FSN 210 Midterm 1 Review

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Linda has heard that the acidic environment of the stomach is similar to that of a car battery. If the stomach is so acidic, why doesn't the acid eat away at the stomach lining and cause holes in the stomach?

The stomach is lined with a layer of mucus that protects it.

Drag the descriptor to its appropriate lipid classification.

Triglycerides transport fat-soluble vitamins and are the primary storage form of fat in fat cells. Phopholipids are an important component of cell membranes and can act as an emulsifier in the digestion of fat. The body makes about 875 mg of cholesterol each day and cholesterol is important for vitamin D hormone production.

Match each source of energy in the diet to the number of calories per gram it provides.

1. CARB, PROTEIN- 4 calories 2. ALCOHOL - 7 calories 3. FAT- 9 calories

A granola bar's Nutrition Facts panel says that it has 5 grams of fat, 19 grams of carbohydrate, and 7 grams of protein per bar. Approximately how many kilocalories are in this bar?

150 kilocalories

An easy way to tell if an item is considered low fat is if it has less than ______ gram(s) of fat per serving.


The food label of your beverage listed the serving size as ½ bottle and the Calories per serving as 150. You just drank the entire bottle, so you just consumed how many Calories?


In general, a food item is considered low calorie if it has less than _____ Calories per serving.


A small cookie has 100 total Calories and 60 Calories from fat. The percent fat Calories in the cookie are?


Regina knows that moderate alcohol consumption can be cardio-protective, meaning that it somewhat reduces cardiovascular disease risk. Moderate alcohol consumption translates to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. Match the type of alcohol with its serving size that constitutes one drink:

A 12 ounce serving of beer is considered one serving, a 5 ounce serving of wine is considered one serving, and 1.5 ounces of liquior is considered a serving.

A kilocalorie is a unit of the energy content of food. Which definition best describes how much energy is in one kilocalorie?

A kilocalorie is the amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 liter of water by 1° Celsius.

In the cells, chemical reactions convert the energy in glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids into


Place the alternative sweetener term into each sentence to make it correct.

Alternative sweeteners are identified by their chemical names and the chemical structure that they consist of. The rights to use the chemicals in foods, drinks, and candies are purchased by companies who market them under trade names that consumers are more familiar with.

Drag the descriptor to its appropriate lipoprotein classification.

Chylomicrons carry dietary fat from the small intestine to cells. VLDL carries lipids made and taken up by the liver to cells. LDL carries cholesterol made by the liver and from other sources to cells. HDL contributes to cholesterol removal from cells and, in turn, excretion of it from body.


Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen Primarily obtained from fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and dairy Provide 4kcal/g

The set of scientifically based recommendations designed to promote health and reduce the risk for many chronic diseases through diet and physical activity is known as the

Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Alcohol requires no digestion. The liver is the primary site of alcohol detoxification. Caffeine and vitamins do not expedite alcohol detoxification. Women get drunk more quickly than men since the woman's body has less water, meaning more alcohol remains in her bloodstream after she drinks.

Drinking on an empty stomach will result in quicker intoxication than drinking with food in the stomach. Binge drinking is 5 or more drinks per occasion for males and 4 or more per occasion for females.

Drag the monosaccharide that needs to be added to the glucose molecule to create its resulting disaccharide.

Each disaccharide consists of one molecule of glucose plus one other monosaccharide. Sucrose is one glucose plus one fructose. Lactose is one glucose plus one galactose. Maltose is one glucose plus another glucose molecule.

In small packaged food items like chips, one package is always one serving.


Heart disease has both preventable and non-preventable risk factors that contribute to its development. All of the following are lifestyle risk factors for heart disease EXCEPT:

Family history and genetic predisposition for heart disease. (Cigarette smoking. Low-fiber, high-saturated-fat diet. Inactivity that leads to obesity. Excessive alcohol consumption. CAUSES)

The Daily Values (DV) on the food label are based on a food intake of 2000 kcal per day. If you consume 2500 kcal per day, the DV increases for which of the following nutrients?

Fat, for a few nutrients, including fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate, protein, and fiber, the DV is set based on kcal intake. The DV for all other nutrients does not vary with kcal intake.

Match the food group on the left to the appropriate proportion for MyPlate.

Fruit and vegetables- 1/2 the plate, grains- a little more than 1/4 of the plate, protein -a little less than half the plate. Milk is off to the side of the plate. MyPlate: Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Make at least half your grains whole grains. Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk.

Place the hormone into each sentence to make it correct.

Glucagon is released by the pancreas in response to a low blood glucose. Insulin is released in response to eating a meal to move glucose into the cell. Stress causes the release of epinephrine, increasing glucose in the blood.

The liver is important in carbohydrate digestion as it processes the monosaccharides galactose and fructose into glucose. What happens to this glucose once it is done being processed in the liver? Check all that apply.

If glucose is present in excess, the liver makes it back into disaccharides. If glucose is present in excess, the liver converts it to urea and excretes it.

Classify each of the following roles of carbohydrates in the body as a role of digestible carbohydrates or indigestible carbohydrates.

Indigestible carbohydrates enhance glucose control, promote bowel health, reduce cholesterol absorption, and reduces the risk of obesity. Digestible carbohydrates prevent ketosis, provide energy, and spare protein.

Spincter of Oddi - controls the flow of bile into the small intestine from the common bile duct Illeocecal sphincter - prevents contents from the large intestine reentering the small intestine Anal sphincter - prevents defecation until stimulated

Lower esophageal sphincter - prevents the reflus of stomach contents into the esophagus Pyloric sphincter - controls the flow of stomach contents into the small intestine


Main function is to enable chemical reactions to occur ◦ Helps release energy but does not provide energy

How is a placebo group used in an experiment?

One group of subjects receives a treatment and the other group receives a fake treatment.

Drag the statement about fat digestion anatomy to its appropriate place on the body

Only minor digestion of fat takes place in the stomach through the action of salivary and gastric lipase enzymes. The liver produces bile, stored in the gallbladder and released through the bile duct into the small intestine. Bile aids in fat digestion and absorption by emulsifying lipids in the digestive juices. The pancreas secretes a mixture of enzymes, including lipase, into the small intestine. The small intestine is the primary site for digestion and absorption of lipids. Less than 5% of ingested fat is normally excreted in the feces.

The daily amount of a nutrient that is sufficient to meet the needs of nearly all individuals in a life stage is called the

Recommended Dietary Allowance.

Drag the lipid to its corresponding structure.

Saturated fatty acids contain no carbon-carbon double bonds. Monounsaturated fatty acids contain only one carbon-carbon double bond. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have their first carbon-carbon double bond located three carbons from the methyl end of the fatty acid. Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids have their first carbon-carbon double bond located six carbons from the methyl end of the fatty acid. Sterols differ from triglycerides and phospholipids because they have a ring structure instead of a glycerol backbone. Phospholipids have a glycerol backbone, two fatty acids, and one phosphate-containing compound.

Determine whether each label is describing soluble or insoluble fiber.

Soluble forms of fiber, such as pectins and gums, dissolve or swell in water, are found in foods like oatmeal and apples, and help lower cholesterol. Insoluble forms of fiber, such as cellulose and lignin, generally do not dissolve in water, but they help with gut regularity and are found in foods like whole-grain products and brown rice.


Substances essential for health that the body cannot make or makes in quantities too small to support life

hat is used to compare the amount of nutrients in a food on the Nutrition Facts Panel found on food labels?

The Nutrition Facts panel on a food label compares the amount of nutrients in the food with a set of standards called Daily Values which are based on 2 sets of dietary standards: Reference Daily Intakes and Daily Reference Values.

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of control of blood sugar. Place the diabetes-related term into each sentence to make it correct.

The majority of people in the United States with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance. Ten percent of adults with diabetes have type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes was originally called juvenile-onset diabetes. It is an autoimmune disease where the pancreas does not produce insulin. Diabetes that develops during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes.

To convert protein grams to protein Calories, you must multiply protein grams by:

To convert grams of protein to kcal, you would multiply the grams of protein X 4 kcal.

Saturated fat, trans fat, and dietary cholesterol are the primary types of lipids that raise LDL. Match the American Heart Association's recommended intake level to reduce cardiovascular disease risk with its appropriate nutrient category.

To reduce risk for cardiovascular disease, the AHA recommends that no more than 7% of total calories come from saturated fat and no more than 1% from trans fat. These are the primary types of lipids that raise LDL.

Frequent heartburn may be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Intestinal gas, composed of carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, methane, and small amounts of sulfur, can lead to bloating and abdominal pain. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus or rectum.

Two forms of inflammatory bowel disease are ulcerative colitis, which affects the mucosal layer at the distal end of the large intestine, and Crohn disease, which may affect all layers at any location throughout the large intestine.

Classify each food by its energy density

VERY LOW OR LOW ENERGY DENSITY- tomatoes, apples, low-fat milk MEDIUM OR HIGH ENERGY DENSITY- peanut butter, potato chips, olive oil

Which of the following are good sources for phytochemicals?

YES- broiled chicken, egg whites NO- collards, onions, dark chocolate, whole grains, tea, red wine

Click to select the health conditions that are strongly influenced by genetic factors.

colon cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes

Which of the following correctly traces the path of food through the gastrointestinal tract?

esophagus, small intestine, stomach

Dietary supplements such as vitamin D and calcium can replace a healthy diet if someone finds it difficult to follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


True or false: Glucose, protein, glycerol, and long-chain fatty acids are absorbed from the small intestine directly into the bloodstream.


The food label provides the number of Calories from protein and carbohydrate.

false-A food label is not required to show the kcal from protein or carbohydrate in a food item.

Carbohydrates are broken down into


Which of the following is FALSE about the typical American diet?

it is typically low in protein

All absorbed nutrients eventually travel to the


Serving sizes are listed in:

metric and household measurements

The primary site of nutrient absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is the

small intestine

Hydrochloric acid is secreted in the


To determine the percent fat Calories in a food item, divide the fat Calories by total Calories and multiply by 100.


proteins are made of amino acids


These provide recommended percent of energy intake for carbohydrate, protein, and fat.

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range

For what activities does the body use ATP?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the main energy currency of the cells.

Drag the digestion description to the place in the body where it occurs.

Salivary amylase is produced in the mouth. The stomach has an acidic environment where salivary amylase is inactivated. The pancreas releases insulin and glucagon for glucose regulation. Most carbohydrate digestion and absorption occurs in the small intestine. The liver is where carbohydrate is converted into glucose. Bacteria in the large intestine ferment.

Lipids are broken down into

fatty acids and glycerol

Drag the lipid term to its appropriate sentence.

An unsaturated fatty acid can exist in two forms - the trans form is when hydrogens on both carbons forming the double bond lie on the opposite sides of that bond; the cis form is when hydrogens on lie on the same side as the carbon-carbon double bonds. Fatty acids are classified based on their degree of saturation of hydrogen bound to carbons on the fatty acid chain. A triglyceride is the most common lipid found in food and the body; it consists of a glycerol backbone attached to three fatty acids. A fatty acid that contains no carbon-carbon double bonds is saturated. A polyunsaturated fatty acid contains two or more carbon-carbon double bonds and a monounsaturated fatty acid contains only one carbon-carbon double bond.

Drag the food to its primary fat component.

Animal fats are the chief contributors of saturated fatty acids to the North American diet. About 40-60% of total fat in dairy and meat products is in the form of saturated fatty acids. Plant oils contain mostly unsaturated fatty acids; corn, cottonseed, sunflower, soybean, and safflower oils contain mostly polyunsaturated fatty acids (54 to 77%).

Imagine that you are at the supermarket, looking for a quick meal before a busy evening. In the frozen food section, you find 2 brands of frozen cheese manicotti (see labels a and b above). Which of the 2 brands would be the healthiest choice?

less saturated fat, less trans fat, less sodium, less sugar, If other factors are equal across products, the lower calorie choice is often the healthier choice (depending on your health goals and needs). When comparing food labels on two products, always be sure to check and make sure you are comparing the same serving size. If not, you will have to make adjustments to the nutrient content to fairly compare the two foods.

If a diet does not provide adequate carbohydrate to meet immediate energy needs, the body compensates by altering its metabolism of other nutrients. Insufficient dietary carbohydrate can lead to elevated levels of ketone bodies. Ketone bodies are the by-products of partial breakdown of:


Bile acids work as emulsifiers to aid in fat digestion. Starting from the site of bile production (1), trace the route of bile acids as they circulate through the body during fat digestion and absorption.

After the liver, bile acids go on to the gallbladder. After the gallbladder, bile acids move to the small intestine. After participating in fat digestion, most bile acids are absorbed and end up back at the liver.

statements about digestion

A term that refers to the stomach is GASTRIC. In the stomach, food becomes a very acidic, watery mixture containing enzymes that leaves the stomach a teaspoon at a time into the small intestine and is called CHYME. At the base of the stomach is the PYLORIC SPHINCTER that controls the rate at which food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine. The stomach also produces an important substance called INTRINSIC FACTOR that is important for the absorption of vitamin B-12.

Functions of Large Intestine

Absorption of water and electrolytes • Formation and expulsion of feces • Housing of bacteria (microbiota)

Match each of MyPlate's consumer health messages (on the left) with a key behavior from the Dietary Guidelines (on the right)

BALANCING CALORIES- enjoy your food, but eat less. Avoid oversized portions FOODS TO REDUCE-choose foods with lower sodium values, drink water instead of sugary drinks FOODS TO INCREASE- make half your plate fruits and vegetables, make at least half your grains whole, switch to skim or 1% milk

Which of the following components of John's meal provides the most carbohydrates?

Bread contains mostly carbohydrates, along with some protein and lipids. Meat and cheese contain a mixture of protein and lipids.

Lisa is a 19-year-old college student who recently began experiencing symptoms of lactose intolerance. She recognizes the importance of consuming adequate dietary calcium, but does not want to further aggravate her gastrointestinal system. Select all of the dietary practices that can help Lisa achieve her calcium needs without aggravating her lactose intolerance symptoms:

Drinking milk on an empty stomach can aggravate symptoms of lactose intolerance. Combining milk with other foods can reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance. Recall that lactose intolerance is caused by insufficient production of the enzyme lactase, which is needed to break the beta bond in the disaccharide lactose to digest it.

human tissues

Epithelial - Cells that cover surfaces inside and outside of the body • Connective - Support and protect the body by holding structures together • Muscle - Contract and relax to permit movement • Nervous - Transmit nerve impulses

The amount of nutrients needed by half of the people in any one age group is known as the

Estimated Average Requirement.

Classify each food by its nutrient density

HIGH NUTRIENT DENSITY- fat-free milk, orange, black beans LOW NUTRIENT DENSITY- cola, cookies, maple syrup

Lipids are a unique nutrient group, differing significantly from carbohydrates and proteins. Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply:

Lipids do not dissolve readily in water. Phospholipids are the most abundant type of lipids found in the body and in foods.

Put the digestive system organ or organ component in the proper order needed to digest and absorb nutrients from food.

Small intestine: Where most protein digestion occurs Pyloric sphincer: Controls the rate of flow of food from stomach into small intestine Duodenum: Smallest part of the small intestine, about 10 inches in length Jejunum: Middle part of the small intestine, this component is about 4 feet in length Ileum: Last part of the small intestine, this component is about 5 feet in length

Match the qualities from the list to the appropriate term.

Whole grains contain the entire grain seed, germ, endosperm, and bran. These are highest in fiber. Enriched grains have riboflavin, thiamin, folic acid, and iron added. Refined grains have been milled and lack the B-vitamins.

For which of the following titles must the individual be college educated and pass a national examination administered by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics?

registered dietitian

The Calories listed on the Nutrition Facts Panel indicate the number of Calories:

per serving

______ refers to the muscular contractions that move food along the gastrointestinal tract.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration checks all food products to ensure the accuracy of their food labels.

FALSE- Food manufacturers are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of food labels, although the FDA conducts random tests and can take action if a company violates the labeling regulations.

If a beverage bottle contains 20 ounces of the beverage, then 20 ounces is the serving size.


Match the activity of dietary fiber that is related to its health benefit.

Fiber is one of the only nutrients that are almost always beneficial to the body. Consumers should not be overly concerned with which type of fiber they are getting, but focus rather on increasing intake of high fiber foods to achieve maximum health benefits.

Determine which statements fit best with each food group.

GRAINS- make at least half of your grain choices those that are whole grain. The most nutritious diets limit the number of grain products with added fat or sugar. VEGETABLES- choose dark green, leafy varieties of this food group. It is important to eat a variety from this group each week from all 5 subgroups. FRUITS- Limit the amount of juice you drink from this food group. Foods in this group vary in nutrients and phytochemicals content so make sure to get a variety of types. MILK- choose low-fat or fat-free products from this food group. Limit intake of foods in this group that have added sugars. MEAT & BEANS- focus on keeping serving sizes of these food under control. Choose low-fat or lean versions from both animal and non-animal sources of this food group.

Linda's mother is constantly calling her and complaining that she is constipated. Linda does some research and makes the following recommendations to her mother to help alleviate constipation. All of these are correct recommendations for alleviating constipation EXCEPT:

Ignore normal bowel urges for bowel training. NOT Eat more high-fiber foods like whole grain breads and cereals. Increase water intake to help prevent dehydration, which makes constipation worse. Try to develop more regular bowel habits, such as allowing the same time each day for a bowel movement, which will help train the large intestine to respond routinely.

Indicate how the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids impact the body by selecting "increase" or "decrease" for each of the sentences below.

Omega-3 fatty acids decrease blood clotting, inflammation, and triglycerides in the body and omega-6 fatty acids increase clotting and inflammation in the body.

A food item has 200 Calories per serving and 25 grams of carbohydrates. What percent of the Calories are from carbohydrate in this item?

One serving of a food that has 200 kcal and 25 grams of CHO would have 50% of its total kcal from carbohydrate (25 X 4 = 100; 100/200 = .50; .50 X 100 = 50%).


Science of food; the nutrients and the substances therein; their action, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease; and the process by which the organism ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, utilizes, and excretes food substances.

Label each part of anatomy involved in dietary carbohydrate digestion and absorption.

Some starch is broken down by salivary amylase from the salivary gland. Activity of salivary amylase stops in the acidic environment of the stomach. Most carbohydrate absorption occurs in the small intestine. After sugars are absorbed into the intestinal bloodstream, they are transported to the liver via the portal vein. In the large intestine, some soluble fiber is fermented by bacteria. Very little dietary carbohydrate is excreted in feces.

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