ga driver safety pt. 2

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Visual perception can be improved through perceptual skills development.


Always remember that you must signal before making a turn, at least ..........feet in advance (half a block in advance).


A duration of.......... seconds provides a driver time and space to steer out of problem areas at all posted speed on a dry surface and braking out of problems at speed under 35 mph.


If your path of travel is open, but threatening conditions exist on both sides, what should you do?


Why does a driver need to process visual information quickly?

Because events that occur when driving can happen at high rates of speed

Why is the "push-pull" method thought to be more efficient than the hand-over-hand method.

Because it requires less strength and avoids crossing of the arms.

Why is it that the forces that stop your car during a crash will be greatest if you have a head-on collision with another vehicle or large immovable object, such as a bridge abutment, wall, or a tree ?

Because the momentum and kinetic energy of your car must be absorbed almost instantaneously.

Why do you need the extra cushion in front if you are stopping on a hill?

Because the vehicle ahead may roll back into your vehicle when it starts or if the driver is inexperienced.

What among the list is not an effect that fatigue has on your driving ability?

CORRECT You cannot see the road clearly because of the glare of the sun

What is not one of the three steps in dealing with your own road rage?

Express your anger

What is not a consequence of either over- or under-inflated tires?

Greater handling

Why do you check for any pool of oil or liquid that might have collected under the car on a daily basis?

If you notice any thing abnormal, there is probably a problem with your car

Why do you need to keep enough space between you and parked vehicles?

In case some one opens the door of the vehicle or steps out between parked vehicles, Or because a vehicle may pull out without warning.

What should you do way ahead if you want to turn around on a roadway?

Tap brake to activate brake signal

Why are rear-end accidents very common?

They are caused from drivers following too closely to be able to stop before hitting the vehicle ahead when it suddenly stops.

What is one of the three functions of the central vision area of a driver?

Viewing line of sight to target area

It is permitted to pass on a bridge or abutment when there are more than two lanes going in the same direction. What are the exceptions to this rule?

When the weather and road conditions are poor and where signs are posted that prohibit passing.

As a driver you will need to use appropriate space management skills to control risk to the front by: adjusting lane position by timing your arrival at a given point by placement of the vehicle when stopping by controlling speed.

all of the above

As a driver, you can use use appropriate space management skills to control risk to the front by adjusting your ........ R lane position speed all of the above none of the above

all of the above

What is a crush zone in a car?

areas of the vehicle designed to absorb impact by crushing in without harming the passenger area of the vehicle

Maintaining an open line of sight is the ability to see the ....... of the driver's path of travel


On a freeway with more than 2 lanes, you should use the right lane to pass.


Seat belts and airbags do not help to minimize the impact of natural forces.


Steering skills are not of paramount importance to safe driving


The caster of a car gives the car stability while traveling in reverse.


You should never use your emergency flashers on highways and freeways unless you have to stop.


When you intend to turn left, prepare to turn by getting into the .........lane or the left side of a ........ lane roadway.

left, single

What is one of the three functions of the central vision area of a driver?

reading and interpreting signs

A number of studies have shown that cell phone conversations impede what a driver ... and ...... That, in turn, ....reactions and other faculties.

sees, processes, slows

A long trip requires a .......... examination of your car.


In a search, the driver needs to look in a ....... manner of distances ...... to ....., as well as to the ...., right and ..... of the vehicle, making efficient use of both .... and ..... vision.

systematic, far away, near. left, rear, central, fringe

Poor suspension in a vehicle affects the stability of a vehicle.


How many times a year should you have a comprehensive inspection check for your car?

twice a year

Why are larger vehicles like trucks very unstable? Because they are heavier b. Because they have high center of gravity Because they are harder to drive because they are hard to maneuver


Which three gages or indicators are the most important to be aware of?

Coolant temperature gage, oil pressure gage, and battery voltage gage

Friction is ______ if your tires are under-inflated


A good visual lead is.......... seconds from the front of the vehicle, focusing in the center of the path of travel.


The_____ position will allow you to maintain control of the steering wheel in the case of a collision and the deployment of the air bags.

9 and 3 o'clock

In the SMITH system, "leaving yourself an out means"................

Maintain a space cushion around your car in case you need it

A parking mode in an automatic transmission car has the same function as an emergency brake.


Friction on the tires of a vehicle is not affected by the material used to construct the road.


Children under............years should ride in an approved car seat or booster seat.


A railway crossing is not a high risk situation


In the SIPDE System, when you do a search, you need to concentrate on............ with rapid glances to.............

the path of travel, to other areas

A changing space is a space or area condition in which the level of risk is increasing.


In a multi lane highway with more than 3 lanes, when you intend to pass other vehicles, you should use any lane, preferably the lane just right of the vehicle to be passed.


When executing a turnaround, you should back off the main roadway into the road with the least traffic or back into a driveway.


When it is cloudy, raining, snowing or foggy you should turn on the high beam of your headlamps to allow you to see far ahead.


Most crashes result from a change in the driver's ability to control sight line, or travel path and driving into a threatening situation.


The "8" and "4" o'clock position is normally used when driving vehicles equipped with driver side air bags.


Is traction necessary for you to steer your car?


Should you avoid trying to make a three-point turn in traffic.?

yes, as it is dangerous

When you have an air bag installed your hand position should be in the 9 and 3 o'clock position and your seat should be at least .... inches from the center of the steering wheel.


As a driver you need to search for other roadway users or conditions by moving your eyes from the instrument panel and mirrors to ..... seconds ahead of your vehicle.


A driver will have more time and space to exercise options by searching ........ seconds ahead, identifying objects that could require a change in speed or direction ...... seconds ahead, and possible alternative path ....... seconds in advance.

20-30, 12-15, 8-12

If you are traveling at 40 mph and intend to turn right ahead, you should communicate your intentions to other motorists by activating your right turn signal at least .......... feet before the desired turning point


........seconds provides the driver time and space to steer out of problems at all posted speeds on dry surface and brake out of problems at speeds up to 70 mph.


A study by Carnegie Mellon University showed that drivers talking on cell phones can miss seeing ......% of their driving environment, including pedestrians and green lights (Strayer, D. L. 2007).


In city driving, nearly .........% of the energy needed to power your car goes to acceleration. Unnecessary braking wastes that energy.


You should only make a U-turn if you can be seen by oncoming drivers .......feet away and if your turn signal was on at least 100 feet from the turning point.


When you park alongside a curb, the front and back wheels must be parallel and no more than ....... inches from the curb


There are .........basic areas of operating space around a vehicle which you must be able to manage.


What is a U-turn?

A U-turn is any turn executed so as to proceed in the opposite direction

Under Georgia Law what does "a plea of nolo contendere" means?

A plea of nolo contendere means that you are not contesting the charges but not pleading guilty either

What is not a consequence of either over- or under-inflated tires?

A reduction in traction

In the SMITH system, keep your eyes moving means.........

Look systematically far and near and left and right

In the SMITH System aiming high in driving means.............?

Looking as far ahead as possible

In a driving scene if the traffic situation changes rapidly what should you do?

Make a decision based on your prediction of the situation

What is commentary driving?

Making comments on possible hazards, and how you are going to avoid them during driving

In a Zone Control System, " get the best control" means................

Choosing the best speed, lane position and communication with other drivers

What is aggressive driving?

Operation of a motor vehicle in a manner which endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property

Why do you need to check for dents and/or scratches on your car on a daily basis?

So that you would know if there are any new dents or scratches caused by others to your car

Why do need to check often behind you by looking at the rear view mirror when traffic is heavy?

This is the only way you will know if some one is following you too closely or coming up too fast.

What is Georgia's "Zero Tolerance" Law ?

This laws penalize drivers under 21 years for operating a vehicle with any trace of alcohol in their systems (a BAC above 0.0), or with negligible BAC levels.

What is the main use of a cell phone while on a long road trip?

To call for a tow truck or 911 in an emergency

Intersections and curves are high risk situations.


In the SIPDE system, when you execute a task what do you try to do?

Try to take action to create space and minimize harm

Emotional "outbursts" could be the result of: Physical and mental disability Anger, extreme exuberance Fatigue, stress, and drowsiness All of the above None of the above

all of the above

If the lead driver is being passed by another vehicle, what should you do if you want to overtake the vehicle in front? wait until the lead vehicle has been passed wait until an acceptable gap is present. wait until your view of the road ahead is clear all of the above none of the above

all of the above

When traveling from a one-way road to turn into a two-way road, you should enter the two-way road to the right of the center line. Be alert for traffic, especially motorcycles, as it is ..... to ....their....and .........

difficult, judge, speed, distance.

In the Zone Control System, you search the zones regularly and systematically to identify...............and make............

driving hazards, predictions

A highly skilled driver is not affected by emotions while undertaking driving skills that require accurate timing, or other subtle skills, especially during an emergency.


A person must become fixed on a given stimuli, such as pedestrian walking alongside the road, in order to maintain an awareness of the larger driving environment.


A small amount of alcohol intake does not alter mood, concentration and coordination.


Always park with your car in the opposite direction that traffic moves.


Backing up around a sharp corner is safe if you are doing it very slowly.


Cars are not built with features to mitigate or reduce the effects of the forces of nature.


Drinking and driving is not really a significant problem for teens, because teenagers can't buy alcohol


Excessive idling does not actually damage your engine components, including cylinders, spark plugs, and exhaust systems. It actually maintains these components.


If there is a Long Line of cars ahead that are in a tight group, it is safe to try to pass the whole group as long as you can see there is no car ahead.


If you are a good driver, you need not constantly evaluate the current prevailing conditions and decide what speed selection is most suitable for each situation.


If you have air bags in your car, you need not wear a safety belt as the air bag will protect you adequately.


Inattention occurs when a driver's attention drifts away from the driving tasks and starts talking on a hands-free phone


It is all right to take medication with alcohol as long as your doctor has prescribed the medication.


It is alright to shift gears during a turn as long as you are driving slowly.


It is alright to shift to a reverse mode in a car with automatic transmission while in motion.


It is fine to start passing if you see a sign marking a "No Passing" zone approaching as long as you can see that there is no car ahead.


It is legal to have three people in the front seat as long as they are adults and know how to behave themselves and not be a cause of distraction to the driver.


It takes less energy to cool a hot car than it does to cool a medium-sized home in Atlanta, Georgia during the summer!


Not every thing around us, including our own bodies, is affected by the laws of nature.


The emotional frame of mind of a driver is not an important factor in his or her ability to drive safely.


The push pull steering method is not recommended by experts.


Tires do not play a role in maintaining the stability of a vehicle.


To make a sharp turn while backing up, you would use your right hand as the main steering hand to control the vehicle.


Using a handsfree phone while driving is fine as you are not distracted by physically handling the phone.


When it is cloudy, raining, snowing or foggy you should turn on the high beam of your headlamps to allow you to see far ahead.


Worn or over-inflated tires will increase the friction between your tires and the road surface, increasing the traction needed to start smoothly


You can change lanes in or near an intersection as long as you are going slowly.


You can make a U-turn on a limited access expressway, if paths connect your side of the expressway with the other side.


You need to down shift manual transmissions to the proper gear to execute a turn even if you are not driving very fast.


You should always hide a second set of keys in your vehicle so you would be able to drive your car if you lose the first set.


You would use your left foot to operate the brake pedal and the right foot to operate the gas pedal in automatic transmission car.


Young drivers are not more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol on driving ability.


Your personal style of driving would not have a significant impact on the environment.


If stopping is necessary during a turn, keep ..... wheels ... and ......... pedal depressed.

front, straight, brake

Laws are often made to help drivers deal with natural forces. For example, imposing of speed limits to deal with the force of impact, ............., and friction. a. inertia b. centrifugal c. gravity


When executing a turn, begin accelerating and .........steering as the car reaches the curb line, and the wheels are starting to enter the intersection.

hand over hand

When a vehicle changes direction, as in a corner, the centrifugal force will cause the vehicle's weight to move to the .......... of the turn.


Why do you want to straighten your car's front wheels and then position your hands on the steering wheel at the 9 and 3 o'clock position before driving off?

so that every time your hands are straight and level you know your car's wheels are straight.

As a driver you need to constantly make estimates of (a) .........(b)......... (c) ............ and (d) .............

speed, distance, direction, behavior of other drivers

When your line of sight is interrupted, a change in ......and .... are necessary for re-establishing ......... to the driver's path of travel.

speed, position, a clear line of sight

If two vehicles are involved in a head-on collision, and were moving at the same rate of speed, the vehicle _________________________________.

that weighs more will be less damaged

The purpose of fuses is to disable .................that is drawing too much current. This prevents a fire and protects the components that the circuit serves.

the engine

When you are starting on a hill (upgrade), with the parking brake set and left foot on the clutch, and having the transmission in gear, you should release the clutch slowly ........, before releasing the parking brake and accelerating.

to friction point

If you are parking facing uphill and there is no curb, you should turn your wheels ...... the side of the road, so the vehicle will roll away from the center of the road if the brakes fail.


Because of centrifugal force, the faster the vehicle is going and/or the tighter the turn, the more likely the driver is to lose control of the vehicle and for it to roll over.


Centrifugal force is affected by the vehicle speed and the angle of turn.


Children under 8 who are taller than 4 feet 9 inches are exempted from using an approved car seat or booster seat located in the rear seat of the car.


In general, the faster a vehicle is traveling, or the heavier it is, the more heat the brakes generate in bringing the vehicle to a stop.


Internal distractions, such as emotions or preoccupations with a line of thought, can distract you from focusing on your path of travel and in turn lead to a crash.


Maintaining a proper hand position on the steering wheel will enable you to turn the wheel smoothly and efficiently and still remain in control of your vehicle.


Modern day cars have energy-absorbing bumpers that reduce the effects of a front or rear-end collision.


Most crashes result from a change in the driver's ability to control sight line, or travel path and driving into a threatening situation.


On a hot summer day, at speeds over 40 mph, the drag caused by open windows eats up more gas than a working air conditioner.


One key to preventing and avoiding crashes is to identify situations that may become hazardous ahead of time.


Releasing the accelerator to decrease your speed smoothly also reduces wear and tear on the brakes, thus reducing maintenance costs.


Road conditions due to weather, like rain or ice, could result in the loss of control of your vehicle due to reduction in friction.


Search rate is concerned with how frequently the driver searches his environment.


The Highway Safety Authority states that annually thousands of automobile accidents are directly the result of expression of road rage or by overly aggressive driving.


The stability of a vehicle, especially a large vehicle, is mainly dependent on the height of its center of gravity above the ground.


These are the most common effects of fatigue on driving: difficulty keeping your car within a lane, drifting off the road, more frequent and unnecessary changes in speed, and not reacting in time to avoid a dangerous situation.


Vehicle balance is how the weight of the vehicle is distributed on the tires at the point of contact with the ground.


When driving, a person must maintain an ongoing awareness and capacity to divide his or her attention among the vehicle's operation, position, speed, the condition of the roadway, and the actions of other drivers.


When you are backing,you should have your head turned towards the right rear of your vehicle, so you can see any objects through the rear view window on the right side and rear of the vehicle.


When you are making a turn from a two-way road into a two-way road, you should approach the turn with your left wheels as close as possible to the center line, and try to use the left side of the intersection to help ensure that you do not interfere with opposing traffic turning left.


You can make a U-turn on a limited access expressway, if paths connect your side of the expressway with the other side.


Often two-lane roadways have passing lanes or.......... , especially in areas with steep grades, to allow traffic to safely pass a slower vehicle.

turn out

Several short trips taken from a cold start can use ....... as much fuel as a longer multi-purpose trip covering the same distance when the engine is warm.


A search will start from a .... lead. The eyes will focus on........from the path of travel in an organized pattern in a visual ....for traffic information and potential risk situations.

visual, movements, scan

A multiple lane roadway of traffic traveling in both directions will have yellow line (s) dividing the two opposing lanes of traffic, and lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction will be separated by ...... line(s).


A multiple lane roadway of traffic traveling in both directions will have ....... line (s) dividing the two opposing lanes of traffic, and lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction will be separated by white line(s).


If you are extremely happy and full of exuberance, can this affect your driving abilities and skills?


If you can't get the car nearly perpendicular to the road on one try in a three-point turn, what should you do?

you may have to go back and forth a few times, turning the wheel all the way from one side to the other with each attempt

When you are starting on a hill (upgrade), with your transmission in gear, what should you do, after releasing the parking brake, to keep the vehicle from rolling down?

you should accelerate slightly

Whenever you stop in traffic, there should be a minimum of ....... feet of distance between the vehicle ahead of you and your vehicle.


A good visual lead is ..............seconds from the front of the vehicle, focusing in the center of the path of travel.


How do you avoid the loss of traction in a stop or turn ? By driving slower By braking strongly By speeding up


The effects of kinetic energy increase at ...... the speed of the vehicle.

the square of

Worn or over-inflated tires will reduce the friction between your tires and the road surface, reducing the traction needed to stop quickly


You should look at least .........seconds ahead of your vehicle.


Drivers who text are ........ times more likely to crash, while drivers who talk on the cell phone are .......times more to have an accident.

23, 4

How many steps are in the Zone Control System?


NHTSA sources showed that .............out of five people killed in vehicle accidents would have survived their injuries had they been wearing their seat belts.


You get ....... percent less gas mileage for every 100 pounds of excess weight carried in your car.


How many steps are there in the SMITH system?


How many zones are there in the Zone Control System?


How many basic areas of operating space are there around a vehicle?


What percent in SIPDE is mental and what percent is physical?


What are the three most important things you must do to make a turn?

Slow down, look out for pedestrians and traffic , and signal before you turn

You may not make a U-turn in the following places: near the crest of a hill near a curve where other drivers cannot see your vehicle from 500 feet away in either direction all of the above in the city in peak traffic hours where there are no traffic lights

all of the above

Centrifugal force can be partly overcome by leaning away from inside of the turn when driving a motorcycle or riding a bicycle.


When you are being approached from the opposite direction or a car is trying to pass you on the roadway, it is important that you move your vehicle to the far right of your lane, to.......... .

minimize a collisions

For either uphill or downhill parking, if there is no curb, turn the wheels ..... the side of the road


Repeated acceleration and braking requires a lot of fuel.


Worn or over-inflated tires will increase the friction between your tires and the road surface, increasing the traction needed to pull out of a turn or curve without losing control.


Drivers under the age of 21 will have their license suspended if they have minimum blood alcohol concentration level of... percent.


When you are starting to drive, and are accelerating, you should shift up as soon as possible to between ....... and ......... RPM.

2,000, 2500

It takes ........less gas to accelerate from 5 mph than from a full stop.


You will save more gas by turning the engine off and restarting it again if you expect to idle for more than ......... seconds.


Every vehicle, other than a motorcycle, should be equipped with two stop lamps, red or yellow in color, visible from a distance of ........... feet to the rear both during normal sunlight and at night.


In 2014, more than .......... people were killed, and more than .... were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers (NHTSA. 2015)

3000, 400,000

Aggressive driving can lower your gas mileage by .........percent at highway speeds and by ..... percent around town.


Brain activity is reduced by ..........% when using a cell phone while driving.


As a general rule, when you are following a vehicle, what is the minimum time/space you would leave in front of you?

4 seconds

.......... seconds provides the driver time and space to steer out of problems at all posted speeds on dry surface and .................. at speeds up to 70 mph.

4, brake out of problems

The SIPDE System is a ............ step process.


If you don't tailgate, you can avoid unnecessary braking and acceleration and improve your fuel economy by ..........%.

5 to 10

When making a left turn, drive into the intersection, make the turn smoothly and without strain on the engine, braking to about ... to .........mph and stay on the brake until approximately half way into the intersection.

5 to 10

Why can't you turn your ignition key to the lock position while in motion?

Because this will cause the steering wheel to lock when you turn the steering wheel causing you to loose control of your car

In standard transmission,when you are getting ready to stop on a hill (downgrade), before you apply steady pressure on your brake pedal, how do you reduce your speed?

CORRECT By down shifting, using the engine compression to reduce speed

In order to drive at a steady speed and avoid unnecessary braking and accelerating, what should a driver do?

It is important for the driver to anticipate surrounding traffic

If a car is tailgating you in the left lane of the highway, you should:

Move your car into the right lane, slowly decrease speed

Why do you adjust your seat before driving off?

To make sure you can easily reach the pedals and controls, have a clear view through the windshield, and at the same time see the panel instruments clearly.

The purpose of fuses is to disable .................that is drawing too much current. This prevents a fire and protects the components that the circuit serves.

a circuit

Manual transmission has a driver-operated clutch and a movable gear selector. In manual transmission, the gears are engaged .....................


In a turn, a vehicle is subject to centrifugal force which pulls the vehicle ______ the direction it wants to turn and into a straight line.

away from

When you park headed uphill, you turn your front wheels ........ the curb

away from

Whatever organized system of driving you use, you must remember that all are based on the idea that you will be best able to respond to changing conditions if you.....

become aware of them early

If the load of a truck is not balanced correctly along the length of the vehicle, there is the possibility of a wheel lock-up during .........., and the vehicle losing steering control. speeding stops braking driving


You can reduce the forces on you and your car during an unavoidable crash if you are able to redirect your path toward objects such as .....

bushes, snow, soft dirt

Three ways by which a driver can communicate with other highway users are:

by using his brake lights, making hand signals and eye contact

When you are traveling down a steep hill and are using your brakes a lot, what may happen? a.Your brakes may screech due to the friction caused by downward momentum causing temporary brake failure. b. Your brakes will catch fire. c. The components of your brakes become too hot, they cannot release any more heat and will fail to absorb any more kinetic energy , and the brakes wil fail. This will result in a loss of traction


What is more distracting to a driver on the road, using a cell phone or listening to a radio?

cell phone

Good judgment is .......... to safe driving, and is involved in many of the .............. driving techniques.

critical, defensive

The active ingredient in alcoholic beverages, called ethanol affects every organ in the body in many different ways. It is a central nervous system ......that is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestine into the......

depressant, bloodstream

When picking up speed while driving downhill, the pull of gravity combined with your speeding can lead to ...............consequences. a. disastrous b. no c. minor d. cascading


As a driver you learn to concentrate on the center of the travel path, by finding a ...... reference point and ........ it.

distant, steering toward

When making a u-turn, it must be made without ........other traffic.


What is one of the three functions of the peripheral vision area of a driver?

establishing color changes

What is one of the three functions of the focus vision area of a driver?

establishing visual lead

A closed space is a space or area to operate within that is without restrictions to the line of sight or path of travel.


A driver's option relative to speed control when his projected path is threatened is to step on the accelerator/increase speed.


Coasting in neutral is fine and it saves gas.


Curves and hills increase line of sight.


Where can you use a three-point turn to turn around?

in a narrow, two-way street.

When you are making a left turn into a two-way road from a two-way road, as you cross the intersection, you should enter the two-way road to the left of its center line, but close as possible to the center line.

in the lane you were traveling in

Taking preventive actions (such as slowing down when approaching a hill crest, slowing down before reaching the downgrade or entering a curve), in addition to wearing a safety belt, will help you drive more safely by ........ the effects of the natural forces. a. expanding b. limiting c. mitigating d. cancelling


Looking farther away from your vehicle lengthens or increases ....... and ..... areas.

line of sight, path of travel

Manual transmission has a driver-operated clutch and a movable gear selector. In manual transmission, the gears are engaged .....................


In passing, the driver is required to ............ within a very short period of time.


Can the forces of nature be totally eliminated?


Vehicle signal lights flash only from ............. per second

one to three times

Often two-lane roadways have ..... or turnouts, especially in areas with steep grades, to allow traffic to safely pass a slower vehicle.

passing lanes

Under Georgia's Code 40-8-76 a child under 8 years of age must be buckled to an approved car sear or booster seat in the ..... seat of the car.


When you are ready to back up, position your body to the right, put your right arm over the passenger seat, and turn your head to the right so that you have a clear view of the...... of the vehicle.


Depth perception is important in judging the ........... position of the vehicle to fixed objects.


If a driver driving at high speed round a corner is unable to control the speed of the vehicle, centrifugal force will cause the vehicle to ........ Thus centrifugal force is sometimes called overturning or side force.

roll over or slide out

As a driver, you must develop some kind of....... and ......... routine in order to drive efficiently and safely.

scanning, search

Your best protection in a roll over collision is


Good searching sets up good..............and good ............... fields for seeing ............ and identifying ............. paths of travel.

sightlines, peripherals, changes, alternate

As a driver you must have adequate ...... to undertake a maneuver, adequate ......... to perform it, and adequate ...... to make the maneuver with your vehicle.

time, space, traction

A search will start from a visual lead.


Aggressive driving (speeding, rapid acceleration and braking) wastes gas.


As a driver, you may be able to predict the actions of other drivers by the type of automobile they are driving.


As a driver, you need visibility, space and time to perform all maneuvers in traffic. This is whether you are crossing, turning, passing or adjusting speed and/or position.


Banked roadways improve your traction in turns, and help in overcoming the centrifugal force that is pulling you away from the direction in which you want to turn.


Because of centrifugal force, the faster a vehicle is going and/or the tighter the turn, the greater the likelihood for the driver of the vehicle to lose control of the vehicle and for it to roll over.


Distraction occurs when a situation, event or person draws a driver's concentration away from driving.


Driving at a steady speed not only increases fuel economy, but it also has a positive effect on exhaust emissions, traffic safety, traffic flow, and passenger comfort.


Friction on the tires of a vehicle is decreased if your tires are over-inflated or are worn smooth.


Friction results in the resistance of an object moving over a surface.


Gas mileage decreases rapidly at speeds above 55 mph. ¡


Georgia has a "Five Year" lookback law with regards to sanctions. This mean that any offenses committed 6 years ago are deleted from your driving records.


Hand over hand steering method is used for turning the wheel sharply when driving slowly or in emergencies when conditions are very slippery.


If there is a child sitting in the front seat of a car installed with air bags, it is advised that the air bag feature be turned off for the child or the child be placed in the back seat.


If your alcohol level is as low as 0.02 BAC, it is safe to drive and such a low level has no effect on your driving ability.


If your vehicle is very well designed, and you are very skillful at handling your vehicle, natural forces have no affect on your vehicle.


In a crash, the kinetic energy of your vehicle and body must be dissipated.


In order to be able to drive straight you should look further down the road.


Overtaking is a decision making process that depends on: * Weather Conditions * Relative Speeds of the Two Vehicles


The kinetic energy of your moving vehicle is converted into heat during braking because of the friction of your brakes against your wheels and the friction of your tires against the road.


The larger and heavier the vehicle, the greater the energy and momentum.


Tires transmit the driving, braking, steering and cornering forces from the vehicle to the road.


Trip-chaining saves on gas in addition to cutting emissions by eliminating numerous trips.


U-turns are legal on a highway as long as there is no sign prohibiting it.


Under Georgia "Open Container" law, if your vehicle is not moving and you are parked on the shoulder of a roadway, it is not an offense to have an open container of alcoholic beverage.


Under Georgia "Open Container"Law, if you are a lone driver of a vehicle, it is not an offense if an open container of alcoholic beverage is in the back seat of the car, beyond your reach.


Unless signs tell you otherwise, you may make a U-turn when you are given the go-ahead by a green arrow left-turn traffic signal, provided it is not prohibited and you yield to other traffic.


When you are stopping on a hill (downgrade), you should down shift and use the engine compression to reduce speed, before braking smoothly and evenly to stop.


When you turn the steering wheel you are actually turning the wheels and your front wheels are no longer pointing in the same direction .


You can use the same gear going up hill or going down hill.


You cannot change lanes during a turn even if there is no traffic and you are driving slowly.


You decelerate smoothly when you have to slow down or to stop, by releasing the accelerator in time, and leaving the car in gear.


You should always increase to the proper rpm before shifting to the next higher gear.


As a driver, you need .............., space and time to perform all maneuvers in traffic whether crossing, turning, passing or adjusting speed and/or position.


A driver will need to develop .............. in order to keep steering changes to a minimum, limiting movements to the left and right of the path of travel.

visual lead

The first space management skill a driver must develop is an effective ..............

visual search

Can you undertake corrective actions to counter the undesired effects of natural forces?


What is vehicular homicide?

Assault with a vehicle causing the death of a person, whether unintentionally or intentionally

Why do you need to adjust your distance from the steering wheel when you are seated in the driver's seat?

Because when you are too close to the steering wheel, a released airbag during a collision can cause structural damage to your body.

Why do you need to secure loose objects in passenger compartments?

In a collision unsecured items in your vehicle will become projectiles that continue to travel the same speed your car was moving before the impact.

A study by Carnegie Mellon University of drivers using cell phone found that the drivers look but they don't see. This phenomenon is often known as ..... which is similar to .........

Inattention blindness, tunnel vision

What is meant by "reasonable (probable) cause" under Georgia DUI law?

It means a police office has the authority to stop you and undertake an investigation when they have reasonable (probable) cause to suspect a DUl.

What does it mean to "split the difference" when faced with parked and oncoming cars?

It means steering a middle course between the oncoming vehicles and the parked cars

Under the SIPDE system, to be able to make estimates or predictions, what are the three rules you must remember?

Rules of the road, rules of vehicular dynamics, rules of human behavior

Why do you need to sort and/or select your music before driving off in your car?

So that you will not have to adjust your channels and get distracted while driving

What skill is critical when pulling into a parking space and when determining a safe gap in traffic to make a left turn.

The ability to be able to judge the position of one's vehicle in relation to the fixed and moving objects in the environment

When you see a lane marked with orange cones, what should you expect?

The cones denote that the roadway is being used differently from its normal every day use

Per Se in Georgia is 0.08 BAC. Can you be arrested for driving with a BAC less than 0.08 BAC?

You can only be arrested if you have a open container of alcoholic beverage in the front seat of your car.

How do you keep control of your backward movement when backing your car?

You should release the pressure on the brake pedal slightly while still keeping tension on the brake pedal

When you are stopping on a hill (upgrade) what should you do to slow down before applying your service brake lightly for a smooth stop?

You should take your foot of the accelerator

What is the reason behind young drivers' greater car crash risk?

Young drivers lack the experience in driving and the perceptive part of their brains has not fully developed

Why do you signal when intending to make a turn?

Your signals let other drivers know your intention, allowing them to make the necessary adjustments for you to make a safe turn

An Open Space in the Zone Control System is ......

a space with no restriction to LOS or intended POT

You must: (a) dim your high beams for oncoming vehicles by the time they are within 500 feet of your vehicle, and (b) dim your high beams when the vehicle you are following is within .....feet.


You must: (a) dim your high beams for oncoming vehicles by the time they are within.... feet of your vehicle, and (b) dim your high beams when the vehicle you are following is within 300 feet.


How does the seat belt prevent injury?

It spreads the force of collision across the pelvis and upper chest

What are two reasons for you to use your emergency flash lights if you are driving outside a business or residential district?

When your speed is below 25 miles per hour or you cannot keep up with the normal flow of traffic.

What type of injury would you suffer if your vehicle is knocked from behind, and your head restraint is not appropriately adjusted?

You would suffer a whiplash

The friction on your brakes and clutch results in brake and clutch wear. If used improperly, excessive wear to the brake pads and clutch can occur. How do you prevent this from happening? a. By avoiding riding the brakes, not driving with partially engaged clutches, and by using a lower gear to travel downhill b. By coasting downhill in neutral gear, by making sure you change the clutch every 3 months, by servicing the brakes regularly c. By servicing your clutch and brakes every three months.


Which is a feature of a good braking system ? A good braking system has the ability to remove that heat quickly and efficiently. A good braking system has the ability to make the vehicle come to a slow stop A good braking system has the ability to brake smoothly


Modern vehicles have a number of features that reduce the forces on your body during a crash by........... and increasing the distance over which the impact occurs

absorbing energy

Traction is the result of friction between the ....and your tires caused by the......of the car pushing the tires against the road due to gravity. a. brakes, kinetic energy b. road, weight c. steering wheel, speed, inertia


When you are driving uphill, the force of gravity is working against you to ...... and you may need to .... or change to a higher gear to maintain your speed a. speed you up, decelerate b, slow you down, accelerate


Attention is a .......... process by which a person focuses on a given target, while maintaining an awareness of background events.


All passengers including the driver must be restrained by a seat belt while riding in the......... seats of the car.


When you brake, the weight of the vehicle is shifted towards the ..........

front of the vehicle

Friction on the tires is ________ by the weight of your vehicle.


Gravity is a force that attracts everything towards the center of the earth. Gravity therefore affects your .......... of travel when going uphill and downhill. path sense speed


The ability of peripheral vision to pick up changes in the motion and color of other objects is affected by the........ and ........ of your vehicle.

speed, movement

When you leave a vehicle parked on an incline, which force is working to pull the vehicle downhill? a. inertia b. gravity c. kinetic energy d, friction


The best protection against injury if you have a crash is


If you have an emergency on the roadway, you should place the emergency flares or triangles ............. to ............. feet behind your vehicle.


When you have an air bag installed your hand position should be in the............ and .............. o'clock position and your seat should be 10 inches from the center of the steering wheel.


What is an open line of sight?

This is the ability to see down the center of your path of travel

friction When you drive downhill,gravity will cause you to go faster and increase your stopping distance. You may need to shift to a .......... gear or smoothly apply your brakes to .....down to a safe speed and control your vehicle. a. lower, slow b. higher, speed up c. smooth, speed up


If we were to roll a ball away from us and there are no opposing forces a. it will stop at some distance from us b. it will keep going in a straight line away from us forever c. it will roll in a curve back to you d. it will roll round and round


What is the purpose of anti-lock brakes? The purpose of anti-lock brakes is to prevent your brakes from getting locked by lubricating the brakes while stopping. The purpose of anti-lock brakes is to prevent your wheels from locking during a quick stop, so that your brakes can continue to absorb energy and you can maintain traction. The purpose of anti-lock brakes is to lock the brakes so that they perform better when braking.


When your vehicle is parked facing uphill, and there is a curb, what should you do? a. always turn the front wheels away from the middle of the road, towards the curb, and put a block against the back tire of the car. b. Park with the front wheels turned away from the curb and allow the vehicle to roll backward against the curb.


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