
अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

What is the probability of two parents, genotypes Tt and TT, having an offspring of genotype TT?


Which of the following is most likely to result from a change in the sequence of nucleotides within DNA?

A change in the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide chain

Select all of the following that are possible based on the human pedigree shown.

An affected and unaffected individual are able to have unaffected offspring. Two unaffected individuals are able to have unaffected offspring.

Select two of the following challenges that transcription must overcome.

Converting the instructions within DNA into an RNA copy that can be read by ribosomes Transferring information from within the nucleus to the ribosomes that exist outside of the nucleus

For every adenine on one strand of DNA, there is a thymine on the opposing strand of DNA. For every cytosine on one strand of DNA, there is a guanine on the opposing strand of DNA. This is because

DNA strands are complementary with each other.


DNA within the nucleus is converted into mRNA

Complete the following sentence: Within our cells, _____ stores the instructions for making _____.

DNA, proteins

Within the cell, gene expression follows a certain patterned order. What is that pattern?

DNA; RNA; protein

Select all of the following traits that are controlled by our genes.

Eye color, hair color, and skin color The presence and functioning of our internal organs Our likelihood for developing sickle-cell disease

Which of the following are considered to be genetic traits and therefore inheritable?

Facial features, including nose shape, dimples, and freckles Eye color

Which of the following best defines the information stored in genes?

Genes store only the information for making proteins and other gene products.

Which of the following information is stored in genes?

Instructions for converting information in DNA into proteins

Which of the following best explains how mutations cause changes to protein structure?

Mutations in DNA mean that the instructions for making proteins are changed, possibly resulting in different proteins being synthesized.

In pea plants, tall (T) is dominant over short (t) and green pods (G) are dominant over yellow pods (g). What is the likely outcome of a cross between two pea plants heterozygous for each trait?

Offspring would follow a 9 tall green:3 tall yellow:3 short green:1 short yellow phenotypic ratio.

Select all of the components are found in every DNA nucleotide.

Phosphate group Nitrogen-containing base 5-carbon sugar

Select all of the following that are expected to result from a cross between two individuals with the following genotypes: Tt x TT


Which of the following best describes the fate of information contained within a gene?

The information within genes can be used as instructions for making proteins through the processes of transcription and translation.

Which law states that for multiple-trait crosses, each pair of factors separates independently of the other, meaning all possible combinations of factors can occur in gametes?

The law of independent assortment

Select all of the following that are characteristics of genetic diseases.

They are caused by mutations on genes. They are inherited from parent to child.

Which of the following best describes the overall goal of transcription?

Transcription creates an mRNA copy of a gene, allowing that information to be transported to the cytoplasm to be turned into a protein or other gene product.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the role of translation within the cell?

Translation is the second step of gene expression and involves the production of a polypeptide chain.

Which of the following best explains the role of translation in cells?

Translation takes genetic information in the form of an RNA intermediary and translates it into a polypeptide chain. It is the second step in gene expression.

Which of the following best summarizes the process of translation?

Within the cytoplasm of the cell, an mRNA strand binds to a ribosome and its genetic information is used to create a long strand of amino acids called a polypeptide.

Which of the following best summarizes the process of transcription?

Within the nucleus of the cell, a copy of mRNA is made from a gene within a strand of DNA.

The 5' end of a strand of DNA contains

a phosphate group extending from the 5th carbon of the sugar molecule.

DNA has complementary base pairing, meaning

adenine always pairs with thymine and cytosine always pairs with guanine.

Information in mRNA is read as a series of triplets called _____, which are collectively referred to as the genetic code.


The 3' end of a strand of DNA contains a(n) _____ extending from the 3rd carbon of the sugar molecule.

hydroxide group


mRNA travels to ribosomes to be translated into a polypeptide chain

When mutations occur, they change the sequence of ____________ proteins , Incorrect Unavailable within DNA.


Interpret the following scenario to distinguish between recessive and dominant forms of inheritance. Two parents that are heterozygous for a genetic disease have a child with the genetic disease. This form of inheritance follows a _____ form of inheritance.


The role of transcription in cells is to

take the information stored within DNA and convert it into an mRNA copy that can be used outside the nucleus.

In pea plants, tall (T) is dominant over short (t) and green pods (G) are dominant over yellow pods (g). If two individuals that were both heterozygous were crossed, what would the possible genotypes of the gametes produced? Select all that apply.

tg tG Tg TG

The overall goal of translation is

the production of a polypeptide chain.

The process of translating information from mRNA molecules into functional proteins is called


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