Geo Test 3

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nomadic pastoralism

Farming system where animals (cattle, goats, camels) are taken to different locations in order to find fresh pastures.

Describe the Asian economic miracle, with Singapore as an example

Singapore is one of the wealthiest countries in the world and has the highest standard of living in Asia. Its infrastructure has made it the import and shipping center for the region and the busiest port in the world due to the excellent port and airport. The government of Singapore made the decision to move to activities that required a skilled workforce such as precision engineering, aerospace, medical, chemicals and an emerging computer industry. To support this the government heavily invested in education and in state-owned pilot companies.

Treaty of Nanjing

(1842) An unequal treaty between Great Britain and China resulting from the Opium War. The Chinese were forced to open several ports to British trade, provide Britain with complete control of Hong Kong. Allowed European and American traders access to Chinese markets.

Russo-Japanese War

(1904-1905) War between Russia and Japan over imperial possessions. Japan emerges victorious.

Chinese Nationalist Party

(Kuomintang) formed by the ideas of Sun Yat-sen; ruled much of China for decades in the 20th century


A 1973 treaty formed to control the international trade of threatened plants and animals Convention on International Trade in Endangered species.

emerging economies

Developing countries that over the past two or three decades have begun to develop a strong industrial base

Great Wall

Chinese defensive fortification begun in the 3rd century B.C. and running along the northern border of the country for 2,400 km to protect from barbarian nomads

Great Leap Forward

Chinese policy scheme launched in 1958 to accelerate the pace of economic growth by merging land into huge communes and seeking to industrialize the country side. Seen as a failure.

Silk Road

Connected China, India, and the Middle East. Traded goods and helped to spread culture.

Pacific Rim

Countries that border the Pacific Ocean

special administrative region

In China, a region of the country that temporarily maintains its own laws and own system of government. People's Republic of China

Outline the main implications of climate change for Bangladesh

It has led to record-breaking and reoccurring flooding for Bangladesh. Typhoons are now also a growing implication as the intensity of typhoons increases resulting in a serious environmental hazard. The frequency of the storms has decreased as the intensity increases, but they are growing more difficult to predict which is resulting in more devastating impacts due to not being able to prepare. Polar ice caps are also melting which puts Bangladesh at risk due to the rise in sea level and it can make the seasonal storms more serious.


Japanese business networks facilitated after WWII by the Japanese government in order to promote national recovery

Manga and Anime

Japanese cartoons print and film


Refers to religious practices that have co-evolved and merged with one another over the centuries

Describe the braceros program

The braceros program was a farm working program that came about after WWII created such a high demand for low cost jobs. This program distributed 4.6 million temporary permits for Mexicans to work in the US between 1942-1964. Many of these braceros never returned to Mexico and migration continued through social networks.

Compare the maps of climate types and population density in Australia (slides 6 & 27).

There are significantly higher number of populations on the coasts of Australia rather than on the coast. This is to be expected because the inner areas of Australia are extremely hot and dry making it very difficult to adapt, while the areas closer to the coast, although they will be warm, they will have more rainfall making it more sustainable. In the inner regions there is less than 1 person per square kilometer while there are 5 - 1,000 people per square kilometer once you move closer to the coasts.

Animal trade

Trade of animal parts, trade of animas for domestic se and the trade of exotic animals for pets

Bengal Delta

covers a large area of the bengal basin, which occupies about 35% of the total area of Bangladesh

state capitalism

e market-based economy with private ownership and investment in which the state continues to own some firms, to seek and obtain technology, and to carefully control the value of its currency


language of the Inca


rainy season in southern Asia when the southwestern monsoon blows, bringing heavy rains


A Latin American version of the ideal woman in the image of the Virgin Mary; she is chaste, submissive, maternal, dependent on men, and closeted within the family

Liberation Theology

A catholic movement originating in Latin America focused on social justice and on helping the poor and oppressed

Ring of Fire

A chain on seismis instability and volcanic activity that stretches from South east Asia and down the Pacific Coast. Is built up by moving tecotonic plates

Compare and contrast Australian and New Zealand exports (slide 19)

A majority of Australian exports are mineral products while a majority of New Zealand's are animal products. They both have a high percentage of their exports going to China and a high amount going to "other." New Zealand has higher exports of food stuff and vegetables than Australia, although their vegetable numbers are very close. New Zealand has higher chemical and machine exports and Australia has higher metals and precious metals. New Zealand also sends a high number of exports to Australia but Australia only send 2% to New Zealand.


A northern industrial province in China, invaded by the Japanese in 1931. From here the Japanese would launch an invasion of mainland China beginning in 1937.

1. Outline the history of nuclear weapons in Oceania

After WWII the US, Britain and France joined the race in the nuclear war and would test nuclear weapons containing uranium on the Pacific Islands which caused devastating implications for those on the islands. The radiation caused serious short term and long-term effects on people. After testing by the US on the Marshall Islands that went wrong, dusting the island in radioactive ash, many people got sick and the US created a $700 million Trust for any illnesses. France conducted many bomb tests on the atolls of Morurora and Fangataufa. Australia has more that 30% of the world's uranium reserves but has not developed nuclear power partly because of ample coal and the potential risks of mining uranium.

Compare and contrast physical features and climate on high islands and low islands

All of the islands have warm temperatures year-round. Higher islands with mountains experience substantial orographic precipitation. This region also receives some rainfall from the towering cumulus clouds that form as convection heats the air at the equator. The lower islands are much drier because they do not benefit from orographic precipitation and are small enough to escape the convective downpours. Many low islands experience desert like conditions and shortages of fresh water.

arsenic contamination

Arsenic contamination of groundwater is a form of groundwater pollution which is often due to naturally occurring high concentrations of arsenic in deeper levels of groundwater.

Describe the ways in which European powers came to dominate China in the 19th century

By the 19th century Japan and China moved into a phase of successive crises, famines and peasant uprisings. They soon relayed on the antiquated military technology compared to Europe. European powers began to impinge on the weakened rule in the Japanese and Chinese empires and eventually seized control or indirect authority over parts of China and catalyzing the industrialization and militarization of Japan. The stage was then set for dis-solution of imperial power and revolutionary changes in the 20th century.

List the advantages and disadvantages of GMOs and the Green Revolution in China

Green revolution was an international effort to introduce and encourage the cultivation of new varieties of crops which produce far more food but also requires higher levels or industrial inputs including fertilizer, water and pesticides. Major disadvantages of the Green Revolution are that Chine was using 590lb of nitrogen fertilizer per acre. This being released into waterways can radically damage biodiversity and the health of streams and rivers. The heavy use of herbicides and insecticides has also resulted in a widespread illnesses in rural areas. An advantage is, the recognition of this problem has encouraged the adoption of GMOs that require fewer pesticide inputs.


Household registration system which requires a permit to have access to housing, welfare services, and so forth. Has prevented rural people to easily settle in the city and created a vast pool of vulnerable workers.

Meiji Restoration

In 1868, a Japanese state-sposored industrialization and westernization effort that also involved the elimination of the Shogunate and power being handed over to the Japanese Emperor, who had previously existed as mere spiritual/symbolic figure.

Describe transmigration in Indonesia

In 1950 the Indonesia government initiated a transmigration program which redistributed populations from densely settled Java and the city of Jakarta to the Moluccas, Sulawesi, Sumatra and Kalimantan. The goal of the program was to reduce civil unrest increase food production in peripheral regions and further goals of regional development, national integration and the spread of the Indonesian language. Many migrants have received government sponsorship in the form of transport, land grants and social services.

List the places in which indigenous languages have survived in Latin America

In Andean the main language is Quechua, in Jamaica, Barbados, and the Bahamas mostly English Creole is spoken, French Creole in Haiti, Guarani in Paraguay, Aymara in the Andes, Mayan in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and southern Mexico.

Compare the Post WWII economic paths of two East Asian countries

In South Korea the government created a state-led development effort that carefully controlled imports, managed internal competition, and took out numerous international loans to invest heavily in private industrial development. The initial emphasis was on import substitution in which the government facilitated the development of export industries by providing incentives, loans and tax breaks to firms. South Korea is now one of the worlds leading countries in exports. North Korea has long followed the path of a closely planned, centrally guided economy, a model pioneered by the Soviet Union and China before economic reform. North Korea is highly economically isolated. A major economic barrier is the incredibly disproportionate fraction of the country dedicated to military spending.

Explain how the monsoon differs between mainland and island SE Asia

In mainland Southeast Asia, the November-March period brings cooler temperatures as the air flows south from the large highlands and plateaus. At this time the monsoon winds blow out of the continental interiors and across the ocean. During this period in the mainland, it brings drier conditions resulting in a lower overall rainfall. During this same time period, the islands receive monsoon rainfall on the north facing slopes. The island of Sumatra receives the bulk of its rain during December-February. During June-August, rain falls on the south facing slopes.

Describe the ongoing changes in fertility in the South Asia region.

In the 1960s the government opened camps for mass IUD insertion and others for vasectomies. There was of course backlash to these programs and they were put to an end. Now, in many states of India, they have roughly two births per woman or fewer creating a zero-population growth. This is due to well developed health care which means good maternal and infant care which results in low mortality rates making families have less children. Good healthcare also means access to birth control and sterilization. This complied with high levels of female literacy, levels of participation in the work force by women and as well as local matrilineal tradition which gives women control over property. However, in states of India where they have low employment of women, low literacy for women and poor healthcare, there is a higher birthrate.

Describe liberation theology

Liberation theology is the Catholic practice that focuses on needs of the poor and disadvantaged and aligned with social movements. However, the Catholic church has experienced a decline in followers primarily due to conversion to Protestant religions. Since the election of Pope Francis has revived interest in Catholics.

Explain machismo and marianismo

Machismo and marianismo are the terms to describe the ideal gender roles in family and society. Machismo constructs the ideal Latin American man as fathering many children, dominant within the family, proud and fearless. Marianismo constructs the ideal woman in the image of the Virgin Mary; she is chaste, submissive, maternal dependent on men and closeted within the family.


Money migrants send back to family and friends in their home countries, often in cash, forming an important part of the economy in many poorer countries

Counter urbanization

Net migration from urban to rural areas in more developed countries.

Which countries have the greatest and smallest gender gaps? (slide 5)

Nicaragua has the smallest overall gender gap. All the other countries are very similar in overall gender gap, all around about 68-70%, however Mexico has the largest. In labor force participation, the Bahamas has the smallest gap while Costa Rica has the largest. For wages, Jamaica and Costa Rica has the smallest gap while Mexico has the largest gap. For women in parliament, Cuba has the smallest gap and the Bahamas has the largest at only 15%.

List three examples of environmental innovation in South Asia

One example is in India where they introduced solar cities. Cities had at least 10% of municipal power being generated by renewables. The first city that did this was Arga. Second example is the country of Bhutan who is carbon-neutral, owing to its enormous hydropower potential. The third example is in Bangladesh where biogas digesters are being brought on line which consume waste and dung and generate energy.

Describe two examples of inequality in South Asia

One inequality is in the living conditions and informal settlements. In rural areas, illiteracy is common as well as low life expectancy and hunger. Clean drinking water is limited and some people don't have access to a water source. To survive those who cannot find regularly paid word will become creative to earn money, selling on the streets, shoe shining, etc. Life is especially difficult for the homeless/squatters who have created some of their own communities. Another inequality is the informal child labor force in South Asia. In extreme poverty, every family member must work to earn money, including children. Many companies will take advantage of this and subcontract out their work in home setting to take advantage of child workers. Kids younger than 10 years old are in manual labor, stitching, making bricks, etc. and working 6-12 hours a day.

Outline the problems created by dependence on tourism in Nepal

One of the main problems is the fatal risks that come to the Sherpa's safety as they take trekkers hiking. Sherpas have one of the most dangerous jobs and are paid the highest incomes in Nepal. Many Sherpas have become injured or died on the job. The other problem due to the high tourism rates is that there is massive deforestation to the hillsides to collect campfire fuel. The industry is very dirty as well with rubbish and human waste causing problems.

Outline the drug production problem in SE Asia.

Opium poppy has been around for a long time and caused a major addiction problem in the US and Thailand in 1905. The production of opium in SE Asia was declining in the 1990s and early 2000s but trends show it is once again on a rise, tripling since 2006. More recently this region has become an important global hub for meth. A recent "war against drugs" has caused violence and trafficking in the area.

List the push and pull factors that influence internal migration in Latin America

Over 150 million people estimated to have moved from rural areas in Latin America and the Caribbean since 1900. Some of the things pushing people from rural areas are: low ages, unsafe services including water, healthcare and education, and because they do not have enough land access to produce food for personal consumption or sale. Decline in agriculture employment has also pushed people out of rural areas because it also led to the loss of crop and food subsidies. Other push factors are environmental degration and natural disaster. Some pull factors to the cities are higher wages, employment opportunities, better education, health care, housing, consumer goods, government investment, and social factors.

Outline the problem associated with ozone depletion

Ozone is found high in the atmosphere, especially above polar regions. It absorbs ultraviolet radiation that if it reaches Earth can cause cancer, cataracts and damage to marine organisms. In the 1980s there was a dramatic drop in the amount of ozone over the South Pole. The loss was linked to emissions of pollutions associated with human use of spray cans and refrigeration. Ozone depletion is the loss of the protective layer of ozone gas which can result in higher levels of ultraviolet radiation putting humans and Earth at risk. Australia is particularly vulnerable due to sunny days and beach going. However, there was a Montreal Protocol established to reduce chemical emissions that damage the ozone in 1987 and it has been helping.


Religion located in Japan and related to Buddhism. Shintoism focuses particularly on nature and ancestor worship.

What are remittances and why are they important?

Remittances is money that is sent back to Latin America from people working in other countries. These can make a significant difference to national and local economies. More than $65 billion was sent to the region from the US in 2014. Many communities rely on these funds to build houses, purchase agriculture inputs and towards education. This is a new informal flow of international financial capital in the global economy.

List the major expected impacts of climate change in SE Asia

Some of the major impacts are to agriculture, costal systems, ecosystems and water. There will be increased rainfall as a result of climate change which can effect the crops by putting increased stress on the crop creating lower yields. The coastal systems will be affected by the increase in global temperatures which can cause issues for communities on the sea line because of the rising sea level. The rising temperatures will affect the ecosystems by allowing pests to thrive in the warmer temperatures, but causing a threat to other species. The rising sea levels will affect the water because as the sea rises the water can overflow into the drinking water, contaminating the drinking water.

Explain how the monsoon works

South Asia is typically fairly dry until the monsoon season that comes in June and lasts until September. What fuels the monsoon is the heating and cooling of Asia north of this region. During early summer the center of Asia starts rapidly heating, causing a great pressure strong enough to draw moisture laden air from the Indian Ocean and propel it northward. This monsoon brings drenching rains across the region and is introduced each season through violent storms and torrential rain. This process then reverses in the winter, bringing a dry monsoon with winds but no rain.


Spanish word that describes the ideal Latin American man as fathering many children, dominant within the family, proud and fearless


Spanish-speaking neighborhoods in a town or city

Explain syncretism in Latin America

Syncretism is Catholicism plus indigenous and African religions. During the Spanish and Portuguese colonialism, converting indigenous people to Catholicism was a big goal. However, some people resisted the conversion, but some found ways to blend their own traditions with those of the Catholic Church. This is what created syncretism in Latin America.


The Brazilian term for informal settlements in cities that lack good housing and services

Outline the economic impacts of colonial rule on South Asia

The British pushed for aggressive imperialist policies in South Asia. The Company began expansion through acquisition of Indian territory, annexing small kingdoms, deposing rulers and winner battles over other colonial powers. Toward the end of the 1700s the focus of the Company shifted to economic imperialism. The goal was to harness the agricultural wealth of the region and export raw materials. This created a condition of dependency of the region on the import of finished goods like textiles from industrializing England.

Outline the important functions of the Mekong River

The Mekong River is the longest waterway in the region, flowing from the highlands of Tibet to its delta in Vietnam and Cambodia. The Mekong forms the main transportation and settlement corridor for Laos and Cambodia, and also serves as a key trade network between those countries and China, Burma and Thailand. The river provides water for irrigation, hydroelectric power and fishing. The larges lake of Tonle Sap acts as a safety valve overflow for flooding.

Outline the ways in which the Pacific Rim has become a new world region

The Pacific Rim is a loosely defined region of countries that border the Pacific Ocean. It has become a new world region through the economic development creating a greater regional integration. The new region is externally more competitive internationally and shifting toward increasing accumulation but internally is increasingly competitive and fractured. The Pacific rim accounts for 48% of world trade and 58% of world GDP.

Describe the Stolen Generations

The Stolen Generations were those of Aboriginal children between the late 1800s-1960s who were forcibly removed from their families by government or church officials using the excuse of child protection. Some were psychologically, physically and sexually abused while in the state's care or with adoptive families. There were efforts to make the children reject their culture and heritage. Children were told that their parents died or abandoned them and many never even knew they were taken from their biological families.

List the major environmental impacts of massive dam construction in China

The Three Gorges Dam is one of the largest dams in the world located near central China and provides almost 10% of China's energy. It can be environmentally problematic due the large-scale infrastructure development. It endangers many species indigenous to the region, like the Chinese alligator, Siberian white crane and the Chinese sturgeon.

Describe the main ethnic tensions in China

The Uyghurs have faced suppression from the PRC. In 2009 violence broke out between them, Han people and the state police in western China. The Chinese state looks upon Uyghur activism as hostile to interests of the PRC and has branded some of the Uyghurs as terrorists. Uyghurs cite ongoing economic marginalization and restrictions on the practice of Islam, a product of both ethnic marginalization and the history of religious repression from the Cultural Revolution.

Korean War

The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea. 1950-1953

Explain the current demographic stability of the countries of East Asia.

The current demographic and population is currently so stable due to population control, specifically in China. In the 1970s most families in China had an average of 5.8 children and China could not sustain such a large population. So, in response, China's Communist Party insisted an aggressive population control by 1979. This would be the one-child policy which allowed for only one child for urban families and two for rural families. This policy gave rewards to the families with only one child such as work bonuses and priority housing., This was in effect until 2015 when it was discontinued. Today, because of the one-child policy being put into effect in 1979, China now has a much more steady and sustainable population.

Explain why exotic and feral animals are a problem in Australia

The dingo is believed to have outcompeted and outhunted the marsupial predators such as the now extinct Tasmanian wolf. Ecological imperialism is the process of European organisms taking over the ecosystems of other regions of the world which led to endangerment and extinction of numerous other native species in the area as other species came to dominate and local species lost out due to pressures from hunting and habitat destruction. Feral animals are domesticated species that end up in the wild (horse, pigs, cattle). Escaped populations are the largest population in the world. Another ecological disaster was the introduction of the European rabbit who devastated pasture lands.

Outline the impact of domino theory on Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

The domino theory is the idea that the communist takeover of South Vietnam would lead to the spread of communism, the US sent military advisors to South Vietnam in 1955. This was followed by the bombing of North Vietnam and escalation to a full land war of the Vietnam War. This resulted in the use of Agent Orange from the US on Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. It poisoned ecosystems and cause irreparable damage to human health.

Explain why HIV/AIDS has spread rapidly in SE Asia

The high numbers of HIV/AIDS in SE Asia is due to the prevalence of the sex industry and intravenous drug use such as heroin. The rising number of reported cases in places such as Malaysia and Indonesia is creating new challenges for the healthcare industry. In the 1990s a campaign for 1-00% condom use in sex work was done which help curb the epidemic. There are kids known as "AIDS orphans" because they were left as orphans after their parents died of AIDS. Despite the high number of cases there are still many unreported cases because of the stigma around the diseases.

Outline the potential impacts of climate change in the east asia region

The impact of the warming on the region will probably mean a decrease in catch in the Pacific fisheries on which most countries in the region heavily depend. It could also do serious damage to the delta ecosystems along the coasts of China and Japan. The rainfall regimes are less easy to predict because trends over the last century include drier average conditions in some regions and wetter in others. Intense rainfall seems to be on a rise which is causing increased flooding. There is also a risk of melting glaciers in the mountain areas that feed some of the major rivers.

Explain Australia's rainfall patterns

The interior of Australia is one of the most arid areas on earth, with two-thirds receiving less than 20 inches of rainfall a year. The harsh climate limits human activity and has required adaptations from both people and ecosystems. Droughts in Australia are associated with severe wildfires that can race across the tinder-dry bush vegetation, oily eucalyptus fuels the fires. Most of coastal Australia has higher precipitation. The northeast has heavy rainfall from the trade winds rising from the coast. Northern Australia receives most of its rain from monsoon winds. The rainy season can often bring tropical cyclones and floods. Southern Australia receives rainfall from storms.


The japanese system of centralized government under a shogun, who strived to maintain traditional Japanese society.

Describe the distribution of major religious traditions in SE Asia

The main major religious tradition in SE Asia are Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and Christianity. Theravada Buddhism dominated the mainland region where religious and political traditions intersect in the reverence for the monarchies in countries such as Thailand and Cambodia. Mahayana Buddhism, a Salvationist form of Buddhism that is not tied to politics, is practiced throughout Vietnam. Islam can be found through different regions of Southeast Asia including Thailand and Malay. Islamic practice is not tied to government. Islam is widespread in Malaysia but can be found in a wide range of area. Hinduism is common in Bali and Christianity is common among the Philippine population.

Describe the physiographic regions of South Asia

The physiographic regions of South Asia are the Peninsular Highlands, the Mountain High Rim, the Plains, and the Coastal Fringe. The Peninsular Highlands are in India and form a broad plateau flanked by two chains of hills. The rest on a layer of volcanic rock. The Mountain High Rim is a vast region of spectacular mountain terrain and is known for remote valleys, varied flora and fauna, ancient Buddhist monasteries and fiercely independent tribal societies. Consists of many mountain ranges, some being the Himalayan and Karakoram. The Plains have long\ been widely irrigated, has supported a high population density and has been the site of many great cities. The Coastal Fringe is the product of marine erosion that has cut into the edge of the Peninsular Highland mountains. During monsoon season it has great vegetation.


The restoration (replanting) of a forest that had been reduced by fire or cutting


The seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pastures.

List the major religions of South Asia

The two major religions of South Asia are Hinduism and Islam. Hinduism is dominant in Nepal and India, and Islam is dominant in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, the Maldives and Pakistan. Hinduism is not a single organized religion with one test, worship is not congregational and this is no agreement on divinity. Instead, is exists in different forms. It features some formal texts, common beliefs, regional practices, idiosyncratic deities and local legends. Islam in South Asia is practiced in a way that is similar to the rest of the world. Certain unique regional traditions also exist. South Asian mosque architecture can be distinctive. Other religions found in South Asia are Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Christianity.

Describe East Asian adaptations to weather and climate

The western deserts and grasslands of Xinjiang and Magnolia have a long and well-developed herding tradition that mixes settled agriculture with herd mobility to best utilize infrequent and unevenly distributed rainfall. The horse cultures of Mongolia from the 13th century to present have evolved within this climate regime. The cultures of southeastern China and Japan have developed systems to capture and control the flow of water to maximize production year-round, especially for rice production. The "rice cultures" of Asia have harnessed the waters of major rivers like the Chiang Jiang into sophisticated systems of irrigated production.

Summarize the linguistic and religious patterns in Oceania

There used to be over 260 languages, but now it is mostly only English that is spoken. Of the indigenous languages, only Mabuiag and the Australian Western Desert Languages are spoken by more than a few hundred people. In the Pacific Islands there is an enormous number of languages, divided between two general families: Austanesian and Papuan. Nearly 20% of all living languages are spoken in Papa New Guinea. Many other islands have nearly 70-110 different languages spoken as well. For religion, the British colonial heritage of Australia and New Zealand is reflected in the dominance of Christianity. There are mostly Protestant in New Zealand and half Protestant half Catholic in Australia. Non-Christian local beliefs are still important in the specific islands, such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

List the ways in which colonization changed the demographic structure of the US

There was an intermixing of European and Indian people and the importation of slaves from Africa to America. This caused racial mixing among Europeans, Indians and African populations. These races were then categorized by group. The most common category was mestizo which was a mix of European and Indigenous. Other categories are mulatto which is Spanish and African and zambo which is African/Indian.

Describe the problems that were caused by partition

There was geopolitical chaos and humanitarian disaster as a result of partition. When Pakistan and India were grated independence in 1947, millions of Hindus found themselves as minorities in Pakistan where as millions of Muslims felt threatened as minorities in India. Religious violence erupted and more than 12 million people fled across the new boundaries. As many as 1 million people were killed in the resulting confusion and violence.

Describe the tragedy of the commons

Tragedy of the commons are open access common resource of fisheries that is overexploited by individuals who do not recognize how their own use of the resource can add to that of many others to degrade the environment. One of the greatest challenges in the sustainable management of fisheries is the lack on information about fish numbers, movement and reproduction.

Outline the principal religious traditions of East Asia

Two of the main principal religious traditions in East Asia are Confucianism and Shinto. Confucianism is a spiritual philosophy that has no place for gods or afterlife. It's main emphasis is on ethics and principles of good governance and on the importance of education, family and hard work. Shinto is a belief in the nature of sacred powers that can be recognized in ever individual existing thing. This can be thought of as the traditions of Japan itself. There are seasonal activities elicit widespread participation, regardless of people's religion. These activities usually entail ritual purification, offering of food to sacred powers, sacred music and worship.

List the problems associated with urban primacy in Latin America.

Urban Primacy is a condition in which the population of the largest city in an urban system is disproportionately large in relation to the second and third largest cities in that system. The problems with urban primacy are crowding, high land costs, violent crime, poverty, traffic problems, and pollution of the cities. Because of these problems people are shifting to smaller neighboring countries.

Compare and contrast the colonial experiences of two SE Asian countries.

Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia were under French colonial control de jure from the 19th century onwards. In Vietnam, the French introduced a new writing system for Vietnamese, which is still used today. East Timor was established as a strategic port for the Portuguese in 1515. Spanish colonial presence in the Philippines dates from the 1500s, with Manila founded in 1571. The U.S. took over control of the islands at the end of the 19th century until independence in 1946. Thailand and much of Malaysia was controlled by the British empire from the 18th/19th century onwards. Colonial economies were reoriented towards the exports of natural resources like tin and timber. Indonesia was under Dutch control from the early 17th century onwards. The colony was a valuable source of spices such as pepper.

Opium War

a conflict between Britain and China, lasting from 1839 to 1842, over Britain's opium trade in China

Island Arc

a curved chain of volcanic islands located at a tectonic plate margin, typically with a deep ocean trench on the convex side.

Three Gorges Dam

a dam begun in the late 20th century on the Chang Jiang in China, to help control flooding, generate power, and allow ships to sail farther into China

Deccan Plateau

a plateau in the central region of the Indian peninsula

Tibetan Plateau

a rocky region in the southwest of China. Several mountain ranges


a spiritual and philosophical tradition native to China expressed in a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of ethics, good governance, education, family and hard work.

Green Revolution

a technological package of higher-yielding seeds, especially wheat, rice, and corn, that in combination with irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides, and farm machinery was able to increase crop production in the developing world after about 1950

emerging region

an area where loosely connected locations are developing greater internal coherence

Outer China

lack of good farmland, many people were nomads, deserts provided little resources, most raised sheep, goats, cattle, and horses

Asian Tigers

newly industrialized territories of Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore that have experienced rapid economic growth

Treaty Ports

port cities in China, Japan, and Korea that opened for foreign trade. A lot of western powers took advantage of these cities by stationing troops in these ports.

Inner China

supported larger settlements, farmlands, resources and population. Eastern 1/3 of China

Qin Dynasty

the Chinese dynasty (from 246 BC to 206 BC) that established the first centralized imperial government and built much of the Great Wall

Feng Shui

the belief that the physical attributes of places can be analyzed and manipulated to improve flow of cosmic energy. Involves strategies of sitting, landscaping, and furniture placement

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