what means to have respect for someone or hold them in high esteem


A ________________ wife carries out her husband's wishes and supports him in his role. A husband who has a scriptural understanding of his role will lead with love and _________.

submissive; wisdom

Marriages between __ have a much higher divorce rate.


The wife is to follow the example of _____ _________, which submits to the lordship of Christ in all areas.

the Church

Since the "husband is the head of the wife," according to the Bible, a wife must obey any command of her husband.


The headship of a family should be determined by which spouse earns the most money.


Which statement best describes a successful Christian marriage?

a marriage according to God's word

What is called the "bride of Christ"

the Church

The apostle Paul was content, no matter what the circumstances, because of his relationship with Jesus Christ.


After Quiz 2:


1 Peter 2:9 tells us God's people are unusual.


Using the scenario provided in the previous question, which of these would be responses of a godly and responsible father?

-Admonish Jacob for not studying. -Sit down with Jacob and discuss how to manage his time more effectively. -Share examples and their consequences from his own life relating to Jacob's situation.

What can be some of the results of Christian marriage partners making God their ultimate goal in their relationship?

-More things of true value may come their way. -They may trust each other more. -They may have open communication. -They may experience joy and contentment.

what means to correct verbally


What may happen if partners in a marriage relationship have the ultimate goal of self-gratification?

-Partners may make unreasonable demands on each other. -Partners may believe that if their spouse acts a certain way, they will be satisfied. -Both partners may experience tension from trying to force the other partner to be someone he or she is not. -Partners may become discontented.

A young man who is brought up in a home where the father was a strong leader is likely to _____.

-adopt strong leadership characteristics of his own -feel that girls who are dominant are too bossy

Good deeds which are self-prompted are most likely motivated by _____.

-expecting a reward -making ourselves feel good -the desire to have others look up to us

A young man who is brought up in a home with a dominant mother will likely _____.

-find a marriage partner who is a strong decision maker -not be disappointed his wife makes all the plans -be in a marriage where neither partner will assume leadership

Ephesians 5 teaches that the relationship between husbands and wives is based on _____.

-love -reverence

The absence of a godly father in many homes has occurred as a result of ____.

-many children born out of wedlock -the high divorce rate -Christians marrying non-Christians -absentee fathers

To concentrate on obedience to God makes people more content and _____.

-more willing to trust one another -less likely to gratify themselves

Kingdom principles are _____.

-principles for living in God's kingdom -principles for lives submitted to Christ's lordship -principles contrary to teachings in a secular culture -instructions concerning every area of life

When people are not born again, they will _____.

-rely on their own strength -become discontented -become distrustful -feel that trying to please God is tedious

_________ means benevolence or charity and includes acts that express selflessness.


Which points are addressed in Genesis 2:18-24 about the husband/wife relationship?

All humans have equal value as persons.; All humans do not have the same roles.; Eve had the role of Adam's valuable and supportive helper.

________ is the capability of functioning well together.


_________ expresses feelings of affection or fondness.


____ is also known as the 'new birth.'


Explain how although humans are all equal before God, God gives them different responsibilities.

We are all equal to God because our level of authority, appearances and race do not matter to God. God does not favor any person over another as the world does. He gives every person a different gift and responsibility but none of these are more important than the other. All gifts and responsibilities are needed for the world to function.

The women's liberation movement and the children's rights movement have both contributed to role reversals in

all families

The Bible describes both Rebekah and Rachel as


The kind of submission expected of a wife and love expected of a husband is only possible if they _____.

both are filled with the Holy Spirit both read and understand the Bible

The ___________ of a person often determine(s) how compatible he or she will be with another person.

inner traits

A certain level of __ must be reached before marrying.


Commandments _________ have to do with our relationship to God, while commandments ________ have to do with our relationship to others.

one through four; five through ten

Young adults tend to seek out marriage partners who are similar to their


The roles of husbands and wives may be learned from a variety of sources, including _____.

parents, culture, and the Bible

In Colossians 3:21 Paul states that fathers should not ____________ their children or they may become angry.


Non-Christians do not understand biblical submission, often judging Christians as wrong or foolish. The reason non-Christians cannot understand biblical submission is that they ___________.

think Christians are ignorant are not filled with the Holy Spirit

A Christian wife married to a non-Christian husband may have to act in circumstances connected with spiritual matters as if the 'president' of the family were absent and assume the role of vice-president.


A person can be content even when circumstances are difficult.


According to the Book of James, to break any part of the Ten Commandments is considered the same as breaking all ten commandments.


Although both persons in a relationship may be Christians, they may maintain a variety of religious views.


Biblical instruction always includes a challenge.


Culture and education can both determine one's worldview and mold our individual personalities.


Dead works refers to actions not prompted by the Spirit of God.


Differences in people's roles are part of God's order in the world, and all proper authority is derived from God and is equal, to Him, in value.


Disobedience to parents is a symptom of a disintegrating social structure.


It is a common mistake for people to think they can change their partner after the wedding.


It is difficult for young men to make decisions in a relationship if he had a domineering mother, and he may use this as an excuse to rebel against his parents.


Many people misinterpret Ephesians 5:22-33 and have a distorted view of the husband and wife roles.


One of the most important goals of pre-marriage counseling is to assure that the couple understands and agrees to marriage roles.


The English word love is used in many different ways.


The Ten Commandments may be said to have a specific order, beginning with the most serious commandment and ending with the least serious.


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