GEB Chapter 13, Chapter 9 ,10,11,12

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Program Evaluation & Review Techniques (PERT)

a method for analyzing the tasks involved in completing a given project, estimating the time needed to complete each task, and identifying the minimum time needed to complete the total project

program evaluation and review technique (PERT)

a method for analyzing the tasks involved in completing a given project, estimating the time needed to complete each task, and identifying the minimum time needed to complete the total project

According to Herzberg, workers felt that good pay and job security:

Provided a sense of satisfaction with the job, but did not motivate them

Under a(n) ______________ companies hire nonunion workers who are not required to join the union, but who must pay a special union fee

agency shop agreement

Henry L. Gantt,

a follower of Taylor and developed carts by which managers plotted the work of employees a day in advance down to the smallest detail, which led to the principle of motion economy.

Job enlargement

a job enrichment strategy that involves combining a series of tasks into one challenge and interesting assignment.

Job rotation

a job enrichment strategy that involves moving employees from one job to another

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

A computer application that enables multiple firms to manage all of their operations (finance, requirements planning, human resources, and order fulfillment) on the basis of a single, integrated set of corporate data

What is just-in-time (JIT) inventory control?

JIT required suppliers to deliver parts and materials just in time to go on the assembly line so they don't have to be stored in warehouses.

The U.S. is still the world's leading ______


From 2001 to 2009, _________ in the U.S. rose 4% each year

manufacturing output


Which of the following products would be considered as part of the business-to-business market? a) pens and pencils for that student b) classes at a university for a college freshman c) a computer for the instructor to use while teaching the class d) books for the class members


Which of the following would be considered when discussing the marketing mix variables? a) Minimizing the financing cost of producing the product. b) Determining production schedules. c) Setting a price for the product. d) Financing the acquisition of new machinery.

How would you characterize the popularity and power of today's unions?

Across the board, union membership is significantly reduced, which decreases their future bargaining power.

Mass Customization

Tailoring products to meet the needs of individual customers

Assembly process

That part of the production process that puts together components to make a product

what is this for?Major criteria for earning the awards include whether customer wants and needs are being met and whether customer satisfaction ratings are better than those of competitors

The Baldrige Award

Form Utility

The value added by the creation of finished goods and services, such as the value added by taking silicon and making computer chips or putting services together to create a vacation package

Today, most managers perform some functions associated with ______________

human resource management

what type of process makes sense to use when responding to specific customer orders?

intermittent process

Douglas McGregor

observed that motivating people at work depends greatly on their attitudes towards workers, me observed that managers' attitudes generally fall into one of two entirely different sets of managerial assumptions, which he called theory X and theory Y.

lean manufacturing

the production of goods using less of everything compared to mass production

critical path

the sequence of tasks that takes the longest time to complete -a delay anywhere along this path will cause the project or production run to be late

production management

the term used to describe all the activities managers do to help a firm create goods

computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)

the uniting of computer-aided manufacturing

computer-aided design (CAD)

the use of computer in the design of products

computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

the use of computers in the manufacturing of products

What is form utility?

the value producers add to materials in the creation of finished goods and services

William Ouchi's theory Z recognized ___________.

the merits of a hybrid form of Japanese style management and American style of management

Scientific management

the method of studying workers to find the most effective ways to do things, determining the one "best way" to perform each task, and then teach people those methods.

When performing a job analysis, the human resource manager will write a job description, as well as a job specification. The job specification consists of _________.

the minimum academic and experience qualifications

facility layout

the physical arrangement of resources (including people) in the production process

Statistical Quality Control (SQC)

the process some managers use to continually monitor all phases of the production process to assure that quality is being built into the product from the beginning

statistical quality control (SQC)

the process some managers use to continually monitor all phases of the production process to assure that quality is being built into the product from the beginning

McGregor recognized that ____________.

their attitude toward workers affected how managers proceeded to motivate

An HR director was reviewing the job description for a new position in the Information Technology department of his company. He quickly jotted down a few comments that he would later share with the department manager. Among other things, his comments included suggestions for incorporating more skill variety into the job and a little more autonomy as to how the job might be accomplished from start to finish. As a student of business, you recognize that the HR director believes that a person holding this position would be motivated by ________. a) job enrichment b) task repetition c) equity disbursement d) management by objectives


what does this illustrate? a car is made by putting together the frame and the engine

assembly process

Time-motion studies

began by Frederick Taylor, of which tasks must be performed to complete a job and the time needed to do each task.


working from home via computer and modem-->major trend in business

mass customization

tailoring products to meet the needs of individual customers

what software program unites CAD and CAM?

Computer-integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

what are the 4 steps in PERT?

1. Analyzing and sequencing tasks that need to be done 2. Estimating the time needed to complete each task 3. Drawing a PERT network illustrating the information from steps 1 and 2 4. Identifying the critical path

t/f. the initial result of the Hawthorne studies demonstrated that no matter what type of lighting was provided worker productivity increased


Vroom believes that employees ask three questions before committing their maximum effort to a task:

1. Can I accomplish the task? 2. If I do accomplish it, what's my reward? 3. Is the reward worth the effort?

Product Layout

(also called assembly line.) Used to produce large quantities of a few types of products

The responsibilities of a manger implementing MBO include:

- Rewarding employee accomplishments - Setting goals with the employee

Almost ______of all goods produced each year come from the U.S


Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)

A computer based production management system that uses sales forecasts to make sure that needed parts and materials are available at the right time and place

Just-In-Time J-I-T Inventory Control

A production process in which a minimum of inventory is kept on the premises and parts, supplies, and other needs are delivered just in time to go on the assembly line

Continuous Process

A production process in which long production runs turn out finished goods over time


After one year of operation, Mac and Zach learned that several enthusiastic baseball players were driving to a larger town to receive similar services. In order to learn about the potential customers who were going elsewhere for service, Mac and Zach proceeded to look online to determine how competitors' services differed from theirs. They learned that competitors were open longer hours on weekends, and even had celebrity endorsements. The new information they gathered, and its interpretation was the _______________ part of the marketing research process. a) data gathering b) analysis c) creation of the research questions d) venture finding

According to Maslow's theory, when a need is satisfied:

Another, higher-level need emerges and motivates a person to satisfy that need


As Mac and Zach explore the possibility of starting a youth sports academy, they collect demographic and lifestyle information about the families who would potentially buy their service. This exercise will help to better identify their ________. a) ability to become good business persons b) target market c) affinity for the business world d) product offering


Business-to-business (B2B) customers _________________. a) tend to be geographically dispersed, rather than concentrated b) are more numerous compared to consumer customers c) never require personal selling, as do consumers d) tend to be more rational in their decision making than individual consumers

Cellular or Modular Layout

Can accommodate changes in design or customer demand

Quality Control

Consistently producing what the customer wants while reducing errors before and after delivery to the customer

What do you call the integration of CAD and CAM?

Design changes made in computer-aided design (CAD) are instantly incorporated into the computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) process. The linking of CAD and CAM is computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM).

Flexible Manufacturing

Designing machines to do multiple tasks so that they can produce a variety of products

Which agency is charged with enforcing affirmative action programs?


what is a newer version of MRP that combines functions of all the divisions and subsidiaries of the firm?


When was it common for employees to have 60-hour work weeks?

Early 1900's

Theory Z

Employee involvement is the key to increased productivity Employee control is implied and informal Employees prefer to share responsibility and decision making Employees perform better in environments that foster trust and cooperation Employees need guaranteed employment and will accept slow evaluations and promotions

Theory X

Employees dislike work and will try to avoid it Employees prefer to be controlled and directed Employees seek security, not responsibility Employees must be intimidated by managers to perform Employees are motivated by financial rewards

_________________ was legislation that established the minimum wage in the United States.

Fair Labor Standards Act

What kind of firms use operations managers?

Firms in both the manufacturing and service sectors use operations management.

What is flexible manufacturing?

Flexible manufacturing means designing machines to produce a wide variety of products.

How Manufacturers Have Become More Effective

Focus on customers Maintain close relationships Continuous improvement Focus on quality Save costs Rely on the Internet New production techniques

How can U.S. businesses maintain a competitive edge?

Focusing on customers Practicing continuous improvement Focusing on quality Relying on the Internet to unite companies Adopting new production techniques

Hygiene factors

Herzberg's theory of motivating factors, are job factors that can cause dissatisfaction if missing but that do not necessarily motivate employees if increased.


Herzberg's theory of motivating factors, are job factors that cause employees to be productive and that give them satisfaction.

Researchers now use the __________ to refer to people's tendency to behave differently when they know they're being studied. The Hawthorne study's results encouraged researchers to study human motivation and the managerial styles that lead to higher productivity,

Howthorne effect

With respect to the development of scientific management, Frederick Taylor's objective was to ___

Increase productivity at work

what production process requires an accurate production schedule (ERP) and coordination with carefully selected suppliers? this system makes sure right materials are at right place at right time at cheapest cost to meet customer and production needs

Just-In-Time J-I-T Inventory Control

What are the major criteria for facility location?

Labor costs and land costs are two major criteria for selecting the right sites. Other criteria include whether resources are plentiful and inexpensive, skilled workers are available or are trainable, taxes are low and the local government offers support, energy and water are available, transportation costs are low, and the quality of like and of education are high.

To qualify for The Baldrige Award organizations must show quality in seven key areas:

Leadership Strategic Planning Customer and Market Focus Information and analysis Human Resources Focus Business Results


Marketing is as much about helping sellers sell products and services, as it is about __________. a) examining the returns on investment b) costing those products and services c) helping buyers buy d) organizing the business for productivity

What is operations management?

Operations management is the specialized area in management that converts or transforms resources, including human resources, into goods and services.

Production Control (list of 5 things)

Planning Routing Scheduling Dispatching Follow-up

Define and differentiate the following: process manufacturing, assembly process, continuous process, and intermittent process.

Process manufacturing physically or chemically changes materials. Assembly processes put together components. Continuous processes turns out finished goods over time by long production runs. Intermittent process involved a short production run and he frequent changing of machines to make different products.

What is production management?

Production management consists of all the activities managers do to help their firms create goods. To select the change in important from manufacturing to services, the term production is often replaced by the term operations.


Recently, Mac and Zach's Youth Sports Academy has had several inquiries about girls' softball. While scanning the ____________ environment in their service area, they become aware of the growing importance of girls' sports, and particularly girls' softball. Girls' softball received a boost in their local market when the high school team won the state championship. Mac and Zach are seriously considering expanding their operation to include softball skill lessons for young girls. a) sociocultural b) competitive c) economic d) technological

managers can see and correct any deviation from quality standards in what process?

SPC-Statistical Process Control

Frederick Taylor believed the best way to improve worker productivity was to

Scientifically determine the most effective way to perform a task and then teach people exactly how to perform it.

What led companies to focus on operations management rather than production?

The dramatic growth of the service sector led companies to focus on operations management rather than production.


The function in a firm that searches for quality material resources, finds the best suppliers, and negotiates the best price for goods and services

Facility Layout

The physical arrangement of resources (including people) in the production process to most efficiently produce goods and provide services for customers

Lean Manufacturing

The production of goods using less of everything compared to mass production: less human effort, less manufacturing space, less investment in tools, and less engineering time to develop a new product

Betty is the assistant store manager at a trendy clothing store. The store hires lots of seasonal employees. Betty has little regard for the skill or ability of those she hires, and she is certain that few would come to work on time each day if it weren't for the fact that the store is known to fire any employee who fails to be on time. As a student of motivational theory, you would describe the management style of Betty as ___________.

Theory X

Studies about which tasks must be performed to complete a job and the time needed to do each task are referred to as _______ studies.


In accordance with Maslow's way of thinking, if Elizabeth secured a good-paying job that paid her enough to live in a decent apartment and buy an economical car, and if she felt that her work location and her home location were relatively safe places, she would:

Turn her focus to the next level of needs: social needs

The strategy of making work interesting and motivating employees by moving them from one job to another is called: a) job enrichment. b) job rotation. c) job enlargement. d) job simplification.


Adam was recruiting project managers for his small business. As he finalized the job description for the position, he worried about attracting top talent. He knew the job would be challenging, but his concern was ____________. When it comes to recruiting skilled employees, this is where small businesses are challenged.


The issue of subsidizing child care through one's employer is hotly debated. Those who oppose it ___________.

complain that they will have to contribute to a benefit that they do not use

At a local university, over 50% of the faculty are part-time employees, who have similar credentials as full-time employees but do not have permanent positions. These employees are seldom offered benefits and are not represented by the educator's union. HR experts would designate these professionals as __________________.

contingent employees

flexible manufacturing

designing machines to do multiple tasks so that they can produce a variety of products

What does this illustrate? the internet is designed to help consumers find and buy things

facility layout

What are 3 Production techniques?

flexible manufacturing lean manufacturing mass customization


founded in 1947 At the end of 2004, the worldwide total of certificates: ISO 9000 - 670,000 in 154 countries ISO 14000 - 90,000 in 127 countries

critical path

in a PERT network, the sequence of tasks that takes the longest to complete

The leading factor influencing the gains in productivity is _______ followed by capital improvement


One of the reasons that companies experience challenges obtaining employees when positions become open is ____________.

it is often difficult to find a qualified candidate that doesn't need training after hire

a process layout is

one in which similar equipment and functions are grouped together -process depends on design of the item -used in operations that serve diff. customers' diff. needs

what is the implementation phase of management

operation management

ritz hotel has fresh fruit and flowers in each room, this exemplifies what?

operation management in the SERVICE industry

what does this illustrate? boiling an egg physically changes it

process manufacturing

what are categories under the Transportation factor of location

proximity to markets proximity to raw materials availability of transportation alternative

Progressive companies who want to attract and keep good employees are now offering their employees ________ benefits, such as onsite dry cleaning services, shoe repair, onsite medical care, and even free breakfasts


process manufacturing

that part of the production process that physically or chemically changes materials

Three elements of the scientific method

time, method, and rules of work

Workers originally formed unions ___________.

to protect themselves from intolerable work conditions and unfair treatment

Examples of motivators

work itself, achievement, recognition, responsibility, growth and advancement


working from home via computer and modem

what are the 2 control procedures?

Program Evaluation & Review Techniques (PERT) and Gantt Chart

The assumption of theory Y management:

- Most people like work; it is as natural as play or rest - Most people naturally work toward goals to which they are committed - The depth of a person's commitment to goals depends on the perceived towards for achieving them. - Under certain conditions, most people not only accept but also seek responsibility - People are capable of using a relatively high degree of imagination, creativity, and cleverness to solve problems.

The assumption of theory X management:

- The average person dislikes work and will avoid it if possible - Because of this dislike, workers must be forced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment to make them put forth the effort to achieve the organization's goals.

what are some characteristics of a Lean Company?

-they take 1/2 the human effort -they have 1/2 the defects in the finished product or service -they require 1/3 less engineering effort -use 1/2 the floor space for the same output -carry 90% less inventory

Herzberg's motivating factors:, The most important factors were:

1. Sense of achievement 2. Earned recognition 3. Interest in the work itself 4. Opportunity for growth 5. Opportunity for advancement

what are 3 basic requirements of production?

1. build and deliver products in response to the demands of the customer at a scheduled delivery time 2. provide acceptable quality level 3. provide everything at lowest possible cost

Major Developments that have made U.S companies more Competitive: (4)

1. computer-aided Design and Manufacturing 2. Flexible Manufacturing 3. Lean Manufacturing 4. Mass Customization

In order to get a comprehensive evaluation of the computer programmers he managed, Justin organized a(n) __________________, where he asked immediate coworkers and others that worked closely with the programmers to participate in the evaluation process

360-Degree Review

Intermittent Process

A production process in which the production run is short and the machines are changed frequently to make different products

What must U.S. companies do to continue to strengthen the country's manufacturing base?

Activity in the nation's manufacturing sector has declined since its height. The result has been fewer jobs in manufacturing. Even though manufacturing companies offer fewer jobs, they have become more productive , meaning that they need fewer employees to do the same amount of work. Today many manufacturing jobs are coming back to the U.S. as labor costs increase in other countries. Much of this chapter is devoted to showing you what manufactures and service providers can do to revive the U.S. economy to become world class competitors.


At one time, companies developed products and promotions to please large groups of people, and tried to sell as many products to as many people as possible. This is known as: a) forming a community of buyers. b) a consumer orientation. c) mass marketing. d) relationship marketing.

is this china or india? Driving Force: Manufacturing Largest Communist Country Population: 1.3 Billion Economic Growth Rate: 9% Financial/Commercial Capital: Shanghai


Examples of Hygiene factors:

Company policy and administration, supervision, working conditions, interpersonal relations, salary, status, and job security.

Theory Y

Employees view work as a natural part of life Employees prefer limited control and direction Employees will seek responsibility under proper work conditions Employees perform better in work environments that are no intimidating Employees are motivated by many different needs

What is facility location and how does it differ from facility layout?

Facility location is the process of selecting a geographic location for a company's operations. Facility layout is the physical arrangement of resources including people, to produce goods and services effectively and efficiently.

Recently tommy switched jobs from a large firm, to a medium-sized firm. As one of four project managers at the new firm, Tommy recognized that employees have much more respect for his expertise than he perceived at the larger firm where there were a minimum of 15 project managers. According to Maslow, which need in his hierarchy is important to Tommy?


A Michigan State University student spends his summer months in his hometown, where he works for a local micro-brewery during the evening hours. In the late morning, he attends the local community college, where he takes a summer course that he knows will transfer back to MSU. Although he finds the courses just as challenging as his regular university, he does not worry about his summer grades affecting his 3.2 (out of 4.0) grade point average, because MSU only accepts the transfer credits. As long as he receives C grade or better, he maintains his current grade point average. Which of the following theories suggests that the student will only work as hard as necessary to earn a "C" grade?

Expectancy Theory

Operations Management Planning includes what 7 things?

Facility Location Facility Layout Materials Requirement Planning Enterprise Resource Planning Purchasing J-I-T Inventory Control Quality Control


Focusing on long-term customer loyalty is called ____________. a) customer relationship management b) customer linkage marketing c) customer care processes d) promotional marketing

Herzberg's motivating factors

Fredrick Herzberg conducted a study by asking workers to tank various job-related factors in order of importance relative to motivation.

The Baldrige Award

Introduced in the US in 1987 and set standards for overall company quality in: Manufacturing Services Small Businesses Education Health Care

is this china or india? Driving Force: Services Largest Democracy Population: 1.1 Billion Economic Growth Rate: 7% Financial/Commercial Capital: Mumbai


How do robotics help make manufacturers more competitive?

Industrial robotics can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with great precision. Most of the jobs they replace are dirty or so repetitive that robots are necessary, or at least helpful.

Production Process

Inputs-->Production Control-->outputs it consists of taking the factors of productions and using those inputs to produce goods, services and ideas to accomplish the objective (output)


Intermediaries are: a) consumers who are in the middle of the consumer decision-making process. b) social service agencies responsible for evaluating the ethical considerations involved in developing a new product. c) companies responsible for developing products to sell to businesses. d) organizations that are in the middle of a series of organizations that distribute goods from producers to consumers.


Lauren is heading home from work and realizes she forgot to buy cat food during her lunch hour. As she navigates the traffic, she tries to decide where it will be most convenient to stop. She could go to the large discount store, which would give her the best price, but the lines are usually long after work. There are a couple of convenience stores on her route, but she isn't certain they will have her cat's brand. The grocery store is no better than the discount store after work. She settles on one of the drug store chains that also has just about everything. It is larger than the convenience stores, but never as crowded as the grocery store or discount store. In terms of consumer behavior, _____________ influences have guided Lauren's decision. a) situational b) cognitive dissonance c) radical d) reference group

What is lean manufacturing?

Lean manufacturing is the production of goods using less of everything than in mass production: less human effort, less manufacturing space, less investment in tools, and less engineering time to develop a product.

The top-paying service jobs in the U.S. are in:

Legal services Medical services Entertainment Accounting Finance Management consulting

Type J (Japanese)

Lifetime Employment Consensual decision making Collective responsibility Slow evaluation and promotion Implicit, informal control Nonspecialized career paths Holistic concern for employees

Type Z (Modified American )

Long-term Employment Collective decision making Individual responsibility Slow evaluation and promotion Implicit, informal control with explicit, formalized control Moderately specialized career paths Holistic concern for employees (including families)

What is the difference between MRP and ERP?

MRP is a computer-based operations management system that uses sales forecasts to make sure the needed parts and materials are available at the right time and place. Enterprise resource planning (ERP), a newer version, of MRP, combines the computerized functions of all the decisions and subsidiaries of the firm-such as finance, material requirements of planning, human resources, and order fulfillment- into a single integrated software program that uses a single database. The result is shorter time between orders and payment, less staff to do the ordering and order processing, reduced inventories, and better customer service for all the firms involved.


Mac and Zach want to start their own youth sports academy aiming to teach baseball skills to young boys. Which of the following steps in the marketing process is a good place to begin? a) Find out what young baseball players want to achieve and what's important to them. b) Create the pricing structure for their new idea. c) Locate a building that is centrally located. d) Design the product and service they plan to offer.


Market segmentation is about dividing the total market for a product or service into groups with similar characteristics and needs. Marketers often divide the total market for their products and services demographically, either by age, education, or income level. If they wanted to know if all 18-year-olds in their market had similar TV show and movie interests, their inquiry would also focus on _____________ segmentation. a)psychographic b) geographic c) volume d) benefit


Marketers constantly require good information if they are to meet or exceed their customers' expectations. When performing marketing research, Mac and Zach's first step is to: a) determine the type of information (the question) they are seeking to solve. b) collect research data from secondary and primary sources. c) cross-tabulate the data into quantifiable statements. d) analyze any data they receive from outside sources.


Marketing strategies for the business-to-business market: a) are basically similar to the consumer market, because business buyers are also consumers. b) differ from consumer marketing strategies because the nature of the buyers is different. c) are not concerned with relationship marketing techniques. d) are concerned with the same types of purchasing influences as those in the consumer market.

What is mass customization?

Mass customization means making custom-designed goods and services for a large number of individual customer. Flexible manufacturing makes mass customization possible. Given the exact needs of a customer, flexible machines can produce a customized as fast as mass-produced goods were once made. Mass customization is also important in service industries.

Which of the following approaches suggests that a manager believes that employees should be involved in both defining problems and in designing the solutions?

McGregor's Theory Y


Once Mac and Zach have a better understanding of the kinds of baseball skills that local youth want to acquire, they can begin to prepare the ________________. a) break-even zone b) legal verification documents c) marketing mix d) certification process

Elton Mayo's famous experiment at the Hawthorne Plant concluded:

People who perceive that management permits them to contribute to work decisions might be more productive

Herzberg's hygiene factors included - Achievement - Salary - Work itself - Recognition


According to Herzberg, which would be considered "motivators" - Good pay and clean working environment - Good pay and sense of achievement - Sense of achievement and opportunity for growth - Supervisor's fairness and opportunity for growth

Sense of achievement and opportunity for growth

Type A (American)

Short-term employment Individual decisions making Individual responsibility Rapid evaluation and promotion Explicit. Formalized control Specialized career paths Segmented concern for employees

What are Six Sigma quality, the Baldrige Award, ISO 9000, and ISO 14000?

Six Sigma quality sets standards at just 3.4 defects per million opportunities and defects potential problems before they occur. Statistical quality control (SQC) is the process some managers use to continually monitor all processes in the production process and ensure quality is being built into the product from the beginning. Statistical process control (SPC) tests statistical samples of the product components at each stage of the production process and plots the results on a graph so managers can recognize and correct deviations from quality standards. To qualify for the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Awards, a company must demonstrate quality in seven key areas: leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, information and analysis, human resources focus, customer management, and business results. International standards U.S. firms strive to meet include ISO 9000 and ISO 14000. The first is a world standard for quality and the section is a collection of the best practices for managing an organizations impact on the environment.

Process Manufacturing

That part of the production process that physically or chemically changes materials

The tendency for people to behave differently when they know they're being studied it referred to as:

The Hawthorne effect


The idea behind the marketing concept is ___________. a) building satisfying relationships between buyers and sellers, even if some years the seller experiences losses b) a mutually beneficial exchange between buyers and sellers, where buyers receive quality products and good service, and sellers realize a profit c) increasing productivity, by creating innovative products and producing as much as possible, in a short amount of time d) understanding how to sell each and every product available, in a transactional type environment


The increase in the number of older Americans has created a growing demand for nursing homes, health care, continuing education and more. This is as a result of the changes in the ____________ factors in the environment. a) economic b) technological c) sociocultural d) global

Computer-integrated Manufacturing- CIM

The uniting of computer-aided design with computer-aided manufacturing -it cuts 80% of time needed to program machines to make parts

Computer-Aided Design - CAD

The use of computers in the design of products -allows designers to work in 3 dimensions -has doubled productivity in firms

Computer-Aided Manufacturing - CAM

The use of computers in the manufacturing of products

materials requirement planning (MRP)

a computer-based operations management system that uses sales forecasts to make sure that needed parts and materials are available at the right time and place


Through environmental scanning, marketers can learn new ways to reach prospective customers. As they scan the _____________ environment, Mac and Zach hope to buy the most state-of-the-art mechanical pitching arms for their youth sports academy. a) social b) technological c) global d) economic

Businesses want productive employees. __________ focuses on short-term skills, whereas _________focuses on increasing employees' long-term abilities.

Training; development

What are the 3 Location factors?

Transportation Physical Factors Human Factors


Two baseball leagues in the city, where Mac and Zach plan to open their sports academy, agreed to allow them to distribute an e-mail survey to their league players. In order to capture this opportunity, Mac quickly put together a set of 15 questions that inquire about the type of skills (batting, pitching, fielding, running) that league players want to develop. The survey and subsequent information this research would glean is called ________________ data. a) focus group b) secondary c) primary d) tertiary

______ is still the leader in nanotechnology and biotechnology.


What have U.S. manufactures done to regain a competitive edge?

U.S. manufactures have increased output by emphasizing close relationships with suppliers and other companies to satisfy customer needs; continuous improvement; quality; site selection; use of the Internet to unite companies; and production techniques such as enterprise resource planning, computer-integrated manufacturing, flexible manufacturing, lean manufacturing and robotics.

Which of the following would be considered an outgrowth of the Industrial Revolution, according to most historians?

Union movement


Up until now, Mac and Zach's Youth Sports Academy has served the ____________ market. Just recently, the local high school contacted them inquiring about practice space for boys' baseball and girls' softball during bad weather. If they negotiate a contract with the high school, they will also be serving the ___________ market. a) B2B; consumer b) consumer; B2B c) female softball; boys' baseball d) sociocultural; competitive

Expectancy theory

Victor Vroom's theory that the amount of effort employees exert on a specific task depends on their expectations of the outcome

what are categories under the Physical factors of location?

Water supply energy hazardous wastes


What is the first step in the marketing research process? a) Analyzing data b) Develop and establishing potential solutions c) Defining the problem d) Collecting data


When Maritza Toros opened her Mexican restaurant in a fashionable suburb of Kansas City, she believed that the most important element of her success would be promotion. She made sure that a significant portion of her budget was devoted to advertising in local papers, sent out coupons and really focused on the promotional aspects of the restaurant. Which of the four eras of marketing does it seem that Maritza emphasized? a) Marketing b) Production c) Customer relationship management d) Selling


When McDonald's considered adding pizza to their menu, the company made pizza available in some of their more established markets, to determine customer reactions. That process is called: a) concept coordination. b) outsourcing. c) test marketing. d) promotion.


When Sun-2-Shade needed some information about the potential market for their product, the marketing team looked to the Internet to find industry trends, and at the market for eyewear products, which uses the same technology that is used in their self-darkening windshield. The type of information the marketing team was using is referred to as: a) surveys. b) secondary data. c) focus groups. d) primary data.

Is there any relationship between a PERT chart and a Gantt chart?

Whereas PERT is a tool used for planning, a Gantt chart is a tool used to measure progress.

According to Maslow's theory, when a need is satisfied: a) another, higher-level need emerges and motivates a person to satisfy that need. b) it will continue to motivate a person, but not as strongly. c) we are content, and will continue to work, but will only be motivated by more money. d) the need disappears, and will not re-appear.


At Flo Valley Manufacturing, workers are encouraged to find their own solutions to problems, and to implement their solutions when practical. They work with little supervision because management feels they are committed and creative workers. Flo Valley's policy reflects a ________ attitude about workers. a) Theory Y b) Theory X c) Theory W d) Theory Z


Becca works for a large management-consulting firm, as a junior level consultant. She recently learned that another consultant who was hired at the same time has already received a step-up promotion. Becca knows that she has contributed to well-received projects and her projects have received accolades from clients. According to equity theory, Becca may choose to ________. a) increase her inputs in hopes her efforts will be noticed b) break apart her job in the same manner as Frederick Taylor would have done, in order to develop more precise methods and thus increase productivity c) experiment with Ouchi Theory Z ideas d) convince herself that the promotion is not that important in her workplace situation, due to the fact that the work itself is enough of a reward


Herzberg's hygiene factors include: a) salary. b) achievement. c) work itself. d) recognition.


Motivating employees by expanding the number of jobs or tasks that they are involved with is referred to as job ________. a) enlargement b) simplification c) enrichment d) rotation


Recently Tommy switched jobs from a large firm, to a medium-sized firm. As one of four project managers at the new firm, Tommy recognizes that employees have much more respect for his expertise than he perceived at the larger firm where there were a minimum of 25 project managers. According to Maslow, which need in his hierarchy is important to Tommy? a) Esteem b) Self-actualization c) Physiological d) Safety


The tendency for people to behave differently when they know they're being studied is referred to as: a) The Hawthorne Effect. b) Theory X. c) Maslow's Hierarchy. d) Morgan's pyramid.


William Ouchi's Theory Z recognized ________. a) the merits of a hybrid form of Japanese style management and American style of management b) the combined efforts of Frederick Taylor and Elton Mayo, and created a hybrid approach to management that reflected Taylor's concern for productivity and Mayo's lesser concern for the human side of management c) the combined benefits of Theory X and Theory Y style managers, particularly the motivation by fear of Theory X managers and the belief that employees like work, as perceived by Theory Y managers d) that conformity was the only way to manage successfully


With respect to the development of scientific management, Frederick Taylor's objective was to ________. a) increase productivity at work b) decrease the number of work hours per day c) develop a specialized work force d) increase worker satisfaction


Fredrick Taylor

a U.S. efficiency engineer who wrote The principles of Scientific Management in 1911, which earned him the title of "father of scientific management." His goal was to increase worker productivity to benefit both the firm and the workers.

ISO 14000

a collection of the best practices for managing an organization's impact on the environment

ISO 14000

a collection of the best practices for managing an organizations impact on the environment

Job enrichment

a motivational strategy that emphasizes motivating the worker through the job itself

enterprise resource planning (ERP)

a newer version of materials requirement planning (MRP) that combines the computerized functions of all the divisions and subsidiaries of the firm- such as finance, human resources, and order fulfillment- into a single integrated software program that uses a single database

just-in-time (JIT) inventory control

a production process in which a minimum of inventory is kept on the premises and parts, supplies, and other needs are delivered just in time to go on the assembly line

continuous process

a production process in which long production runs turn out finished goods over time

intermittent process

a production process in which the production run is short and the machines are changed frequently to make different products

Six Sigma Quality

a quality measure that allows only 3.4 defects per million opportunities

Six Sigma Quality

a quality measure that allows only 3.4 defects per million opportunities -detects potential problems to prevent their occurrence

operations management

a specialized area in management that converts or transforms resources (including human resources) into goods and services

Operations Management

a specialized area in management that converts or transforms resources (including human resources) into goods and services (Inventory Management, Quality Control, Productive Scheduling and Following Services)

Management by objectives (MBO)

a system of goal setting and implementation; it involves a cycle of discussion, review, and evaluation of objectives among top and middle-level managers, supervisors, and employees. This is most effective in relatively stable situations when managers can make long-range plans and implement them with few changes

Principle of motion economy

a theory developed by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth that every job can be broken down into a series of elementary motions, they then analyzed each motion to make it more efficient.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

a theory of motivation based on unmet human needs from basic physiological needs to safety, social, and esteem needs to self-actualization needs.

what is ISO- International Organization for Standardization

a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from more than 140 countries that set global measures for the quality of individual products

companies moving from ______ (a) where workers do few tasks at a time to a ______ (b) where teams of workers combine to produce more complex units of the final product

a)assembly line layout (a.k.a product layout; used to produce large quantities of a few types of products) b)modular layout (a.k.a cellular layout; can accomodate changes in design or customer demand)

Jake's family owned a plumbing company with a steadfast reputation of excellent work. Yet, when Jake joined the business, his father required that he spend several years working alongside two licensed plumbers. In business, we call Jake's starting position a(n) ______________.


A Michigan State University student spends his summer months in his home town, where he works for a local microbrewery during the evening hours. In the late morning, he attends the local community college, where he takes summer courses that he knows will transfer back to MSU. Although he finds the courses just as challenging as at his regular university, he does not worry about his summer grades affecting his 3.2 (out of 4.0) grade point average, because MSU only accepts the transfer credits. As long as he receives C grades or better, he maintains his current grade point average. Which of the following theories suggests that the student will work only as hard as necessary to earn a C grade? a) Maslow's theory b) Expectancy theory c) Equity theory d) Objective-setting theory


At the ice cream shop where Kayla works, all shoppers are greeted with the same script: "Welcome to Chill-A-While. My name is ________. How may I help you?" All shoppers must be greeted in less than three minutes after they have entered the shop. Which management theorist would have approved of this method of operation? a) Herzberg b) Taylor c) McClellan d) Maslow


Betty is the assistant store manager at a trendy clothing store. The store hires lots of seasonal employees. Betty has little regard for the skill or ability of those she hires, and she is certain that few would come to work on time each day if it weren't for the fact that the store is known to fire any employee who fails to be on time. As a student of motivational theory, you would describe the management style of Betty as ___________. a) Theory W b) Theory X c) Theory Y d) Theory Z


Herzberg's research purposefully directed managerial thinking to ________. a) a concern for safety first b) develop interesting jobs which might require problem solving and decision making c) incorporate a high amount of job security into the job environment d) develop supervisors with friendly, open door policies that treat everyone the same


Lee Kwon is a Korean worker who has been transferred by his company to the United States for six months to negotiate a supplier contract. Lee is having some problems understanding how to do business in the U.S. He has tried to get to know his U.S. co-workers, but feels rebuffed when they prefer to just get down to business and get things done. The problem could be the fact that Lee is from a(n) ________, and believes building personal relationships and trust is more important than focusing on doing business as his U.S. co-workers are more comfortable doing. a) company that does not encourage communication b) high-context culture c) informal culture d) low-context culture


Which of the following approaches suggests that a manager believes that employees should be involved in both defining problems and in designing the solutions? a) Taylor's Scientific Management b) McGregor's Theory Y c) Enloe's First Involvement Theory d) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


Gantt chart

bar graph showing production managers what projects are being worked on and what stage they are in at any given time

Gannt Chart

bar graph showing production managers what projects are being worked on and what stage they are in at any given time Named for its developer, Henry Gantt A bar graph that clearly shows what projects are being worked on and how much has been completed at any given time

According to Herzberg, which of the following would be considered "motivators"? a) Good pay and clean working environment b) Good pay and sense of achievement c) Sense of achievement and opportunity for growth d) Supervisor's fairness and opportunity for growth


According to Herzberg, workers felt that good pay and job security: a) are the most important motivators for most workers. b) were important for participative management. c) provided a sense of satisfaction with the job, but did not motivate them. d) were the best way to keep jobs interesting and to help them achieve their objectives.


Frederick Taylor believed the best way to improve worker productivity was to: a) determine people's needs at work and find ways to meet those needs. b) give people the authority to make decisions. c) scientifically determine the most efficient way to perform a task and then teach people exactly how to perform it. d) design jobs to be interesting and challenging.


Generation X managers: a) have narrower viewpoints than their predecessors. b) most likely closely supervise their workers, especially the Generation Y workers. c) tend to focus more on results than on hours in the workplace. d) tend to be inflexible and irritable.


In accordance with Maslow's way of thinking, if Elizabeth secured a good-paying job that paid her enough to live in a decent apartment and buy an economical car, and if she felt that her work location and her home location were relatively safe places, she would ________. a) have satisfied her physiological needs, and would be moving on to satisfying her esteem needs b) turn her focus to a combination of social, esteem, and self-actualization needs c) turn her focus to the next level of needs: social needs


fixed position layout allows workers to what?

congregate around the product to be completed -a major feature of planning is scheduling work operations ex=building a bridge


consistently producing what the customer wants while reducing errors before and after delivery to the customer

production process can be what 2?

continuous or intermittent

what does this illustrate? conveyer belt that continuously lowers eggs into boiling water for 3 minutes to cook it and then it lifts them out of the water

continuous process

Elton Mayo's famous experiment at the Hawthorne Plant concluded ________. a) there was a human side to the work environment that essentially gets in the way and most often jeopardizes productivity b) a physical environment with dark rooms can particularly decrease productivity because it puts workers to sleep c) robotics has been highly successful in work environments because workers find socialization at work to be highly toxic d) people who perceive that management permits them to contribute to work decisions might be more productive


McGregor recognized that ________. a) the lower-order needs of workers were usually satisfied after higher-order needs were satisfied b) worker attitude toward managers affected how managers proceeded to motivate c) there are no purists. Managers' attitudes toward employees are a combination of learned behavior and situational behavior d) their attitude toward workers affected how managers proceeded to motivate


The central idea of MBO is that: a) employees must be closely supervised, and giving them far-reaching goals will help to achieve that. b) job satisfaction comes from the ability to learn new skills. c) managers need to set realistic goals for employees. d) employees need to motivate themselves by participating in goal setting.


Companies are focusing attention on the social issue known as eldercare because it is ____________.

decreasing productivity at work

Becca works for a large management consulting firm, as a junior level consultant. She recently learned that another consultant who was hired at the same time has already received a step-up promotion. Becca knows that she has contributed to well-received projects and projects that have received accolades from clients. According to equity theory, Becca may choose to _____________.

experiment with Ouchi Theory Z ideas

When Maggie joined Techno-Nerds, Inc., she automatically joined an employee team. Team members each had base salaries, but they were also compensated through a __________ system, where they would receive bonuses for team improvements over the last time the team's performance was evaluated.


a manager can trace the production process minute by minute to determine which tasks are on time and which are behind so that adjustments can be made to allow the company to stay on schedule with what?

gantt chart

Extrinsic reward

given to you by someone else as recognition for good work. Examples may include a pay increase, praise, and promotion.


giving employees authority to make decisions and tools to implement the decisions they make

A court-ordered ______________ was imposed on Fairlawn city employees that worked on streets and bridges. Although these employees agreed to strike for higher wages and benefits, the city asked the courts to order them back to work, to keep the streets free of ice and snow during the winter months.


The Production Process: Converting _______ (a) to _______ (b)

inputs (a) to outputs (b)

An HR director was reviewing the job description for a new position in the Information Technology department of his company. He quickly jotted down a few comments that he would later share with the department manager. Among other things, his comments included suggestions for incorporating more skill variety into the job and a little more autonomy as to how the job might be accomplished from start to finish. As a student of business, you recognize that the HR director believes that a person holding this position would be motivated by _______________.

job enrichment

When AJ was hired by Idle Time Gaming, Inc., he accepted an opportunity to be part of the management training program. Besides on-the-job coaching, a common aspect of management development programs is ____________.

job rotation

Companies that make a concerted effort to attract and hire women and other minority groups ____________.

know that their efforts correlate with increasing women and minority customers

what are categories under human factors of location

labor supply local zoning regulations community living conditions

what is this an example of? japanese company makes 18 bike models in 2 million combos (each designed to fit the needs of specific customers)

mass customization

When negotiations appeared to be going in the wrong direction, a HVAC systems company and its union representatives agreed to bring in a(n) _______________. This expert would serve as a facilitator to get negotiations back on track; whereas, if a(n) ________ were solicited by both union and management, that person's decision would be binding.

mediator; arbitrator

in an automobile plant, ________ transforms raw materials and human resources into cars thru assembly process

operations management

Goods, Services, and Ideas are all what?


Once the job analysis is performed, there are several well-structured steps to the hiring process. This process includes _____________.

performing background checks on selected candidates, and establishing probationary periods

Negotiations between union representatives and management came to a standstill at the Habit-You-Can-Live-With Seatbelt and Airbag Company. On the day employees went on strike, they were also asked to refrain from buying cars, vans, or trucks from any assembly plant that purchased Habit's seatbelts or airbags. The union was asking Habit's employees to participate in a(n) ___________.

primary boycott

what has HISTORICALLY meant manufacturing?


the following all fall under what category? Six Sigma Quality Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Statistical Process Control (SPC) ISO 9000 ISO 14000 The Baldrige Award

quality control

A few years ago, a mid-level manager who was still completing her probationary period at a new job was called in by her direct supervisor for a first month evaluation. The conversation became rather unpleasant when the supervisor alluded to his disappointment that the new manager was not spending more time with him away from work, where they could get to know each other in a more intimate manner. In fact, he commented that such an effort might just solidify her continuing employment. The type of sexual harassment that the new manager was subjected to is called ___________.

quid pro quo

CEO compensation that is awarded via stock options has become problematic because _____________.

recent decreasing swings in stock prices lead to CEO buying opportunities which ultimately leads to a much higher percentage increase in compensation compared to other employees

As the director of Human Resource Management for Idle Time Gaming, Inc., Addie's responsibilities included __________________.

recruiting talented employees, developing and training employees, and selecting tools for performance evaluations

Quality is based on customer perceptions illustrates a good or a service?


The U.S. economy is no longer manufacturing based. 85% of jobs are in the _______

service sector

Reinforcement theory

states that positive and negative reinforces motivate a person to behave in certain ways

assembly process

that part of the production process that puts together components

ISO 9000

the common name given to quality management and assurance standards

ISO 9000

the common name given to quality management and assurance standards -the standards require that a company determine what customer needs are and make arrangements to handle issues


the creation of finished goods and services using the factors of production: land, capital, entrepreneurship, and knowledge


the creation of finished goods and services using the factors of production: land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship, and knowledge


the function in a firm that searches for quality material resources, finds the best suppliers, and negotiates the best price for goods and services

Equity theory

the idea that employees try to maintain equity between inputs and outputs compared to others in similar positions

Goal-setting theory

the idea that setting ambitions but attainable goals can motivate workers and improve performance if the goals are accepted, accompanied by feedback, and facilitated by organizational conditions.

Intrinsic reward

the personal satisfaction you feel when you perform well and complete goals. The belief that your work makes a significant contribution to the organization or to society is a form of intrinsic reward.

Facility Location

the process of selecting a geographic location for a company's operations -find a site that makes it easy for consumers to use the company's services and to communicate about their needs

facility location

the process of selecting geographic location for a company's operations

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

the process of taking statistical samples of product components at each stage of the production process and plotting those results on a graph. Any variances from quality standards are recognized and can be corrected if beyond the set standards

statistical process control (SPC)

the process of taking statistical samples of product components at each stage of the production process and plotting those results on a graph. any variances from quality standards are recognized and can be corrected if beyond the set standards

production management

the term used to describe all the activities managers do to help their firms create goods

form utility

the value producers add to materials in the creation of finished goods and services

what is the ultimate goal of operations management?

to provide high-quality goods and services instantaneously in response to customer demand

Lansing Distributors, Inc., a company that distributes a range of household products from manufacturers to retailers, was negotiating a new contract with its union employees who worked in the company's warehouses and drove its trucks. Union reps and management were willing to negotiate on 20 points, but the union wanted to discuss 2 other points that Lansing management did not want to make part of the employee contract. In this situation, the bargaining______________ constituted 20 options.


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