fund of cyb - chpt. 11

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A smurf attack tricks users into providing logon information on what appears to be a legitimate website but is in fact a website set up by an attacker to obtain this information.


A successful denial of service (DoS) attack may create so much network congestion that authorized users cannot access network resources.


A worm is a self-contained program that has to trick users into running it.


ActiveX is used by developers to create active content.

Polymorphic virus

Adam discovers a virus on his system that is using encryption to modify itself. The virus escapes detection by signature-based antivirus software. What type of virus has he discovered?


Alison discovers that a system under her control has been infected with malware, which is using a key logger to report user keystrokes to a third party. What information security property is this malware attacking?


An electronic mail bomb is a form of malicious macro attack that typically involves an email attachment that contains macros designed to inflict maximum damage.


Attacks against confidentiality and privacy, data integrity, and availability of services are all ways malicious code can threaten businesses.


Backdoor programs are typically more dangerous than computer viruses.


Because people inside an organization generally have more detailed knowledge of the IT infrastructure than outsiders do, they can place logic bombs more easily.

SQL injection

Bob is developing a web application that depends upon a database backend. What type of attack could a malicious individual use to send commands through his web application to the database?

Trojan horse

Breanne's system was infected by malicious code after she installed an innocent-looking solitaire game that she downloaded from the Internet. What type of malware did she likely encounter?


Brian would like to conduct a port scan against his systems to determine how they look from an attacker's viewpoint. What tool can he use for this purpose?


The term "web defacement" refers to someone gaining unauthorized access to a web server and altering the index page of a site on the server.


Trojans are self-contained programs designed to propagate from one host machine to another using the host's own network communications protocols.


Unlike viruses, worms do NOT require a host program in order to survive and replicate.


Val would like to limit the websites that her users visit to those on an approved list of pre-cleared sites. What type of approach is Val advocating?


What ISO security standard can help guide the creation of an organization's security policy?


What file type is least likely to be impacted by a file infector virus?


What is NOT a common motivation for attackers?

Unexpected power failures

What is NOT a typical sign of virus activity on a system?

Data import

What is NOT one of the four main purposes of an attack?


What program, released in 2013, is an example of ransomware?


What tool might be used by an attacker during the reconnaissance phase of an attack to glean information about domain registrations?

Remote Access Tool (RAT)

What type of malicious software allows an attacker to remotely control a compromised computer?


What type of system is intentionally exposed to attackers in an attempt to lure them out?

System infector

Which type of virus targets computer hardware and software startup functions?

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

Yolanda would like to prevent attackers from using her network as a relay point for a smurf attack. What protocol should she block?


Defense in depth is the practice of layering defenses to increase overall security and provide more reaction time to respond to incidents.

Session hijacking

Gwen is investigating an attack. An intruder managed to take over the identity of a user who was legitimately logged into Gwen's company's website by manipulating Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) headers. Which type of attack likely took place?


It is common for rootkits to modify parts of the operating system to conceal traces of their presence.

Cross-site scripting (XSS)

Larry recently viewed an auction listing on a website. As a result, his computer executed code that popped up a window that asked for his password. What type of attack has Larry likely encountered?


Retro viruses counter the ability of antivirus programs to detect changes in infected files.


Spyware does NOT use cookies.


System infectors are viruses that attack document files containing embedded macro programming capabilities.

Spear phishing

The CEO of Kelly's company recently fell victim to an attack. The attackers sent the CEO an email informing him that his company was being sued and he needed to view a subpoena at a court website. When visiting the website, malicious code was downloaded onto the CEO's computer. What type of attack took place?


The four primary types of malicious code attacks are unplanned attacks, planned attacks, direct attacks, and indirect attacks.


The function of homepage hijacking is to change a browser's homepage to point to the attacker's site.


The goal of a command injection is to execute commands on a host operating system


A computer virus is an executable program that attaches to, or infects, other executable programs.

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