Gas Exchange & Smoking

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Chronic Bronchitis

A condition where the airways have become inflamed and thickened, and there is an increase in the number and size of mucus producing cells.

Cardiovascular Diseases

A general term for all diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Lung Diseases

A major cause of illness and death worldwide.


A medical instrument used to examine the airways looking for any blockages or for possible signs of lung cancer.


A mixture of compounds that settles on the lining of the airways in the lungs and stimulates a series of changes that may lead to obstructive lung diseases and lung cancer.


A serious disease that destroys lung tissue and causes breathing difficulties. The number of capillaries decrease, so less oxygen is absorbed into the blood.


A sudden attack of weakness or paralysis that occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is interrupted.


A white area at the base of the trachea would be...

Clean and warm the air that enters during breathing/ Maximize the surface area for diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and atmosphere/ Minimize the distance for this diffusion/Maintain adequate gradience for this diffusion.

Adaptations of the Human Gas Exchange System:

Ciliated Cells

Between the goblet cells are the...

Passive Smoking

Breathing in someone else's cigarette smoke is called...

Smooth Muscle

Bronchioles are surrounded by _____, which can contract or relax to adjust the diameter of these tiny airways.


Cancer causing compounds that cause mutations in the genes which control cell division.


Cannot be detected by an examination and can only be reported by the patient.


Carbon monoxide combines irreversibly with _____, reducing the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Nicotine stimulates the nervous system, increasing heart rate and blood pressure, and stimulating vasoconstriction, which reduces blood flow to the extremities.

Blood in the Lungs

Carbon monoxide diffuses across the walls of the alveoli and into the...

Bronchitis means inflammation of the bronchi. As a result mucus which is normally made in the airways to keep them moist, is produced in excessive amounts. This leads to cough and sputum production. The bronchi may also become narrow and floppy, making them narrower, and therefore it is harder for air to get in and out of the lungs. Breathlessness results.

Effects of Chronic Bronchitis On Lungs

In emphysema, the alveoli or airsacs in the lungs are gradually destroyed so people have difficulty absorbing enough oxygen. The bronchi becomes floppy and narrow so that it becomes harder to breathe in and out.

Effects of Emphysema On Lungs

Carbon monoxide may contribute to smoking-induced cardiovascular disease. Nicotine has well known acute and chronic cardiovascular effects, mainly through sympathetic activation, although the contribution of nicotine per se in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality induced by cigarette smoking is uncertain.

Effects of Nicotine & Carbon Monoxide on the Cardiovascular System:

Very large number, forming a large surface area; Squamous epithelial cells are very thin to give short diffusion distance; Surrounded by capillaries, so well supplied with blood; Capillaries are very close, so short diffusion distance; Well ventilated, so air constantly refreshed; Maintains concentration gradients for oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Explain How Alveoli Are Adapted For the Exchange of Gases

Mitochondria provide energy/ATP for movement of cilia.

Explain Why Ciliated Epithelial Cells Contains Many Mitochondria

Breathing/ventilation introduces fresh air/atmospheric air and removes stale air/air rich in carbon dioxide.

Explain Why the Composition of Alveolar Air Remains Fairly Constant

Golgi apparatus packages proteins into vesicles for secretion.

Explain the Role of the Golgi Apparatus in Goblet Cells

Carbon Monoxide And Nicotine

Tar & carcinogens damage the gas exchange system. What damages the cardiovascular system?

Tobacco Smoke

Tar in _____ contains several substances that are carcinogens.

Goblet Cells And Mucous Glands

Tar in cigarette smoke stimulates _____ to enlarge and secrete more mucus.

Oxygen diffuses down it's concentration gradient from alveolar air into red blood cell. Carbon dioxide diffuses down it's concentration gradient from red blood cells/plasma to alveolar air, across epithelial cells of alveolus and endothelium of capillary.

The Composition of Alveolar Air Remains Fairly Constant, Even Though Gases Are Exchanged With the Blood in the Capillaries That Surround the Alveoli. Describe the Process of Gas Exchange Between Alveolar Air & Blood.

Circulatory System

The Human Gas Exchange System links the...

Tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine.

The Main Components of Cigarette Smoke

World Health Organization

The _____ (WHO) considers smoking to be a disease.


The _____ of elastin makes it difficult to move air out of the lungs.

Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

The alveoli are lined by a squamous epithelium that gives a short diffusion difference for the exchange of _____. The alveoli are well supplied with blood by the many capillaries surrounding the gas exchange surface. The constant flow of blood and the continuous ventilation of the lungs maintain concentration gradients between blood and air for _____. Recoil of the elastic fibers surrounding the alveoli helps to move air out during expiration.


The alveoli have extremely thin _____, each consisting of a single layer of squamos epithelial cells no more than 0.5 micrometers thick.

Either increase or reduce air flow.

The bronchioles change diameter to...

Coronary Heart Disease

The clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle; the leading cause of death in many developed countries.


The drug in tobacco.

Extensive, Very Thin, Well Supplied With Blood, & Well Ventilated

The gas exchange surface in the lungs is...

Efficient and Adaptable

The gas exchange system is naturally...


The inflammation of the constantly infected lungs causes phagocytes to leave the _____ and line the airways.

Large Surface Area

The lungs' _____ of delicate tissue is constantly exposed to moving streams of air that may carry potentially harmful gases and particles.

Cellular Respiration

The set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products.


The singular form of alveoli is...


The singular form of bronchi is...

Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide

The two components of tobacco smoke that cause short term effects on the cardiovascular system are...


The type of bronchoscope used to examine the airways and lungs.


The upper part of each goblet cell is swollen with _____ droplets, which have been secreted by the cell.


The visible expression of a disease which a doctor could find by examining a patient.


There are legal controls in _____ countries on emissions of pollutants from industrial, domestic, and transport fuels, and on conditions in the work place.

The Lungs

...are in the thoracic (chest) cavity surrounded by the pleural membranes, which enclose an airtight space.

Cartilage the trachea and bronchi keeps these airways open and air resistance low, and prevents them from collapsing or bursting as the air pressure changes during breathing.

Elastin responsible for the recoil of the alveoli we breathe out.

Elastic Fibres

Alveolar walls contain _____, which stretch during inspiration and recoil during expiration to help force out air.

Lung Function

As _____ deteriorates, wheezing occurs and breathlessness becomes progressively worse.

More Resistant

As emphysema progresses, the blood vessels in the lungs become _____ to the flow of blood.

Lymphatic Tissues

As the cancer develops, it spreads through the bronchial epithelium and enters the _____ in the lung.


At the base of the trachea are two _____, which subdivide and branch extensively, forming a bronchial tree in each lung.

The Alveoli

At the end of the pathway between the atmosphere and the bloodstream are...


Each bronchus divides many times to form smaller...

Tar stimulates goblet cells/mucous glands to secrete more mucus, which paralyses/destroys cilia. Mucus is not moved up the bronchioles/bronchi, trachea/ airways. Mucus accumulates in the airways. Bacteria multiply within the airways. This leads to chronic bronchitis. Tar contains carcinogens/named carcinogens, like benzopyrene. Tar settles on bronchial epithelial cells/epithelium. Mutations/changes to DNA. Growth of tumor. Bronchial carcinoma/lung cancer.

Cigarette Smoke Contains Tar, Nicotine, & Carbon Monoxide. Describe the Effect of Tar on the Lining of the Bronchi in the Lungs.

The trachea contains smooth muscle cells, ciliated epithelial cells, mucous glands, cartilage, and elastic fibers. The respiratory bronchiole contains ciliated epithelial cells and elastic fibers.

Compare & Contrast the Trachea & Respiratory Bronchiole

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Damage to the airways and alveoli occurs in _____ (COPD). In chronic bronchitis, the airways are obstructed by mucus and infection. In emphysema, alveoli are destroyed, reducing the surface area for gas exchange. Some of the signs and symptoms of _____ are breathlessness, wheezing, and constant coughing.

Mucus secreted by mucous glands in the trachea/goblet cells in trachea and bronchi.Bacteria/viruses/pathogens stick to mucus. Cilia move mucus upwards/towards throat. Mucus and pathogens swallowed, destroyed by acid in stomach. Macrophages/phagocytes in the alveoli engulf and digest any pathogens.

Describe How the Alveoli Are Protected Against Infection

Fewer alveoli, larger air spaces, fewer capillaries, scar tissue in bronchioles/bronchi, few/no cilia, few/no goblet cells, enlarged mucous glands, enlarged smooth muscle, may be pre cancerous/cancerous cells, and tumor/bronchial carcinoma.

Describe How the Lungs of Smokers Differ From the Lungs of Non Smokers

Nicotine increases heart rate, increases blood pressure, increases chance of blood clotting, promotes thrombosis, and decreases flow of blood to extremities/ fingers/toes. Carbon monoxide combines irreversibly with hemoglobin, forms carboxyhemoglobin, reduces oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin/blood, damages lining of arteries, and promotes atherosclerosis.

Describe the Effects of Nicotine & Carbon Monoxide on the Cardiovascular System

Nicotine and other substances in tobacco smoke immediately affect the cardiovascular systems of smokers and those who inhale the secondhand smoke. Active cigarette smoking elevates the heart rate and blood pressure for up to 20 minutes after tobacco use, says the American Lung Association. Similar effects occur when smoke is inhaled passively. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, the widespread heart health problems created by long-term damage contribute to the deaths of 126,000 people annually, as of 2008.

Describe the Effects of Tobacco Smoke on the Cardiovascular System

In the ciliated epithelial cell, cilia beat/move back and forth, move mucus upwards/towards throat. In the goblet cell, mucus secreted, mucus traps dust/bacteria/ viruses/pollen/prevents entry to alveoli and gas exchange surface.

Describe the Roles of the Ciliated Epithelial Cell & Goblet Cell in the Gas Exchange System

Tissues pick up or drop off differing amounts of oxygen than the blood. More active tissues are warmer, has less oxygen, and has a lower pH. More active tissues need more oxygen than less active tissues. The biochemistry of hemoglobin is mainly responsible for this elegant adjustment of gas exchange to the individual needs of different tissues.

Functions of Tissues:

In the lungs, oxygen and carbon dioxide (a waste product of body processes) are exchanged in the tiny air sacs (alveoli) at the end of the bronchial tubes. The alveoli are surrounded by capillaries. When a person inhales, oxygen moves from the alveoli to the surrounding capillaries and into the bloodstream. At the same time, carbon dioxide moves from the bloodstream to the capillaries and into the alveoli. The carbon dioxide is removed from the lungs when a person exhales.

How Gases Are Exchanged in the Lungs:

Immediately, cells will get less oxygen & cilia stops moving mucus and pathogens. Over time, the lining of the bronchi and bronchioles get irritated & tar coats the lining of the alveoli.

How Tobacco Smoke Affects the Gas Exchange System:

There are millions of alveoli in each lung, providing a large surface area for gas exchange. They have a moist lining so oxygen dissolves first, speeding up diffusion into the blood. The walls are one cell thick, so gases do not have far to diffuse.

How are the lungs adapted for efficient gas exchange?

Five. Into and then out of a cell in the alveolar wall, into and then out of a cell in the capillary wall, and then into a red blood cell.

How many times does an oxygen molecule cross a plasma membrane as it moves form the air into a red blood cell?


In humans, the gas exchange surface is the _____ in the lungs.

Branching System of Airways

In the human lungs, air passes down the trachea and through a _____ to reach the alveoli. The _____ are lined by a ciliated epithelium with mucus secreting goblet cells. The epithelium protects the alveoli by moving a carpet of mucus towards the throat, where it can be swallowed. There are C shaped rings of cartilage in the trachea and irregularly shaped blocks of cartilage in the bronchi to keep the large _____ open and so reduce resistance to the flow of air. Smooth muscle in the _____ contracts and relaxes to adjust the diameter of the _____.

Goblet Cells

In the trachea and bronchi, the mucus is produced by the _____ of the ciliated epithelium.


Inflammation of the bronchi.


Leading from the throat the the lungs is the...

COPD Symptoms include a chronic cough, shortness of breath, and frequent respiratory infections. Other COPD possible symptoms can include finger clubbing, wheezing, exercise intolerance, chest tightness, cough productive of sputum, and coughing up blood. Common lung cancer symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, and coughing up blood.

List the Signs and Symptoms of COPD and Lung Cancer

Twenty to Thirty Years

Lung cancer takes _____ to develop.

Their Bodies and the Environment

Multicellular organisms often have surfaces that are specialized to allow exchange of gases to take place between _____. Alveoli in the lungs form the gas exchange surface in mammals.

Gas Exchange Surface

Multicellular organisms usually have a specialized _____, where oxygen from the external environment can diffuse into the body, and carbon dioxide can diffuse out.

Reward Centres

Nicotine is a highly addictive drug that influences _____ in the brain.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases

One of the most common lung diseases, linked to atmospheric pollution.


Particles larger than about 5-10 micrometers are caught on the hairs inside the nose and the _____ lining the nasal passages and other airways.


Phagocytic white blood cells known as _____ patrol the surfaces of the airways scavenging small particles, such as bacteria and fine dust particles.

Cardiovascular System

Smoking damages the _____, increasing and increasing the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

A large surface area, small distance between the source and the destination, & mechanism to maintain a high concentration gradient across the gas exchange surface.

Structure of the Human Gas Exchange System:

Increase in depth of breathing, rate of breathing, expansion of alveoli to give a larger surface area, and diameter of airways.

Suggest Three Ways in Which the Gas Exchange System Responds to the Demands of Exercise

Tobacco smoke contains tar, a black, sticky substance as well as many other chemicals. This coats the lining of the alveoli and greatly increases the risk of emphysema. The structure of the alveoli breaks down so that there are fewer, larger air sacs. This reduces the surface area available for gaseous exchange and makes sufferers breathless. They may need oxygen and it can be a cause of death.

Summarise the Effects of Tobacco Smoke On the Gas Exchange System

Tar, Carbon Monoxide, and Nicotine

Tobacco smoke contains _____. Tar settles on the epithelium lining the bronchi and bronchioles and stimulates inflammation, an increase in the secretion of mucus and an accumulation of phagocytes from the blood. Tar contains carcinogens, which cause changes in DNA in bronchial epithelial cells, often leading to the development of a bronchial carcinoma. This is lung cancer. Two of the symptoms of lung cancer are coughing up blood and chest pains.

Surgery, Radiotherapy, and Chemotherapy

Treatment for lung cancer involves _____ and is dependent on the type of lung cancer, how far it has developed, and whether it has spread into other areas of the body.

False. Carcinogens and tar do the damage.

True or False: Carbon monoxide and carcinogens in tobacco smoke damages the gas exchange system.


True or False: Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin.

False. Cartilage is found in trachea.

True or False: Cartilage is found in capillaries.


True or False: Chronic bronchitis and emphysema often occur together and constitute a serious risk to health.


True or False: Elastic fibers do not contract to decrease the volume of the alveoli during expiration.

False. It is better described as oxygen and carbon dioxide diffusing down their concentration gradients between blood and alveolar air.

True or False: Gas exchange in the lungs can be described as oxygen diffusing from alveolar air into deoxygenated blood.

False. Most lung cancers are discovered when they are well advanced.

True or False: Most lung cancers are discovered very early in development.

False. The lining of an alveolus contains capillaries and elastic fibers.

True or False: The lining of an alveolus contains cilia and smooth muscle cells as part of the gas exchange system.

Bronchoscopy/Chest X Ray/CT Scan

Tumors are found using...


You will remember that _____ is the net movement of molecules or ions down a concentration gradient.

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