General Chemistry DAT bootcamp

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Intermediate vs. Catalyst

I: produced and used up(product then reactant) C: reactant remained unchanged(reactant then product)

For a given substance, arrange the following values from least to greatest in magnitude: I. Enthalpy of sublimation, ∆Hsub II. Enthalpy of fusion, ∆Hfus III. Enthalpy of vaporization, ∆Hvap


solutes would change the water boiling point by the greats amount of moles by

checking how many moles there are and multiplying them by the amount given for each


chloric acid

Gas to liquid


release heat

condensation and crystallization

To separate a homogeneous mixture of salt water, which of the following pieces of laboratory equipment is necessary?


Binary Acid Strength

Increases as you go to the right and down the periodic table

A saturated solution of Mg(OH)2 in water has 100g of solid magnesium hydroxide remaining. The addition of a strong acid to this solution would cause which of the following

Increases the number of Mg2+ ions in solution


Intermolecular force between ions and polar substances

What is responsible for molecules boiling points

Intermolecular forces

nonzero dipole moment

Is polar and has lone pairs


Is the solutions new vapor pressure

Delta S is given in


The stronger the acid the higher the


The lower the Kb the higher the


weak bases equilibrium rate constant

Kb= HA OH/A-

equilibrium constants equation

Kc =[C]c [D]d / [A]a [B]b Which is Kc= Products/reactants

In any ideal gas questions always convert to


first order reaction

Ln(a) Vertical shrink

The greater the weight the greater the

London dispersion force

Which statement best explains why bromine is a liquid and iodine is a solid at STP?

London dispersion forces increase as molar mass increases

if a molecule just has CH then it has

London forces

Alkali earth metals

Low ionization energy Don't react as violently with water

Molecular Bond

Low melting point, does not conduct electricity.

increasing boiling point leads to

Lower Mass Lower BP

Higher boiling=

Lower Vapor pressure

Calculate the molarity of the solution

M = mol of solute / L of solution

To find boiling point elevation

Make sure the answer is in degrees or kelvin Take the Kb given and divide by molaity and multiply by the mole given


Metallic appearance High MP Good conductivity

Whichever one has a lower molecular mass will diffuse

More quickly according to daltons gas law

hydrogen bonding


An unknown gas has a density of 0.9 g•L-1 at 273K and 1 atm. Identify the gas.


If Q is less than Ksp, will precipitate form?


Do catalysts affect equilibrium?

No, they only speed up reactions

Which of the following accurately explains why along the same period, a non-metal has a smaller atomic radius than a metal?

Non-metals have a higher effective nuclear charge

Which of the following best describes why H2O has slightly smaller bond angles than CH4?

Oxygen lone pairs repel bonding pair electrons

Dalton's law if partial pressures equation

P total= Pa + Pb + Pc

With gas the density is

P x Molar Mass/ R x T

osmotic pressure (n) equation


Which of the following best describes the bond character for hydrochloric acid?

Polar covalent


Pressure equilibrium constant (only gases)

If k is more than 1

Products are favored

Raoult's Law

Psolution = Xsolvent x Psolvent

Qc equation

Qc= B/A

Ideal gas constant is

R= 0.0821 L atm/mol k

Use the molecular geometry of each compound to solve for the bond angle

Trigonal planar is 3 things. 120 deg Bent is 2 things SO2 120 deg Tetrahedral is 4 things 109 deg Linear is 2 things CO2 180 deg Bent is also two things H2O 109 deg

Ground state

Usually diamagnetic Make sure D orbital is at 5

metallic bond

Variable hardness and melting points. Conducts electricity.

Work pressure equation


highest volatility

Weakest intermolecular forces

London Dispresion Forces

Weakest. Nonpolar All molecules have this

If Q is greater than Ksp, will precipitate form?

Yes, until Q= Ksp

entropy equation


Radioactive decay by alpha emission involves production of

a He-4 nucleus with the symbol 4he2

pi bond

a bond that is formed when parallel orbitals overlap to share electrons.

weak electrolyte

a compound that dissociates only to a small extent in aqueous solution

common ion effect

a decrease in the solubility of an ionic compound caused by the addition of a common ion


a description of a substance that can behave as either an acid or a base


a product is precipitated out, then is separated through filtration

strong electrolyte

a solution in which a large portion of the solute exists as ions


a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering its activation energy

Flourine oxidation number

always -1

Successive ionization energy

amount of energy required to move its first electron


amount of heat energy a substance contains

Qc is what you get when you measure

amounts of product and reactants in an equilibrium reaction

conjugate base

an acid that has donated a proton or H+. Always replace the hydrogen taken away with a negative charge

increasing the temperature of a liquid will result in

an increase in vapor pressure. a decrease in surface tension

Aqueous ion

an ion dissolved in water

activated complex

an unstable arrangement of atoms that forms momentarily at the peak of the activation-energy barrier

intramolecular forces include

covalent network bonding, metallic bonding, and ion-ion bonding

Chlorine has the highest

electron affinity

All transition metals are more

electronegative than alkali metal

As nuclear charge increases,

electrons are more strongly attracted to the nucleus resulting in a smaller radius

What elements react crazy in presence of oxygen

elements in group 1 and 2

Metals on periodic table

elements on the left side of the periodic table

On a graph if the reactants are lower than the products, then the reaction is


Solid--->liquid---> gas


breaking bonds (reactants)


Bond breaking is an ___ process

endothermic, which means it is POSITIVE

Gibbs free energy

energy available to do work

Wavelength goes up

energy goes down

Electron affinity measures the

energy released when an atom gains an electron.

The greatest magnitude to the least: 1. Enthalpy of fusion 2. Enthalpy of vaporization 3.

enthalpy of sublimation

The atom with the most Molar Mass is the most


Avogadro's Law

equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules

If ΔG = 0, then the process is at



everything else around it



Making bonds is (products)


On a graph if the reactants are higher then the products, then the reaction is


Products being at a lower state means that they are


elements in the third row (n=3) of the periodic table are capable of

expanding their valence shell and breaking the octet rule.


flow of water from an area of high concentration to a low concentration

Transition metals

form colorfully compounds

Kf stands for

freezing point constant

The energy of a photon is directly proportional to what


The energy of a photon is directly proportional to which of the following?


Noble gasses already have a

full octet

Melting is the same as


Solid to liquid is



gain of electrons

If the element has a negative on top it did not have before then it has

gained electrons

Most substance exit as a ______________ at lower pressure


Pressure is caused by

gas molecules hitting the side of a container


gas to solid

As temperature goes up gases

gases solubility goes down

As pressure goes up

gases solubility goes up

Atom sizes get smaller as you

go right across a row and up on a column

The electrons electron affinity increases as we

go up and right toward CI

as s goes up, the disorder of substance

goes up, movement gos up

weak acid and strong base ph level is

greater than 7

transition metals

groups 3-12 (D Block)- Have multiple oxidation states, and form colorful compounds.

If we remove volume the equation will shift to whichever side

has less moleclues

If we add volume the equation will shift to whichever side

has more molecules

Viscosity in liquids

has stronger intermolecular forces at low temp

weak acids and weak bases

have arrows that point both ways

Enthalpy (ΔH) refers to

heat energy.

Ionic Solids

held together by the strong attarction between cations and anions.

Noble gases are

high ionization energy Low electron affinity Have a full ocetet so they dont need to lose or gain electrons

A real gas is most likely to exhibit ideal gas behavior under which of the following conditions?

high temp and low pressure

higher intermolecular forces lead to....

higher boiling point higher heat of vaporization higher viscosity higher surface tensions lower vapor pressure

The higher the entropy

higher disorder

The higher the charge of an atom the

higher its melting point will be

the ∆Hvap for a given substance is always significantly

higher than its ∆Hfus.

intramolecular forces

hold atoms together in a molecule

while decreasing/increasing temperature only results in

horizontal movement of the substance.

Binary acids are composed of

hydrogen and a nonmetal

If H is bonded to N, O, or F then it has

hydrogen bonding

wavelength and energy relationship

inversely proportional

Intermolecular forces include

ion-dipole, hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole, and London forces

Spector ions

ions that do not participate in a reaction


is an ion in water

Beta emission

is the emission of a beta particle (a high-speed electron). It would result in one of the atom's neutrons becoming a proton.


is the percentage of solvents in the new solution

Chemical Kinetics

is the study of how fast reactions occur

P pure

is the vapor pressure of the original solvent when it is pure

Erlenmeyer flask

is used for the transfer of liquids, mixture of liquids, or for reactions - but is not accurate and should not be used for measurements.


is used for the transfer of very precise amounts of liquid - primarily in titrations to deliver specific, precise amounts of the titrant.

Because they have the same number of electrons, they are


If Q is smaller than K

it has not yet reached equilibrium, and needs to go forward

activation energy

it is between products and reactants, not temperature.

Delta H is given in


Second order

l(a) Vertical shrink

Water molecules in an aqueous solution will have the strongest interactions with ions with which of the following characteristics?

large charge and small size

Larger the charges

larger lattice energy

Shorter bond distance

larger lattice energy

Each successive ionization energy is actually

larger than its previous one

For exothermic reactions the Ea reverse is

larger than the Ea forward

The one that has the least protons is the


Atoms get larger as you go

left down the row, or down the column

Acids get stronger as you

left to right

Acids get stronger as you go

left to right

As pH increases

less acidic

Higher elevations means there is

less atmospheric pressure

unsaturated solution

less solute than a saturated solution

weak base/strong acid ph

less than 7

Oxidizing agent means

like to steal electrons

Water is denser as a

liquid than a solid

Intermediates are more

long-lived than transition states , located between the states


loss of electrons

If the element has a positive on top it did not have before then it has

lost electrons

The higher the vapor pressure

lower boiling point

Lower the mass

lower the boiling point

the ground state of an atom is the state of

lowest energy.

mass percent

mass of solute/mass of solution x 100


measurement of heat flow

For multiplying and dividing, the number of significant figures is determined by the

measurement with the fewest number of significant figures.

mercury manometer

mercury-filled tube used to measure a person's blood pressure

ionic compound are

metal and nonmetal and have a very high melting point

m stands for


Collison theory

molecules must collide in order to react

molar solubility

moles of products per one mole of products

Molality m

moles of solute/kg of solvent

molarity M

moles of solute/liters of solution

For equilibrium, If pressure is decreased then we shift to whichever side has

more molecules

Create disorder

more positive

super saturated solution

more solute is dissolved in the solvent than would be possible under ordinary conditions.

When water is solid the molecules have

more space between them

A reaction is spontaneous if ΔG is


Exothermic is a


For exothermic reactions, what is the ∆H sign?


more order on the right, then the delta s is



negative delta G

Create order

negative entropy

Nonpolar molecules do not have a

net dipole moment.


nitric acid

If Q is less than Ksp

no precipitate forms

ionization energy does not include

noble gasses, only electronegativity does

carbon tetrachloride is


Galvanic cells


if ΔG > 0, then it is a

non-spontaneous process.

Adding a catalyst to an equilibrium reaction will

not shift to any side

The covalent bond is based on the

number of bonds in a compound

The vant hoff factor increases as the

number of molecules goes up

Emission of light

occurs when an electron drops from a higher to lower energy level. Left to right like N=2 to N=1

HI is stronger than HBr bc

of the bond strength, since HI is lower bond


osmotic pressure

rate determining step

overall speed of reaction

The one that accepts electrons is called the


Nitrogen has more ionization energy than


When comparing oxoacids that contain the same central atoms, the strength of the acid increases as the number of ______________ increases.


pH equation

pH = -log[H+]

pOH equation


Liquid oxygen (O2) is


magnetic field is the same as



perchloric acid

Which of the following pieces of equipment would be best to measure and transfer 8.7 mL of a solution from an Erlenmeyer into a test tube?


For adding and subtracting, the answer must have the same number of decimal

places as the measurement with the fewest number of decimal places.

non-zero dipole moment


Temporary dipole includes

polar and non polar molecules

The more O-H bonds a molecular has the more

polar it is

Endothermic is a


For endothermic reactions, what is the ∆H sign?


more order on left then the delta S is



positive delta G

If Q is greater than Ksp

precipitate will form

volume increases

pressure decreases

osmotic pressure

pressure that must be applied to prevent osmotic movement across a selectively permeable membrane

exothermic heat goes on the

product side

conjugate acid

product that comes from base

colligative properties

properties of a solution that changes as you add more solute

Colligative properties

properties that depend on the concentration of solute particles but not on their identity

A path function is a

property in which the process matters. Path functions depend on the transition or change of the state. Heat and work are examples of path (non-state) functions

A state function is a

property whose value does not depend on how that state was achieved. Enthalpy, volume, mass and Gibbs free energy are all state function

effective nuclear charge

protons ability to suck electrons in

To put elements from smallest to largest you must look at their

protons number

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates Boyle's Law?

pushing a balloon

Calorimetry equation

q = mCAT

bomb calorimeter equation


An increase in entropy would mean that the reaction will be

spontaneous above a certain temp

If ΔG < 0, it is a

spontaneous process

Graham's law of effusion

states that the rate of effusion for a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molar mass

pKa is

strong acid number

If pressure is decreased while the temp is constant, the possibilities are


Solid to gas is



sulfuric acid

As entropy increases

temperature increases

What can change K

temperature only

The central atom that can most easily accept an electron pair is going to be

the best Lewis acid.


the chemical reaction we are examine

The most stable molecular geometry is the one that has

the electrons placed furthest from each other

electron affinity

the energy produced when an atom accepts an electron

nuclear binding energy

the energy released when a nucleus is formed from nucleons

Lattice energy

the energy required to separate an ionic compound cation from its anions

standard states

the enthalpy of formation of any element in its standard state is 0

stronger intermolecular forces

the higher the boiling point and melting point

the higher the force is

the higher the boiling point will be

The stronger the intermolecular force,

the higher the boiling point.

More electrons (anions)

the higher the size

The stronger the intermolecular forces

the higher the surface tension.

the lower temperature

the higher the viscosity

The larger molecules

the larger its dispersion force is

The larger the atomic weight

the larger the MP

The lower the Molar mass

the lower its density

less electrons (cations)

the lower the size

The more carbons and hydrogen a molecule has

the more non-polar it is

Bond order

the number of shared electron pairs between two atoms

bond angle

the one with the most lone pairs is the smallest

If Q is larger than K

the reaction is not at equilibrium, and needs to go in reverse

if you go from the left of equation to right and have less of the molecule then it has

the reaction will have negative entropy

Ideal Gas Law

the relationship PV=nRT, which describes the behavior of an ideal gas

Combined gas law

the relationship between the pressure, volume, and temperature of a fixed amount of gas

Average kinetic energy of gaseous molecules depends on absolute temperature. Because the two gases are at the same temperature, their average kinetic energies are

the same

Transition state (activated complex)

the slowest step in a reaction mechanism (usually the top)

the weaker the acid

the stronger the conjugate base


the substance that is dissolved

boiling point

the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid is just equal to the external pressure on the liquid

The only thing that can change the Keq is changing

the temperature.


used for the transfer, mixture, and heating of liquids, or for reactions; however, beakers are not accurate.

Test tube

used for the transfer, mixture, and heating of liquids, or for reactions; however, test tubes are not accurate. A test tube is not volumetric.

formal charge equation

valance electrons -dots - bonds

Boiling point goes up

vapor pressure goes down

Boiling is the same as


Decreasing/increasing pressure only results in

vertical movement of the substance

A change in equilibrium is determined by


As pressure goes down

volume goes up

Hydrogen bonding is stronger in liquid state when we talk about


Dispersion forces are the

weakest intermolecular forces

If the conjugate base of molecule X has a pKb of 1.4, what would you expect molecule X to be?

weakly acidic

Boiling point

when vapor pressure equals atmospheric pressure

saturated solution

when you add more than what the solution can actually dissolve so you have left over.

trigonal planar

will have three electron domains with no non-bonding electron lone pairs.


work done by the system


work done on the system

temperature is the unit for the


Which of the following is the most likely formed compound between atoms X and Y? Atom X: 1s22s22p63s2 Atom Y: 1s22s22p4


Pressure is the unit for the


covalent network solids

Held together by an extended network of covalent bonds

Low Boiling point and __________________ are connected

High vapor pressure

Why do atoms get LARGER as you go down a column

Higher n shell which means larger size


3 things around central atom

high intermolecular forces

High boiling point The high heat of Vaporization Higher Viscosity Higher surface Tensions Lower Vapor pressure

Equation for % error

(actual - theoretical|/accepted value) x 100

Hydrogen oxidation number


Oxygen oxidation number

-2 except peroxide -1

Any molecules in entropy do not have a state stae rate of


The enthalpy formation of a gas (H2) will always be


Uncharged elements have an oxidizing number of


gamma particle

0 Y 0

Beta Particle

0 e -1

in rate law equation, M and N are usually


Proton Particle

1 H 1

neutron particle

1 N 0

Pressure units

1 atm= 760 torr = 760 mmHg

Simple cubic

1 atom per unit cell

To generate a Net Ionic Equation

1. Balance the chemical equation 2. Use solubility rules to label everything (s), (l), (g), (aq) 3. Cut all the (aq)'s in half, seperating ctions and anions 4. Cancel out all species that are exactly the same on both sides.

In order for a reaction between two molecules to happen, three things must happen

1. Both molecules must collide with each other 2. The molecules need to collide with enough energy for the reaction to happen 3. The molecules need hit each other with the correct three-dimensional orientation

How to determine polarity

1. Draw molecule's Lewis structure, including lone pairs 2. Draw arrows between every atom, going from less EN to more EN in each bond 3. Look at the direction of all the arrows! Are they balanced/unbalanced?

Solubility rules

1. Most ionic compounds that have NO3, CIO4, C2H3O2 and NH4 salts are soluble 2. Most AG,PB,S,OH,Hg,CO and PO are insoluble

collision theory

1. Must collide with 3D orentation 2. molecules must collide in order to react

Oxyacid Strength Trends

1. The more oxygens you have, the more acidic due to resonance (HClO4 > HClO3) 2. If the number of oxygens is the same, the more electronegative heteroatom (increasing strength from going to right and up periodic table), the more acidic

Cal vs cal


Law of Thermodynamics

1st Law: Energy cannot be created nor destroyed only transferred; 2nd Law: Entropy is constantly increasing in the universe.

body centered cubic

2 atoms per unit cell

Hydrogen and helium only want

2 e-

At STP, 1 mol of any gas is

22.4 L

P block has how many orbitals?


alpha particle

4 He 2

face centered cubic

4 atoms

Beryllium only wants

4 e-




450 kj



Boron and Aluminum only want

6 e-

Strong acid/strong base ph level is


A group is a

A column on the periodic table

state function

A function that depends only on the initial and final states of a system, not on the path in between.


A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances


A liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances

Which of the following liquids would have the highest volatility?

A liquid with London dispersion forces


A measure of disorder or randomness.


A redox reaction in which the same element is both oxidised and reduced

Reducing agent

A reducing agent is oxidized in a chemical reaction. An oxidizing agent is reduced in a chemical reaction.

A period is a

A row on the periodic table


A solution that contains less than the maximum amount of dissolved solute in a concentration.



Arrhenius acid/base

Acid: produces H+ Base: produces OH-

Bronsted-Lowry acid/base

Acid: proton donor Base: proton acceptor

Systems at equilibrium are affected by

Adding or removing reactants Changing temp Changing volume or pressure Adding a catalyst

Which of the following is the best Lewis acid?


Which of the following is true for all transition metals?

All transition metals are more electronegative than alkali metals

Excited state

An atom electron configuration goes up 1

In which instance is a gas most likely to behave ideally?

At high temperatures and low pressures, because the molecules are far apart and not likely to interact.

Which of the following is a characteristic of network covalent solids?

High melting point

Core electrons are

Between 2 and 5 1 and 3 are core electrons

Beryllium has higher ionization energy then


During a titration experiment, the titrant is placed in which of the following?


Ionic Bond

High melting point and high boiling point. Also is brittle and hard

network covalent bond

High melting point and high boiling point. Does not conduct electricity and is hard

combustion reaction

CH or O2 resulting in CO2+H2O Or CHO+O resulting in CO2+H2O

Valance electrons is based on the

Column number

Two samples of matter from two different sources are analyzed and have the same mass percent composition of their elements. What can the sample be classified as?


Which of the following acts as a reducing agent?

Compound that has too many electrons and wants to lose them.

Release of heat is affected by

Condensation and crystallization


Heat transfer by direct contact

Delta S vs s

Delta S can be + or - or 0and S can never be 0

Which of the following is NOT a colligative property?


Metal and non-metal

Dipole-Dipole forces

Atomic Radius

Distance from nucleus to outside its outermost orbital

All of the following will affect the rate of an irreversible chemical reaction EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION? A. Pressure (3%) B. Concentration of reactants (5%) C. Presence of a catalyst (17%) D. Surface area of reactant solid (28%) E. Concentration of products (48%)


work function equation

E ejected= E photon- Work function


Heat transfer by electromagnetic waves

metallic soilds

Held together by a delocailized sea of shared electrons

What is responsible for the unequal sharing of electrons



Elemental molecules with different formulas

State functions examples

Energy Temp Enthalpy


Entropy will increase as temperature increases Entropy is a measure of the disorder in a system A spontaneous reaction can produce an increase in entropy The entropy of a gas vessel increases as volume increases


Equal sharing of electrons All carbon hydrogen bonds No lone pairs


Equal sharing of electrons No lone Pairs

∆E = q + w

Equation for ∆E

E° cell =

E° cell reduction + E° cell oxidation


Fats with the maximum number of hydrogens.

Alkali metals

Group 1- low ionization energies (easy to lose electron from them), form ionic compounds and are VERY REACTIVE WITH WATER

alkaline earth metals

Group 2- low ionization energy, Solid at room temp, not so reactive with water

Oxygen group

Group 6A- A good oxidizing agent, but O3 is even better.


Group 7 A- highly electronegative, they also have a high thirst for electrons. HIGHLY REACTIVE WITH METALS Strong oxidizing agents

Noble gases

Group 8A

Nobel Gases

Group 8A- they are unreactive.

Isoelectronic series

Group of elements that all have the same number of electrons

diatomic elements

H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2


Has lone pairs Uneven sharing of electrons


Has lone pairs Uneven sharing of electrons

Alkali Metals

Have the lowest ionization energy React explosively with water Low melting points High conductivity to heat Form soluble ionic compounds

azimuthal quantum number

Second quantum number, designated l. Tells us the shapes of the electron orbitals

Why does a nucleus weigh less than the sum of its neutrons and protons?

Some of the nucleus's mass gets converted into energy to hold the nucleus together

The Lewis definition of acids and bases revolves around electrons pairs

Species that can accept an electron pair are Lewis acids. Species that can donate an electron pair are Lewis bases.

Ones that has a (s) are

Spector ions

Ka decreases

Stronger base

The following are listed from least to greatest magnitude 1. Fusion 2. Vaporization 3._________________


What element produces an egg smell


Percent weight for a molecular formula

Take the mass of the given options and divide it by the total of each given option to get the % weight


Tells us if a reaction will even happen, but not how fast it will happen

What equation do we use to calculate activation energy

The Arrhenius Equation

ionization energy

The amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom It decreases going down and to the right

Bond Length

The distance between nucleus to nucleus (Atomic radius x2, only when they are the same atoms)

Enthalpies of Formation

The h of a chemical reaction forming one mole of a single substance from its parent elements in their standrad states.

London dispersion forces

The intermolecular force between NON-POLAR molecules WeakEST intermolecular forces

Oxacid Trends

The more oxygen, the more acidic the oxacids bc there are more oxygens for the electron to spread

Which of the following statements correctly describes a mole?

The number of atoms in a sample that weighs as much as the element's atomic mass.

Critical point on phase diagram

The pressure/temperature combined by which liquid and gas coexist at the same time

The question tells us that an object releases heat into the surroundings. When heat is transferred from the system to the surroundings, this means that:

The reaction is exothermic q is negative

Boyle law

The relationship between the pressure and volume of a gas at constant temperture; when volume increase, pressure decreases.

Which of the following is true for the energy diagram of a reversible exothermic reaction?

The reverse reaction has a higher activation energy than the forward reaction.


The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid

Which of these kinetic molecular theory assumptions is true of ideal gases?

The volume of individual gas molecules is negligible

In order for gas to behave ideally, there are three things it must do..

The volume or size of each individual gas molecule is insignificant Gas molecule's collisions with each other are perfectly elastic The average kinetic energy of a gas depends only on the system's temp.

Dispersion forces

They are the weakest intermolecular force and are present in all molecules, including individual atoms

dipole-dipole forces

They have an unequal sharing of electrons Metal and non metal C-O or C-H POLAR

Ka increases

acid strength increases

lewis acid/base

acid: electron pair acceptor base: electron pair donor

As pKa decreases

acidity increases

As ph decreases

acidity increases

Delta E

activation energy


acts as an acid or a base

Calculating Ksp would mean to

add the given Ksp into the X

overall reaction

add up the elementary steps and cancel out the intermediates

Why does freezing point depression occur?

adding solute disrupts bonding, therefore lowers the freezing point

The most common examples are elements that break the octet rule

are phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine.


are produced in the middle of the reaction and get used up before the end

Be electron affinity is

around zero

Nitrogen electron affinity is

around zero, because it does not want to lose or gain an electron.


at equilibrium

Gamma decay will not change the

atomic number

realative abundance

avg atomic mass= (% of isotope 1 x atomic mass of 1)+(% of isotope 2 x atomic mass 2)

How do catalysts lower a reactions activation energy

by providing an alternative pathway between reactants and products

Why do atoms get SMALLER as you go across a period from left to right?

bc they do not have any charge shells, they just have more protons, which suck electrons in making them smaller.

Why do pure elemental gases such as O2 and N2 have very low melting points, around -220 °C?

because pure gases are purley covalently bonded and are nonpolar

Weak intermolecular forces lead to a low

boiling point

as molecular weight increases

boiling point increases

Covalent bonds depend on how many

bonds are in a compound

HCI and NAOH both cant form a

buffer solution

Why does N2 have a triple covalent bond whereas O2 only has a double covalent bond

by having 5 valence electrons, nitrogen fills its ocet by sharing 3 bonding pairs of electrons

The intermediate in an elemnetry step is the one that

cancels out on both sides of equation


capable of being dissolved

Gases volume can

change considerably

ΔE is equal to the

change in energy

Delta H is

change in enthalpy

Delta G

change in free energy reaction is at 0 equilibrium under all conditions

delta G with degree sign

change in gibbs free energy under standard condition

Any atom that has a charge has an oxidating number equal to itrs


Atoms that have a charge will have the oxidation number of the


Adding more H2O will


Increasing volume will

decrease in pressure

The largest amount of van't Hoff factor would be the one that

decreases the water

SO3 has the highest mass and the highest



describes a substance that can act as both a proton acceptor and donor

liquid nitrogen (N2) is

diamagnetic and slightly repelled by magnets

If there is an atom binded to something different than C or H then it is

dipole dipole forces

Adding an inert gas that are not in the reaction

do not cause a shift at all

Gamma decay

does not result in any change in the number of protons or neutrons of an emitted particle.

Triple bonds are shorter than

double bonds

Acids increases as you go

down a column

Aids imcreases as you go

down a column

Atomic size increases going

down a column because of adding electron shells and electron shielding

Le Chatelier's Principle

if a system at equilibrium is disturbed, then it will shift in whichever direction it has to, to restore equilibrium

Transition metals represent all elements

in the d-block of the periodic table (shaded blue)

A decrease in volume leads to a

increase in rate

As pKb decreases, base strength


As pressure of the gas increases, the solubility of the gas


As temperature of the solution decreases, the solubility of the gas


increasing temp

increases product side which shifts the reactant forward

Atomic radius

increases towards the bottom left of the periodic table.

For isoelectronic ions, ionic radius

increases with decreasing atomic number.

Vapor pressure of a liquid increases as temperature


Nobel gasses are

inert and as stable as they come

solid is


Viscosity is dependent on

intermolecular forces

density is not related to

intermolecular forces

Which of the following classes of electromagnetic radiation has the longest wavelength?

radio waves

Products do not appear in

rate law equations

Being at equilibrium only means that the

rates are equal



Rate law is only


If K is less than 1

reactants are favored

If Q equals K

reaction is at equilibrium

dynamic equilibrium

reactions with two-way arrows (does not mean we have the same stuff on both sides)

The one that gives electrons away is called the


Electron capture

results in a proton converting into a neutron in the emitted particle. By decreasing the number of protons and increasing the number of neutrons

Alpha decay

results in an emitted particle with a reduced mass and atomic number and emission of an alpha particle (also called a helium nucleus) consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.

Positron emission

results in the emission of a positron which will convert a proton to a neutron in the emitted particle.


same number of protons, different number of neutrons

Boiling point is lower at

sea level

Voltaic cells



separates a solid from a liquid


separates liquids from solids by pourinh liquid carefully off the top


separates miscible liquids


sharp,well defined melting temp

If Q is less than Kc,

shift equilibrium right

Increasing temp will increase product side which will

shift forward reactant

if Q is bigger than Kc

shift left

Highest energy has the

shortest wavelength

rate-determining step

slowest step, one that takes the longest and slowest

Its more difficult to remove an electron when the atom is


larger Ka

smaller pKa stronger acid

larger Kb

smaller pKb, stronger base

More protons more attraction to electron which is

smaller size atom

For endothermic reactions the Ea reverse is

smaller than the Ea forward

The one that has the most protons is the


The compound with the most lone pairs is the one that is the

smallest, as far as bond length

Molecular solids

solids that are composed of molecules

As Ksp goes up

solubility goes up

As the tempertaure goes up

solubility goes up

(aq) is what?


Insoluble and soluble bonded together then they will be




As Ph goes up

solution becomes less acidic

As Ph goes down

solution becomes more acidic

As soluble goes up and boiling point as well

the vapor pressure will go down

The larger the atom, the further away they will be from each other and

the weaker the bond will be

An ideal gas is a

theoretical gas whose behavior who can be perfectly predicted by the ideal gas law

Electronegativity and ionization are the same because

they both increase as you go right and up on periodic table

When alkali metal react with water

they form a metal hydroxide and a hydrogen gas

Nobel gasses do not go through electron affinity because

they have a full octet they do not need anymore electrons

why can transition metals form brightly colored compounds

they have an unfilled D orbital

A trigonal planar geometry will have

three areas of electron bonding pairs with no non-bonding electron lone pairs.


to give off/product side

q is equal to the

transfer of heat

Molecular compounds are usually

two or more nonmetals

Dissolving a liquid causes the liquid boiling point to go


As energy goes up, frequency goes

up and wavelength goes down

Electron affinity increases as you go

up in a group and right in a period.

Energy level space decreases as you go

up. Further away from nucleus

A pipet

used for the measurement and transfer of very precise amounts of liquid

nuclear decay

you take the given element and subtract it by what it is asking for, then you go to table ad find that element you get.

molten electrolysis

• there is no salt bridge • electrons always flow from anode to cathode • CATions flow towards the CAThode to get reduced • ANions flow towards the ANode to get oxidized

Aqueous Electrolysis

• under aqueous conditions you have two competing reactions (ex: reaction of KI and reaction of water) • need to use a table of reduction potentials to find which one will happen more easily

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