futsal gcu quiz

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Which of the following is illegal in futsal?


The roster max for futsal is _________________ as Captain I have the ability to add players at any time as long as I do not exceed the roster limit. If I need to remove a player I must contact the Intramural Office ([email protected]).


Each team will consist of 6 players on the court at one time (No goalie). A minimum of _______ players are required to start the game


Captains meeting for Futsal will be held on Thursday,March 2nd at 7pm. All captains or a member from each team are required to attend.

A representative from my team will be there

I understand that ALL recreational facilities, including the outdoor fields, are tobacco free and alcohol free. I understand that I am not to participate in intramural sports under the influence of any substance and failure to comply will result in my removal from the contest, facility, and possibly being reported to Student Conduct Services in the Office of the Dean of Student Life


I understand that I am registering a TEAM for this sport. I will only complete this registration because I have enough players to make a team.


I understand that I am responsible for understanding all rules, policies, and procedures that can be found in the Intramural Sports Handbook and sport-specific rules. I am responsible for ensuring that all players on my team understand the material as well.


I understand that my team must maintain a 2.0 (out of 3.0) sportsmanship average in order to qualify for playoffs. I acknowledge that forfeiting a game/match results in a sportsmanship rating of 0.0 for that game/match.


I understand that my team name must be appropriate, and align with the standards set forth by the Office of Campus Recreation. If my team name is deemed inappropriate, IM Sports Administrative staff will change it to read, "Team CAPTAIN LAST NAME."


When a participant is ejected from one sport, he/she is suspended indefinitely from _______ until the participant meets with the intramural sports staff.

All intramural Sports Competitions and Campus Recreation Facilities

If my team can not play to avoid a forfeit and a 0 sportsmanship rating. What can I do?

Call The campus Recreation Office at (602) 639- 6670 or email [email protected] before 5pm to let them know.

Every intramural sports participant must present a valid photo ID before every intramural sports contest. Which of the following forms of ID will be accepted?

GCU Student ID

I understand that at least a short sleeve shirt must be worn under the pennies provided by GCU Intramural Sports. (No Tank tops, sport bras, or cutoffs)

I understand

As a Captain I am responsible for the actions of all players on my team, fans, and coaches. As such I am expected to fix any issues with them and can be penalized for their actions.


Sportsmanship rating is a 3.0 scale any team that has below a 2.0 rating at the end of the regular season will be ineligible for the playoffs. If a team's rating falls below 2.0 during the playoffs they will be removed from the bracket.


The match will consist of 2 halves, 15 minutes each


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